
  1. wat

    Rust parser for the WebAssembly Text format, WAT

    v1.221.2 522K #wasm-text #text-format #wasm-binary #binary-format #wasm-bytecode #wasm-module #text-parser
  2. kdl

    Document-oriented KDL parser and API. Allows formatting/whitespace/comment-preserving parsing and modification of KDL text.

    v6.0.0-alpha.4 16K #config-parser #serialization #config-format #document #config #text-parser #text-formatting
  3. deno_ast

    Source text parsing, lexing, and AST related functionality for Deno

    v0.44.0 97K #deno #typescript-parser #ast #ast-parser #text-parser #lexing #swc
  4. ansi-to-tui

    convert ansi color coded text into ratatui::text::Text type from ratatui library

    v7.0.0 18K #tui #ansi-colors #text-parser #ansi #text-color #convert-text #ansi-term
  5. sscanf

    (inverse of format!()) Macro based on Regex

    v0.4.2 134K #string-parser #format-string #regex-parser #string #parser #string-matching #text-parser
  6. json_comments

    strip comments from JSON before parsing

    v0.2.2 52K #json-parser #comments #line-comment #serde-json #json-input #data-processing #text-parser
  7. jomini

    Low level, performance oriented parser for save and game files from EU4, CK3, HOI4, Vic3, Imperator, and other PDS titles

    v0.27.2 650 #save-file #binary-format #binary-parser #text-parser #low-level #eu4 #ck3
  8. rtf-parser

    RTF parser & lexer library designed for speed and memory efficiency

    v0.4.2 700 #text-format #rich-text #rtf #format #rich #parser #text-parser
  9. hime_redist

    Redistributable runtime library for parsers generated with Hime (LR, RNGLR)

    v4.4.0 #lr #hime #glr #parser #rnglr #text-parser #parse-input
  10. text_analysis

    Analyze text stored as *.txt in provided file or directory. Doesn't read files in subdirectories. Counting all words and then searching for every unique word in the vicinity (+-5 words)…

    v0.3.4 600 #nlp #text-parser #statistics #text-processing #txt-file #parser #search
  11. scanner-rust

    text scanners which can parse primitive types and strings using UTF-8 or ASCII

    v2.0.17 180 #string-parser #data-stream #scanner #input-stream #text-parser #stream #stdin
  12. document_tree

    reStructuredText’s DocumentTree representation

    v0.4.1 1.9K #restructuredtext #tree #document #representation #text-parser #elements #structs
  13. tui-markup

    markup langauge for terminal styled text

    v0.5.0 #terminal-text #markup-language #text-parser #tui #markup #text #terminal
  14. rst

    a reStructuredText parser and renderer for the command line

    v0.4.1 170 #restructuredtext #renderer #text-parser #command-line #cli
  15. pest-test

    Testing framework for pest parsers

    v0.1.6 #pest-parser #parser #test-framework #pest #text-parser #tree-sitter #test-cases
  16. cli-text-reader

    A less like CLI text reader

    v0.1.11 750 #plain-text #pdf #utility #parser #cli-parser #command-line-tool #text-parser
  17. byte_reader

    A minimal byte-by-byte reader for parsing input

    v3.1.1 110 #byte #parser #light-weight #parse-input #text-parser #minimal #nom
  18. openmetrics-parser

    An OpenMetrics/Prometheus Text Exposition Format Parser

    v0.4.4 10K #text-format #open-metrics #text-parser #prometheus #openmetrics
  19. cirru_parser

    Parser for Cirru text syntax

    v0.1.31 100 #text-parser #cirru #syntax #syntax-tree #format #escape-cirru-leaf #string
  20. cansi

    Catergorise ANSI - ANSI escape code parser and categoriser

    v2.2.1 3.4K #text-parser #ansi #ansi-term #parser #text-styling #terminal #no-std
  21. nquads-syntax

    RDF 1.1 N-Quads parser with code mapping metadata

    v0.19.0 1.0K #parser #rdf #w3c #text-parser #n-quads #text-format #source-file
  22. inpt

    A derive crate for dumb type-level text parsing

    v0.1.4 120 #parser #regex-parser #text-parser #regex #aoc
  23. whatwg-infra

    Tiny Rust-based implementation of the WHATWG Infra Standard

    v1.1.0 130 #whatwg #standard #specification #infra #spec #text-parser #data-points
  24. gchemol-parser

    Text parsing made simple

    v0.5.1 #parser-combinator #text-parser #streaming-parser #text-file #gchemol #read-line #winnow
  25. kairos

    on top of chrono to calculate times and dates ergonomically

    v0.4.0 #date-time #date-parser #time-parser #plain-text #time #parser #text-parser
  26. piston_meta

    A DSL parsing library for human readable text documents

    v2.0.1 #human-readable #language-design #meta #metadata #language #text-parser #data-driven
  27. drug-extraction-cli

    A CLI for extracting drugs from text records

    v1.3.0 #nlp #string-similarity #extract #text #text-parser #drug #search-algorithms
  28. gramatika

    A minimal toolkit for writing parsers with Rust

    v0.6.0 #parser-generator #lexer #token #syntax-tree #text-parser #pattern #toolkit
  29. discord-md

    Parser and generator for Discord's markdown

    v3.0.0 #markdown-parser #parser-generator #markdown-text #discord #markdown #plain-text #text-parser
  30. jp_utils

    Utils for working with Japanese text

    v0.1.7 #japanese #language #charset #parse #parser #text-parser #languages
  31. rst_parser

    a reStructuredText parser

    v0.4.1 140 #restructuredtext #document #text-parser #reference #tree #resolve
  32. spayd

    Text handling for Short Payment Descriptors (SPAYD or SPD)

    v0.2.2 260 #bank-account #text-format #payment #text-processing #descriptor #qr #text-parser
  33. ansi_parser_extended

    Parse ansi text with support for styling and colors

    v0.1.9 #ansi #ansi-codes #ansi-colors #text-styling #escaping #color #text-parser
  34. peggen

    Generate recursive-descent & precedence climbing parsers

    v0.2.6 280 #compiler #parser-tools #parser #text-parser #macro-derive
  35. token-parser

    parsing texts into data structures

    v0.4.0 #parser #text-parser #data-structures
  36. lapp

    command-line argument parser driven by usage text

    v0.4.0 #arguments-parser #text-parser #command-line-arguments #parser #arguments #command #command-line-interface
  37. atext2html

    Convert a text with markup hyperlinks to HTML

    v0.27.2 #markdown-html #restructuredtext #convert-text #text-parser #markdown #hyperlink #markup
  38. html_forge

    A robust and efficient HTML parsing library for Rust

    v0.1.0 110 #html-parser #html #parser #dom #text-parser #text-node #document
  39. subtp

    A parser for subtitle files such as the SubRip Subtitle (.srt) and the WebVTT (.vtt)

    v0.2.0 100 #parser #text-parser #web-vtt #text-format #subrip
  40. keyvalues-parser

    A parser/renderer for vdf text

    v0.2.0 3.7K #key-value #vdf #parser #text-parser #steam #deserialize
  41. parse-wiki-text-2

    Parse wiki text from Mediawiki into a tree of elements

    v0.2.0 #text-parser #wiki #text-format #mediawiki #format-text #text-document #tags
  42. anstyle-git

    Parse Git Style Descriptions

    v1.1.2 #ansi-colors #git #text-styling #ansi #ansi-term #terminal-colors #text-parser
  43. dangerous

    Safely and explicitly parse untrusted / dangerous data

    v0.10.0 #binary-parser #parser #untrusted #binary-data #simd #parsing #text-parser
  44. strloin

    copy on write slices of a string

    v0.2.0 260 #slice #string #cow #copy-on-write #str #text-parser
  45. lexer-rs

    Lexical anaylzer framework for context-free text parsing into tokens

    v0.0.4 #token-parser #lexical #text-parser #token-stream #parser #parsing #text
  46. notmecab

    tokenizing text with mecab dictionaries. Not a mecab wrapper.

    v0.5.1 #dictionary #text-parser #mecab #utf-8 #frequency #version #tokenize
  47. kul

    Parser for a unique textual notation that can be used as both a data format and a markup language and that has powerful extensibility of both lexical syntax and semantics. Inspired…

    v0.1.2 #markup-language #programming-language #parser #text-parser #markup #safe #domain-specific-language
  48. dynparser

    Dynamic parser. You can define rules at run time. It's possible to use peg format

    v0.4.2 #peg #parser #dynamic #expression-parser #ast-parser #parse-input #text-parser
  49. agprefs

    parser and serializer for the reading and writing agprefs files and the text fields in lrcat files from lightroom

    v0.3.3 #parser-serializer #nom #lightroom #text-parser #serialization #lrcat #reading
  50. egg-mode-text

    Text parsing for Twitter: character counting, hashtag/mention extraction

    v1.15.1 #twitter #extract #character #text-parser #tweet #url #hashtag
  51. jellybean-tree-sitter

    Rust bindings to the Tree-sitter parsing library

    v0.20.14 #tree-sitter #incremental #parse-tree #text-parser #parser #parsing #programming-language
  52. osmanthus

    Find and automatically format time text from the string

    v1.0.0 320 #format-time #time-parser #format #text-parser #date-format #parse-time #time-text
  53. glue

    parser combinator framework for parsing text based formats, it is easy to use and relatively fast too

    v0.8.7 #parser-combinator #text-parser #parser #text-format #input #framework
  54. whiteread

    easily reading whitespace-separated values from strings or input

    v0.5.0 280 #read-input #text-input #white-space #input #string-parser #read #text-parser
  55. flussab

    writing parsers

    v0.3.1 290 #binary-parser #parser #streaming-parser #text-parser #error-reporting #binary #binary-format
  56. wikitext_table_parser

    implement for parse the wikitext's table

    v0.3.1 700 #wiki #table #parser #wikitext #data-processing #text-parser #python-bindings
  57. lexer

    plugin based lexical reader

    v0.1.18 500 #plugin #reader #lexical #text-parser #parser #read-input #text-input
  58. scan-rules

    some macros for quickly parsing values out of text. Roughly speaking, it does the inverse of the print!/format! macros; or, in other words, a similar job to scanf from C.

    v0.2.0 750 #string-parser #input #read-input #stdin #text-parser #text-input #read
  59. minparser

    parsing functions

    v0.3.0 170 #parser #scanner #position #functions #text-parser #line #object
  60. parse_wiki_text

    Parse wiki text from Mediawiki into a tree of elements

    v0.1.5 #wiki #text-parser #text-format #mediawiki #text-document #html-parser #config-parser
  61. docopticon

    An argument-parser based on the obligatory help-text

    v0.1.2 #arguments-parser #command-line-arguments #text-parser #help #string-parser #tree #configuration
  62. compose_parser

    Rust parser created to parse the Jetpack Compose Text and Images

    v2.1.0 #text-image #text-parser #compose #jetpack #kotlin #composable #grammar
  63. s_text_input_f-parser

    parser for sineptic text input format

    v0.2.0 160 #text-input #text-parser #text-format #sineptic
  64. text-to-sounds

    parsing tool

    v1.1.1 #english #text-parser #parser #grammar #wasm #web-assembly
  65. hashtag


    v1.0.1 #string-parser #text-parser #hashtags #instagram #hashtag-parser #find
  66. wasm-webidl-bindings-text-parser

    Raw WebIDL bindings text encoder/decoder. Still in a state of flux!

    v0.8.0 #text-parser #web-idl #bindings #binary-format #text-format #codec #wasm-binary
  67. metrics_evaluation

    Small foot-print parser and solver for (nested) text-based comparisons

    v0.1.8 #comparison #evaluation #metrics #compare #parser #text-parser #arithmetic-operations
  68. daisychain

    a method chaining parsing library

    v0.0.5 #parser #text-parser
  69. fountain-parser-rs

    parse Fountain-formatted plain text files

    v0.4.0 150 #parser #text-parser #plain-text #fountain #screenplay #elements #fountain-formatted
  70. tree-sitter-structured-text

    structured-text grammar for the tree-sitter parsing library

    v0.21.0 #tree-sitter #text-parser #incremental #structured-text #programming-language #parser
  71. my_parser_rrin

    My parser

    v0.1.0 130 #text-parser #cargo #test
  72. twitter-text

    in Rust

    v0.2.0 260 #text-parser #twitter #user-name #tweet #url #length #hashtag
  73. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  74. my_parser_kma_test_group_3_1

    A brief description

    v0.1.0 #description #education #brief #text-parser
  75. khaiii-rs

    Bindings to Kakao Hangul Analyzer III (khaiii) for parsing and analyzing Korean text

    v0.1.4 #korean #khaiii #text-parser #api-bindings
  76. actiondb

    A safe and efficient unstructured text (log) parsing library

    v0.7.0 #log-parser #key-value #text-parser #parser #pattern #log #message-parser
  77. eterm-parser

    eterm parser for Rust

    v0.1.1 #parser #eterm #flight #text-parser
  78. promerge

    Parse, edit and merge Prometheus metrics exposition format

    v0.1.5 #prometheus-metrics #prometheus #grafana #parser #text-parser #pest-parser #key-value
  79. twitter_text_parser

    Parser for twitter-text in Rust

    v0.2.0 240 #text-parser #twitter #twitter-text
  80. textblocks

    working with text blocks

    v0.1.1 #line #delimiter #blocks #string #parser #text-parser #line-ending
  81. notedown-rt

    Notedown Text parser

    v0.3.2 #notedown #text-parser #pest
  82. parseit

    text file parsing library powered by regex and glob patterns

    v0.1.2 110 #glob #regex #parser #text-file #text-parser #text
  83. notedown_parser

    Notedown Text parser

    v0.12.0 #text-parser #notedown #notedown-ast #render
  84. wolfram-pest

    Notedown Text parser

    v0.2.0 #text-parser #wolfram #notedown #wolfram-language
  85. impostor_core

    v0.1.0 #ast #text-parser #text-format #impostor #source #mocking #hurl-core
  86. notedown-pest

    Notedown Text parser

    v1.0.0 #parser #text-parser #pest #notedown
  87. inom

    a text parser that converts code or inomscript to runnable rustlang for flow-based devgramming

    v0.1.0 #text-parser #convert #inomscript #runnable #devgramming #rust-lang #flow-based
  88. gemini2html

    parsing Gemini (gmi) to HTML format

    v0.2.2 #html #gemini #format #parser #text-parser #html-parser #gmi
  89. notedown-rs

    Notedown Text parser and formatter

    v0.0.2 #text-parser #notedown #formatter
  90. nu_plugin_ron

    A Nushell plugin for parsing RON text

    v0.1.1 #ron #nushell-plugin #nushell #text-parser #plugin
  91. parser-pda

    Example of a simple parser pushdown automaton implementation

    v0.1.6 #parser #text-parser #fsm
  92. notedown-plugin

    Notedown Text parser

    v0.1.0 #text-parser #notedown