
  1. rustls

    modern TLS library written in Rust

    v0.23.23 13.5M #tls #client-server #cryptography #tls-server #provider #modern #complete
  2. alacritty

    A fast, cross-platform, OpenGL terminal emulator

    v0.15.1 3.0K #opengl #cross-platform #configuration #flexible #modern #linux-terminal #performance
  3. cryptoxide

    pure implementation of various common modern cryptographic algorithms, WASM compatible

    v0.5.0 23K #key-derivation #cryptography #pure #modern #embedded-devices #crypto #authenticated-encryption
  4. age

    [BETA] A simple, secure, and modern encryption library

    v0.11.1 19K #file-encryption #encryption-key #encryption #encryption-decryption #secure #ssh-key #modern
  5. deno


    v2.2.2 3.6K #run-time #typescript #executable #modern #javascript #deno-core
  6. portfolio_rs

    A command line tool for managing financial investment portfolios written in Rust

    v0.1.11 700 #portfolio #investment #financial #command-line-tool #personal-finance #modern #command-line-application
  7. ferrite_ml_framework

    A modern, robust and simple to use ML framework written in Rust for pure performance and memory safety

    v0.1.0-alpha.2 260 #memory-safety #ml #framework #performance #modern #pure #robust
  8. t-rust-less-lib

    Password manager library

    v0.2.18 1.5K #password-manager #encryption #store #modern #data-store #sensitive #memory
  9. marswm

    modern dynamic tiling window manager

    v0.6.0 #window-manager #tiling #dynamic #x11 #modern #yaml #configuration
  10. ping

    naive ping implementation in Rust

    v0.5.2 17K #raw-sockets #icmp #user #platform #create #naive #modern
  11. alacritty_terminal

    writing terminal emulators

    v0.25.0 3.9K #alacritty #cross-platform #opengl #performance #applications #bsd #modern
  12. glean

    SDK Rust language bindings

    v63.1.0 1.1K #telemetry #metrics #sdk #modern #consumer #approach #top
  13. libhydrogen

    A modern and easy to use cryptography library

    v0.4.6 #cryptography #curve25519 #libsodium #modern #byte #low-memory #zero
  14. rustycat-android

    A colorful Android logcat viewer with package filtering

    v0.2.0 310 #android #viewer #package #filtering #logcat #timestamp #modern
  15. suru

    A modern replacement for make

    v2.2.3 #native #build-system #modern #replace #recipe #step #compilation
  16. viddy

    A modern watch command

    v1.3.0 #watch #command #modern #history #diff #output #execute-command
  17. evolution-parser

    Data parsing functionality for evolution

    v1.3.0 #evolution #fixed-length #file-format #old #data #modern #parser
  18. exa

    A modern replacement for ls

    v0.10.1 1.9K #file-listing #ls #command-line #git #symlink #modern #system
  19. leptos-cosmo

    Leptos Cosmo is an opinionated component library for leptos based on the cosmopolitan design principles

    v1.0.13 #ui-framework #component #ui-component #design #cosmopolitan #modern #cosmo
  20. yew-cosmo

    Yew Cosmo is an opinionated component library for yew based on the cosmopolitan design principles

    v1.0.10 250 #ui-component #yew-component #design #ui-framework #modern #cosmopolitan #opinionated
  21. evolution-slicer

    Data slicing components for evolution

    v1.3.0 #evolution #fixed-length #component #file-format #old #data #modern
  22. rustls-graviola

    graviola is a modern, fast cryptography library

    v0.2.0 #rustls #integration #graviola #cryptography #modern
  23. lemonlang

    an experimental, modern, purely safe, programming language

    v0.0.4 #experimental #modern #purely #safe #programming #programming-language #compiler
  24. ame-bus

    Modern microservices framework based on NATS

    v1.0.6 550 #nats #modern #microservices #framework #jetstream #bus #service
  25. modav

    personal learning project aimed at creating a simple, intuitive, and modern data visualization tool using Rust

    v0.2.0 130 #visualisation #data #gui-applications #user #modern #tool #personal
  26. deno_broadcast_channel

    BroadcastChannel API for Deno

    v0.187.0 4.6K #broadcast-channel #deno #typescript #run-time #javascript #api #modern
  27. evolution-target

    Output targets for evolution

    v1.3.0 #evolution #target #fixed-length #file-format #old #data #modern
  28. evolution-builder

    Builder implementations for evolution

    v1.3.0 #evolution #fixed-length #file-format #old #builder #data #modern
  29. chatgpt

    Markov chain implementation. It's natural langauge generation abilities far surpasses that of any modern LLM (obviously).

    v0.2.0 #markov #text #llm #natural #far #generation #modern
  30. rustls-fork-shadow-tls

    Rustls is a modern TLS library written in Rust

    v0.20.9-mod.2 #tls #rustls #certificate #client-server #tls-server #cryptography #modern
  31. libhackrf

    A modern libhackrf wrapper that supports receiving and transmitting

    v0.1.1 #hackrf #receiving #transmitting #modern #api-bindings #user #sample-rate
  32. rustls-post-quantum

    Experimental support for post-quantum key exchange in rustls

    v0.2.2 850 #post-quantum-cryptography #rustls #tls #key-exchange #experimental #modern #feature
  33. evolution-schema

    Schema implementations for evolution

    v1.3.0 #data-science #data-analytics #fixed-length #schema #old #evolution #modern
  34. numerals

    numeric systems, both ancient and modern

    v0.1.4 12K #numeral #systems #roman #modern #ancient #numeric #module
  35. githuber

    A modern ergonomic GitHub REST API Rust binding

    v0.4.3 150 #github #github-api #api-bindings #modern
  36. xi-core-lib

    module for xi-core

    v0.3.0 #editor #text-editors #xi-editor #editing #performance #modern #front-end
  37. prql-compiler

    PRQL is a modern language for transforming data — a simple, powerful, pipelined SQL replacement

    v0.12.2 #compiler #prql #sql #data-pipeline #modern #replace #prqlc
  38. wutengine_editor

    editor for WutEngine games

    v0.0.7 600 #editor #game-engine #wut-engine #modern
  39. scakit

    A modern project scaffolding tool

    v0.1.3 #modern #scaffolding #tool #template #cli #
  40. capture-it

    Modern c++-ish capture syntax for rust

    v0.4.3 500 #closures #capture #lambda #syntax #modern #move #cpp
  41. evolution-writer

    Output target writers for evolution

    v1.3.0 #data-science #file-format #fixed-length #old #data-analytics #modern #target
  42. limbo_percentile

    Limbo percentile extension

    v0.0.15 #percentile #limbo #extension #sqlite #modern #embedded-database #evolution
  43. limbo_uuid

    Limbo UUID extension

    v0.0.15 #uuid #limbo #extension #sqlite #modern #embedded-database #evolution
  44. evpkdf

    OpenSSL EVP_bytesToKey function

    v0.2.0 1.3K #openssl #cryptography #password #key #salt #modern #evp-bytes-to-key
  45. limbo


    v0.0.15 #sql #api #database #sqlite #evolution #embedded-database #modern
  46. limbo_series

    Limbo series extension

    v0.0.15 #series #limbo #extension #sqlite #modern #evolution #embedded-database
  47. limbo_crypto

    Limbo crypto extension

    v0.0.15 #crypto #limbo #extension #sqlite #embedded-database #evolution #modern
  48. evolution-converter

    Converter implementations for evolution

    v1.3.0 #converter #fixed-length #file-format #evolution #old #data #modern
  49. evolution-common

    Common util components of evolution

    v1.3.0 #evolution #fixed-length #component #file-format #old #data #modern
  50. httpbis

    HTTP/2 protocol

    v0.9.1 14K #http2 #client-server #protocols #modern #connection #tokio #grpc
  51. trussed

    Modern Cryptographic Firmware

    v0.1.0 #security #firmware #cryptography #modern #applications #documentation #write
  52. neowatch

    A modern alternative to watch command

    v0.2.1 #watch #command #modern #color #text #numeric
  53. wutengine

    A modern game engine

    v0.2.0 #game-engine #modern #time #api #re-exports #rendering
  54. limbo_time

    Limbo time extension

    v0.0.15 #time #limbo #extension #sqlite #evolution #embedded-database #modern
  55. coastra

    A GUI Library for Rust

    v1.0.1 #widgets #gui #modern #applications #build
  56. pml

    A parser for PML, just another format to specify your configs in

    v0.6.1 #config-parser #config-file #config-format #file-format #language #modern #specify
  57. nop-json

    JSON serialization/deserialization (full-featured, modern, optimal, streaming, direct into struct, binary-ready)

    v2.0.5 #deserialize-json #json #streaming-json #struct #direct #modern #serialization-deserialization
  58. mcp-core

    implementing the Modern Context Protocol (MCP)

    v0.0.92 900 #protocols #mcp #modern #context
  59. modern-roman-clock

    that no one should use that converts chrono time to a modernized way of how the romans told time

    v0.1.0 #convert #modern #roman #chrono #time #hours #clock
  60. glean-ffi

    FFI layer for Glean, a modern Telemetry library

    v44.2.0 230 #telemetry #glean #foreign-interface #modern #api #sdk #layer
  61. catsploit

    An open-source modern exploitation framework inspired by Metasploit

    v0.1.2 #exploitation #framework #metasploit #modern #next-generation #testing #exploit
  62. linux-bzimage-builder

    Linux boot compatibility for modern OSes

    v0.11.3 #linux-kernel #builder #modern #boot #setup #compatibility #build
  63. pigment64

    handling conversion between N64 texture formats and modern image formats

    v0.4.5 #format-conversion #texture-format #png #n64 #image-conversion #modern #converting
  64. frum

    A blazing fast and simple Ruby version manager written in Rust

    v0.1.2 #version-manager #ruby #cross-platform #auto-completion #little #bit #modern
  65. news-flash

    Base library for a modern feed reader

    v2.2.2 #feed #reader #modern
  66. glean-core

    A modern Telemetry library

    v63.1.0 700 #metrics #telemetry #ping #glean #sdk #user #modern
  67. strong-box

    Strong, ergonomic encryption for non-cryptographers

    v0.4.0 160 #encryption #cryptography #primitive #modern #misuse-resistant #libsodium #strong
  68. rustcat

    The Modern Port Listener and Reverse Shell

    v3.0.0 #reverse #shell #port #listener #networking #netcat #modern
  69. timberwolf

    a high-performance 3D-focused game engine

    v0.5.0 #game-engine #api #set #3d-focused #running #cross-platform #modern
  70. quick-kv

    A reliable key-value storage for modern software

    v1.0.0 #key-value-store #key-value-database #derive-debug #cache #reliable #thread-safe #modern
  71. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  72. alcro

    create desktop apps using rust and modern web technologies

    v0.5.4 #desktop-applications #modern #apps #ui #javascript #browser #chrome
  73. webauthn-rs-core

    Webauthn Cryptographic Operation Handling

    v0.5.1 69K #webauthn #authentication #authenticator #user #challenge #modern #component
  74. mach_bundler_core

    Bundler For The Modern Web

    v0.0.71 #bundler #web #modern
  75. cargo-skyline-octocrab

    A modern, extensible GitHub API client

    v0.16.0 110 #github #github-api #pull-request #octocrab #modern #extensible #api-client
  76. toodoux

    A modern task management tool

    v0.4.0 #task-manager #task #todo #cli #tui #modern #tool
  77. captain-hook

    Cross-platform, modern and native git hooks

    v0.2.2 #git-hook #cross-platform #native #modern #husky #captain
  78. rust-web-surfer

    A CLI tool that allows users to browse the web with features traditionally found in modern browsers, all through the terminal

    v0.1.0 #browser #user #web #terminal #found #browse #modern
  79. katwebx

    A fast static web server and reverse proxy for the modern web. More information is available in the project's GitHub repository.

    v1.0.0-eval2 #reverse-proxy #modern #repository #web-server #github #information
  80. wutengine_opengl

    The OpenGL backend for WutEngine

    v0.2.0 190 #opengl-rendering #back-end #game-engine #cross-platform #modern #wut-engine
  81. dizi

    Terminal music player inspired by moc

    v0.3.0 #music-player #audio-player #ratatui #terminal #server-client #modern #mocp
  82. tarantella

    modern package manager for C/C++ WASM apps (main modules) and WASM libraries (side modules) meant to be dynamically linked!

    v0.7.3 #package-manager #wasm-module #cc #modern #apps #linked #dynamically
  83. cogo-http

    A modern HTTP library

    v0.1.13 #http-header #request-response #http-client #http-server #modern #coroutine #cogo
  84. limbo_macros

    The Limbo database library

    v0.0.15 #limbo #database #sql #sqlite #evolution #embedded-database #modern
  85. deno_permissions_extended

    deno permissions implementation

    v0.41.0 120 #permissions #deno #typescript #javascript #run-time #modern
  86. rx-editor

    a modern, extensible pixel editor

    v0.3.0 #rx #pixel #editor #modern #command #key-bindings #command-line
  87. subscript-compiler

    A modern LaTeX rendition

    v0.21.0 #latex #typesetting #compiler #modern #subscript #publishing #math
  88. mallumo-gls

    Small low level library for modern (4.5 Core) OpenGL

    v0.43.0 130 #opengl #low-level #modern
  89. virdant

    modern hardware description language

    v0.1.0-rc0 #design #hardware #description #language #firrtl #target #modern
  90. ame_bus_macros

    proc-macro for ame-bus

    v0.2.1 #nats #proc-macro #ame-bus #microservices #modern #framework
  91. glean-preview

    Nice Glean SDK Rust API

    v0.0.5 #telemetry #glean #sdk #api #preview #modern #metrics
  92. mdoc

    Modern PDF creation through Markdown and LaTeX

    v0.3.0 #latex #document #markdown #documentation #pdf #modern #command
  93. yarsi

    system info fetcher

    v0.1.0 #system-info #modern #neofetch #system-information #sysfetch #performance #fast
  94. justjs

    A modern runtime for javascript

    v0.5.2 #javascript #run-time #modern #web #utilities #secure #package
  95. indigo

    A framework and utility library for modern applications

    v0.1.3 #modern #applications #framework #utility
  96. zoomer

    Making Rust a true modern language™️ with revolutionary macros

    v0.1.2 #modern #true #macro #revolutionary #language™️
  97. rusky

    🦀 + 🐶 = Rusky. Modern native git hooks made easy.

    v0.2.1 #git-hook #pre-commit #modern #native #husky #🦀
  98. gst-plugin-webrtcredux

    A revived version of GStreamer's webrtcbin plugin built for modern protocols

    v0.5.0 #gstreamer #built #modern #version #plugin #web-rtc #revived
  99. rbgn

    A modern, cross-platform alternative to Bashgenn

    v0.2.0 #cross-platform #modern #bashgenn #command
  100. predictive_shuffle

    A vector shuffling library that allows for in-place shuffling, or predictive sub-item shuffling

    v0.1.0 #shuffle #seed #algorithm #shuffling #predictive #position #modern
  101. prql-ast

    The AST for the PRQL language

    v0.9.5 #ast #prql #language #data-pipeline #transforming #modern #pipelined
  102. redrust

    port of the popular Redis database system written in Rust programming language. This port aims to provide all the features of Redis while taking advantage of the Rust language's safety…

    v0.1.1 #redis #port #language #modern #safety #popular #speed
  103. async-svc

    WIP Modern Service Trait

    v0.0.2 #traits #modern #service
  104. flareon

    Modern web framework focused on speed and ease of use

    v0.1.0 #modern #focused #speed #ease #framework #web #web-framework
  105. rustutils-core

    Modern coreutils with a focus on simplicity

    v0.1.1 #coreutils #gnu #focus #binary #multicall #simplicity #modern
  106. tmx_utils

    Mostly just an exploration of the Rust language and modern CI/CD practices, but I'll use it to include some common/useful utilities as I write them

    v0.1.4 #ci-cd #exploration #language #utilities #modern #write #practice
  107. ridl

    Hard-to-misuse, modern crypto primitives and conventions for litl

    v0.7.0 #primitive #crypto #modern #conventions #litl #hard-to-misuse #docs
  108. modern-terminal

    rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal

    v0.7.0 #terminal #text-formatting #rich #rich-text #terminal-text #modern #style
  109. monero-serai-mirror

    modern Monero transaction library. Mirrored by sneurlax from serai for downstream crate-publishing purposes until serai publishes their crates; use the versions from serai in production…

    v0.1.5-alpha 260 #transaction #serai #monero #modern #version #default #view
  110. useful_static

    static like modern language

    v0.2.1 #language #modern #rustでstaticを扱いやすくするためのクレートです
  111. shiv

    modern Entity Component System

    v0.1.0-alpha.10 #ecs #entity #component #system #modern
  112. bakare

    modern and simple, yet efficient backup solution

    v0.1.0 #backup #solution #modern #engine
  113. weboxi

    An *opinionated* Rust framework for building modern web APIs

    v0.1.0 #web-api #modern #opinionated #framework #building
  114. niterpack

    A modern command-line tool for creating Minecraft modpacks

    v0.1.0-rc.1 #minecraft #modpack #modern #tool #command-line-tool #modpacks #mod
  115. uderna

    Modern C++ interface to common platform-specific functionalities

    v0.1.0 #modern #interface #windowing #cross-platform
  116. ivory_kinematics

    Kinematics library for Project Ivory

    v0.2.3 #kinematics #ivory #inverse #computation #modern #target #supporting
  117. mso-tri-state

    Fearless booleans

    v0.1.0 #boolean #modern #microsoft #fearless
  118. bengine

    modern and multi-threaded engine for games and rendering applications. Copyright (c) Bengine Studios - Benjamin Roth. All Rights Reserved.

    v0.1.0 #multi-threaded #applications #game-engine #modern #rendering #reserved #copyright
  119. kryptonite

    Zero-dependency cryptographic utilities in modern Rust

    v0.1.0 #modern #utilities #cryptographic #zero-dependency #algorithm #far #implemented
  120. mpt_lib

    a function libaray for modern portfolio theroy

    v0.0.2 #portfolio #modern #mpt #lib #theory #libaray #theroy
  121. zap-core

    fast, and correct build system for modern polyglot teams

    v0.4.2 #build-system #team #correct #polyglot #modern
  122. modern_appvars

    A parser for appvars on TI calculators

    v0.1.0 #calculator #ti #parser #appvars #modern
  123. bitsy-lang

    Bitsy is a modern hardware description language

    v0.4.0 #language #hardware #description #modern #bitsy
  124. selkie

    A modern, fast, efficient serialization library

    v0.1.0 #serialization #selkie #modern
  125. termite

    modern Entity Component System

    v0.1.0-alpha #ecs #entity #component #system #modern