
  1. indextree

    Arena based tree structure by using indices instead of reference counted pointers

    v4.7.3 26K #tree #tree-traversal #arena #reference-counting #index #trie
  2. sonic-server

    Fast, lightweight and schema-less search backend

    v1.4.9 1.8K #search-query #search-index #index #query #text-search #search #server
  3. index_vec

    Newtype-style helpers for Vec and usize

    v0.1.4 21K #vec #usize #newtype #index #indexed #helper #signed-integer
  4. usearch

    Smaller & Faster Single-File Vector Search Engine from Unum

    v2.16.6 3.3K #vector-search #search-engine #approximate #single-file #index
  5. index_list

    A doubly linked list implemented in safe Rust using vector indexes

    v0.2.15 99K #linked-list #index #vector #element #safe #persistent #doubly
  6. argminmax

    (argmin & argmax in 1 function) with SIMD for floats and integers

    v0.6.2 157K #simd #array #nan #index #ndarray #instructions #argmax
  7. tarantool


    v6.1.0 3.4K #fiber #database #space #tuple #api-bindings #index #async
  8. elasticlunr-rs

    A partial port of elasticlunr.js to Rust for generating static document search indexes

    v3.0.2 88K #search-index #indexing #index #elasticlunr #lunr #search
  9. typed-index-collections

    Typed index version of Rust slice and Vec containers

    v3.2.3 15K #slice #index #collection #vec #no-std
  10. tame-index

    access to local and remote cargo registry indices

    v0.16.0 110K #cargo-registry #index #local #cache #remote #indices #sparse
  11. grovedb

    Fully featured database using balanced hierarchical authenticated data structures

    v2.1.0 1.7K #merkle-tree #data-structures #path-query #authenticated #tree-structure #secondary #index
  12. stable-vec

    A Vec-like collection which guarantees stable indices and features O(1) element deletion (semantically similar to Vec<Option<T>>). Useful for allocations in graphs or similar data structures.

    v0.4.1 30K #memory-allocator #arena #arena-allocator #index #options #bitvec #data-structures
  13. rattler_index

    that indexes directories containing conda packages to create local conda channels

    v0.20.1 2.6K #package-management #conda #environment #channel #rattler #local #index
  14. oxc_index

    Newtype-style helpers for Vec and usize

    v2.0.0 64K #vec #index #usize #indexed #newtype
  15. cargo-index

    Cargo subcommand to manage a registry index

    v0.2.7 150 #cargo-subcommand #index #cargo-registry #cargo #package #package-metadata #list
  16. gix-status

    gitoxide project dealing with 'git status'-like functionality

    v0.15.0 17K #git-repository #version-control #git-diff #gitoxide #index #check #state
  17. git-wait

    wrapper utility around git that waits until index.lock file is no longer present running the command

    v0.4.0 500 #git #lock-files #wait #index #running #present #file
  18. rust-releases

    Find, index and obtain all officially available Rust releases

    v0.29.0 7.6K #toolchain #binary-search #release #version #index #versioning #semver
  19. mokuroku

    Secondary indices like PouchDB for RocksDB in Rust

    v3.5.0 #key-value-store #index #search-index #search #rocksdb #database #embedded-database
  20. gix-chunk

    Interact with the git chunk file format used in multi-pack index and commit-graph files

    v0.4.10 422K #git #file-format #version-control #chunk #index #commit-graph #interact
  21. probly-search

    A lightweight full-text search engine with a fully customizable scoring function

    v2.0.1 650 #search-engine #full-text-search #text-search #search #search-query #index #query
  22. typed-generational-arena

    A safe arena allocator that supports deletion without suffering from the ABA problem by using generational indices. Now with typed indices and custom integer types for generations!

    v0.2.6 1.1K #arena-allocator #arena #ecs #generation #index #arena-allocation #reference-counting
  23. impls_index

    Several of macros to put each function under a named macro to index every function in a class

    v0.9.0 2.3K #macro #class #fundamental #general-purpose #index #component #named
  24. h3o-zip

    A compression scheme tailored for H3 cell indexes

    v0.1.7 1.3K #compression #h3 #index #cell #tree #storage #set
  25. rustdb

    SQL database

    v5.2.114 #sql-database #page #database-table #byte #transactions #data-access #index
  26. cheminee

    Molecule indexing and search

    v0.1.47 850 #search #indexing #molecule #chemical #index #structure #rd-kit
  27. andex

    Safe, strongly typed array indexes and wrappers for rust with zero dependencies

    v0.0.18 #array-index #array #arrays #indexing #index #indexed #wrapper
  28. cosmian_findex

    Symmetric Searchable Encryption

    v6.0.0 4.0K #symmetric-encryption #searchable #sse #search #index #cosmian #cloud
  29. extindex

    Persisted immutable index

    v0.8.0 1.0K #skip-list #index #skip #list #persistence #data-structures
  30. faiss

    High-level bindings for Faiss, the vector similarity search engine

    v0.12.1 1.5K #vector-search #search-engine #clustering #index #similarity #cbir
  31. paradis

    Parallel processing with disjoint indices

    v0.2.1 300 #parallel-processing #parallel #disjoint #indices #index #thread-safe #data-access
  32. file-id

    reading inode numbers (Linux, MacOS) and file IDs (Windows)

    v0.2.2 168K #filesystem #file #inode #read-file #index #system #unique-id
  33. bevy_mod_index

    Allows using indexes to efficiently query for components by their values in the game engine Bevy

    v0.6.0 120 #index #bevy #bevy-engine #indices #game-engine
  34. superintervals

    Interval overlap library

    v0.2.2 290 #intervals #interval-tree #intersection #overlap #index #sorting #queries
  35. fluvio-package-index

    Fluvio Package Index

    v0.7.6 120 #fluvio #event-driven-architecture #data-processing #data-streaming #data-pipeline #stream-processing #index
  36. lsph

    Learned Spatial HashMap

    v0.1.8 470 #hash-map #spatial-index #spatial #linear-regression #index #hash #data-structures
  37. parquet_aramid

    Query engine using Parquet tables as a Key-Value store

    v0.1.0 140 #parquet #key-value #key-value-store #table #query-engine #column #index
  38. enumeration

    An extension to rust enum

    v3.3.1 1.1K #enums #variant #enum #traits #extension #index #casting
  39. loro-rle

    A internal library of loro for storing and manipulating run-length encoded data. Do not use it directly.

    v1.1.0 400 #crdt #local-first #index #collaborative #encoded #compression #element
  40. triangle_matrix

    Triangle matrix indexing operations

    v0.4.0 450 #matrix #triangle #matrix-operations #index
  41. jaggedarray

    Multidimensional jagged array

    v0.2.11 #array #multi-dimensional #contiguous-buffer #jagged #traversal #index #short
  42. pokemon-utils

    a collection of pokemon related utilities Project homepage: https://github.com/isaacadams/pokemon-utils

    v0.1.32 310 #pokemon #utilities #collection #index #conversion #github #entry
  43. geosuggest-utils

    Geosuggest index update utilities

    v0.6.4 900 #geocoding #index #service #update #http-service #geosuggest #utilities
  44. transient-btree-index

    allows you to create a BTree index backed by temporary files

    v0.5.1 300 #b-tree #index #temporary-files #index-file #key-value #dataset #backed
  45. substring-replace

    developer-friendly methods to manipulate strings with character indices

    v0.2.2 260 #substring #string #character #indices #replace #index #methods
  46. serialization

    encode and decode your struct

    v0.2.1 700 #decode #encode #encode-decode #enums #variant #index #struct
  47. ros2-interfaces-jazzy

    Structs for Messages and Services listed by ROS Index for ROS2 Jazzy. Built around the ros2-client crate.

    v0.0.3 #ros2 #index #ros #messages #interface #listed #services
  48. slab_tree

    A vec-backed tree structure with tree-specific generational indexes

    v0.3.2 1.1K #tree-node #tree-structure #node-tree #tree #index #slab #node-id
  49. indexical

    indexed collections

    v0.6.1 #data-structures #bit-set #collection #indexed #index #object #numeric
  50. drasi-index-garnet

    Drasi Core Garnet Index

    v0.1.0 #drasi #query #index #properties #node #garnet #time
  51. index-ext

    Index slices with arbitrary ints and as arrays

    v1.0.0 #index #extension #array-index #int-index #integer-arithmetic
  52. ntfs

    A low-level NTFS filesystem library

    v0.4.0 5.0K #filesystem #low-level #nt #index #version #primary #directory
  53. scrunch

    full-text-searching compression

    v0.7.0 #compression #text #full-text #index #high-order #complete #full-text-searching
  54. rs-es

    Client for the ElasticSearch REST API

    v0.12.3 160 #elasticsearch #aggregation #api-client #query #search-query #index #version
  55. sapling-indexedlog

    Append-only on-disk storage with integrity checks and radix tree indexing

    v0.1.0 140 #index #log #radix #check #radix-tree #append-only #integrity
  56. indexed_valued_enums

    Create enums resolving into values, and get their variants back through their values or their discriminant, inspired by Java

    v1.0.0 #enums #declarative-macro #macro-derive #discriminant #index #enumerations #valued
  57. torrust/torrust-index

    A BitTorrent Index

    GitHub 3.0.0-alpha.3-develop #index #bittorrent #file-sharing #p2p #client-connect #torrent #web-framework
  58. vecdeque-stableix

    Deque with stable index values

    v1.1.1 #deque #queue #stable #double-ended #index #indices #vec-deque
  59. indexlist1

    A doubly linked list, backed by a vector

    v0.1.2 #linked-list #generational #insertion #backed #index #deletion #elements
  60. gen_value

    indexes and values with generations for vectors

    v0.7.0 #index #generation #ecs #value #element #generational #identifier
  61. b-tree

    A persistent B+ tree using freqfs

    v0.4.0 #persistent #key-index #index #collection #ordered #key
  62. git-branchless-init

    Supporting library for git-branchless

    v0.10.0 #git-branchless #git-branch #git-workflow #git-repository #user #index #version
  63. small-world-rs

    The easiest HNSW vector index you'll ever use

    v1.1.1 #vector #vector-search #index #search-index #search #graph #hnsw
  64. loro_fractional_index

    Fraction index for Loro. Fork and modified from jamsocket/fractional_index

    v1.1.0 500 #crdt #local-first #collaborative #collaborative-editing #rich-text #p2p #index
  65. rust_readability

    A package to assess the complexity of texts using a variety of readability formulas

    v0.2.0 170 #nlp #readability #complexity #index #language #string #automated
  66. number2name

    convert an index to a name that is as short as possible

    v1.1.2 1.2K #codec #character-set #decoding #string #index #encoding #name
  67. permutation-generator

    A direct permutation generator

    v0.1.3 #permutations #generator #direct #generate #index #iterating #permutation-generator8
  68. char_index

    efficient charwise indexing into a string

    v0.1.4 480 #string #index #chars #data-structures
  69. sagacity

    A Rust-based project for conversing with your codebase and handling codebase contextualization

    v0.1.2 #codebase #ai #conversation #history #language #response #index
  70. forangex

    Range maker for foreward/backward and step may be larger than 1 (or less than -1), plus index support

    v0.4.3 220 #step #range #less #index #indexed #expression #great
  71. imdb-rename

    A command line utility for searching IMDb and renaming your media files

    v0.1.6 #imdb #command-line-tool #fuzzy-search #index #movie #name #video
  72. vec-x

    structure VecX to manage fixed-length arrays, supporting numeric operations and assignment operations between VecX and scalar values

    v0.8.0 700 #array #fixed-length #array-index #vec #index
  73. idx_binary

    Indexed binary file. It uses mmap , various_data_file and avltiree.

    v0.38.5 #avl-tree #index #binary-file #memmap #index-file #database #data-file
  74. dup-indexer

    Create a non-duplicated index from Strings, static str, Vec, or Box values

    v0.4.0 1.7K #unique-identifier #string-interning #string #unique #index #intern #duplicate
  75. general_stable_vec

    A Vec implementation with stable indices

    v0.12.1 320 #stable #insertion #index #element #indices #vector #vec
  76. vpr-audio-analyzer

    Audio file analyzer

    v0.1.1 #audio #frame #analyzer #duration #index #toolkit #async
  77. esdump-rs

    Dump Elasticsearch indexes to object storage

    v0.1.1 #elasticsearch #object-storage #cloud-storage #index #opensearch #cloud-native #google-cloud
  78. mongo_indexed

    derive macro to declaratively index mongo collections

    v2.0.1 #mongo-db #macro-derive #indexing #index #collection #indexed #user
  79. drasi-index-rocksdb

    Drasi Core RocksDb Index

    v0.1.0 #drasi #query #index #properties #rocks-db #node #set
  80. indextreemap

    A BTreeMap implementation that allows for key and or positional insertion and retreival

    v0.1.25 120 #btree-map #indexing #tree #b-tree #index #btreemap #order
  81. morton-index

    Types and functions for efficiently and easily work with Morton indices

    v0.3.0 #morton #index #indices #level #quad-tree #depth #2d-grid
  82. id_collections

    Index-oriented programming in Rust

    v1.0.1 900 #id #newtype #index #map #vec #data-structures #integer-value
  83. groupex

    Syncronization primitive that allows acquire lock by index

    v0.3.0 140 #collection #lock #index #primitive #concurrency #structures #thread
  84. suffix


    v1.3.0 10K #suffix-array #search-index #text-search #search #linear-time #index #unicode-text
  85. google-search-console-api


    v0.1.1 #google-search #console #search-console #google-api #index #search-console-api #com
  86. rust-releases-rust-changelog

    RustChangelog source implementation for rust-releasess

    v0.29.0 7.3K #toolchain #release #source #documentation #index
  87. neutrondb

    log-structured merge-tree key-value store for any implemented data type

    v6.0.0 #key-value-store #log-structured #lsm-tree #byte #implemented #merge-tree #index
  88. rust-releases-rust-dist

    RustDist source implementation for rust-releases

    v0.29.0 7.0K #toolchain #release #index #source #rust-releases #rust-dist #bisect
  89. rig-qdrant

    Rig vector store index integration for Qdrant. https://qdrant.tech

    v0.1.3 390 #qdrant #vector #integration #store #index #rig #tech
  90. esl01-indexedlog

    Append-only on-disk storage with integrity checks and indexing support

    v0.3.0 470 #integrity #check #log #indexing #index #append-only #version-control
  91. idx_file

    handling single-dimensional array data. It uses mmap and avltriee.

    v0.64.0 #avl-tree #index-file #file #index #memmap #data
  92. index_many

    A proof of concept for indexing an slice at multiple locations at once

    v0.6.1 1.2K #slice #array-index #array #index
  93. versatile-data

    databases that has convenient datasets that group together commonly used fields and gives you the flexibility to create your own fields

    v0.116.0 #database #sql-database #avl-tree #index #library
  94. circular-array

    A circular array that allows infinite pushes into a fixed-size array

    v0.2.2 #array #fixed-size #circular #infinite #index #capacity #indices
  95. ru_annoy

    annoy(https://github.com/spotify/annoy) (Index serving only). Providing C api as well

    v0.1.3 #annoy #index #port #serving #api #github #java
  96. crates-index

    retrieving and interacting with the crates.io index

    v3.4.0 132K #index #packaging #meta #dependencies #crates
  97. tag_index

    searchable index over key-value tags

    v0.6.0 150 #tags #index #key-value #searchable #full-text-searchable
  98. rzbackup


    v3.4.0-alpha0 130 #backup #index #restore #bundle #z-backup #apache #client-server
  99. cargo-difftests

    A selective regression testing tool for Rust projects

    v0.6.1 #testing #testing-tools #cargo #selective #regression #index #directory
  100. arena64

    A concurrent arena providing mutually exclusive access over guarded indexes

    v0.2.0 #arena #access #exclusive #index #mutually #concurrency #slot
  101. nexers

    Parses Maven/Nexus repository index files

    v0.1.6 #maven #repository #index #parser #build #nexus #database
  102. kurtbuilds_sid

    Id schema that is: 128-bit (uuid compatible); sorted (won't explode database indexes); random (gen anywhere); readable (has object type and a "short" segment); and highlights on double click. Includes postgres extension.

    v0.5.3 210 #postgresql-extension #schema #double-click #uuid #sorting #database #index
  103. indexed_priority_queue

    An indexed priority queue with index-based removals, restores and value updates

    v0.3.0 #priority-queue #index #data-structures #value
  104. handy

    providing handles and handlemaps

    v0.1.4 4.0K #handle #generational #index #stable #data-structures #reference-data
  105. typed_index

    A strongly typed Index for vector, slice, and str type

    v0.1.0 #index #container #typed #integer #strongly-typed
  106. multi-stash

    Vector-based arena data structure that reuses vacant slots

    v0.2.0 210K #vector #arena #stash #data-structures #index #actor
  107. encode_selector

    Encode an integer index into a selector valid radix using the passed in alphabet

    v0.4.2 #css-selectors #selector #radix #encode #alphabet #integer #index
  108. unchecked-index

    Unchecked indexing wrapper using regular index syntax

    v0.2.2 42K #index #unchecked #slice #debugging #no-std
  109. next-pagefind

    Pagefind for next.js non output export applications. Fully crawl and index your app in one command.

    v0.1.4 #next #js #applications #pagefind #export #index #crawl
  110. cargo-arps

    a arp tool on windows

    v0.3.2 #windows #arp #networking #tool #devices #index #winpcap
  111. weighted-selector

    Select type from weighted index

    v0.0.2 #weighted #index #selector
  112. to-offset

    developer-friendly methods to manipulate strings with character indices

    v0.1.0 320 #offset #range #integer #array #index #indices #vector
  113. html-index

    Generate an HTML index

    v0.3.4 #generate-html #index #release
  114. index-fixed

    convert slices into arrays using indexes ([T] -> [T;N])

    v0.3.1 2.9K #slice #fixed-size #array #index #fixed #const
  115. tarantool-module

    Tarantool C API bindings

    v0.2.1 #tarantool #api-bindings #ffi #fiber #tuple #stored #index
  116. lookups

    Improve the data retrieval operations for collections

    v0.2.0 250 #collection #search #hash-table #data-access #index #lookup-tables #filter
  117. spacetimedb-lib

    A common library for SpacetimeDB

    v1.0.0-rc1 290 #spacetime-db #index #table
  118. infisearch

    A complete and more scalable pre-built index approach to client-side search

    v0.10.1 #client-side #spelling-correction #static-site #pre-built #index #search #non-blocking
  119. goggles

    Building blocks for a hibitset based ECS library

    v0.2.0 #ecs #component #specs #gamedev #index #join #diy
  120. densevec

    Map like collection with usize indices that stores values contiguosly

    v0.5.1 #collection #memory #hash-map #sparse #index #indices #usize
  121. enigma-cracker

    A start-from-nothing Enigma cipher decryption library for Rust

    v0.1.0 #enigma #settings #decryption #encryption-decryption #ciphertext #rotor #index
  122. genindex

    Generational index library

    v0.2.2 160 #weak-references #generational #data-structures #index #data-oriented #muds #reference
  123. retriever

    embedded in-memory data store for rust applications

    v0.0.3 #key #applications #data-store #chunk #index #relation #sql-database
  124. typed_index_collection

    Manage collection of objects

    v2.2.1 #collection #index #identifier #typed #indices #objects #manage
  125. nimrodshn-btree

    A persistent copy-on-write B+Tree implementation, designed as an index for a key-value store, inspired by SQLite

    v0.1.0 #key-value-store #b-tree #persistent #index #indexing #node #write-ahead-log
  126. indexed

    Convenient allocator for index-linked data structures

    v0.2.0 1.5K #pool #index #allocator #vec #memory-pool #pin #data-structures
  127. mdbook-indexing

    mdbook preprocessor for index generation

    v0.1.2 150 #mdbook #index #book #building #text #generation #indexing
  128. cargo-cacher

    crates.io proxy that will proxy requests made when building a package with Cargo

    v1.2.5 #proxy-server #cache #io #build #index #cargo #cargo-build
  129. shelves

    Storing values referenced by a unique typed index

    v1.2.0 #typed #index #reference #store
  130. index_mask

    masking indices

    v0.1.1 #masking #index #indices
  131. endex

    get index of enum variant by enum value

    v0.1.0 #enums #variant #index
  132. indexed_vec

    IndexVec from librustc_data_structures

    v1.2.1 650 #data-structures #index #vec #librustc-data-structures
  133. vevtor

    vector index

    v0.1.0 #index #vector #vevtor
  134. bookshelf

    A small and modular media manager

    v1.1.4 #media #module #books #download #index #manager #website
  135. vector-growing

    The growing vector with free indexes

    v0.1.0 #memory #growing #index #free #object #size #vg
  136. tree-index

    Index a flat-tree

    v0.6.1 #tree #index #stateful #flat-tree #sparse-bitfield #bit-field #change
  137. schoenerd

    Schoener's D index calculator for niche overlap

    v0.1.0 #index #schoener #niche-overlap #input-file #file-path
  138. file-search

    File indexing and search

    v0.1.11 #file-content #indexing #search-file #pdf #csv #xlsx #index
  139. rust_nb

    but generic Naive Bayes Model in Rust

    v0.1.1 #bayes #naive #model #class #generic #features #index
  140. cw-storage-plus

    Enhanced storage engines

    v2.0.0 53K #cosmwasm #primary-key #storage-engine #smart-contracts #abstraction #key-storage #index
  141. bitrush-index

    A serializable bitmap index library able to index millions values/sec on a single thread

    v0.1.1 #bitmap #index #bitmap-index #database
  142. encoding-next-index-singlebyte

    Index tables for various single-byte character encodings

    v1.20180106.0 200 #character-encoding #index #table
  143. static-slicing

    enhanced slicing and indexing

    v0.2.0 #slice #index #compile-time #indexing #static #array #static-analysis
  144. encoding-next-index-tradchinese

    Index tables for traditional Chinese character encodings

    v1.20180106.1 190 #character-encoding #chinese #table #index #standard #encode #string
  145. torrust-index-backend

    The backend (API) for the Torrust Index project

    v2.0.0-alpha.3 #bittorrent #back-end #applications #index #web-apps #torrust #api
  146. csv-partial-cache

    Csv index with partially cached columns

    v0.2.0 #csv #columns #file-offset #access #partial #index #cache
  147. fast_forward

    Quering collections blazing fast

    v0.0.2 #collection #index #search #query #filter #search-algorithms #derive-debug
  148. encoding-index-singlebyte

    Index tables for various single-byte character encodings

    v1.20141219.5 190K #character-encoding #index #table #iso #encode #single-byte #string
  149. fcsd

    Front-coding string dictionary

    v0.2.0 #string #dictionary #compression #index #string-search #string-key #data-structures
  150. encoding-next-index-simpchinese

    Index tables for simplified Chinese character encodings

    v1.20180106.0 210 #character-encoding #chinese #index #table #standard #encoding-next
  151. bayard

    A distributed search server

    v0.9.0 #full-text-search #server #index #search-index #search #full-text
  152. encoding-index-korean

    Index tables for Korean character encodings

    v1.20141219.5 190K #character-encoding #korean #table #index #standard #string
  153. id-vec

    Simplify Graphs in Rust. Introduces IdVec, which automatically creates Ids for each new object, reusing deleted Ids.

    v0.5.7 #graph #id #graph-node #node-id #index #map #vec
  154. encoding-next-index-japanese

    Index tables for Japanese character encodings

    v1.20180106.0 200 #character-encoding #japanese #index #table
  155. encoding-next-index-korean

    Index tables for Korean character encodings

    v1.20180106.0 200 #character-encoding #korean #table #index #standard #encode
  156. divsufsort

    Rust port of Yuta Mori's divsufsort

    v2.0.0 3.1K #suffix #search #search-index #array-index #saca #index #text-search
  157. file_index_scraper

    Scrapes index.html from common file servers and then processes it

    v0.1.8 #index #html #file #server #processes #scrapes
  158. encoding-index-japanese

    Index tables for Japanese character encodings

    v1.20141219.5 203K #character-encoding #japanese #table #index #string #standard
  159. xdbuf

    reusable multi-dimensional buffer

    v0.3.0 120 #multi-dimensional #array #buffer #array-index #index
  160. annoy-rs

    annoy(https://github.com/spotify/annoy) (Index serving only). Providing C api as well

    v0.1.0 #index #annoy #serving #dotnet #bindings #jvm #github
  161. two-sided-vec

    Double ended vectors for rust, which can grow in both the front and back

    v0.1.11 #double-ended #back #front #grow #vector #index #backward
  162. wrapping_coords2d

    Translate between 1D indices and 2D coordinates with wrapping

    v0.1.10 #indices #2d #coordinates #2d-grid #index #matrix #cellular-automata
  163. index-pool

    A pool which manages allocation of unique indices. Acts like a psuedo-memory allocator.

    v1.0.11 #index #pool #indices #data-structures
  164. encoding-index-tradchinese

    Index tables for traditional Chinese character encodings

    v1.20141219.5 166K #character-encoding #chinese #index #table #encode #standard
  165. palletizer

    self-hosted Cargo registry

    v0.2.4 #cargo-registry #self-hosted #organization #repository #private #host #index
  166. encoding-index-simpchinese

    Index tables for simplified Chinese character encodings

    v1.20141219.5 178K #character-encoding #chinese #index #table #standard
  167. python-oxidized-importer

    A Rust-powered Python importer

    v0.9.0 13K #python-module #resources #path #loading #importer #extension #index
  168. faiss-sys

    Native bindings for Faiss

    v0.6.2 500 #vector-search #index #bindings #clustering #similarity #native-bindings #cbir
  169. index-utils

    working with indices

    v2.2.3 #index #sparse #utilities
  170. hilbert-curve-rust

    Basic Hilbert curve algorithm

    v0.1.2 #hilbert-curve #hilbert #index #point #algorithm
  171. lup

    A custom indexed loop macro library for Rust

    v0.3.0 #scientific-computing #loops #macro #index #piston #loop #custom
  172. index_alloc

    A toy static allocator wich can serve as a global_allocator

    v0.1.1 #global-allocator #memory #toy #static #embedded #index #alloc
  173. struct-index

    structure implement index trait

    v1.0.0 #index #derive #traits #structure #struct #order #defined
  174. enum2pos

    derive macro for enums that generates "from_index(usize, Vec<String>) -> Option<Self>" and "to_index()" methods for converting between an variants and their position within the enum declaration (similar to an index)

    v0.1.2 420 #enums #index #string #macro #enum #macro-derive
  175. cargo-index-transit

    A package for common types for Cargo index interactions, and conversion between them

    v0.1.1 #cargo #index #conversion #interaction
  176. rig-lancedb

    Rig vector store index integration for LanceDB

    v0.2.0 310 #vector #store #rig #lancedb #index #lance-db #integration
  177. indexer

    allows you to create an index (a multi-value sorted map) based on serde json values

    v0.2.8 #serde-json #json-object #sorting #index #map #indexing #create
  178. imdb-index

    indexing and searching IMDb using information retrieval

    v0.1.4 #imdb #index #search #movie
  179. cbor-tag-index

    Tag index

    v0.3.0 #tags #cbor #index
  180. mdbook-infisearch

    InfiSearch plugin for Mdbook

    v0.10.1 #static-site #search #client-side #infisearch #mdbook #wasm #index
  181. seismic

    designed for effective and efficient KNN retrieval over learned sparse embeddings

    v0.1.0 #index #dataset #sparse #embedding #query #retrieval #inverted
  182. uindex

    Universal index

    v0.1.1 #triple #sentence #peg #index #db #database #universal
  183. estuary

    An alternative cargo registry suitable for *small-scale* crate publishing and distribution

    v0.1.1 #cargo-registry #registry #index #packaging #dependencies
  184. enum_index

    Trait and macros for extracting Enum variant index

    v0.2.0 12K #enums #index #macro #macro-derive #macros
  185. infisearch_common

    Internal library for other InfiSearch packages

    v0.10.1 #search #static-site #client-side #infisearch #index #pre-built #solution
  186. holyhashmap

    A hash map with stable indices

    v0.1.2 #hash-map #indices #hash-key #key-hash #stable #graph #index
  187. mycelium_index

    Mycelium DDM

    v0.1.1 #mycelium #index #decentralized #decentralized-storage #tcp-server #ddm #integration
  188. encoding-next_index_tests

    Helper macros used to test index tables for character encodings

    v0.1.5 #character-encoding #testing #macro #whatwg #standard #table #index
  189. futhorc

    A static site generator to learn Rust and to build my personal blog

    v0.1.13 #static-site-generator #post #index #pages #educational #template #tags
  190. parity-db

    Key-value database for the blockchain

    v0.5.0 198K #blockchain #index #table #write #trie #key #value
  191. rust_poker

    Rust poker library

    v0.1.14 #poker #range #hand #card #evaluate #equity #index
  192. mintkv

    kv library based on btree

    v0.1.0 #b-tree #kv #json #database #meta #index #learning
  193. indexed_bitvec

    An indexed bitvector with (hopefully) fast rank and select operations

    v4.0.1 #bit-vector #indexing #index #bits #bit #bitvector
  194. index

    a flash-sympathetic persistent lock-free B+ tree

    v0.15.4 #lock-free #embedded-database #persistent #database #concurrency #embedded
  195. quickwit-search

    Quickwit's search logic

    v0.3.0 #search #quickwit #split #leaf #query #root #index
  196. tuplestructops

    Structural manipulations for tuples

    v0.3.0 600 #tuple #split #structural #join #index #operations #structure
  197. doc-merge

    Combine rustdoc output of multiple, discrete crates

    v0.3.0 #rustdoc #documentation #cargo-docs #combine #output #multiple #index
  198. encoding_index_tests

    Helper macros used to test index tables for character encodings

    v0.1.4 164K #character-encoding #testing #index #table #helper #macro
  199. paradis-demo

    demo functionality for paradis, not intended for use

    v0.1.0 #parallel #indices #index #thread #disjoint
  200. rucene

    port of the popular Apache Lucene project. Rucene is not a complete application, but rather a code library and API that can easily be used to add full text search capabilities to applications.

    v0.1.1 #lucene #index #search #applications #full-text-search #port #apache
  201. quickwit-doc-mapper

    Quickwit index configuration

    v0.3.0 #quickwit #index #search-engine #document #tantivy #configuration #configure
  202. gnostr-lib-proc-macros

    Proc macros for the gnostr-lib crate

    v0.0.25 #content #index #git-commit #git-repository #version-control #proc #generate
  203. aqi

    Functions for calculating Air Quality Index values

    v0.2.0 #air-quality #index #matter #calculating #values #concentrations #pm2
  204. frame-system

    FRAME system module

    v38.0.0 18K #substrate #frame #module #block-hash #pallet #run-time #index
  205. gomicollector

    mark-sweep garbage collector

    v0.1.1 #garbage-collection #heap #object #collector #vector #mark-sweep #index
  206. tindex

    Vec, slice and bitset with custom index types

    v0.5.9 #index #slice #type #bitset #typed
  207. bigsi_rs

    A in-memory implementation of a BIGSI-like data structure

    v0.1.1 #structure #index #data-structures #in-memory #hash #filter #bigsi-like
  208. http_server_tiny


    v0.2.1 #http-server #routes #tiny #index #file-server #macro
  209. daicon

    Reference rust reader/writer implementation of the daicon format

    v0.11.0 #index #binary #blob #reader-writer #format #reference #read
  210. associative_positional_list

    AssociativePositionalList is a list-like container in which each value is associated with an index, but unlike other list containers, the index for a value can be determined efficiently

    v0.1.3 #positional #index #value
  211. matterdb

    Persistent storage implementation based on RocksDB

    v1.2.0 #index #fork #group #persistent #list #persistent-storage #rocks-db
  212. skv

    thread-safe disk-backed key-value store

    v0.1.2 #key-value-store #thread-safe #disk #data-store #pair #index #lookup
  213. fixed-index-vec

    A vector-like data structure whose indices do not change when elements are removed

    v0.1.0 #indices #version-control #structure #index #data-structures #immutability #order
  214. compressed-sparse-fiber

    Compressed sparse fiber implementation for Rust

    v0.0.6 #sparse #prefix-tree #tensor #index #compression #recursion #row
  215. zero_based_index

    Newtype offering some utility methods for zero-based indices

    v0.2.2 #indices #math #index #methods #utility #zero #zero-based
  216. generational-arena

    A safe arena allocator that supports deletion without suffering from the ABA problem by using generational indices

    v0.2.9 79K #arena-allocator #arena #ecs #index #generation
  217. otqa

    no-API wrapper around the OpenTriviaQA database

    v1.0.2 #open-trivia-qa #database #repeat #questions #category #context #index
  218. pallet-transaction-storage

    Storage chain pallet

    v37.0.0 1.4K #chain #substrate #data #pallet #block #transaction #index
  219. dyn_array

    easy to use N-dimensional dynamic array

    v0.1.7 #dynamic #array #n-dimensional #index #access #data
  220. robt

    Read only, immutable Btree for indexing key,value

    v0.2.0 #index #b-tree #data-structures #btree #storage
  221. bitkv-rs

    k/v store API inspired by bitcask

    v0.2.1 #bitcask #write #storage #storage-engine #index #read-write #api
  222. rudeboy

    Rlua User Data Extension Boy - Derive/attr macros and traits for easily exporting user data to RLua

    v0.2.0 #user-data #methods #rlua #index #macro #extension #generate
  223. discrimination-tree

    discrimination tree term indexing

    v0.3.0 #term #index #tree #indexing #discrimination
  224. pallet-indices

    FRAME indices management pallet

    v38.0.0 6.4K #indices #account #substrate #index #pallet #polkadot #management
  225. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  226. pibench-parser

    parser to parse the text output from pibench

    v0.1.7 #benchmark #persistent-memory #parser #pibench #index
  227. csv-index

    On disk CSV indexing data structures

    v0.1.6 2.2K #csv #data-structures #index #comma #delimited #parser #byte-offset
  228. rustsv

    A customizable CSV data parser

    v0.1.5 #content #parser #data #csv #row #input #index
  229. kaspa-utxoindex

    Kaspa UTXO index

    v0.15.0 260 #kaspa #index #utxo #full-node #reference #stable #branch
  230. kwindex

    based "keyword index" library crate that maintaining an index of words from texts

    v0.1.2 #index #text #words
  231. mmdb_slot_db

    A skip-list like index cache

    v0.1.1 #cache #index #slot #timestamp #database #key-value-database
  232. reg-index

    manage a registry index

    v0.6.0 #cargo-registry #cargo #index #cargo-subcommand #manage #cargo-index #experimental
  233. igrf

    International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) implementation in pure Rust

    v0.2.0 #field #reference #international #geomagnetic #pure #index
  234. atom_table

    Assign easy-to-handle typed IDs to large, hard to handle things like strings

    v1.1.0 #vec #index #collection #data-structures
  235. appendix

    Append-only, on-disk key-value index

    v0.2.2 #index #data-structures #key-value #on-disk #append-only #thread #mapping
  236. indexed_json

    Index json files like a database

    v0.3.1 #database #index #json #record #indexed #time #fields
  237. identicode

    code that identifies you

    v0.3.0 #index #identifies #command #following #installed #downloaded
  238. binstore

    key-value store written in Rust. Uses its own compact file format.

    v0.2.0 #file-format #key-value #key-value-store #index #compact #numbers #sparse
  239. ngram-search

    Ngram-based indexing of strings into a binary file

    v0.1.1 #ngrams #index #indexing #text-search #full-text #write-file
  240. hprtree

    A Hilbert-Packed-R-Tree implementation for rust

    v0.2.1 #hilbert #spatial #tree #index #packed #r-tree
  241. reexport

    js/ts files made easy with rust

    v1.0.0 #ts #re-exports #index #export #js #path #js-ts
  242. lincolns

    A JSON Pointer index for line/column information within JSON and YAML content

    v0.1.1 #json #pointers #yaml #index #content #line-column #information
  243. crumb

    Encode a nibble from a u64 as a u8

    v0.2.1 #u64 #nibble #index #u8 #bits #encode #data
  244. file_log

    write logs to files with an index

    v0.1.1 #logging #index #file #write #log-messages #log-index
  245. qst

    Quick Serve This: Simple serve meant for development

    v1.0.3 #serve #meant #quick #server #limit #index #port
  246. cargo-lookup

    Command-line crate registry index querying for Cargo

    v0.1.0 #cargo-registry #semver #index #querying #lookup #versioning #semantic
  247. php-indexer

    Generate a queryable index of your PHP projects

    v0.0.0-b1 #php #projects #index #generate #template-rust-cli #queryable