
  1. cargo-aoc

    Cargo Advent of Code Helper

    v0.3.8 950 #advent #cargo #solution #benchmarking #command-line-tool #helper #input
  2. alchemyst

    PCG tool based on Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 1.1K #modular-scripting #intuicio #scripting-language #pcg #gamedev #platform #solution
  3. advent-of-code

    Solutions to Advent of Code

    v2024.16.2 2.7K #advent #solution #command-line-tool #problem #input #pyo3 #part
  4. simpleton

    runner for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 1.0K #modular-scripting #intuicio #scripting-language #platform #runner #gamedev #solution
  5. usaco-cli

    Unofficial USACO cli: Supports automatic solution testing and submission

    v0.4.0 500 #solution #usaco #automatic #problem #language #testing #submission
  6. lstsq

    Return the least-squares solution to a linear matrix equation

    v0.6.0 9.4K #linear-algebra #squares #matrix #equation #solution #bare-metal #std
  7. bevy_eventwork

    Event based networking library for Bevy

    v0.10.0 #bevy-networking #instance #events #chat-client #client-connect #solution #client-server
  8. eggmine

    Inference of solutions for academic multiple choice tests, based on candidates' answers and grades

    v3.4.2 #inference #solution #multiple #choice #testing #candidate #answers
  9. azure_mgmt_solutions

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #solution #api-bindings #service #resource-manager
  10. intuicio-data

    Data module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 1.6K #modular-scripting #intuicio #scripting-language #platform #solution #gamedev
  11. aocli

    Advent of Code helper CLI

    v0.0.9 #advent #input #puzzle #day #solution #advent-of-code #run
  12. intuicio-core

    Core module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 2.2K #modular-scripting #intuicio #platform #language #solution #gamedev #version
  13. cch23-validator

    Validate solutions to challenges from Shuttle's Christmas Code Hunt 2023

    v22.0.5 210 #challenge #shuttle #solution #validation #christmas #hunt #testing
  14. cch24-validator

    Validate solutions to challenges from Shuttle's Christmas Code Hunt 2024

    v16.0.0 1.5K #challenge #shuttle #solution #validate #numbers #hunt #christmas
  15. cobalt-aws

    collection of wrappers around the aws-sdk-rust and lambda_runtime packages

    v0.15.1 3.1K #aws-sdk #wrappers #infrastructure #packages #collection #ai #solution
  16. intuicio-essentials

    Essentials module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 1.1K #modular-scripting #scripting-language #intuicio #platform #solution
  17. solv

    SOLution Validation tool that analyzes Microsoft Visual Studio solutions

    v0.16.7 360 #visual-studio #solution #parser #microsoft #sln
  18. localsearch

    Local Search based Metaheuristics

    v0.17.0 950 #optimization #metaheuristics #simulated-annealing #search #local #search-algorithms #solution
  19. polaris-specification

    Service Governance Specification

    v1.5.5-alpha.0 550 #specification #governance #polaris #solution #proxyless
  20. space-search

    providing basic generic depth-first, breadth-first, heuristic-guided, and A* search space exploration algorithms

    v7.0.0 850 #search-algorithms #algorithm #manager #optimization #space #solution #searchable
  21. Mebal

    An OS independent replay buffer solution

    v0.1.0 #mebal #solution #buffer #replay #os #video #independent #file
  22. essential-vm

    The Essential VM

    v0.9.0 650 #vm #predicate #solution #ops #future #execution #executing
  23. auxiliaire

    Your friendly Exercism.org assistant

    v0.2.1 #backup #exercism #solution #backup-utility #command-line-tool #exercise #org
  24. letscoders

    leetcode solution project,which is using cargo to make rust-analyzer happy

    v0.1.1 100 #solution #leetcode #happy #cargo #rust-analyzer
  25. toster

    A simple-as-toast tester for C++ solutions to competitive programming exercises

    v1.2.2 280 #competitive-programming #testing #solution #cpp
  26. metaheuristics

    Find approximate solutions to your optimisation problem using metaheuristics algorithms

    v1.1.22 500 #optimization #solution #problem #approximate #find #host #aim
  27. cubes

    Applications for determining how to put a cube together

    v5.0.0 160 #cube #puzzle #bincode #piece #solution #applications #how
  28. tokio-task-tracker

    graceful shutdown solution for tokio

    v1.3.3 550 #tokio-task #graceful-shutdown #async-task #interrupt #wait #solution #tracker
  29. intuicio-backend-vm

    VM backend module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 1.2K #modular-scripting #vm #intuicio #back-end #module #platform #solution
  30. intuicio-framework-serde

    (De)Serialization framework module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 130 #scripting #intuicio #modular-scripting #solution #serialization #framework #de
  31. elvish

    Overengineered Advent of Code framework - not quite Santa's elves

    v0.1.1 300 #advent #framework #solution #day #quite #declare #clipboard
  32. advent-of-utils

    CLI and library to organise and run Advent of Code puzzles

    v0.2.1 #advent #puzzle #run #solution #cli #input #automatic
  33. npmv

    v0.1.19 #translation #markdown #internationalization #site #command-line #solution #file
  34. aoc_driver

    helper macros and functions for AoC

    v0.3.6 #session-cookies #aoc #solution #helper #input #driver #macro
  35. solp

    Microsoft Visual Studio solution parsing library

    v0.16.7 130 #visual-studio #solution #parser #microsoft #config-parser #sln
  36. leetcode-trees-rs

    Tree Node LeetCode problems

    v0.1.149 #leetcode #binary-tree #tree-node #solution #problem #library #solving
  37. npmi

    v0.1.18 #translation #markdown #internationalization #site #static-site-generator #content #solution
  38. polycal

    methods for fitting and using polynomial calibration functions following ISO/TS 28038

    v0.1.7 600 #polynomial #calibration #problem #fit #solution #fitting #iso-ts
  39. arikedb

    Welcome to the ArikeDB Rust library! This library provides an interface to interact with the Arike Database, an advanced real-time database solution. This documentation will guide you…

    v0.0.4 #database-interface #real-time #connect-database #variables #solution #advanced #setting-up
  40. intuicio-frontend-serde

    Serde frontend module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 1.6K #modular-scripting #intuicio #serde #frontend #solution #platform #language
  41. walcraft

    A light-weight Write Ahead Log (WAL) solution with garbage collection

    v0.1.1 #write-ahead-log #wal #high #concurrency #garbage-collection #buffer #solution
  42. intuicio-framework-ecs

    Entity-Component-System framework module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 950 #modular-scripting #ecs #scripting-language #intuicio #framework #platform #solution
  43. nsga

    Multi-objective genetic optimization algorithm NSGA-II

    v0.1.2 #optimization #genetic-algorithm #solution #multi-objective #sorting #nsga-ii #value
  44. intuicio-parser

    Parser module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 1.1K #scripting #intuicio #modular-scripting #solution #parser #platform #module
  45. bnb

    A generic template for Branch & Bound algorithms

    v0.1.2 160 #algorithm #bounds #solution #branch #generic #template #traits
  46. nextera_utils

    Next Era Myanmar Solutions Utilities for Rust

    v0.1.7 550 #era #solution #utilities #myanmar
  47. rsleetcode

    Implementations of LeetCode problem solutions in Rust

    v0.0.3 210 #leetcode #solution #problem
  48. intuicio-ffi

    FFI module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 1.2K #scripting #intuicio #modular-scripting #solution #platform
  49. rusty18n

    A simply yet efficient i18n solution for Rust

    v0.1.8 #internationalization #translation #solution #robust #dynamic #discord-bot #handler
  50. intuicio-framework-dynamic

    Dynamic type framework module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 1.0K #modular-scripting #intuicio #scripting-language #dynamic #platform #framework #solution
  51. commander

    The complete solution for Rust command-line interfaces

    v0.1.5 #command-line #interface #arguments-parser #solution #build #complete #build-time
  52. cargo-boj

    test and submit solutions to BOJ problems

    v0.6.0 #solution #problem #boj #submit #web #judge #online
  53. std-reset

    Many reworked implementations from the standard library, as well as new solutions for easy coding

    v0.1.5 #reset #std #coding #solution #standard #reworked
  54. advent_of_code_traits

    Minimal, flexible framework for implementing solutions to Advent of Code in Rusts

    v0.2.0 #advent #advent-of-code #solution #const-generics #traits #framework #specialization
  55. lakefs-rs

    lakefs client for rust

    v1.1.7 #data #client #lakefs #branch #lake-fs #solution #operations
  56. aoc-bud

    A advent of code rust helper

    v0.0.4 #advent #regex #puzzle #helper #input #solution #session-cookies
  57. aria2r

    download tool, written in Rust, is a lightweight and versatile solution that supports multiple protocols (HTTP/HTTPS, FTP, SFTP), as well as BitTorrent and Metalink

    v0.1.0 140 #bittorrent #sftp #solution #download #multiple #ftp #versatile
  58. slagalica

    An exhaustive program for resolving a problem on Serbian TV

    v0.1.0 #tv #gmp #game #problem #serbian #solution #enumeration
  59. aoc-utils

    A minimal set of utils for writing Advent of Code solutions

    v0.5.0 #advent #solution #command-line #input #utilities #builder #input-file
  60. aoc-runner

    A runner for the Advent of Code

    v0.3.0 3.5K #advent #input #runner #solution #benchmarking #running #download
  61. monotone-crescendo

    designed for use in WebAssembly that implements solutions to LeetCode #926 NOTE: Only published to crates.io as educational experiment. This crate will not work as is if you try to…

    v1.0.4 #leetcode #solution #problem #cdylib #monotone #crescendo #926
  62. safe_en

    Local database solution with clean and strict data integrity

    v1.8.0 #database-table #data-integrity #database #local-database #strict #solution #table-row
  63. pagetop-homedemo

    Showcases a demo homepage, offering a glimpse into PageTop's capabilities

    v0.0.13 #web-framework #server-side-rendering #modular #ssr #opinionated #page-top #solution
  64. aoc-lib

    that lets you focus on problem-solving rather than boilerplate when doing Advent of Code

    v1.0.3 #advent #input #boilerplate #test-framework #solution #focus #aoc
  65. pwn

    Pwntools written in Rust

    v0.3.0 #framework #client-server #pwntools #parser #challenge #run-time #solution
  66. sokoban

    A general-purpose sokoban solution verifier

    v0.2.3 #puzzle #solution #verifier #verifying #state
  67. pagetop-megamenu

    Module for PageTop that provides a new component to include advanced menus in web solutions

    v0.0.10 130 #server-side-rendering #page-top #menus #de #web #component #solution
  68. intuicio-backend-rust

    Rust backend module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.30.0 290 #modular-scripting #intuicio #scripting-language #back-end #platform #solution #module
  69. moco_abm

    MOCO - Anytime Behavior Model (moco_abm)

    v0.2.0 #optimization #combinatorial #behavior #solution #algorithm #objective #model
  70. wasm-bindgen-downcast

    Downcast a JavaScript wrapper generated by wasm-bindgen back to its original struct

    v0.1.1 1.9K #wasm-bindgen #struct #back #generated #original #javascript #solution
  71. tija_tools

    tija_tools is a Rust library providing a set of utilities designed to perform common tasks in Rust programming. This library is open for use and can be utilized in various applications…

    v0.1.4 150 #utilities #tasks #solution #programming #set #perform #applications
  72. libera

    A suite of modular, multidisciplinary, mutually coherent libraries

    v0.0.5 #modular #no-alloc #solution #mutually #multidisciplinary #suite #collection
  73. a-puzzle-a-day

    Generate and browse all solutions to A-Puzzle-A-Day

    v0.1.1 #puzzle #solution #tui #date #calendar #generate #browse
  74. coding_pk

    pk for coding solution

    v0.13.0 #leetcode #solution #coding #linked-list #zeroes
  75. infisearch_common

    Internal library for other InfiSearch packages

    v0.10.1 170 #search #static-site #client-side #infisearch #index #pre-built #solution
  76. roggle

    A Boggle solver written in Rust!

    v0.7.2 330 #solver #boggle #board #string #letter #boggle-solver #solution
  77. binairo


    v0.1.1 # # #puzzle #solution #solver #command-line #input-file
  78. algorithms-edu

    Algorithms for pedagogical demonstration

    v0.2.7 #tree #graph #problem #solution #addition #algorithm #explained
  79. mapm-cli

    The command-line implementation of mapm

    v6.1.0 #problem #yaml-config #mapm #command-line-interface #solution #exams #exam
  80. pallet-election-provider-multi-phase

    PALLET two phase election providers

    v37.0.0 8.1K #solution #phase #pallet #signed #unsigned #election #substrate
  81. rustgym


    v0.2.0 #binary-tree #solution #sorting #binary-search-tree #linked-list #numbers
  82. baltic-id

    Baltic ID-Card, Smart-ID & Mobile-ID Api client library for Rust

    v0.0.2 #id #user-id #authentication #client #baltic #solution #api-client
  83. leptos_test

    lightweight testing crate built on top of dom_testing_library a wasm based front end testing toolkit

    v0.1.0 #testing #component #ui-component #user #front-end #wasm #solution
  84. product-os-content

    Product OS : Content provides a complete solution for content management for the purpose of serving content via Product OS : Server

    v0.0.4 #product-os #content #management #packages #different #solution #collection
  85. leet_rs

    leetcode problems solutions in Rust

    v0.2.2 #leetcode #solution #problem #interview #solutions #questions
  86. polkadot-staking-miner

    submit NPoS election solutions for substrate based chains

    v1.6.0 100 #solution #miner #staking #polkadot #metadata #substrate #submit
  87. intuicio-runner-simpleton

    Simpleton runner module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.8.1 #modular-scripting #intuicio #platform #runner #solution #simpleton #language
  88. delete_bin_obj

    Deletes the /bin and /obj directories in a VS solution

    v1.0.1 #bin #obj #solution #delete #vs #directories #command
  89. acadchecker

    CLI tool for building checkers used in programming contests or homeworks

    v0.1.4 #contest #programming #solution #checker #command-line-tool #cli #checkers
  90. yasgs

    sudoku game solver

    v0.1.1 #sudoku #sudoku-solver #solution #game #format #input #4x4
  91. algs

    Solutions for various algorithms, made as generic as possible

    v0.1.2 #solution #challenge #generic #fastest #algorithm #array #how
  92. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  93. kepton

    An open source identity and access management solution

    v0.0.3 #access #management #identity #solution #server #888
  94. reuler

    Solutions to Project Euler in Rust

    v0.2.0 #solution #euler #problem #solve #numbers #id
  95. prancing_pony

    Knight's tour using backtrack

    v1.0.0 #position #solution #pony #find #prancing #tour #board
  96. getstartproj

    Determines start project(s) of a Visual Studio solution

    v0.1.1 #visual-studio #projects #solution #start #determine
  97. lcr

    Happy Leetcoding with Rust

    v0.0.7 #solution #happy #leetcoding #com #author #medium #id
  98. levitate

    Just works solution to numbers, mainly aimed at floats and mathematical use cases

    v0.1.2 #numbers #floats #cases #solution #mainly #aimed #math
  99. aoc-auto

    Automatically imports your solutions to Advent of Code challenges for easy running

    v0.1.0 #automatic #challenge #generate #advent #solution #structure #import
  100. risk_and_safety_borat

    An internal tool to enable Risk and Safety Solutions staff to monitor the availability of breakout rooms

    v0.3.0 #check #env-vars #risk #safety #breakout #solution #availability
  101. shpat

    sasha's solution to common patterns

    v0.1.0 #pattern #following #apply #rust-pattern #solution #unwrappable #sasha
  102. ubench

    stopgap rust benchmarking solution for microcontrollers

    v0.0.0-alpha0 #benchmark #solution #microcontrollers #reporter #micro-controller #stopgap #run
  103. bddap-aoc

    bddap's rust Advent Of Code solution runner

    v0.1.1 #advent #aoc #solution #runner #organize #bddap #run
  104. wordleguess

    guess solutions for Wordle

    v0.3.0 #solution #wordle #guess
  105. polaris-config

    Lightweight Rust SDK used as Proxyless Service Governance

    v0.1.3 #governance #proxyless #polaris #solution #server
  106. polaris-registry

    Lightweight Rust SDK used as Proxyless Service Governance

    v0.1.3 #governance #proxyless #polaris #solution #server
  107. polaris-router

    Lightweight Rust SDK used as Proxyless Service Governance

    v0.1.3 #governance #proxyless #polaris #solution #server
  108. polaris-ratelimit

    Lightweight Rust SDK used as Proxyless Service Governance

    v0.1.3 #governance #proxyless #polaris #solution #server
  109. aoclib

    Runner for Advent of Code solutions with aocli

    v0.2.1 #advent #solution #input #parser #aocli #line #aoc
  110. kv_store

    Trait for working with key value storage

    v0.1.1 #key-value-store #storage #solution
  111. is_superuser

    A cross-platform solution for finding out if the running user is a superuser

    v1.0.1 1.9K #user #solution #superuser #cross-platform #macos #privileged #deciding
  112. leetcode-solutions

    A collection of leetcode solution in rust

    v0.1.1 #solution #leetcode #collection
  113. leet

    quickly create and open projects for LeetCode solutions

    v0.2.1 #leetcode #cli #solution #create #projects #open #quickly
  114. lunatic-log

    A logging library for lunatic Rust applications

    v0.4.0 #logging #lunatic #applications #subscriber #solution #process #depend
  115. ukraine

    Glory to Ukraine

    v1.0.2 #solution #glory #latin #alphabet #language #ukrainian #github
  116. rustgym-util

    handy macros, data types and traits for rustgym

    v0.2.4 #solution #graph #data #leetcode #algorithm #macro #traits
  117. tracing_storage_logger

    Easy rotating logs for the tracing crate

    v0.1.16 #logging-tracing #rotating #timezone #chrono #solution #storage #error-logging
  118. polaris-rs

    Lightweight Rust SDK used as Proxyless Service Governance Solution

    v0.1.1 #governance #solution #proxyless #polaris #server
  119. solve-leetcode

    Solutions to leetcode in rust

    v1.3.0 #leetcode #algorithm #solution #problem #solve
  120. sback

    A CLI tool to manage and run your backups

    v0.3.0 #backup #run #manage #tool #file #solution #remotes
  121. intuicio-derive

    Procedural macro module for Intuicio scripting platform

    v0.39.6 2.1K #scripting #intuicio #modular-scripting #solution #procedural #proc-macro #platform
  122. aocsol

    generate solver for AOC puzzle

    v0.1.1 #puzzle #puzzle-solver #aoc #solution #generate #year #day
  123. spooles_ffi

    Spooles C library FFI

    v0.1.1 #spooles #spooles-ffi #solution
  124. floom

    orchestrates and executes Generative AI pipelines, allowing developers and DevOps teams to focus on what matters most. It offers enterprise-grade, production-ready, and battle-tested solutions…

    v1.0.0 #generative-ai #ai #pipeline #devops #solution #execute #team
  125. memcmp

    Optimized memory comparisons for integer slices. Temporary solution until rust issue 16913 is resolved.

    v0.0.6 #compare #slice #integer #optimized #issue #temporary #solution
  126. leetcode-rust

    Some solutions about leetcode in rust lang

    v0.1.2 #leetcode #solution #leet-code #language
  127. polaris-core

    Lightweight Rust SDK used as Proxyless Service Governance

    v0.1.3 #governance #proxyless #polaris #solution #server
  128. driscoll

    Useful libraries created by John Driscoll - free to use

    v0.1.2 #language #free #terminal #created #john #solution #challenge
  129. backtracking

    Iterate over Solutions using backtracking

    v0.1.0 #solution #find #session #colleagues #dojo #iterate
  130. advent

    Solutions to Advent of Code puzzles

    v0.2.2 #puzzle #solution #iterator #puzzles #testing #samples #day3
  131. polaris-grpc

    grpc-rust integrates with polaris-rust

    v0.1.0 #governance #polaris #solution #proxyless #server
  132. infinity-euler

    These are my solutions to Project Euler implemented in Rust

    v0.1.0 #solution #euler #problem #implemented
  133. essential-check

    Core logic related to validating Essential state transitions

    v0.11.0 800 #solution #predicate #check #state #validating #set #logic
  134. optimum

    Future Framework to solve optimization problems

    v0.0.4 #optimization #metaheuristics #problem #framework #solution #initial #solve
  135. simplex

    A Linear Programming solver

    v1.0.0 #linear-programming #solver #problem #minimize #vec #solution #solve
  136. TEST_zap

    A blazingly fast networking solution for Roblox

    v0.6.1 #test_zap #roblox #networking #blazingly #solution
  137. pint-submit

    Pint package for submitting solutions to a node

    v0.2.0 #solution #pint #submitting #package #node
  138. fcplug-rclib

    Foreign Clang Plugin solution

    v0.2.1 #clang #solution #go #foreign #plugin #fcplug #cgo-rust
  139. equihash

    Proof-of-Work function

    v0.2.0 8.0K #proof-of-work #solution #zcash #valid #verify
  140. complex_newton

    newton's method for finding solutions of complex equations

    v0.1.0 #newton #solution #complex #finding #equations
  141. leetcode

    solutions in Rust

    v0.1.4 #solution #leetcode #leetcode-rs
  142. rustgym-gvc

    generate svg for some data structure in rustgym

    v0.1.0 #binary-tree #tree-node #binary-search-tree #medium #graph #linked-list #solution
  143. essential-rest-client

    Client for interacting with the Essential Server

    v0.7.0 #rest-client #deployment #solution #server-client #integration #requests #state
  144. brads_leet_code_string_to_integer

    LeetCode string to integer (atoi) problem solution

    v0.1.1 #solution #integer #string #problem #leetcode #atoi
  145. bakare

    modern and simple, yet efficient backup solution

    v0.1.0 #backup #solution #modern #engine
  146. cloudflare-systems-assignment

    A solution to cloudflare's systems engineering assignment in Rust

    v0.2.2 #cloudflare #assignment #systems #profile #response #solution #engineering
  147. rustbatch

    purely game dewelopment crate that offers simple but powerfull 2D rendering and some fast solutions for game world bottle necks

    v0.4.0 #collision-detection #2d-game #opengl #solution #2d-rendering #batch #sprite
  148. dirtel

    directory teleporter

    v1.0.4 #directory #path #teleporter #file #solution #system
  149. jams-proto

    proto definations used by J.A.M.S

    v0.1.0 #proto #definations #framework #solution #machine #serving #model
  150. projecteuler_rs

    Project Euler solutions implemented in Rust

    v0.1.0 #solution #numbers #fibonacci-number #implemented #euler #prime #factor
  151. pcp

    A brute-force pcp solution searcher

    v0.2.0 #pair #brute-force #searcher #solution #problem #bit #chunks
  152. kaosu-packer

    A biased random key genetic algorithm for 2D and 3D bin packing problems

    v0.1.0 #3d-bin-packing #problem #genetic-algorithm #random-key #2d-3d #biased #solution