
  1. rumqttc

    An efficient and robust mqtt client for your connected devices

    v0.24.0 127K #mqtt-client #mqtt #iot #coap #pub-sub #send-receive #message-broker
  2. zenoh

    Zero Overhead Pub/Sub/Query Protocol

    v1.2.1 12K #distributed-systems #edge-computing #distributed-computing #pub-sub #iot #router #overhead
  3. pharos

    Observer pattern which generates a futures 0.3 stream of events

    v0.5.3 299K #event-stream #pub-sub #stream #observer #future #broadcast #data-stream
  4. zenoh-plugin-dds

    Zenoh plugin for ROS2 and DDS in general

    v1.2.1 1.0K #zenoh #dds #ros2 #pub-sub #data #ros #bridge
  5. iceoryx2

    Lock-Free Zero-Copy Interprocess Communication

    v0.5.0 1.6K #ipc #interprocess-communication #communication #pub-sub #zero-copy #request-response #publish-subscribe
  6. mles

    distributed publish-subscribe data server

    v2.3.0 4.2K #pub-sub #websocket #protocols #publish-subscribe #data-channel #protocol #encryption
  7. zenoh-plugin-mqtt

    Zenoh plugin for MQTT

    v1.2.1 1.0K #zenoh #mqtt #plugin #pub-sub #server #eclipse #routes
  8. tmq

    ZeroMQ bindings for Tokio

    v0.5.0 10K #zeromq #tokio #pub-sub #sockets #async #bindings #subscribe
  9. zenoh-plugin-webserver

    Plugin for Zenoh implementing an HTTP server that maps URLs to zenoh key expressions

    v1.2.1 280 #http-server #zenoh #pub-sub #web-services #back-end #plugin
  10. minimq

    A minimal MQTT5 client designed for no_std platforms

    v0.10.0 2.5K #mqtt-client #mqtt #client #embedded #networking #pub-sub #message-parser
  11. zenoh-backend-filesystem

    Backend for Zenoh using the file system

    v1.2.1 440 #zenoh #filesystem #backend #file-storage #pub-sub #directory #zero
  12. zenoh-backend-influxdb-v1

    Backend for Zenoh using InfluxDB v1.x

    v1.2.1 380 #zenoh #influx-db #pub-sub #backend #computation #built #queries
  13. zenohd

    Zenoh: The Zero Overhead Pub/Sub/Query Protocol

    v1.2.1 290 #zenoh #distributed-computing #edge-computing #distributed-systems #data #iot #pub-sub
  14. zenoh-backend-influxdb-v2

    Backend for Zenoh using InfluxDB v2.x

    v1.2.1 500 #zenoh #influx-db #backend #version #pub-sub #volume #git-commit
  15. zenoh-backend-s3

    Backend for Zenoh using AWS S3 API

    v1.2.1 380 #amazon-s3 #zenoh #backend #aws #pub-sub #volume #configuration
  16. zenoh-runtime

    Zenoh: The Zero Overhead Pub/Sub/Query Protocol

    v1.2.1 12K #zenoh #distributed-systems #edge-computing #pub-sub #protocols #distributed-computing #messaging
  17. zenoh-backend-rocksdb

    Backend for Zenoh using RocksDB

    v1.2.1 310 #zenoh #backend #pub-sub #rocks-db #database #computation #storages
  18. probe-zmq

    Probe is a TUI ZMQ PUB/SUB monitor and debugger

    v0.3.5 460 #probe #debugging #zmq #pub-sub #monitor #tui #tabs
  19. rumqttc-dev-patched

    An efficient and robust mqtt client for your connected devices

    v0.24.6-ack-notify 1.1K #mqtt #iot #coap #pub-sub #mqtt-client #send-receive #http
  20. netidx-protocols

    Protocols built on top of netidx

    v0.27.2 3.4K #pub-sub #netidx #value #hierarchical #name #protocols #middleware
  21. zenoh-ext

    Zenoh: extensions to the client API

    v1.2.1 2.5K #zenoh #distributed-systems #edge-computing #pub-sub #networking #iot #messaging
  22. emyzelium

    Wrapper for ZeroMQ's Pub-Sub with Curve+ZAP, over Tor. Peers, identified by public key, onion, and port, publish Vec<Vec<u8>> under topics to which other peers subscribe.

    v0.9.12 410 #zeromq #tor #pub-sub #public-key #peer #data-exchange #network
  23. solace-rs

    Unofficial Solace PubSub+ Rust Client Library. It can be used to access the services of a Solace PubSub+ Event Broker. This is a wrapper around the Solace C library. Use under your own risk…

    v0.7.4 140 #messaging #solace #pub-sub #events #broker #client #persistent
  24. pubsub-bus

    Thread-safe one-to-many publish-subscribe event system. Simple and easy to use. It just works (hopefully).

    v3.1.0 350 #events #event-system #bus #publish #pub-sub #subscribe #event-bus
  25. simple-pub-sub

    message broker

    v0.1.6 #message-broker #pub-sub #message #broker #simple
  26. mqttrs

    Mqtt protocol encoding and decoding

    v0.4.1 1.0K #codec #mqtt #mqtt-client #pub-sub #publish-subscribe
  27. netidx-archive

    netidx archive file format

    v0.27.3 #netidx #value #hierarchical #file-format #unique #name #pub-sub
  28. zenoh-plugin-trait

    Zenoh: The Zero Overhead Pub/Sub/Query Protocol

    v1.2.1 14K #distributed-systems #zenoh #plugin #distributed-computing #pub-sub #edge-computing #network-programming
  29. iceoryx2-bb-system-types

    iceoryx2: [internal] strong types that represents low level constructs like file, path, ip address, etc

    v0.5.0 1.9K #ipc #low-level #communication #zero-copy #request-response #pub-sub #file-path
  30. danube-client

    The async client for Danube Messaging Broker platform

    v0.3.4 360 #async-client #pub-sub #event-streaming #message-broker #danube #messaging-system
  31. aurora-streams

    managing publish-subscribe channels using Tokio message passing channels

    v2.0.0-rc.2 #pub-sub #channel #message #tokio #communication #stream #messaging
  32. jsonrpc-utils

    Alternative pub/sub and server implementations for jsonrpc-core

    v0.4.0 950 #json-rpc-server #json-rpc-client #pub-sub #server-client #websocket #websocket-server #tcp-server
  33. mosquitto-rs

    An async MQTT client based on libmosquitto

    v0.11.2 100 #mqtt-client #async #pub-sub #libmosquitto #mosquitto #router #default
  34. pubsub-rs

    powerful publish-subscribe (pubsub) system that allows multiple subscribers to receive messages published to specific topics. It is designed to be thread-safe, async-friendly, memory-efficient…

    v0.1.1 260 #pub-sub #subscribe #publish
  35. netidx-bscript

    An incremental scripting language for netidx

    v0.27.2 #scripting-language #netidx #pub-sub #middleware #incremental #hierarchical #value
  36. mles-client

    distributed data protocol example (chat) client/ws-proxy

    v1.1.7 110 #pub-sub #websocket #chat-client #mles #protocols #websocket-server #websocket-client
  37. agp-datapath

    Core data plane functionality for AGP

    v0.1.2 150 #connection #messages #pub-sub #path #table #datapath #error
  38. nanomsg

    A high-level, Rust idiomatic wrapper around nanomsg

    v0.7.2 350 #pub-sub #binding #networking #sub #pub
  39. kokoro

    Dynamic publish-subscribe pattern framework. Support for dynamic plug-ins and AOP

    v0.0.6 240 #pub-sub #event-bus #aop #publish-subscribe #plugin-system #eventbus
  40. actix-mqtt-client

    A MQTT client based on the actix framework

    v0.5.1 #mqtt-client #actix #pub-sub #framework #messages #actor #async
  41. mles-utils

    Mles server and clients

    v1.1.7 200 #mles #pub-sub #protocols #cbor #publish-subscribe #websocket-client
  42. franz

    friendly, and blazingly fast alternative to Apache Kafka

    v0.7.5 1.0K #kafka #ring-buffer #queue #pub-sub #ringbuffer
  43. syndicus

    Publish/Subscribe with types for topics and subscriber (re)synchronisation

    v0.3.1 #tokio #pub-sub #events #async #publish-subscribe #conversion #data-structures
  44. rekt_lib

    Common lib to use the RekT protocol. See the crate homepage to check the protocol RFC.

    v0.1.9 #pub-sub #broker #networking #rek-t-protocol #masivement-online #network-protocol
  45. iceoryx2-cli

    CLI tools for iceoryx2

    v0.5.0 #ipc #communication #pub-sub #zero-copy #request-response #publish-subscribe #command-line-interface
  46. amqpsy

    Extremely opinionated AMQP PubSub library

    v0.1.0 350 #publisher #consumer-group #amqp #opinionated #extremely #pub-sub #command
  47. rsub

    A high-performance message broker with QUIC transport and pub/sub messaging patterns

    v0.1.0 #quic #pub-sub #message #pattern #tls #messaging #transport
  48. socketcluster_server

    SocketCluster protocol V1 server library

    v0.2.1 130 #websocket-server #pub-sub #socketcluster #real-time #axum #middleware #communication
  49. zenoh-plugin-storage-manager

    The zenoh storages plugin

    v1.2.1 370 #zenoh #distributed-systems #distributed-computing #edge-computing #plugin #protocols #pub-sub
  50. zenoh-plugin-rest

    The zenoh REST plugin

    v1.2.1 1.4K #zenoh #edge-computing #distributed-computing #plugin #data #distributed-systems #pub-sub
  51. evident

    Pub/Sub library using IDs to identify events

    v0.12.2 #pub-sub #events #multi-threading #communication #id #publisher #subscriber
  52. eventbuzz

    A safe, fast, concurrent event publish/subscribe system based on tokio(async), inspired by Spring events

    v0.2.2 #event-listener #event-bus #tokio #event-system #spring #pub-sub
  53. zenoh-backend-influxdb

    Backend for Zenoh using InfluxDB

    v0.10.0-rc #zenoh #influx-db #backend #pub-sub #volume #overhead #version
  54. iceoryx2-pal-concurrency-sync

    iceoryx2: [internal] low-level basic building blocks to implement posix mutex, condition variables etc

    v0.5.0 1.9K #ipc #communication #pub-sub #zero-copy #request-response #building-block
  55. iceoryx2-ffi

    iceoryx2 ffi bindings

    v0.4.1 #pub-sub #ipc #zero-copy #communication #request-response #publish-subscribe
  56. iceoryx2-bb-posix

    iceoryx2: [internal] high level safe abstractions for low level unsafe posix constructs

    v0.5.0 1.9K #ipc #communication #low-level #pub-sub #zero-copy #request-response #publish-subscribe
  57. iceoryx2-bb-elementary

    iceoryx2: [internal] elementary constructs that have no dependencies at all

    v0.5.0 1.6K #ipc #pub-sub #communication #zero-copy #request-response #publish-subscribe
  58. iceoryx2-pal-posix

    iceoryx2: [internal] A posix layer that ensures uniform posix behavior on all platforms according to https://posix.opengroup.org

    v0.5.0 1.9K #ipc #communication #zero-copy #pub-sub #request-response #publish-subscribe
  59. iceoryx2-cal

    iceoryx2: [internal] high-level traits and implementations that represents OS primitives in an exchangeable fashion

    v0.5.0 1.7K #ipc #communication #zero-copy #pub-sub #request-response #publish-subscribe
  60. iceoryx2-bb-container

    iceoryx2: IPC shared memory compatible containers

    v0.5.0 1.3K #ipc #communication #zero-copy #pub-sub #request-response #publish-subscribe
  61. nuts

    that offers a simple publish-subscribe API, featuring decoupled creation of the publisher and the subscriber

    v0.2.1 #pub-sub #events #publish-subscribe #web-api #global-data #event-listener #simple-wasm
  62. iceoryx2-bb-lock-free

    iceoryx2: [internal] lock-free containers and constructs

    v0.5.0 1.9K #ipc #communication #zero-copy #pub-sub #request-response #data-structures #publish-subscribe
  63. iceoryx2-bb-log

    iceoryx2: [internal] the logger

    v0.5.0 1.6K #ipc #communication #zero-copy #pub-sub #request-response #debugging #publish-subscribe
  64. ztopic

    A topic-based pub/sub library for Rust

    v0.3.18 1.5K #ztopic #pub-sub #topic-based
  65. pubserve

    generic observer trait

    v1.1.0 110 #observer #subscriber #publisher #pub-sub #pattern #traits #data
  66. iceoryx2-bb-memory

    iceoryx2: [internal] allocators and tools for memory management

    v0.5.0 1.3K #ipc #memory-management #communication #pub-sub #zero-copy #request-response
  67. iceoryx-rs

    Safe Rust bindings for Eclipse iceoryx - true zero-copy inter-process communication

    v0.1.0 #pub-sub #zero-copy #inter-process #shared-memory #low-latency #publish-subscribe #request-response
  68. iceoryx2-bb-testing

    iceoryx2: [internal] simple testing primitives

    v0.5.0 370 #ipc #pub-sub #zero-copy #request-response #communication
  69. iceoryx2-pal-configuration

    iceoryx2: [internal] platform specific settings

    v0.5.0 1.7K #ipc #zero-copy #pub-sub #communication #request-response
  70. eventador

    lock-free pub/sub event-bus with sync and async APIs

    v0.0.18 #event-bus #events #lock-free #pub-sub #async-api #disruptor
  71. iceoryx2-bb-threadsafe

    iceoryx2: [internal] threadsafe non-lock-free containers and constructs

    v0.5.0 1.1K #ipc #communication #zero-copy #pub-sub #request-response
  72. iceoryx2-bb-trait-tests

    iceoryx2: [internal] tests for implementations of iceoryx2-bb traits

    v0.5.0 750 #ipc #zero-copy #communication #pub-sub #request-response #publish-subscribe
  73. tokio-zmq

    Futures abstractions for ZeroMQ on the Tokio event-loop

    v0.10.1 200 #zeromq #tokio #future #zmq #futures #pub-sub
  74. redis-kiss

    A really stupid approach to managing Redis PubSub

    v0.1.4 250 #redis #pub-sub #connection #connection-pool #message #publish #subscribe
  75. rabbiteer

    AMQP/RabbitMQ input/output CLI tool

    v1.4.1 #rabbitmq #amqp #pub-sub #command-line-tool #publish #subscribe #cli
  76. spotflow-rumqttc-fork

    A temporary fork of rumqtt that allows getting packet ID from sent messages

    v0.12.0 #mqtt #iot #tls-connection #coap #rustls #pub-sub
  77. pub-sub-client

    Google Cloud Pub/Sub client library

    v0.12.0 #google-cloud #pub-sub #json #client #serde-json #messages #publishing
  78. atm0s-sdn-pub-sub

    Pub/Sub service in atm0s-sdn

    v0.1.8 #pub-sub #atm0s-sdn #service
  79. zenoh-link-tcp

    Internal crate for zenoh

    v1.2.1 14K #zenoh #distributed-systems #iot #messaging #networking #data #pub-sub
  80. zenoh-link-unixsock_stream

    Internal crate for zenoh

    v1.2.1 14K #zenoh #distributed-systems #pub-sub #networking #distributed-storage
  81. zenoh-link-tls

    Internal crate for zenoh

    v1.2.1 14K #zenoh #distributed-systems #networking #pub-sub #messaging #internal #geo-distributed
  82. zenoh-link-quic

    Internal crate for zenoh

    v1.2.1 14K #zenoh #pub-sub #computation #networking #distributed-systems #storages #internal
  83. unisub

    A Pub/Sub library for Rust backed by Postgres

    v0.1.2 #postgresql #pub-sub #queue #postgres #message-queue #back-end
  84. hive_pubsub

    Generic Pub/Sub library

    v0.5.0 #hive #pub-sub #generic #data
  85. rekt-protocol-common

    Common lib to use the rekt-protocol. See the crate homepage to check the protocol RFC.

    v0.1.1 #pub-sub #broker #rek-t-protocol #networking #masivement-online
  86. pubnub-core

    PubNub core crate, modular and composable

    v0.1.0 #pub-sub #subscribe #pubnub #publish-subscribe #networking
  87. cord-client

    The client-side user interfaces for the Cord Platform that publish and subscribe messages to the Broker

    v0.3.2 #stream #cord #broker #docker #client #pub-sub #data-streaming
  88. alloy-pubsub

    Ethereum JSON-RPC publish-subscribe tower service and type definitions

    v0.11.1 115K #service #pub-sub #tower-service #subscription #back-end #frontend #request
  89. make-message-bus

    Generate a pub-sub bus for use in async applications

    v0.1.1 140 #message-bus #static #topic #pub-sub #applications #async #definition
  90. zenoh-link-ws

    Internal crate for zenoh

    v1.2.1 10K #zenoh #edge-computing #pub-sub #distributed-computing #messaging #networking #distributed-systems
  91. rumqttc-async-std

    An efficient and robust mqtt client for your connected devices

    v0.5.0 #mqtt #coap #iot #mqtt-client #http #pub-sub
  92. rtps-rs

    Real Time Publish Subscribe protocol

    v0.1.2 #protocols #rtps #real-time #pub-sub #subscribe #publish #dds
  93. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  94. many-to-many

    creating many-to-many data structures with the ability to query either side, useful for applications such as pubsub. Like a fusion between bimap and multimap.

    v0.1.7 #structures #key #pub-sub #data-structures #fusion #side #insert
  95. atomic-bus

    Atomic MPMC Bus

    v0.1.0 #bus #non-blocking #mpmc #pub-sub
  96. taps

    taps (Tokio Asynchronous Pub/Sub) is an in-process async message broker that can be used for messaging between spawned tokio tasks

    v0.2.2 #tokio #message-broker #messaging #async #pub-sub #topic #routing
  97. station

    A network-based interprocess communication (IPC) library

    v0.1.4 #interprocess-communication #ipc #rpc #pub-sub #networking #inter-process #publish-subscribe
  98. general_pub_sub

    A general use, fast, and flexible PubSub implementation

    v0.1.0 #pub-sub #flexible #pattern #basic #contents
  99. alone_ee

    Small event emitter for rapid development of weak dependency in applications. simple. powerful. predicted

    v1.7.3 #event #emitter #subscribe #publish #pub-sub #ee
  100. ex-futures

    An extension of futures

    v0.4.9 #future #channel #pub-sub #futures
  101. karmen

    client library for the Karmen framework

    v2.0.1 #microservices #client #yaml #pub-sub #golang #framework
  102. mqtt-manager

    manage MQTT connections in Rust. Based on rumqttc.

    v1.0.1 #mqtt #connection #pub-sub #publish #manager #manage #rumqttc
  103. iceoryx2-bb-derive-macros

    iceoryx2: [internal] helper derive proc-macros

    v0.5.0 1.4K #ipc #communication #pub-sub #request-response #zero-copy #publish-subscribe
  104. pubnub-util

    PubNub utils

    v0.1.0 #pub-sub #subscribe #pubnub #publish-subscribe
  105. richat-shared

    Richat Shared code

    v2.5.0 270 #solana #grpc #stream #richat #shared #version #pub-sub
  106. zenoh-router

    The zenoh router

    v0.5.0-beta.7 #zenoh #pub-sub #router #edge-computing #distributed-systems #messaging #networking
  107. postsse

    HTTP server that lets subsribe for data with GET requests (as text/event-stream SSE) and emit data with POST requests

    v0.1.0 #post #post-requests #sse #event-stream #http-post #pub-sub #http
  108. msgbus

    Message Bus - a generic publish/subscribe crate - work in progress - not complete yet

    v0.1.4 #message-bus #pub-sub #progress #generic #channel #complete #transport
  109. pgdelaytest

    evaluate replication latency on PostgreSQL

    v0.1.0 #latency #replication #postgresql #topic #secondary #primary #pub-sub
  110. richat-client

    Richat Client Library

    v2.2.0 170 #solana #grpc #stream #richat #geyser #pub-sub #yellowstone
  111. assemble_app

    Bootstrap library for https://assemble.app

    v0.1.36 120 #serialize-deserialize #assemble #serialization #kv #html #pub-sub #view
  112. richat-filter

    Richat Filters

    v2.4.0 370 #solana #grpc #filter #stream #richat #version #pub-sub
  113. lps

    A local publish-subscribe pattern implementation

    v0.1.0 #pub-sub #message-broker #message
  114. px4

    Rust bindings for PX4

    v0.2.4 #bindings #logging #publish #panic #uorb #subscribe #pub-sub
  115. foco

    Topic-based strongly typed pubsub for no_std rust

    v0.1.4 #pub-sub #publish #subscribe #publish-subscribe
  116. rekt-common

    Common lib to use the rekt-protocol. See the crate homepage to check the protocol RFC.

    v0.1.2 #pub-sub #broker #networking #rek-t-protocol #masivement-online
  117. eventbuzz_core

    The core submodule of eventbuzz project

    v0.2.2 #event-bus #spring #tokio #pub-sub #asynchronous #publish-subscribe
  118. spms_ring

    Single publisher, multiple subscriber ring buffer for pubsub

    v0.1.4 #buffer #pub-sub #ring-buffer #subscribe #publish
  119. enum2contract

    no_std compatible rust derive macro that lets users specify contracts for pub/sub style messaging using strongly typed rust enums. Conversion methods for JSON and binary are created for the generated payloads

    v0.1.6 140 #enums #macro-derive #contract #strongly-typed #macro #pub-sub #binary-serialization
  120. post

    A Publish Subscribe library allowing multiple hosts to register, and subscribe services accross an IP network

    v0.0.1-alpha.1 #pub-sub #subscribe #host #subscriber #publish #networking #multiple
  121. actix-wamp

    Asynchronous client library for WAMP

    v0.2.0 #actix #wamp #client #pub-sub #web-apps
  122. stetson

    A pure rust pubsub server over HTTP websockets

    v0.1.1 #websocket #pub-sub #subscribe #server #publish
  123. assemblage_broadcast

    Publish-and-Subscribe Service for AssemblageDB

    v0.1.0 #broadcast #episode #service #assemblage-db #worker #pub-sub #kv
  124. iceoryx2-ffi-macros

    iceoryx2: [internal] helper proc-macros for ffi

    v0.5.0 140 #ipc #communication #pub-sub #request-response #zero-copy #publish-subscribe
  125. spmc_ring

    Thread-safe no_std ring buffer

    v0.1.0 #buffer #pub-sub #subscribe #publish
  126. rtps

    OMG RTPS 2.2

    v0.2.3 #omg #pub-sub #dds #cross-platform #subscribe #publish #quality
  127. iceoryx-sys

    Low level bindings for Eclipse iceoryx

    v0.1.0 #inter-process #shared-memory #zero-copy #pub-sub #request-response