
  1. core-foundation

    Bindings to Core Foundation for macOS

    v0.10.0 5.2M #macos #framework #objective-c #objc #os #low-level
  2. vcpkg

    find native dependencies in a vcpkg tree at build time in order to be used in Cargo build scripts

    v0.2.15 6.2M #cargo-build #build-script #build-time #cargo-metadata #build-dependencies #linux-macos #macos
  3. mach2

    interface to the user-space API of the Mach 3.0 kernel that underlies OSX

    v0.4.2 957K #kernel #macos #api-bindings #darwin
  4. webbrowser

    Open URLs in web browsers available on a platform

    v1.0.3 525K #browser #url #platform #web #local #android #macos
  5. core-graphics

    Bindings to Core Graphics for macOS

    v0.24.0 780K #macos #graphics #bindings #foundation #low-level
  6. cocoa

    Bindings to Cocoa for macOS

    v0.26.0 485K #macos #bindings #foundation #check #low-level
  7. objc2

    Objective-C interface and runtime bindings

    v0.6.0 848K #objective-c #macos-ios #ios #objc #macos #api-bindings #objc-msg-send
  8. block2

    Apple's C language extension of blocks

    v0.6.0 544K #objective-c #blocks #macos-ios #block #ios #macos #api-bindings
  9. libproc

    get information about running processes - for Mac OS X and Linux

    v0.14.10 117K #process-information #linux-process #process-running #pid #macos #path #proc
  10. objc2-quartz-core

    Bindings to the QuartzCore/CoreAnimation framework

    v0.3.0 424K #macos-ios #apple #macos #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  11. anybar_rs

    application for controlling Anybar 0.2.3

    v1.1.0 3.0K #macos #anybar #applications #command-line #udp #controlling #command-line-utilities
  12. cargo-bundle

    Wrap rust executables in OS-specific app bundles

    v0.6.1 2.1K #bundle #cargo-toml #cargo #cargo-build #install #macos #windows-installer
  13. cargo-instruments

    Profile binary targets on macOS using Xcode Instruments

    v0.4.11 430 #macos #profiling #cargo-subcommand #xcode #trace
  14. blas-src

    The package provides a BLAS source of choice

    v0.11.1 16K #linear-algebra #blas #source #choice #intel-mkl #accelerate #macos
  15. folderify

    Generate a native-style macOS folder icon from a mask file

    v4.0.1 #icons #macos #folder #mask #file #generate #icns
  16. cocoa-foundation

    Bindings to Cocoa Foundation for macOS

    v0.2.0 307K #foundation #macos #cocoa #bindings #macos-ios
  17. starship-battery

    Cross-platform information about the notebook batteries

    v0.10.0 22K #battery #freebsd #linux-macos #si-units #macos #linux #windows
  18. core-foundation-sys

    Bindings to Core Foundation for macOS

    v0.8.7 5.5M #macos #foundation #bindings #low-level
  19. coreaudio-rs

    A friendly rust interface for Apple's CoreAudio API

    v0.12.1 171K #audio #macos-ios #ios #api-bindings #unit #unsafe-bindings #mac-os
  20. objc2-foundation

    Bindings to the Foundation framework

    v0.3.0 588K #apple #macos-ios #framework #ios #cocoa #api-bindings #macos
  21. kb-remap

    assist remapping macOS keyboard keys

    v0.4.0 #macos #keyboard #key #remapping #assist #name #io
  22. am

    A beautiful and feature-packed Apple Music CLI

    v0.5.4 600 #music #apple #macos #rich-presence #apple-music #tui
  23. system-configuration

    Bindings to SystemConfiguration framework for macOS

    v0.6.1 3.9M #macos #configuration #bindings #api-bindings #system
  24. pfctl

    interfacing with the Packet Filter (PF) firewall on macOS

    v0.6.1 10K #macos #firewall #filter #packet #pf #api-bindings
  25. ivm

    The cross-platform Inko version manager

    v0.6.0 500 #version-manager #inko #cross-platform #install #different #macos #user
  26. io-kit-sys

    Bindings to IOKit for macOS

    v0.4.1 219K #macos #bindings #io-kit
  27. samply

    A command line profiler for macOS and Linux

    v0.13.1 2.6K #command-line #profiler #macos #cpu #perf #record #perf-events
  28. sys-info

    Get system information in Rust. For now it supports Linux, Mac OS X, illumos, Solaris, FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and Windows

    v0.9.1 330K #information #cpu-memory #cpu #disk #system-information #memory #macos
  29. io-surface

    Bindings to IO Surface for macOS

    v0.16.0 6.8K #macos #surface #io #bindings #low-level #foundation
  30. coreaudio-sys

    Bindings for Apple's CoreAudio frameworks generated via rust-bindgen

    v0.2.16 205K #macos-ios #audio #ios #api-bindings #macos #unit #osx
  31. native-dialog

    display dialogs. Supports GNU/Linux, BSD Unix, macOS and Windows.

    v0.7.0 42K #file-dialog #message #native #macos #boxes #bsd #display
  32. uapi

    Wrappers for OS APIs on UNIX-like platform

    v0.2.13 42K #api-wrapper #bsd #unix #linux #macos #mac-os
  33. apple-bundles

    Interface with Apple bundle primitives

    v0.21.0 16K #macos #bundle #apple #operating-system #appbundle
  34. endpoint-sec

    High-level Rust wrappers around the Endpoint Security Framework

    v0.4.2 850 #security-framework #macos #events #endpoint #wrappers #monitoring
  35. caffeinate2

    Caffeinate MacOS utility with more options. Temporarily prevent your system from sleeping.

    v0.6.0 #macos #utility #caffeinate #keep
  36. objc-sys

    Raw bindings to the Objective-C runtime and ABI

    v0.3.5 710K #objective-c #macos-ios #ios #macos #objc-msg-send #sys
  37. knoll

    A command-line tool for configuring macOS displays

    v0.3.1 #display #macos #configuration #command-line-tool #configuration-language #mode #configuring
  38. deno_native_certs

    deno-native-certs loads native certificate store into rustls

    v0.3.1 12K #security-framework #certificate #rustls #macos #deno #native #keychain
  39. apple-sdk

    Interact with Apple SDKs

    v0.6.0 5.2K #apple #sdk #platform #macos #directory #search #interact
  40. cmvm

    that manages multiple CMake versions

    v0.3.9 450 #cmake #version-manager #macos #manage #multiple #command #platform
  41. makepad-objc-sys

    Makepad fork of SSheldon/rust-objc without libc dep

    v0.4.0 #macos-ios #ios #objective-c #ui-framework #cocoa #ui-kit #macos
  42. mach-sys

    forked from original mach, and merge from mach2/machx. A Rust interface to the user-space API of the Mach 3.0 kernel that underlies OSX.

    v0.5.4 7.2K #mach #macos #kernel #bindings #darwin #api-bindings #system-interface
  43. menhue

    Status bar interface for Phillips Hue lights

    v0.2.0 100 #status-bar #hue #macos #light #phillips #clone #huemenu
  44. apple-codesign

    Pure Rust interface to code signing on Apple platforms

    v0.29.0 12K #apple #disk-image #codesign #macos #os #file-format
  45. applevisor

    Rust bindings for the Apple Silicon Hypervisor Framework

    v0.1.3 #apple-silicon #hypervisor #macos #apple #virtualization #aarch64 #memory-mapping
  46. block-sys

    Raw bindings to Apple's C language extension of blocks

    v0.2.1 245K #macos-ios #blocks #objective-c #ios #block #macos #sys
  47. dmgwiz

    Extract filesystem data from DMG files

    v1.0.0 1.1K #dmg #apple #extract #compression #macos #command-line-tool #encryption
  48. mac-notification-sys

    Thin wrapper around macOS Notifications

    v0.6.2 101K #notification #notifications #macos #osx #notify #mas-os
  49. dotbak

    Manage and backup dotfiles with ease!

    v0.4.0-alpha.0 800 #dotfiles #configuration-management #linux-macos #macos #unix #linux #cli
  50. objc2-core-image

    Bindings to the CoreImage framework

    v0.3.0 421K #apple #macos-ios #macos #framework #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  51. applesauce-cli

    A command-line interface for compressing and decompressing files using macos transparent compression

    v0.5.11 280 #compression #macos #command-line #zlib #transparent #command-line-interface #applesauce
  52. cargo-swift

    A cargo plugin to easily build Swift packages from Rust code for use in iOS and macOS applications

    v0.8.1 500 #macos-ios #swift #ios #cargo-plugin #uniffi #macos #uni-ffi
  53. screencapturekit

    Rust wrapper for apple's ScreenCaptureKit

    v0.3.5 800 #screen-capture #screen-recording #macos #video #apple #framework #content
  54. objc2-metal

    Bindings to the Metal framework

    v0.3.0 425K #macos-ios #apple #framework #ios #cocoa #api-bindings #macos
  55. bluepods

    A user-friendly CLI tool to manage Bluetooth devices on macOS

    v0.1.0 #devices #macos #bluetooth #manage #command-line-tool #cli #user-friendly
  56. objc2-core-data

    Bindings to the CoreData framework

    v0.3.0 520K #macos-ios #apple #ios #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  57. unison-fsmonitor

    unison-fsmonitor implementation

    v0.3.8 700 #unison #macos #watch #platform #repeat #file #repeat-watch
  58. core-graphics-types

    Bindings for some fundamental Core Graphics types

    v0.2.0 515K #macos #graphics #bindings #types #low-level #foundation
  59. apple-xar

    XAR archive reading and writing

    v0.20.0 18K #xar #apple #macos #pkg #install #reading #package
  60. fsevent

    Rust bindings to the fsevent-sys macOS API for file changes notifications

    v2.1.2 33K #file #api-bindings #macos #notifications #fsevents #fsevent-sys #octplane
  61. coremidi

    CoreMIDI library for Rust

    v0.8.0 5.8K #music #midi #macos #mac-os #input-output
  62. app-store-connect

    Apple App Store Connect API and client

    v0.7.0 9.0K #apple #api-client #connect #applications #macos #store #platform
  63. cocoa_image

    Read RGBA image using macOS Cocoa API

    v1.1.0 #macos #color-space #rgba #cocoa #srgb #read #api
  64. ceviche

    Rust daemon/service wrapper

    v0.6.1 900 #daemon #service #systemd #macos #system #events #stop
  65. xrun

    Command Line Tools for macOS. With xrun you can run Xcode unit tests faster through the terminal.

    v0.12.0 #unit-testing #macos-ios #macos #xcode #ios #mac-os
  66. objc2-encode

    Objective-C type-encoding representation and parsing

    v4.1.0 563K #objective-c #macos-ios #macos #ios #encode
  67. objr

    Drew's very fast ObjC Rust bindings

    v1.0.0 #bindings #objective-c #objc #ffi #macos
  68. icrate

    Bindings to Apple's frameworks

    v0.1.2 46K #macos-ios #framework #apple #ios #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  69. tauri-plugin-decorum

    Opnionated window decoration controls for Tauri apps

    v1.1.1 3.1K #tauri-plugin #tauri-app #window #control #macos #opinionated #ui
  70. ddc-macos

    DDC/CI monitor control on MacOS

    v0.2.2 270 #macos #ddc #vcp #mccs #vesa
  71. clickclack

    A mechanical keyboard sound simulator for macOS

    v0.4.0 #keyboard #mechanical #macos #sound #simulator #switch #service
  72. dispatch2

    Bindings and wrappers for Apple's Grand Central Dispatch (GCD)

    v0.2.0 4.3K #dispatch #gcd #macos-ios #macos #ios #libdispatch #api-bindings
  73. jiggy

    Minimalistic cross-platform mouse jiggler written in Rust

    v0.1.3 370 #mouse #jiggler #macos #linux #windows #linux-macos
  74. pax-chassis-macos

    Platform-specific chassis allowing Pax cartridges to be executed as native macOS apps

    v0.38.3 7.8K #cartridge #user-input #macos #pax #native #2d-rendering #rendering-engine
  75. getargv

    Correctly access another process' args on macOS

    v0.2.3 320 #sysctl #macos #arguments #mac-os #argv #kern-procargs2 #api-bindings
  76. coremidi-sys

    Low-level FFI bindings for the CoreMIDI framework

    v3.1.1 7.0K #midi #macos #bindings #core-midi #generated-bindings #low-level #framework
  77. apple-dmg

    reading and writing dmg images

    v0.5.0 200 #dmg #macos #apple #image #reading #platform
  78. tracing-oslog

    A layer for tracing that outputs to the oslog on macOS/iOS

    v0.2.0 24K #macos-ios #ios #logging-tracing #macos #tracing-layer #tracing #os-log
  79. readstor

    A CLI for Apple Books annotations

    v0.6.0 #apple #book #books #macos #highlight #ibooks #macos-ios
  80. asahi-btsync

    sync Bluetooth pairing keys with macos on ARM Macs

    v0.2.4 250 #bluetooth #macos #arm #key #pairing #sync #macs
  81. macos-unifiedlogs

    help parse macOS UnifiedLogs

    v0.1.1 340 #macos #forensics #log-file #log-format #log-entries #log-messages #unifiedlog
  82. drag

    Start a drag operation out of a window

    v2.1.0 750 #window #raw-window-handle #gui #operation #macos #tao #linux
  83. kqueue-sys

    Low-level kqueue interface for BSDs

    v1.0.4 1.0M #kqueue #bsd #macos #darwin #kevent
  84. asahi-wifisync

    sync Wifi passwords with macos on ARM Macs

    v0.2.2 230 #wifi #macos #arm #passwords #sync #macs #nvram
  85. javalocate

    Command line utility to find JVM versions on macOS, Linux and Windows

    v0.7.1 #java #jvm #version #command-line-tool #macos #find #apple-silicon
  86. verifysign

    cargo used to verify digital code signature on files

    v0.2.1 190 #signature #macos #windows #authenticode #code #file-path
  87. zar

    XAR archive reader/writer library. Fuzz-tested against MacOS xar.

    v0.1.4 240 #xar #archive #macos #reader-writer #cert #signature #fuzz-tested
  88. objc2-cloud-kit

    Bindings to the CloudKit framework

    v0.3.0 207K #macos-ios #apple #ios #framework #api-bindings #cocoa #macos
  89. bitbar

    Helper library for writing BitBar plugins

    v0.10.1 #macos #xbar #status-bar #swiftbar #menu-bar #plugin
  90. objc2-symbols

    Bindings to the Symbols framework

    v0.3.0 200K #macos-ios #macos #framework #apple #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  91. orly

    Download O'Reilly books as EPUB

    v0.1.7 380 #epub #download #books #o-reilly #oreilly #macos #oreilly-books-downloader
  92. thetime

    but powerful Rust library for dealing with the time, both NTP and System. Contains wrappers for functions often buried in modules. Has extensive support for unusual epochs (Windows LDAP 100ns…

    v0.5.6 170 #system-time #timezone #ntp #macos #epoch #chrono #conversion
  93. heimdall-cli

    hotkey daemon. Primarily tested on MacOS

    v0.2.0 190 #daemon #hotkey #macos #command #extensible #modifiers #heimdall
  94. zsync

    A Zero Dependency async net runtime thats truly cross-platform, including Windows, Linux, and MacOS

    v0.1.1 #run-time #cross-platform #async #zero #macos #net #linux-macos
  95. fsevent-sys

    Rust bindings to the fsevent macOS API for file changes notifications

    v4.1.0 1.1M #macos #file #api-bindings #notifications #fsevent
  96. block

    Rust interface for Apple's C language extension of blocks

    v0.1.6 403K #objective-c #blocks #ios #macos #osx
  97. videocall-nokhwa-bindings-macos

    The AVFoundation bindings crate for nokhwa

    v0.2.3 #webcam #macos #capture #avfoundation
  98. objc2-link-presentation

    Bindings to the LinkPresentation framework

    v0.3.0 200K #macos-ios #ios #apple #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  99. apple-bom

    Apple Bill of Materials (BOM) data format

    v0.3.0 #bom #apple #macos #pkg #file-format #data-structures
  100. core-audio-types-rs

    Rust wrapper for apple's CoreAudioTypes framework

    v0.3.4 700 #macos #screen-capture #screencapturekit
  101. xanadu

    A toy ECS library

    v0.0.5 310 #ecs #toy #entity #world #position #macos #web-assembly
  102. srhd

    A lightweight hotkey daemon for MacOS

    v0.4.0 600 #macos #daemon #service #launcher #keybinds #mac-os #config-file
  103. conformal_preferences

    persistent user preferences used by the conformal audio plug-in framework

    v0.3.5 240 #preferences #audio #macos #framework #conformal #default #user
  104. objc2-core-graphics

    Bindings to the CoreGraphics framework

    v0.3.0 4.4K #apple #framework #macos-ios #cocoa #ios #macos #api-bindings
  105. ostring_base

    ostring base crate include some basic function

    v1.0.1 #base #ostring #basic #macos #os
  106. clipboard-files

    Read file paths from the clipboard

    v0.1.2 420 #clipboard #file-path #read-file #macos
  107. spm-swift-package

    Command Line Tools for macOS to create project in Swift Package Manager with desirable files

    v0.4.2 110 #swift #package-manager #macos #command-line #create #spm #xcode
  108. vmnet

    Apple's vmnet.framework bindings

    v0.4.2 370 #macos #networking #apple #bindings #framework #nat #running
  109. spongebob

    convert text to spongebob case a.k.a tHe MoCkInG sPoNgEbOb MeMe

    v2.0.1 #convert-text #text-processing #clipboard #case #command-line #words #macos
  110. wasmer-capi-examples-runner

    v6.0.0-alpha.2 2.6K #wasmer #wasm #emscripten #wasix #wasi #macos #secure
  111. pyannote-rs

    Speaker diarization using pyannote in Rust

    v0.3.0 #speaker #onnx-runtime #speech-recognition #pyannote #audio #embedding #macos
  112. whatsys

    Determine the kernel version

    v0.3.1 6.0K #operating-system #os-version #kernel #determine #linux-kernel #running #macos
  113. objc2-core-bluetooth

    Bindings to the CoreBluetooth framework

    v0.3.0 5.3K #apple #macos-ios #ios #macos #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  114. objc2-uniform-type-identifiers

    Bindings to the UniformTypeIdentifiers framework

    v0.3.0 200K #apple #macos-ios #ios #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  115. resource-fork

    reading and writing Macos resource forks

    v0.3.1 #macos #filesystem #resource #forks #file #system #reading
  116. xcstringsdocx

    Converts a .xcstrings file to .docx file for supported languages, used in macOS app: 'XCStrings Catalog Docx Converter'

    v0.1.4 490 #docx #macos #convert #xcstrings #language #catalog #apple
  117. conformal_macos_bundle

    macOS bundle directories used by the conformal audio plug-in framework

    v0.3.5 230 #macos #audio #bundle #conformal #framework #plugin #directories
  118. objc2-core-wlan

    Bindings to the CoreWLAN framework

    v0.3.0 5.1K #macos #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  119. launchctl

    managing system services on MacOS

    v0.3.2 #macos #service #system #launcher #mac-os
  120. oslog

    A minimal safe wrapper around Apple's Logging system

    v0.2.0 54K #logging #macos #apple #log-level #log
  121. chmod-bpf

    Managing BPF device permissions on macOS

    v0.4.0 290 #bpf #macos #devices #permissions #security #daemon #management
  122. cargo-credential-macos-keychain

    A Cargo credential process that stores tokens in a macOS keychain

    v0.4.11 55K #macos #cargo #credentials #keychain #tokens #helper #provider
  123. saxaboom

    Binding library for Metal Shader Converter

    v0.2.0-beta.1+irconverter-2.0.4 330 #api-bindings #metal #shader #macos #apple #graphics #metal-irconverter
  124. objc2-metal-kit

    Bindings to the MetalKit framework

    v0.3.0 1.7K #macos-ios #apple #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings #macos
  125. xhs-electronic-print

    A cross-platform printing library for Windows and macOS

    v0.1.2 #printing #lp #macos #cups #document #windows
  126. endpoint-sec-sys

    Raw Rust wrappers around the Endpoint Security Framework

    v0.4.2 550 #security-framework #events #macos #endpoint #es #monitoring #apple
  127. karabiner-driverkit

    Minimal Karabiner-DriverKit-VirtualHIDDevice wrapper for kanata

    v0.1.5 130 #macos #keyboard #karabiner #kanata #api-bindings #library
  128. objc2-core-location

    Bindings to the CoreLocation framework

    v0.3.0 188K #macos-ios #apple #ios #macos #framework #api-bindings #cocoa
  129. machx

    interface to the user-space API of the Mach 3.0 kernel that underlies OSX

    v0.4.9 #macos #api-bindings #kernel #darwin
  130. native-pkcs11-keychain

    native-pkcs11 backend for macos keychain

    v0.2.25 380 #pkcs11 #keychain #macos #backends #native-pkcs11
  131. objc2-core-foundation

    Bindings to the CoreFoundation framework

    v0.3.0 #apple #framework #macos-ios #macos #ios #cocoa
  132. dmg

    attaching/detaching of macOS disk images

    v0.1.2 1.1K #disk-image #macos #mount #file #osx #mount-point
  133. keychain_parser

    Parse the output of security(1) dump-keychain

    v0.1.2 #keychain #security #parser #output #password-manager #macos #dump-keychain
  134. proc_pidinfo

    accessing process information using proc_pidinfo on macOS

    v0.1.2 #macos #process #process-information #proc #pidinfo #file-descriptor #syscalls
  135. systemicons

    lib you can retrive the system icon which is associated to a certain file extension. The icon will be in the .png format. Windows, macOS and Linux (GTK) are supported.

    v0.9.13 110 #file-extension #icons #png #gtk #macos #associated #format
  136. objc2-user-notifications

    Bindings to the UserNotifications framework

    v0.3.0 201K #macos-ios #macos #apple #framework #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  137. mac-clip

    A clipboard history manager for macOS

    v0.2.0 #clipboard-history #clipboard #macos #productivity #utility #keyboard-shortcuts
  138. objc2-contacts

    Bindings to the Contacts framework

    v0.3.0 188K #macos-ios #apple #api-bindings #framework #ios #cocoa #macos
  139. file_icon_provider

    Cross-platform Rust library to retrieve file icons on Windows, MacOS and Linux

    v0.4.0 450 #icons #file #retrieve #cross-platform #file-path #provider #macos
  140. avfaudio

    setup AVAudioSession from Apple's AVFAudio framework

    v0.0.3 130 #macos-ios #ios #av-audio-session #setting-up #visionos #macos
  141. check-macos-updates

    A monitoring plugin to check if macOS system updates are available

    v0.3.5 #update #macos #monitoring #check #system #plugin #alert
  142. tpw

    A macOS command-line tool for monitoring and displaying real-time power usage statistics

    v0.1.0 #macos #command-line-tool #power #real-time #statistics #displaying #monitoring
  143. neo-sync

    Synchronizing Neovim's configurations

    v0.0.8 #neovim #configuration #synchronizing #macos
  144. apple-sys

    The auto-managed -sys crate for Apple platforms using bindgen directly from build environment

    v0.2.0 3.8K #api-bindings #apple #build-environment #macos #sys #bindgen
  145. blocksr

    Drew's Rust library for (clang/objc) blocks

    v1.0.0 #blocks #objective-c #objc #ios #macos #macos-ios #block
  146. objc2-osa-kit

    Bindings to the OSAKit framework

    v0.3.0 1.8K #macos #macos-ios #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  147. core-utils-rs

    Rust wrapper for apple's CoreVideo framework

    v0.3.4 600 #apple #coreutils #macos #video #corevideo
  148. objc2-scene-kit

    Bindings to the SceneKit framework

    v0.3.0 220 #apple #macos #macos-ios #framework #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  149. launchd

    creating and parsing launchd files

    v0.3.0 160 #macos #periodic #schedule #mac-os #repeat
  150. objc2-core-media

    Bindings to the CoreMedia framework

    v0.3.0 300 #apple #framework #macos-ios #macos #ios #cocoa
  151. tauri-plugin-macos-haptics

    Utilize the Taptic Engine (TM) on macOS for Tauri v2 apps

    v1.0.0 200 #tauri-app #tauri-plugin #macos #engine #haptics #tm #taptic
  152. objc2-av-foundation

    Bindings to the AVFoundation framework

    v0.3.0 210 #apple #macos-ios #framework #macos #ios #cocoa
  153. objc2-local-authentication

    Bindings to the LocalAuthentication framework

    v0.3.0 500 #apple #macos #macos-ios #framework #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  154. ahv

    Bindings for Apple Silicon Hypervisor

    v0.3.0 #hypervisor #macos #apple #virtualization #aarch64 #mac-os #api-bindings
  155. objc2-core-audio

    Bindings to the CoreAudio framework

    v0.3.0 120 #apple #framework #macos-ios #cocoa #ios #macos #api-bindings
  156. nokhwa-bindings-macos

    The AVFoundation bindings crate for nokhwa

    v0.2.2 1.1K #webcam #capture #macos #avfoundation
  157. xkcd-1975

    XKCD 1975 reimplemented using macOS menus

    v0.1.3 100 #xkcd #objc2 #macos #menu #reimplemented #icrate #language
  158. objc2-network-extension

    Bindings to the NetworkExtension framework

    v0.3.0 550 #macos-ios #apple #macos #ios #api-bindings #framework #cocoa
  159. objc2-map-kit

    Bindings to the MapKit framework

    v0.3.0 120 #apple #ios #macos-ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings #macos
  160. fruitbasket

    Framework for running Rust programs in a Mac 'app bundle' environment

    v0.10.0 17K #bundle #gui-applications #cocoa #appkit #macos #mac #api-bindings
  161. objc2-avf-audio

    Bindings to the AVFAudio framework

    v0.3.0 140 #apple #framework #macos-ios #ios #macos #cocoa #api-bindings
  162. objc2-call-kit

    Bindings to the CallKit framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos-ios #ios #apple #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  163. objc2-accessibility

    Bindings to the Accessibility framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos-ios #apple #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings #macos
  164. objc2-class-kit

    Bindings to the ClassKit framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos-ios #apple #framework #ios #api-bindings #cocoa #macos
  165. dx-cli

    faster dx with obj c ffi bindings

    v0.3.1 #macos #size #folder #foreign-interface #du #performance #cache
  166. selection

    Get the text selected by the cursor

    v1.2.0 340 #linux #windows #macos
  167. moneymoney

    AppleScript interface to MoneyMoney app (macOS)

    v0.1.0 110 #macos #applescript #osascript
  168. objc2-metal-performance-shaders

    Bindings to the MetalPerformanceShaders framework

    v0.3.0 130 #apple #framework #macos-ios #cocoa #ios #macos #api-bindings
  169. objc2-sprite-kit

    Bindings to the SpriteKit framework

    v0.3.0 220 #apple #framework #macos-ios #macos #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  170. objc2-model-io

    Bindings to the ModelIO framework

    v0.3.0 250 #apple #framework #macos-ios #cocoa #macos #ios #api-bindings
  171. objc2-core-audio-types

    Bindings to the CoreAudioTypes framework

    v0.3.0 280 #apple #framework #macos-ios #cocoa #ios #macos
  172. objc2-vision

    Bindings to the Vision framework

    v0.3.0 170 #macos-ios #ios #apple #macos #framework #cocoa
  173. objc2-authentication-services

    Bindings to the AuthenticationServices framework

    v0.3.0 100 #macos-ios #apple #ios #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  174. darwin-webkit

    Bindings to some of the WebKit's API on MacOS for Rust

    v0.2.0 190 #webkit #cocoa #web-kit #api-bindings #macos #helper
  175. objective-rust

    Seamlessly bind Rust and Objective-C code

    v0.1.1 #objective-c #class #macos #ffi #objrs #instance #methods
  176. raunch

    A safe wrapper around launchd launch_activate_socket

    v1.0.1 #socket-activation #macos #sockets #activation #launchd
  177. objc2-core-video

    Bindings to the CoreVideo framework

    v0.3.0 170 #apple #framework #macos #macos-ios #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  178. tauri-macos-sign

    Code signing utilities for macOS and iOS apps

    v2.1.0 5.0K #macos-ios #signature #tauri #ios #tauri-app #macos #codesign
  179. apple-crash-report-parser

    Parses apple crash report text files

    v0.5.1 320 #crash #apple #macos #report #identifier #crashreport #incident
  180. chrome_launcher

    Launch google chrome with rust

    v0.1.1 #chrome #launch #google #macos #tested
  181. objc2-game-kit

    Bindings to the GameKit framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos-ios #apple #macos #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  182. objc2-core-ml

    Bindings to the CoreML framework

    v0.3.0 190 #macos #macos-ios #apple #framework #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  183. objc2-video-toolbox

    Bindings to the VideoToolbox framework

    v0.3.0 250 #apple #framework #cocoa #ios #macos-ios #macos
  184. objc2-game-controller

    Bindings to the GameController framework

    v0.3.0 110 #apple #macos-ios #macos #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  185. editres

    Embed data into executables after build

    v0.1.6 #executable #resource #data #build #embed #inject #macos
  186. objc2-ml-compute

    Bindings to the MLCompute framework

    v0.3.0 110 #apple #framework #macos #macos-ios #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  187. objc2-media-player

    Bindings to the MediaPlayer framework

    v0.3.0 220 #ios #macos-ios #apple #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  188. objc2-virtualization

    Bindings to the Virtualization framework

    v0.3.0 130 #apple #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  189. objc2-disk-arbitration

    Bindings to the DiskArbitration framework

    v0.3.0 240 #apple #framework #macos #cocoa #api-bindings
  190. dispatchr

    Drew's Rust bindings for libdispatch, a.k.a. GCD

    v1.0.0 #gcd #dispatch #apple #libdispatch #macos
  191. objc2-photos

    Bindings to the Photos/PhotoKit framework

    v0.3.0 150 #macos-ios #apple #framework #macos #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  192. xhypervisor

    Hardware-accelerated virtualization on OS X

    v0.2.0 130 #virtualization #hypervisor #x86 #virtual-machine #aarch64 #mac-os #macos
  193. objc2-core-text

    Bindings to the CoreText framework

    v0.3.0 120 #apple #macos-ios #framework #macos #ios #cocoa
  194. objc2-color-sync

    Bindings to the ColorSync framework

    v0.3.0 130 #apple #framework #cocoa #ios #macos-ios #api-bindings #macos
  195. objc2-core-motion

    Bindings to the CoreMotion framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos-ios #apple #macos #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  196. ds_store

    A .DS_Store parser for Rust

    v0.3.0 #macos #file-metadata #ds #store #read-file #information #finder
  197. objc2-io-surface

    Bindings to the IOSurface framework

    v0.3.0 #apple #framework #macos-ios #macos #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  198. screencapturekit-sys

    Unsafe FFI bindings for Apple's ScreenCaptureKit

    v0.2.8 550 #screen-capture #macos #screencapturekit
  199. objc2-file-provider

    Bindings to the FileProvider framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos-ios #macos #ios #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  200. objc2-input-method-kit

    Bindings to the InputMethodKit framework

    v0.3.0 800 #macos #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  201. objc2-store-kit

    Bindings to the StoreKit framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos-ios #apple #macos #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  202. objc2-event-kit

    Bindings to the EventKit framework

    v0.3.0 160 #macos-ios #apple #macos #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  203. objc2-automatic-assessment-configuration

    Bindings to the AutomaticAssessmentConfiguration framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos-ios #macos #ios #framework #apple #cocoa #api-bindings
  204. objc2-background-assets

    Bindings to the BackgroundAssets framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos-ios #ios #macos #framework #apple #api-bindings #cocoa
  205. objc2-metric-kit

    Bindings to the MetricKit framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos-ios #ios #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings #macos
  206. sysbar

    interacting with the system's taskbar / tray / statusbar

    v0.3.0 #tray #status-bar #system #cross-platform #taskbar #macos #say
  207. rubrail

    interfacing with the Mac Touch Bar

    v0.9.1 #macos #mac #mac-os #touchbar
  208. objc2-metal-performance-shaders-graph

    Bindings to the MetalPerformanceShadersGraph framework

    v0.3.0 #apple #framework #macos-ios #macos #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  209. objc2-core-midi

    Bindings to the CoreMIDI framework

    v0.3.0 120 #apple #macos #macos-ios #framework #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  210. objc2-speech

    Bindings to the Speech framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos-ios #framework #apple #ios #api-bindings #cocoa #macos
  211. objc2-screen-capture-kit

    Bindings to the ScreenCaptureKit framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  212. objc2-identity-lookup

    Bindings to the IdentityLookup framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos-ios #apple #framework #macos #ios #api-bindings #cocoa
  213. objc2-natural-language

    Bindings to the NaturalLanguage framework

    v0.3.0 110 #apple #macos-ios #framework #macos #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  214. objc2-mail-kit

    Bindings to the MailKit framework

    v0.3.0 110 #apple #framework #cocoa #macos-ios #api-bindings #macos
  215. objc2-automator

    Bindings to the Automator framework

    v0.3.0 100 #apple #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  216. lldb-sys

    Raw bindings to the LLDB C++ API. LLDB is the debugger that is part of the LLVM project and is the default system debugger on Mac OS X. Building and using this is currently slightly tricky…

    v0.0.31 2.0K #debugging #lldb #bindings #llvm #macos #api #apache
  217. objc2-multipeer-connectivity

    Bindings to the MultipeerConnectivity framework

    v0.3.0 120 #ios #apple #macos-ios #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  218. objc2-system-extensions

    Bindings to the SystemExtensions framework

    v0.3.0 650 #framework #api-bindings #apple #macos #macos-ios #cocoa
  219. objc2-photos-ui

    Bindings to the PhotosUI framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos-ios #framework #apple #macos #ios #cocoa #api-bindings
  220. aranya-libc

    A wrapper around parts of libc for Aranya Core

    v0.1.0 1.0K #aranya #libc #parts #linux #macos #vx-works
  221. objc2-av-kit

    Bindings to the AVKit framework

    v0.3.0 #ios #apple #macos-ios #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  222. macos-tags

    modifying macOS tags

    v0.2.3 #macos #tags #mac #osx #modify
  223. objc2-ad-services

    Bindings to the AdServices framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos-ios #ios #apple #cocoa #framework #macos #api-bindings
  224. core-video-rs

    Rust wrapper for apple's CoreVideo framework

    v0.3.4 600 #macos #screen-capture #screencapturekit
  225. objc2-ad-support

    Bindings to the AdSupport framework

    v0.3.0 100 #macos-ios #macos #ios #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  226. copy_event_listener

    Copy event listener for macOS

    v0.1.2 150 #macos #event-listener #events #clipboard #monitor
  227. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  228. vmemory

    Read and write the memory in other processes for Windows and Unix-based systems regardless of memory page protections

    v0.1.8 #reverse-engineering #debugging #process-id #linux-macos #macos #mac-os
  229. objc2-local-authentication-embedded-ui

    Bindings to the LocalAuthenticationEmbeddedUI framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos-ios #macos #ios #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  230. objc2-data-detection

    Bindings to the DataDetection framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos-ios #apple #macos #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  231. objc2-external-accessory

    Bindings to the ExternalAccessory framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos-ios #macos #ios #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  232. objc2-service-management

    Bindings to the ServiceManagement framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  233. objc2-nearby-interaction

    Bindings to the NearbyInteraction framework

    v0.3.0 130 #macos-ios #apple #ios #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  234. objc2-business-chat

    Bindings to the BusinessChat framework

    v0.3.0 120 #macos-ios #apple #macos #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  235. objc2-sound-analysis

    Bindings to the SoundAnalysis framework

    v0.3.0 100 #macos-ios #macos #ios #apple #cocoa #framework #api-bindings
  236. objc2-metal-fx

    Bindings to the MetalFX framework

    v0.3.0 110 #apple #cocoa #ios #framework #macos-ios #api-bindings #macos
  237. objc2-accounts

    Bindings to the Accounts framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos-ios #macos #apple #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  238. objc2-exception-handling

    Bindings to the ExceptionHandling framework

    v0.3.0 110 #apple #framework #cocoa #macos #api-bindings
  239. objc2-file-provider-ui

    Bindings to the FileProviderUI framework

    v0.3.0 #macos-ios #macos #ios #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  240. objc2-extension-kit

    Bindings to the ExtensionKit framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos-ios #macos #apple #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  241. tauri-plugin-spotlight

    A Tauri plugin that provides a MacOS Spotlight-like search functionality for Tauri windows

    v0.2.0 #tauri-plugin #desktop-applications #tauri #tauri-app #search #macos #window
  242. objc2-contacts-ui

    Bindings to the ContactsUI framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos-ios #apple #framework #ios #macos #cocoa #api-bindings
  243. objc2-device-check

    Bindings to the DeviceCheck framework

    v0.3.0 100 #macos-ios #apple #macos #ios #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  244. objc2-sensitive-content-analysis

    Bindings to the SensitiveContentAnalysis framework

    v0.3.0 120 #apple #framework #macos #macos-ios #cocoa #ios #api-bindings
  245. objc2-social

    Bindings to the Social framework

    v0.3.0 110 #apple #framework #ios #cocoa #macos-ios #macos #api-bindings
  246. objc2-finder-sync

    Bindings to the FinderSync framework

    v0.3.0 110 #macos #apple #framework #cocoa #api-bindings
  247. clipboard_macos

    obtain access to the macOS clipboard

    v0.1.1 12K #clipboard #access #macos #raw-window-handle #obtain #window-clipboard
  248. stayawake

    program for Windows & MacOS to keep your system awake without affecting your workflow. Inspired by "stay-awake" package for Python.

    v0.2.4 #macos #windows #mouse #awake #desktop #command-line-tool #python-packages