
  1. tealdeer

    Fetch and show tldr help pages for many CLI commands. Full featured offline client with caching support.

    v1.7.1 2.3K #command-line #tl-dr #documentation #cache #pages #manpage #offline
  2. biscuit-auth

    an authorization token with decentralized verification and offline attenuation

    v5.0.0 161K #auth-token #authorization #decentralized #authentication #microservices #offline #verification
  3. git-ignore-generator

    Quickly and easily fetch .gitignore templates from www.gitignore.io

    v1.4.0 700 #gitignore #template #git #git-configuration #ignore #offline #aliases
  4. cargo-local-registry

    A Cargo subcommand for managing local registries

    v0.2.7 440 #cargo-registry #cargo-subcommand #build #local #offline #registries #sync
  5. panamax

    Mirror rustup and crates.io repositories, for offline Rust and Cargo usage

    v1.0.14 100 #mirror #repository #offline #rustup #cargo #io #cargo-install
  6. fiat-lux

    Offline terminal-accessible Bible

    v0.3.8 180 #bible #offline #version #dat #standard #github #database
  7. nvl-cli

    A program to download webnovels

    v0.1.3 #chapter #offline #fiction #reader #online #read #download
  8. polkavm-linker

    PolkaVM offline linker

    v0.18.0 352K #virtual-machine #linker #risc-v #polka-vm #offline #secure #user-level
  9. zerus

    Lightweight binary to download only project required crates for offline crates.io mirror

    v0.10.1 #offline #mirror #download #vendor #crates
  10. tros

    Your tros from tarantool TX thread to tokio(..and others!)

    v0.2.2 2.4K #tarantool #tokio #async #async-executor #offline
  11. pagurus

    Ultra-portable game engine suited for offline 2D games powered by WebAssembly

    v0.7.4 #game-engine #wasm #offline #2d-game #browser #tui #powered
  12. aoit

    Apt offline installation tool (support Debian family distribution only)

    v0.1.9 #debian-package #debian #apt #offline
  13. poit

    Pip offline installation tool

    v0.1.6 #offline #pip #wheel
  14. keygen-rs

    Unofficial Keygen SDK for Rust. Integrate license activation and offline licensing.

    v0.3.1 1.3K #keygen #activation #licensing #offline #sdk #integrate #tauri-plugin
  15. git-ibundle

    incremental offline mirroring of a Git repository

    v0.2.2 #git-repository #git #repository #git-clone #incremental #offline #mirroring
  16. leaf-protocol

    Leaf Protocol

    v0.1.0 100 #leaf #offline #local-first #protocols #protocol #p2p #web-page
  17. mta-map-fetcher

    Fetch MTA Maps for offline usage

    v0.1.1 #maps #mta #download #offline #map #command-line-tool #pdf
  18. leaf-rpc-client-cli

    CLI client for the Leaf RPC server

    v0.1.0 150 #leaf #p2p #offline #local-first #protocols #rpc-client #rpc-server
  19. rooster

    password manager

    v2.13.0 #password-manager #password #security #command-line-interface #import-export #local-file #offline
  20. spyn

    creating on-demand Python virtual environments

    v0.7.0 700 #python #virtual #environments #ad-hoc #offline #script #mode
  21. leaf-rpc-server

    The Leaf RPC server

    v0.1.0 #leaf #offline #local-first #rpc-server #p2p #protocols #protocol
  22. cargo-deadlinks

    Cargo subcommand for checking your documentation for broken links

    v0.8.1 450 #broken-links #documentation #cargo-docs #cargo-subcommand #checking #rustdoc #offline
  23. lifx-rs

    A synchronous + asynchronous library for communicating with the official LIFX-API and the unoffical offline API

    v0.1.30 #async-api #synchronous #light #lifx-api #effect #offline #communicating
  24. lc3b

    LC3B computer emulator

    v0.1.5 #assembly #emulator #computer #offline #environment #wasm #experimentation
  25. leaf-rpc-client

    Rust client for the Leaf RPC server

    v0.1.0 #leaf #p2p #offline #local-first #protocols #rpc-client #rpc-server
  26. pdblister

    Faster version of symchk /om for generating PDB manifests of offline machines

    v0.0.3 #pdb #symchk #offline #manifest #manifest-file #symbol #machine
  27. leaf-rpc-proto

    Types for the wire protocol of the Leaf RPC server

    v0.1.0 #leaf #p2p #protocols #offline #local-first #protocol #rpc-server
  28. offline_scrobbler

    scrobble music to Last.fm without playing it online

    v0.1.6 120 #lastfm #music #fm #last #offline #scrobble #scrobbling
  29. roomor

    Minimalistic offline chat over local network

    v0.4.1 100 #chat #offline #lan #networking
  30. suckit

    Suck the InTernet

    v0.2.0 #web-scraping #recursion #website #multi-threading #download #offline #content
  31. google-book-scraper

    downloading the contents of books hosted on books.google.com for offline viewing

    v0.3.4 #book #download #offline #google #pdf #archive #viewing
  32. country-boundaries

    A fast offline reverse country geocoder

    v1.2.0 450 #openstreetmap #geocoding #offline #country #reverse #boundaries #find
  33. wttu

    What Tool to Use? This is a tool to help guide you when you know what you want to do, but not sure what to tool to use

    v0.1.6 #meta #tool #suggestions #offline #system #user #guide
  34. arch-updates-rs

    query arch linux packaging tools to see if updates are available

    v0.1.2 #update #arch-linux #packaging #offline #online #query #check
  35. metrics-sqlite

    providing SQLite backend for metrics

    v0.4.1 100 #sqlite #metrics #desktop-applications #offline #back-end #duration #flush
  36. wiki_reader

    Terminal app to search through wikipedia local dumps

    v0.1.3 150 #wikipedia #search #dump #local #offline #vim #bindings
  37. thesaurus

    An offline thesaurus library for Rust

    v0.5.2 #synonyms #offline #moby #wordnet #static #thesauruses #default
  38. april_asr

    Offline open source speech recognition API based on next-generation Kaldi

    v0.1.31 #speech-recognition #offline #next-generation #asr #kaldi #api #open
  39. alist_rs

    client library for interacting with the Alist API

    v0.0.3 #download #alist #offline #information-retrieval #user #tasks #file
  40. cargo-offline


    v0.1.6 #cargo-toml #cargo #offline #cargo-check #failed #error #networking
  41. how-install-tealdeer

    Fetch and show tldr help pages for many CLI commands. Full featured offline client with caching support.

    v1.5.0 #cli-command #tl-dr #offline #cache #documentation #manpage #pages
  42. sesters

    💱 Fast, offline currency converter 💴 💷 💶 💵

    v0.3.2 #currency #exchange-rate #converter #offline #currency-converter #command-line-tool #currencies
  43. factoriauth

    An unofficial authentication server for Factorio

    v1.0.0 #server #factorio #offline #user #ldap-server #authentication #file-server
  44. grup

    an offline github markdown previewer

    v0.2.3 #offline #markdown #github
  45. pagurus_tui

    run Pagurus games on a terminal

    v0.7.5 #terminal-game #pagurus #tui #offline #game-engine #2d-game #wasm
  46. rlbot

    bindings for Rust

    v0.5.0 110 #rocket-league #bot-framework #bindings #interface #latest #offline #version
  47. leaf-protocol-types

    Core types for the leaf protocol

    v0.1.0 230 #leaf #protocols #p2p #offline #local-first #protocol
  48. wiki_loader

    load and search wikipedia multistream dumps

    v0.1.3 170 #wikipedia #dump #search #xml #bzip2 #vim #offline
  49. crates-registry

    Crates Registry is a tool for serve crates and rustup installation in offline networks. The project is based on panamax project and cargo-http-registry and use theis code

    v0.1.3 #registry #offline #rustup #serving #networking #publishing #tool
  50. suntrack

    A command line tool that let you know when the sun rises and sets in a city on any given date

    v0.1.1 #sunset #sunrise #time #offline #command-line-tool #local-time #cli
  51. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  52. f-xoss

    Free your XOSS device: a library for communicating with XOSS bike computers

    v0.1.2 #devices #xoss #computer #free #ble #offline #satellite
  53. pack_it_up

    that implements various bin packing algorithms

    v1.0.0 350 #packing #algorithm #bin #bin-packing #pack #fit #offline
  54. banquo

    An offline monitor for Signal Temporal Logic formulas

    v0.1.0 #temporal #system #signal #stl #offline #formula #monitor
  55. ethereum-tx-sign

    Allows you to sign Ethereum transactions offline

    v6.1.3 650 #signature #transaction #offline #ethereum
  56. dictcc

    Rust API for reading and querying the dict.cc offline translation database

    v0.1.1 #dict #cc #translation #querying #offline #reading #api
  57. rgb-lib

    RGB wallet library

    v0.3.0-alpha.11 380 #wallet #bitcoin #lib #cross-platform #offline #version #key
  58. mcaptcha-cli

    CLI tool to solve mCaptcha

    v0.2.0 #captcha #pow #offline #mcaptcha #tool #command #command-line-tool
  59. arkley

    several traits for common mathematical operations

    v0.0.2 #math #explanation #operations #algebraic #calculations #concepts #offline
  60. uuid-mc

    handling and generating Minecraft offline and online UUIDs

    v0.3.0 #uuid #online #offline #minecraft #mojang
  61. typetest

    An offline keyboard typing test

    v1.0.2 #typing #offline #iced #test #keyboard
  62. crystalorb-mock-network

    Mock, offline, in-memory transport layer for CrystalOrb

    v0.3.0 #offline #netcode #mocking #networking #crystalorb #transport-layer #demo
  63. libjayjeer

    Core library for the Jayjeer offline-network key agreement and message transport system

    v0.3.0 #agreement #key #offline #system #message #key-derivation #cryptography
  64. llambda/rrgeo-actix

    A fast, offline, reverse geocoder

    GitHub 0.1.0 #reverse #geocoding #actix #coordinates #kdtree #offline #latitude-longitude
  65. quizler

    Offline quiz game

    v0.1.0-alpha #quiz #applications #offline #lan #time #able #version
  66. agram

    An offline anagram library

    v1.0.1 #offline #word #anagrams #text #anagram
  67. webster

    An offline version of webster's dictionary

    v0.3.0 #dictionary #definition #offline #version #containing #local #decompression
  68. pword

    secure password generator that lets you create unique passwords for websites based on an easy to remember master phrase

    v0.1.3 #password #offline #password-generator #secure-password #deterministic #generator
  69. polymesh-offline-signer

    Polymesh offline signer CLI

    v0.4.0 360 #poly-mesh #offline #signer
  70. firma

    create bitcoin multisig wallets with private keys stored on offline devices

    v0.20.0 #offline #bitcoin #signature #cold
  71. leaf-protocol-macros

    Macros for the leaf-protocol crate

    v0.1.0 210 #leaf #p2p #protocols #offline #local-first #protocol
  72. firma-cli

    command line interface tool to create bitcoin multisig wallets with private keys stored on offline devices

    v0.20.0 #offline #signature #bitcoin #cold #private-key #cli
  73. rsst

    a commandline tool that dump articles in followed feeds into offline files

    v0.1.0 #feed #article #dump #offline #followed #tool #command-line-tool