
  1. zenoh

    Zero Overhead Pub/Sub/Query Protocol

    v1.1.0 14K #distributed-systems #edge-computing #distributed-computing #pub-sub #iot #router #overhead
  2. rumqttc

    An efficient and robust mqtt client for your connected devices

    v0.24.0 119K #mqtt-client #mqtt #iot #coap #pub-sub #send-receive #message-broker
  3. paho-mqtt

    The Official Eclipse Paho MQTT Rust Client Library. This is a wrapper around the Paho C library

    v0.12.5 46K #mqtt-client #mqtt #iot #paho #messaging #websocket #networking
  4. ntex-mqtt

    Client and Server framework for MQTT v5 and v3.1.1 protocols

    v4.5.1 2.8K #server-framework #iot #mqtt #messaging
  5. lakers

    EDHOC (RFC 9528)

    v0.7.2 1.3K #key-exchange #iot #security #edhoc #protocols #cryptography #crypto
  6. azure_data_cosmos

    Rust wrappers around Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Azure Cosmos DB

    v0.21.0 2.1K #microsoft-azure #azure-sdk #azure #azure-api #cloud #sdk #iot
  7. lrwn

    encoding / decoding LoRaWAN frames

    v4.9.0 400 #lorawan #codec #iot #frame #lora #network #chirpstack
  8. ntex-amqp

    AMQP 1.0 Client/Server framework

    v3.3.0 500 #amqp #server-framework #messaging #iot
  9. lorawan

    structures and tools for reading and writing LoRaWAN messages from and to a slice of bytes

    v0.9.0 #iot #lpwan #packet-parser #parser #light-weight
  10. mqtt_vault

    JSON database controlled via MQTT

    v1.0.2 150 #iot #mqtt #database
  11. libhaystack

    Haystack 4 data types, defs, filter, units, and encodings

    v1.0.14 440 #haystack #iot #data-encoding #bas
  12. coap-message

    Interface to CoAP messages

    v0.3.6 13K #coap #iot #coap-server #no-alloc
  13. zenohd

    Zenoh: The Zero Overhead Pub/Sub/Query Protocol

    v1.1.0 310 #zenoh #distributed-computing #edge-computing #distributed-systems #data #iot #pub-sub
  14. aws-sdk-timestreamwrite

    AWS SDK for Amazon Timestream Write

    v1.50.0 550 #aws-sdk #time-series-database #timestream #amazon #write #iot #operation
  15. mqrstt

    Pure rust MQTTv5 client implementation Smol and Tokio

    v0.4.0 120 #mqtt-client #mqtt #iot #messaging #client #mqt-tv5
  16. rabbitmq-stream-client

    client for RabbitMQ Stream

    v0.7.0 1.1K #stream #stream-processing #messaging #amqp #iot #amqp-client #send-message
  17. tapo

    Unofficial Tapo API Client. Works with TP-Link Tapo smart devices. Tested with light bulbs (L510, L520, L530, L535, L610, L630), light strips (L900, L920, L930), plugs (P100, P105, P110…

    v0.8.0 #smart-home #iot #smart-plug #smart-bulb
  18. astarte-device-sdk

    that provides communication and pairing primitives to an Astarte Cluster

    v0.9.2 2.3K #iot #astarte #sdk #api-bindings
  19. radio

    Generic traits for embedded packet radio devices

    v0.12.1 1.2K #embedded-devices #embedded-hal #packet #abstraction #iot #driver #networking
  20. riot-wrappers

    Rust API wrappers for the RIOT operating system

    v0.9.1 2.4K #riot #api-bindings #iot #bindings #api-wrapper #riot-os #system-api
  21. w5500

    IoT Controller implementation

    v0.5.0 #embedded #spi-driver #embedded-hal-driver #iot #arm #micro-controller #udp-packet
  22. sylvia-iot-data

    The data storage of Sylvia-IoT core modules

    v0.1.15 2.8K #iot #axum #platform #module #http-api #sylvia #sylvia-iot
  23. lrwn_filters

    filtering LoRaWAN payloads on DevAddr and JoinEUIs prefixes

    v4.10.0-test.1 #lorawan #iot #filtering #payload #lora #prefixes #devices
  24. azure_messaging_servicebus

    Rust wrappers around Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Service Bus crate

    v0.21.0 1.9K #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure #cloud #azure-rest #iot #sdk
  25. rumqttc-dev-patched

    An efficient and robust mqtt client for your connected devices

    v0.24.0-devpatch+9109f87 2.4K #mqtt #iot #coap #mqtt-client #pub-sub #send-receive #http
  26. coap-message-implementations

    Implementations of coap-message traits, and tools for building them

    v0.1.7 4.0K #coap #iot #no-alloc
  27. sylvia-iot-broker

    The message broker module of the Sylvia-IoT platform

    v0.1.15 #iot #networking #platform #broker #unit #routes #applications
  28. coap-handler

    Interface to CoAP handlers

    v0.3.0-alpha.1 2.8K #coap #coap-server #iot #request-handler #networking #message-format
  29. coap-numbers

    Constants for the CoAP protocol

    v0.2.4 5.6K #coap #iot #string-representation #no-alloc
  30. rumqttd

    high performance MQTT broker written in Rust which is light weight and embeddable

    v0.19.0 2.4K #mqtt #iot #broker #nats #kafka #light-weight
  31. sylvia-iot-auth

    The authentication/authorization module of the Sylvia-IoT platform

    v0.1.15 #user-management #iot #oauth2 #client #platform #authorization #authentication
  32. semtech-udp

    Semtech UDP provides serialization and deserialization of packets complying with the Semtech UDP protocol

    v0.12.0 220 #semtech #iot #lorawan #lpwan #gwmp #client-server #udp-packet
  33. lora-modulation

    A definition of LoRa modulation characteristics with minimal external dependencies

    v0.1.5 140 #lora #iot #lpwan
  34. azure_core

    Rust wrappers around Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Core crate

    v0.21.0 201K #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure #cloud #azure-api #sdk #iot
  35. rawprinter

    An IOT server written in rust for connecting via USB to raw printers

    v0.1.3 180 #printing #iot #barcode #zebra #server
  36. sylvia-iot-sdk

    SDK for developing networks (adapters) and applications on Sylvia-IoT

    v0.1.15 2.8K #iot #sdk #applications #networking #middleware #adapter #sylvia-iot
  37. chirpstack_api

    ChirpStack Protobuf / gRPC API definitions

    v4.10.2 230 #grpc-api #lorawan #iot #lora #protobuf #definition #server-api
  38. zenoh-ext

    Zenoh: extensions to the client API

    v1.1.0 2.4K #zenoh #distributed-systems #edge-computing #pub-sub #networking #iot #messaging
  39. sylvia-iot-coremgr

    The manager of Sylvia-IoT core modules

    v0.1.15 #iot #broker #module #mqtt #amqp #rabbitmq #manager
  40. homie5

    Low level implemenation of the homie v5 protocol

    v0.4.0 #mqtt #iot #low-level #homie
  41. azure_iot_hub

    Azure IoT Hub

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #iot #hub #iot-hub #version #collection
  42. coap-handler-implementations

    implementations of CoAP handlers

    v0.6.0-alpha.1 1.3K #coap #iot #no-alloc
  43. eva-lsl

    EVA ICS v4 local service launcher

    v0.1.2 #industrial-automation #industrial #scada #iot #eva-ics #cloud
  44. azure_messaging_eventgrid

    Rust wrappers around Microsoft Azure Event Grid REST APIs

    v0.21.0 140 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure #cloud #sdk #iot #cloud-events
  45. eva-common

    Commons for EVA ICS v4

    v0.3.78 110 #industrial #iot #scada #cloud #eva-ics
  46. fundamentum-edge-daemon

    The supported way to access Fundamentum's ecosystem from linux devices

    v1.6.0 150 #iot #fundamentum #edge #daemon
  47. astarte-message-hub

    A central service that runs on (Linux) devices for collecting and delivering messages from N apps using 1 MQTT connection to Astarte

    v0.7.0 150 #iot #astarte #sdk #send-receive #config-file
  48. chirpstack_integration

    building external ChirpStack integrations

    v4.9.0 #lorawan #iot #integration #chirp-stack #chirpstack #lora #networking
  49. ftswarm

    swarm protocol communication library

    v0.2.5 120 #iot #communication #robotics #robot #subscription
  50. rainmaker

    ESP RainMaker Agent

    v0.1.1 200 #esp #iot #home-automation #linux
  51. fundamentum-sdk-mqtt

    MQTT client targeting Fundamentum IoT's MQTT broker

    v0.10.1 350 #mqtt-client #iot #mqtt #fundamentum #sdk
  52. pixy

    A multi-target sensor output relay built for secure, efficient IoT. Made for use with the Pimoroni Enviro Pico boards.

    v0.2.2 290 #iot #raspberry-pi-pico #sensor #relay #data #proxy #yaml-config
  53. sylvia-iot-corelib

    Common libraries of Sylvia-IoT core modules

    v0.1.15 #iot #module #sylvia-iot #platform
  54. yeelight

    Rust CLI and API bindings for yeelight WiFi Light Inter-Operation

    v0.4.1 100 #iot #api-bindings #control-api #cli-tool #control-systems #api #cli
  55. eva-sdk

    EVA ICS v4 SDK

    v0.3.60 200 #industrial #iot #scada #cloud #eva-ics
  56. syact

    control motors (mainly stepper motors) and components, read data from sensors and more

    v0.13.7 550 #motor-control #raspberry-pi #iot #framework #robotics
  57. coap-message-demos

    Demos of the coap-message ecosystem

    v0.4.0 650 #coap-message #coap #coap-server #iot #embedded-nal #demos #applications
  58. sybot

    coordinating components, defining robotic systems and their communication

    v0.10.4 260 #raspberry-pi #iot #automation #framework #robotics #control-systems
  59. pixy-server

    A web server implementation of the Pixy service

    v0.2.2 #web-server #iot #raspberry-pi-pico #proxy #yaml-config #proxy-server #sensor
  60. unicom

    Unified communication for IoT clients

    v0.4.0 290 #iot #communication #devices #binary-data
  61. ftswarm_emulator

    Procedural macros for the ftswarm crate

    v0.2.7 #proc-macro #communication #iot #ftswarm #robot #robotics #emulation
  62. mqttbytes

    MQTT 4/5 serialization and deserialization

    v0.6.0 6.7K #mqtt #deserialize #serialization #iot #mqtt-client #low-level #packet
  63. sim7020

    driver for sim7020E NB IoT modem

    v1.1.0 460 #modem #nb #iot #communication #mqtt #driver #command
  64. iotscape

    creating IoTScape services for NetsBlox in Rust

    v0.5.6 900 #iot #nets-blox #service
  65. paho-mqtt-redis

    providing persistence to a Paho MQTT Rust client using a local instance of Redis as the backing store

    v0.3.2 #mqtt-client #mqtt #persistence #iot #paho #redis-server
  66. wasefire-board-api

    Wasefire board API

    v0.8.0 180 #interface #wasefire #framework #api #board #firmware #iot
  67. rsiot

    Метакрейт, импортирующий все другие крейты через флаги feature

    v0.0.82 #iot #scada #api-bindings
  68. rsmqtt

    MQTT Client/Server framework

    v0.1.3 250 #mqtt #iot #framework #client-server
  69. iotdb-client

    Rust client library for Apache IoTDB

    v0.1.1 #iot #iotdb #database-client #data-management #apache-iotdb #latest-version #data-analysis
  70. mqtt-service

    This crates provide a convenient support for the MQTT Response-Pattern. It uses the rumqttc library to connect to the MQTT broker.

    v0.5.0 #mqtt #iot #rpc #service #response-pattern
  71. serialscale

    An IOT server written in rust for reading weighing data on scales via serial port

    v0.1.2 #serial-port #scale #iot #toledo #server #serialport
  72. aqara-cli

    CLI tools for aqara

    v0.1.0 #iot #zigbee #cli #aqara #rust #api-bindings
  73. rsiot-component-core

    Типы данных для создания компонентов

    v0.0.71 100 #iot #scada #api-bindings
  74. rusoto_iot

    AWS SDK for Rust - AWS IoT @ 2015-05-28

    v0.48.0 #aws-iot #iot #aws
  75. riot-sys

    Rust FFI wrappers for the RIOT operating system

    v0.7.14 #operating-system #riot #bindings #iot #riot-os #generated-bindings #wrapper
  76. lakers-shared

    EDHOC crypto library constants crate

    v0.7.2 1.2K #iot #security #edhoc #protocols #cryptography #crypto #no-alloc
  77. rsiot-messages-core

    Базовые трейты для реализации типа сообщения

    v0.0.70 #iot #scada #api-bindings
  78. cbordata

    CBOR processing package for document databases and distributed applications

    v0.6.0 18K #cbor #document-database #serialization #distributed-applications #deserialize #processing #iot
  79. kwap-msg

    Low-level CoAP message parsing & serialization

    v0.6.1 #coap-message #coap #message-parser #iot #networking #wasm #byte-buffer
  80. coap-message-utils

    using coap-message traits

    v0.3.8 5.1K #coap #iot #no-alloc
  81. fundamentum-sdk-api

    HTTP client targeting Fundamentum IoT devices RestAPI

    v0.2.1 #http-client #iot #fundamentum #http #sdk #api-client
  82. codde_protocol

    Multi Communication protocol in heart of the C.O.D.D.E. Pi framework

    v0.1.6 #iot #python #data-processing #codde-pi #server-side #rust #client-side
  83. hues

    client for the Philips Hue API v2

    v0.1.2 #home-automation #smart-home #iot #lighting #api-client #ip-address #control-api
  84. bern-kernel

    Preemptive real-time kernel for microcontrollers

    v0.3.0 #rtos #cortex-m #iot #embedded #no-std
  85. rainmaker-components

    Component abstractions for rainmaker

    v0.1.0 #esp #iot #linux
  86. mqtt-channel

    This crates provide a high-level API MQTT subscriptions, based on channels

    v0.2.0 #mqtt #channel #iot #rpc #service
  87. navactor

    A cli tool for creating and updating actors from piped input

    v0.5.3 110 #actor-model #actor #iot #data-processing #command-line #digital #stream-processing
  88. gneiss-mqtt

    Asynchronous and threaded MQTT(5) clients

    v0.3.0 330 #mqtt-client #mqtt #iot #mqtt5 #aws #iotcore
  89. paho-mqtt-zaack

    The Official Eclipse Paho MQTT Rust Client Library. This is a wrapper around the Paho C library

    v0.11.1 #mqtt-client #mqtt #iot #messaging #paho
  90. sylvia-iot-coremgr-cli

    The command-line tool for Sylvia-IoT core manager

    v0.1.15 800 #iot #api #sylvia-iot #manager #command-line-tool #authentication #sylvia-iot-coremgr
  91. toad

    Universal implementation of the CoAP networking protocol

    v1.0.0-beta.9 190 #coap #iot #networking #wasm
  92. ariel-os

    An embedded library OS for the IoT

    v0.1.0 #iot #os #ariel #embedded #name
  93. ens160

    driver implementation

    v0.6.1 #iot #embedded-hal-driver #embedded #co2-voc
  94. lakers-crypto-rustcrypto

    EDHOC crypto library backend based on the RustCrypto crates

    v0.7.2 850 #edhoc #security #protocols #cryptography #rust-crypto #iot #back-end
  95. lorawan-encoding

    lorawan provides structures and tools for reading and writing LoRaWAN messages from and to a slice of bytes

    v0.6.2 #lorawan #iot #message-parser #lpwan #packet-parser #parser #light-weight
  96. ftswarm_proto

    Protocol definitions for the ftswarm serial communication protocol

    v0.2.5 #serial-communication #communication #iot #ftswarm #robotics #robot
  97. ftswarm_serial

    Unified serial api for the ftSwarm Rust API

    v0.2.5 #serial-communication #communication #iot #ftswarm #robotics
  98. iot_localproxy_rs

    Rust binding for AWS IoT Secure Tunneling Local Proxy

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 #aws-iot #iot #aws #secure-communication #secure-tunnel
  99. rumqttlog

    kafka inspired rumqtt's mqtt commitlog

    v0.9.0 100 #mqtt #iot #kafka #nats #distributed
  100. zika

    IP Tunneling over MQTT

    v3.4.4 160 #mqtt #iot #ip #devices #networking #tunneling #remote
  101. tinymqtt

    A very tiny no-std MQTT client, mainly for embedded systems

    v0.1.3 #mqtt-client #mqtt #iot #embedded #no-std
  102. spotflow-rumqttc-fork

    A temporary fork of rumqtt that allows getting packet ID from sent messages

    v0.12.0 260 #mqtt #iot #tls-connection #coap #rustls #pub-sub
  103. telit-me310g1

    interoperate with the Telit ME310G1 LTE-M radio with AT commands

    v0.1.0 #iot #mcu #fundamentum #no-alloc
  104. safe_thing

    part of the Secure Access For Everything framework, which is an IoT framework for software developers integrating IoT devices to the SAFE Network, preventing them from worrying about network infrastructure…

    v0.0.3 #safe-network #iot #secure-communication #safe #communication #network-security #network-communication
  105. lmc

    An asynchronous, 100% Rust implementation of an MQTTv3 client

    v0.2.0 #mqtt-client #mqtt #iot #async #client
  106. rsiot-extra-components

    Дополнительные компоненты

    v0.0.71 #iot #scada #api-bindings
  107. objtalk

    a lightweight realtime database for IoT projects

    v0.3.0 #iot #real-time #messaging #database #json-rpc #broker #rpc-api
  108. carrier

    generic secure message system for IoT

    v0.12.2 #iot #noise-protocol #nat-traversal #networking #ed25519 #secure #quic
  109. kwap

    Reliable cross-platform CoAP server runtime

    v0.10.0 #coap #iot #networking #wasm
  110. fundamentum-edge-proto

    Bindings to Fundamentum Edge Daemon's gRPC API

    v1.5.0 150 #grpc-server #fundamentum #edge #grpc-client #iot #grpc-api #grpc
  111. telemq

    Experimental MQTT broker

    v0.2.0 #mqtt #iot #broker #experimental #language #implemented #specification
  112. rsiot-modbus-client

    Опрос устройств Modbus, используя библиотеку tokio-modbus

    v0.0.71 2.8K #iot #scada #api-bindings
  113. lakers-ead-authz

    EDHOC EAD zero touch authorization for network join (draf-lake-authz)

    v0.7.2 160 #iot #security #ead #touch #edhoc #zero #join
  114. rsiot-http-server


    v0.0.71 2.8K #http-server #iot #scada #api-bindings
  115. azure_cosmos_mirror

    Rust wrappers around Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Azure Cosmos DB

    v0.3.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure #azure-api #sdk #cloud #iot
  116. rsiot-timescaledb-storing

    Сохранение данных в TimescaleDB

    v0.0.71 2.6K #iot #scada #api-bindings
  117. rsiot-leptos

    Компоненты для создания интерфейса Leptos

    v0.0.71 1.5K #iot #scada #api-bindings
  118. sage_mqtt

    Manipulate MQTT 5.0 data types

    v0.5.0 #mqtt #codec #message #iot #protocols #communication #data
  119. unicom-tcp

    TCP socket backend for unicom

    v0.4.0 200 #tcp-socket #iot #tcp #sockets #unicom #back-end
  120. aqara

    SDK for Rust

    v0.1.0 #iot #zigbee #sdk #api-bindings #rust
  121. rsiot-websocket-client


    v0.0.71 2.6K #iot #scada #api-bindings
  122. pir-motion-sensor

    PIR motion sensors

    v2.0.2 #iot #automation #hardware #embedded #raspberry #resources
  123. unicom-serial

    Serial port backend for unicom

    v0.4.0 200 #serial-port #serial #iot #port #unicom
  124. aws-greengrass-nucleus

    aws greengrass nucleus in Rust (unofficial)

    v0.0.7 #aws-iot #aws #iot #edge #embedded
  125. rsiot-env-vars

    Загрузка переменных среды из ОС и из файла .env

    v0.0.62 500 #iot #scada #api-bindings
  126. griddb


    v0.6.0 #time-series-database #iot #time-series #big-data #database
  127. zenoh-transport

    Internal crate for zenoh

    v1.1.0 14K #zenoh #iot #edge-computing #networking #distributed-systems #data #network-programming
  128. toad-msg

    Low-level CoAP message parsing & serialization

    v1.0.0-beta.6 250 #coap-message #coap #message-parser #iot #networking #wasm
  129. unicom-unix

    Unix domain socket backend for unicom

    v0.4.0 210 #unix-domain-socket #unix-socket #unix #iot #socket #sockets #unicom
  130. rsiot-components-config

    Конфигурация компонентов

    v0.0.70 #iot #scada #api-bindings
  131. rsiot-logging

    Настройка логгирования

    v0.0.62 #iot #scada #api-bindings
  132. eva-client

    RT/HTTP Client for EVA ICS v4

    v0.4.0 #industrial #iot #scada #cloud #rpc-client #eva-ics
  133. drogue-client

    Clients for the Drogue IoT Cloud APIs

    v0.11.1 #iot #api #api-client #api-access #api-bindings
  134. houseflow-config

    Configuration for Houseflow

    v0.1.1 #home-automation #configuration #iot #houseflow #reading #platform #characteristics
  135. gneiss-mqtt-aws

    AWS IoT Core specific builders for asynchronous and threaded MQTT clients

    v0.3.0 230 #aws-iot #iot #aws #mqtt #mqtt-client #mqtt5 #client-builder
  136. iot_device_bridge

    Bridge between messaging of the device and the cloud IoT (e.g., AWS)

    v1.1.1 #aws-iot #iot #aws #encryption #device-shadow #fleet-provisioning
  137. subilo

    Tiny deployment agent

    v0.2.1 #continuous-deployment #agent #applications #webhook #iot #automation #configuration
  138. homeassistant-agent

    implementing MQTT-based Home Assistant integrations

    v0.2.0 #home-assistant #mqtt #iot #smart-home
  139. astarte-device-sdk-mock

    Mock implementation of the traits in the astarte-device-sdk

    v0.9.2 480 #mocking #sdk #iot #astarte #api-bindings
  140. gwmp-mux

    Multiplexer for Semtech's GWMP over UDP

    v0.11.0 #lorawan #semtech #iot #gwmp #lpwan #network-protocol #networking
  141. fundamentum-edge-pfwd

    The port forwarding tool for edge daemon

    v0.2.4 270 #edge #fundamentum #daemon #iot
  142. esp_idf_dev_sys

    Bindings for esp-idf (Espressif's IoT Development Framework)

    v0.1.4 #iot #espressif #framework
  143. rsiot-plc

    Компонент для исполнения логики наподобие PLC

    v0.0.71 1.9K #iot #scada #api-bindings
  144. d3xs

    Physical access control (daemon)

    v0.1.0 #access-control #physical #bridge #daemon #web-server #iot #websocket
  145. edgehog-device-forwarder-proto

    Protobuf messages for the Edgehog Device Forwarder

    v0.1.0 1.0K #iot #protobuf #edgehog
  146. mz_rusoto_iot

    AWS SDK for Rust - AWS IoT @ 2015-05-28

    v0.46.0 #aws-iot #iot #rusoto-aws #aws #aws-sdk #amazon
  147. zenoh-link-udp

    Internal crate for zenoh

    v1.1.0 14K #zenoh #networking #distributed-systems #distributed-computing #messaging #iot #edge-computing
  148. remote_shell

    remote shell written by rust

    v2.0.0 #shell #remote #slave #client-side #iot #ssh #installed
  149. azure_identity_gindix

    Rust wrappers around Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Azure identity helper crate

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure #cloud #sdk #azure-api #iot
  150. toad-jni

    JNI abstractions and bindings used by the toad ecosystem

    v1.0.0-beta.3 110 #java-class #iot #coap #networking #wasm
  151. azure_iot_sdk

    Client library for connection devices to Azure IoT Hub

    v0.8.0 #iot #azure #devices #hub #client #sdk #key
  152. rustot

    AWS IoT

    v0.4.1 #aws-iot #iot #jobs #ota #no-alloc #shadow
  153. rsiot-auth

    Компонент аутентификации

    v0.0.70 500 #scada #iot #api-bindings
  154. light-control

    mqtt light control

    v2.1.0 #mqtt #iot #topic #room #light #switch #control
  155. rsiot-websocket-server


    v0.0.71 #websocket-server #iot #scada
  156. rsiot-http-client-wasm

    HTTP-клиент для платформы WASM

    v0.0.71 #iot #scada #wasm #api-bindings
  157. spotflow

    Device SDK for Spotflow IoT Platform

    v0.7.0 200 #iot #devices #sdk #device
  158. rsiot-http-client


    v0.0.71 #iot #scada #api-bindings #http-request
  159. rsiot-websocket-client-wasm

    Websocket-клиент для платформы WASM

    v0.0.71 #iot #scada #api-bindings
  160. houseflow-api

    API for Houseflow

    v0.1.1 #home-automation #api #houseflow #iot #configuration #system #raspberry-pi
  161. zenoh-link-tcp

    Internal crate for zenoh

    v1.1.0 14K #zenoh #distributed-systems #iot #messaging #networking #data #pub-sub
  162. sage_broker

    MQTT 5.0 broker

    v0.3.0 #broker #mqtt #iot
  163. rsiot-redis-client

    Подписка и публикация сообщений в Redis

    v0.0.71 #iot #scada #api-bindings
  164. verdigris

    Browser application to explore, learn and debug CoAP

    v0.2.0 #coap #browser #iot #websocket
  165. spb_rs

    Sparkplug-B client library

    v0.1.0 #iot #mqtt #messaging #sparkplug-b #tahu
  166. houseflow-server

    Server for Houseflow

    v0.1.2 #home-automation #server #iot #configurable #houseflow #characteristics
  167. rsiot-influxdb

    Компонент для сохранения данных в БД InfluxDB

    v0.0.71 #iot #scada #api-bindings
  168. rsiot-surrealdb

    Взаимодействие с БД SurrealDB

    v0.0.71 #iot #scada #api-bindings
  169. fundamentum-iot-mqtt-proto

    Bindings to Fundamentum IoT MQTT protos

    v0.2.0 #fundamentum #iot #mqtt #edge #protobuf #api-bindings
  170. scd30-modbus

    SCD30 driver implementation

    v0.3.0 #iot #co2 #embedded-hal-driver #embedded #sensors
  171. metrics-controller

    Metrics Controller is a project to collect metrics for Mozilla IOT projects

    v0.1.6 #metrics #iot #projects #controller #collect #mozilla #integration
  172. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  173. mqttwrk

    Wrk inspired tool for scale and performance testing mqtt brokers

    v0.2.0 #mqtt #iot #performance-testing #wrk #cli #testing-tools
  174. aiot

    Rust Link SDK (Aliyun IoT) based on Alink Protocol

    v0.10.0 #sdk #iot #aliyun #mqtt #alink
  175. azure_storage_mirror

    Rust wrappers around Microsoft Azure Storage REST APIs

    v1.0.0 #azure-sdk #azure-storage #azure #sdk #cloud #microsoft-azure #iot
  176. coap-request-implementations

    Implementations of basic CoAP requests

    v0.1.0-alpha.4 330 #coap #request-builder #iot #builder-pattern #no-alloc #setup
  177. bern-arch

    Bern RTOS hardware specific implementation

    v0.3.0 #rtos #cortex-m #iot #embedded #operating-system #no-std
  178. toad-common

    Common structs and abstractions used by toad

    v1.0.0-beta.3 #coap #iot #networking #wasm #no-std
  179. toledo

    An IOT server written in rust for connecting via serial port to toledo scales

    v0.1.1 #scale #iot #serial-port #server
  180. rsiot-webstorage

    Хранение и загрузка сообщений используя LocalStorage браузера

    v0.0.70 #scada #iot #api-bindings
  181. rumble

    Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) central module library, currently supporting Linux/Bluez

    v0.3.0 #bluetooth #ble #bluez #bluetooth-le #iot
  182. riz

    Wiz lights API and CLI

    v0.2.0 #light #iot #wiz #lights #web-ui
  183. eva-robots

    Commons for EVA ICS v4

    v0.3.0 #robots #industrial #iot #eva-ics
  184. coap-server

    Robust async CoAP server

    v0.1.1 #coap #server #iot #async #request-response #resources
  185. rs-matter

    Native Rust implementation of the Matter (Smart-Home) ecosystem

    v0.1.0 #matter #smart-home #iot #esp32 #smart #data-model
  186. coap-request

    Interface to CoAP requests

    v0.2.0-alpha.2 650 #coap #iot #requests #applications #send-request #client #stack
  187. yeelib_rs

    Easily find and interface with Yeelight IoT smart lights

    v0.1.1 #light #iot #lan #yeelight #ssdp
  188. rumqttc-async-std

    An efficient and robust mqtt client for your connected devices

    v0.5.0 #mqtt #coap #iot #mqtt-client #http #pub-sub
  189. houseflow-types

    Types for Houseflow

    v0.1.1 #home-automation #configurable #iot #raspberry-pi #houseflow #gate #light
  190. sparkplug-rs

    Sparkplug protobuf bindings for Rust

    v0.4.0 #protobuf #iot #sparkplug #api-bindings
  191. fundamentum-edge-mcu-http-client

    An HTTP Client for provisioning EdgeMCU devices

    v0.1.0 #iot #fundamentum #mcu #no-alloc
  192. unmp-id


    v2.0.0 #iot #unmp #unmp-id
  193. azure-iot-rs

    Rust wrappers for Azure IOT C SDK

    v0.4.0 #iot #azure-sdk #azure #devices #sdk #edge #device
  194. actix-mqtt

    MQTT v3.1.1 Client/Server framework

    v0.2.3 #mqtt #messaging #iot
  195. rsiot-message-router

    Маршрутизация сообщений

    v0.0.21 #iot #сообщений #api-bindings
  196. yee

    A cross-platform, command line Yeelight client

    v0.2.2 #yeelight #command-line #cross-platform #iot #devices #networking #client
  197. rumq-core

    Serializes and deserializes mqtt byte stream

    v0.1.0-alpha.10 #mqtt #deserialize #iot #byte-stream #serialization #tokio
  198. sonoff-minir3

    Sonoff mini R3 API client

    v0.1.2 #mini #sonoff #devices #iot #client #r3 #api-client
  199. eds

    Easy data separator

    v0.5.1 #iot #unmp #separator
  200. rumq-broker

    embeddable mqtt broker

    v0.1.0-alpha.10 #mqtt #broker #tokio #embeddable #ecosystem #async-io #iot
  201. azure-iot-rs-sys

    Rust bindings for Azure IOT C SDK

    v0.1.8 #iot #azure #sdk #edge #devices #device
  202. unmp-link-udp

    udp link for unmp

    v0.7.0 #link #udp #iot #unmp
  203. google-cloud-iot-jwt

    Google Cloud IOT Core JWT for embedded no_std heapless (no alloc) devices

    v0.1.1 #google-cloud #jwt #iot #heapless #elliptic-curve #no-std
  204. unmp

    v0.7.3 #iot #protocols #link #net
  205. unid

    Automate device security provisioning with edge intelligence

    v1.0.0 #did #iot #public-key #root-of-trust #embedded #key-pair #encryption-key
  206. mlua-rumqttd

    rumqttd for mlua

    v0.1.1 120 #lua #iot #mqtt #mqtt-ecosystem #api-bindings
  207. sindit-senml

    SenML RFC8428 proposed standard

    v0.2.0 #iot #json #sensor #sensors #senml #rfc8428 #parser
  208. toad-hash

    no_std hashing used by toad

    v1.0.0-beta.3 #iot #coap #networking #wasm #no-std
  209. lora-phy

    A LoRa physical layer implementation enabling utilization of a range of MCU/LoRa board combinations within embedded frameworks supporting embedded-hal-async

    v3.0.1 #lora #embedded-hal-async #iot #radio #semtech #micro-controller
  210. toad-array

    Array trait used by the toad ecosystem to abstract over heap or heapless collections

    v1.0.0-beta.3 #coap #iot #networking #wasm #heap-allocation #no-std
  211. rumq-client

    An efficeint and robust mqtt client for your connected devices

    v0.1.0-alpha.10 #mqtt-client #event-loop #robust #async-stream #connected #iot #tokio
  212. azure_core_mirror

    Rust wrappers around Microsoft Azure REST APIs - Core crate

    v0.3.0 #azure-sdk #azure #sdk #cloud #iot #azure-api #microsoft-azure
  213. unmp-link-serial

    serial link for unmp

    v0.7.0 #serial #link #iot #unmp
  214. unmp-protocol-raw

    raw protocol for unmp

    v0.7.1 #raw #protocols #iot #unmp
  215. toad-map

    Map / Dictionary trait that is no_std and heap-allocator-optional

    v1.0.0-beta.3 180 #coap #iot #networking #wasm #no-std
  216. toad-async

    v1.0.0-beta.2 #coap #iot #networking #wasm #no-std
  217. new-home-application

    New Home iot application framework. Meant to build application for the New Home Core

    v1.1.0 #smart-home #applications #framework #iot #meant #how #follow
  218. toad-stem

    This microcrate provides a mutable memory wrapper that is thread-safe and usable on no_std platforms

    v1.0.0-beta.3 150 #iot #coap #networking #wasm #deadlock #no-std
  219. modbius

    core parsing library

    v0.1.0 #modbus #fieldbus #iot #no-std #nostd
  220. usb_scale

    Interact with USB Scales with Rust

    v0.1.0 #scale #usb #usb-device #devices #weight #iot