
  1. pulldown-cmark

    A pull parser for CommonMark

    v0.12.2 1.3M #markdown-parser #pull-parser #markdown-text #markdown #markdown-html #common-mark #html-rendering
  2. markdown

    CommonMark compliant markdown parser in Rust with ASTs and extensions

    v1.0.0-alpha.21 48K #markdown-html #markdown-parser #parse-markdown #common-mark #ast
  3. termimad

    Markdown Renderer for the Terminal

    v0.31.1 50K #markdown #markdown-parser #terminal #tui #command-line-interface #renderer #markdown-text
  4. comrak

    A 100% CommonMark-compatible GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and formatter

    v0.31.0 45K #markdown-parser #markdown #common-mark #github #markdown-syntax #gfm #default
  5. pulldown-cmark-to-cmark

    Convert pulldown-cmark Events back to the string they were parsed from

    v19.0.1 547K #markdown-converter #markdown #convert-markdown #common-mark #converter #render
  6. clap-markdown

    Autogenerate Markdown documentation for clap command-line tools

    v0.1.4 59K #clap #markdown #generate-markdown #clap-parser #command-line #markdown-text #help
  7. mdbook

    Creates a book from markdown files

    v0.4.43 143K #book #markdown #rust-book #gitbook #serve
  8. bashtestmd

    Compiles shell commands in .md files into Bash scripts for testing

    v0.4.2 8.1K #shell #bash #markdown #markdown-parser #script #command #command-output
  9. mdxjs

    Compile MDX to JavaScript in Rust

    v0.2.14 2.1K #markdown #mdx #compile #parse-markdown #javascript-parser #npm-package
  10. minimad

    light Markdown parser

    v0.13.1 55K #markdown-parser #markdown #parser #template
  11. gray_matter

    Smart front matter parser. An implementation of gray-matter in rust. Parses YAML, JSON, TOML and support for custom parsers.

    v0.2.8 10K #front-matter #toml-parser #markdown-parser #yaml-parser #parser #markdown #json-parser
  12. clap-help

    printing help of a clap application

    v1.3.1 4.0K #clap #command-line-interface #help #terminal #applications #markdown #printing
  13. mdcat

    cat for markdown: Show markdown documents in terminals

    v2.7.0 1.6K #markdown #syntax-highlighting #cat #less #document #color-themes #text-image
  14. mdbook-admonish

    A preprocessor for mdbook to add Material Design admonishments

    v1.18.0 5.6K #material-design #mdbook #material #design #markdown #ui
  15. kapow

    Template processor

    v2.21.1 #markdown #command-output #template #file-path #command-line #generate-markdown #file-content
  16. pastol

    Paste.lol on the command line

    v2.0.2 800 #command-line #file-sharing #pastebin #command-line-interface #markdown #file-upload #pastelol
  17. harper-ls

    The language checker for developers

    v0.12.0 #language-server-protocol #programming-language #harper #dictionary #markdown #lsp #checker
  18. none-shall-pass

    Artifact for GitHub Action to validate hyperlinks in all markdown files

    v0.2.3 1.6K #github-action #markdown #validation #hyperlink #content #multi-threading #marketplaces
  19. mask

    A CLI task runner defined by a simple markdown file

    v0.11.6 170 #markdown #task #command #markdown-syntax #command-arguments #command-line #positional-arguments
  20. rustic-ssg

    efficient static site generator written with Rust

    v0.0.22 450 #static-site-generator #ssg #markdown #cli
  21. mkrs

    Build automation tool

    v0.20.0 150 #build-automation #target #build-tool #shell #config-file #markdown #md
  22. gh-emoji

    Convert :emoji: to Unicode using GitHub’s emoji names

    v1.0.8 6.9K #emoji #github #unicode #convert-markdown #markdown #convert
  23. vesti

    A preprocessor that compiles into LaTeX

    v0.13.1 120 #latex #document #preprocessor #documentation #transpiler #compile #markdown
  24. mlc

    The markup link checker (mlc) checks for broken links in markup files

    v0.19.0 270 #markdown-html #markdown #markup #broken #html #documentation #link-checker
  25. scraps

    A static site generator that builds a wiki from a set of markdown files

    v0.15.1 400 #static-site-generator #wiki #markdown #set #knowledge-base #builds #document
  26. quickstatic

    First static site generator build for Djot. Optimized for the actual content and not the themes or bells and wistle of the Static site generator

    v0.1.11 700 #static-site-generator #static-website #djot #markdown #content #configuration #themes
  27. inlyne

    Introducing Inlyne, a GPU powered yet browserless tool to help you quickly view markdown files in the blink of an eye

    v0.4.3 #markdown #markdown-html #gpu #viewer #html-rendering #open-file
  28. mdsf

    Format markdown code snippets using your favorite code formatters

    v0.3.2 250 #formatter #markdown #linter #shell-completion #pretty-print #code-formatter
  29. unreal-doc

    generating documentation from Unreal C++ sources

    v1.0.9 #unreal-engine #documentation #generate-documentation #markdown #book #header-file #generate-markdown
  30. tree-sitter-md

    Markdown grammar for tree-sitter

    v0.3.2 3.1K #tree-sitter #markdown-parser #markdown #parser #incremental
  31. mdbook-catppuccin

    🎊 Soothing pastel theme for mdBook

    v3.0.0 #mdbook #markdown #preprocessor #catppuccin #plugin
  32. mtoc

    Generate a table of contents for markdown files

    v0.4.1 550 #markdown #markdown-tables #generate-table #contents #generator #toc #tool
  33. terminal-velocity

    A blazingly fast static site generator for dorks

    v1.0.1 1.0K #blog #markdown #static-site-generator #static-site #retro #terminal #blog-post
  34. tpnote

    Minimalistic note-taking: save and edit your clipboard content as a note file

    v1.24.11 130 #markdown #note #clipboard #file #minimalist #env-var #template
  35. vault-tasks

    TUI Markdown Task Manager

    v0.6.0 360 #markdown #task-manager #tui #productivity #obsidian #config-file
  36. cli-kneeboard

    Checklist Tool

    v0.3.2 #git-hook #markdown #checklist #git #list #todo #exit
  37. deltachat_message_parser

    email, link, hashtag, md and more - parsing for deltachat messages

    v0.11.0 #message-parser #markdown-parser #markdown #dc #deltachat #email #deltachat-messenger
  38. markdown-it

    Rust port of popular markdown-it.js library

    v0.6.1 1.6K #markdown-syntax #markdown #markdown-html #common-mark #gfm #port #ast
  39. germ

    The Ultimate Gemini Toolkit

    v0.4.5 #gemini #markdown-converter #lexer #converter #markdown #ast #parser
  40. html2md

    binary to convert simple html documents into markdown

    v0.2.14 6.0K #convert-html #markdown-converter #html #markdown-html #markdown #converter
  41. notion2html

    Convert Notion pages to HTML

    v1.0.1 150 #notion #html #markdown #cli
  42. mdbook-combiner

    combine mdbook summaries from multiple source into one mdbook

    v0.1.17 150 #documentation #mdbook #summary #combine #multiple #markdown #md
  43. samvada

    Chat with AI assistant in markdown file

    v0.1.2 350 #api-key #env-file #chat #markdown #ai #yaml #config-file
  44. madato

    command line tool for reading and writing tabular data (XLS, ODS, CSV, YAML), and Markdown

    v0.7.0 4.6K #markdown-tables #markdown #yaml #csv #command-line-tool #excel #json
  45. site

    fast, opinioned static site generator

    v0.9.0 120 #static-site-generator #markdown #content #article #template #tera-templates #template-engine
  46. quixote

    Quizzes and tests in Markdown

    v0.6.2 #quiz #markdown #testing #quizzes #generate-markdown #path #answers
  47. mdbook-quiz

    Interactive quizzes for your mdBook

    v0.3.10 #mdbook #interactive #markdown #quiz #quizzes #content #learning
  48. unclog

    allows you to build your changelog from a collection of independent files. This helps prevent annoying and unnecessary merge conflicts when collaborating on shared codebases.

    v0.7.3 #changelog #markdown #git-commit #git-version #independent #merge #entries
  49. htmd-cli

    The command line tool for htmd

    v0.3.4 #markdown-converter #convert-html #markdown-html #html #command-line-tool #markdown #converter
  50. obsidian-export

    associated CLI program to export an Obsidian vault to regular Markdown

    v24.11.0 190 #obsidian #markdown #export #notes #vault #note #front-matter
  51. bfom

    Brendan's Flavor of Markdown: I'll build my own markdown format, what could go wrong?

    v0.1.47 #markdown #flavor #format #own #toml #build #brendan
  52. pandoc

    API that wraps calls to the pandoc 2.x executable

    v0.8.11 4.5K #markdown #latex #api #executable #wraps #calls #instructions
  53. rucola-notes

    Terminal-based markdown note manager

    v0.4.1 180 #notes #markdown #tui #zettelkasten #command-line #command-line-interface #line-editor
  54. orion-ssg

    A static site generator to create a simple blog from Markdown files

    v1.1.6 850 #markdown-html #blog #markdown #blog-post #static #html #local-server
  55. pulldown-cmark-frontmatter

    A Frontmatter extractor for Markdown documents

    v0.4.0 110 #markdown-parser #front-matter #markdown #pulldown-cmark #parse-markdown #frontmatter
  56. nmd

    Official NMD CLI and compiler

    v1.4.2 400 #markdown #compiler #generate-markdown #markdown-syntax #document #projects #dossier
  57. aio-cli

    Streamlined AI Terminal Interactions

    v0.9.0 #openai #ai #command-line #command-line-tool #ai-api #markdown #language-model
  58. igneous-md

    lightweight markdown viewer

    v0.1.3 170 #markdown-syntax #markdown #syntax-highlighting #md #gui #markdown-viewer
  59. pulldown-cmark-toc

    Generate a table of contents from a Markdown document

    v0.6.0 440 #markdown-tables #markdown #generate-markdown #pulldown-cmark #generate-table #github #common-mark
  60. mdblog

    static site generator from markdown files

    v0.22.0 2.4K #static-site-generator #static-site #blog-post #blog #site #file-path #markdown
  61. smeagol-wiki

    A personal wiki webserver. Work in progress.

    v0.4.10 120 #wiki #web-server #markdown #local #github #personal #git
  62. markdown-prune

    deleting all markdown files in a folder recursively

    v0.0.8 210 #markdown #recursion #ci-cd #folder #deleting #path #relative-path
  63. github-issues-export

    Export GitHub issues to markdown files

    v0.1.5 250 #github-issues #github #issue #markdown #issues
  64. mandown

    Markdown to groff (man page) converter

    v0.1.5 1.6K #manpage #markdown #convert-markdown #groff #troff #roff
  65. eval-md

    evaluate or export code from Markdown files

    v1.1.0 #markdown #eval #snippets #export #evaluate #script #group
  66. tui-markdown

    converting markdown to a Rataui Text value

    v0.3.0 1.1K #markdown-text #markdown #tui #ratatui #terminal #cli #command-line-interface
  67. mdbook-theme

    A preprocessor and a backend to config theme for mdbook, especially creating a pagetoc on the right and setting full color themes from the offical ace editor

    v0.1.5 #color-themes #theme #themes #markdown #book #rust-book #html-css
  68. generate-readme

    A command-line utlity to help you generate README.md files

    v0.1.3 150 #template-generator #documentation-generator #markdown #generator #documentation #command-line-tool #readme
  69. unidoc

    Unite all Markdown

    v0.7.8 370 #markdown #emoji #output #unite #template #markdown-text #variables
  70. varurl

    v0.1.26 1.3K #internationalization #markdown #translation #site #tool
  71. lintestor

    Linux package tester

    v0.1.4 170 #package #tester #markdown #linux #english #summary #docs
  72. mdbook-alerts

    mdBook preprocessor to add GitHub Flavored Markdown's Alerts to your book

    v0.6.10 1.7K #mdbook-preprocessor #mdbook #github #markdown #preprocessor
  73. crowbook

    Render a Markdown book in HTML, PDF or Epub

    v0.16.1 #markdown-html #markdown #book #epub #pdf #generate-html #output-format
  74. glu

    Unpacks a Markdown document full of code snippets into a temp directory

    v0.7.26 550 #markdown #directory #snippets #file #article #full #document
  75. slack-blocks-render

    Slack blocks render is a Rust library to render Slack blocks as Markdown

    v0.2.4 280 #slack #markdown-html #markdown #data-model #html
  76. stubble

    A command-line tool for generating content stubs

    v0.3.2 #static-site-generator #markdown #generate-markdown #command-line-tool #ssg #generate-static #template-generator
  77. omd

    A minimalistic and slick looking markdown viewer with support for hot reloading and latex

    v0.2.0 #markdown #md #markdown-html #dark-mode #render
  78. my-notes

    note taking app for taking hierarchical notes in markdown

    v1.3.0 400 #command-line #notes #markdown #hierarchical #note #command-line-utilities #edit
  79. rustmark

    Extensible web application for serving Markdown-based content

    v0.6.1 110 #markdown #web-apps #web-server #markdown-html #template #html-templating #static-site-generator
  80. ipy2md

    A command line tool to convert ipython notebook to markdown

    v0.2.1 230 #notebook #markdown #jupyter #command-line-tool #convert #cells #output
  81. terdoc

    Document generation service for converting from tera templates and raw data to different output formats such as PDF or Markdown

    v0.1.1 #tera-templates #pdf #markdown #generation #template #document #data
  82. outline

    "Good enough" literate programming tool

    v0.3.0 310 #literate-programming #programming-language #documentation #documentation-tool #style #markdown #markdown-html
  83. see-cat

    A cute cat(1)

    v0.8.1 #syntax-highlighting #terminal-file #markdown #viewer #cat #terminal
  84. wit-bindgen-markdown

    Markdown generator for WIT and the component model, typically used through the wit-bindgen-cli crate

    v0.36.0 550 #component-model #wit #wit-bindgen #markdown #generator #bindings #wasi
  85. markdowny

    Markdown parser with focus on error reporting, and with support for hairy templates, HTML, HTML-attributes, HTML-spans, HTML-blocks specified in Markdown

    v0.5.0 #markdown-parser #markdown-html #markdown #markdown-syntax #error-reporting #ast #mathml
  86. mdquery

    Convert a Markdown file AST to a SQLite database

    v0.2.0 330 #markdown #sqlite #convert-markdown #ast #file #database
  87. typedoc_json_to_md

    Converts TypeDoc JSON generated by typedoc-json-parser to Markdown

    v0.3.3 #json-parser #markdown #documentation #convert-markdown #json-file #typedoc #command-line-tool
  88. htmd

    A turndown.js inspired HTML to Markdown converter

    v0.1.6 2.3K #markdown-converter #convert-html #html #markdown #converter
  89. krile

    A static site generator

    v0.5.7 #static-site-generator #markdown #frontend #version #shtola #pre-release #plugin
  90. rubedo-ssg

    The final stage in the alchemical process of building a static website

    v0.5.0 650 #ssg #static-website #markdown #final #process #stage #building
  91. markdown-reader

    markdown reader that uses ratatui to render markdown files

    v0.1.20 250 #markdown #tui #ratatui #cli #terminal
  92. blogs-md-easy

    Iteratively convert a collection of Markdown files into a respective HTML template

    v0.3.8 #markdown-html #html-templating #markdown #html #template #blog
  93. clima

    A minimal Markdown reader in the terminal

    v1.1.1 #markdown #rich-text #display #applications #viewer #reader #command-line-interface
  94. dprint-plugin-markdown

    Markdown formatter for dprint

    v0.17.8 4.5K #dprint-plugin #markdown #formatting #formatter #pulldown-cmark #parser
  95. shellpage

    conversion of markdown to html and quick blog setup

    v0.2.0 #markdown-html #blog #html #markdown #html-templating #tera-templates
  96. siena

    data provider agnostic ORM

    v3.2.1 110 #data-provider #orm #front-matter #yaml #database #data-store #markdown
  97. broken-md-links

    A command-line tool and library to detect broken links in Markdown files

    v2.1.1 #broken-links #markdown #command-line-tool #header-file #target-file #directory #detect
  98. md-tui

    A terminal markdown viewer

    v0.8.7 190 #markdown #tui #viewer #terminal #command-line-interface
  99. mdbook-journal

    journal plugin for mdBook

    v0.3.0 #mdbook #book #markdown #generate-documentation #gitbook #plugin
  100. tempura

    Pipeline-based Static site generator

    v0.5.2 600 #ssg #templating #markdown #web #markdown-text
  101. tweet-archive-to-markdown

    Convert archived Tweets to MarkDown with FrontMatter

    v0.0.2 #markdown #tweet #twitter #front-matter #archive #convert #archived
  102. mds

    A skim-based *.md explore and surf note-taking tool

    v0.19.2 180 #markdown #note-taking #skim #sqlite #pkm #linker #command-line-tool
  103. markdown2pdf

    Create PDF with Markdown files (a md to pdf transpiler)

    v0.1.2 490 #convert-markdown #markdown #pdf #md #markdown-to-pdf #markdown-text #config-file
  104. pdf_composer

    Create PDF documents from YAML Front Matter source documents

    v0.3.0 900 #front-matter #pdf #yaml #document #generation #markdown #source
  105. simple-ssg

    Plain and simple static site generator for Djot and Markdown light markup languages

    v4.1.0 #static-site-generator #markup-language #plain-text #djot #static-website #markdown #website-generator
  106. mdbook-dtmo

    Creates a book from markdown files with added plugins

    v0.15.2 #markdown #book #rust-book #gitbook #pre-processor
  107. mdopen

    Preview markdown files in a browser

    v0.4.0 270 #markdown #markdown-html #browser #preview #github #github-api #local-filesystem
  108. fiberplane

    All the Fiberplane crates in one place

    v1.0.0-beta.15 800 #api-client #models #axum #template #markdown #provider #re-exports
  109. rumage

    framework for making simple markdown sites

    v0.5.9 #markdown-html #static-site #web-framework #markdown #website #blog
  110. markdown-test-report

    Markdown generator for cargo test JSON files

    v0.3.8 1.4K #cargo-test #markdown #test-output #testing #json #convert-json #report
  111. cargo-onedoc

    Generate your README.md from Rust doc comments

    v0.1.1 #generate-documentation #markdown #documentation #generate-markdown #cargo-subcommand #cargo #cargo-build
  112. yamd

    Markdown Document (flavour)

    v0.14.1 #markdown-parser #markdown #parser #common-mark #document #documentation #struct
  113. creole-nom

    WikiCreole markup language parser library by nom

    v1.0.9 #markup-language #nom #markdown-parser #wiki #parser #markdown #creole
  114. courses

    A publishing system for interactive content

    v0.10.0-alpha.1 #notebook #education #markdown #publishing #website-generator #documentation-generator #notebooks
  115. markdown2html-converter

    converting a Markdown file to a single HTML file with built-in CSS and JS

    v1.1.12 #markdown-html #markdown #markdown-converter #html-css #html #latex #highlight
  116. pulldown-cmark-mdcat

    Render pulldown-cmark events to TTY

    v2.7.0 2.7K #markdown-syntax #markdown #cmark #cat #less
  117. presenterm

    A terminal slideshow presentation tool

    v0.9.0 190 #presentation #terminal #markdown #themes #slide #highlighting #customizable
  118. rusty-notes

    A markdown web-interface notebook

    v1.4.0 310 #markdown #notebook #web-interface #local #notes #local-server #web-ui
  119. leptos-markdown

    A component which can render markdown as html element in leptos

    v0.1.0 #leptos #markdown #component #render #element #html #markdown-html
  120. pagetop-mdbook

    PageTop package to include mdBook content into PageTop applications

    v0.0.19 800 #mdbook #pagetop #markdown #book #component
  121. discord-md

    Parser and generator for Discord's markdown

    v3.0.0 #markdown-parser #parser-generator #markdown-text #discord #markdown #plain-text #text-parser
  122. mdbook-curly-quotes

    mdBook preprocessor that replaces straight quotes with curlyquotes, except within code blocks or code spans

    v0.4.37 260 #mdbook #quote #markdown #replace #curly #straight
  123. markdown_minder

    A CLI tool for saving content to markdown with YAML frontmatter support

    v0.2.0 #markdown #yaml #command-line-arguments #generate-markdown #command-line-tool #command-line-interface #cli
  124. mdmg

    A scaffold prototype code tool

    v0.1.6 280 #scaffold #template #markdown #command-line-tool #scaffolding #file #file-format
  125. paper-terminal

    Writes a file to a paper in your terminal. Especially if that file is Markdown.

    v3.0.0 #syntax-highlighting #markdown #paper #text #document #viewer #command-line
  126. fmtm

    A diff-friendly Markdown formatter that breaks lines on sensible punctuations and words to fit a line width

    v0.0.3 190 #markdown #line-break #formatting #formatter #width #git-diff #diff-friendly
  127. mdmodels

    generate models, code and schemas from markdown files

    v0.1.5 230 #data-model #markdown #schema #attributes #generate #language-model #object
  128. pulldown-cmark-escape

    An escape library for HTML created in the pulldown-cmark project

    v0.11.0 217K #html-string #escaping #markdown-html #html #markdown-parser #common-mark #markdown
  129. html2md-rs

    Convert HTML to Markdown

    v0.10.2 120 #convert-html #markdown-parser #html #markdown-html #markdown #html2md #html-to-markdown
  130. mdbook-pikchr

    A mdbook preprocessor to render pikchr code blocks as images in your book

    v0.1.9 290 #mdbook #pikchr #markup-language #markdown #pic #md
  131. mdbook-chess

    An mdbook preprocessing plugin to generate chess boards

    v0.2.2 #chess #mdbook #chess-board #markdown
  132. hash-tag

    Markdown to HTML parser

    v0.1.10 #markdown-html #html #html-parser #markdown #parser
  133. mkwebsite

    build websites using markdown

    v0.5.0 #website-generator #lua-script #markdown
  134. mdka

    HTML to Markdown converter

    v1.2.10 750 #markdown-converter #convert-html #html-parser #html #markdown-parser #markdown #html-text
  135. pandoc_ast

    deserializes and serializes the markdown ast for writing pandoc filters

    v0.8.6 #ast #pandoc #serialize-deserialize #filter #markdown #latex
  136. diary-cli

    A powerful cli for documenting and keeping a diary

    v1.3.5 #diary #markdown #keeping #content #section #entries #documenting
  137. notus

    terminal notes app

    v0.1.2 120 #notes #markdown #command-line #note #applications #command-line-utilities #note-taking
  138. fast_html2md

    A fast html2md crate for rust

    v0.0.41 3.4K #markdown-converter #markdown-html #html #markdown #converter
  139. murkdown

    An experimental semantic markup language and static site generator for composing and decomposing hypertext documents

    v0.1.1 #markup #generator #hypertext #literate-programming #markdown #static-site-generator #markup-language
  140. mdsplode

    A CLI tool for exploding and serialising Markdown files (metadata, AST, rendered parts, and rendered whole)

    v0.4.1 #markdown #metadata #command-line-tool #ast #processing #parts #rendered
  141. catalog-of-markdown

    Generate the catalog of markdown file

    v0.1.6 150 #markdown #generate-markdown #content #catalog #md #file #title
  142. mdli

    v0.1.28 370 #markdown #translation #site #internationalization #tool #parse
  143. clippy-to-md

    cli tool to convert clippy json reports to markdown files

    v0.1.0 #clippy #reports #convert #markdown #json #cli #tool
  144. mle

    The markup link extractor (mle) extracts links from markup files (Markdown and HTML)

    v0.25.2 #markdown-html #markup #links #markdown #html #link #broken-links
  145. mdbook-presentation-preprocessor

    A preprocessor for utilizing an MDBook as slides for a presentation

    v0.3.1 #mdbook #preprocessor #markdown #pre-processor #rust-book #markdown-html #gitbook
  146. mdsh

    Markdown shell pre-processor

    v0.7.0 #shell #markdown-syntax #markdown #command #pre-processor #md #file
  147. npmv

    v0.1.19 #translation #markdown #internationalization #site #command-line #solution #file
  148. cliche

    Dead simple static site generator

    v1.2.0 #static-site-generator #content #markdown #header-file #style-sheet #pages #routing
  149. mdbook-yml-header

    mdBook preprocessor for removing yml header

    v0.1.4 #mdbook #mdbook-preprocessor #markdown #preprocessor #rust-book #book #pre-processor
  150. present

    Interpolate the standard output of arbitrary shell scripts into your markdown files

    v0.2.3 #markdown #command-output #utility #productivity #command-line-tool #bash #command-line
  151. pos_lines

    v0.1.10 440 #markdown #translation #line #site #internationalization #pos #tool
  152. wwdc-parser

    convert WWDC video pages to markdown

    v0.1.0 #markdown #convert #video #pages #wwdc #content #parser
  153. ytree

    v0.1.31 #static-site-generator #internationalization #markdown #translation #content #website #language
  154. markopolis

    CLI tool for Markopolis

    v0.1.0 #notes #markdown #cli #tool
  155. mdxt

    Custom Markdown Engine for my personal blog

    v0.7.3 #markdown #web #ssg #md #web-framework
  156. mdlink

    Auto-convert HTTP links for your favorite services into nice Markdown links

    v0.2.10 120 #markdown #links #http #services #favorite #nice #auto-convert
  157. atext2html

    Convert a text with markup hyperlinks to HTML

    v0.27.2 #markdown-html #restructuredtext #convert-text #text-parser #markdown #hyperlink #markup
  158. bananen

    CLI changelog generator written in Rust

    v0.1.8 #changelog-generator #changelog #markdown #command-line-tool #cli
  159. mdbook_fork4ls

    Fork of mdBook for mdBook_LS

    v0.4.43 1.0K #book #markdown #rust-book #gitbook
  160. concisemark

    A simplified markdown parsing library

    v0.4.2 #markdown-parser #markdown #markdown-syntax #markdown-html #markdown-text #parser #paragraph
  161. mdbook-variables

    mdBook proprocessor for risolve variables configured from book.toml

    v0.2.4 800 #mdbook #variables #env-vars #markdown
  162. markdown2unicode

    Converter from markdown notation to unicode characters

    v0.2.1 #unicode-characters #markdown #convert-markdown #markdown-text #spans #unicode-text #converter
  163. npmi

    v0.1.18 #translation #markdown #internationalization #site #static-site-generator #content #solution
  164. femark

    A Markdown to HTML converter and code syntax highlighter using pulldown-cmark and treesitter

    v0.1.6 #markdown-html #syntax-highlighting #markdown-syntax #markdown #markdown-parser #syntax #html
  165. render_readme

    Render Markdown or reStructuredText with syntax highlighting and image filtering similar to GitHub's

    v0.12.0 180 #syntax-highlighting #markdown-html #html #github #markdown #convert-html #convert
  166. mdbook-d2

    D2 diagram generator plugin for MdBook

    v0.3.1 #mdbook #svg #markdown #d2 #common-mark #code-block
  167. cdoc

    A markdown-based document parser and processor

    v0.10.0-alpha.1 #markdown #markdown-parser #website-generator #convert-markdown #notebook #notebooks
  168. clap-doc

    Create markdown descriptions for clap::Commands

    v0.1.1 #clap #markdown #clap-parser #command #descriptions #cargo #manager
  169. ckv

    v0.1.13 #markdown #static-site-generator #translation #internationalization #website #static-website #tool
  170. mdbook-satysfi

    A mdbook backend for generating SATySFi documents

    v0.0.7 #mdbook #markdown #book #satysfi #document #back-end #pdf-file
  171. etch

    Not just a text formatter, don't mark it down, etch it

    v0.4.2 13K #syntax-highlighting #text #plugin #markdown #formatter #dont #document
  172. mdi

    markdown include

    v0.0.39 #markdown #version #english
  173. bfom-blog

    CLI tool for my own blog

    v0.1.21 #blog #markdown #command-line-tool #personal #own #root
  174. mdsycx

    markdown with Sycamore

    v0.2.0 130 #sycamore #markdown #website
  175. md_title

    v0.1.12 210 #markdown #internationalization #translation #command-line #command-line-tool #site #static-site-generator
  176. bce

    v0.1.4 #markdown #translation #internationalization #site #static-site #content #tracing
  177. upn

    v0.1.9 290 #markdown #translation #site #internationalization #tool #break #width
  178. bard

    Creates PDF and HTML songbooks out of easy-to-write Markdown sources

    v2.0.1 #markdown #music #markdown-html #pdf #compiler #songbooks #songbook
  179. notebook_rs

    CLI utility for plaintext notetaking

    v0.5.1 500 #notebook #note-taking #journal #sentiment #plain-text #markdown #command-line-tool
  180. tsfmt

    v0.1.10 #markdown #translation #internationalization #site #tool #utc #text
  181. mdbook-plantuml

    A preprocessor for mdbook which will convert plantuml code blocks into inline SVG diagrams

    v0.8.0 950 #plant-uml #mdbook #markdown #common-mark
  182. speedymd

    A CLI tool for setting up Markdown speedily

    v0.1.3 140 #markdown #setting-up #rust #command-line-tool #cli
  183. change

    v0.1.14 #static-site-generator #translation #markdown #file-change #internationalization #multi-language #original
  184. somedoc

    A very simple document model and markup generator

    v0.2.10 #markdown #document #model #markup #write #common-mark #writer
  185. rtoc

    v0.1.10 #static-site-generator #translation #markdown #internationalization #command-line-tool #content #multi-language
  186. fartdown

    An experimental semantic markup language and static site generator for crafting hypertext documents

    v0.1.0 140 #generator #hypertext #markup #markdown #static-site-generator #literate-programming #markup-language
  187. only_url

    v0.1.7 280 #markdown #translation #content #internationalization #url #site #website
  188. refmt

    v0.1.5 #static-site-generator #markdown #translation #internationalization #markdown-text #multi-language #command-line
  189. mdcat-http-reqwest

    Reqwest-based HTTP resource handler for mdcat

    v2.6.2 800 #http #handler #markdown #terminal #mdcat #resource
  190. marktwin

    format support for Eternaltwin

    v0.5.0 #message-format #eternal-twin #parser #markdown #compatible #wasm #node
  191. pdf_composer_definitions

    PDF Composer definitions crate

    v0.3.0 #front-matter #pdf #yaml #markdown #composer #generate
  192. pli

    v0.1.10 #static-site-generator #internationalization #translation #markdown #multi-language #content #original
  193. markdown-builder

    Opinionated Rust crate for programmatically building markdown documents

    v1.0.0 #markdown #documentation #builder #markdown-text #code-block
  194. writeme

    Cross-platform README generator for your project

    v0.2.1 #generator #cross-platform #markdown #config-file #cargo-toml #readme #toml-config
  195. spezilinter

    spezifisch's linter for different file formats, linting for weirdly specific stuff

    v1.1.2 #file-format #jpeg #blog-post #image #markdown #svg #exif
  196. bfom-lib

    Brendan's Flavor of Markdown: I'll build my own markdown format, what could go wrong?

    v0.1.52 #markdown #markdown-converter #bfom #format #flavor #own #external
  197. str0

    v0.1.8 #markdown #translation #content #internationalization #site #website #tool
  198. mdbook-gitbook

    mdBook preprocessor to properly render GitBook specific syntax

    v1.0.3 #mdbook-preprocessor #mdbook #preprocessor #markdown #gitbook #markdown-syntax #markdown-html
  199. set_mtime

    v0.1.8 #markdown #translation #site #file #modified #internationalization #modify
  200. markterm

    render colored markdown to the terminal

    v0.3.0 #markdown #terminal #render #theme
  201. tangler

    Extracts code blocks from Markdown documents

    v0.3.0 #markdown #blocks #document #ci #tangle #extracting #fragments
  202. custard

    A frontmatter-querying server

    v0.4.0 160 #markdown #front-matter #server #plain-text #query #frontmatter-querying
  203. mdbook-force-relative-links

    An mdbook pre-processor to transform all local links to relative ones

    v0.1.2 #markdown #book #rust-book #theme
  204. ftd

    ftd: FifthTry Document Format

    v0.2.0 #document #markdown #programming-language #prose #format #json #fifth-try
  205. termbook-cli

    termbook is a command-line tool to build mdbook’s while executing bash codeblocks and collecting their output to become part of the mdbook

    v1.4.6 #markdown #common-mark #command-line-tool
  206. markdown-extract-cli

    Extract sections of a markdown file with a regular expression

    v2.1.0 #markdown #extract #section #expression #regex #regular #file
  207. mdbook-svgbob

    SvgBob mdbook preprocessor which swaps code-blocks with neat SVG

    v0.2.1 3.6K #mdbook #svg #ascii #markdown #bob
  208. quickmd

    Quickly preview a markdown file

    v0.6.1 #markdown #markdown-html #gtk #preview #style-sheet #github #html-rendering
  209. mdbook-callouts

    mdBook preprocessor to add Obsidian Flavored Markdown's Callouts to your book

    v0.2.1 150 #mdbook #markdown #obsidian #preprocessor #callouts
  210. fifthtry-mdbook

    fork of mdbook, only for ft-cli

    v0.4.8 #book #markdown #rust-book #gitbook #command-line #command-line-tool
  211. markdown-formatter

    Flavored Markdown (ZH) content formatter

    v0.0.13 #markdown #formatter #content #output #zh
  212. clap-markdown-dfir

    Autogenerate Markdown documentation for clap command-line tools

    v0.2.0 #clap #generate-markdown #markdown #command-line #help #generate-documentation
  213. pikchr

    PIC-like diagramming language to SVG converter

    v0.1.3 1.7K #markup-language #svg #pic #markdown #md #html
  214. zenn2press

    convert Zenn contents to VitePress

    v0.1.0 #markdown #zenn #vite-press
  215. skeptic

    Test your Rust markdown documentation via Cargo

    v0.13.7 169K #markdown #documentation #testing #testing-cargo #cargo-toml #cargo-build #cargo-script
  216. orestaty

    HTML-centered handlebars-based static site generator

    v1.0.0 100 #static-site-generator #handlebars #sass #markdown-html #markdown #html-templating #html
  217. fiberplane-markdown

    convert Fiberplane Notebooks to and from Markdown

    v1.0.0-beta.14 700 #markdown #fiberplane #notebook #conversion #data #transforming
  218. slim_protocol

    General Slim Protocol stuff. Used internally by rust_slim and Temoc

    v0.2.0 #protocols #slim #markdown #testing #github #acceptance #internally
  219. vndb_tags_get

    convert VNDB tag list (JSON to markdown)

    v1.2.1 #tags #markdown #json #convert-json #vndb #list #json-parser
  220. mdbook-private

    An mdbook preprocessor that controls visibility of private chapters and sections within them

    v0.2.2 #mdbook #chapter #private #section #control #visibility #markdown
  221. jottem

    A lightweight CLI manager for your markdown notes

    v0.1.8 #markdown #notes #manager #user #quick #io #installed
  222. markdown-toc

    Markdown Table of Contents generator

    v0.2.0 #markdown-tables #markdown #generate-markdown #table #contents #generator #header
  223. markdown-it-sub

    A markdown-it plugin for parsing subscripts

    v1.0.0 700 #subscript #markdown #markdown-it #plugin
  224. pelp

    A (p)resentation h(elp)er. Makes it easy to create a revealjs presentation from a Markdown file.

    v0.1.0 #markdown #presentation #source-file #revealjs #create #update #recurring
  225. sver

    v0.1.9 #static-site #markdown #static-site-generator #translation #internationalization #tool #component
  226. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  227. mdbook-fs-summary

    Summary generator for mdbook

    v0.2.1 #mdbook #summary #markdown #static #generate
  228. pgpt

    A CLI to ask ChatGPT anything with pretty markdown rendering (Pretty GPT)

    v0.2.0 110 #chatgpt #ai #markdown #cli #gpt #cache #config-file
  229. bilingual

    A cmdline tool used for markdown translation via calling Chinese translation api cloud services

    v0.1.3 #markdown #translation #chinese #api #cmd-line #cloud #services
  230. markdown-it-ruby

    A markdown-it plugin for parsing ruby text

    v1.0.0 700 #markdown #plugin #markdown-it #markdown-parser #ruby-text
  231. markdown-extract

    Extract sections of a markdown file

    v2.0.0 110 #markdown #extract #section #changelog #regex #document #cli
  232. rktpb

    A pastebin that does just enough to be really useful

    v1.0.0 #pastebin #markdown #rocket #highlight #markdown-text #filesystem #file-upload
  233. markdown_replace

    help you replace all markdown links with absolute links

    v0.1.0 #markdown #regex #root-directory #command-line #command-line-tool #cli
  234. markdown-it-block-spoiler

    A markdown-it plugin for parsing block spoilers

    v1.0.0 #markdown-it #plugin #markdown
  235. tuop-ls

    An Several Useful For Everyday Commands

    v0.2.7 #directory #markdown-html #converter #markdown #html #file-converter #cli
  236. markdown-it-sup

    A markdown-it plugin for parsing superscripts

    v1.0.0 750 #markdown-parser #markdown #markdown-it #plugin #superscript
  237. pagong

    A static site generator for slow connections

    v0.2.0 #static-site-generator #markdown #markdown-html #website #html-css #blog #connection
  238. mdbook-latex

    An mdbook backend for generating LaTeX and PDF documents

    v0.1.24 310 #latex #mdbook #markdown #pdf #backend #document #generates
  239. ligotab

    Format delimited data with lightweight markup

    v0.2.0 #restructuredtext #csv #markdown #org #confluence
  240. yarner

    Literate programming tool for Markdown

    v0.6.1 #literate-programming #markdown #documentation #documentation-tool #programming-language #source-file #command-line-tool
  241. markdown-ast

    Markdown AST representation for document construction and transformation, based on pulldown-cmark

    v0.1.1 #markdown #ast #markdown-syntax #document #representation #transformation #pulldown-cmark
  242. marker

    finding issues in CommonMark documents

    v0.9.0 #common-mark #broken-links #markdown #links #validate #file-path #validation
  243. royal_road_archiver

    An archival program and library for the webnovel site RoyalRoad

    v1.0.3 #markdown #epub #download #royal-road #archival #webnovel #generation
  244. txt_to_md

    Command converting from a txt file to a markdown file

    v0.1.1 #markdown-text #markdown #text-file #markdown-converter #text #txt #txt-file
  245. term-rustdoc

    A TUI for Rust docs

    v0.2.0 #documentation #tui #nightly #json #generic #markdown #cache
  246. cargo-intraconv

    helper to transform Markdown links to intra-doc links in Rust projects when appropriate

    v1.4.0 #documentation #links #file-path #markdown #cargo #cargo-subcommand #intra-doc-links
  247. little-skeptic

    Test your Rust markdown documentation via Cargo

    v0.15.2 #markdown #documentation #testing #build-script #cargo-test