
  1. trybuild

    Test harness for ui tests of compiler diagnostics

    v1.0.103 900K #compiler-error #proc-macro #error-message #testing #error-reporting #macro #test-harness
  2. assert_cmd

    Test CLI Applications

    v2.0.16 1.4M #command-line #command #assert #cli-applications #duct #testing #test
  3. static_assertions

    Compile-time assertions to ensure that invariants are met

    v1.1.0 6.5M #testing #assert #static
  4. insta

    A snapshot testing library for Rust

    v1.42.2 718K #testing #approval #jest #snapshot
  5. serial_test

    Allows for the creation of serialised Rust tests

    v3.2.0 2.5M #parallel-testing #testing #sequential #parallel #integration-testing #order #run-time
  6. test-case

    #[test_case(...)] procedural macro attribute for generating parametrized test cases easily

    v3.3.1 1.0M #unit-testing #test-cases #proc-macro #testing #case #unit #test-framework
  7. rstest

    Rust fixture based test framework. It use procedural macro to implement fixtures and table based tests.

    v0.24.0 1.6M #test-framework #proc-macro #fixture #async-test #fixtures #test-cases #testing
  8. arbitrary

    The trait for generating structured data from unstructured data

    v1.4.1 2.4M #testing #generation #unstructured #structured #input #test-cases #byte-buffer
  9. assert_fs

    Filesystem fixtures and assertions for testing

    v1.1.2 319K #filesystem #testing #assert #fixtures #fixture #test #setting-up
  10. mockall

    A powerful mock object library for Rust

    v0.13.1 2.9M #unit-testing #mocking #testing #object #language #applications #real
  11. test-log

    A replacement of the #[test] attribute that initializes logging and/or tracing infrastructure before running tests

    v0.2.17 1.8M #logging-tracing #testing #log-messages #logging #tracing #log #env-logger
  12. proptest

    Hypothesis-like property-based testing and shrinking

    v1.6.0 2.9M #property-testing #testing-framework #test-cases #testing #properties #fuzz-testing #hypothesis
  13. assert-json-diff

    Easily compare two JSON values and get great output

    v2.0.2 2.4M #serde-json #json-diff #json #testing #error-message #json-object
  14. expect-test

    Minimalistic snapshot testing library

    v1.5.1 463K #testing #expect #snapshot #string-literal
  15. cargo-hack

    Cargo subcommand to provide various options useful for testing and continuous integration

    v0.6.35 44K #continuous-integration #cargo-subcommand #cargo-toml #cargo #cargo-check #cargo-build #testing
  16. googletest

    A rich assertion and matcher library inspired by GoogleTest for C++

    v0.13.0 148K #matcher #assertions #unit-testing #test-framework #unit #testing
  17. assert2

    assert!(...) and check!(...) macros inspired by Catch2, now with diffs!

    v0.3.15 44K #unit-testing #error-message #testing #check #assert #unit-test #test
  18. serde_test

    Token De/Serializer for testing De/Serialize implementations

    v1.0.177 429K #serialization #unit-testing #testing #serde #dev-dependencies
  19. loom

    Permutation testing for concurrent code

    v0.7.2 811K #testing #lock-free #concurrency #atomic #thread #memory #model
  20. trycmd

    Snapshot testing for a herd of CLI tests

    v0.15.9 88K #testing #test-harness #command-line #command #run-command #cli-test #assert
  21. axum-test

    For spinning up and testing Axum servers

    v17.2.0 116K #axum-server #axum #testing #test
  22. libtest-mimic

    Write your own test harness that looks and behaves like the built-in test harness used by rustc --test

    v0.8.1 733K #test-harness #test-framework #test-runner #testing #harness #framework #cargo-test
  23. cargo-llvm-cov

    Cargo subcommand to easily use LLVM source-based code coverage (-C instrument-coverage)

    v0.6.16 161K #cargo-subcommand #coverage #testing-cargo #cargo #testing #code-coverage #env-var
  24. tracing-test

    Helper functions and macros that allow for easier testing of crates that use tracing

    v0.2.5 524K #logging-tracing #testing #assertions #testing-debugging #debugging-logging #async #testing-tools
  25. wasm-mutate

    A WebAssembly test case mutator

    v0.226.0 54K #wasm-module #wasm-binary #wasm-bytecode #test-cases #testing #mutator #fuzzing
  26. ntest

    Testing framework for rust which enhances the built-in library with some useful features

    v0.9.3 135K #unit-testing #test-framework #testing #unit
  27. honggfuzz

    Fuzz your Rust code with Google-developped Honggfuzz !

    v0.5.56 146K #security-testing #fuzzing #property-testing #testing #security #fuzzer #properties
  28. httptest

    HTTP testing facilities including a mock server

    v0.16.3 258K #http-server #testing-http #http-request #testing #http-client #mocking #request-body
  29. pact_verifier_cli

    Standalone pact verifier for provider pact verification

    v1.1.4 3.0K #pact #cdc #http-request #service-provider #command-line #command-line-interface #testing
  30. wasm-bindgen-test

    Internal testing crate for wasm-bindgen

    v0.3.50 483K #wasm-bindgen #wasm-module #testing #test-macro #test-harness #run-time #interaction
  31. dhat

    heap profiling and ad hoc profiling with DHAT

    v0.3.3 137K #ad-hoc #profiling #heap-allocation #testing #programs #experimental #capabilities
  32. cucumber

    testing framework for Rust, with async support. Fully native, no external test runners or dependencies.

    v0.21.1 622K #test-framework #testing #bdd #async #atdd #test-runner
  33. assertables

    assert macros for better testing, debugging, quality assurance, and runtime reliability

    v9.5.0 18K #testing-debugging #assertions #assert #testing #macro #assertable #test
  34. test-context

    providing custom setup/teardown for Rust tests without needing a test harness

    v0.4.1 102K #test-harness #testing #async-test #teardown #async-context #setup #test
  35. rexpect

    Interact with unix processes/bash the same way as pexpect or Don libes expect does

    v0.6.0 47K #pty #automation #testing #expect #child-process #pexpect
  36. temp-dir

    temporary directory with cleanup

    v0.1.14 136K #directory #testing #mkdtemp #symbolic-links #temp #tmpdir #depend
  37. grcov

    collect and aggregate code coverage data for multiple source files

    v0.8.20 30K #coverage #source-file #lcov #data-source #testing #file-format #file-path
  38. claims

    Additional assertion macros for testing

    v0.8.0 49K #assertions #testing #macro #assert #assertion #claim #no-alloc
  39. cov-mark

    Manual coverage marks

    v2.0.0 100K #coverage #testing #test
  40. turmoil

    Simulation testing framework for distributed systems

    v0.6.5 516K #distributed-systems #test-framework #testing #deterministic #simulation
  41. google-testing1-cli

    A complete library to interact with testing (protocol v1)

    v6.0.0+20240621 750 #testing #google-api #google #command-line-interface #cli
  42. more-asserts

    Small library providing additional assert_* and debug_assert_* macros

    v0.3.1 399K #testing-debugging #assertions #assert #testing #debug-assert
  43. goldenfile

    testing library

    v1.8.0 42K #testing #test-output #library #graph-traversal #test #differs
  44. faux

    mock structs

    v0.1.12 113K #mocking #mocks #testing #generate #test
  45. fail

    Fail points for rust

    v0.5.1 246K #testing #points #failpoints #error #run-time #behavior #controlled
  46. bolero

    fuzz and property testing front-end

    v0.13.0 26K #property-testing #fuzz-testing #fuzzing #testing #properties #fuzz #quickcheck
  47. pact_mock_server_cli

    Standalone pact mock server for consumer pact tests

    v2.0.0-beta.0 1.7K #pact #testing #server-port #mock-server #server-response #web-api #cdc
  48. ui_test

    A test framework for testing rustc diagnostics output

    v0.29.1 54K #compiler-error #test-framework #testing #diagnostics #rustc #testing-cargo #output
  49. all_asserts

    multiple types of asserts that don't exist in the standard library

    v2.3.3 36K #assert #compare #testing-debugging #test-macro #testing #asserts #test-output
  50. cargo-tarpaulin

    determine code coverage achieved via tests

    v0.32.0 37K #cargo-toml #cargo #testing #cargo-build #testing-cargo #testing-tools #code-coverage
  51. cargo-no-dev-deps

    Cargo subcommand for running cargo without dev-dependencies

    v0.2.15 110 #cargo-subcommand #cargo #testing-cargo #testing
  52. arbtest

    A minimalist property-based testing library based on arbitrary

    v0.3.2 37K #testing #api-testing #minimalist #property-based
  53. testresult

    type for concise and precise test failures

    v0.4.1 12K #testing #error #error-handling #points
  54. comparable

    comparing data structures in Rust, oriented toward testing

    v0.5.5 134K #data-structures #testing #macro-derive #change #comparison #difference #unit-testing
  55. pact_consumer

    Pact-Rust module that provides support for writing consumer pact tests

    v1.3.3 3.6K #pact #cdc #testing #test-framework
  56. mock_instant

    way to mock an std::time::Instant

    v0.5.2 67K #mocking #instant #testing #time #test #thread-safe
  57. google-testing1

    A complete library to interact with testing (protocol v1)

    v6.0.0+20240621 #testing #google-api #api-testing #google #protocols #web-api #web
  58. futures-test

    Common utilities for testing components built off futures-rs

    v0.3.31 111K #future #testing #asynchronous-programming #component #off #built
  59. pact_matching

    Pact-Rust support library that implements request and response matching logic

    v1.2.9 3.6K #pact #http-request #cdc #request-headers #testing-http #testing #response-status
  60. test-strategy

    Procedural macro to easily write higher-order strategies in proptest

    v0.4.0 121K #proptest #proc-macro #property-testing #testing #macro-derive #macro #derive-debug
  61. dinghy-test

    Cross-compilation made easier - see main crate cargo-dinghy

    v0.8.0 26K #testing-cargo #testing #mobile #ios #mobile-devices #android #cargo-plugin
  62. trybuild2

    Test harness for ui tests of compiler diagnostics (with support for inline tests)

    v1.2.0 13K #proc-macro #compiler-error #error-message #error-reporting #test-harness #macro #testing
  63. testtrim

    Intelligently select automated tests to run via code coverage analysis

    v0.13.1 1.7K #testing #postgresql #coverage #run #automated-testing #access #database
  64. quicktest

    Command Line Interface (CLI) for stress testing for competitive programming contest

    v1.0.7 220 #competitive-programming #testing #testing-tools #stress-testing #brute-force #cp-tool #command-line-interface
  65. mry

    but powerful mocking library that supports struct, trait, and function

    v0.10.0 600 #mocking #traits #structs #async-trait #testing #partial #object
  66. rusty-fork

    Cross-platform library for running Rust tests in sub-processes using a fork-like interface

    v0.3.0 2.6M #unit-testing #testing #process #fork #test-runner #properties
  67. lang_tester

    Concise language testing framework for compilers and VMs

    v0.9.0 10K #virtual-machine #test-framework #compiler #language #testing #source-file #process
  68. assertor

    Fluent assertion library with readable failure messages

    v0.0.3 10K #unit-testing #assertions #testing #unit #assert
  69. afl_runner

    Scaling best-practice AFLPlusPlus fuzzing campaigns made easy

    v0.5.1 1.5K #fuzzing #afl #fuzz-testing #testing #fuzzer #testing-tools #command-line-tool
  70. wycheproof

    test vectors

    v0.6.0 15K #cryptography #deserialize-json #vector #checking #schema #testing #google
  71. ark-test-curves

    testing ark-ec & ark-poly

    v0.5.0 1.6K #elliptic-curve #finite-fields #testing #zk-snarks #polynomial #serialization #pairing
  72. browserslist-rs

    Rust-ported Browserslist

    v0.18.0 97K #web #browserslist #javascript #queries #testing #frequently #section
  73. unimock

    A versatile and developer-friendly trait mocking library

    v0.6.7 1.2K #mocking #testing #mocks #behavior #control-api #design-pattern #pattern-matching
  74. cargo2junit

    Converts cargo's json output (from stdin) to JUnit XML (to stdout)

    v0.1.14 26K #cargo-test #junit #cargo #xml-format #test-output #format-json #testing
  75. yare

    Lean parameterized test case library for Rust 🚀

    v3.0.0 5.1K #test-cases #unit-testing #testing #parameterized #proc-macro #test-case #parametrized
  76. rfs_tester

    package allows you to create a temporary directory for testing purposes. You can use it to perform tests related to file operations. After the tests are finished, the temporary directory will be deleted automatically

    v1.1.1 750 #temp-dir #directory-structure #directory #sandbox #filesystem #test-files #testing
  77. httpwg-cli

    A CLI able to run httpwg test cases (h2spec replacement)

    v0.2.5 440 #http2 #testing #httpwg #cli #test-cases #replace #h2spec
  78. sealed_test

    A procmacro attribute to run your test in an isolated environment

    v1.1.0 18K #testing #proc-macro-attributes #env-vars #temp-dir #environment #isolated #run-test
  79. llvm-cov-pretty

    More beautiful HTML reports for llvm-cov/cargo-llvm-cov

    v0.1.10 #coverage #testing #syntax-highlighting #reporting #llvm-cov #progress-bar
  80. serde_assert

    Testing library for serde Serialize and Deserialize implementations

    v0.8.0 50K #serialization #unit-testing #deserialize #serde #testing #deserialization
  81. lcode

    An application of terminal write leetcode.一个终端刷力扣的应用

    v0.10.0 2.0K #leetcode #tui #algorithm #fuzzy-search #search-algorithms #terminal #testing
  82. cargo-mutants

    Inject bugs and see if your tests catch them

    v25.0.1-pre3 4.7K #mutation-testing #coverage #testing-cargo #cargo #mutants #testing
  83. parameterized

    Procedural macro which brings a compact parameterized testing implementation to Rust (inspired by JUnit @ParameterizedTest)

    v2.0.0 10K #test-cases #proc-macro #unit-testing #testing #junit #parametrized #test-macro
  84. tor-rtmock

    Testing mock support for tor-rtcomapt

    v0.27.0 7.3K #tor #arti #async #testing #async-write
  85. katype

    A fast typing test from terminal writted in Rust 🦀

    v0.2.2 220 #typing #tui #monkeytype #test #testing #cli
  86. temp-file

    temporary file with cleanup

    v0.1.9 16K #temporary-files #file #delete-file #filesystem #testing #tempnam #mktemp
  87. cargo-dinghy

    Cross-compilation made easier

    v0.8.0 #mobile-devices #testing-cargo #testing #mobile #cargo-plugin #ios #android
  88. nextest-runner

    Core runner logic for cargo nextest

    v0.75.0 125K #test-runner #testing #testing-cargo #nextest #cargo-subcommand #basic #junit
  89. junitify

    Takes cargo test JSON and transform to JUnit XML

    v0.1.18 1.2K #cargo-test #xml-format #junit #testing #json-format #xml-parser #json-parser
  90. nextest-metadata

    Structured access to nextest machine-readable output

    v0.12.1 120K #test-runner #testing #machine-readable #nextest #exit-code #cargo-nextest #output
  91. rustup-toolchain

    working with rustup toolchains, primarily from cargo test:s

    v0.1.10 6.3K #toolchain #rustup #public-api #cargo #testing #cargo-subcommand #programmatically
  92. fault-injection

    fault injection, concurrency delay injection, and error source annotation

    v1.0.10 8.2K #testing #injection #fault #reliability #crash #io-error
  93. hitt

    command line HTTP testing tool focused on speed and simplicity

    v0.0.18 #testing-http #http-request #command-line #testing-tools #http #testing #server-sent-events
  94. markup5ever_rcdom

    Basic, unsupported DOM structure for use by tests in html5ever/xml5ever

    v0.5.0-unofficial 135K #html-parser #dom #testing #automated-testing #html5ever #web #structure
  95. aws-sdk-devicefarm

    AWS SDK for AWS Device Farm

    v1.63.0 800 #devices #aws-sdk #mobile-devices #web-apps #testing #farm #cloud
  96. file_test_runner

    File-based test runner for running tests found in files

    v0.7.4 3.2K #test-runner #testing #file-format #test-files #cargo-test #file-based #running
  97. create_broken_files

    Create broken files from other ones

    v3.1.0 750 #input-file #testing #fuzzing #broken #fuzzer #crash #random
  98. prop-check-rs

    A Property-based testing Library in Rust

    v0.0.865 700 #property-testing #testing #test-cases #properties #prop #property-based #generate
  99. pop-test

    your test orchestration master of puppets

    v0.6.0 #e2e #kafka #postgresql #testing #test #container #postgres
  100. test-with

    A lib help you run test with condition

    v0.14.7 21K #integration-tests #testing #run-test #test-cases #condition #env-vars #integration
  101. mocked

    Your friendly HTTP mock response server

    v0.3.1 110 #http-server #response #http-response #mocking #testing #http-request #request-response
  102. nextest-filtering

    Filtering DSL for cargo-nextest

    v0.15.0 102K #nextest #test-runner #testing #dsl #filtering #cargo-nextest #parser
  103. assert

    The package provides assertions for testing

    v0.7.5 2.3K #testing #assertions #assert
  104. gix-bitmap

    gitoxide project dedicated implementing the standard git bitmap format

    v0.2.14 563K #version-control #git #bitmap #format #gitoxide #standard #testing
  105. checkito

    A safe, efficient and simple QuickCheck-inspired library to generate shrinkable random data mainly oriented towards generative/property/exploratory testing

    v3.2.5 #property-testing #testing #fuzz-testing #properties #quickcheck #unit-testing #fuzz
  106. dinghy-build

    Cross-compilation made easier - helpers for build.rs scripts

    v0.8.0 8.8K #build-script #mobile #ios #android #cargo-build #cargo #testing
  107. cargo-bolero

    cargo command for running bolero fuzz tests

    v0.13.0 1.9K #fuzz-testing #property-testing #fuzzing #testing-cargo #testing #fuzz #cargo-command
  108. test-casing

    Parameterized test cases and test decorators

    v0.1.3 2.5K #testing #test-framework #parameterized #case #decorator #test-runner #generate
  109. mutatis

    mutatis is a library for writing custom, structure-aware test-case mutators for fuzzers in Rust

    v0.3.1 #mutation-testing #fuzzing #mutation #testing #fuzzer #arbitrary
  110. dockertest

    control docker containers when running your integration tests

    v0.5.0 900 #integration-tests #docker #integration #env-vars #container #testing #test-containers
  111. cargo-flaky

    A cargo sub-command to helps you find flaky tests

    v0.4.0 #testing #cargo-subcommand #flaky #find #failure #debugging #help
  112. twenty-twenty

    Visual regression testing of H264 frames and images

    v0.8.1 9.1K #frame #image #h264 #testing #image-processing #regression #visual
  113. quixote

    Quizzes and tests in Markdown

    v0.6.3 #quiz #markdown #testing #quizzes #generate-markdown #path #answers
  114. test-temp-dir

    Temporary directories for use in tests

    v0.3.1 2.0K #testing #temporary #filesystem #fs #temp #env-vars
  115. pact_models

    Pact-Rust support library that provides the core models for dealing with Pact files

    v1.2.6 3.9K #pact #testing #cdc #file-format #read-write
  116. build-context

    Make build environment/target information available as constants in normal libraries and binaries

    v0.1.3 11K #constants #information #binaries #testing #normal #environment #host
  117. deqp-runner

    A VK-GL-CTS/dEQP wrapper program to parallelize it across CPUs and report results against a baseline

    v0.20.3 150 #testing #graphics #deqp #driver #run #results #baseline
  118. goldentests

    A golden file testing library where tests can be configured within the same test file

    v1.2.0 600 #test-files #golden #testing #command-output #test-output #tests #integration-tests
  119. wasmcloud-test-util

    testing wasmCloud hosts, providers, and components

    v0.16.0 140 #wasmcloud #testing #testing-utilities #cloud-native #provider #host #component
  120. equator

    Composable assertion library

    v0.4.2 377K #assertions #testing #assert #diagnostics #composable #condition #nested
  121. limmat

    run continuous tests locally on Git revision ranges

    v0.2.5 410 #testing #git #git-commit #automated-testing #range #revision #local
  122. minimizer

    Minimize files to find minimal test case

    v2.0.3 1.1K #test-cases #input-file #testing #filesize #case #find #minimize
  123. ran

    fast random numbers generation

    v2.0.1 1.2K #random-number #random #generator #shift #xor #testing
  124. git-gamble

    blend TDD + TCR to make sure to develop the right thing 😌, baby step by baby step 👶🦶

    v2.9.0 2.0K #tdd #git-commit #git #testing #tcr #unit-testing #git-tool
  125. speculoos

    Fluent test assertions

    v0.11.0 5.6K #assertions #fluent #matcher #assert #testing #matchers
  126. httpc-test

    Minimalistic HTTP Client Test Utilities

    v0.1.10 4.6K #http-client #testing-http #http-request #testing #testing-utilities
  127. jikken

    CLI tool for automated API testing. It utilizes JKT files (Jikken Test Definitions) to execute jobs for testing REST APIs. It has first-class support on Windows, macOS, and Linux. Visit jikken.io for more info

    v0.8.1 #api-testing #testing-tools #automated-testing #testing #tool #cli-tool #env-var
  128. dir-test

    macro to generate tests from files in a directory

    v0.4.1 6.1K #directory #testing #test-cases #test-macro #macro #test #cargo-toml
  129. gba_test

    Testing framework for the Game Boy Advance

    v0.3.1 #test-framework #gameboy-advance #gba #testing #framework #development #no-alloc
  130. gemm-f16

    Playground for matrix multiplication algorithms

    v0.18.2 68K #matrix-multiplication #linear-algebra #performance #playground #high #testing
  131. kernal

    A fluent assertion framework for Rust

    v0.4.0 170 #assert #assertions #fluent #testing #test #test-framework
  132. bolero-generator

    value generator for testing and fuzzing

    v0.13.0 25K #property-testing #fuzz-testing #fuzzing #testing #properties #quickcheck #fuzz
  133. test_tools

    Tools for writing and running tests

    v0.11.0 120 #testing #fundamental #general-purpose
  134. k9

    rust testing library

    v0.12.0 4.8K #assertions #testing #snapshot #macro #assertion-library
  135. moon_pdk_test_utils

    testing moon WASM plugins

    v0.0.15 550 #wasm-plugin #testing #moon #ecosystem #build-system #web #management
  136. statsig

    SDK for usage in multi-user server environments

    v1.4.0 562K #flags #experiment #gate #testing #ci #api-bindings #flag
  137. htsget-test

    Common test functions and utilities used by htsget-rs

    v0.7.1 #testing #bioinformatics #htsget #testing-http #aws #noodles #htsget-rs
  138. embedded-test

    A test harness and runner for embedded devices

    v0.6.0 7.8K #embedded-devices #embedded #test-runner #test-harness #test-framework #integration-tests #testing
  139. nunny

    the definitive non-empty slice/array/vec library for Rust

    v0.2.1 2.9K #array-vec #non-empty #slice #testing #repr #transparent #convert
  140. defmt-test

    A test harness for embedded devices

    v0.3.3 1.9K #unit-testing #embedded-devices #testing #defmt #test-harness #system #run-test
  141. partiql-conformance-test-generator

    PartiQL conformance test generator

    v0.11.0 #query-language #testing #conformance #sql-query #sql-parser #sql #codegen
  142. libafl

    Slot your own fuzzers together and extend their features using Rust

    v0.15.1 5.0K #fuzzing #security-testing #security #testing
  143. assert-migrator-reversible

    For testing if Sea Orm Migrators are reversible

    v6.2.0 #sea-orm #database-migrations #testing #sqlite #database
  144. tracing-mock

    testing tracing and crates that uses it

    v0.1.0-beta.1 97K #tracing-subscriber #tracing #mocking #testing
  145. env_wrapper

    A wrapper around std::env to facilitate testing

    v0.1.1 1.7K #env-vars #variables #environment #testing #fake #dependency-injection #test
  146. murf

    A mocking and unit test framework for rust

    v0.2.0 #unit-testing #mocking #test-framework #testing #test
  147. avr-tester

    Framework for testing AVR binaries

    v0.3.0 #test-framework #avr #testing #micro-controller #framework #simavr
  148. testdir

    Semi-persistent, scoped test directories

    v0.9.3 6.4K #temp-dir #cargo-test #testing #directory #temporary #target-directory #test
  149. datatest

    Data-driven tests in Rust

    v0.8.0 190 #data-driven #testing #test-cases #test-runner #test-framework #yaml #attributes
  150. pgtemp

    Start local postgres servers for testing without Docker

    v0.6.0 4.9K #postgresql #testing #connection #temporary #docker #local #temp-dir
  151. predate

    Catch bugs and performance regressions through automated system testing

    v0.1.5 140 #performance #cli-applications #testing #cli #yaml #system-testing
  152. aws-smithy-protocol-test

    A collection of library functions to validate HTTP requests against Smithy protocol tests

    v0.63.0 67K #http-request #aws-sdk #aws-smithy #protocols #testing #validation #comparison
  153. mantra

    mantra offers a lightweight approach for requirement tracing and coverage

    v0.7.6 190 #requirements #coverage #testing #tracing #docker #id #tool
  154. cargo-insta

    A review tool for the insta snapshot testing library for Rust

    v1.42.2 18K #testing-tools #testing #testing-cargo #cargo-command #jest #snapshot #cargo-build
  155. rspec

    Write Rspec-like tests with stable rust

    v1.0.0 800 #test-harness #testing #bdd #tdd #test-suite #harness #testing-cargo
  156. junit2json

    convert JUnit XML format to JSON with Rust

    v0.2.9 1.0K #xml-format #junit #format-json #testing #testing-tools #convert #tool
  157. narrative

    An immensely simple library for story-driven development

    v0.6.1 180 #testing #bdd #story-driven #atdd #test-framework #programming-language
  158. openraft-memstore

    A in-memory implementation of the openraft::RaftStorage trait

    v0.9.17 2.1K #raft-consensus #raft-storage #distributed-systems #consensus #raft #openraft #testing
  159. ssh-test-server-cli

    In memoery ssh server for integration testing - cli

    v0.1.2 120 #ssh #testing #integration-testing #test #test-server
  160. rtest

    integration test building framework

    v0.2.2 150 #integration-tests #test-framework #testing #unit-testing #resources #stateful #macro
  161. assertr

    Fluent assertions for the Rust programming language

    v0.1.0 150 #assertions #assert #testing #assert-that #derive-debug #error-message
  162. lcov

    LCOV tracefile parser/merger/filter in pure Rust

    v0.8.1 4.3K #coverage #parser #gcov #testing #tracefile #pure #testing-tools
  163. vmtest

    run your tests in virtual machines

    v0.18.0 #virtual-machine #testing #kernel #run #applications #guest #ci
  164. http-test-server

    Programatically create resources and pre-defined responses for tests

    v2.1.1 750 #http-server #test-server #testing-http #http-request #mocking #http #testing
  165. sockstest

    SOCKS proxy test tool

    v0.1.3 110 #sock #proxy-server #socks5-proxy #testing #testing-tools #socks #validation
  166. test-fork

    running tests in separate processes

    v0.1.3 1.5K #fork #process #testing
  167. cargo-fixture

    Surround cargo test with arbitrary Rust setup and teardown code

    v1.2.2 #cargo-test #testing #cargo #env-vars #cargo-plugin #http-server #rust
  168. expectorate

    comparing output to file contents with simple updating

    v1.1.0 17K #file-content #fixture #testing #validation #test #test-output
  169. cipher_identifier

    identifying classical ciphers based on statistical analysis

    v0.2.0 #cipher #statistical #statistical-analysis #ciphertext #classical #identifying #testing
  170. generic-tests

    Procedural macro to define tests and benchmarks generically

    v0.1.3 12K #proc-macro #generics #parametric #test-cases #testing #tests
  171. cargo-all-features

    A Cargo subcommand to build and test all feature flag combinations

    v1.10.0 13K #cargo-build #cargo-test #cargo-subcommand #flags #testing #feature-flags #features
  172. tracing-capture

    Capturing tracing spans and events, e.g. for testing

    v0.2.0-beta.1 10K #tracing #testing #assertions #predicate
  173. rd-hashd

    Latency-sensitive pseudo workload for resctl-demo

    v2.2.5 550 #resources #workload #resctl-demo #testing #benchmarking #load #latency
  174. awaitility

    Awaitility for Rust

    v0.4.1 2.3K #async-test #testing #async #test
  175. openiap

    test client

    v0.0.26 440 #automation #client #testing #services #openiap-client #complex #plan
  176. pact-plugin-driver

    Pact support library that provides an interface for interacting with Pact plugins

    v0.7.2 6.0K #pact #cdc #testing
  177. oxide-httpmock

    httpmock for the Oxide rack API

    v0.10.0+20250212.0.0 #oxide #mocking #testing #api-testing #sdk #http-mock #api-response
  178. test-binary

    Manage and build extra binaries for integration tests as regular Rust crates

    v3.0.2 4.0K #integration-tests #testing #binary #integration #testing-cargo #cargo-build #test
  179. httpwg

    Test cases for RFC 9113 (HTTP/2)

    v0.2.7 750 #http2 #test-cases #testing #rfc #http #testing-http #loona
  180. rate-limit-testing

    Intended to be used for testing rate-limiting

    v0.1.6 290 #rate-limiting #testing #request #intended
  181. stubby

    stubbing that doesn't hurt you or your IDE

    v0.3.3 600 #unit-testing #mocking #testing #stubbing #stub #state
  182. no_browser

    a light-weight, head-less 'web browser' based on reqwest

    v0.4.0 600 #html-css #html #css #testing #html-parser #http-request #web-scraping
  183. tytanic

    A test runner for typst projects

    v0.2.1 650 #typst #testing #test #test-runner
  184. openapi-to-hurl

    create Hurl files (https://hurl.dev/) from openapi specs

    v1.2.1 210 #openapi #hurl #swagger #api-testing #testing #json-file #yaml
  185. webmocket

    Websocket server for testing and development

    v0.6.2 270 #websocket-server #websocket-client #testing #integration-testing #messages #http-request #http-api
  186. maelstrom-util

    by non-WASM Maelstrom libraries and binaries

    v0.13.0 #maelstrom #distributed-systems #non-wasm #binaries #run #testing #information
  187. mailboar

    A web interface for Tiny MailCatcher, a MailCatcher clone

    v0.4.4 130 #mail-server #web-interface #email #smtp-server #testing #tiny #local
  188. coverme

    analyze local code repositories for test coverage

    v0.2.0 280 #coverage #local #testing #cli
  189. serialport_test

    A comprehensive tool designed for continuous read/write testing of serial devices

    v0.1.1 210 #serial-port #continuous #read-write #devices #testing #thread #tool
  190. deno_webgpu

    WebGPU implementation for Deno

    v0.160.0 3.9K #web-gpu #deno #graphics-api #wgpu #github #testing #cross-platform
  191. aws-mocks

    A mocking library for AWS. This is NOT an official AWS library.

    v0.2.4 #amazon-web-services #aws #mocking #aws-sdk #testing #api-calls
  192. junit-report

    Create JUnit compatible XML reports

    v0.8.3 176K #junit #xml #report #testing #xml-format #xunit #fs-file
  193. partiql-conformance-tests

    PartiQL conformance test runner

    v0.11.0 900 #sql-query #testing #conformance #sql #sql-parser #compiler #test-runner
  194. type-map

    typemap container with FxHashMap

    v0.5.0 238K #hash-map #extension #container #values #typed #context #testing
  195. nobug

    Assertions and active code annotations

    v0.7.0 #assertions #debugging #annotations #testing-debugging #testing #compile-time #development-tools
  196. futures_ringbuf

    Mock Type implementing AsyncRead/AsyncWrite for testing and examples

    v0.4.0 5.8K #async-io #async-stream #async-networking #testing #mocking #async #stream
  197. mocktopus

    Mocking framework for Rust

    v0.8.0 5.4K #mocking #tdd #test-framework #testing #setup
  198. time-test

    Measure how long your test cases take with one simple macro

    v0.3.0 3.1K #testing #unit-testing #measure #long #test-cases #how #macro
  199. cargo-msrv-prep

    Cargo subcommand useful to prepare for determining/verifying a crate's MSRV

    v2.1.0 1.1K #cargo-subcommand #cargo #cargo-toml #testing #cargo-build #cargo-check #manifest-file
  200. trybuild-internals-api

    A fork of trybuild with the internals exposed as a public API

    v1.0.99 3.8K #proc-macro #error-reporting #error-message #compiler-error #test-harness #macro #testing
  201. marlin-verilator

    🦀 No nonsense hardware testing in Rust 🛠️

    v0.2.1 150 #hardware #marlin #testing #verilog #verilator #module #nonsense
  202. proptest-derive

    Custom-derive for the Arbitrary trait of proptest

    v0.5.1 374K #property-testing #proptest #testing #derive #quickcheck #properties #arbitrary
  203. test-each

    Generate tests at compile-time based on file resources

    v0.3.1 1.9K #testing #glob-pattern #proc-macro #codegen #file-content #filename #test
  204. test-trace

    A replacement of the #[test] attribute that initializes tracing infrastructure before running tests

    v0.3.0 37K #tracing #testing #log #logging #env-logger #replace #api-bindings
  205. netsim

    Run tests in network-isolated threads. Intercept and meddle with their packets.

    v0.3.0 1.1K #networking #testing #ip #virtualization
  206. shex_testsuite

    RDF data shapes implementation in Rust

    v0.1.58 380 #schema-validation #rdf #data #shapes #test-suite #sh-ex #testing
  207. rdgen

    A terminal program for generating reproducible random data for testing

    v0.1.2 #random #random-string #testing #seed #data #reproducible #hashing
  208. bolero-engine

    fuzz and property testing framework

    v0.13.0 27K #property-testing #fuzz-testing #fuzzing #testing #test-framework #properties #quickcheck
  209. pact_verifier

    Pact-Rust support library that implements provider verification functions

    v1.2.4 140 #pact #cdc #testing
  210. wasm-shrink

    A WebAssembly test case shrinker

    v0.226.0 2.7K #wasm-file #bug #reduce #crash #reducer #testing #run-wasm
  211. devproxy

    A local development proxy for testing different network conditions

    v0.1.1 #proxy #development #condition #different #local #testing #networking
  212. aws-sdk-apptest

    AWS SDK for AWS Mainframe Modernization Application Testing

    v1.30.0 440 #aws-sdk #testing #applications #operation #mainframe #aws #resources
  213. subplot-bin

    tools for specifying, documenting, and implementing automated acceptance tests for systems and software

    v0.12.0 #testing #systems #automated #specifying #documenting #acceptance
  214. proptest-state-machine

    State machine based testing support for proptest

    v0.3.1 77K #state-machine #property-testing #fuzz-testing #testing #properties #quickcheck #fuzz
  215. polytest

    A low-friction language-agnostic tool for keeping tests in sync across teams and implementations

    v0.1.0 #team #testing #sync #keeping #across #tool #validate
  216. impls

    Determine if a type implements a logical trait expression

    v1.0.3 9.9K #traits #macro #impl #testing #test-macro #test
  217. cch23-validator

    Validate solutions to challenges from Shuttle's Christmas Code Hunt 2023

    v22.0.5 #challenge #shuttle #solution #validation #christmas #hunt #testing
  218. goldie

    golden file testing

    v0.5.0 3.4K #testing #testing-tools #file #golden #tool
  219. assert-unmoved

    A type that asserts that the underlying type is not moved after being pinned and mutably accessed

    v0.1.6 #assert #pin #testing #future #pinned #moved #mutably
  220. fuzzcheck

    A modular, structure-aware, and feedback-driven fuzzing engine for Rust functions

    v0.13.0 220 #test-cases #property-testing #fuzzing #testing #fuzzer #properties #test
  221. abi-cafe

    Pair your compilers up at The ABI café!

    v0.4.1 #abi #compiler #testing #compatibility #interface #testing-tools #fuzzer
  222. gemm-f64

    Playground for matrix multiplication algorithms

    v0.18.2 81K #matrix-multiplication #linear-algebra #performance #high #playground #testing
  223. cafetera

    HTTP mock server

    v0.2.5 150 #http-server #http-response #mocking #toml-config #config-file #testing #http-request
  224. lyon_extra

    Various optional utilities for the lyon crate

    v1.0.3 39K #lyon #2d-graphics #2d-rendering #utilities #testing #generation #tessellation
  225. cf_speedtest

    A command-line internet speed test tool

    v0.5.0 #speed-test #speed #cross-platform #command-line-tool #testing #speedtest #test
  226. proto_pdk_test_utils

    testing proto WASM plugins

    v0.35.4 1.4K #wasm-plugin #testing #proto #version-manager #toolchain #pluggable
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. i-slint-backend-testing

    OpenGL rendering backend for Slint

    v1.10.0 210 #slint #opengl-rendering #testing #backend #ui #embedded-devices #applications
  229. test-assembler

    A set of types for building complex binary streams

    v0.1.6 2.2K #binary-data #binary-format #data-stream #testing #input #endianness #complex
  230. gpiosim

    drive gpio-sims for GPIO software testing

    v0.4.1 410 #linux-gpio #gpio #kernel-module #testing #linux-kernel #linux #gpiochip
  231. uniffi_testing

    a multi-language bindings generator for rust (testing helpers)

    v0.29.0 126K #bindings-generator #testing #multi-language #helper #generate #different #fixtures
  232. toster

    A simple-as-toast tester for C++ solutions to competitive programming exercises

    v1.2.2 700 #competitive-programming #testing #solution #cpp
  233. dylint_testing

    testing Dylint libraries

    v4.0.0 1.0K #dylint #testing #lint #ui #dynamic #compiletest-rs #target
  234. testingForProject0126


    v0.2.17 900 #testingforproject0126 #testing #testing-tools #tool
  235. ribboncurls

    rendering of mustache templates

    v0.4.1 #mustache #template #template-engine #rendering #rendering-engine #testing #spec
  236. fake-sql

    generate create table, alter table, drop table, insert, update, delete and select sql

    v0.1.1 #sql #testing #oracle #database
  237. rstest_reuse

    Reuse rstest attributes: create a set of tests and apply it to every scenario you want to test

    v0.7.0 173K #testing #test-framework #test-cases #fixture #test #fixtures
  238. eggmine

    Inference of solutions for academic multiple choice tests, based on candidates' answers and grades

    v3.4.2 #inference #solution #multiple #choice #testing #candidate #academic
  239. derive_arbitrary

    Derives arbitrary traits

    v1.4.1 1.6M #macro-derive #testing #derive #macro #arbitrary #generate
  240. nu-test-support

    Support for writing Nushell tests

    v0.102.0 1.5K #testing #nushell #nushell-plugin #shell #author #component #user
  241. apimock

    API mock Server generating HTTP/JSON responses

    v2.7.2 410 #api-testing #testing #mocking #testing-http #http-response #web-server #https
  242. xpct

    An extensible test assertion library

    v0.5.1 #matcher #assertions #testing #matchers #test-framework #assert #customization
  243. ih-muse-record

    Record Muse Api usage for testing purposes

    v0.0.25 1.4K #record #python #muse #events #testing #recording #prelude
  244. mollusk-svm-cli

    Mollusk CLI

    v0.1.1 #mollusk #cli #svm #testing
  245. aws_mock

    A mocking library for AWS. This is NOT an official AWS library. Renamed to aws-mocks.

    v0.2.2 120 #aws #mocking #aws-sdk #mock #testing #api-calls
  246. yamori

    A test runner and visualizer for command-line applications

    v0.1.0 #tui #testing #cli #visualization #yaml-config #command-line-utilities #test-runner
  247. fluent-assertions

    testing library that enhances readability and expressiveness by enabling natural language-like syntax for test assertions

    v0.4.0 1.6K #assertions #testing #fluent #test-cases #error-message
  248. monkey_test

    A property based testing (PBT) tool like QuickCheck, ScalaCheck and similar libraries, for the Rust programming language

    v0.7.3 #property-testing #testing #shrinking #quickcheck #properties #hypothesis #testing-tools