
  1. constant_time_eq

    Compares two equal-sized byte strings in constant time

    v0.4.0 5.0M #constant-time #byte-string #comparison #input #linux-kernel
  2. netlink-packet-route

    netlink packet types

    v0.21.0 426K #linux-kernel #netlink #linux #routes #ip #packet #ip-address
  3. io-uring

    The low-level io_uring userspace interface for Rust

    v0.7.4 142K #io #file-io #userspace #linux-kernel #low-level #uring #queue
  4. sysctl

    Simplified interface to libc::sysctl

    v0.6.0 213K #system-interface #freebsd #sysfs #linux-kernel #system-information #linux-macos #macos-ios
  5. caps

    A pure-Rust library to work with Linux capabilities

    v0.5.5 251K #capabilities #posix #linux-kernel #getcap #setcap #linux
  6. memfd

    A pure-Rust library to work with Linux memfd and sealing

    v0.6.4 541K #linux-kernel #linux #seal #memfd-create #object
  7. seccompiler

    seccomp-bpf jailing

    v0.4.0 192K #seccomp #sandbox #linux-kernel #jail
  8. libbpf-sys

    Rust bindings to libbpf from the Linux kernel

    v1.5.0+v1.5.0 216K #linux-kernel #ebpf #bpf #xdp #bindings-generator
  9. linux-loader

    A Linux kernel image loading crate

    v0.13.0 26K #linux-kernel #kernel #elf #x86-64 #boot #loader #aarch64
  10. aya

    An eBPF library with a focus on developer experience and operability

    v0.13.1 21K #ebpf #linux-kernel #kernel #bpf #linux #fs-file
  11. selinux

    Flexible Mandatory Access Control for Linux

    v0.5.1 20K #access-control #linux #security #linux-kernel #linux-api #api-bindings #safe-bindings
  12. vhost

    a pure rust library for vdpa, vhost and vhost-user

    v0.13.0 34K #vhost-user #virtio #linux-kernel #vdpa
  13. kmon

    Linux kernel manager and activity monitor

    v1.7.1 #linux-kernel #kernel-module #kernel #operating-system #module #monitor #activity
  14. evdev

    interface for Linux

    v0.13.0 19K #linux-kernel #input-event #devices #kernel-module #uinput #interface #events
  15. bpf-linker

    BPF static linker

    v0.9.14 3.2K #bpf #ebpf #llvm #linker #linux-kernel #linux
  16. nc

    Access system calls directly

    v0.9.5 5.7K #linux-kernel #syscalls #linux
  17. scx_stats

    Statistics transport library for sched_ext schedulers

    v1.0.9 240 #unix-domain-socket #linux-kernel #scheduler #statistics #transport #bpf #sched-ext
  18. sysfs_gpio

    access to GPIOs using the Linux sysfs interface

    v0.6.2 119K #linux-gpio #gpio-pin #linux-kernel #raspberry-pi #embedded-linux #sysfs #system-interface
  19. tailsrv

    A high-performance file-streaming server

    v0.9.3 650 #file-access #file-server #data-file #single-file #clients #linux-kernel #send
  20. linux-embedded-hal

    embedded-hal traits for Linux devices

    v0.4.0 110K #embedded-hal #embedded-linux #embedded-devices #linux #hal #linux-kernel #gpio
  21. backhand

    reading, creating, and modification of SquashFS file systems

    v0.20.0 1.1K #filesystem #squashfs #linux-kernel #linux #image-compression #deku #data-file
  22. kvm-ioctls

    Safe wrappers over KVM ioctls

    v0.20.0 36K #virtual-machine #kvm #linux-kernel #safe-wrapper #ioctl #linux-api #devices
  23. devicemapper

    using Linux device mapper

    v0.34.4 12K #block-devices #devices #linux #linux-kernel #mapper #device #api-bindings
  24. fuse-backend-rs

    Fuse(filesystem in userspace) servers and virtio-fs devices

    v0.12.1 7.8K #fuse #client-server #virtio #virtio-fs #userspace #vhost-fs #linux-kernel
  25. mdevctl

    A mediated device management utility for Linux

    v1.4.0 120 #linux-kernel #devices #management #virtual-machine #mediated #utility #parent
  26. spidev

    access to the Linux spidev interface. This interface allows for configuration of the spidev device, half-duplex SPI access, and full-duplex SPI access.

    v0.6.0 122K #spi #interface #linux #devices #access #linux-kernel #embedded
  27. sev


    v5.0.0 9.7K #sev-snp #amd #virtual-machine #virtualization #secure #encryption #linux-kernel
  28. syd

    rock-solid application kernel

    v3.32.3 16K #linux-kernel #sandbox #security #linux #container #access-control #read-file
  29. reboot-arch-btw

    Check if you need to reboot due to an updated kernel. (I use Arch btw!)

    v0.8.1 #arch-linux #linux-kernel #arch #kernel #kernel-module #linux #desktop-notifications
  30. rbpf

    Virtual machine and JIT compiler for eBPF programs

    v0.3.0 2.1K #ebpf #virtual-machine #bpf #linux-kernel #interpreter #jit #filtering
  31. scx_bpfland

    A vruntime-based sched_ext scheduler that prioritizes interactive workloads. https://github.com/sched-ext/scx/tree/main

    v1.0.9 150 #linux-kernel #scheduler #bpf #interactive #workload #scheduling #tasks
  32. syscall-numbers

    System calls numbers for various architectures

    v4.0.2 9.0K #syscalls #kernel #linux-kernel #syscall #ffi #linux
  33. pathrs

    C-friendly API to make path resolution safer on Linux

    v0.1.3 #linux #security #linux-kernel #file-path #fs #container #filesystem
  34. resctl-demo

    A guided tour of Linux resource control with live demos

    v2.2.5 650 #resources #system-resources #linux #control #control-system #linux-kernel #compute
  35. rftrace

    Function tracer backend. Logs all functions entries and exits. Works on all software compiled with mcount() instrumentation.

    v0.2.2 210 #tracing #instrumentation #function #uftrace #mcount #linux-kernel
  36. opentelemetry-user-events-metrics

    OpenTelemetry metrics exporter to user events

    v0.9.0 1.5K #user-events #metrics-exporter #open-telemetry #linux-kernel #metrics #userspace
  37. scx_rlfifo

    FIFO scheduler in Rust that runs in user-space

    v1.0.9 150 #linux-kernel #scheduler #userspace #fifo #bpf #scheduling #thread
  38. opentelemetry-user-events-logs

    OpenTelemetry-Rust exporter to userevents

    v0.10.0 2.3K #user-events #open-telemetry #trace #log #linux-kernel #event-logging #userspace
  39. systeroid

    A more powerful alternative to sysctl

    v0.4.5 #linux-kernel #kernel #parameters #linux #sysctl #tui #user-interface
  40. epoll

    Safe epoll interface

    v4.3.3 90K #linux-kernel #api #linux-api #interface
  41. scx_rusty

    multi-domain, BPF / user space hybrid scheduler used within sched_ext, which is a Linux kernel feature which enables implementing kernel thread schedulers in BPF and dynamically loading them…

    v1.0.9 160 #linux-kernel #userspace #scheduler #bpf #hybrid #user-defined #load
  42. xsk-rs

    Rust bindings for Linux AF_XDP sockets

    v0.6.1 800 #linux-kernel #linux-networking #af-xdp #ebpf #xdp #networking-stack #xsk
  43. ia-sandbox

    A CLI to sandbox (jail) and collect usage of applications

    v0.4.0 290 #linux-kernel #sandbox #jail #infoarena #command-line-tool #cpu-memory #command-line-interface
  44. gpio-cdev

    Linux GPIO Character Device Support (/dev/gpiochipN)

    v0.6.0 133K #linux-gpio #gpio #linux-kernel #embedded-linux #linux #embedded #gpiochip
  45. nuclei

    Proactive IO & runtime system

    v0.4.4 350 #io-uring #io #io-operations #async #uring #proactor #linux-kernel
  46. timerfd

    interface to the Linux kernel's timerfd API

    v1.6.0 45K #linux-kernel #linux-api #timer #interface #file-descriptor #create #expire
  47. static-keys

    Reimplement Linux kernel static keys for Rust userland applications

    v0.7.0 550 #linux-kernel #key #static #flags #applications #instructions #check
  48. rmesg

    fully Rust-based implementation of the popular dmesg Linux utility, giving programmatic access to the kernel log buffer

    v1.0.21 3.3K #linux-kernel #syslog #dmesg #klogctl #printk
  49. amdgpu-sysfs

    interacting with the Linux Kernel SysFS interface for GPUs (mainly targeted at the AMDGPU driver)

    v0.17.5 6.6K #linux-kernel #amd-gpu #interface #driver #sysfs #sys-fs #targeted
  50. lm-sensors

    Hardware monitoring in Linux

    v0.3.2 #monitoring #linux #linux-kernel #sensor #bindings #sensors #ffi
  51. ktls

    Configures kTLS for tokio-rustls client and server connections

    v6.0.1 #linux-kernel #tls-client #rustls #tokio-rustls #client-server #server-connection #tls-connection
  52. scx_rustland

    BPF component (dispatcher) that implements the low level sched-ext functionalities and a user-space counterpart (scheduler), written in Rust, that implements the actual scheduling policy…

    v1.0.9 150 #linux-kernel #scheduler #bpf #scheduling #thread #userspace #policy
  53. droid-juicer

    Extract firmware from Android vendor partitions

    v0.4.0 310 #firmware #android #partition #linux-kernel #extract #devices #vendor
  54. uhid-virt

    Interface to Linux UHID (user-space HID transport drivers)

    v0.0.8 4.7K #hid #userspace #linux #linux-kernel #transport #kernel-module #uhid
  55. scx_layered

    highly configurable multi-layer BPF / user space hybrid scheduler used within sched_ext, which is a Linux kernel feature which enables implementing kernel thread schedulers in BPF and dynamically loading them…

    v1.0.10 160 #linux-kernel #userspace #scheduler #task-scheduling #bpf #layer #hybrid
  56. tokio-eventfd

    Linux eventfd for tokio

    v0.2.2 14K #tokio #events #linux #linux-kernel #eventfd #mechanism #notify
  57. linux-sysno

    A list of system call numbers

    v0.3.0 550 #linux-kernel #syscalls #linux #android
  58. linux-bzimage-setup

    The linux bzImage setup binary

    v0.11.3 850 #linux-kernel #setup #bz-image #binary #asterinas
  59. scx_lavd

    Latency-criticality Aware Virtual Deadline (LAVD) scheduler based on sched_ext, which is a Linux kernel feature which enables implementing kernel thread schedulers in BPF and dynamically loading them…

    v1.0.9 #linux-kernel #task-scheduling #scheduler #deadlines #bpf #low-latency #virtual
  60. glommio

    thread-per-core crate that makes writing highly parallel asynchronous applications in a thread-per-core architecture easier for rustaceans

    v0.9.0 1.5K #thread-per-core #io-uring #async #async-await #linux-kernel #rust
  61. eventheader

    Rust API for eventheader-encoded Linux Tracepoints via user_events

    v0.4.1 2.6K #linux-kernel #trace-points #user-events #linux #trace-logging #trace #logging
  62. scx_utils

    sched_ext schedulers

    v1.0.11 370 #linux-kernel #scheduler #bpf #userspace #sched-ext #thread #component
  63. usb-gadget

    Expose standard or fully custom USB peripherals (gadgets) through a USB device controller (UDC) on Linux

    v0.7.5 330 #usb #gadget #linux-kernel #peripheral #configfs #functionfs
  64. drm-fourcc

    enum with every valid Direct Rendering Manager (DRM) format fourcc

    v2.2.0 77K #pixel-format #drm #linux-kernel #linux #fourcc
  65. gpiosim

    drive gpio-sims for GPIO software testing

    v0.4.1 410 #linux-gpio #gpio #kernel-module #testing #linux-kernel #linux #gpiochip
  66. systeroid-tui

    A terminal user interface for managing kernel parameters

    v0.4.5 900 #linux-kernel #kernel #parameters #tui #sysctl #linux #user-interface
  67. threecpio

    manage initrd cpio archives

    v0.3.2 #linux-kernel #cpio #archive #kernel-module #initrd
  68. uio

    Helper library for writing linux user-space drivers with UIO

    v0.4.0 5.7K #linux-kernel #linux #driver #pci #hardware #kernel-module #generic
  69. io-uring-epoll

    When your io_uring meets your epoll

    v0.2.0-pre1 #io-uring #epoll #io #uring #async #linux-kernel
  70. iocuddle

    building runtime-safe linux ioctl() interfaces

    v0.1.1 17K #linux-kernel #ioctl #linux #api-bindings
  71. nom-kconfig

    A Kconfig parser

    v0.2.1 150 #linux-kernel #config-parser #kconfig #config-file #nom #parser #read
  72. libdrm_amdgpu_sys

    libdrm_amdgpu bindings for Rust, and some methods ported from Mesa3D

    v0.8.3 7.9K #amd-gpu #linux-kernel #libdrm #drm #bindings #driver #ported
  73. rsbinder

    Linux Binder communication

    v0.2.4 #ipc #binder #linux #communication #linux-kernel #android #client
  74. wl-nl80211

    Linux kernel wireless(802.11) netlink Library

    v0.2.0 4.5K #linux-kernel #netlink #network #wireless #11 #802 #nl80211
  75. rublk

    Rust ublk generic targets

    v0.2.7 140 #block-devices #linux-kernel #io-uring #block #userspace #ublk #storage
  76. vfio-bindings

    Rust FFI bindings to vfio generated using bindgen

    v0.3.1 9.6K #linux-kernel #vfio #bindings #generated-bindings #version #vfio-v5-0-0 #features
  77. libublk

    building linux block device in userspace

    v0.3.5 100 #block-devices #linux-kernel #userspace #io-uring #block #ublk
  78. ethercat

    Binding to the IgH/Etherlab open-source EtherCAT master

    v0.3.1 220 #automation #fieldbus #etherlab #linux-kernel #master #kernel-module #bindings
  79. extrasafe-multiarch

    Make your code extrasafe by reducing what it can access

    v0.4.0 #security #seccomp #syscalls #linux-kernel #landlock #linux #syscall
  80. sctp-rs

    Idiomatic Rust APIs for Linux SCTP Stack

    v0.3.1 110 #sctp #system-api #linux-kernel #sockets #async #rfc #stack
  81. conntrack

    Netfilter Conntrack

    v0.1.2 1.4K #linux-kernel #netfilter #linux-api #subsystem #packet #api-access #netfilter-conntrack
  82. alsa-ctl-tlv-codec

    Encoder and Decoder for Type-Length-Value(TLV) style data in ALSA control interface

    v0.1.1 #codec #tlv #alsa #decoder #encoder #linux-kernel #data-structures
  83. sensors-sys

    Hardware monitoring in Linux

    v0.2.17 100 #bindings #unsafe-bindings #linux #monitoring #sensor #sensors #linux-kernel
  84. irp

    Infrared IRP encoder and decoder

    v0.3.3 #remote-control #codec #infrared #ir #bpf #pronto #linux-kernel
  85. linux-unsafe

    Raw linux system call stubs

    v0.12.0 #linux-kernel #syscalls #call #low-level #stub #raw #unsafe
  86. linux-syscalls

    easily invoke linux system calls

    v0.4.0 #linux #syscalls #linux-kernel #android
  87. whatsys

    Determine the kernel version

    v0.3.1 4.8K #operating-system #os-version #kernel #determine #linux-kernel #running #macos
  88. kcapi

    Official high-level rust bindings for libkcapi

    v0.1.6 #linux-kernel #symmetric-encryption #authenticated-encryption #encryption-key #bindings #api #digest
  89. polkavm-linux-raw

    Raw bindings to Linux kernel APIs

    v0.21.0 489K #linux-kernel #risc-v #linux-api #polka-vm #bindings
  90. rustables

    Safe abstraction for nftables manipulation on Linux

    v0.8.6 190 #nftables #firewall #netfilter #iptables #linux-kernel #nft #low-level
  91. mptcp-pm

    Linux kernel MPTCP path manager netlink Library

    v0.1.3 5.6K #linux-kernel #networking #netlink #path #mptcp #manager
  92. kmoddep

    Linux module information

    v0.1.5 550 #kernel-module #linux-kernel #information #lsmod
  93. aya-ebpf-bindings

    Bindings for Linux Kernel eBPF types and helpers

    v0.1.1 8.8K #linux-kernel #ebpf #bindings #helper #types #aya
  94. gpio-utils

    Command-line utilities for interacting with GPIOs under Linux This wraps the sysfs_gpio crate in a form usable by both Rust applications or any other applications

    v0.3.0 #linux-gpio #gpio #gpio-pin #linux #command-line #cli #linux-kernel
  95. linux-boot-params

    The Boot Parameters for Linux Boot Protocol

    v0.11.3 #linux-kernel #boot #bootloader #parameters #protocols #arguments #boot-params
  96. uringy

    single-threaded concurrency runtime for Rust based on io_uring

    v0.5.0 #io-uring #async-io #linux #io #non-blocking #linux-kernel #async
  97. keyutils

    Rust interface to the Linux keyring

    v0.4.0 85K #linux-kernel #key #keyring #secret #encryption-key #interface #bindings
  98. my-test-app-bergwolf

    Fuse(filesystem in userspace) servers and virtio-fs devices

    v1.4.0 #fuse #virtio-fs #virtio #vhost-fs #linux-kernel #client-server #daemon
  99. socketcan-isotp

    A common application of ISO-TP or ISO 15762-2 is for example Unified Diagnostic Services (UDS) used in automotive ECUs for diagnostics

    v1.0.2 2.8K #socket-can #kernel-module #linux-kernel #iso-tp #isotp #iso-15762-2 #socketcan
  100. linux_modules

    Manage Linux Kernel Modules

    v0.4.1 110 #kernel-module #linux-kernel #module #kernel #linux
  101. dbtools

    Usermode tools for Drawbridge. A Layer 4 Single Packet Authentication Linux kernel module utilizing Netfilter hooks and kernel supported Berkeley Packet Filters (BPF)

    v1.0.5 #linux-kernel #kernel-module #netfilter #spa #authentication #auth #public-key
  102. abpfiff

    Interaction with Linux BPF(2). No libbpf-sys.

    v0.1.1-alpha.with.debug #linux-kernel #bpf #linux #state-management #userspace #interaction #networking
  103. downstream_dependency_map

    list the downstream kernel's individual modules, with their includes and dependencies

    v0.1.0 #linux-kernel #kernel-module #kernel #linux #mainlining
  104. packetvisor

    Raw Packet I/O framework based on the Rust language. It can process packets much faster than Standard Sockets through the Linux Kernel's eXpress Data Path(XDP).

    v1.0.1 #linux-kernel #xdp #packet #networking #io #raw #path
  105. selinux-sys

    Flexible Mandatory Access Control (MAC) for Linux

    v0.6.14 20K #access-control #linux #linux-kernel #security #selinux #unsafe-bindings #filesystem
  106. libfranka-rs

    control Franka Emika robots

    v0.9.0 #real-time #franka #libfranka #emika #panda #linux-kernel
  107. uname

    Name and information about current kernel

    v0.1.1 589K #hostname #information #kernel #linux-kernel #coverage #testing #ci
  108. shmemfdrs

    Creates anonymous shared memory file descriptors for IPC on Unix platforms, using memfd/SHM_ANON/shm_open

    v0.1.4 170 #shared-memory #ipc #file-descriptor #memfd #shm-anon #shm #linux-kernel
  109. linux-bzimage-builder

    Linux boot compatibility for modern OSes

    v0.11.3 #linux-kernel #builder #modern #boot #setup #compatibility #build
  110. execsnoop

    Watch process ID creation in Linux kernel with execsnoop-bpfcc

    v0.2.0 #linux-kernel #process-id #linux-process #system #creation #cpu #scheduling
  111. find-binary-version

    Identify binary versions easily

    v0.5.0 #binary #version #linux-kernel #regex #expression #regular #pattern
  112. memflow-kvm

    kvm connector for the memflow physical memory introspection framework

    v0.2.0 #physical-memory #memflow #virtual-machine #memory #introspection #memory-access #linux-kernel
  113. memflow-kvm-ioctl

    interface to memflow's KVM kernel module

    v0.1.2 #memflow #kernel-module #memory #introspection #linux-kernel #api-bindings #virtual-machine
  114. nbd-netlink

    Set up an NBD device for a specified socket and parameters, using the Linux netlink interface

    v0.3.0 #netlink #nbd #linux-kernel #linux #socket-programming #network-block-device #neli
  115. dvbv5

    Rust oriented bits and pieces over the FFI binding to enable use of the libdvbv5 library from the V4L2 project of the LinuxTV work. libdvbv5 is a library to provide an application oriented API over the Linux kernel API

    v0.2.6 #linux-kernel #video #dvb #libdvbv5 #audio-video #api-bindings #audio
  116. kconfig-parser

    Kconfig parser for the Kconfig file format from the Linux Kernel for the Cargo Kconfig crate

    v0.1.1 #linux-kernel #kconfig #config-parser #ast #lexer #menu #config-file
  117. stemjail

    Evolving jails for user activities

    v0.4.1 #linux-kernel #linux #jail #security #data-access #linux-process #sandbox
  118. libafl_intelpt

    Intel Processor Trace wrapper for libafl

    v0.15.1 230 #fuzzing #security #intelpt #testing #linux-kernel
  119. afxdp

    AF XDP for Rust

    v0.4.0 #xdp #linux-kernel #networking #ebpf #performance #af
  120. libseccomp-sys

    Raw FFI Bindings for the libseccomp Library

    v0.2.1 44K #seccomp #bindings #api-bindings #linux-kernel #libseccomp #low-level #raw
  121. linapi

    High level bindings to various Linux APIs and interfaces

    v0.6.0-alpha.0 150 #linux-api #linux-kernel #linux #kernel-module #kernel #module #safe-bindings
  122. linux-rust-bindings

    Rust structs for Linux kernel structures

    v0.1.3 #linux-kernel #linux #bindings #operating-system #operating #ffi
  123. fs-verity

    Produce fs-verity measurements in pure Rust, or access the Linux kernel APIs to freeze a file with fs-verity and get its digest

    v0.2.0 #linux-kernel #merkle-tree #digest #hash #read-file #filesystem #hashing
  124. watchdog-device

    Linux Watchdog API implementation

    v0.2.0 #linux-kernel #watchdog #linux #kernel #api-bindings
  125. rcore-os/linux-object

    Linux kernel objects

    GitHub 0.1.0 #linux-kernel #object #zircon #microkernel
  126. bpfdeploy-libbpf-sys

    Fork of libbpf-sys

    v1.0.1+v1.0.0 100 #ebpf #bpf #xdp #linux-kernel #bindings-generator
  127. kproc-parser

    minimal procedural macros parser that produce a convenient AST by including only the necessary code

    v0.0.1-beta.7 #proc-macro #ast #linux-kernel #procedural #parser #necessary #produce
  128. systeroid-core

    Core library of systeroid

    v0.4.5 #linux-kernel #parameters #kernel #linux #sysctl #tui #user-interface
  129. af_packet

    bindings for Rust, primarily to be used for high-performance network security applications

    v0.3.1 #packet #security #linux #pcap #network-security #networking #linux-kernel
  130. nixmodule

    qemu wrapper to automatically test out-of-tree linux kernel modules across multiple kernel versions

    v0.4.2 #linux-kernel #kernel-module #linux #qemu
  131. linuxvideo

    V4L2 video capture and output library

    v0.3.3 110 #webcam #linux #linux-kernel #ioctl #video
  132. kmail

    A small helper utility for automatically collecting the email addresses that should be included when emailing a linux kernel patchset, and sending them the patchset with git send-email

    v0.1.2 #linux-kernel #patch #kernel #email #linux
  133. bpf-rs

    A safe, lean library for inspecting and querying eBPF objects

    v0.3.0 #ebpf #linux-kernel #bpf #kernel #linux #xdp
  134. tokio-linux-aio

    Tokio bindings for Linux kernel AIO

    v0.1.11 #aio #linux #linux-kernel #future #async #non-blocking #file-io
  135. kmod

    Bindings to libkmod to manage linux kernel modules

    v0.5.0 #kernel-module #linux-kernel #manage #bindings #libkmod #api-bindings
  136. sysfs

    Proc-macro helpers for writing large swaths of ergonomic wrappers around Linux sysfs attributes

    v0.0.2 #attributes #linux-kernel #macro-helpers #proc-macro #helper #read #wrappers
  137. netlink-tc

    interacting with the Linux Traffic Control (tc) subsystem using Netlink

    v0.0.4 #tc #netlink #linux #linux-kernel #rtnetlink
  138. dimmer

    smoothly transitions your screen from one brightness to another

    v0.2.1 #wayland #brightness #screen #transition #another #linux-kernel #duration
  139. kconfig-represent

    Kconfig representation module for the Kconfig file format and .config configurtion files from the Linux Kernel for the Cargo Kconfig crate

    v0.1.1 #linux-kernel #config-file #kconfig #file-format #representation #module #cargo
  140. linux_max6675

    that reads temperature data from a MAX6675 over the Linux kernel's SPI API

    v0.2.1 #linux-kernel #spi #linux #max6675
  141. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  142. zmem

    Linux memory monitoring program that displays detailed information about virtual memory

    v0.2.1 #virtual-memory #linux-kernel #monitoring #swap #information #detailed #display
  143. r-linux

    Capability-based Linux Runtime

    v0.1.0 #syscalls #run-time #kernel #api #linux-kernel #linux #syscall
  144. linux-meminfo

    An efficient, zero-allocations /proc/meminfo parsing library

    v0.1.0 #linux #linux-kernel #procfs #zero-allocation #parse #parser #meminfo
  145. simple-psf

    parsing PSF bitmap font files

    v0.1.2 #bitmap-font #font-file #psf #linux-kernel #console #file-format #store
  146. sweetacid-evdev

    evdev interface for Linux

    v0.11.6 #linux-kernel #devices #evdev #interface #input #events #access
  147. linux-drm

    Client for the Linux Direct Rendering Manager and Kernel Modesetting APIs

    v0.2.0 #linux-kernel #drm #manager #direct #api #kms #rendering
  148. faf-syscall

    Raw (asm), fast system calls for linux with no dependencies (no_std)

    v3.0.3 #syscalls #kernel #linux-kernel #embedded #linux #no-std
  149. dvbv5-sys

    Rust FFI binding for the C API of the libdvbv5 library from the V4L2 project of the LinuxTV work. libdvbv5 is a library that provides an application oriented API over the Linux kernel DVB API

    v0.2.1 #video #libdvbv5 #ffi #dvb #linux-kernel #audio-video #audio
  150. ikconfig

    A CLI utility to extract the .config file from a kernel image

    v0.2.0 #linux-kernel #config-file #kernel #linux #config #command-line-tool
  151. nom-config-in

    A Kconfig parser

    v0.1.0 #linux-kernel #parser #config-in
  152. io_uring_header

    linux kernel 6.1 include/uapi/linux/io_uring.h

    v0.1.3 #io-uring #linux-kernel #include-uapi-linux-io-uring
  153. vmread

    High-level Rust bindings to vmread

    v0.1.5 #bindings #kernel #linux-kernel #process #calls #module #memory
  154. kcheck-cli

    Kernel configuration checking utility

    v0.2.0 #linux-kernel #kernel #linux #embedded #kconfig
  155. tracepoint

    Rust API for Linux Tracepoints via user_events

    v0.4.0 600 #linux-kernel #trace-points #user-events #linux #logging #linux-api #trace-logging
  156. penguincrab

    Rust wrapper for Linux Kernel as a Library

    v0.1.63 #linux-kernel #command #flags #file #settings #shared #syscalls
  157. tree-sitter-tbl

    Linux .tbl grammar for tree-sitter

    v0.1.0 #tree-sitter #linux-kernel #tbl #incremental #parser
  158. linux-kcapi

    Tools for using crypto operation from the linux kernel

    v0.1.1 #linux-kernel #kcapi #crypto #operation
  159. ureeves-userfaultfd-sys

    Low-level bindings for userfaultfd functionality on Linux

    v0.5.0 260 #bindings #linux #userfaultfd #linux4-14 #low-level #linux-kernel
  160. modinfo

    Get modinfo section for Linux kernel module (.ko)

    v0.0.2 #elf #ko #kernel-module #parser #linux-kernel
  161. redbpf

    eBPF build and userspace runtime library

    v2.3.0 650 #ebpf #bpf #build #linux-kernel #bindgen
  162. liblmod

    loading Linux kernel modules

    v0.2.0 #kernel-module #linux-kernel #loading #modprobe #rmmod
  163. linux-cmdline

    Parses and manipulates Linux kernel cmdline strings

    v0.1.2 #cmd-line #linux-kernel #string #parser #manipulates
  164. bpf-feature

    eBPF feature detection

    v0.1.1 #ebpf #bpf #linux-kernel #kernel #linux #xdp
  165. linux-api

    Types and constants for Linux API bindings. Actual bindings can be found in additional crates found in dev-dependencies

    v0.0.5 650 #linux-kernel #kernel #linux #api-bindings #uapi
  166. riftrace

    interacting with Ftrace Linux kernel internal tracer

    v0.1.1 #ftrace #tracer #linux-kernel #function-tracer #internal #trace #tracing
  167. linux-args

    Linux kernel arguments parser

    v0.1.0 #linux-kernel #arguments #arguments-parser #args
  168. pagemap

    provide a simple API to Linux kernel's pagemap API

    v0.1.0 #linux-kernel #linux #api #virtual-memory #procfs
  169. time-sys

    Bindings to Linux's time.h and time64.h. Some functions have been replicated, but more are still to come.

    v0.0.2 650 #linux-kernel #time #kernel #linux #time64 #uapi
  170. kconfig-linux

    WIP crate for the KConfig DSL in the Linux kernel

    v0.1.1 #linux-kernel #k-config #dsl #parser
  171. ttyecho

    that lets you write data a into Linux kernel pseudoterminal buffer

    v0.1.2 #pseudo-terminal #buffer #linux-kernel #data #write #lets #tty
  172. pwmd

    Exposes PWM chips to DBUS

    v0.2.0 #pwm #dbus #led #linux #api-bindings #linux-kernel
  173. kcheck-utils

    Kernel configuration checking utility

    v0.1.3 #linux-kernel #embedded-linux #kernel #linux #embedded #kconfig
  174. likemod

    A pure-Rust library to work with Linux kernel modules

    v0.2.0 #kernel-module #linux-kernel #module #kernel #linux #modprobe #kmod
  175. sign-file

    A CLI used to sign kernel module, alternative to sign file script of kernel

    v0.1.0 #kernel-module #signature #ko #linux-kernel #file #git
  176. benchmark_sampledata

    Easily pull in files for benchmarking

    v0.1.5 #benchmark #sample #source #linux-kernel #cargo #download #data