
  1. read-fonts

    Reading OpenType font files

    v0.25.2 100K #opentype #table #font #generate-table #graphics #reading #record
  2. file-lock

    File locking via POSIX advisory record locks

    v2.1.11 25K #lock-file #advisory #posix #record
  3. rustpotter-cli

    CLI for Rustpotter, an open source wakeword spotter forged in rust

    v3.0.2 #command-line #audio-samples #command-line-tool #record #wav #wakeword #rustpotter
  4. truc

    Rust code generator for safe, fixed size, evolving records

    v0.2.1 #fixed-size #record #safe #generator #definition #structures #evolving
  5. ih-muse-record

    Record Muse Api usage for testing purposes

    v0.0.24 1.9K #record #python #muse #events #testing #recording #prelude
  6. tokio-fluent

    A fluentd client using tokio

    v0.5.1 750 #tokio #fluentd #client #record #fluent #value #fluentd-logger
  7. csvchk

    Vertical view of delimited text records

    v0.2.4 #csv #record #delimited #view #vertical #delimited-text #column
  8. streambed-logged-cli

    A CLI for a file-system-based commit log

    v0.12.0 410 #log #commit #data #logged #topic #json #record
  9. perf-event-data

    Types and traits for parsing records emitted by perf_event_open

    v0.1.6 500 #perf-event #perf-event-open #perf-events #perf #parser #linux #record
  10. transipctl

    manipulating and querying records on Transip Api

    v0.4.1 #command-line-tool #api #dns #transip #dns-records #record #user
  11. igc_parser

    A high-level parsing/deserializing crate for IGC flight recorder files

    v0.1.7 #file-format #igc #flight #builder-pattern #recorder #record #comments
  12. flow-record

    create records to be used by the rdump cli utility

    v0.4.9 #record #timeline #msgpack #command-line-tool #data #rdump #creation
  13. mailtester_ninja

    MailTester Ninja is packed with essential features designed to enhance your email marketing efforts

    v0.1.0 #email #mail-server #validation #domain #verification #record #mx
  14. smrec

    Minimalist multi-track audio recorder which may be controlled via OSC or MIDI

    v0.1.4 #audio-devices #audio #midi #osc #record #cli #midi-file
  15. adrs

    Architectural Decision Record command line tool

    v0.2.9 #decision #command-line #command-line-tool #record #adr #architectural
  16. undo

    An undo-redo library

    v0.51.0 1.1K #undo-redo #redo #edit #target #modification #pattern #record
  17. filestatrec

    record mtime and mode for files in a git repository

    v0.0.9 #git-repository #file-metadata #text-file #mtime #mode #record #file-format
  18. noodles-vcf

    Variant Call Format (VCF) reader and writer

    v0.69.0 2.1K #vcf #bioinformatics #variant #file-format #record #reader-writer #noodles
  19. async_tasks_recorder

    A struct for recording execution status of async tasks with async methods

    v2.0.2 350 #async-task #async #tokio #tokio-task #query #lock-free #record
  20. rusdig

    Lightweight DNS message parsing and encoding library written in Rust

    v0.2.3 220 #message-parser #dns #dns-queries #dns-query #dns-records #record #encoding
  21. marc-relators

    Parsing and de/serialization for MARC relators

    v0.1.1 130 #marc #relators #deserialize #parser #serialization #marc-relator #record
  22. async_tasks_state_map

    A struct for recording execution status of async tasks with async methods

    v1.0.1 #async-task #task #tokio #async #query #record #run-time
  23. crdt-lite

    CRDT library for Rust

    v0.1.0 #crdt #update #conflict #column #resolution #structure #record
  24. kble-dump

    Virtual Harness Toolkit

    v0.4.0 150 #toolkit #harness #virtual #record #replay #kble
  25. ndef-rs

    NDEF (NFC Data Exchange Format) parser and generator in Rust

    v0.2.2 #data-exchange #parser-generator #ndef #nfc #messages #mime #record
  26. doge_dns

    The dns interaction component of the doge package

    v1.0.2 #dns-records #record #parser #doge #part #interaction #byte
  27. truc_runtime

    Rust code generator for safe, fixed size, evolving records - runtime

    v0.2.1 150 #fixed-size #record #safe #truc #generator #run-time #data
  28. rusp-lib

    USP toolkit

    v0.95.0 150 #usp #toolkit #rusp #messages #record #protobuf #msg
  29. wavy

    Asynchronous cross-platform real-time audio recording & playback

    v0.9.1 #audio-playback #cross-platform #real-time #record #play #audio #realtime
  30. paf

    Parse PAF files

    v0.2.1 220 #parser #data #file #writer #write #file-writer #record
  31. rvcr

    Record-and-replay HTTP testing for requests

    v0.2.1 550 #http-request #http-client #testing-http #reqwest-middleware #record #vcr #top
  32. nvline

    command line tool to record your gpu usage

    v0.1.0 #gpu #command-line #nvidia #command-line-tool #record #timeline #output
  33. acme-validation-propagation

    Waiting for propagation of acme validation record

    v0.1.8 #acme #propagation #validation #challenge #record #waiting #wait
  34. qcl

    A Query Check Language written in Rust

    v0.1.0 #access-control #user-id #query-language #check #acl #record #dsl
  35. flow-record-common

    common types used by flow-record and flow-record-derive

    v0.4.9 #record #data #msgpack #timeline #format #field #flow
  36. mrecordlog

    Quickwit's shared record log

    v0.4.0 1.2K #record #logging #queue #position #shared #truncate #quickwit
  37. pi_dirty

    Record hierarchy dirty

    v0.1.2 #dirty #record #hierarchy #pi #同于记录层次脏
  38. tttr-toolbox

    Fast streaming algorithms for your TTTR data

    v0.4.5 #scientific-computing #data-analysis #data-streaming #algorithm #tttr #science #record
  39. ogham/dog

    A command-line DNS client

    GitHub 0.2.0-pre #dns-client #dns-query #dns-lookup #record #dns-records #domain #output
  40. transip-command

    manipulating and querying records on Transip Api Endpoint

    v0.4.1 950 #domain #transip #dns #command #record #string #domain-name
  41. vika

    API for Vika

    v0.1.2 #record #space #field #query-parameters #api #view #node
  42. lozizol

    Back to basics, efficient event-sourcing protocol

    v0.5.3-dev 100 #event-sourcing #serialization #data #protocols #entry #record #applications
  43. record-query

    doing record analysis and transformation

    v1.0.4 #record #query #data-transformation #javascript #data-stream #command-line-tool #data-analysis
  44. srv-rs

    Rust client for communicating with SRV-located services

    v0.2.0 #srv #dns #dns-client #dns-records #record #async-dns #resolve
  45. tracing-record-hierarchical

    Record parent tracing::Span fields from inside child tracing::Span’s context

    v0.1.1 100 #spans #tracing #tracing-subscriber #record #parent #subscriber #refactoring
  46. ttyrec-bin

    record and play back ttyrec files

    v0.1.4 #terminal-session #recording #ttyrec #playback #file-format #record #back
  47. mz-avro

    working with Apache Avro in Rust

    v0.7.0 #avro-schema #serialization #serialize-deserialize #apache #binary-encoding #record #binary-format
  48. enr

    Ethereum Node Record (ENR) EIP778

    v0.13.0 199K #record #ed25519-key #ethereum #eip-778 #node
  49. captrs

    Cross-platform screen capture library

    v0.3.1 #screen-capture #capture #screen #record #linux #windows
  50. sn_record_store

    Safe Network Record Storage

    v0.1.13 480 #record #storage #store #networking #data
  51. rjoin

    joining CSV data on command line

    v0.2.0 #join #command-line #csv #command-line-tool #data #fields #record
  52. scrap

    Screen capture made easy

    v0.5.0 950 #screen-capture #screen #capture #record #screen-recording
  53. backtester


    v0.1.9 #csv #record #signals #models #metrics #asset #backtest
  54. serializable_log_record

    Convert a log::Record to a serializable format. Not as straightforward as it sounds, because the log::Record contains a non-serializable type. This crate provides a way to deal with situation.

    v0.3.2 #log #record #logging #serialization #log-format #logger #struct-fields
  55. airtable-flows

    Airtable integration for flows.network

    v0.1.9 #flows #airtable #slack #record #networking #integration #create
  56. rs-gandi-dns-dynip

    Little tool to set an A record on a domain registered with Gandi

    v0.1.3 #record #domain #set #little #registered #gandi #tool
  57. mtree

    iterating through the entries of an mtree record file

    v0.5.0 #file #entries #record #checksum #iterating #optional #format
  58. utimeseries

    An experimental time series database with a compact storage format to record data occurring in regular intervals

    v0.1.1 #time-series #time-series-database #record #compact #experimental #regular #intervals
  59. ogham/dns

    A command-line DNS client

    GitHub 0.2.0-pre #dns-client #dog #dns-lookup #dns-query #command-line #record #json
  60. citi

    Read and write CITI files

    v0.2.0 #read-file #read-write #write-file #record #reading #header #standard
  61. record-screen

    Record a movie of your screen

    v0.4.0 #screen #record #video #vpx-encode #libvpx
  62. waxy

    web crawler for community driven search engine

    v0.2.0 #web-crawler #crawler #search-engine #web-scraping #community #driven #record
  63. tracing-browser-subscriber

    A tracing subscriber for the browser and webassembly

    v0.2.0 #tracing-subscriber #browser #timing #spans #trace #record #wasm
  64. csvstream

    Serialize and deserialize CSV streams

    v0.2.0 #csv #field #parser #record #quote #deserialize #double
  65. io-excel

    package that wraps around Calamine and rust_xlsxwriter, allowing for simple Excel read and write operations through procedural macros

    v0.1.4 #excel #read #record #write #read-write #io #wraps
  66. zetacore

    in-memory vector store library with Python bindings

    v0.1.0 #python-bindings #llm #similarity-search #vector-store #record
  67. captrs2

    An update to the captrs cross-platform screen capture library

    v0.2.2 #screen-capture #capture #screen #record #linux #windows
  68. indexed_json

    Index json files like a database

    v0.3.1 #database #index #json #record #indexed #time #fields
  69. dnspod-cli

    A command line tool for dnspod

    v0.1.3 #dnspod #command-line-tool #ddns #record #secret-key #domain #dnspod-lib
  70. recl

    program to record CLI with

    v0.2.1 #stdio #cli #record #recording #command #log #file
  71. igc

    A fast, minimal parser for IGC flight recorder files

    v0.2.2 #parser #record #flight #recorder #format #data #file
  72. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  73. rpi-video-rs

    Rust version of H264 video record on Raspberry Pi

    v0.0.2 #raspberry-pi #h264 #video #record #version #raspberry-pi-camera
  74. dxgcap2

    Screen capturing with DXGI for Windows in Rust

    v0.1.4 #dxgi #screen-capture #screen #windows #capture #record
  75. sfnt

    A zero-allocation SFNT parser

    v0.12.0 #zero-allocation #parser #tags #font #record #table #file
  76. cao

    Update DNS record

    v0.1.2 #dns #dns-records #record #ip #dynamic #tool #dns-pod
  77. miniseed

    MiniSEED library for rust

    v1.0.1 #iris #seismology #seed #record #ms #parse #file
  78. type-record

    A type-level record (see documentation for details)

    v1.0.1 #record #mapping #level #documentation #create #component #arguments
  79. recfiles

    managing GNU Recfiles

    v0.1.0 #gnu #record #manage #plain-text #flat-file #human-readable #serde
  80. k8s-ares

    ARES: Automatic REcord System - A DNS Operator for Kubernetes

    v0.1.0 #dns #kubernetes #record #ares #automatic #system #dns-records
  81. throttle-timer

    Throttle events and record event stats with a simple library

    v1.0.0 #throttle #timer #events #record #stats
  82. hporecord

    A common format to record hyperparameter optimization results

    v0.0.3 #hyper-parameters #record #optimization #results #format
  83. string_map

    Create a record to store any type of value

    v0.4.1 #dict #record #map #any
  84. typed_record

    Util trait for using typed extensions(like http::Extensions, AnyMap) as typed kv record

    v0.1.1 130 #typed #extension #record #kv #solid #http #protocols
  85. kcl

    interface to the Amazon Kinesis Client Library (KCL) MultiLangDaemon

    v0.3.3 #aws #kinesis #amazon #interface #client #multi-lang-daemon #record
  86. kingtime

    Rust binding for KING OF TIME developer API

    v0.0.3 #time #binding #api #record #king #developer #tc
  87. toca

    record/display keyboard and mouse actions in a period of time

    v0.1.1 #mouse #keyboard #record #mouse-event #simulation #keyboard-events
  88. mcap-rs

    reading and writing Foxglove MCAP files

    v0.3.4 #mcap #foxglove #reading #channel #schema #record #file
  89. spl-record

    Solana Program Library Record Program

    v0.3.0 4.3K #record #solana #account #data #on-chain
  90. x11cap

    Screen capture with X11 in Rust

    v0.4.1 150 #x11 #screen-capture #capture #screen #record #x
  91. lockchain-http

    Generic HTTP interface crate for the lockchain ecosystem. Can serve both encrypted and cleartext records

    v0.4.0 #api-version #http-interface #vault #record #encryption #plug #play
  92. toluol-proto

    DNS protocol definitions for toluol

    v2.0.0 #record #dns #definition #rfc #protocols #dns-records #toluol
  93. maxminddb-uf

    User-friendly MaxMindDB wrapper around maxminddb crate

    v0.1.3 #user-friendly #maxminddb #city #max-mind-db #record #language #database
  94. pnch

    time tracking from the command line

    v0.4.1 #time-tracking #productivity #command-line #show #card #record #timestamp
  95. c0sv

    Binary CSV, using C0 ASCII control codes

    v0.2.0 #parser #csv #ascii #control #separator #record #control-codes
  96. moretypes

    Named tuples, records, and more!

    v0.1.3 #records #record #proc-macro
  97. enr-cli

    read Ethereum Node Records (ENR)

    v0.7.0 #record #enr #ethereum #eip-778 #node
  98. pigrabbit

    Porkbun api wrapper for rust

    v0.1.4 #api-wrapper #record #domain #porkbun #await #duration #wait
  99. cli-tables

    generating ASCII tables in a CLI application

    v0.2.1 #table #cli-applications #ascii #generate #record #fields
  100. procshot_server

    can be used to continuously scan over /proc filesystem and write the data to the datadir. This is a wrapper over the procfs crate, so the compatibility of this crate depends on the compatibility of procfs crate.

    v0.1.5 #stats #proc #procfs #record #scan #data #server
  101. cloudflare-ddns-service

    A daemon to use Cloudflare as a DDNS provider

    v0.4.0 #cloudflare #ddns #service #daemon #ipv6 #ipv4 #record
  102. migamake-api-cloudflare

    work with Cloudflare apis

    v0.2.0 #cloudflare #api #record #dns-records #zone #delete #migamake
  103. single-use-dns

    throwaway dns server that temporarily hosts records for a single domain name

    v0.1.0 #dns-server #dns #server #domain-name #host #dns-records #record
  104. recorder

    Generate data-only structs with utilities easily

    v0.2.1 #structs #record #utilities #generate #debugging #string #default
  105. sqlxx

    Extension to sqlx

    v0.1.5 #model #sqlx #extension #save #extend #record
  106. fastix

    prefix renaming FASTA records

    v0.1.0 #fasta #bioinformatics #prefix #record #line #rename
  107. dimi

    Asynchronous library for interfacing with MIDI devices

    v0.1.0 #midi #cross-platform #real-time #record #audio
  108. recordstruct

    An automatic record struct generator by macro

    v0.1.0 #record #generator #automatic #struct #macro
  109. time-graph-macros

    Attribute macro to instrument functions and record their executing time with the time-graph crate

    v0.3.2 2.4K #profiling #instrument #attributes #macro #time-graph #record #functions
  110. mylogger

    my simple logger for easy integration

    v0.2.5 #logger #logging #log #level #record #handler
  111. fq-filter-reads

    program to filter a fastq file with a provided list of IDs

    v0.1.0 #id #fastq #list #file #record #retaining
  112. plateau

    A low-profile event and log aggregator

    v0.1.0 #event-log #segment #record #events #aggregator #parallelism #grouping
  113. domain-core

    A DNS library for Rust – Core

    v0.4.0 #domain-name #record #domain #dns #parser #data #traits
  114. ds-transcriber

    using DeepSpeech bindings to convert mic audio from speech to text

    v1.0.1 #speech-recognition #transcription #speech-to-text #microphone #record
  115. f1_game_telemetry

    Record telemetry data in the F1 video games

    v0.1.1 #telemetry #f1 #record #game #choose #object #data
  116. mortar_distance

    Callibrate your mortar distance in PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds (PUBG)

    v0.1.0 #distance #mortar #battlegrounds #pubg #player-unknown #callibrate #record
  117. easy-csv

    Easily parse structs from CSVs

    v0.3.2 #csv #parse #structs #derive #csv-parsable #csv-iterator #record
  118. vinyl-embly

    it's vinyl for embly

    v0.0.2 #record #vinyl #index #layer #protobuf #embly #foundation-db