
  1. syn

    Parser for Rust source code

    v2.0.99 27.0M #syntax-tree #proc-macro #macro-derive #macro #tree-node #input #procedural
  2. quote

    Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...)

    v1.0.39 17.6M #proc-macro #syntax-tree #macro #syn #macros
  3. prettyplease

    A minimal syn syntax tree pretty-printer

    v0.2.30 5.7M #syntax-tree #pretty-print #rustfmt #syn #generated #formatting #formatter
  4. proc-macro2

    A substitute implementation of the compiler’s proc_macro API to decouple token-based libraries from the procedural macro use case

    v1.0.94 17.9M #proc-macro #macro #syn #macros
  5. synstructure

    Helper methods and macros for custom derives

    v0.13.1 9.1M #macro-derive #derive #enums #macro #syn #struct-fields #expand-substructure
  6. syn-mid

    Providing the features between "full" and "derive" of syn

    v0.6.0 208K #proc-macro #syn #macro #data-structures #full #derive #macro-derive
  7. venial

    A very small syn

    v0.6.1 13K #proc-macro #proc-macro-derive #syn #macro-derive #parser #derive #parse-attributes
  8. derive-syn-parse

    Derive macro for syn::parse::Parse

    v0.2.0 322K #macro-derive #syn #parser #proc-macro #traits #parse-input #struct
  9. rstml

    Rust templating for XML-based formats (HTML, SVG, MathML) implemented on top of proc-macro::TokenStreams

    v0.12.1 49K #proc-macro #html-templating #rsx #html #jsx #syn #macro
  10. structmeta

    Parse Rust's attribute arguments by defining a struct

    v0.3.0 407K #parse-attributes #attributes #parse #syn #derive #totokens
  11. syn-serde

    serialize and deserialize Syn syntax trees

    v0.3.1 800 #syntax-tree #syn #serde-json #serialization #serde #proc-macro #json-file
  12. syn_derive

    Derive macros for syn::Parse and quote::ToTokens

    v0.2.0 424K #macro-derive #syn #parser #attributes #quote #tokens #boilerplate
  13. pearlite-syn

    A syn parser for the Pearlite specification language in Creusot

    v0.4.0 #specification-language #creusot #parser #formal-verification #pearlite #syn #why3
  14. template-quote

    A new-fasioned quote! macro implementation with pretty template-engine like syntax

    v0.4.2 180 #proc-macro #quote #macro #syn
  15. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000001

    Parser for Rust source code

    v2.0.87 #macro-derive #syn #tree-node #macro #error-message
  16. cargo-manifest-proc-macros

    Find the syn::Path to your own crate from proc-macros reliably

    v0.3.4 750 #proc-macro #cargo-manifest #path #syn #own #find #cargo-toml
  17. syn-args

    parsing function arguments

    v0.4.1 #string-parser #string-pattern #syn #parameters #pattern-matching #def #web-framework
  18. synthez

    Steroids for syn, quote and proc-macro2 crates

    v0.3.1 472K #macro-derive #proc-macro #syn #codegen #derive #macro
  19. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000004

    Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...)

    v1.0.38 #proc-macro #macro #syn #quote #tokens #quasi-quoting #repetition
  20. safe-quote

    A fork of quote crate that adds forbid(unsafe_code) and depends on safe-proc-macro2 instead of proc-macro2

    v1.0.15 42K #proc-macro #syntax-tree #quote #tokens #syn #procedural #quasi-quoting
  21. prettier-please

    A minimal syn syntax tree pretty-printer

    v0.3.0 11K #syntax-tree #rustfmt #pretty-print #syn #generated #formatter #formatting
  22. safe-proc-macro2

    A fork of proc_macro2 crate with unsafe code removed

    v1.0.67 42K #proc-macro #macro-helpers #macro #syn
  23. syn-test-suite

    Test suite of the syn crate

    v0.0.0+test 2.4K #proc-macro #syntax-tree #macro-derive #syn #token-stream #procedural #source
  24. syn-helpers

    Framework for building derive macros

    v0.5.0 490 #macro-derive #proc-macro #proc-macro-derive #macro-helpers #enums #syn #code-generation
  25. call2-for-syn

    Apply parser functions to proc-macro2 token streams

    v3.0.4 140 #token-stream #proc-macro #macro-helpers #syn #functions #apply #quote
  26. syn-inline-mod

    Inlines modules in Rust source code for source analysis

    v0.6.0 49K #module #analysis #source #inline #syn #file #single-file
  27. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000003

    A substitute implementation of the compiler’s proc_macro API to decouple token-based libraries from the procedural macro use case

    v1.0.90 #proc-macro #syn #macro #macros
  28. rstml-control-flow

    Custom nodes with control flow implementation for rstml. Usefull when you need to implement If, For, etc.

    v0.1.1 #control-flow #html-templating #html #rsx #syn #jsx #macro
  29. rping

    🌊 A Fully Anonymous Any TCP Flag Flooding Attack CLI

    v0.1.6 #tcp #pcap #syn #networking #command-line-tool
  30. proc-quote

    A procedural macro implementation of quote!

    v0.4.0 5.9K #proc-macro #syntax-tree #quote #procedural #tokens #syn #quasi-quoting
  31. syn-impersonated

    Parser for Rust source code

    v0.1.18 #syntax-tree #proc-macro #macro-derive #syn #source #tree-node #full
  32. derive_util

    tools for derive macros

    v0.4.0 240 #macro-derive #unnamed-fields #syn #named-fields #struct #unit #enums
  33. syn-lite

    limited but lite syntax parsing with only macro_rules

    v0.3.0 280 #macro-rules #syntax #parser #lite #limited #syn
  34. synom

    Stripped-down Nom parser used by Syn

    v0.11.3 120K #proc-macro #nom #parser #compile-time #syntex #syn #source
  35. proc-macro2-fallback

    Only the non-libproc_macro-based codepath of the proc-macro2 crate

    v1.0.66 #proc-macro #build #compiler #quote #syn #codepath
  36. quote_into

    Easily & efficiently generate code by quoting it in a macro

    v0.2.0 5.5K #proc-macro #quote #macro #performance #syn
  37. armada

    A high performance TCP SYN port scanner

    v1.2.1 #port-scanner #tcp-port #syn #performance #high
  38. syn-rsx

    syn-powered parser for JSX-like TokenStreams

    v0.9.0 2.8K #html-macro #html #syn #jsx #html-parser #rsx #macro
  39. quote-impersonated

    Quasi-quoting macro quote!(...)

    v0.1.0 #proc-macro #syntax-tree #quasi-quoting #syn #quote #procedural #tokens
  40. syn-ext

    Human friendly or editable extension for syn

    v0.4.0 6.0K #syn #extension #ext #human-friendly #shortcuts #editable #documentation
  41. syn-codegen

    Syntax tree describing Syn's syntax tree

    v0.4.2 #syntax-tree #proc-macro #syn #ast #source #integration #language
  42. codama-syn-helpers

    Extension of syn for Codama

    v0.1.3 150 #syn #extension #codama
  43. proc-state

    Sustain global variables between individual proc-macro call

    v0.1.1 #proc-macro #macro #state #syn #global #solve #variables
  44. proc-macro-kwargs

    Keyword argument parsing for function-like proc-macros

    v0.2.0 #proc-macro #arguments-parser #macro-derive #procedural #syn #optional #ident
  45. tiny-rsx

    A fast and minimal syn RSX (JSX in Rust) parser

    v0.3.0 #rsx #jsx #parser #syn
  46. chandeliers-syn

    Syntax of the Lustre language, to be parsed by procedural macros

    v1.0.0 #ast #proc-macro #static-analysis #lustre #syntax #syn #parsed
  47. absolution

    ‘Freedom from syn’. A lightweight Rust lexer designed for use in bang-style proc macros.

    v0.1.1 #lexer #macro #syn #tokenizer #parser
  48. syn-pub-items

    Parser for Rust source code (patched for pub items)

    v0.15.30 #syntax-tree #proc-macro #syn #macro-derive #items #pub #tree-node
  49. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  50. standalone-syn

    Fork of syn that turns of the proc-macro feature in proc-macro2 and standalone-quote so as to remove the rustc dylib dependency

    v0.13.0 120 #syntax-tree #proc-macro #macro-derive #syn #tree-node #source #compiler
  51. syn-path

    macro to declare a syn::Path at compile time

    v2.0.0 950 #path #syn #compile-time #macro #declare
  52. proc-macro2-impersonated

    A substitute implementation of the compiler’s proc_macro API

    v0.1.1 #proc-macro #macro #syn #quote #context #spans #source
  53. syn-solidity

    syn-powered Solidity parser

    v0.8.22 535K #solidity #syn #ast #evm #ethereum #proc-macro
  54. synext

    extension library for syn crate to help developers quickly develop derive macros

    v0.3.0 110 #macro-derive #proc-macro #syn #macro #extension #attributes #quickly
  55. syn_builder

    Builder functions for syn structures and enums to ease the generation of Rust code

    v0.2.0 #syn #meta-programming #quote #proc-macro
  56. armada_lib

    A high performance TCP SYN port scanner library

    v1.0.5 #port-scanner #tcp-port #syn #performance #high
  57. flexgen

    A flexible, yet simple quote-based code generator for creating beautiful Rust code

    v0.4.5 #generate #doctest #quote #syn #config-file
  58. macro_functions

    functions for quickly parsing syn structures

    v0.1.0 #syn #macro #quickly #structures #parser
  59. unrest_tmp_syn

    don't use

    v0.1.0 #syn #proc-macro #source #compile-time #parse #file #optional
  60. syn_str

    what syn is to proc_macro::TokenStream for proc_macro::TokenStream::to_string,quote! being format! with String::parse::<TokenStream>

    v0.1.58 #proc-macro #string #syn #macro #procedural #quote #str
  61. syn-dissect-closure

    Analyze syn ExprClosure body

    v0.1.0 #closures #proc-macro #syn #environment #body #captured #tasks
  62. assert-parse

    The util to assert macro parsing

    v1.0.2 #parse #syn #macro #assert #testing #parse-input
  63. repr_c_pub_struct

    extracting #[repr(C)] pub structures

    v0.1.1 #repr #syn #parser #c
  64. syn-miette

    A syn::Error wrapper that provides pretty diagnostic messages using miette

    v0.3.0 #error-message #diagnostics #syn #miette #pretty
  65. synsert

    A primitive for writing structural search and replace programs for rust

    v0.1.1 #syntax-tree #search #syn #ast #replace #ide #structural
  66. quote-alias

    A helper macro for easily reusing static token streams

    v1.0.3 #token-stream #macro-helpers #macro #proc-macro #quote #syn #macros
  67. serde_syn

    Use serde to parse Rust source code

    v0.1.0 6.2K #proc-macro-derive #syn #serde #derive #derive-deserialize #macro-derive #proc-macro2
  68. unrest_tmp_synom

    don't use

    v0.1.0 #parser #proc-macro #source #compile-time #syn
  69. sin

    Sin aims to be an alternative to the proc-macro2/syn ecosystem geared towards developer UX and custom syntax parsing

    v0.0.2 #syn #proc-macro #quote #parser
  70. decent-synquote-alternative

    alternative to the syn and quote crates for when you want to write your own derive proc-macro. It was originally based on the microserde code, but has grown a lot since then. It is not as complete…

    v0.4.0 #proc-macro #syn #quote #compile #write #was #own
  71. ssttt

    More Syn Syntax Tree Traversal Trait

    v0.1.0 #traits #syn #syntax-tree #tree-traversal #utility #category-development-tools-procedural-macro-helpers
  72. token_stream2

    A better TokenStream for procedural macros

    v1.0.2 180 #macro #syn #macros
  73. to-syn-value

    Defines a derive macro to implement a trait converting values to instances of syn::ToDeriveInput

    v0.1.1 370 #syn #instance #macro-derive #traits #values #converting #defines
  74. oop

    Object-Oriented Inheritence in Rust

    v0.0.2 700 #inheritance #inherit #syn #macro
  75. syn_util

    helper APIs for procedural macros

    v0.4.2 8.5K #proc-macro #macro-helpers #syn #procedural #helper #api #procmacro
  76. retoken

    Build &str tokenizers using regex

    v0.1.5 #regex #tokenizer #str #proc-macro #syn #token-stream #experience
  77. syncmap

    fast, concurrent cache library built with a focus on performance and correctness. The motivation to build syncmap comes from the sync.Map in Golang

    v0.1.3 #map #hash-map #syn #read-write #disjoint-set #constant-time
  78. quote-doctest

    doctest generator for quote

    v0.3.2 #doctest #quote #macro #syn
  79. synthez-core

    Internal implementations of synthez crate

    v0.3.1 436K #syn #proc-macro #synthez #quote #codegen
  80. replace-types

    A syn visitor that replaces types

    v0.2.0 #syn #replace #visitor #types #extension #replacing
  81. syner

    A procedural macro to generate a parser for attributes from a struct

    v0.3.0 #syn #proc-macro #derive #parse-attributes #procmacro
  82. proc-utils

    A series of traits, macros, functions, and utilities that make writing and debugging proc macros easier

    v0.1.0 #proc-macro #debugging #syn #macro #pretty-print
  83. myd

    module system

    v0.1.1 #module #syn #rust
  84. unquote

    A reverse quote macro... that is: A macro to parse input from a ParseStream according to a given pattern.

    v0.0.7 #syn #quote #macro #parse-input #reverse #pattern #parse-stream
  85. complexity

    Calculate cognitive complexity of Rust code

    v0.2.0 #cognitive #lint #calculate #nested #index #syntax #syn
  86. mock-syn

    Mock / wrap syn structs and enums overiding specific fields

    v0.1.6 #syn #mocking #structs #wrap #fields #enums #overiding
  87. linera-alloy-syn-solidity

    syn-powered Solidity parser

    v0.7.4 1.2K #solidity #syn #ast #ethereum #evm
  88. lexa-syn

    Utilitaires pour la crate syn (proc-macro)

    v0.1.0 #la #syn #proc-macro #utilitaires #pour
  89. proc-macro-error-attr2

    Attribute macro for the proc-macro-error2 crate

    v2.0.0 501K #proc-macro #error #attributes #spans #proc-macro-error2 #detect #syn
  90. syn-graphs

    graph description language parsers using syn

    v0.2.0 #graph #syn #description #language #parser
  91. syn-unnamed-struct

    Extends syn expressions and meta structs with unnamed structs and meta lists

    v0.1.0 340 #meta #syn #struct #parse #to-tokens #parser
  92. prettyplease-cli

    Unofficial and basic CLI wrapper around the ::prettyplease library

    v0.1.0 #rustfmt #comments #formatting #syn #format
  93. awsl-syn

    AWSL parser for rust macro

    v0.1.0 #syn #rsx #html #awsl
  94. mquote

    Quasi-quoting library aimed on better readability and usability

    v0.1.0 #quote #syn #proc-macro #quasi-quoting #readability #better #aimed
  95. syn_squash

    Proc attribute macro helper to capture many Syn types and define shared behaviour

    v0.1.0 110 #macro-helpers #attributes #syn #behaviour #define #helper #capture
  96. outer_attribute

    providiving OuterAttribute that implements syn::parse::Parse trait

    v0.1.1 #attributes #syn #outer #parser
  97. oxidate

    Turns strings into a Rust AST

    v0.1.0 #ast #parse #ast-node #string #turns #newtype #syn
  98. unrest_tmp_quote

    don't use

    v0.1.0 #syn #quote #quasi-quoting #proc-macro
  99. proc_macro_helper

    Procedural macros helper

    v0.3.0 #macro-helpers #proc-macro #helper #procedural #attributes #syn #enums
  100. rust2pickle

    serialize and deserialize Syn syntax trees into Pickle format

    v0.0.2 #pickle #syn #serde #serialization #syntax-tree #path-segment
  101. to-syn-error

    util to use with syn and thiserror

    v1.0.1 #syn #conversion #error #error-handling
  102. synner

    A TCP SYN flood client written in Rust, powered by libpnet

    v0.1.1 #libpnet #tcp #syn #powered #client #flood #mac
  103. synthez-codegen

    Internal codegen shim of synthez crate

    v0.3.1 628K #codegen #shim #synthez #syn #quote #proc-macro
  104. pegcel-macros

    A PEG parser generator for Syn

    v0.1.0 #syn #peg #parser-generator #parser #macro #syn-derive