
  1. curl

    Rust bindings to libcurl for making HTTP requests

    v0.4.47 713K #http-request #libcurl #requests #data-transfer #bindings #web #header
  2. headers

    typed HTTP headers

    v0.4.0 2.3M #http-header #header #hyper #hyper-http #hyperium
  3. http-range-header

    No-dep range header parser

    v0.4.2 2.1M #header-parser #http-header #http-parser #header #range #http #parser
  4. http-cache-semantics

    RFC 7234. Parses HTTP headers to correctly compute cacheability of responses, even in complex cases

    v2.1.0 48K #http-header #http-cache #http-response #response-headers #request-headers #header-parser #header
  5. xwin

    Allows downloading and repacking the MSVC CRT and Windows SDK for cross compilation

    v0.6.6-rc.2 68K #cross-compilation #cross-compiling #winapi #download #crt #header #msvc
  6. kvm-bindings

    Rust FFI bindings to KVM generated using bindgen

    v0.10.0 36K #kvm #bindings #generated-bindings #kernel #header #x86-64 #arm64
  7. rfc2047-decoder

    decoding RFC 2047 MIME Message Headers

    v1.0.6 75K #header #mime #decoding #decoder #rfc2047
  8. ctest2

    Automated tests of FFI bindings

    v0.4.9 33K #automated-testing #api #bindings #validation #generated-bindings #header #definition
  9. autocxx

    Safe autogenerated interop between Rust and C++

    v0.27.0 9.0K #interop #cpp #safe #interface #automatic #safety #header
  10. axum-client-ip

    Client IP address extractors for Axum

    v0.6.1 26K #client-ip #ip-address #axum #ip-geolocation #rate-limiting #header #extractor
  11. filmweb-csv

    Effortless Filmweb data -> CSV fetching

    v0.2.13 260 #csv #data #fetching #fetch #filmweb #cookie #header
  12. netlink-packet-generic

    generic netlink packet types

    v0.3.3 13K #netlink #linux #packet #generic #family #message #header
  13. traefikctl

    A CLI for managing traefik with etcd (and more)

    v0.2.39 2.0K #etcd #traefik #middleware #path #deployment #host #header
  14. axum-htmx

    A set of htmx extractors, responders, and request guards for axum

    v0.6.0 4.3K #axum #htmx #request-headers #header #http-header #response-headers #guard
  15. truelayer-signing

    Produce & verify TrueLayer API requests signatures

    v0.3.1 4.3K #api-request #verify-signature #true-layer #truelayer #webhook #header #requests
  16. minidump-common

    Some common types for working with minidump files

    v0.23.0 136K #crash-reports #file-format #header #traits #breakpad #error #analysis
  17. headers-remake

    remake of the headers

    v0.1.2 340 #header #remake #rust #cli
  18. aws-sign-v4

    Generate AWS Signature 4 headers easily

    v0.3.0 293K #aws #signature #header #generate #version #authorization #authentication
  19. grafbase-hooks

    An SDK to implement hooks for the Grafbase Gateway

    v0.1.8 950 #hook #grafbase #error-response #request #gateway #header #graphql
  20. jwt

    JSON Web Token library

    v0.16.0 135K #json #token #web #signature #verification #header
  21. accept-language

    Parse and compare Accept-Language header strings

    v3.1.0 10K #header-parser #header #parser #internationalization
  22. network-types

    Rust structs representing network-related types in Linux

    v0.0.7 4.2K #linux-networking #network-protocol #packet-header #header #packet #tcp-udp #osi
  23. headers-accept

    🤝 The missing Accept implementation for headers::Header

    v0.1.4 6.4K #http-header #header #accept #http #content-negotiation
  24. imageinfo

    get image size and format without loading/decoding

    v0.7.27 #size #file-format #jpeg #file-info #format-file #header #image-size
  25. add-notice

    A cli tool to add notices to files

    v0.2.9 200 #notice #header #file-header #header-file #license #command-line-tool #comments
  26. deno_fetch

    Fetch API implementation for Deno

    v0.206.0 5.7K #deno #fetch #run-time #header #response #typescript #streaming
  27. cspgen

    CSP generation from an url

    v0.2.7 #security-policy #csp #url #header #content #generator #generation
  28. file-header

    check for and add headers to files

    v0.1.3 8.3K #header #license #spdx #defined #text #default #check
  29. astrors

    Astronomical package to deal with FITS files (tables and images). An effort to develop a common core package for Astronomy in Rust.

    v1.0.1 260 #image-processing #data-analysis #data-processing #fits #astronomy #astronomical #header
  30. http-content-range

    HTTP Content Range response header parser

    v0.2.0 11K #header-parser #http-header #response-headers #header #http #content-range
  31. dylib_installer

    install dylib files and header to system library path

    v0.2.0 #dylib #pkg-config #dynamic #target-directory #header #path #pc
  32. gzinspector

    inspect gzip/zlib compressed files (especially chunked textual files such as WARC, WET, WAT, CDX, ZipNum, etc.)

    v0.2.4 420 #gzip #compression #chunks #wat #chunked #warc #header
  33. xkit

    A xkit

    v1.0.1 160 #kit #websocket #settings #https #header #http2 #boring-ssl
  34. redirectionio

    Redirection IO Library to handle matching rule, redirect and filtering headers and body

    v2.11.2 850 #redirect #header #web #filtering #rules #body #agent
  35. hawkeye

    license header checker and formatter, in multiple distribution forms

    v5.8.1 200 #github-actions #header #check #formatter #format #checker #distribution
  36. gzip-header

    decoding and encoding the header part of gzip files based on the gzip header implementation in the flate2 crate

    v1.0.0 767K #gzip #header #file-header #compression #decoding #file-format #codec
  37. add-header

    A cli to add headers to files

    v0.6.2 #header #notice #file-header #header-file #license #cli #cli-file
  38. pimoroni-pico-explorer

    Board Support Package for the Pico Explorer

    v0.8.0 470 #explorer #board #pico #rp2040 #package #pimoroni #header
  39. swc-neuron

    CLI utility for interacting with SWC neuronal morphology files

    v0.4.1 #swc #file-format #morphology #neuronal #sorting #command-line-tool #header
  40. hxr

    HTTP request CLI tool

    v0.1.0 140 #http-request #cli #tool #command-line-tool #header #post #http-post
  41. http_file_parser

    A Rust-based parser for .http files, parsing HTTP request data using Pest and making parsed requests

    v0.1.1 250 #http-request #http-file #requests #parsed #pest #header #data
  42. actix-middleware-etag

    ETag middleware for Actix web >= 4.8

    v0.4.2 550 #actix-web #actix-middleware #etag #header #web-apps #http-response #web-server
  43. rating-graph-processor

    Converts the specified image to an image that fits the X (formerly Twitter) header

    v0.2.1 #convert-images #image #header #output-image #twitter #config-file #opaque
  44. hdv

    Header-determined values

    v0.5.0 200 #file-format #header #data-science #binary-format #csv #values #text-format
  45. libc-interface

    types often found in libc or other common platform libraries

    v0.1.2 #native-bindings #platform #libc #header #compatibility #constants #api
  46. email_pest_parser

    An email parser that parse entire email and validates email addresses

    v0.1.2 320 #email #pest-parser #header #body #validate #grammar #structured
  47. asterisk-cli

    A lightweight command-line tool for rapidly testing API endpoints

    v1.0.0 #api-testing #rapidly #command-line-tool #header #asterisk #server #request
  48. termite-dmg

    Termite Data Model Generator is a crate meant to generate boiler plate code for data models

    v0.1.1 #data-model #json #yaml #json-file #generator #header #enums
  49. noosphere

    A high-level package for dealing with accessing the Noosphere

    v0.16.1 #sphere #header #immutable-data-structures #accessing #api #initialization #set
  50. noodles-sam

    Sequence Alignment/Map (SAM) format reader and writer

    v0.66.0 2.3K #sequence-alignment #file-format #sam #bioinformatics #reader-writer #header #file-io
  51. fastwebsockets-monoio

    A fast RFC6455 WebSocket server implementation

    v0.4.4 #websocket #frame #websocket-server #fast-websockets #upgrade #opcode #header
  52. autocxx-engine

    Safe autogenerated interop between Rust and C++

    v0.27.0 7.8K #interop #cpp #autocxx #autogenerated #header #engine #api-bindings
  53. phnt

    Rust bindings to the System Informer’s (formerly known as Process Hacker) phnt native Windows headers

    v0.0.31 #process #header #bindings #native-bindings #syscalls #informer #undocumented
  54. rusty-bind-parser

    Parses Rust module, generates Rust code with C ABI bindings and C/C++ header files and Swift gluecode

    v0.3.7 850 #header #bindings #abi #module #swift #cc #parser
  55. tbll

    tbll outputs data in tabular format

    v0.2.3 #table #data #tabular #outputs #format #header #cli
  56. bluefile

    Experimental Rust library for handling X-Midas Bluefiles

    v0.5.4 800 #x-midas #experimental #bluefiles #header #read #cargo
  57. siwi-download

    async download file

    v0.2.5 130 #download #downloader #reqwest #tokio #siwi #async #header
  58. header-vec

    Vector with user-specified header, length, capacity, and array elements all stored on the heap together

    v0.1.3 #header #heap #data-structures #graph #vec #vector #version
  59. cookie_parser

    parse contents of Cookie/Set-Cookie headers

    v1.0.1 #header #contents #parse #cookie-set-cookie #cli #cli-parser
  60. licensesnip

    add license headers to your source code

    v1.6.0 330 #header #source #license #add #automatic #config-file #language
  61. message_segment_calculator

    package to calculate SMS message segments

    v0.1.1 #character-encoding #user-data #sms #segment #message #character-set #header
  62. ZuckGate

    interface for making TCP-based HTTP requests in Rust. It supports both GET and POST requests with configurable headers and payloads.

    v0.1.8 340 #zuckgate #post-requests #http-request #header #payload #interface #configurable #content
  63. android-sparse-image

    Low-level Android sparse image parsing headers

    v0.1.2 270 #header #chunk #file-header #sparse #image #android #parser
  64. xenctrl

    Safe bindings to xenctrl

    v0.6.0 120 #api-bindings #xen #libxenctrl #compile #header
  65. hawkeye-fmt

    The formatter library for hawkeye cli

    v5.8.1 210 #header #github-actions #formatter #checker #check #hawkeye #format
  66. ctest

    Automated tests of FFI bindings

    v0.2.22 110 #automated-testing #api-testing #bindings #validation #generated-bindings #header #cargo
  67. min_http11_core

    Minimum HTTP/1.1 version, request line and headers

    v0.1.4 #http-header #http #header #version #request-headers #http-request #methods
  68. rbx_auth

    Constructs params for making authenticated requests to Roblox APIs

    v0.2.3-prerelease 140 #header #http-request #api-request #requests #http-client #authenticated #authentication
  69. systemd_service_parser

    systemd service file parser

    v0.1.2 370 #service #systemd #section #header #pair #key #key-value
  70. rocket_sunset

    A procedural macro crate for Rocket that provides functionality for HTTP deprecation headers

    v0.1.0 #deprecated #http-header #header #rocket #http #proc-macro
  71. latest_user_agent

    generating latest browser user agent

    v0.2.2 140 #user-agent #browser #latest #firefox #mozilla #header #generate
  72. retry-after

    header for Hyper's header module

    v0.4.0 1.7K #header #hyper #retry #chrono #duration #delay #date-time
  73. real-ip

    Get the "real ip" of an incoming request using the "forwarded", "x-forwarded-for" or "x-real-ip" headers set by reverse proxies

    v0.1.0 130 #header #request #real #ip #proxies #forwarded #incoming
  74. mosquitto-plugin

    way to create plugins for mosquitto, using rust code

    v2.1.3 600 #mosquitto #mqtt #broker #plugin #acl #password #header
  75. h3i

    Low-level HTTP/3 debugging and testing

    v0.2.0 340 #http-3 #testing-debugging #quic #frame #header #low-level #stream
  76. autocxx-parser

    Safe autogenerated interop between Rust and C++

    v0.27.0 10K #autogenerated #interop #cpp #header #autocxx #component #ffi
  77. interoptopus_backend_c

    Generates C bindings

    v0.14.25 470 #bindings-generator #bindings #header #ffi #c #api-bindings #code-generation
  78. didcomm-rs

    DIDComm messaging v2 specifications implementation: https://identity.foundation/didcomm-messaging/spec/

    v0.7.2 #key #did #header #identity #message #recipient #messaging
  79. prometheus-reqwest-remote-write

    A prometheus remote write client for reqwest

    v0.2.1 140 #prometheus #write #remote #reqwest #reqwest-client #header #metrics
  80. tunnelbana-headers

    Parse cloudflare-style _headers files and add them to your HTTP servers

    v0.1.1 240 #header #tower #tower-http #http #tower-service #headers #http-response
  81. rbx_mesh

    Rust parser for Roblox mesh files

    v0.1.2 120 #roblox #mesh #parser #rbx #vertices #header #versioned-mesh
  82. solicit


    v0.4.4 2.0K #http2 #protocols #frame #connection #header #http-client #response
  83. mdbook_header_footer

    mdBook preprocessor to prepend header and append footer to certain chapters

    v0.0.2 #mdbook #chapter #header #append #footer #regex #padding
  84. rama-http-types

    rama http type defintions and high level utilities

    v0.2.0-alpha.3 #http-header #rama #header #mime
  85. lv2-sys

    rust-lv2's C header bindings

    v2.0.0 210 #plugin #audio-processing #lv2 #plugin-api #header #api-bindings #framework
  86. multiboot2-common

    Common helpers for the multiboot2 and multiboot2-header crates

    v0.2.1 15K #multiboot2 #byte #header #memory #structures #tags #helper
  87. autocxx-gen

    Safe autogenerated interop between Rust and C++

    v0.27.0 #cpp #interop #ffi #autocxx #header #autogenerated #api-bindings
  88. markdown-toc

    Markdown Table of Contents generator

    v0.2.0 #markdown-tables #markdown #generate-markdown #table #contents #generator #header
  89. abootimg-oxide

    Android boot image (boot.img) parser

    v0.1.1 #android #boot #image #parser #kernel #header #layout
  90. hyper-reverse-proxy

    reverse proxy, to be used with Hyper and Tokio

    v0.5.1 500 #reverse-proxy #hyper #http #header #tokio #forwarding #ip-address
  91. nimble-protocol-header

    Nimble Protocol Header

    v0.0.14-dev #network-protocol #time #protocols #nimble #client-side #stream #header
  92. packet_rs

    A Scapy like interface to build and define custom packet headers

    v0.4.0 470 #packet-header #header #packet #networking #scapy #generation #packets
  93. micro_http_server

    A very simple HTTP server without Futures or other complicated stuff

    v0.0.5 #http-server #server #http #networking #web-framework #requests #header
  94. rocket-authorization

    Rocket.rs web servers to easily access and parse Authorization headers from requests

    v1.0.0 1.1K #rocket-web #header-parser #web-server #parser #authorization #rocket #header
  95. cxx-qt-lib-headers

    A small crate for cxx-qt-lib and cxx-qt-build to share cxx-qt-lib's C++ headers

    v0.6.1 150 #qt #header #interop #cxx-qt-lib #share #cxx-qt-build
  96. vst3-bindgen

    Binding generator for the VST 3 API

    v0.2.2 110 #binding-generator #bindings-generator #api-bindings #vst #header #generate #original
  97. tokio-util-codec-compose

    Building blocks for composing tokio-util codecs

    v0.1.1 #tokio-util #codec #decoder #decoding #step #multiple #header
  98. common-s3-headers

    Only the headers necessary for communicating with S3-like services. It's all you need.

    v1.0.0 1.1K #header #s3 #services #region #communicating #necessary #access-key
  99. libopenlipc-sys

    Wrapper around liblipc to interact with Kindle dbus-based LIPC events

    v0.1.3 #events #kindle #lipc #liblipc #header #target #interact
  100. nnsdk

    Cleanroom reverse-engineered bindings for nnsdk (Nintendo Switch SDK)

    v0.3.0 2.4K #nintendo #switch #reverse-engineering #bindings #sdk #generated-bindings #header
  101. RustMqtt

    Mqtt Encoding and decoding package

    v0.1.1 #rustmqtt #codec #mqtt #byte #packet #byte-length #endianness #header
  102. headers-accept-encoding

    Hypper typed HTTP headers with Accept-Encoding + zstd support

    v1.1.0 #http-header #header #hyper #hyper-http
  103. img2raw

    Type definitions for img2raw headers

    v0.4.0 #pixel #color-space #data #raw #header #command-line-tool #convert-images
  104. rate-limits

    A parser for HTTP rate limit headers

    v0.5.0 #rate-limiting #header-parser #rate-limit #http-header #header #http-parser #http
  105. digest-headers

    hash a request's body in the headers

    v0.2.1 #http-request #header #request-headers #http-header #http #web #actix-web
  106. mail-headers

    [mail/headers] header parts for the mail crate (inkl. header map and standard header impl)

    v0.6.6 #header #mail #component #name #map #header-map #subject
  107. blacksmith

    Building-block functions for async systems

    v0.1.13 #download #async #tokio #requests #macro #functions #header
  108. clamav-sys

    ClamAV low level bindings for Rust

    v1.0.0 #clam-av #low-level #interface #vcpkg #safe #header #pkg-config
  109. wthor

    Parser for WTHOR files

    v0.5.0 #othello #reversi #french #document #player #tournament #header
  110. mail-headers-ng

    [mail/headers] header parts for the mail crate (inkl. header map and standard header impl)

    v0.6.7 #header #mail #component #mailbox #would #map #subject
  111. autocxx-integration-tests

    Safe autogenerated interop between Rust and C++

    v0.27.0 #interop #cpp #ffi #header #rustc #autogenerated #api-bindings
  112. clia-ntex-cors-mod

    A mod to ntex-cors, not requiring an 'ORIGIN' header to produce CORS header

    v0.4.0 #ntex #cors #web #header #origin #resources #produce
  113. surf-header

    Header info parser for surf crate

    v0.1.8 #header-parser #header #surf #parser #development
  114. teleproxy

    Spy on HTTP Request using Header

    v0.2.3 #header #request #http-request #request-headers #spy
  115. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  116. aranya-bearssl-sys

    BearSSL FFI bindings

    v0.1.0 150 #bindings #source #bearssl #bear-ssl #git #directory #header
  117. encoded-words

    Encoded Words for usage in MIME headers

    v0.2.0 #encoded #words #header #mime #encode #charset #utf-8
  118. curlz

    curl wrapper with placeholder, bookmark and environment powers just like postman

    v0.1.0-alpha.12 #curl #bookmark #environment #header #yaml #jwt #http
  119. tower-helmet

    securing your tower servers with various HTTP headers

    v0.3.0 310 #http-header #security #header #tower #http #service #https
  120. easycookie

    method to get cookie from header for Rust

    v1.0.3 #cookies #header #http-request
  121. clib

    Generates bindings for C libraries

    v0.2.4 #pkg-config #header #binding #bindings-generator #ffi #bindings #cargo-toml
  122. sn_bindgen

    automatically generate C, Java, and C# files from Rust source files

    v0.13.18 #bindings-generator #header #safe-network #ffi #c #networking
  123. conduit-conditional-get

    Middleware to transform GET into a conditional response if headers indicate that the response is fresh

    v0.10.0 #conditional #response #middleware #header #fresh #conduit #response-headers
  124. fast_uaparser

    Regex-based parser for User-Agent request headers

    v2.0.1 100 #header-parser #user-agent #request-headers #header #parser #string-parser #regex
  125. webt

    libs for web

    v0.0.3 #web-framework #header #axum #content-disposition #hyper #header-key #header-parser
  126. sql2csv

    Export SQL query to csv file

    v0.4.0 #csv #sql #sql-query #export #file #db #header
  127. simple-server-timing-header

    Server-Timing header crate. No dependencies.

    v0.1.1 25K #header #response-headers #server-timing #request-headers #timer #request-response #zero-dependency
  128. longboard

    the easy way to surf

    v0.0.7 #surf #cli #json #request-body #header #httpbin #file
  129. http-protocol

    http protocol

    v0.2.16 #header #http #protocols #http-response
  130. cable

    A cable(pointer) with a hook(header at address) at the end and a sized payload(array)

    v0.1.1 #pointers #header #array #heap-allocated #size #padding #data
  131. citi

    Read and write CITI files

    v0.2.0 #read-file #read-write #write-file #record #reading #header #standard
  132. cargo-sideload

    Tools for working with private Cargo registries

    v0.8.1 #cargo #header #registries #file-header #registry #download #private
  133. sleep-parser

    Parse Dat protocol SLEEP files

    v0.8.0 #sleep #dat #parser #protocols #header #format
  134. ginfo

    command line tool to display header information of gzipped data

    v0.1.1 #gzip #header #info #command-line-tool #read-file #read-input #file-info
  135. rusty-cheddar

    automatically generate C header files from Rust source files

    v0.3.3 #header #ffi #c #cargo-toml #conversion #build-script
  136. mail-core-ng

    [mail/core] provides the Mail type for the mail crate (inkl. multipart mime bodies, builder and resource type)

    v0.6.3 #mail #internal #resources #context #header #bodies #builder
  137. rustfits

    A light-weight FITS file reader in Rust

    v0.1.1 #file-reader #fits #data #table #header #format #back-end
  138. ds-http-client

    HTTP client to download files or query API with User-Agent set

    v0.1.0 #http-client #download #query-api #user-agent #header #reqwest #set
  139. http_common

    Common types and operations for HTTP

    v0.2.2 #parser #header-parser #http #web #header #networking
  140. cache_browns

    A general-purpose programmable, declarative cache

    v0.0.1-poc.0 #cache #declarative #programmable #managed #version #header #memory
  141. pallet-bridge-grandpa

    Module implementing GRANDPA on-chain light client used for bridging consensus of substrate-based chains

    v0.18.0 21K #header #pallet #bridge #set #grandpa #chain #block
  142. cpp_to_rust

    Automatic generator of C++ library wrappers

    v0.5.3 #class #qt #automatic #enums #header #processing #generator
  143. pallet-bridge-parachains

    Module that allows bridged relay chains to exchange information on their parachains' heads

    v0.18.0 72K #parachain #pallet #relay #chain #bridge #header #heads
  144. http-file-headers

    A framework-agnostic helper library for serving static files. It makes very easy to write full-featured static file server (incl. conditional headers, encodings, range requests, etc)

    v0.1.8 #file-header #header #http-file #http #file #serve #static-file
  145. actix-remote-ip

    Tiny extractor to get real client IP address, parsing X-Forwarded-For header

    v0.1.0 420 #ip-address #client-ip #remote #extractor #tiny #real #header
  146. libdds

    work with the DDS image format. Supports normal images, mipmaps, cubemaps and compressed images with various header types

    v1.1.0 #dds #mipmap #header #compression #cubemaps
  147. accept-header

    parsing HTTP Accept headers for content negotiation

    v0.2.3 600 #header #http-header #http #content-negotiation
  148. nahpack

    HPACK (RFC 7541) library

    v0.2.0 #header #http2 #hpack #rfc #block #codec #encoder
  149. http-link

    naive implementation of RFC8288 for parsing HTTP Link header value

    v1.0.1 #link #header #http #parser #naive #value #algorithm
  150. demurgos_headers

    Temporary fork of typed HTTP headers, with Link headers support

    v0.3.8 #header #http-header #hyper #hyperium
  151. express-rs

    Express.js clone written in your favorite language

    v0.0.5 #express #js #favorite #clone #body #web-framework #header
  152. velen

    package for making REST APIs

    v0.1.9 #request-response #request-headers #server #response-headers #header #models #request-body
  153. toql_rocket

    Rocket integration for Toql

    v0.3.0 #toql #rocket #query-string #query-parameters #response-headers #header #url-parameters
  154. aurpc

    Asynchronous UDP RPCs

    v0.3.1 #udp #rpc #networking #flags #request #response #header
  155. headers-core

    typed HTTP headers core trait

    v0.3.0 2.3M #http-header #header #hyper #hyperium
  156. aliyun-oss-sdk

    Aliyun OSS SDK

    v0.2.1 #oss #sdk #aliyun #prelude #header #object
  157. reqwest-graphql

    Minimal GraphQL client for Rust

    v1.0.0 380 #graphql-client #query #header
  158. webdav-meta

    Reusable types for implementing WebDAV clients and servers

    v0.1.0 #http-header #webdav #http #xml #header #rfc4918
  159. rung

    Useful command-line tools for Angular projects written in Rust

    v0.2.0 #angular #projects #applications #json #header #command #serve
  160. wasi-net

    Interface used to make web requests on WASI operating systems

    v0.4.0 #wasi #http-request #builder #url #web #line #header
  161. async-httplib

    Low-level HTTP helpers

    v0.5.0 #http #low-level #helper #async-std #header #web #mozilla
  162. shadow-rpc-auth

    Authenticate against RPCs that require JWT auth headers

    v0.7.2 #jwt #header #rpc #require
  163. headifier

    Add headers to your entire project directory!

    v0.2.0 #header #directory #terminal-user-interface #ui #projects #welcome #add
  164. sqlite3-header

    parse the sqlite3 header bytes

    v0.4.1 #header #byte #sqlite3 #header-parser #file-header #sq-lite3
  165. tim2

    An image loader for TIM2 (.tm2) image files

    v0.3.1 #image #loader #frame #tm2 #header #encoding #file
  166. actix-middleware-macro

    A macro for creating actix-web middleware

    v0.1.0 #actix-web-middleware #actix-middleware #macro #http #cors #generate #header
  167. rust_tcp_ipc

    Interprocess Communication via TCP

    v0.3.1 #tcp #ipc #interprocess-communication #length #protocols #command #header
  168. owasp-headers

    best-practice OWASP HTTP response headers ( https://owasp.org/www-project-secure-headers/ ) for Rust

    v0.1.2 #header #http-header #http #security #owasp #response-headers #best-practices
  169. head

    Common types with inline headers, such as HeaderVec for Vec

    v0.2.0 #header #vec #buf #slice
  170. aranya-bssl-sys

    BoringSSL FFI bindings

    v0.1.0 #boring-ssl #bindings #directory #source #git #bssl #header
  171. q-debug

    Quick and dirty debugging for tired Rust programmers

    v0.1.1 #debugging #logging #quick #programmers #dirty #tired #header
  172. flv_codec

    Decoders and encoders for FLV file format

    v0.1.0 #flv #encoder #file-format #codec #tags #decoder #header
  173. header-slice

    Definitions for slices with headers, and a vec-like type with a header allocated inline

    v0.1.3 #header #slice #inline #definition #allocated
  174. tdrip

    command-line tool to easily remove headers and metadata from text

    v0.1.0 #command-line-tool #text #header #remove #metadata
  175. gnunet-sys

    Rust FFI bindings for the gnunet C API

    v0.0.4 #gnunet #header #bindings
  176. warp-real-ip

    Warp filter to get the "real ip" of the remote client

    v0.2.0 120 #warp #real #ip #filter #remote #client #header
  177. packet-9dfd7e7b6ae4d549987171c9f89a823d


    v0.1.0 #byte-buffer #packet #serialization #body #packet-parser #header #length
  178. actix-quick-extract

    extracting data from actix-web requests

    v0.1.0-beta.0 #actix-web #header #request-headers #origin #host #extract #async
  179. ffmpeg4-ffi

    Dynamic-linked rust bindings to ffmpeg

    v0.3.8 #ffmpeg #video #bindings #header #dev #right #dynamic
  180. mda

    creating custom Mail Delivery Agents

    v0.1.1 #email #regex #delivery #agents #header #data #byte
  181. pcapplusplus-sys

    Compile PcapPlusPlus and make its library and header files available. See also https://github.com/seladb/PcapPlusPlus

    v0.1.0 #pcap-plus-plus #header #compile #build #github #com-seladb-pcap-plus-plus #env-vars
  182. milstian-http

    A binary HTTP parser

    v0.1.9 #http-parser #http-request #binary #response #milstian #header #protocols
  183. psp2-sys

    Unsafe Rust FFI bindings to the psp2 headers

    v0.2.2 #psp2 #header #bindings #ps-vita #set #kernel #vitasdk
  184. cgid

    UCSPI compatible single-script CGI server

    v0.1.0 #cgi #server #compatible #header #ucspi #content-length #response-headers
  185. locate-header

    simplify locating header files when building -sys crates

    v0.1.1 380 #pkg-config #build #header #locate #system
  186. email-template

    Email template generator

    v0.1.1 #template-generator #email #header #json #recipient #email-message #subject
  187. cspretty

    Content Security Policy pretty printer and syntax highlighter

    v0.1.3 #security-policy #pretty #printing #line #content #csp #header
  188. saphir-cookie

    parsing HTTP cookie headers and managing a cookie jar. Supports signed and private (encrypted + signed) jars.

    v0.13.2 #cookie-jar #cookies #http #parser #signed #encryption #header
  189. ergo-chain-types

    Ergo blockchain types

    v0.15.0 200 #ergo #blockchain #serialization #types #header #box #json
  190. mkheaders

    Idempotent, quick CLI app for headers prepending

    v0.1.0 #header #idempotent #cli #folder #quick #prepending #file
  191. text2rom2600

    a companion tool of cc2600 generating rom data for displaying text

    v0.1.0 #cc2600 #gamedev #displaying #generate #utility #companion #header
  192. vfxpreopenexr

    openexr test package

    v0.0.4 #image #openexr #pixel #header #image-compression #deep #attributes