
  1. system-deps

    Discover and configure system dependencies from declarative dependencies in Cargo.toml

    v7.0.3 793K #cargo-toml #build-system #cargo-build #pkg-config #metadata #build-dependencies #manifest
  2. embed-resource

    A Cargo library to handle compilation and inclusion of Windows resources in the most resilient fashion imaginable

    v3.0.2 302K #cargo-build #build-script #manifest-file #resources #manifest #build #cargo
  3. extism-manifest

    Extism plug-in manifest crate

    v1.10.0 15K #json-schema #schema-definition #manifest #plugin #extism #plugin-system #framework
  4. filepack

    file verification utility

    v0.0.6 550 #verification #checksum #blake3 #hash #manifest #command-line-tool #manifest-file
  5. windows_exe_info

    A cargo build script library for adding file information to windows executables

    v0.4.2 2.8K #cargo-build #build-script #cargo-script #build #manifest #cargo #resources
  6. wit-deps-cli

    WIT dependency manager

    v0.5.0 250 #wit #manager #wit-deps #manifest #lock #toml #binary
  7. leafwing_manifest

    A flexible crate for managing game assets that share a common structure. Manifests are generated from on-disk data, and offer a straightforward way to quickly look-up and generate game objects.

    v0.3.0 #manifest #game-assets #bevy #object #loading #unique-identifier #look-up
  8. windows-version

    Windows version information

    v0.1.3 193K #os-version #windows #information #system-information #windows-system #manifest #applications
  9. cargo-pak

    Generate manifest and desktop files for flatpak

    v0.1.7 #flatpak #desktop-applications #manifest #cargo #generate #package #build
  10. binstalk-manifests

    The binstall toolkit for manipulating with manifest

    v0.15.24 14K #cargo-binstall #manifest #binary #packages #install #cargo-toml #projects
  11. cargo-dist-schema

    Schema information for cargo-dist's dist-manifest.json

    v0.28.0 650 #cargo-build #json-parser #dist #json-schema #manifest #packaging #cargo-dist
  12. mtree2

    iterating through the entries of an mtree record file

    v0.6.9 900 #file #checksum #mtree #manifest
  13. playdate-build

    Utils that help to build package for Playdate

    v0.4.3 480 #playdate #assets #package #manifest #package-metadata #gamedev #encoding
  14. valhalla-client

    API client for the Valhalla routing engine

    v0.3.0 100 #routes #api-client #location #valhalla #manifest #status #elevation
  15. install-action-manifest-schema

    Structured access to the install-action manifests

    v0.1.0 110 #manifest #action #github #github-action #access #structured #install-action
  16. ros_package_manifest

    parses ROS package manifest (also known as package.xml)

    v0.3.0 700 #ros #package #manifest #xml
  17. cargo-manifest-check

    Check the formatting of your manifest files

    v0.1.0 #manifest #check #sorting #lint #dependencies
  18. embed-manifest

    Build script library to easily embed a Windows manifest

    v1.4.0 3.2K #build-script #manifest #build #build-environment #windows
  19. pax-compiler

    Compiler APIs for parsing and building Pax projects into application executables

    v0.38.3 280 #pax #applications #executable #cartridge #projects #manifest #compiler
  20. aol

    Generic purpose append only log implementation

    v0.3.2 1.0K #write-ahead-log #log #append-only #manifest #append-only-log #database #manifest-file
  21. mani

    in-memory manifest of related files

    v0.9.0 100 #lsm-tree #manifest #tracking #logging #volume #low-throughput #in-memory
  22. pint-manifest

    The Pint manifest implementation, i.e. pint.toml.

    v0.3.0 #pint #manifest #toml #toolchain #testing #cargo #path
  23. binsync

    syncing binary files between two locations

    v0.0.4 190 #binary-data #syncing #manifest #data-transfer #chunks #delta #content-defined
  24. wit-deps

    WIT dependency management

    v0.5.0 500 #wit #management #lock #manifest #toml #consistent #specification
  25. winscribe

    Inscribe Windows resource & manifest files onto your executables

    v0.1.1 #manifest #resource #windows
  26. manifest_parser_rs

    A Cargo.toml manifest file parser that supports sections and key-value pairs

    v0.2.0 #ini #manifest #semver #manifest-file #parser #configuration #cargo-toml
  27. flatpak-rs

    Flatpak library for Rust

    v0.18.1 #flatpak #applications #module #manifest #parser #source #struct
  28. pdblister

    Faster version of symchk /om for generating PDB manifests of offline machines

    v0.0.3 #pdb #symchk #offline #manifest #manifest-file #symbol #machine
  29. android-manifest

    Android Manifest serializer and deserializer for Rust

    v0.2.0 #android #applications #activity #xml #manifest #com #intent
  30. wctl

    Wallpaper package manager written in rust

    v1.0.0 #wallpaper #package-manager #command #page #repository #manifest #handle
  31. gravitron_macro_utils

    Gravitron's Macro Utils

    v0.1.2 140 #gravitron #game #macro #manifest
  32. uvm_install_graph

    A graph view of a unity version manifest

    v0.8.2 600 #unity #version-manager #module #graph #manifest #directed-graph #topological
  33. fimi

    A generic migration framework

    v0.1.3 #migration #file #framework #generic #up #manifest #executed
  34. manifest-feature-gen

    Feature generator for cargo manifest

    v0.2.0 2.3K #cargo-manifest #manifest #features #generator
  35. onefetch-manifest

    Detect and parse manifest files

    v2.23.1 200 #manifest #git-repository #parser #detect #git-tool #onefetch #information
  36. manganis-cli-support

    Ergonomic, automatic, cross crate asset collection and optimization

    v0.3.0-alpha.3 #assets #build-tool #optimization #automatic #collection #cross #manifest
  37. ambient_package_semantic

    Semantic analysis for the Ambient package manifests

    v0.3.1 #ambient #package #analysis #manifest #semantic #gamedev #game-engine
  38. ecr-dump

    Dump all ECR image manifests locally

    v0.2.0 #ecr #container-image #manifest #dump #layer #content #locally
  39. ambient_project

    Definition of the Ambient project manifest format

    v0.2.1 110 #ambient #manifest #game-engine #definition #format #multiplayer-game #gamedev
  40. manifest-gen

    A manifest.json generator

    v0.2.3 #manifest #json #manifest-file #json-file #command-line-tool #cli #generator
  41. depit

    WIT dependency management

    v0.2.2 #wit #lock #manifest #manager #management #wit-deps #consistent
  42. wick-config

    Wick manifest configuration format

    v0.28.0 #config-parser #component #wick #manifest #normalization #streaming #format
  43. webmanifest

    Create a manifest.webmanifest file

    v1.1.1 #manifest #manifest-file #io
  44. package_info

    exposing Cargo Package Information to Rust code

    v0.1.0 1.0K #cargo-manifest #package #manifest #cargo #fields
  45. fwsig

    A specification (and tools) for firmware signing / verification

    v0.2.1 #firmware #signature #manifest #verification #specification #applications #packaging
  46. ambient_package

    Definition of the Ambient package manifest format

    v0.3.1 #ambient #package #manifest #game-engine #definition #format #multiplayer
  47. hesp-manifest

    serialization and deserialization the HESP manifest

    v2.0.3-alpha.1 #serialization #deserialize #manifest #hesp #ietf #validation #parser
  48. rustup-toolchain-manifest

    Parses the Rust toolchain manifest

    v0.2.2 #toolchain #manifest #parses #package #renames #name
  49. libsel4-sys

    Builds the sel4 kernel and generates Rust bindings around it, as configured by a feL4 manifest

    v0.5.2 #sel4 #bindings #manifest #kernel #generate #builds #configured
  50. epic_manifest_parser_rs

    A lightweight, fast epic manifest parser made in Rust

    v0.1.7 #manifest #epic #parser
  51. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  52. cargo-manifmt

    rustfmt for your Cargo.toml

    v0.1.5 #cargo-manifest #cargo #manifest #cargo-toml #fmt #format
  53. metadeps

    Run pkg-config from declarative dependencies in Cargo.toml

    v1.1.2 22K #cargo-toml #pkg-config #metadata #build-dependencies #manifest #build-depends
  54. rman

    Parser for Riot Manifest file format

    v0.3.0 #manifest-file #riot #manifest #file-format #flat-buffers #riot-manifest #rito
  55. pipebuilder

    CI for pipebase application

    v0.2.2 #pipebase #ci #builder #manifest #api #repository #scheduler
  56. manifest-filter

    lib to modify video manifests

    v0.1.1 #video #hls #manifest #modify #lib #filter #playlist
  57. manifest-server

    HTTP server that modifies video manifests

    v0.1.2 #video #hls #manifest #rate #modify #modifier #bitrate
  58. depit-cli

    WIT dependency manager

    v0.2.2 #manager #wit #toml #lock #wit-deps #manifest #manage
  59. press

    Silicon package manager

    v0.1.0 #package #package-manager #silicon #command #help #manifest
  60. flow-expression-parser

    Parser for flow expressions in the Wick configuration manifest

    v0.7.0 #expression-parser #config-parser #wick #flow #manifest
  61. cargo-fill

    An interactive CLI tool for filling the fields of Cargo.toml quickly

    v0.2.0 #cargo-toml #fill #productivity #manifest #git-config #command-line-tool
  62. s3-manifest

    Strongly-typed manifest structs used by Amazon S3 in Rust

    v0.3.0 #amazon-s3 #manifest #strongly-typed #structs #batch #storage #inventory
  63. cdragon-rman

    Work with RMAN manifest files used by Riot

    v0.2.0 #manifest #rman #cdragon
  64. cargo-set-rust-version

    Update Cargo.toml rust-version to latest

    v0.5.0 #cargo-toml #latest #version #manifest #rust-version
  65. cargo-sls-distribution

    A Cargo subcommand which packages a binary crate into a distribution archive

    v0.4.5 #package #distribution #cargo-subcommand #applications #binary #archive #manifest
  66. sxs-manifest

    Microsoft SxS manifest generator

    v0.1.0 #manifest #assembly #sx-s
  67. clarinet-files

    Clarinet manifests files helpers

    v2.0.1 #helper #manifest #clarinet #stack #contracts #bitcoin #clarity
  68. webextension_pattern

    Intuitive URL pattern matching as used by Firefox WebExtensions and by Chrome

    v0.3.0 #pattern-matching #pattern #url #match #link #manifest
  69. yalich

    license checker

    v0.1.4 #checker #language #file #toml #poetry #package-json #manifest
  70. cargo-toml-lint

    Linter for Cargo.toml

    v0.1.1 170 #cargo-toml #linter #toml #cargo #manifest #config #array
  71. marine-module-info-parser

    Fluence Marine Wasm module info (manifest and version) parser

    v0.16.0 130 #wasm-module #fluence #marine #info #version #manifest #run-time
  72. hypertree

    Data structures for Manifest

    v1.0.0 200 #structures #byte #data #solana #byte-array #features #manifest
  73. radix-transactions

    Various Radix transaction models and the manifest compiler/decompiler, from the Radix DLT project

    v1.3.0 1.0K #manifest #radix #transaction #smart-contracts #dlt #models #programming
  74. reproto-semck

    Rethinking Protocol Generators Checks that changes to a manifest does not violate semantic versioning

    v0.3.36 #semver #manifest #check #protocols #reproto #violate #generator
  75. manifesta

    Index and access all available Rust releases

    v0.1.1 #index #version #release #stable #channel #manifest #toolchain
  76. eso_addon_manifest

    ESO AddOn Manifest.txt file parser and validator written in Rust

    v0.1.1 #txt-file #manifest #add-on #validation #eso #api-version #title
  77. rustversion-msrv

    Conditional compilation according manifest MSRV

    v0.100.0 320 #conditional-compilation #compiler-version #msrv #compiler-error #manifest #rustc-version #testing
  78. ota-dump

    dump manifest of Android's OTA package

    v0.1.6 #android #ota #manifest #manifest-file #dump #update #package
  79. glrepo

    A multi GIT project fetch tool inspired by google repo tool

    v0.4.1 #git #repo #tool #fetch #path #projects #manifest
  80. ifu


    v0.2.2 #astronomy #telescope #manifest #model #round #slit #hexagon
  81. manifest-dex

    Onchain orderbook optimized for space and accounts

    v1.0.1 260 #account #manifest #orderbook #on-chain #solana #limit #limit-order
  82. label-generator

    Generate labels using components

    v0.3.0 #label #component #generate #generator #variant #svg #manifest
  83. gh-labelx

    Creates issue labels on GitHub idempotently through HashiCorp Terraform

    v0.1.1 #label #github #create #hashi-corp #terraform #issue #manifest
  84. toml-sorted

    A cargo sub-command to check if various parts of the manifest are sorted

    v0.1.0 #sorting #cargo-subcommand #manifest #check #toml #workspace #parts
  85. polywrap_manifest


    v0.1.0 #polywrap #manifest #polywrap-manifest
  86. cargo-toml2

    Cargo.toml and .cargo/config parsing stuff

    v1.3.2 #cargo-toml #toml #cargo-manifest #cargo #manifest #toml-parser #serde
  87. summain

    File manifests

    v0.26.0 #manifest #checksum #file-checksum #output #gnu #public #lists