
  1. rustysynth

    A SoundFont MIDI synthesizer written in pure Rust

    v1.3.5 1.9K #midi #synthesizer #music #audio #sound-font #soundfont
  2. microwave

    Make xenharmonic music and explore musical tunings

    v0.38.0 800 #synthesizer #modular #midi #microtonal #keyboard-layout #piano #user-interface
  3. soloud

    Rust bindings for the soloud audio engine

    v1.0.5 750 #audio-playback #audio #playback #synthesizer #format
  4. midi_fundsp

    Enables creation of live MIDI synthesizer software

    v0.6.1 650 #midi #audio #synthesizer #music #synth #input-output
  5. tune-cli

    Explore musical tunings and create synthesizer tuning files for microtonal scales

    v0.28.0 1.2K #scale #tuning #synthesizer #midi #microtonal #command-line-tool #scales
  6. owl_patch

    Rust SDK for Rebel Technology Owl2/3 devices

    v0.4.0 410 #owl #dsp #audio #synthesizer #embedded
  7. xsynth-render

    A command line utility for rendering MIDIs to audio using XSynth

    v0.3.2 130 #midi-file #midi #synthesizer #command-line-tool #file-format #soundfont #generate
  8. tune

    Explore musical tunings and create synthesizer tuning files for microtonal scales

    v0.35.0 #tuning #synthesizer #scale #microtonal #midi #scales #conversion
  9. twang

    pure Rust advanced audio synthesis

    v0.9.0 #synthesizer #sound #wave #synth #audio #math #game
  10. caw

    A framework for building software-defined modular synthesizers

    v0.7.0 320 #synthesizer #audio #modular #signal #building #framework #musical
  11. pointillism

    A compositional library for musical composition

    v0.4.3 #music #audio #modular #synthesizer
  12. caw_interactive

    Interactive keyboard and mouse control, and visualization for the caw synthesizer framework

    v0.6.0 390 #synthesizer #mouse #keyboard #interactive #framework #control #caw
  13. hexodsp

    Comprehensive DSP graph and synthesis library for developing a modular synthesizer in Rust, such as HexoSynth

    v0.2.2 #dsp #real-time #synthesis #synthesizer #audio
  14. asak

    A cross-platform audio recording/playback CLI tool with TUI

    v0.3.4 #audio-playback #dsp #tui #synth #music #synthesizer #command-line-tool
  15. kokoro-tts

    用于Rust的轻量级AI离线语音合成器(Kokoro TTS),可轻松交叉编译到移动端

    v0.1.2 #tts #synthesizer #ai #offline #lite
  16. conformal_poly

    Helper utilities for polyphonic synthesizers in the conformal framework

    v0.3.6 250 #voice #conformal #poly #synthesizer #events #framework #expression
  17. xsynth-core

    A fast Rust-based SoundFont synthesizer designed for high voice counts and low latency

    v0.3.2 #low-latency #synthesizer #midi #sound-font #soundfont
  18. caw_player

    Play audio from the caw synthesizer framework

    v0.6.0 270 #synthesizer #framework #play #caw #audio
  19. caw_audio_file

    Load audio files for sampling in the caw synthesizer framework

    v0.3.0 370 #synthesizer #framework #load #sampling #caw #audio
  20. caw_midi

    Common midi logic for the caw synthesizer framework

    v0.3.0 170 #synthesizer #midi #framework #logic #caw
  21. caw_bevy

    Helpers for controlling a caw syntesizer from bevy

    v0.1.1 #bevy #helpers #controlling #caw #syntesizer #modular #synthesizer
  22. caw_computer_keyboard

    computer keyboard to control caw synthesizer modules

    v0.3.0 700 #synthesizer #keyboard #module #computer #control #caw
  23. glicol

    language main entry point

    v0.13.5 #music #audio #dsp #synthesizer #synth #entry-point
  24. caw_keyboard

    Abstract representation of a (musical) keyboard for the caw synthesizer framework

    v0.3.0 200 #synthesizer #keyboard #framework #musical #abstract #representation #caw
  25. caw_midi_file

    Play midi files with the caw synthesizer framework

    v0.3.0 500 #synthesizer #midi #framework #play #caw
  26. caw_modules

    Collection of synthesizer modules for the caw synthesizer framework

    v0.3.1 150 #synthesizer #module #framework #caw #collection
  27. caw_midi_serial

    Control caw synthesizers with a serial device that transmits midi data over a serial port

    v0.3.0 110 #serial #synthesizer #serial-port #midi #devices #control #caw
  28. rocoder

    A live-codeable phase vocoder

    v0.4.0 #audio-processing #audio #synthesizer #live-coding #command-line #live-code #read-input
  29. caw_patches

    Collection of common patches for the caw synthesizer framework

    v0.3.0 130 #synthesizer #patch #framework #caw #collection
  30. caw_midi_live

    midi device to control caw synthesizers

    v0.3.0 110 #synthesizer #midi #devices #control #caw
  31. sonant

    port of the Sonant 4K synth with streaming support

    v0.2.0 #synthesizer #synth #audio #audio-streaming #audio-stream #sound #nintendo-64
  32. soundfont

    sf2 file parser

    v0.1.0 190 #file-format #sf2 #file-reader #synthesizer #sf3 #sfz #pure
  33. moore

    A compiler for hardware description languages

    v0.14.0 #hardware #compiler #language #design #description #llhd #synthesizer
  34. sampsyn

    wavetable synth that takes it's wavetables from samples

    v0.1.4 240 #synth #table #sample #sound #synthesizer #audio #wavetable
  35. hum

    A music notation language and synthesizer written in Rust

    v0.6.0 #music-notation #music #notation #synthesizer #sine #wave #markup-language
  36. hodaun

    Audio IO and synthesis

    v0.4.1 260 #audio #music #audio-processing #sound #sample-rate #synthesizer #audio-samples
  37. glicol_synth

    A graph-based music DSP library written in Rust

    v0.13.5 #music #audio #dsp #synthesizer #synth #user-input #audio-playback
  38. pokemon-synthesizer

    A synthesizer for the sound format of the Pokemon GameBoy games

    v0.2.0 #gameboy #pokemon #synthesizer #gamedev #audio #encoding
  39. midi-player

    A MIDI file player library with integrated synthesizer

    v0.2.1 110 #midi-file #player #audio-player #synthesizer #position #real-time #integrated
  40. magnetron

    Create your own modular microtonal synthesizer from reusable building blocks

    v0.6.1 120 #synthesizer #modular #effect #microtonal #sound #effects #building-block
  41. opl3-rs

    Rust bindings for Nuked-OPL3, a Yamaha OPL3 FM-synthesis chip emulation library

    v0.2.2 200 #emulation #audio #synthesizer #retro #opl
  42. fluid-xenth

    Stop making music with notes. Use pitches.

    v0.9.0 #tuning #synthesizer #microtonal #fluid #sound-font
  43. xsynth-realtime

    A real-time MIDI synthesizer using XSynth

    v0.3.2 #synthesizer #midi #sound-font #soundfont
  44. soloud-sys

    Rust bindings for the soloud audio engine

    v1.0.5 950 #audio-playback #audio #playback #synthesizer
  45. xsynth-soundfonts

    A module to parse different types of soundfonts to be used in XSynth

    v0.3.2 #synthesizer #midi #soundfont #format
  46. caw_utils

    building synthesizers with caw

    v0.3.0 250 #synthesizer #caw #logo #part #framework #modular
  47. makepad-example-ironfish

    Makepad ironfish example

    v0.6.0 #makepad #synthesizer #cross-platform #framework #audio #applications #filter
  48. currawong

    Software-defined modular synthesizer

    v0.5.2 #modular #synthesizer #software-defined
  49. ruffbox_synth

    A beatbox-oriented synthesizer library

    v0.11.0 #synthesizer #audio #sampler #beatbox #const-generics #follow
  50. voicevox-rs

    voicevox client library for Rust

    v0.4.7 #synthesizer #voice #audio #voicevox #vocoder #api-bindings
  51. oscen

    building modular synthesizers

    v0.1.4 #synthesizer #synth #sound #audio #dsp
  52. glicol_parser

    Parser for Glicol language

    v0.13.5 100 #dsp #music #synth #audio #synthesizer
  53. vitalium_verb_dsp

    A port of the reverb module from the Vital/Vitalium synthesizer

    v0.1.1 #reverb #dsp #synthesizer #port #module #vital-vitalium
  54. caw_core

    Core types for caw software-defined modular synthesizer

    v0.4.0 700 #synthesizer #modular #caw #software-defined
  55. culsynth

    DSP Library

    v0.2.0 #fixed-point #oscillator #dsp #envelope #parameters #synthesizer #filter
  56. ad9850

    Embedded driver for the AD9850 DDS synthesizer chip

    v0.1.2 #synthesizer #dds #embedded-hal
  57. bytebeat

    written in Rust

    v0.4.0 #synth #dsp #music #synthesizer #audio
  58. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  59. stuw81300

    An embedded-hal driver for the STuW81300

    v0.2.0 #spi-driver #spi #driver #no-std-driver #embedded-hal-driver #rf #synthesizer
  60. ljud

    Graph-based music DSP library with a focus on flexibility

    v0.0.5 #music #dsp #audio #synth #synthesizer
  61. monotron-synth

    1980's home computer style synthesiser that sounds pretty bad

    v0.2.0 #audio #synthesizer #synthesiser #arm #cortex-m
  62. wavetable


    v0.1.2 #table #synthesizer #wave #format #samples #dsp #audio
  63. currawong_core

    Core types for currawong software-defined modular synthesizer

    v0.5.0 #synthesizer #modular #currawong #software-defined
  64. caw_builder_proc_macros

    A macro for generating builders

    v0.1.1 190 #builder #generating #macro #caw #synthesizer
  65. currawong_interactive

    Interactive tools for currawong software-defined modular synthesizer

    v0.5.0 150 #synthesizer #modular #interactive #currawong #software-defined
  66. lyd

    Music dsp library written in Rust with a focus on performance and elegancy

    v0.0.2 #music #dsp #audio #synthesizer #synth
  67. wildmidi

    wrapper around the WildMIDI software synthesizer library

    v0.1.1 #synthesizer #midi #player
  68. pcm-flow

    Compose many small audio Processors to a big audio Processor

    v0.5.0 #synthesizer #audio #dsp #modular
  69. chirpycritter

    Chirpy retro PWM synthesizer implemented on CPAL

    v0.1.0 #retro #synth #pwm #synthesizer #midi #implemented #chirpy
  70. processors

    Modular Audio Processors

    v0.2.1 #modular #audio #dsp #synthesizer #processor #oscillator
  71. fm_mod_synth

    package for fm synthesis

    v0.1.6 #fm #synthesis #built #synthesizer
  72. pointillism-macros

    Macros for the pointillism crate

    v0.1.1 #music #pointillism #synthesizer #modular #audio
  73. midix_synth

    SoundFont compatible MIDI synthesizer for midix

    v0.0.0 #midi #synthesizer #audio
  74. soloud-derive

    Rust bindings for the soloud audio engine

    v0.4.0 #audio-playback #synthesizer #audio #playback
  75. grail-rs

    formant speech synthesizer

    v0.0.0 #speech #audio #synthesizer #formant #grail