
  1. ort

    A safe Rust wrapper for ONNX Runtime 1.20 - Optimize and accelerate machine learning inference & training

    v2.0.0-rc.9 85K #machine-learning #cpu-gpu #artificial-intelligence #ai #ml
  2. google-ml1

    A complete library to interact with Cloud Machine Learning Engine (protocol v1)

    v6.0.0+20240607 #google-cloud #machine-learning #google #google-api #ml
  3. openvino

    High-level bindings for OpenVINO

    v0.8.0 70K #machine-learning #neural-network #ml #safe-bindings #api-bindings
  4. google-ml1-cli

    A complete library to interact with Cloud Machine Learning Engine (protocol v1)

    v6.0.0+20240607 #google-cloud #machine-learning #google #cli #ml #google-api #command-line-interface
  5. linfa

    A Machine Learning framework for Rust

    v0.7.0 15K #machine-learning #ml #ai
  6. aws-sdk-cleanroomsml

    AWS SDK for AWS Clean Rooms ML

    v1.54.0 550 #aws-sdk #model #ml #clean #rooms #audience #user-data
  7. llm-samplers

    Token samplers for large language models

    v0.0.7 1.5K #machine-learning #language-model #deep-learning #sampler #ml
  8. perpetual

    A self-generalizing gradient boosting machine which doesn't need hyperparameter optimization

    v0.7.10 1.0K #machine-learning #ml #ai
  9. hdbscan

    clustering in pure Rust. A huge improvement on DBSCAN, capable of identifying clusters of varying densities.

    v0.9.0 180 #machine-learning #clustering #data-points #dbscan #ai #ml #modeling
  10. ggml-sys-bleedingedge

    Bleeding edge low-level bindings to GGML

    v2404291813.0.0+llamacpp-release.b2757 5.6K #deep-learning #machine-learning #ggml #cpp-bindings #tensor #ml #api-bindings
  11. usls

    integrated with ONNXRuntime, providing a collection of ML models

    v0.0.20 260 #computer-vision #onnx-runtime #models #ml #sam #cuda #collection
  12. ball-tree

    K-nearest neighbors

    v0.5.1 400 #knn #neighbor #data-structures #ml #prediction #data-points
  13. automl

    Automated machine learning for classification and regression

    v0.2.9 #machine-learning #ml #ai #smartcore
  14. decision_transformer_dfdx

    A fast, extensible implementation of Decision Transformers in Rust using dfdx. Based on the paper Decision Transformer: Reinforcement Learning via Sequence Modeling.

    v0.2.0 #transformer #reinforcement-learning #decision #ml #sequence #extensible #paper
  15. deltaml

    An Open-Source Machine Learning Framework in Rust Δ

    v0.1.0 #framework #machine-learning #ml
  16. ha-ndarray

    A hardware-accelerated n-dimensional array

    v0.4.0 #ndarray #tensor #parallel #gpu #ml #parallel-processing #programming-language
  17. tritonserver-rs

    Pefrorm easy and efficient ML models inference

    v0.2.1 130 #inference #ml-model #server #ml #async #ai #api-version
  18. openvino-finder

    A helper crate for finding OpenVINO installations on a system

    v0.8.0 72K #machine-learning #ml #openvino #neural-network #latest-version #env-vars #config-file
  19. algorithmia

    Client for calling algorithms and managing data hosted using Algorithmia

    v3.0.0-beta.3 #machine-learning #artificial-intelligence #api-client #algorithm #ai #ml #binary-data
  20. ml-prefetcher

    A machine learning based prefetcher for predicting access patterns

    v0.1.1 #memory #optimization #ml #pattern-matching #prefetch #machine-learning #memory-access
  21. mlcheck

    check files for ML best practices

    v0.1.6 #ml #command-line-tool #practice #search #cli
  22. google-ml1_beta1

    A complete library to interact with Cloud Machine Learning Engine (protocol v1beta1)

    v1.0.6+20170515 #google-cloud #machine-learning #google #ml #protocols #web #web-api
  23. modelcards

    A fast modelcard generator with built-in templates

    v0.1.1 #ml-model #model #modelcard #generator #governance #ml #render-template
  24. oat_rust

    User-friendly tools for applied topology

    v0.1.1 480 #ml #geometry #hpc #data
  25. cargo-cog

    A cargo subcommand to build, run and publish machine learning containers

    v1.0.10 #machine-learning #cog #cargo #cargo-subcommand #container #ml #models
  26. ort-sys

    Unsafe Rust bindings for ONNX Runtime 1.20 - Optimize and Accelerate Machine Learning Inferencing

    v2.0.0-rc.9 73K #machine-learning #ml #ai #sys
  27. rusev

    Fast implementation of SeqEval, a sequence evaluation framework

    v0.1.0 #metrics #ner #ml #nlp #seq-eval
  28. rusticsom

    Self Organising Maps (SOM)

    v1.1.1 #machine-learning #som #ml #self-organizing-map
  29. flyteidl

    Core Interface Definition for Flyte

    v0.1.0 #orchestration #ml #ai
  30. callm

    Run Generative AI models directly on your hardware

    v0.2.0 #generative-ai #ai #language-model #llm #candle #ml #gen-ai
  31. tensor_types

    Create typed and sized-checked Rust wrappers for Tensors for more reliable ML code

    v1.1.3 #tensor #ml #typed #pytorch #wrappers #reliable #sized-checked
  32. debot_ml

    ML prediction

    v1.9.0 #prediction #ml #debot
  33. oat_python

    User-friendly tools for applied topology in Python

    v0.1.1 #hpc #ml #geometry #ai #data
  34. openvino-sys

    Low-level bindings for OpenVINO (use the openvino crate for easier-to-use bindings)

    v0.8.0 70K #machine-learning #neural-network #unsafe-bindings #api-bindings #ml #openvino
  35. google-ml1_beta1-cli

    A complete library to interact with Cloud Machine Learning Engine (protocol v1beta1)

    v1.0.6+20170515 #google-cloud #machine-learning #ml #google #google-api #cli #command-line-interface
  36. ggblas

    Matrix multiplicatiosn in simple pure rust multithreadded blas-like interface. Exploits intrinsics on available targets

    v0.1.2 #blas #neon #avx #ggml #ml
  37. rten-text

    Text tokenization and other ML pre/post-processing functions

    v0.15.0 #machine-learning #hugging-face #tokenizer #token #input #bert #ml
  38. fips203-ffi

    C shared library exposing FIPS 203: Module-Lattice-Based Key-Encapsulation Mechanism

    v0.4.1 #fips #ml #lattice #fips203 #kem
  39. random-world

    Machine Learning methods for confident prediction (e.g., Conformal Predictors) and related ones introduced in the book Algorithmic Learning in a Random World (ALRW)

    v0.3.0 #machine-learning #prediction #random #conformal #world #cp #ml
  40. linfa-preprocessing

    A Machine Learning framework for Rust

    v0.7.0 1.5K #machine-learning #preprocessor #ml #artificial-intelligence #linfa #pre-processor #ai
  41. genx

    An easy to use and modular genetic algorithms library

    v0.4.0 #genetic-algorithm #optimization #genetic #evolutionary #functional-programming #ml #building-block
  42. fleximl-models

    Machine learning models available for FlexiML framework

    v0.1.2 #machine-learning #svm #models #k-means #ml #framework #mlp
  43. simple_ml

    Functions required for data analysis and machine learning tasks

    v0.3.2 #data-analysis #machine-learning #analysis #ml #eda #string #manipulation
  44. esp-idf-unda

    Embedded neural network forward feeding for precompiled models created by the unda crate

    v0.1.2 #neural-network #pre-compiled #unda #ml #models #forward #file-io
  45. ice-nine

    ML library

    v0.1.2 110 #machine-learning #deep-learning #ml
  46. gtensor

    Reverse-mode autodifferentiation of computational graphs with tensors and more for machine learning

    v1.0.0 #machine-learning #automatic-differentiation #auto-diff #neural-network #ml #deep-learning #math
  47. ducky-learn

    ML rust framework

    v0.2.1 #machine-learning #text-classification #neural-network #algorithm #ml #framework #user-friendly
  48. edge-transformers

    wrapper over ONNXRuntime that implements Huggingface's Optimum pipelines for inference and generates bindings for C# and C

    v0.1.2 #machine-learning #nlp #ml #ai #back-end
  49. gym-rs

    OpenAI's Gym written in pure Rust

    v0.3.0 #environment #ai #ml #benchmark #physical
  50. tc-tensor

    TinyChain's Tensor collection type

    v0.8.0 #tensor #tiny-chain #parallel #gpu #ml
  51. knn_classifier

    classifier for the k-Nearest Neighbors (kNN/k-nn) algorithm

    v0.1.2 #classification #algorithm #ml #k-nn #csv
  52. linfa-linear

    A Machine Learning framework for Rust

    v0.7.0 3.1K #machine-learning #linear #ai #ml #linfa #back-end
  53. rl

    A reinforcement learning library

    v0.4.0 #machine-learning #ml #ai
  54. sproutml

    Machine Learning Library built in Rust

    v0.1.1 #machine-learning #ml #ml-model #layer #linear-algebra #built #activation
  55. microtensor

    Automatic differentiation for tensor operations

    v0.1.5 #tensor #autograd #automatic-differentiation #ml
  56. rusty-ai

    Machine Learning

    v0.1.5 170 #machine-learning #ml #ai
  57. linfa-elasticnet

    A Machine Learning framework for Rust

    v0.7.0 #linear-regression #machine-learning #linear #linfa #ml #ai
  58. linfa-logistic

    A Machine Learning framework for Rust

    v0.7.0 650 #machine-learning #linear-regression #ml #linear #linfa #artificial-intelligence #ai
  59. rusty-ggml

    Idiomatic bindings for the GGML library (pre-alpha)

    v0.0.8 #ggml #deep-learning #machine-learning #tensor #ml
  60. mastishq

    under construction, this is reserving the name

    v0.1.0 #ai #ml #machine-learning #rust-ml
  61. yolors

    a CLI tool for image classification, pose estimation or (in the future) image segmentation

    v0.1.0 #computer-vision #candle #yolo #ml #command-line-tool #cli
  62. paddle_inference


    v0.4.0 #ml #paddle #dl #ffi
  63. wysk

    A statically typed functional language with type inference, ad-hoc polymorphism, and an extensible operator syntax. Influenced by Rust, ML, and Haskell.

    v0.1.0 #statically-typed #haskell #functional #ml #extensible #inference #polymorphism
  64. toy_ml

    designed to be a “Hello World” for machine learning enthusiasts looking to get started with Rust

    v0.1.0 #machine-learning #ml #toy #descent #gradient #looking #meant
  65. tiny-ml

    A very basic ml libary

    v1.0.0 #neural-network #ml #basic #tiny #scale #learning #parallelization
  66. ferrumDF

    A data frame library written to work with my ml crate ferrumML

    v0.1.1 #ferrumdf #data-frames #frame #ml #ferrum-ml
  67. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  68. linfa-ftrl

    A Machine Learning framework for Rust

    v0.7.0 #machine-learning #ai #ftrl #linfa #ml
  69. candlelighter

    A Keras like abstraction layer on top of the Rust ML framework candle

    v0.4.0 230 #machine-learning #candle #abstraction-layer #ml #neural-network #machine #learning
  70. inference

    managing the machine learning inference process

    v0.3.0 #triton #machine-learning #ml #grpc-server #api-bindings
  71. ggml-sys

    Raw bindings (i.e. bindgen output) for the ggml library.

    v0.1.1 230 #ggml #bindings #ml #llm #ai #models #output
  72. tilecoding

    Dr. Richard S. Sutton's tile coding software.

    v0.3.0 #tile #tiling #ml #rl #tiles #hash-table
  73. Cryptonic

    This project includes a tensor library, utilities for FHE functionality and most importantly an FHE based ML library

    v0.1.2 #cryptonic #machine-learning #fhe #ml #tensor #privacy-preserving #utilities
  74. clear-ml

    machine learning

    v0.1.1 #machine-learning #ml #algorithm
  75. machinebox

    A client SDK for communicating with machinebox boxes

    v0.5.0 #ml #machine-learning #api-bindings #machinelearning
  76. aikit

    Set of algorithms and utilities for common AI and ML problems

    v0.0.2 #ai #ml #computer-vision #artificial-intelligence
  77. bmls

    Basic Machine Learning Subsystems

    v1.1.1 #machine-learning #ml #math #statistics #subsystem #algorithm
  78. torch

    Thin torch bindings for rust

    v0.1.0 #ml #bindings #thin
  79. libtqsm

    Sentence segmenter that supports ~300 languages

    v0.6.1 #ml #tokenization #nlp #text
  80. rail

    A GPU-Accelerated ML Library akin to Keras

    v0.3.1 #ml #gpu-accelerated #neural-network #keras #akin #training #artificial-intelligence
  81. fast_text

    Binding for Facebook's FastText package

    v0.1.2 #nlp #ml #machine-learning #word-embedding
  82. gym-core

    Gym Interface for Reinforcement Learning

    v0.1.0 #gym #learning #rl #ml #reinforcement-learning
  83. rust_nn

    An educational Neural Network framework in Rust

    v0.1.0 #neural-network #ai #ml #networking #neural-networks
  84. nikel-rs

    interfacing with https://nikel.ml

    v0.2.2 #ml #nikel #api #interfacing #status-code
  85. tease

    Rapidly prototype interfaces for your machine learning models

    v0.1.1 #machine-learning #ai #ml #smartcore #gui
  86. backgammon-simd

    Type-safe valid move generator for backgammon using SIMD instructions. Useful for e.g. ML stuff.

    v0.1.1 #simd #game #generator #board #instructions #ml #move
  87. rustlinalg

    linear algebra crate to support crustacea ML crate

    v0.1.0 #linear #algebra #ml #crustacea
  88. muonts

    Timeseries models in rust

    v0.1.0 #forecasting #deep-learning #machine-learning #time-series #ml #timeseries
  89. ml

    A package for M and L

    v0.0.2 #ml
  90. arush

    a set of utils

    v0.0.5 #ml #ir #utilities
  91. fetish-lib

    (F)unctional (E)mbedding of (T)erms (I)n a (S)patial (H)ierarchy

    v0.1.1 #embedding #interpreter #research #functional #ml
  92. gyms

    Gym for Reinforcement Learning

    v0.1.0 #rl #ml #gym #learning #reinforcement-learning
  93. modm

    A git like cli tool for machine learning version control

    v0.1.1 #model #ml #ml-model #version-control #machine-learning #cli #command-line-tool
  94. mujoco-rust

    MuJoCo bindings for Rust

    v0.0.6 #mujoco #robotics #physics #rl #ml #api-bindings
  95. aorist_attributes

    Definitions for various kinds of data attributes in the aorist project

    v0.0.14 #attributes #aorist #definition #data #ml #kinds
  96. canyon-sys

    A sys crate for the Canyon ML Project

    v0.1.3 #cudnn #cuda #canyon #bindings #ml #build #create
  97. atari-env-sys

    FFI bindings for ALE (Arcade Learning Environment)

    v0.1.0 100 #learning #gym #atari #ml #rl