
  1. ash

    Vulkan bindings for Rust

    v0.38.0+1.3.281 346K #vulkan-bindings #vulkan #bindings #graphics-api #graphics #api-bindings #gamedev
  2. wgpu

    WebGPU API wrapper

    v23.0.1 277K #graphics-api #web-gpu #following #graphics #opengl #vulkan #metal
  3. metal

    Rust bindings for Metal

    v0.30.0 236K #graphics-api #graphics #api-bindings #bindings #3d-rendering #computation #run
  4. vulkano

    Safe wrapper for the Vulkan graphics API

    v0.34.1 19K #vulkan #vulkan-api #graphics-api #vulkan-bindings #graphics #gpu
  5. drm

    Safe, low-level bindings to the Direct Rendering Manager API

    v0.14.1 73K #graphics-api #api-bindings #os #low-level #direct #manager #hardware
  6. raw-window-metal

    Interop library between Metal and raw-window-handle

    v1.0.0 34K #graphics-api #metal #graphics #window #macos-ios #window-creation
  7. raylib

    Safe Rust bindings for Raylib

    v5.0.2 3.0K #safe-bindings #bindings #graphics #gamedev #cross-platform #api-bindings #graphics-api
  8. gl_generator

    Code generators for creating bindings to the Khronos OpenGL APIs

    v0.14.0 261K #opengl #api-bindings #gl #graphics-api #khronos #egl
  9. piet

    An abstraction for 2D graphics

    v0.7.0 4.5K #2d-graphics #graphics-api #graphics #2d #cross-platform #cross-platform-gui #image
  10. naga

    Shader translation infrastructure

    v23.0.0 303K #glsl #spir-v #shader #msl #graphics-api
  11. librashader-cache

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.40.0-beta.1 1.5K #retro-arch #graphics-api #shader #shader-compiler #spir-v #graphics #emulation
  12. gpu-alloc

    agnostic memory allocator for Vulkan like APIs

    v0.6.0 267K #memory-allocator #memory-management #vulkan #memory-object #graphics-api #gpu #allocation
  13. windows-capture

    Fastest Windows Screen Capture Library For Rust 🔥

    v1.4.2 490 #screen-capture #graphics-api #capture #screen #screenshot #graphics #screen-recording
  14. notan

    portable multimedia layer to create apps or games easily

    v0.12.1 340 #graphics-api #gamedev #windowing #graphics #gui #game-engine #engine
  15. d3_geo_rs

    A port of D3/d3-geo

    v3.0.1 #projection #graphics #d3-geo #scale #graphics-api #data #wgpu
  16. speedy2d

    Hardware-accelerated drawing of shapes, images, and text, with an easy to use API. Speedy2D aims to be the simplest Rust API for creating a window, rendering graphics, and handling input.

    v2.1.0 500 #2d-graphics #graphics-api #opengl-rendering #opengl #graphics #2d-rendering #gamedev
  17. after-effects

    High level bindings for the Adobe After Effects® SDK

    v0.2.1 #motion-graphics #graphics #graphics-api #plugin #plugins
  18. librashader-preprocess

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.40.0-beta.1 1.2K #shader-compiler #graphics-api #retro-arch #shader #spir-v #graphics
  19. mira

    Pure and simple Vulkan bindings generated from Vulkan-Headers!

    v0.1.26 1.5K #vulkan-bindings #vulkan #graphics-api #generated-bindings #graphics #pointers
  20. d3d12

    Low level D3D12 API wrapper

    v22.0.0 59K #low-level #graphics-api #graphics #api-bindings #windows-api
  21. librashader

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.6.2 330 #shader-compiler #retro-arch #shader #spir-v #graphics-api #graphics
  22. renderdoc

    application bindings for Rust

    v0.12.1 2.7K #graphics #profiling #tracing #graphics-api
  23. renderling

    User-friendly real-time rendering. 🍖

    v0.4.9 750 #graphics-api #rendering #graphics #shader #gltf #memory-safety
  24. app-surface

    Integrate wgpu into your existing iOS, Android and Web apps without relying on winit

    v1.3.2 950 #android #wgpu #canvas #graphics-api #ca-metal-layer #surface-view
  25. luminance

    Stateless and type-safe graphics framework

    v0.47.0 200 #graphics-api #graphics #stateless #type-safe #webgl
  26. wgpu-types

    WebGPU types

    v23.0.0 283K #graphics-api #web-gpu #graphics #vulkan #opengl #metal #types
  27. vulkanalia

    Vulkan bindings for Rust

    v0.25.0 370 #vulkan-bindings #vulkan #graphics-api #graphics #api-bindings
  28. ggez

    A lightweight game framework for making 2D games with minimum friction, inspired by Love2D

    v0.9.3 5.1K #2d-game #2d-graphics #game-engine #graphics #2d #graphics-api #2d-rendering
  29. piet-coregraphics

    CoreGraphics backend for piet 2D graphics abstraction

    v0.7.0 3.1K #2d-graphics #graphics-api #graphics #piet #2d #cross-platform #cross-platform-gui
  30. wgpu-hal

    WebGPU hardware abstraction layer

    v23.0.1 272K #graphics-api #hardware-abstraction-layer #abstraction-layer #web-gpu #bind-group #graphics #buffer
  31. hotline-rs

    A high-performance, hot-reload graphics engine

    v0.3.0 #graphics-engine #compute-shader #live-coding #graphics #compute #graphics-api #hot-reloading
  32. epaint

    Minimal 2D graphics library for GUI work

    v0.29.1 218K #2d-graphics #egui #graphics #gui #immediate-mode #graphics-api
  33. piet-direct2d

    Direct2D backend for piet 2D graphics abstraction

    v0.7.0 2.7K #2d-graphics #graphics-api #graphics #2d #piet #cross-platform-gui #direct2d
  34. mepeyew

    Small But Powerful Graphics Library

    v0.3.5 1.1K #graphics-api #graphics #image-processing #vulkan #web-gpu #gamedev #cross-platform
  35. rafx

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 100 #graphics-api #graphics #graphics-pipeline #rendering #game-assets #abstraction-layer #resources
  36. nalgebra-glm

    A computer-graphics oriented API for nalgebra, inspired by the C++ GLM library

    v0.19.0 10K #linear-algebra #matrix #matrix-vector #graphics-api #linear #algebra #vector-math
  37. librashader-runtime

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.40.0-beta.1 1.2K #graphics-api #retro-arch #shader-compiler #shader #spir-v #graphics
  38. renderdoc-sys

    Low-level bindings to the RenderDoc API

    v1.1.0 243K #graphics-api #vulkan-bindings #graphics #api-bindings #profiling #tracing #renderdoc
  39. naga-cli

    Shader translation command line tool

    v23.0.0 250 #shader #spir-v #command-line #glsl #msl #command-line-tool #graphics-api
  40. piet-cairo

    Cairo backend for piet 2D graphics abstraction

    v0.7.0 3.1K #2d-graphics #cairo #graphics-api #2d #piet #graphics #back-end
  41. dunge

    portable 3d render library

    v0.3.3 #desktop-applications #graphics #wgpu #shader #graphics-api #instance #group
  42. vulkan-bindings

    Bindings for the Vulkan API generated from Khronos spec (vk.xml)

    v1.3.238 #vulkan #graphics-api #api-bindings #bindings #generated-bindings #graphics #platform-independent
  43. hudhook

    A graphics API hook with dear imgui render loop. Supports DirectX 9, 11, 12, and OpenGL 3.

    v0.8.0 160 #graphics-api #hook #opengl #direct-x #im-gui #overlay #dear
  44. librashader-common

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.40.0-beta.1 1.7K #graphics-api #retro-arch #shader-compiler #shader #graphics #spir-v
  45. librashader-runtime-vk

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.6.2 #retro-arch #shader #shader-compiler #graphics-api #graphics #spir-v #vulkan
  46. librashader-capi

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.6.2 280 #shader-compiler #retro-arch #shader #graphics-api #spir-v #graphics #emulation
  47. librashader-runtime-mtl

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.6.2 340 #retro-arch #shader-compiler #shader #spir-v #graphics #graphics-api #emulation
  48. deno_webgpu

    WebGPU implementation for Deno

    v0.149.0 3.7K #web-gpu #deno #graphics-api #wgpu #github #testing #cross-platform
  49. vulkanite

    Vulkan bindings for Rust

    v0.0.7 #vulkan-bindings #graphics-api #vulkan #api-bindings #bindings #graphics #gamedev
  50. sdl2

    SDL2 bindings for Rust

    v0.37.0 24K #graphics-api #graphics #windowing #sdl #graphics-engine #api #api-bindings
  51. blue_engine

    General-Purpose, Easy-to-use, Fast, and Portable graphics engine

    v0.5.21 200 #graphics-engine #graphics #2d-graphics #graphics-api #gamedev #2d #3d
  52. librashader-runtime-wgpu

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.6.2 340 #retro-arch #shader #graphics-api #shader-compiler #graphics #spir-v
  53. librashader-runtime-d3d12

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.40.0-beta.1 320 #shader-compiler #retro-arch #graphics-api #shader #spir-v #graphics #emulation
  54. tetra

    2D game framework written in Rust

    v0.8.0 1.0K #2d-game #opengl-rendering #game-engine #2d-rendering #framework #gamedev #graphics-api
  55. librashader-runtime-d3d11

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.40.0-beta.1 320 #graphics-api #retro-arch #shader-compiler #shader #graphics #spir-v #vulkan
  56. debug_overlay

    A basic low-overhead and ascii-only debug overlay that can be displayed using GPU APIs such as wgpu

    v0.7.0 180 #debugging #low-overhead #graphics #wgpu #gpu #overlay #graphics-api
  57. vulkano-util

    functionality to make usage of Vulkano easier

    v0.34.1 320 #graphics-api #vulkan-api #vulkan-bindings #vulkan #graphics #api-bindings #gpu
  58. piet-common

    Selection of a single preferred back-end for piet

    v0.7.0 3.5K #2d-graphics #graphics-api #graphics #piet #back-end #2d #platform
  59. direct-storage

    Rust bindings for DirectStorage

    v0.4.1 #api-bindings #graphics #graphics-api #level #abstraction
  60. librashader-reflect

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.40.0-beta.1 1.5K #shader-compiler #retro-arch #shader #spir-v #graphics #graphics-api
  61. wgpu-info

    print and process information about available wgpu adapters

    v23.0.0 150 #graphics-api #graphics #adapter #web-gpu #wgpu #run-command #process-information
  62. librashader-pack

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.6.2 1.6K #shader #retro-arch #spir-v #shader-compiler #graphics-api #graphics #directx
  63. librashader-runtime-d3d9

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.40.0-beta.1 320 #shader-compiler #retro-arch #shader #spir-v #graphics #graphics-api #emulation
  64. oxidx

    Low-level D3D12 wrapper for Rust

    v0.6.0 130 #d3d12 #graphics-api #api-bindings
  65. librashader-runtime-gl

    RetroArch shaders for all

    v0.6.2 320 #retro-arch #shader #graphics-api #shader-compiler #spir-v #graphics #emulation
  66. window

    Minimal Rust code for creating a window, automatically choosing a backend window manager and graphics API

    v0.5.0 #window-manager #graphics-api #window-creation #cross-platform #graphics #manager #cross-platform-gui
  67. ohos-drawing-sys

    Bindings to the native_drawing API of OpenHarmony OS

    v0.1.2 130 #drawing #graphics-api #open-harmony #harmony-os #ffi #api-bindings #2d-graphics
  68. tcod

    bindings for the Doryen library (a.k.a. libtcod).

    v0.15.0 1.0K #rogue-like #libtcod #roguelike #gamedev #graphics-api #path-finding
  69. fyrox-ui

    Extendable UI library

    v0.25.1 330 #ui #graphics-api #gui
  70. sapp-wasm

    Part of miniquad rendering library. Binding and JS implementation of GL and sokol-app API.

    v0.1.26 1.5K #miniquad #rendering #graphics #cross-platform #gl #graphics-api #wasm
  71. thindx

    Thin DirectX wrappers

    v0.0.0-unsound.5 #direct3d #graphics-api #directx
  72. vulkanalia-sys

    Raw Vulkan bindings for Rust

    v0.25.0 370 #vulkan-bindings #vulkan #graphics-api #graphics #api-bindings #vulkanalia #tutorial
  73. dxfilter

    Process textures with DirectX shaders. Includes few Scale, Color conversion filters and utils to make your own.

    v0.5.13 #filter #directx #shader #scale #graphics #compile-time #graphics-api
  74. khronos_api

    The Khronos XML API Registry, exposed as byte string constants

    v3.1.0 254K #opengl #byte-string #graphics-api #khronos #egl #gl
  75. drawing

    API for 2D graphics library

    v0.4.0 100 #2d-graphics #graphics-api #graphics #2d #opengl #canvas #draw
  76. lf-gfx

    A collection of utilities that we use

    v0.7.3 500 #wgpu #graphics #shader #graphics-pipeline #gamedev #wgsl #graphics-api
  77. rafx-base

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 130 #graphics #rendering #graphics-pipeline #graphics-api #game #plugin-system
  78. vk-sys

    Bindings for the Vulkan graphics API

    v0.7.0 1.4K #graphics-api #vulkan #vulkan-api #api-bindings #vulkan-bindings #graphics
  79. rafx-api

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 130 #graphics-api #graphics #graphics-pipeline #rendering #abstraction-layer #plugin-system
  80. bgfx-rs

    Bindings for bgfx

    v0.20.0 #graphics-api #cross-platform #bindings #bgfx #own #engine-framework
  81. enigma-3d

    A 3D Rendering Engine with a focus on simplicity and ease of use. Far from feature complete and not recommended for production use.

    v0.2.11 #3d-rendering #rendering-engine #graphics-api #graphics #gamedev #gltf #3d-model
  82. vulkano-win

    Link between vulkano and winit

    v0.34.0 1.1K #graphics-api #vulkan #vulkan-api #vulkan-bindings #graphics #gpu
  83. limelight

    WebGL2 wrapper with a focus on making high-performance graphics code easier to write and maintain

    v0.1.3 #webgl #graphics #webgl2 #gpu #abstraction-layer #renderer #graphics-api
  84. egli

    EGL Interface

    v0.5.0 500 #egl #bindings #graphics-api #opengl-context #api-bindings #system-interface #system-api
  85. erupt

    Vulkan API bindings

    v0.23.0+213 220 #vulkan #vulkan-bindings #graphics-api #api-bindings #graphics
  86. piet-hardware

    Toolkit for creating GPU accelerated 2D graphics applications

    v0.5.1 340 #2d-graphics #gpu-accelerated #gpu #graphics #2d #2d-rendering #graphics-api
  87. rusty-d3d12

    Low-level D3D12 bindings for Rust

    v0.5.2 #graphics-api #d3d12 #api-bindings #directx #graphics #dxgi #bit-flags
  88. glium

    Elegant and safe OpenGL wrapper. Glium is an intermediate layer between OpenGL and your application. You still need to manually handle the graphics pipeline, but without having to use OpenGL's old and error-prone API…

    v0.36.0 27K #opengl #graphics-pipeline #graphics-api #gamedev #api-bindings
  89. playdate-graphics

    High-level graphics API built on-top of Playdate API

    v0.4.1 #graphics-api #playdate-sdk #playdate #graphics #api #gamedev #sdk
  90. rafx-framework

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 390 #graphics-pipeline #graphics-api #graphics #rendering #abstraction-layer #plugin-system #game
  91. piet-wgpu

    A hardware-accelerated 2D graphics backend for piet using wgpu

    v0.3.4 150 #2d-graphics #graphics #graphics-api #2d #gpu #back-end
  92. notan_graphics

    graphics API for Notan

    v0.12.1 550 #graphics-api #notan #multimedia #2d-game #gamedev
  93. freya-engine

    Abstract Freya's graphics APIs

    v0.2.2 170 #graphics-api #graphics #skia #cross-platform-gui #gui #desktop #ui
  94. cubecl-wgpu

    WGPU runtime for the CubeCL

    v0.3.0 1.5K #gpu-computing #web-gpu #gpgpu #graphics-api #wgpu #gpu
  95. rg3d-ui

    Extendable UI library

    v0.15.0 #graphics-api #ui #gui #back-end #game
  96. lueur

    Shadowy game and graphics library for Rust

    v0.6.6 #graphics #file-format #2d-graphics #gamedev #opengl #graphics-api #2d-rendering
  97. coffee

    An opinionated 2D game engine focused on simplicity, explicitness, and type-safety

    v0.4.1 130 #2d-graphics #2d-game #graphics-api #graphics #game-engine #2d #game-state
  98. taika

    Thin abstraction over wgpu and winit

    v0.6.0 270 #winit #wgpu #graphics #abstraction-layer #graphics-api #3d-rendering
  99. gfx_app

    GFX example application framework

    v0.9.0 #graphics-api #graphics #gfx #gamedev #framework #applications #opengl
  100. gfx-backend-metal

    Metal API backend for gfx-rs

    v0.9.1 7.1K #graphics-api #metal #graphics #gamedev #backend #gpu #texture
  101. dunge_shader

    Shader generator for the dunge library

    v0.3.3 #shader #wgpu #graphics #dunge #customizable #flexible #graphics-api
  102. gfx-backend-gl

    OpenGL backend for gfx-rs

    v0.9.0 2.8K #opengl #graphics #graphics-api #gamedev #back-end #egl #buffer
  103. rafx-renderer

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 #graphics-api #graphics #rendering #plugin-system #abstraction-layer #resources #game
  104. li-wgpu

    WebGPU API wrapper

    v0.18.0 110 #web-gpu #graphics #graphics-api #cross-platform #web-apps #shader #wasm
  105. gl33

    Bindings to OpenGL 3.3 + GL_KHR_debug

    v0.2.1 160 #opengl #gl #graphics #open-gl #gamedev #graphics-api
  106. piet-tiny-skia

    A two-dimensional vector graphics implementation atop tiny-skia

    v0.2.3 130 #vector-graphics #2d-graphics #text-rendering #graphics #graphics-api #2d #gpu
  107. rafx-shader-processor

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 260 #graphics #rendering #graphics-api #abstraction-layer #resources #plugin-system #game
  108. grr

    Bare metal OpenGL 4.5+ wrapper

    v0.8.0 #bare-metal #opengl #graphics #graphics-pipeline #graphics-api #vertex-buffer #srgb
  109. rafx-assets

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 #graphics #graphics-pipeline #rendering #graphics-api #abstraction-layer #plugin-system #resources
  110. gfx_device_gl

    OpenGL backend for gfx-rs

    v0.16.2 7.4K #opengl #graphics-api #graphics #gamedev #backend #glsl #gfx
  111. nvngx

    NVIDIA NGX bindings

    v0.1.2 #nvidia #graphics-api #ngx #upscaling #dlss #supersampling #api-bindings
  112. gfx-backend-dx12

    DirectX-12 API backend for gfx-rs

    v0.9.1 5.8K #graphics-api #graphics #backend #gamedev #gpu #vulkan #dx12
  113. rend3

    Easy to use, customizable, efficient 3D renderer library built on wgpu

    v0.3.0 #3d-rendering #3d-graphics #3d #graphics #renderer #wgpu #graphics-api
  114. gfx-backend-dx11

    DirectX-11 API backend for gfx-rs

    v0.9.0 5.4K #graphics-api #graphics #gamedev #backend #direct-x-11 #gfx #gpu
  115. nobs-vk

    A very basic, non rich wrapper for binding vulkan commands and extension loading

    v0.2.0 #vulkan #vulkan-bindings #graphics #gpu #compute-shader #rendering #graphics-api
  116. gpu-alloc-types

    Core types of gpu-alloc crate

    v0.3.0 261K #vulkan #memory-management #gpu #memory-allocator #allocation #graphics #graphics-api
  117. flo_draw

    Hassle-free windowed 2D graphics rendering

    v0.3.1 #2d-graphics #2d-rendering #graphics-api #graphics #ui-framework #platform-independent #drawing
  118. rafx-plugins

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.16 #graphics-api #graphics-pipeline #graphics #rendering #vulkan #abstraction-layer #game
  119. vsvg-viewer

    Portable, hardware-accelerated, extensible viewer for the vsvg crate

    v0.5.0 #vector-graphics #hardware-accelerated #viewer #graphics #svg #graphics-api #pen-plotter
  120. vk-sync

    Simplification of core Vulkan synchronization mechanisms such as pipeline barriers and events

    v0.1.6 #vulkan #graphics-api #graphics #ash #3d #api-bindings
  121. ombre

    Shadowy game and graphics library for Rust

    v0.6.7 #graphics #graphics-api #file-format #2d-graphics #gamedev #image-processing #font-rendering
  122. all-is-cubes-gpu

    Optional GPU rendering implementation for the all-is-cubes crate

    v0.8.0 #graphics-api #voxel-game #wgpu #gpu #graphics #game-engine #cubes
  123. li-wgpu-hal

    WebGPU hardware abstraction layer

    v0.18.1 #graphics-api #graphics #web-gpu #abstraction-layer #hardware-abstraction-layer #low-level #buffer
  124. nexg

    pure-rust library that makes coding Vulkan functionality easier and more Rust-like

    v0.1.1 #vulkan #graphics-api #graphics #gpu #low-level #coding
  125. all-is-cubes-mesh

    Mesh generation for the all-is-cubes engine

    v0.8.0 #mesh-generation #voxel #graphics-api #graphics #cubes #texture #triangle
  126. mugl

    Minimalistic Low-level WebGL 2.0 / WebGPU 3D graphics abstraction layer for Rust and WebAssembly

    v0.1.2 #webgl #web-gpu #3d #graphics-api #graphics #abstraction-layer #muge
  127. vk-sync-fork

    Simplification of core Vulkan synchronization mechanisms such as pipeline barriers and events. Forked off of the original vk-sync crate which is currently unmaintained.

    v0.4.0 #vulkan #graphics #graphics-pipeline #graphics-api #ash #3d
  128. gfx-backend-vulkan

    Vulkan API backend for gfx-rs

    v0.9.0 7.1K #graphics-api #graphics #gamedev #gpu #back-end #gfx #bindings
  129. opensubdiv-petite

    Wrapper around parts of Pixar’s OpenSubdiv

    v0.2.0 #graphics #3d #rendering #subdivision-surface #polygon-mesh #graphics-api #api-bindings
  130. rendy-texture

    Rendy's texture

    v0.5.1 1.6K #graphics-api #rendering-engine #graphics #rendy #gfx-hal #gamedev
  131. rendy-chain

    Rendy's node synchronization tool

    v0.5.1 1.8K #rendering-engine #graphics #gfx-hal #graphics-api #rendy #gamedev
  132. rendy-util

    Rendy's utilities

    v0.4.1 2.0K #graphics-api #graphics #rendy #gfx-hal #rendering-engine #utilities
  133. candle-metal

    Rust bindings for Metal (Temporary fork of metal)

    v0.27.1 #metal #graphics-api #graphics #bindings #api-bindings #3d-rendering
  134. wgpu-core

    WebGPU core logic on wgpu-hal

    v23.0.1 291K #web-gpu #graphics #graphics-api #vulkan #cross-platform #metal #integration
  135. golem

    A (mostly) safe library for graphics programming

    v0.1.7 120 #graphics-api #graphics #opengl #webgl #image-processing #gl #buffer
  136. gfx

    A high-performance, bindless graphics API

    v0.18.3 7.7K #graphics-api #graphics #gamedev #graphics-engine #opengl #rendering-engine #bindless
  137. piston-graphics_api_version

    storing graphics API versions

    v1.0.1 4.2K #graphics-api #api-version #graphics #piston #api #version
  138. maplibre-demo

    Demo of maplibre-re

    v0.0.3 #graphics-api #graphics #web-gpu #vector-graphics #maps #rendering #map
  139. voodoo

    An intuitive, idiomatic, unopinionated, zero-overhead Vulkan API

    v0.3.1 #vulkan #graphics #gpu #gpgpu #api-bindings #graphics-api
  140. rendy-graph

    Rendy's render graph

    v0.5.1 1.8K #rendering-engine #gfx-hal #graphics #graphics-api #rendy #bindings
  141. metropolis

    A high level easy to use graphics renderer

    v0.9.1 #graphics #graphics-engine #graphics-api #gamedev #gui #api #game-engine
  142. rendy-command

    Rendy's queues and commands tools

    v0.5.1 1.6K #gfx-hal #graphics #rendering-engine #rendy #graphics-api
  143. gl46

    Bindings to OpenGL 4.6 (plus some extensions)

    v0.2.1 100 #opengl #gl #graphics #gamedev #open-gl #graphics-api
  144. rendy-resource

    Rendy's resource manager

    v0.5.1 1.9K #rendering-engine #resource-manager #graphics-api #gfx-hal #graphics #rendy
  145. nannou_wgpu

    Items related to wgpu and its integration in nannou - a creative coding framework for Rust

    v0.19.0 2.1K #creative-coding #web-gpu #nannou #texture #wgpu #graphics-api #image
  146. rendy-shader

    Rendy's shader compilation tool

    v0.5.1 1.7K #gfx-hal #rendering-engine #graphics #graphics-api #rendy #graphics-engine
  147. playdate-sprite

    High-level sprite API built on-top of Playdate API

    v0.3.0 #graphics-api #playdate #playdate-sdk #api #gamedev #graphics #sdk
  148. rendy-factory

    Rendy's factory tool

    v0.5.1 1.7K #graphics-api #rendering-engine #gfx-hal #graphics-engine #graphics #rendy
  149. easytext

    A dead simple, easy-to-use and basic text rendering library for wgpu

    v0.0.3 #text-rendering #wgpu #graphics #gamedev #font-rendering #font #graphics-api
  150. gfx-hal

    gfx-rs hardware abstraction layer

    v0.9.0 7.5K #graphics-api #abstraction-layer #graphics #hardware-abstraction-layer #devices #queue #adapter
  151. aftershock

    Software Rendering Graphics API written in pure rust

    v0.0.18 #graphics-api #graphics #rendering #gamedev #software-rendering
  152. rendy-wsi

    Rendy's windowing support

    v0.5.1 1.7K #rendering-engine #graphics #gfx-hal #rendy #graphics-api
  153. rendy-descriptor

    Rendy's descriptor allocator

    v0.5.1 2.2K #graphics-api #gfx-hal #graphics #rendy #rendering-engine
  154. rendy-frame

    Rendy's frame synchronization tool

    v0.5.1 1.6K #graphics-api #graphics #gfx-hal #rendy #rendering-engine
  155. sarekt

    A rendering engine based on Vulkan, but capable of being expanded to other graphics API backends such as Metal or D3D12

    v0.0.4 #vulkan #ash #graphics #rendering #rendering-engine #graphics-api
  156. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  157. piet-test

    testing the piet 2D graphics abstraction

    v0.0.12 #2d-graphics #graphics-api #graphics #2d #piet #testing #cross-platform
  158. playdate-color

    Color extension for Playdate API

    v0.2.5 #playdate-sdk #playdate #api #graphics-api #gamedev #api-bindings #sdk
  159. wgpu-native

    WebGPU native implementation on gfx-hal

    v0.5.1 1.3K #graphics #web-gpu #graphics-api #gfx-hal #cross-platform #native
  160. rafx-nodes

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.7 #graphics #rendering #graphics-pipeline #graphics-api #abstraction-layer #resources #game
  161. rafx-resources

    Rendering framework built on an extensible asset pipeline

    v0.0.2 #graphics-pipeline #graphics #rendering #render-pipeline #graphics-api #game
  162. bufro

    2D vector graphics with C and Rust API

    v0.2.10 #vector-graphics #graphics #gpu #canvas #opengl #graphics-api #drawing
  163. gfx_text

    Draw text for gfx using freetype

    v0.33.0 #freetype #gfx #graphics-api #graphics #font #text-style #text
  164. terminal_graphics

    A basic graphics api for the terminal with an example application

    v0.1.5 #graphics-api #terminal #api #graphics #command-line-interface
  165. gfx_core

    Core library of Gfx-rs

    v0.9.2 10K #graphics #graphics-api #abstraction-layer #gfx #hardware-abstraction-layer #low-level #gfx-hal
  166. fast3d-gbi

    F3D GBI Assembler

    v0.5.0 #n64 #rendering #graphics #opengl-rendering #gbi #graphics-api #fast3d
  167. rialight_graphics_3d

    Rialight 3D graphics API

    v0.1.0 #applications #api #rich #internet #graphics #graphics-api #rialight
  168. rialight_graphics

    Rialight graphics API

    v0.1.0 #applications #api #rich #internet #graphics-api #rialight
  169. li-wgpu-core

    WebGPU core logic on wgpu-hal

    v0.18.1 290 #graphics #web-gpu #metal #vulkan #wgpu-hal #graphics-api #opengl
  170. gavle

    OpenGL wrapper crate modeled after wgpu

    v0.1.1 #opengl #graphics #context #buffer #wgpu #es #graphics-api
  171. cart-tmp-wgt

    WebGPU types

    v0.1.0 #graphics-api #graphics #web-gpu #cross-platform #safe #types #opengl
  172. finneon

    Image post processing library

    v0.1.3 #image-processing #post-processing #graphics-api #pattern #extractor #cpu #shader
  173. art-stamps

    Artwork stamps tool to quickly stamp out shaapes and make beautiful castles or houses as an SVG

    v0.1.0 #engine #graphics-api #windowing #sdl #graphics #api
  174. gsfk

    Graphics framework

    v0.1.0 #graphics #context #api #framework #graphics-api #cross-platform #source
  175. snuffles

    A very low-quality graphics API that I use myself for making graphs and visualizations quickly, where I need perf

    v0.1.0 #api #graph #perf #quickly #graphics #graphics-api #visualization
  176. luminance-surfman

    A Surfman platform crate for the Luminance graphics API

    v0.1.0 #surfman #stateless #graphics-api #graphics #luminance #opengl
  177. cart-tmp-wgc

    WebGPU core logic on gfx-hal

    v0.1.0 #graphics #web-gpu #logic #vulkan #metal #gfx-hal #graphics-api
  178. jp

    An attempt at a friendly graphics API

    v0.4.0 #graphics-api #friendly #attempt