
  1. minus

    An asynchronous data feedable terminal paging library for Rust

    v5.6.1 17K #pager #less #dynamic #async #asynchronous #command-line-interface #more
  2. bat

    A cat(1) clone with wings

    v0.24.0 38K #syntax-highlighting #command-line #file #pager #git #cat #line-numbers
  3. git-delta

    A syntax-highlighting pager for git

    v0.18.2 2.9K #line-numbers #git-diff #syntax-highlighting #file-path #pager #style #delta
  4. csview

    A high performance csv viewer with cjk/emoji support

    v1.3.3 #csv #viewer #markdown-tables #pager #tool #command-line-tool
  5. pager

    pipe your output through an external pager

    v0.16.1 7.9K #env-vars #output #command-output #less #pipe #control #variables
  6. ogg_pager

    OGG page reader

    v0.6.1 34K #ogg #ogg-vorbis #xiph #reader #page #audio-metadata #pager
  7. tass

    A pager for tabular data

    v0.10.1 600 #csv-tsv #parquet #pager #tabular #table #data-file #values
  8. oma-console

    Console and terminal emulator handling library used by oma

    v0.25.0 1.3K #terminal #console #oma #pager #progress-bar #command-line-utilities #scroll
  9. csvlens

    Command line csv viewer

    v0.11.0 280 #command-line #csv #viewer #tui #pager
  10. nu-explore

    Nushell table pager

    v0.100.0 3.4K #table #interactive #shell #nushell #pager #nushell-plugin #explore
  11. elephantry-extras

    A collection of additional components for elephantry

    v0.7.1 #yew-component #tera #elephantry #askama #collection #pager #html
  12. streampager

    pager for command output or large files

    v0.10.3 500 #command-output #pager #input-stream #less #output-stream #progress-indicator #more
  13. seqsizzle

    A pager for viewing FASTQ files with fuzzy matching, allowing different adaptors to be colored differently

    v0.1.4 #fuzzy-matching #fastq #bioinformatics #pattern-matching #pager #visualization #genomic-sequencing
  14. bvr

    A pager designed to help you chew through logs

    v0.0.4 #pager #log #log-file #regex #key-bindings #side #command
  15. peep

    The CLI text viewer tool that works like less command on small pane within the terminal window

    v0.1.6 #less #pager #line-numbers #command-line #command-line-tool #more #terminal-window
  16. lessify

    Output text through a pager

    v0.3.0 #pager #terminal #less #console #tui #env-vars
  17. ate-pager

    It paginates and navigates

    v0.1.1 #terminal-text #ate #search #stream #pager #links #hyperlink
  18. sapling-streampager

    streampager is a pager for command output or large files

    v0.10.3 120 #pager #less #more #command-output
  19. moins

    A Keep It Simple Stupid pager crate

    v0.5.0 #pager #less #stupid #keep #cli #replace #command-line-application
  20. ratcat

    cat clone

    v0.1.2 #pager #cat #cli
  21. least

    terminal pager

    v0.2.0 #pager #terminal #file
  22. unsegen_pager

    An unsegen widget for viewing files with additional features

    v0.3.0 #pager #tui #terminal
  23. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  24. rust-pager

    pager in Rust

    v0.2.4 #pager #cli #search #key-bindings
  25. riffle

    A terminal pager library

    v0.2.0 #pager #terminal #mainly #integration #ready #run #bat
  26. bvr-core

    The core components used for the bvr pager

    v0.0.4 #segment #buffer #pager #bvr #component #index #seg-str
  27. cag

    Context aware pager

    v0.0.2 #pager #context #aware #git #patch #git-commit #logging
  28. rager

    A pager written in Rust. Like more or less.

    v0.3.1 #termion #less #pager #terminal
  29. data-pager

    pager tool

    v0.2.1 #pagination #pager #tool #database
  30. rless

    pager in rust

    v0.0.5 #pager #less #file
  31. pokebell

    Pocket bell (Pager) 2 touch input mutual conversion library

    v0.1.0 #pager #pocketbell #touch #input #convert #bell #mutual
  32. shellrs

    📟 Like ShellJS, just for Rust 📟

    v0.0.0 #shellrs #shell-js #📟