
  1. num_enum

    Procedural macros to make inter-operation between primitives and enums easier

    v0.7.3 3.4M #enums #proc-macro #conversion #safe #enumerations #derive #ffi
  2. tinyvec

    tinyvec provides 100% safe vec-like data structures

    v1.8.0 9.0M #data-structures #vec #safe #array-vec #inline #heap #default
  3. enum-map

    A map with C-like enum keys represented internally as an array

    v3.0.0-beta.2 689K #enums #map #array #data-structures #key #safe #key-value
  4. neon

    A safe abstraction layer for Node.js

    v1.1.0-alpha.1 162K #nodejs #node #js #safe #bindings #add-on #native
  5. arrayref

    Macros to take array references of slices

    v0.3.9 3.0M #slice #array #reference #macro #byte-array #safe #size
  6. linkme

    Safe cross-platform linker shenanigans

    v0.3.31 297K #linker #cross-platform #slice #distributed #safe #linkage #elements
  7. alloc-no-stdlib

    dynamic allocator that may be used with or without the stdlib. This allows a package with nostd to allocate memory dynamically and be used either with a custom allocator, items on the stack…

    v2.0.4 2.9M #memory-management #memory-allocator #allocator #calloc #safe #nostd #no-std
  8. pulp

    Safe generic simd

    v0.21.0 80K #simd #safe #generic #abstraction #run-time #dispatch #vectorized
  9. index_list

    A doubly linked list implemented in safe Rust using vector indexes

    v0.2.15 99K #linked-list #index #vector #element #safe #persistent #doubly
  10. field-offset

    Safe pointer-to-member implementation

    v0.3.6 393K #offset #field #safe #pointers #pointer-to-member #offset-of #instance
  11. inkwell

    aims to help you pen your own programming languages by safely wrapping llvm-sys

    v0.5.0 22K #llvm #programming-language #safe #safe-wrapper #wrapper #strong-typing #api-error
  12. recursion

    cache-aware stack safe recursion

    v0.5.2 109K #data-structures #recursive #stack #safe #abstraction #iteration #logic
  13. rustler

    Safe Rust wrappers for creating Erlang NIF functions

    v0.35.0 156K #erlang #nif #elixir #interop #beam #safe #codec
  14. autocxx

    Safe autogenerated interop between Rust and C++

    v0.27.0 9.2K #interop #cpp #safe #interface #automatic #safety #header
  15. magick_rust

    Selection of Rust bindings for the ImageMagick library

    v1.0.0 850 #bindings #imagemagick #magickwand #interface #safe #set #pkg-config
  16. gc-arena

    safe, incrementally garbage collected arenas

    v0.5.3 3.6K #garbage-collection #memory-management #arena-allocation #pointers #collected #safe #object-safe
  17. pinned-init

    facilitate safe pinned initialization

    v0.0.9 1.2K #safe #stack-overflow #init #pin #rust-patterns #smart-pointers #no-std
  18. psm

    Portable Stack Manipulation: stack manipulation and introspection routines

    v0.1.24 1.2M #stack #portable #introspection #routines #unsafe #abstraction #safe
  19. safe-transmute

    A safeguarded transmute() for Rust

    v0.11.3 33K #memory-safe #transmute #memory-safety #memory-access #byte-slice #safe #checked
  20. evtx

    A Fast (and safe) parser for the Windows XML Event Log (EVTX) format

    v0.8.4 1.4K #event-log #log-parser #xml-parser #windows-event #events #log-format #safe
  21. mers

    dynamically typed but type-checked programming language

    v0.9.14 370 #programming-language #scripting #scripting-language #safe #concise #multi-threading #dynamically
  22. dav1d

    libdav1d bindings

    v0.10.3 11K #av1 #bindings #libdav1d #dav1d-rs #pkg-config #env-variables #safe
  23. safina

    Safe async runtime

    v0.6.0 #run-time #async #safe #future
  24. cxxbridge-flags

    Compiler configuration of the cxx crate (implementation detail)

    v1.0.135 924K #cpp #interop #compiler #build #configuration #signatures #safe
  25. ec4rs

    EditorConfig For Rust

    v1.1.1 14K #editor-config #style #safe #properties #formatter #benefits #parser
  26. safe-lock

    A lock struct with a const fn constructor and no unsafe - ARCHIVED

    v0.1.4 10K #lock #safe #data #mutex #atomic #concurrency #prevent
  27. html

    Structured HTML encoder

    v0.6.3 1.2K #structured #safe #encoder
  28. llama-cpp-2

    llama.cpp bindings for Rust

    v0.1.85 1.5K #cpp-bindings #llama #safe #llm #api
  29. llvm-plugin

    A wrapper for easily implementing out-of-source-tree LLVM plugins in Rust

    v0.6.0 #llvm #pass #safe-wrapper #safe #wrapper #strongly-typed
  30. shinkai_tools_runner

    execute shinkai-tools in a safe and performant environment

    v0.9.5 3.5K #shinkai #tool #safe #runner #ai #data-exchange
  31. check_keyword

    A trait for String-like types to check if it is a keyword and convert it to a safe non-keyword if so

    v0.3.1 4.1K #string #reserved #identifier #safe #check #convert #keyword
  32. libsw

    Comprehensive stopwatch library

    v3.3.1 10K #stopwatch #instant #precise #safe #benchmarking #std #operations
  33. stackalloc

    Safely allocate and manipulate arbitrarily-sized slices on the stack at runtime

    v1.2.1 410 #stack-memory #memory-management #stack #safe #stack-allocation #byte-buffer #alloca
  34. leptonica-plumbing

    Safe wrapper of leptonica-sys

    v1.4.0 2.4K #image #leptonica #safe #memory-safety #api #memory-safe #expose
  35. type-safe-id

    A type-safe, K-sortable, globally unique identifier

    v0.3.1 1.7K #unique-identifier #unique-id #globally #safe #k-sortable
  36. bevy_ptr

    working with untyped pointers in a more safe way

    v0.15.0 66K #memory-safety #pointers #bevy #data-driven #game-engine #safe #unsafe
  37. truc

    Rust code generator for safe, fixed size, evolving records

    v0.2.1 #fixed-size #record #safe #generator #definition #structures #evolving
  38. pam

    Safe Rust wrappers for PAM authentication

    v0.8.0 1.0K #authentication #module #pluggable #safe #wrappers #api #safe-wrapper
  39. safina-sync

    Safe structs for sharing or sending data between async tasks - ARCHIVED: Code moved to safina crate

    v0.2.5 100 #async-task #async #safe #async-executor #async-test #future #select
  40. rust-xfinal

    A safe and simplely used web server framework

    v0.8.37 1.5K #web-server #web-framework #server-framework #performance #safe #web-performance #data
  41. dns-server

    A threaded DNS server

    v0.2.4 240 #dns #api-server #server #dns-records #safe
  42. singleflight-async

    Singleflight in async style

    v0.2.0 2.4K #async-task #async #singleflight #tokio #safe #run-time #style
  43. tinywasm

    A tiny WebAssembly interpreter

    v0.8.0 #wasm-interpreter #run-time #tiny #safe #wasm-runtime #portable
  44. binfarce

    Extremely minimal parser for ELF, Mach-O, PE and ar

    v0.2.1 47K #mach-o #elf #pe #ar #extremely #goal #safe
  45. lv2

    A safe, fast, and ergonomic framework to create LV2 plugins

    v0.6.0 #audio-processing #plugin #audio #dsp #safe #signal-processing #signal
  46. anymap2

    A safe and convenient store for one value of each type

    v0.13.0 104K #container #map #send-sync #data-structures #hash-map #safe #value
  47. hlist2

    Compile-time heterogeneous list implementation

    v0.0.15 800 #hlist #heterogeneous #safe
  48. typesafe_repository

    Abstract data persistence in a safe and unified way

    v0.5.6 650 #repository #transactional #safe #database #traits #operations #persistence
  49. softfloat-wrapper

    a safe wrapper of Berkeley SoftFloat based on softfloat-sys

    v0.3.4 #soft-float #berkeley #safe #api-bindings #risc-v #architecture #f16
  50. disjoint

    Fast and safe implementation of the disjoint-set data structure

    v0.8.0 130 #disjoint-set #union-find #data-structures #safe #merge-find
  51. mangling

    generates safe, recognizable identifiers from byte streams

    v0.2.4 360 #byte-stream #identifier #name-mangling #generate #string #safe #valid
  52. safecast

    Traits to define safe casting between types

    v0.2.3 750 #casting #safe #cast #type #foo-bar #as
  53. async-iterator

    An async version of iterator

    v2.3.0 #async #iterator #async-version #safe
  54. alloc-stdlib

    A dynamic allocator example that may be used with the stdlib

    v0.2.2 2.7M #memory-management #memory-allocator #allocator #safe #calloc #no-std #heap-allocation
  55. coe

    full implementation of the CoEv2 protocol by Technische Alternative

    v0.2.2 #protocols #version #co-ev2 #safe #packet #payload #deserialize
  56. windows-registry

    Windows registry

    v0.3.0 1.7M #registry #read-write #key #access #key-value #safe #windows
  57. misfortunate

    Perverse implementations of safe Rust traits

    v1.3.0 180 #traits #safe #perverse #equivalence #collection #behavior #hash
  58. cadical-sys

    Almost complete safe and unsafe bindings for the CaDiCal SAT solver. Made using the cxx crate and then wrapped in a safe 1 to 1 API.

    v0.3.0 470 #sat-solver #bindings #safe #cadical #cpp-bindings #system-level #api-bindings
  59. safe-allocator-api

    A safe wrapper around the allocator_api’s Allocator trait

    v0.3.0 470 #allocator-api #safe #traits #allocation #alloc #layout #automatic
  60. clean-path

    A safe fork of the path-clean crate

    v0.2.1 122K #path #clean #safe #cleaning #cross-platform #fork #utility
  61. safe_drive_msg

    A transpiler from ROS2's message types to Rust's types

    v0.2.6 100 #ros2 #robotics #transpiler #message #msg #drive #safe
  62. const-default

    A const Default trait

    v1.0.0 36K #macro-derive #const #traits #context #primitive #evaluation #safe
  63. mssf-core

    Azure Service Fabric. Rust safe APIs.

    v0.0.17 200 #api-service #fabric #azure #safe #wrapping #applications #tokio
  64. socket2-plus

    A superset of socket2 with additional safe APIs

    v0.2.1 380 #sockets #io #api #safe #buffer #socket2 #ip-pktinfo
  65. craydate

    A safe Rust API for the Playdate hand held gaming system

    v0.1.7 #playdate-sdk #api #gaming #gamedev #env-vars #safe #hand
  66. deploy-temp-fringe

    safe, lightweight userland context switches

    v1.2.4 140 #context #stack #generator #bare-metal #switches #valgrind #safe
  67. rs-odbc

    Minimal safe Rust implementation of ODBC

    v0.2.0 #odbc #api #complete #safe #error #safety #original
  68. rustix-openpty

    Safe Rust bindings to openpty and related functions

    v0.1.1 15K #terminal #safe #safe-bindings #openpty #functions #platform #linux
  69. ux2

    Non-standard integer types like u7, u9, u10, u63, i7, i9 etc

    v0.8.5 #arithmetic-operations #integer-arithmetic #non-standard #compile-time #projects #types #safe
  70. singlevec

    Vec-like container optimized for storing only a single item

    v1.6.0 #data-structures #single #container #optimized #stack #vec #safe
  71. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000070

    Safe Rust bindings to POSIX/Unix/Linux/Winsock-like syscalls

    v0.38.35 #syscalls #raw-pointers #safe
  72. real_parent

    Symlink-safe path extension for parent directory

    v0.4.0 260 #path #symlink #filesystem #parent #directory #extension #safe
  73. xitca-web

    an async web framework

    v0.6.2 #web-framework #xitca #async #middleware #composable #safe #run-time
  74. biscuit-converter

    A decimal ASCII parser

    v0.3.0 #parser #safe #performance #numeric-parser #bit-operation #fast
  75. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000085

    tinyvec provides 100% safe vec-like data structures

    v1.8.0 140 #vec #safe #structures #arrayvec #heap #array #default
  76. xcb-util-cursor

    Bindings to libxcb-cursor

    v0.3.3 600 #xcb #cursor #bindings #interface #api-bindings #safe #libxcb-cursor
  77. ffi_types

    C ABI compatible wrappers for cbindgen/bindgen

    v0.0.13 170 #cbindgen #wrapper #types #c-abi #compatible #conversion #safe
  78. jinko

    safe, small and fast programming language with Rust interoperability

    v0.3.0-jinx7 #programming-language #unit-testing #interpreted #interop #safe #mocking #integrated
  79. maybe-uninit-ext

    Extended maybe-uninit types

    v0.7.0 180 #maybe-uninit #uninit #safe #unsafe #no-alloc
  80. plrust-trusted-pgrx

    Minimal set of pgrx rexports for plrust, which the authors have deemed trusted

    v1.2.8 500 #postgresql-extension #re-exports #pgrx #plrust #spi #trusted #safe
  81. safina-timer

    Safe async timers - ARCHIVED: Code moved to safina crate

    v0.1.13 #timer #async #async-executor #safe
  82. llama-cpp-4

    llama.cpp bindings for Rust

    v0.1.88 480 #llama #cpp #sampler #cpp-bindings #api #safe
  83. safe-string

    safe interface for interacting with multi-byte strings in Rust, namely IndexedStr, IndexedString, and IndexedSlice

    v0.1.11 650 #string #byte-string #slice #multi-byte #indexing #byte-length #safe
  84. totally-safe

    that allows you to bypass Rust's safety guarantees with totally safe patterns, featuring arbitrary lifetimes, aliasing, and more!

    v0.1.1 250 #lifetime #safe #aliasing #copy #guarantees #safety #reference
  85. liblbfgs

    Fast and safe Rust implementation of LBFGS and OWL-QN algorithms ported from Naoaki Okazaki's C library libLBFGS

    v0.1.0 130 #optimization #lbfgs #owl-qn #ported #safe #how #computational
  86. re_arrow2

    Unofficial implementation of Apache Arrow spec in safe Rust

    v0.18.0 23K #apache-arrow #arrow #arrow2 #analytics #safe
  87. parallel-stream

    Data parallelism library for async-std

    v2.1.3 250 #async-std #parallelism #safe
  88. cooked-waker

    A safe interface for creating async Wakers

    v5.0.0 133K #waker #async #task #wake #safe #traits #structs
  89. safina-executor

    Safe async runtime executor - ARCHIVED: Code moved to safina crate

    v0.3.4 #async #safe #run-time #async-task #future
  90. taitank-safe

    taitank in safe rust

    v0.0.6 400 #safe #taitank #layout #root #mut #binding
  91. rust-query

    A query builder using rust concepts

    v0.3.0 150 #query-builder #database #database-migrations #safe #relational #concepts #syntax
  92. pin-cell

    A pin-safe cell

    v0.2.0 1.4K #refcell #interior-mutability #reference #safe #cell #pin #pinned
  93. svi

    a function to interpolate variables in a hashmap into a format string

    v1.0.1 110 #format-string #string-interpolation #hash-map #variables #safe #output #resulting
  94. salloc

    Safe C-like memory allocator for windows

    v0.1.1 #memory-allocator #windows #winapi #safe #allocate #c-like #api
  95. simple_parse

    A declarative converter for Rust type to and from binary

    v0.6.3 #binary-parser #binary-format #byte #byte-slice #endianness #declarative #safe
  96. soft-ascii-string

    char/str/string wrappers which add a "is-ascii" soft constraint

    v1.1.0 #string #ascii #safe
  97. ffizz-passby

    FFI helpers for implementing pass-by-value and pass-by-pointer

    v0.5.0 #safe #api #language #helper #transfer #functions #methods
  98. truc_runtime

    Rust code generator for safe, fixed size, evolving records - runtime

    v0.2.1 150 #fixed-size #record #safe #truc #generator #run-time #data
  99. stack_frame_allocators

    A set of allocators based off the concept of the stack and creating "Frames". Push frames onto the Stack, push values onto Frames, and pop entire Frames and their items

    v1.1.1 120 #stack #memory-allocator #allocator #safe #memory
  100. futures-time

    async time combinators

    v3.0.0 9.9K #combinator #async #safe
  101. babichjacob-llama-cpp-2

    llama.cpp bindings for Rust

    v0.1.85 160 #llama #cpp #cpp-bindings #safe
  102. fringe

    safe, lightweight userland context switches

    v1.2.1 #bare-metal #context #generator #stack #safe #userland #switch
  103. splay-safe-rs

    Splay implemented with safe rust

    v0.8.3 180 #safe #splay #implemented
  104. safina-threadpool

    Safe thread pool - ARCHIVED: Code moved to safina crate

    v0.2.5 250 #thread-pool #thread-safe #thread #safe #pool
  105. safina-select

    Safe async select function, for awaiting multiple futures - ARCHIVED: Code moved to safina crate

    v0.1.5 140 #future #async #safe #select
  106. safina-async-test

    Macro for running async tests - ARCHIVED: Code moved to safina crate

    v0.1.14 160 #async-test #async #safe #test-macro #testing #safina #async-task
  107. safe-discriminant

    A minimalistic, no_std compatible trait and procedural macro for extracting discriminants from enums at zero cost

    v0.2.0 430 #enums #discriminant #proc-macro #zero #safe #minimalist #traits
  108. buf-min

    Minimal utf-8 safe buffer traits

    v0.7.1 6.5K #buffer #utf-8 #byte-buffer #safe #traits #bytes-mut
  109. kul

    Parser for a unique textual notation that can be used as both a data format and a markup language and that has powerful extensibility of both lexical syntax and semantics. Inspired…

    v0.1.2 #markup-language #programming-language #parser #text-parser #markup #safe #domain-specific-language
  110. mft

    A Fast (and safe) parser for the Windows Master File Table (MFT) format

    v0.6.1 2.3K #windows-file #data-stream #table #csv #safe #output-format #binary-data
  111. ref_kind

    Different reference kinds

    v0.5.1 #ref #safe #mutability #no-std
  112. foreign_vec

    Unofficial implementation of Apache Arrow spec in safe Rust

    v0.1.0 150K #apache-arrow #safe #foreign #spec #vec
  113. linux-kvm

    Safe API to the Linux KVM API

    v0.4.1 #virtual-machine #kvm #linux #api #call #safe #syscalls
  114. libyaml-safer

    Safer libyaml port, based on unsafe-libyaml

    v0.1.1 800 #yaml #safe #safer #libyaml #port #unsafe-libyaml #idiomatic
  115. atomicbox

    Safe atomic pointers to boxed data

    v0.4.0 1.4K #atomic #data-structures #lock-free #concurrency #pointers #ownership #safe
  116. tokio-task-pool

    Task pool for Tokio Runtime

    v0.1.5 380 #task-pool #tokio-task #task #tokio #async-task #pool #safe
  117. safina-net

    Safe async network functions - ARCHIVED: Code moved to safina crate

    v0.1.9 #safe #net #async #tcp #async-networking #async-executor #network-communication
  118. sci_rust

    A scientific Rust library

    v0.0.2 #scientific-computing #linear-algebra #machine-learning #data-science #numerical-computation #safe #aimed
  119. givme

    A password manager built in Rust that is simple to use and safe

    v0.1.1 #password-manager #built #safe #algorithm #optional #key #setup
  120. dicoco_safe_math

    simplified safe math operations

    v0.1.1 #safe #operations #safe-math #math
  121. supply-chain-trust-example-crate-000093


    v0.1.0 140 #pinning #pin #deprecated #now #mut #standard #safe
  122. postgres-parser

    An llvm-based safe wrapper for PostgresSQL's query parser. Currently based on v13

    v0.2.3 130 #sql-parser #query-parser #postgresql #sql-query #list #safe #string
  123. fs-hdfs3

    libhdfs binding library and safe Rust APIs

    v0.1.12 #hdfs #hadoop #bindings #api #safe #libhdfs #wraps
  124. optee-teec

    TEE client API

    v0.2.0 #tee #client #api #api-client #functional #confidential-computing #safe
  125. rtml

    (r)ust macros for h(tml) expansion => rtml. (r)ust type safe (css) => rcss

    v0.17.0 #html #html-css #generate-html #macro #safe #expansion #rcss
  126. valve-server-query

    This package allows you to access the data provided by Valve's Server Query protocol

    v0.4.9 #valve #query #protocols #server #access #safe #blazingly
  127. safe-write

    A safe file writing utility

    v0.1.1 #write-file #safe #content #atomic #pattern #safely #path
  128. jsonm

    port for Rust. jsonm is a fast and safe way to compress JSON messages using memoization. jsonm makes messages up to several orders of magnitude smaller by getting rid of repeated names and values.

    v0.2.0 270 #json #compression #memoization #safe #messages #port #size
  129. xselfref

    Fork of the selfref library, with some additions

    v0.1.0 #self-referential #structs #safe #holder #opaque #selfref #generics
  130. tracing-perfetto-sdk-sys

    Native C++ bindings for the Perfetto SDK used by tracing-perfetto-sdk

    v0.11.0 2.0K #sdk #trace #bindings #tracing #perfetto #native #safe
  131. llvm_quick

    Rust's wrapper for llvm

    v181.0.0-alpha.7 #llvm #safe #wrapper
  132. percore

    Safe per-CPU core mutable state on no_std platforms through exception masking

    v0.1.0 500 #exception #mutable #state #per #aarch64 #platform #safe
  133. xitca-router

    router for xitca

    v0.3.0 700 #xitca-web #xitca #router #routing #immutability #clean #safe
  134. safe-fork

    A tiny library providing fork to safe Rust

    v0.1.1 #fork #safe #tiny
  135. bitvec_padded

    Bit vector struct that includes byte padding for safe serialization and deserialization

    v0.1.2 #bit-vector #deserialize #safe #serialization #byte #padding #struct
  136. hypertune

    SDK for type safe configuration

    v0.5.1 #configuration #safe #sdk
  137. curlrs

    A Curl-like library for Rust

    v0.1.0 #http-client #http-request #web #safe #async-http #libcurl #requests
  138. pam-auth

    [MOVED TO pam] Safe Rust wrapper for PAM authentification

    v0.6.0 #pam #authentication #module #bindings #pluggable #safe #moved
  139. safe_thing

    part of the Secure Access For Everything framework, which is an IoT framework for software developers integrating IoT devices to the SAFE Network, preventing them from worrying about network infrastructure…

    v0.0.3 #safe-network #iot #secure-communication #safe #communication #network-security #network-communication
  140. bevy_roll_safe

    Rollback safe utilities and abstractions for Bevy

    v0.3.0 #bevy #rollback #gamedev #state #safe #deterministic #utilities
  141. essential-lock

    A minimal crate containing Essential's locking method that is safe to use in async code

    v0.1.0 #locking #async #safe #mutex #containing #sync #require
  142. cell-gc

    A fun garbage collector for that virtual machine you're writing in Rust

    v0.2.1 #garbage-collection #virtual-machine #gc #collector #fun #safety #safe
  143. x-path

    if-it-compiles-it-works solution for safe Rust paths with abs/rel and file/dir variants for API safety and cross platform support

    v0.1.0-alpha.0 #path #relative-path #cross-platform #safe #directory #absolute #resolution
  144. safetruct


    v0.2.0 #safe #wrapper #api-bindings
  145. wasmer_inkwell

    Inkwell aims to help you pen your own programming languages by safely wrapping llvm-sys

    v0.2.0-alpha.2 #llvm #programming-language #safe #llvm-ir #safe-wrapper #strongly-typed #wrapper
  146. concurrent_open_map

    A concurrent hashmap implementation in Rust

    v0.1.0 #hash-map #concurrency #sync #performance #locking #safe #access
  147. dyn_struct

    Construct dynamically sized types safely

    v0.3.2 #dynamically-sized #dynamic #safely #initialization #types #dst #safe
  148. poolio

    A thread-pool

    v0.2.2 #thread-pool #parallelism #safe #pool #thread #threadpool
  149. xlang_abi

    ABI safe interfaces used by xlang

    v0.2.0 #interface #abi #abi-stable #xlang #safe #language #version
  150. deborrow

    Splits mutable references safely into their fields, and helps with reference manipulation

    v0.3.1 #reference #mutable #lifetime #safe #split #progress-bar #fields
  151. erased-type-arena

    A type-erased allocation arena with proper dropping

    v0.3.1 #arena-allocator #graph #memory-management #allocation #reference #erased #safe
  152. inkwell_llvm12

    Inkwell aims to help you pen your own programming languages by safely wrapping llvm-sys

    v0.1.2 #llvm #safe-wrapper #wrapper #safe #programming-language #strongly-typed #compile-time
  153. rebound

    Full runtime reflection for Rust, with lifetime safety

    v0.4.4 #reflection #run-time #lifetime #memory #safety #proc-macro #safe
  154. nstd_core

    NSTD core crate

    v0.5.0 #cross-platform #nstd #safe #c-ffi #standard #module #api
  155. clamav-sys

    ClamAV low level bindings for Rust

    v1.0.0 #clam-av #low-level #interface #vcpkg #safe #header #pkg-config
  156. imgui-sys

    Raw FFI bindings to dear imgui

    v0.12.0 4.8K #bindings #imgui #unsafe-bindings #low-level #dear #user #safe
  157. tracing-rc

    Cycle-aware reference-counted pointers with a safe, simple api

    v0.1.3 #smart-pointers #reference-counting #data-structures #cycle #gc #weak-references #safe
  158. high_mem_utils

    bunch of mem safe abstractions,some involving transmute

    v0.2.7 #memory-safe #memory-safety #safe #cache #mem #union #high-level
  159. extremedb

    McObject eXtremeDB bindings

    v0.1.2 #sql-database #bindings #mc-object #run-time #api #safe #refer
  160. net-parser-rs

    Basic network parser leveraging Rust and nom for safe and efficient packet parsing. Design influenced by pktparse-rs.

    v0.3.0 130 #packet-parser #packet #pcap #nom #safe #safe-network #design
  161. sap-scripting

    interface to the SAP Scripting COM objects

    v0.3.8 #sap #scripting #com #interface #api #objects #safe
  162. rcore-os/zircon-syscall

    Zircon syscalls implementation

    GitHub 0.1.0 #syscalls #zircon #micro-kernel #linux #safe
  163. sn_url

    Safe URL

    v1.1.5 #safe-network #safe #safe-url #xor-url #networking
  164. libdhcp

    safe and idiomatic API for working with DHCP data structures

    v0.0.0-initial #dhcp #data #idiomatic #safe #structures #data-structures #api
  165. safehttp

    A slow (but simple, safe and strict) HTTP/1.1 parser

    v0.2.0 #http-parser #safe #strict #http-1 #slow #security
  166. zipwhip-rs

    A fast, asynchronous, and safe wrapper around the Zipwhip API

    v0.6.0 #chat-bot #low-latency #high #sms #asynchronous #webhook #safe
  167. secured_linked_list

    A cryptographically secured and provable linked list

    v0.5.4 #linked-list #safe-network #safe #secured #provable
  168. luwen

    A high-level interface for safe and efficient access Tenstorrent AI accelerators

    v0.3.6 #interface #accelerator #tenstorrent #ai #access #safe
  169. transporter

    A code generator for type-safe APIs

    v0.1.1 #data-structures #codegen #cli #api #cross-language #safe #generator
  170. rm-improved

    rip: a safe and ergonomic alternative to rm

    v0.13.1 200 #rm #rip #safe #trash
  171. gc-sequence

    a system for encoding safe points for computations running on gc-arena

    v0.2.2 #garbage-collection #sequence #safe #gc-arena #points #computation #step
  172. mucell

    A cell with the ability to mutate the value through an immutable reference when safe

    v0.3.5 #cell #data-structures #immutability #reference #container #safe #value
  173. maia

    Safe low-level Vulkan bindings

    v0.1.1 #vulkan-bindings #low-level #memory #safe #allocate #extension #calls
  174. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  175. xdrk

    open XRK and DRK files, produced by AiM devices

    v1.0.0 #ai-m #devices #produced #pointers #buffer #safe #xrk
  176. wgbind

    Wireguard bindings and wrapper around bindings for safe access - WIP

    v0.2.2 #wireguard #bindings #networking #safe #access
  177. commandfs

    Panicless File operation API

    v0.1.3 #file #fs #command #safe #system #panicless #filesystem
  178. blkid

    Safe blkid-sys wrapper

    v1.0.1 130 #interface #safe #linux #version #wrapper #libblkid #api-bindings
  179. nstd_collections

    NSTD collections crate

    v0.5.0 #collection #cross-platform #nstd #standard #c-ffi #safe #error
  180. fenv-bind

    a safe wrapper around fenv.h

    v0.0.4 #floating-point #flags #safe #fenv #operations #f-env #f-round
  181. polymatheia

    Mathematical types, traits, and algorithms in pure and safe Rust

    v0.4.3 #math #safe #pure #traits #numbers #types #gcd
  182. lv2-worker

    rust-lv2's work offloading library

    v0.1.1 #lv2 #plugin #real-time #audio-processing #offloading #worker-thread #safe
  183. dyn_safe

    Take control of the Semver hazard of the dyn safety of your traits!

    v0.0.4 #semver #safety #dyn #safe #object
  184. mapstruct

    Create refactor safe derivatives of Structs with proc-macros

    v0.4.0 #structs #proc-macro #derivative #derive #generate #safe #fields
  185. nstd_gui

    NSTD windowing crate

    v0.5.0 #platform #cross-platform #nstd #windowing #safe #api #error
  186. totally-speedy-transmute

    does safe things with your safe data

    v1.69.420 #transmute #safe #memory-safe #file-access #user #article #author
  187. nstd_events

    NSTD event handling crate

    v0.5.0 #cross-platform #events #nstd #c-ffi #language #safe #api
  188. yarte_wasm_app

    single thread reactor pattern for wasm

    v0.2.1 #reactor #wasm #yarte #pattern #thread #safe #nightly
  189. gnu-libjit

    A safe rust wrapper around the libjit just in time compiler

    v0.9.0 #jit-compiler #interop #optimization #ir #safe #llvm #safety
  190. nstd_fs

    NSTD file system crate

    v0.5.0 #cross-platform #nstd #error #filesystem #safe #api #system-api
  191. safe_unwrap

    allows unwrapping and annotating that the unwrap will never fail. Does not require std.

    v0.4.1 320 #fail #unwrap #macro #safe #unwrapping #annotating #require
  192. rome

    An RDF library in pure Rust

    v0.1.3 #triple #rdf #turtle #node #literals #pure #safe
  193. cismute

    Safely transmute type to itself in generic contexts

    v0.1.2 #transmute #specialization #safe #context-generic
  194. koala

    Python's pandas implementation in Rust

    v0.1.5 #csv #column #pandas #safe #dataframe #python #dataset
  195. lx

    A no_std crate to use Linux system calls

    v0.4.0 #linux #abi #call #read #safe #duplicates #file
  196. gls

    Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) for Rust bindings with *Safe*, *Simple*, *Speed* and *Stupid*

    v0.1.6 #opengl #graphics #bindings #safe #speed #stupid
  197. nstd_alloc

    NSTD memory allocation crate

    v0.5.0 #cross-platform #memory #memory-management #allocation #nstd #safe #api
  198. mimty

    mimetype matcher

    v0.3.0 #mime #identification #file-extension #safe #self-contained #lookup #safety
  199. siphash_c_d

    A no-std, safe, generic implementation of the siphash_c_d algorithm

    v0.1.0 #sip-hash #algorithm #generic #safe #64-bit #output #128-bit
  200. nstd_env

    NSTD env crate

    v0.5.0 #cross-platform #nstd #c-ffi #env #safe #standard #language
  201. zfi

    Zero-cost and safe interface to UEFI firmware

    v0.1.0 #uefi #interface #firmware #safe #zero-cost #image #api
  202. ref-portals

    Safely use (stack) references outside their original scope

    v1.0.0-beta.2 #reference #portal #extend #safe #lifetime #send-sync
  203. phper-sys

    Low level PHP binding for Rust

    v0.13.1 800 #php #binding #low-level #extension #safe
  204. plrust-trusted-pgx

    Minimal set of pgx rexports for plrust, which the authors have deemed trusted

    v1.0.0 #postgresql #re-exports #trusted #pgx #access #plrust #safe
  205. nstd_net

    NSTD networking crate

    v0.5.0 #cross-platform #networking #nstd #safe #c-ffi #error #api
  206. nstd_str

    NSTD strings crate

    v0.5.0 #string #cross-platform #nstd #safe #c-ffi #language #api
  207. safe_uri

    safe URI types

    v0.1.0-beta.4 #uri #safe #url #http
  208. cobhan

    FFI is a system for enabling shared code to be written in Rust and consumed from all major languages/platforms in a safe and effective way, using easy helper functions to manage any unsafe data marshaling

    v0.1.1 120 #data #shared #unsafe #safe #helper #buffer #marshalling
  209. type-equalities

    Observing type equality with zero-sized proofs

    v0.3.1 #equality #proofs #coerce #coercions #zero-sized #types #safe
  210. sim_connect_rs

    An easy to use, opinionated API for SimConnect

    v0.8.2 #sim-connect #opinionated #api #enums #async #variables #safe
  211. object-safe

    Implement object-unsafe traits for trait objects

    v0.3.1 #traits #dyn #object #safe #type
  212. katjing

    A money library exploring the aplicability of Rusts unique language features for safe money management

    v0.1.0 #money #management #finance #language #safe #currency #unique
  213. pluginop-rawptr

    Safe abstractions atop raw pointers

    v0.1.0 #raw-pointers #abstraction #safe #interface #atop #pinned
  214. diny

    An asynchronous, alloc-free serialization framework

    v0.2.4 #serialization #async #framework #alloc-free #safe #100
  215. jthread

    Deadlock-free Mutual Exclusion locks for Rust

    v0.1.1 #mutex #multi-threading #locking #region #error #advanced #safe
  216. hnews

    Hacker News API, synchronous and lightweight, thanks to ureq and miniserde!

    v0.4.1 #hacker-news #safe #sync #api #simple #hackernews
  217. friendly_safety_buddy

    A fun macro to write safe code with

    v0.1.0 #safe #transmute #write #safety #macro #fun #user
  218. nstd_time

    NSTD time crate

    v0.5.0 #cross-platform #time #error #nstd #safe #api #language
  219. pallet-safe-mode

    FRAME safe-mode pallet

    v19.0.0 70K #mode #safe #pallet #substrate #block #exit #frame
  220. safe_dbc

    Safe DBC

    v1.0.7 #safe-network #safe #xor-url #safe-url #networking
  221. clamav

    bindings for Rust

    v0.4.0 #safe #bindings #libclamav #interface #idomatic
  222. sigma

    σ is a Simple, Safe and Fast Template language

    v0.1.1 #template-engine #template #language #safe #user-name #variables #σ