
  1. pyo3

    Bindings to Python interpreter

    v0.23.3 3.7M #python-module #python-bindings #python #python-packages #api-bindings #cpython #api-integration
  2. maturin

    Build and publish crates with pyo3, cffi and uniffi bindings as well as rust binaries as python packages

    v1.7.8 2.8K #python-packages #cargo-toml #python-bindings #pyo3 #c-ffi #cargo-build #packaging
  3. python-project-generator

    Generates a Python project structure

    v2.0.3 950 #python #continuous-deployment #continuous-integration #template #python-module #github-actions #python-packages
  4. num-dual

    Generalized (hyper) dual numbers for the calculation of exact (partial) derivatives

    v0.11.0 1.2K #differentiation #math #mathematical #numeric #python-packages
  5. rattler_virtual_packages

    work with and detect Conda virtual packages

    v1.1.12 3.0K #conda #package-management #environment #rattler #python-packages #ecosystem #virtual
  6. python-pkginfo

    Parse Python package metadata from sdist and bdists and etc

    v0.6.5 73K #python-packages #package-metadata #python #metadata #pkginfo #parser
  7. rattler

    install conda environments

    v0.28.6 5.0K #conda #python-packages #environment #package-management #python-bindings #ecosystem #cross-platform
  8. rattler_conda_types

    Rust data types for common types used within the Conda ecosystem

    v0.29.4 5.8K #conda #environment #package-management #version #ecosystem #rattler #python-packages
  9. rattler_package_streaming

    Extract and stream of Conda package archives

    v0.22.17 5.8K #conda #archive #rattler #package-management #extract #python-packages #environment
  10. hf-hub

    crates aims ease the interaction with huggingface It aims to be compatible with huggingface_hub python package…

    v0.3.2 51K #machine-learning #huggingface #hub #python-packages #hf
  11. forust-ml

    A lightweight gradient boosting implementation in Rust

    v0.4.8 1.5K #machine-learning #gradient #tree #decision #python-packages #algorithm #package
  12. feos

    framework for equations of state and classical density functional theory

    v0.7.0 700 #thermodynamics #physics #python-bindings #phase-equilibria #python-packages #equations-of-state
  13. rattler_installs_packages

    Datastructures and algorithms to interact with Python packaging ecosystem

    v0.10.0 1.0K #python-packages #package #pypi #environment #rip #wheel #conda
  14. uv-migrator

    converting various python package soltutions to use the uv solution by astral

    v2024.8.2 2.2K #python-packages #package-manager #python #uv #package-management #poetry #migration
  15. poetry-udeps

    Find unused dependencies in pyproject.toml

    v0.2.7 #poetry #unused #toml #python-packages #pyproject #find #package
  16. candle-hf-hub

    crates aims ease the interaction with huggingface It aims to be compatible with huggingface_hub python package…

    v0.3.3 4.1K #huggingface #hub #python-packages #machine-learning #hf #tokio
  17. fetter

    System-wide Python package discovery, validation, vulnerability scanning, and allow-listing

    v1.1.0 500 #python-packages #cybersecurity #allow-listing
  18. pecos

    evaluating and exploring quantum error correction

    v0.1.0 #quantum #scientific #qec #python-packages
  19. cftime-rs


    v0.1.6 #net-cdf #cftime #meteorology #climate #cf-conventions #python-bindings #python-packages
  20. gtars

    Performance-critical tools to manipulate, analyze, and process genomic interval data. Primarily focused on building tools for geniml - our genomic machine learning python package.

    v0.1.1 240 #machine-learning #genomic #interval #python #command-line #geniml #python-packages
  21. hf-hub-enfer

    crates aims ease the interaction with huggingface It aims to be compatible with huggingface_hub python package…

    v0.3.2 #huggingface #hub #python-packages #machine-learning #hf #tokio
  22. py-holidays-rs

    Public Holiday crate based on the python Holidays package

    v0.0.8 140 #holidays #date #vacation #dates #python-packages
  23. pyflow

    A modern Python installation and dependency manager

    v0.3.1 #python #python-packages #package-manager #build #packaging #dependencies #setting-up
  24. pip-upgrade

    Tiny cli utility to update all your installed Python packages

    v0.3.0 250 #python-packages #upgrade #pip #update #command #global #command-line-tool
  25. renfe-cli

    CLI for searching Renfe train timetables in the Spanish country

    v5.2.0 #train #time-table #renfe #spain #python-packages #schedule
  26. genimtools

    Performance-critical tools to manipulate, analyze, and process genomic interval data. Primarily focused on building tools for geniml - our genomic machine learning python package.

    v0.0.13 240 #machine-learning #genomics #python-packages #interval #data #performance-critical #package
  27. huak

    A Python package manager written in Rust inspired by Cargo

    v0.0.8-alpha.2 #python-packages #package-manager #workflow #projects #docs
  28. mlzlog

    A collection of log4rs tools to log like the mlzlog Python package

    v0.8.3 220 #python-packages #rolling #logging #colored #mlz
  29. un-pack

    Unpack is a simple, fast and user-friendly tool to analyze python project packaging

    v0.1.1 #python-packages #python #tool #dependencies
  30. trove-classifiers

    Python packaging classifiers as an Enum

    v0.70.0 750 #python-packages #python #pypi #package-metadata #pep301 #classification #pypa
  31. crfsuite

    Safe wrapper of crfsuite

    v0.3.1 #crf #binding #python #python-packages
  32. tokengeex

    efficient tokenizer for code based on UnigramLM and TokenMonster

    v1.1.0 900 #nlp #tokenizer #llm #codegeex #python-packages
  33. poker

    speedy poker hand evaluation

    v0.5.0 #card-game #card #evaluate #hold-em #data-structures #python-packages #heap-allocation
  34. conda_curation

    Reduce conda repodata to enforce policy and speed up solves. Alpha software.

    v0.7.0 #conda #package #python-packages #filtering #repository #remove #policy
  35. pypackage

    A modern Python dependency manager

    v0.0.3 #python #python-packages #build-system #build #packaging #package-manager #dependencies
  36. stayawake

    program for Windows & MacOS to keep your system awake without affecting your workflow. Inspired by "stay-awake" package for Python.

    v0.2.4 #macos #windows #mouse #awake #desktop #command-line-tool #python-packages
  37. axumapi

    aimed to be the fastest api mux for python packages with axum as the underlying server

    v0.1.4 #python-packages #axum-server #api #api-server #fastest #mux #aimed
  38. aocd

    Advent of Code Data - get puzzle input and submit answers from within your code

    v0.4.0 #advent #puzzle #input #aoc #yes #python-packages #submit
  39. hygeia

    Python toolchain manager 🐍

    v0.3.2 #python-packages #python #interpreter #version-manager #toolchain #macos #file
  40. simplet2s

    traditional Chinese to simplified Chinese converter

    v0.2.0 1.7K #chinese #converter #python-packages
  41. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  42. nix-init

    Generate Nix packages from URLs with hash prefetching, dependency inference, license detection, and more

    v0.3.0 #nix-package #nix #package #generate #python-packages #interactive
  43. magnet_rs

    User friendly magnetic field calculations in Rust

    v0.2.3 #magnetic #calculations #field #magnetism #2d-3d #force #python-packages
  44. raphtory-pymodule

    Python package for raphtory, a temporal graph library

    v0.4.0 #temporal-graph #python-packages #graph #temporal
  45. biosphere

    fast random forests

    v0.3.0 #random #random-forest #python-packages #package
  46. sciport-rs

    Rust port of scipy

    v0.0.2 #filter #dsp #math #python-packages #science #signal-processing
  47. molcv

    that calculates the circular variance of protein residues

    v0.1.0 #circular #protein #variance #python-packages #residues #calculating #pdb
  48. prgrs

    progress bar for rust, that aims to work like the python package tqdm

    v0.6.4 #progress-bar #python-packages #iterator #terminal #aims #package #tqdm
  49. pysprint-cli

    A CLI tool for the Python package PySprint

    v0.1.0-alpha.0 #python #cli #command-line-tool #py-sprint #yaml #audit #python-packages
  50. blackscholes_python

    Black-Scholes option pricing model calculator

    v0.10.7 #python #options #option-pricing #blackscholes #finance #python-packages
  51. openfoamparser

    An OpenFOAM parser based on the openfoamparser Python package

    v0.1.2 #python-packages #parser #package #open-foam
  52. pyimports

    Parse and analyze the imports within a python package

    v0.1.0 #python-packages #imports #package #analyze #parse
  53. openfoamparser_rust

    An OpenFOAM parser based on the openfoamparser Python package

    v0.1.0 #python-packages #parser #open-foam #openfoamparser #package
  54. hauk

    Guard-railling for huak installs

    v0.0.1 #python-packages #package-manager #huak #cargo #install #guard-railling