
  1. nom

    A byte-oriented, zero-copy, parser combinators library

    v8.0.0-beta.1 8.3M #parser-combinator
  2. combine

    Fast parser combinators on arbitrary streams with zero-copy support

    v4.6.7 3.3M #parser-combinator #parser #combinator #parsing #data-stream #ll #arguments-parser
  3. winnow

    A byte-oriented, zero-copy, parser combinators library

    v0.6.20 9.9M #parser-combinator #parser #parsing #streaming-parser #bit
  4. x509-parser

    Parser for the X.509 v3 format (RFC 5280 certificates)

    v0.16.0 1.5M #certificate #x509 #nom #parser-combinator #parser #signature-verification
  5. chumsky

    A parser library for humans with powerful error recovery

    v1.0.0-alpha.7 249K #parser-combinator #parser #combinator #syntax-error #syntax #token
  6. bpaf

    Command Line Argument Parser with parser combinators

    v0.9.15 136K #arguments-parser #parser-combinator #command-line-arguments #parser #cli-parser #command-line-interface #shell-completion
  7. der-parser

    Parser/encoder for ASN.1 BER/DER data

    v9.0.0 1.5M #ber-der #encoding-rules #der #ber #nom #parser-combinator #asn-1
  8. pom

    PEG parser combinators using operator overloading without macros

    v3.4.0 38K #parser-combinator #operator-overloading #peg #parser
  9. asn1-rs

    Parser/encoder for ASN.1 BER/DER data

    v0.6.2 1.6M #encoding-rules #ber-der #nom #asn-1 #parser-combinator #data-encoding #ber
  10. yap

    Parser library. A lightweight, dependency free, parser combinator inspired set of utility methods to help with parsing strings and slices.

    v0.12.0 156K #parser-combinator #string-parser #tokens #slice #iterator #free #methods
  11. tls-parser

    Parser for the TLS protocol

    v0.12.2 22K #tls #network-security #nom #protocols #message-parser #ssl #parser-combinator
  12. can-dbc

    A parser for the DBC format. The DBC format is used to exchange CAN network data.

    v6.0.0 10K #parser-combinator #automotive #nom #dbc #ecu #data-exchange #networking
  13. ldap-parser

    Parser for the LDAP protocol (RFC 4511)

    v0.4.1 12K #ldap #nom #message-parser #parser #parser-combinator #protocols #ber
  14. cookie-factory

    nom inspired serialization library

    v0.3.3 310K #parser-combinator #endianness #nom #serialization #byte-slice #encoding #design
  15. rusty_parser

    A Generic compile-time Parser generator and pattern matching library written in Rust

    v1.1.0 1.2K #parser-generator #context-free-grammar #parser-combinator #syntax-tree #parser #parse-input #ast-parser
  16. bracoxide

    A feature-rich library for brace pattern combination, permutation generation, and error handling

    v0.1.4 9.0K #string #parser-combinator #error-string #combination #permutation #parser #brace-expansion
  17. vault

    A parser for Company of Heroes replay files

    v10.1.5 180 #replay #company #heroes #parser-combinator #coh #coh3 #nom
  18. nom-derive

    Custom derive nom parsers from struct

    v0.10.1 40K #nom #parser-combinator #parser #derive #struct #attributes
  19. jumbf

    (ISO/IEC 19566-5:2023) parser and builder written in pure Rust

    v0.4.1 4.4K #parser #nom #parser-combinator #box #builder #zero-copy #iso-iec
  20. snmp-parser

    Parser for the SNMP protocol

    v0.10.0 23K #parser-combinator #nom #parser #snmp #protocols #networking #network-protocol
  21. nom-tracer

    Extension of nom to trace parser execution

    v1.0.1 400 #nom #trace #parser-combinator #parser #debug #debugging
  22. oni-comb-parser-rs

    parser combinators

    v0.0.644 4.4K #parser-combinator #combinator #parser #json-parser #ll #character #oni
  23. xrust

    Support for XPath and XSLT

    v1.2.1 230 #xpath #xml-parser #xml #xml-data #xslt #parser-combinator #tree
  24. bitvec-nom2

    Bit level parsing for nom with bitvec

    v0.2.1 207K #nom #parser-combinator #bit-level #bit #parser
  25. nom-xml

    parsing XML

    v0.3.0 260 #xml-parser #nom #parser-combinator #xml #parser #xml-document #xml-data
  26. kerberos-parser

    Parser for the Kerberos protocol

    v0.8.0 18K #nom #kerberos #parser-combinator #parser #message-parser #protocols #rfc4120
  27. augmented-midi

    Experimental MIDI file/event parser using nom combinators

    v1.8.0 #midi-file #parser-combinator #nom #audio #experimental #serialization-deserialization #allocation
  28. rusticata-macros

    Helper macros for Rusticata

    v4.1.0 1.3M #nom #parser-combinator #serialization #macro #rusticata #helper #condition
  29. chomp1

    A fast monadic-style parser combinator designed to work on stable Rust

    v0.3.4 1.0K #parser-combinator #streaming-parser #parser #parsing
  30. cosmic-nom

    Is a collection of utilities for making using the great nom parser combinator easier to use

    v0.3.14 #parser-combinator #nom #utilities
  31. gchemol-parser

    Text parsing made simple

    v0.5.1 #parser-combinator #text-parser #streaming-parser #text-file #gchemol #read-line #winnow
  32. nom-language

    Language parsing focused combinators for the nom parser library

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 #parser-combinator #nom #language #pattern #grammar #focused
  33. parcelona

    minimalistic elegance parser combinator library

    v0.4.3 #parser-combinator #string-parser #zero-copy #minimalist #elegant #elegance #u8
  34. nom-greedyerror

    Custom error type to take a deepest error

    v0.5.0 3.9K #nom #error #parse-error #parser #parser-combinator #position #accuracy
  35. parsy

    efficient parser combinators library

    v0.9.1 #parser-combinator #programming-language #chumsky #combine
  36. anpa

    A generic monadic parser combinator library inspired by Haskell's parsec

    v0.7.0 280 #parser-combinator #json-parser #parser #parsec
  37. syntaxe

    declarative parser combinators

    v0.1.0 110 #parser #parser-combinator #symbol #prelude #string #declarative #optional
  38. pa-rs

    Parsing library using concepts of Parser combinators

    v0.1.5 360 #parser-combinator #parser #combinator #concepts
  39. parsa

    a functional combinator parsing library

    v1.1.1 #parser-combinator #string-parser #parser #string
  40. nom-date-parsers

    The bunch of combinators written with help of nom to parse the numeric and language-specific dates

    v1.1.0 260 #date-parser #parser-combinator #nom #parse-date #parser #language-specific #numeric-dates
  41. parser-compose

    writing and composing parsers for arbitrary file or data formats

    v0.19.0 210 #parser-combinator #parser #string-parser #combinator #file-format #data #input
  42. gobble

    A Combinator based parser for strings that gets out of the way, and leaves your code looking like a grammer

    v0.6.3 #parser-combinator #string-parser #combinator #iterator #parser #grammar #simple
  43. pom-trace

    PEG parser combinators using operator overloading without macros

    v4.0.3 #parser-combinator #operator-overloading #peg #parser
  44. mpl

    Minimal parser combinator of Minimal Parsing Language (MPL) like Top-Down Parsing Language (TDPL)

    v0.2.0 #parser-combinator #syntax-tree #ast #parser-generator #parser #combinator #grammar
  45. xparse

    A parser combinator that is fully statically dispatched and supports both sync & async parsing

    v0.1.10 #parser-combinator #json-parser #statically #async #sync #dispatched #test
  46. nom-regex

    regular expressions for nom parsers

    v0.2.0 10K #regex-parser #nom #parser-combinator #parser #expression-parser #re
  47. starlane-parse

    Is a collection of utilities for making using the great nom parser combinator easier to use

    v0.3.14 #parser-combinator #nom #wasm #utilities #great #collection #spans
  48. chasa

    A parser combinator with many taking iterator, conditional branching, and method chain

    v0.1.13 #parser-combinator #iterator #expression-parser #syntax #branch #conditional #chain
  49. glue

    parser combinator framework for parsing text based formats, it is easy to use and relatively fast too

    v0.8.7 #parser-combinator #text-parser #parser #text-format #input #framework
  50. shrimple-parser

    Zero-dependency next-gen parsing combinator library with flexible error reporting

    v0.0.4 #parser-combinator #error-reporting #flexible #zero-dependency #next-gen #location #fatal
  51. lip

    powerful parser combinators for creating reusable and flexible parsers

    v8.1.2 190 #parser-combinator #combinator #functional #parser #error-message #message-parser
  52. rushell_deps_pom

    PEG parser combinators using operator overloading without macros

    v3.2.0-jeff.2 #parser-combinator #operator-overloading #peg #parser
  53. bparse

    parsing bytes

    v0.14.0 #byte-slice #byte #parser-combinator #pattern #hex-color #parser #error-management
  54. parser_fuck

    parser combinator library

    v0.6.0 #parser-combinator #json-parser #combinator #parser #parse-input
  55. parsit

    very simple lib, the parsing combinators, recursive descendent that uses logos as lexer

    v0.2.0 #parser-combinator #logo #lexer #lexical-analysis #language #parser
  56. pom-preview

    PEG parser combinators using operator overloading without macros

    v3.0.4-alpha-1 #parser-combinator #operator-overloading #peg #parser #parsing
  57. binator

    Parser Combinator

    v0.3.0 #parser-combinator #combinator #parser #hex-color #nom #utilities #parsing
  58. langbox

    framework to build compilers and interpreters

    v0.6.0 440 #lexer #parser-combinator #tokenizer #interpreter #tokenize #parser
  59. combine_wasi

    Fast parser combinators on arbitrary streams with zero-copy support

    v4.6.6 #parser-combinator #input-stream #parser #combinator #parsing #ll #data-stream
  60. generator-combinator

    Composes combinators to generate patterns of increasing complexity

    v0.4.0 #combinator #parser-combinator #generator #text-generation #pattern #generate
  61. take_sni

    just parse sni from buf

    v0.1.5 #tls-client #sni #buffer #parser #hello #buf #parser-combinator
  62. wordshk_tools

    A combination of parsers and other tools for words.hk (粵典)

    v3.16.0-beta.9 180 #nlp #dictionary #parser-combinator #cantonese #csv #data-processing
  63. combine-language

    Extra parser combinators, useful for parsing programming languages

    v4.0.0 #programming-language #parser-combinator #language #combine #combinator #ll #parser
  64. ospf-parser

    Parser for the OSPF version 2 protocol

    v0.5.0 240 #nom #protocols #parser #ospf #routing #parser-combinator
  65. autumn

    A recursive descent parser combinator library

    v0.4.3 #parser-combinator #combinator #recursion #descent #token #parser #recursive
  66. chainchomp

    Tinyest Opinionated parser combinator library for Rust

    v0.2.1 #parser-combinator #opinionated #tinyest
  67. syntacks

    An opinionated parser library for Rust

    v0.1.0-alpha0.2 #combinator #parser-combinator #diagnostics #parser
  68. valkyrie-parser

    The hand write parser of valkyrie language

    v0.2.5 #parser-combinator #valkyrie #ast #hand #definition #write #language
  69. ron-reboot

    Highly experimental RON parser

    v0.1.0-preview9 #parser #ron #parser-combinator #experimental #data #deserializer #highly
  70. parserc

    Asynchronous-compatible parser combinator library for rust language

    v0.1.1 120 #parser-combinator #input #data #language #asynchronous-compatible
  71. chomp

    A fast monadic-style parser combinator designed to work on stable Rust

    v0.3.1 280 #parser-combinator #parser #parsing #streaming #data-structures #standard-error
  72. munch

    Blazing fast, zero-copy parser combinator library with an elegant API for both strings and bytes

    v0.8.0 #parser-combinator #string-parser #zero-copy #byte #blazing #elegant #api
  73. abortable_parser

    A parser combinator library with an emphasis on error handling

    v0.2.6 #parser-combinator #combinator #error #parser #nom #composition #macro
  74. accept

    My personal parser combinator library, deciding what tokens to accept

    v0.1.0 #parser #parser-combinator #tokens #token-parser
  75. flexi-parse

    flexible parsing

    v0.10.0 #parser #string-parser #parser-combinator #parse #parser-generator #syntax-error #delimiter
  76. somen

    An asynchronous parser combinator

    v0.3.1 #parser-combinator #parser #async #asynchronous
  77. markab_parser

    copy-less and rich-error-message parser combinator library

    v0.7.0 #parser #parser-combinator #string-parser #message-parser
  78. nom-leb128

    Fast LEB128 decoding for the nom parser combinator library

    v0.2.0 4.4K #nom #dalvik #parser-combinator
  79. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  80. alder

    Parser combinator library inspired by Elm parser error messages

    v0.10.0 #parser-combinator #parser #error-message #elm #combinator #error-context
  81. aott

    Aspect Of The Tokens - a parser combinator framework

    v0.2.0 #parser-combinator #combinator #token-parser #token #syntax #parser
  82. pex

    A nightly parser combinator library for Rust

    v0.2.4 #parser-combinator #parser #monads
  83. valkyrie-wit

    Valkyrie Language Server

    v0.0.2 #language #valkyrie #language-server #define #language-server-protocol #parser-combinator #protocols
  84. nom-bufreader

    BufReader adapter for nom parsers

    v0.2.0 #streaming-parser #parser #nom #streaming #async #parser-combinator
  85. nyst

    parser library

    v0.5.2 #parser-combinator #parse #stream #parser
  86. parcours

    Parser Combinators for Unique Results

    v0.3.0 #parser-combinator #unique #results #performance #constrained #environment #high
  87. ruminant

    An exploration into implementing parser combinators

    v0.17.0 100 #parser-combinator #combinator #input #extract
  88. parcos

    minimal parser combinator library

    v0.0.5 #parser-combinator
  89. nom-trace

    A tracer for nom parsers

    v0.2.1 160 #parser #parser-combinator #nom #bit #streaming
  90. binator_context

    Group commun context handle to use with binator

    v0.0.2 #parser-combinator #parser #combinator #context
  91. fabparse

    A minimized parser combinator library

    v0.1.1 #parser-combinator #input #traits #minimized #data #output #repeat
  92. parco

    Zero-cost parser combinators

    v5.1.0 #combinator #parser-combinator #zero-cost
  93. memoir

    self-describing parser combinators

    v0.3.0 #parser #parser-combinator #self-describing #language #symbol #string #prelude
  94. chumsky-branch

    branch combinator for the chumsky parsing library

    v0.2.0 #combinator #parser-combinator #branch #pattern #chumsky #string #second
  95. chonk

    A lightweight parser combinator framework

    v0.5.0 #parser-combinator #input #ctx #str #framework #bounds #error
  96. parslers

    A Staged Selective Parser Combinator Library for the Rust Programming Language

    v0.1.1 #parser-combinator #combinator #parser
  97. parsed

    Parser combinators library

    v0.3.0 #parser-combinator #combinator #parsed #monadic
  98. volt_parse

    The advanced, slightly different take on the parser combinator concept

    v0.5.0 #parser-combinator #parser #text #parse #volt
  99. combine-regex-1

    Re-export of regex 1.0 letting combine use both 0.2 and 1.0

    v1.0.0 #parser-combinator #combine #regex #re-exports #construct #versioning #define
  100. parse_me

    Parser combinator crate. Provides a simple parser combinator crate for Rust.

    v0.6.0 140 #parser-combinator #look #subject
  101. parsell

    LL(1) streaming parser combinators

    v0.6.5 #parser-combinator #streaming-parser #parser #streaming #parsing
  102. bitvec-nom

    Bit level parsing for nom with bitvec

    v0.2.0 #parser-combinators #parser-combinator #bit-vec
  103. pcomb

    A tiny parser combinator library

    v0.3.0 #parser-combinator #parser #combinator #text
  104. kombi

    A Parser Combinator Library

    v0.2.2 #parser-combinator #batteries #iterator #transform #iterator-based #together #value
  105. pacosso


    v0.2.5 #parser-combinator #streaming-parser #parser #json-parser #parsing-framework
  106. somen-language

    somen parser combinator for languages

    v0.1.0 #parser-combinator #parser #language
  107. ron-utils

    working with Rusty Object Notation (RON) files

    v0.1.0-preview8 #ron #parser #object #notation #experimental #stop #parser-combinator
  108. nom-bufreader-rp

    BufReader adapter for nom parsers

    v0.2.0 #streaming-parser #parser #streaming #nom #async #parser-combinator
  109. honeycomb

    A portable parser combinator library that does not require a runtime

    v0.1.4 #parser-combinator #run-time #portable #require #language
  110. combinedfun

    A little nom-like parser combinator library which stays away from macros, while trying to achieve at least part of the expressiveness of nom

    v0.1.3 #parser-combinator #nom #parser #combinator #parse #parsing
  111. nom-errors

    Strong-typed errors support for nom parser combinator library

    v0.0.13 100 #nom #error #parser-combinator #typed
  112. parseme

    A framework for building robust parsers

    v0.2.0-alpha #parser #parser-combinator #framework
  113. pex-trie

    A parser combinator library for Rust

    v0.0.3 #pex-trie #combinator #parser-combinator
  114. nyar_prebuild

    v1.0.0 #language #valkyrie #native #definition #language-server-protocol #parser-combinator #protocols
  115. pipe-chain

    Combinators & parser library

    v0.1.1 #bencode #parser #websocket #parser-combinator #pkt-line
  116. transliterate

    A string to string parser which avoids the intermediate tree by building the output string directly

    v0.1.1 #parser #string-parser #parser-combinator #string #combinator
  117. nom-bitvec

    Bit level parsing for nom with bitvec

    v0.2.0 #parser-combinator #bit #parser #bit-level
  118. coolrule

    A boolean expression evaluator. A Rust port of boolrule.

    v0.1.0 #expression-evaluator #boolean #parser-combinator #port #evaluation #engine #evaluating
  119. combpop

    Type-based parser combinator

    v0.0.3 #parser-combinator #parser #combinator #ll #combinators
  120. jpar

    A text-oriented, zero-copy, parser combinators library

    v0.1.0 #parser #parser-combinator #input #zero-copy #text-oriented
  121. paco

    parser combinator library

    v0.1.3 #parser-combinator #combinator #lexer #parser #recursive-descent
  122. oni-comb-toys-rs

    toys parser

    v0.0.2 #toys #parser #language #parser-combinator #scripting-language
  123. ratatat

    expressive parser combinators with caching

    v0.1.1 #parser-combinator #parser-generator #cache #input #context #expressive
  124. pcap-rs

    A parser for pcap files (and its file iterator)

    v1.0.4 #pcap #parser #parser-combinator #bit
  125. somen-decode

    A byte string decoder for somen

    v0.1.0 #decode #parser #byte-string #parser-combinator #encoding
  126. rcombinators

    A parser combinator library in rust

    v0.1.0 #parser #parser-combinator #parse
  127. sexpy

    Automatically derivable s-expression parsers for simple programming languages

    v0.5.6 #parser #s-expressions #s-expr #language #programming-language #parser-combinator