
  1. lru

    cache implementation

    v0.12.5 4.1M #lru-cache #pop #operations
  2. cached

    Generic cache implementations and simplified function memoization

    v0.54.0 379K #lru-cache #cache #proc-macro #redis #memoization #lru #disk
  3. clru

    An LRU cache implementation with constant time operations and weighted semantic

    v0.6.2 492K #lru-cache #hash-map #lru #constant-time #key-value #weighted #weight
  4. concread

    Concurrently Readable Data-Structures for Rust

    v0.5.3 5.1K #transactional-memory #concurrency #mvcc #copy-on-write #lru #lock-free #read-lock
  5. quick_cache

    Lightweight and high performance concurrent cache

    v0.6.9 266K #lru-cache #cache #concurrency #lru #low-overhead
  6. schnellru

    A fast and flexible LRU map

    v0.2.3 292K #lru #memory #flexible #ordered #performance #lru-map #blazingly
  7. swayr

    A LRU window-switcher (and more) for the sway window manager

    v0.27.4 170 #window-manager #sway #command #lru #swayrbar #name #format
  8. lru-cache

    A cache that holds a limited number of key-value pairs

    v0.1.2 1.7M #key-value #cache #lru #pair #data-structures #numbers #limited
  9. caches

    popular caches (support no_std)

    v0.2.8 3.3K #lru-cache #cache #lru #data-structures #tinylfu
  10. associative-cache

    A generic N-way associative cache with fixed-size capacity and random or least recently used (LRU) replacement

    v2.0.0 12K #lru-cache #associative #lru #memory-mapping #direct-mapped #key-value #data-structures
  11. hashlru

    LRU cache

    v0.11.1 450 #lru-cache #cache #hash-map #lru
  12. algorithm

    about algorithm data structure, now has ttl with lru/lru-k/lfu/arc and slab/rbtree/roaring_bitmap/timer_wheelss, 关于算法常用的数据结构

    v0.1.16 330 #data-structures #lru #slab #lfu #arc #timerwheel #replace
  13. intrusive-lru-cache

    An LRU cache implementation using intrusive data structures

    v0.1.4 750 #lru-cache #intrusive #lru #cache #data-structures #tree-node
  14. s3-fifo

    An efficient S3-FIFO Cache Implementation

    v0.1.8 500 #lru-cache #cache #fifo #lru #fifo-queue #eviction #thread-safe
  15. disklru

    experimental LRU store

    v0.3.3 #key-value-store #lru-cache #cache #sled-database #lru #sled #kv
  16. lrumap

    A safe Least Recently Used (LRU) cache implementation with ordered and unordered support

    v0.1.0 1.1K #lru-cache #lru #linked-list #key-value #recently #ordered #structures
  17. pi_cache

    LFU-LRU cache

    v0.4.3 #lru-cache #lru #lfu #pi
  18. lazy-lru

    A least-recently-used (LRU) cache implementation with lazy eviction

    v0.1.3 68K #lru-cache #lru #lazy-evaluation #linked-list #eviction
  19. lru-st

    A package providing a Vec based doubly linked list implementation and related data structures

    v0.2.3 330 #linked-list #lru #data-structures #doubly-linked-list #lru-hashmap
  20. wtinylfu

    W-TinyLFU cache

    v0.2.0 410 #lru-cache #lru #lfu #tinylfu
  21. common-cache

    A hierarchical cache data structure that prioritizes the most commonly used and recently accessed items and can dynamically grow and shrink in size

    v0.1.0 #cache #hierarchical #random #hash-map #lru #data-structures
  22. cached_proc_macro_types

    Generic cache implementations and simplified function memoization

    v0.1.1 254K #lru-cache #cache #memoization #lru
  23. threadsafe-lru

    Thread-safe LRU

    v0.1.2 100 #lru-cache #lru #cache #concurrency
  24. pingora-lru

    LRU cache that focuses on memory efficiency, concurrency and persistence

    v0.4.0 47K #lru-cache #lru #pingora #memory #concurrency #persistence
  25. lru-mem

    An LRU cache implementation bounded by memory

    v0.3.0 1.1K #lru-cache #cache #lru #data-structures #memory-management
  26. parquet-lru

    Implement LRU cache reader for parquet::arrow::async_reader::AsyncFileReader

    v0.2.0 270 #lru #reader #lru-cache #file-reader #parquet #arrow #async
  27. const-lru

    no_std, non-hashing, constant-capacity, constant-memory-usage LRU cache

    v1.0.0 #lru-cache #cache #lru #const-generics #data-structures #binary-search #key-value
  28. fliplru

    A LRU cache that shows effectiveness of cache capacity

    v0.1.6 800 #lru-cache #cache #lru #data-structures #performance #profiling #capacity
  29. tlru_cache

    Time-Aware LRU Cache

    v0.1.4 #lru-cache #lru #cache #ttl #expire #time-aware
  30. concurrent_lru

    A concurrent LRU cache

    v0.2.0 2.2K #lru-cache #lru #concurrency
  31. cache_2q

    A 2Q Cache which maps keys to values

    v0.10.1 200 #lru-cache #cache #lru #key-value #2q
  32. transient-hashmap

    HashMap with transient entries

    v0.4.1 550 #hash-map #transient #lru-cache #temporary #lru #cache
  33. lru-cache-map

    A cache that holds a limited number of key-value pairs

    v0.2.0 #key-value #lru-cache #lru #pair #numbers #limited #hold
  34. mlcr

    An adaptive machine-learning-based cache tracker/replacement policy

    v0.2.0 #cache #replacement #neural #machine #lru #filesystem #neural-network
  35. memory-cache-rust

    memory-cache is a fast, concurrent cache library built with a focus on performance and correctness. The motivation to build Ristretto comes from the need for a contention-free cache in

    v0.1.0-alpha #cache #lru #bloom #lfu
  36. xfetch

    Optimal probabilistic cache refresh algorithm

    v1.0.1 #cache #lru-cache #lru #distributed
  37. aws-secretsmanager-cache

    A client for in-process caching of secrets from AWS Secrets manager

    v0.5.0 #aws-sdk #aws #cache #lru-cache #lru #aws-secrets-manager
  38. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  39. arc-disk-cache

    Concurrently Readable Disk Cache

    v0.1.0 #transactional-memory #mvcc #lru #copy-on-write #concurrency
  40. dynamic-lru-cache

    LRU Cache that only stores items recently seen more than once

    v0.2.1 #lru-cache #cache #lru #caches
  41. memory-lru

    A memory-based wrapper around the lru crate

    v0.1.1 750 #lru #lru-cache #memory-size #memory-based
  42. evlru

    An eventually consistent LRU designed for lock-free concurrent reads

    v0.1.1 #lock-free #lru #consistent #eventually #read #concurrency #eventual
  43. generational-lru

    A generational arena based LRU Cache implementation in 100% safe rust

    v0.1.2 #lru-cache #generational-arena #lru
  44. ps-rclru

    Rc-based LRU cache

    v0.1.0-1 #lru #lru-cache #rc-based
  45. fast-lru

    A fast, 100% safe, stack based LRU cache

    v0.1.2 #lru #lru-cache #stack #safe #100
  46. elaru

    Memory safe implementation of LRU cache

    v0.2.1 #lru-cache #lru #cache #memory-safe
  47. cached_proc_macro

    Generic cache implementations and simplified function memoization

    v0.23.0 356K #cache #memoization #lru
  48. cachewell

    LruCache with pinning and detachment support

    v0.1.0 #lru-cache #lru #pinning #detachment
  49. pi_lru

    LRU cache

    v0.1.0 #lru #pi #lru-cache
  50. qlrumap

    A HashMap with an LRU feature

    v0.0.2 #hash-map #lru #hash
  51. ccache

    Composable Caches

    v0.1.0 #cache #lru #slru #wtlfu #wtinylfu
  52. plru

    concurrent (lockless) pseudo-LRU cache replacement policy

    v0.1.1 #cache #lru-cache #lru #concurrency #page #pseudolru
  53. lru_map

    LRU cache map

    v0.1.0 #lru #lru-cache #map
  54. algorithm-macro

    about algorithm data structure, now has ttl with lru/lru-k/lfu/arc and slab/rbtree/roaring_bitmap/timer_wheelss, 关于算法常用的数据结构

    v0.1.0 #lru #slab #lfu #arc #timerwheel #data-structures
  55. remember-this

    mechanism for caching data to both memory and disk. Uses tokio.

    v0.1.0 #cache #disk #tokio #lru
  56. bhatho

    LRU Caching library with persistent layer using RocksDB

    v0.1.3 #cache #lru-cache #persistent #lru #rockdb
  57. cache-macro-stable-rust

    A procedural macro for automatically caching the output of functions

    v0.4.1 120 #lru-cache #cache #lru #proc-macro #memoization
  58. cache-macro

    A procedural macro for automatically caching the output of functions

    v0.4.1 #lru-cache #cache #lru #proc-macro #memoization
  59. ritemlcr

    An adaptive machine-learning-based cache tracker/replacement policy. From ticki's tfs/mlcr.

    v0.1.0 #cache #neural #replace #machine #lru #neural-network
  60. lru2

    v0.1.0 #lru #cache #two-level #find