
  1. criterion

    Statistics-driven micro-benchmarking library

    v0.5.1 3.2M #statistical-analysis #performance-analysis #benchmark #optimization #micro-benchmarking #gnuplot #graph
  2. petgraph

    Graph data structure library. Provides graph types and graph algorithms.

    v0.6.5 5.0M #graph-algorithms #graph #data-structures #union-find
  3. guppy

    Track and query Cargo dependency graphs

    v0.17.10 192K #graph #cargo #graph-traversal #graph-node #directed-graph #data-structures #dependencies
  4. pathfinding

    flow, and graph algorithms

    v4.12.0 48K #graph-algorithms #dijkstra #graph #a-star #flow #search-algorithms #shortest-path
  5. deno_graph

    Module graph analysis for deno

    v0.86.3 7.2K #deno #module #graph #analysis #wasm-interface #typescript #resolution
  6. krates

    Create graphs of crates gathered from cargo metadata

    v0.17.5 63K #cargo-metadata #cargo-toml #graph #cargo #metadata
  7. graphviz-rust

    basic access to the graphs in graphviz format with ability to import into or export from it

    v0.9.3 19K #graphviz-dot #graphviz #graph #dot #import-export #dotfile #visualize
  8. star-history

    Graph history of GitHub stars of a user or repo over time

    v1.0.26 400 #github #github-api #star #history #graph #graphql #repo
  9. rustfst-ffi

    constructing, combining, optimizing, and searching weighted finite-state transducers (FSTs). Rustfst-ffi provides C interfaces of the Rust library

    v1.1.2 850 #transducer #fst #nlp #finite-state-machine #graph #acceptor #ffi
  10. predictosaurus

    Uncertainty aware haplotype based genomic variant effect prediction

    v0.2.3 550 #variant #path #graph #genomic #effect #prediction #file
  11. cargo-call-stack

    Static, whole program stack usage analyzer

    v0.1.16 #call-stack #stack #analysis #call #graph #static-analysis #dynamic-dispatch
  12. reactive_graph

    A fine-grained reactive graph for building user interfaces

    v0.1.0 5.2K #reactive #signal #value #user-interface #effect #graph #computation
  13. cargo-tally

    Cargo subcommand for drawing graphs of the number of dependencies on a crate over time

    v1.0.56 800 #cargo-subcommand #cargo #graph #io #numbers #version #depend
  14. graph

    high-performant graph algorithms

    v0.3.1 1.3K #graph-algorithms #directed-graph #undirected-graph #graph-node #parallel #data-structures #algorithm
  15. aws-sdk-detective

    AWS SDK for Amazon Detective

    v1.50.0 340 #aws-sdk #aws-security #account #web-services #graph #behavior #member
  16. apollo-federation

    Apollo Federation

    v2.0.0-preview.3 4.9K #apollo-graphql #federation #graph #api #subgraph #architecture #merging
  17. agdb

    Agnesoft Graph Database

    v0.9.2 490 #graph-database #graph #database #query
  18. gix-commitgraph

    Read-only access to the git commitgraph file format

    v0.25.1 442K #git-commit #git-history #version-control #graph #file-format #access #commitgraph
  19. portgraph

    Data structure library for directed graphs with first-level ports

    v0.12.3 5.8K #directed-graph #graph-node #graph #graph-algorithms #data-structures #ports #structure
  20. hypergraph

    data structure library to create a directed hypergraph in which an hyperedge can join any number of vertices

    v2.2.0 1.9K #directed-graph #graph #data-structures #vertices #structure #numbers #hyperedge
  21. gremlin-client

    client for Apache TinkerPop™

    v0.8.10 2.0K #graph-database #graph #graph-traversal #database-client #database #tinkerpop #async-io
  22. aws-sdk-iotthingsgraph

    AWS SDK for AWS IoT Things Graph

    v1.50.0 340 #aws-iot #aws-sdk #graph #aws
  23. charts-rs

    A charts library for rust

    v0.3.19 1.0K #charts #visualization #plot #svg #graph
  24. id-arena

    id-based arena

    v2.2.1 590K #arena-allocation #object-id #graph #data-structures #reference #identifier #deletion
  25. egui_graphs

    Interactive graph visualization widget for rust powered by egui

    v0.22.0 350 #graph #egui #graph-node #ui #ui-framework #node-graph
  26. tree-sitter-graph

    Construct graphs from parsed source code

    v0.11.3 9.0K #tree-sitter #graph #source #parsed #structures #dsl #construct
  27. raphtory

    temporal graph library

    v0.14.0 #temporal-graph #graph #temporal
  28. deep_causality

    Computational causality library. Provides causality graph, collections, context and causal reasoning.

    v0.7.3 370 #causality #graph #artificial-intelligence #causal-reasoning #causal-graph #aerospace
  29. fn_graph

    Dynamically managed function graph execution

    v0.13.3 110 #graph #function #batch #dispatch #async #cargo-toml
  30. osm4routing

    Convert OpenStreetMap data into routing friendly CSV

    v0.7.0 850 #openstreetmap #csv #routing #convert #pbf #graph #friendly
  31. gping

    Ping, but with a graph

    v1.18.0 210 #ping #graph #command-line #color #network-monitoring #execution-time #host
  32. time-graph

    Always-on profilling recording function timing and the corresponding call graph

    v0.3.2 5.5K #profiling #timing #call #graph #json #spans #called
  33. pometry-storage

    Storage backend for Raphtory

    v0.14.0 #temporal-graph #graph #temporal #back-end #modeling
  34. stacked_linear_algebra_graph

    Embedded in-memory graph using sparse linear algebra

    v0.13.0 1.8K #linear-algebra #graph #graph-blas
  35. polyblade

    Make shapes dance

    v0.1.0 150 #graph #web-gpu #graphics #polyhedra #distance-matrix
  36. cargo-depgraph

    Creates dependency graphs for cargo projects using cargo metadata and graphviz

    v1.6.0 300 #cargo-metadata #graph #graphviz #transitive #create #projects #generate
  37. biodivine-lib-param-bn

    working with parametrized Boolean networks

    v0.5.13 600 #graph #asynchronous #boolean-network #systems-biology #static-analysis #symbolic
  38. metis

    Idiomatic wrapper for METIS, the serial graph partitioner and fill-reducing matrix orderer

    v0.2.2 4.6K #graph #partitioning #mesh #matrix #order #api-bindings
  39. graphrs

    package for the creation, manipulation and analysis of graphs

    v0.11.1 320 #graph #undirected-graph #directed-graph #directed #undirected #networking #multigraph
  40. cargo-lock

    Self-contained Cargo.lock parser with optional dependency graph analysis

    v10.0.1 375K #lock-files #cargo #lock #graph
  41. scopegraphs

    A well-documented port of scopegraphs to Rust

    v0.3.3 1.3K #scope #graph #programming-language #name #resolution #port #query
  42. stack-graphs

    Name binding for arbitrary programming languages

    v0.14.0 500 #programming-language #stack #graph #analysis #name #resolution #incremental
  43. dot-parser

    parser for the DOT/Graphviz graph description language, as well as useful functions to transform those graphs

    v0.3.3 #graph #dot #graphviz #dotfile #parser #reading-file
  44. eszip

    that can download JavaScript and TypeScript module graphs and store them locally in a special zip file

    v0.79.1 1.8K #typescript #javascript #module #graph #file-format #serialization #zip-file
  45. swh-graph

    Compressed in-memory representation of the Software Heritage archive graph

    v6.2.0 #graph #graph-node #compression #graph-traversal #webgraph #software-heritage #sha-1
  46. webgraph

    port of the WebGraph framework (http://webgraph.di.unimi.it/)

    v0.1.4 180 #graph #compression #graph-algorithms #codes
  47. components-arena

    creating complex domain-specific self-referential data structures

    v4.2.2 #generational-arena #data-structures #arena #graph #tree #generational #entity
  48. dot-writer

    writing the Graphviz DOT graph language

    v0.1.4 1.9K #graphviz #dot #graph
  49. lunk

    Event graph processing

    v0.2.2 140 #event-processing #user-interface #single-threaded #events #user-events #web-ui #graph
  50. graphannis

    new backend implementation of the ANNIS linguistic search and visualization system

    v3.5.1 200 #query-language #linguistic #search-engine #annis #visualization #graph #back-end
  51. egui-snarl

    Node-graphs for egui

    v0.5.0 150 #graph-node #node #egui #input-pin #graph #ui #node-graph
  52. bit_gossip

    Pathfinding library for calculating all node pairs' shortest paths in an unweighted undirected graph

    v0.0.13 #undirected-graph #graph-node #graph #path-finding #search #shortest-path #all-pairs
  53. cargo-deps

    Cargo subcommand for building dependency graphs of Rust projects

    v1.5.1 100 #graph #cargo-subcommand #graphviz #visualization #dependencies #cargo
  54. mdbook-mermaid

    mdbook preprocessor to add mermaid support

    v0.14.0 9.4K #mdbook #mermaid #graph #add #js #book
  55. craftql

    A CLI tool to visualize GraphQL schemas and to output a graph data structure as a graphviz .dot format

    v0.2.20 #graphql-schema #graphql #graphviz #data-structures #graph #terminal
  56. graaf

    Work with directed graphs

    v0.108.0 190 #digraph #directed-graph #graph #bfs #dijkstra #dense-matrix #sparse-matrix
  57. petgraph-graphml

    GraphML output support for petgraph

    v3.1.0 220 #petgraph #graph #graphml #graph-node #graph-ml #output #weight
  58. hugr-cli

    Compiler passes for Quantinuum's HUGR

    v0.13.3 1.5K #quantum #validation #graph #serialization #hugr #quantinuum #representation
  59. rdf-canon

    RDF Dataset Canonicalization algorithm version 1.0 (RDFC-1.0) compatible with Oxigraph and Oxrdf

    v0.15.0 #rdf #dataset #canonicalization #graph #oxigraph #algorithm #compatible
  60. csv2svg

    take a csv as input and outputs svg

    v0.2.3 380 #svg #csv #graph #cli
  61. dynast

    Feynman graph topology identification

    v0.12.0 #graph #graph-algorithms #physics #diagram #feynman #yaml #topology
  62. graphalgs

    Graph algorithms based on the Rust 'petgraph' library

    v0.2.0 120 #graph #graph-algorithms #petgraph #shortest #path #tree #tournament
  63. omnibor

    Reproducible software identity and fine-grained build dependency tracking

    v0.6.0 310 #artifact #sbom #merkle-tree #tracking #build #graph #identifier
  64. zawgl-core

    Zawgl Graph Core Library

    v0.1.14 750 #graph #node #relationship #properties #zawgl #repository #model
  65. include-graph

    Generates dot graph descriptions of c/c++ include dependencies

    v1.2.2 #header-file #graph #cc #dot #visualize #group #generate
  66. graplot

    Experimental plotting library based on macroquad

    v0.1.22 #plot #macroquad #graph #graphing #graph-node
  67. moongraph

    Schedules and runs DAGs accessing shared resources. 🌙

    v0.4.3 #directed-acyclic-graph #graph #graph-node #dag #render-graph #schedule
  68. ratio-graph

    Ratio's graph manipulation library

    v0.21.3 2.3K #graph #graph-algorithms #math #mathematics #system #algorithm
  69. reap

    parsing Ruby heap dumps

    v0.3.3 #ruby #memory-leaks #heap #dump #object #graph #directed-graph
  70. grdf

    Generalized RDF graphs and datasets

    v0.22.1 3.0K #semantic-web #rdf #graph #knowledge-graph #dataset #generalized #node
  71. apache_age

    Rust driver for the Apache AGE. Based on postgres package

    v0.6.3 150 #postgresql #age #graph #driver #apache #back-end #operations
  72. flag-algebra

    Razborov's flag algebras

    v0.4.0 850 #flags #algebra #combinatorics #flag #graph #proof
  73. splot

    Plot data to HTML

    v0.4.0 500 #plot #chart #graph #visualization #charts
  74. srdf

    RDF data shapes implementation in Rust

    v0.1.56 600 #rdf #graph #data #node #shapes #focus #traits
  75. dot2

    generating Graphviz DOT language files for graphs

    v1.0.0 1.1K #graphviz #dot #graph #graph-node #render-graph #graph-algorithms #data-structures
  76. rustc_utils

    working with the Rust compiler

    v0.11.0-nightly-2024-12-01 220 #compiler #rustc #compiler-plugin #framework #range #extension #graph
  77. mapgraph

    A directed graph that can also be used as an arbitrary map

    v0.12.0 #directed-graph #graph-node #graph #map #node-index #data-structures #indices
  78. vegas-lattice

    CLI and library to work with lattices

    v0.9.0 650 #lattice #material #graph #materials #crystall
  79. graph_process_manager_loggers

    Generic loggers for graph_process_manager_core

    v0.1.15 #graph #process #tree-traversal #trace-logging #heuristics #traversal #tree
  80. starry

    Current stars history tells only half the story

    v2.1.0 350 #github-api #github #star #history #graph #story #api-token
  81. dynalgo

    A tiny library designed to produce animated SVG images that can illustrate graph algorithms in action

    v3.1.2 #graph-algorithms #graph #svg #algorithm #animation #smil
  82. hugr

    Quantinuum's Hierarchical Unified Graph Representation

    v0.13.3 1.6K #quantum-circuit #quantum #representation #graph #quantinuum #compilation #unified
  83. kn-graph

    A neural network inference graph intermediate representation, with surrounding utilities

    v0.7.3 #neural-network #machine-learning #intermediate-representation #graph #cpu-gpu #onnx #inference
  84. vf2

    VF2 subgraph isomorphism algorithm in Rust

    v1.0.1 #graph #isomorphism #graph-theory #subgraph #pattern #graph-algorithms #node
  85. rust_dot

    RustDOT is mostly the Graphviz DOT language, lightly rustified

    v0.6.0 #graphviz #graph #dot #graph-node
  86. oxygraph

    Algorithms and structures on ecological graphs

    v0.2.0 130 #graph #graph-algorithms #bipartite #ecology
  87. tree-sitter-stack-graphs-javascript

    Stack graphs definition for JavaScript using tree-sitter-javascript

    v0.2.0 #tree-sitter #javascript #stack-graphs #graph #definition
  88. cargo-supply-chain

    Gather author, contributor, publisher data on crates in your dependency graph

    v0.3.3 500 #supply-chain #cargo-subcommand #contributors #data-analysis #publisher #graph #author
  89. arangors-graph-exporter

    lightning-fast graph data access to ArangoDB

    v0.0.9 #graph #arango-db #graph-database #data-access #load #edge #vertex
  90. asciigraph

    Ascii Graph

    v0.10.1 #ascii-art #graph #data #ratio #draw
  91. dot_ix

    Interactive dot graphs

    v0.8.1 140 #graphviz #dot #graph #web #interactive #web-components #server-side
  92. fast-graph

    A fast, lightweight and extensible implementation of a graph data structure

    v0.1.9 240 #graph #graph-algorithms #category #slotmap #ecs #data-structures #database
  93. gdl

    Graph Definition Language

    v0.2.7 #query-language #graph #graph-node #cypher #query-parser #nom #data-model
  94. metaslang_graph_builder

    Construct graphs from parsed source code

    v0.18.3 #graph #source #analysis #solidity #parsed #parser #construct
  95. draven

    creates obsidian graph files from a rust project structs in real time

    v2.5.1 #graph #obsidian #real-time #rust #cli
  96. nauty-pet

    Canonical graph labelling using nauty/Traces and petgraph

    v0.12.1 1.0K #graph #graph-algorithms #petgraph #nauty #trace #canonical #forms
  97. arcadedb-rs

    client for ArcadeDB

    v0.0.4 #graph-database #database-client #graph #database #arcade-db
  98. pgrx-sql-entity-graph

    Sql Entity Graph for pgrx

    v0.12.9 30K #postgresql-extension #pgrx #graph #entity #sql #generation
  99. ttgraph

    Typed/Transactional Graph container

    v0.4.2 120 #graph-node #graph #graph-database #data-structures #typed #transaction
  100. agdb_server

    Agnesoft Graph Database Server

    v0.9.2 320 #graph-database #database-server #graph #database #server-api #api
  101. sapling-dag

    DAG used for source control

    v0.1.0 #dag #graph #control #source #version-control #commit #block
  102. graph-rdfa-processor

    Graph RDFa processor

    v0.2.1 300 #semantic-web #rdf #graph #extract #html #rd-fa #n-triples
  103. mono-diagram

    A cross-platform tool for generating plain-text diagrams from a certain syntax

    v0.2.0 #diagram #ascii-art #graph #layout #input-file #command-line-arguments #parser
  104. rig-neo4j

    Neo4j implementation of a Rig vector store

    v0.2.0 350 #neo4j #vector-search #store #rig #graph #documentation #parameters
  105. psctl

    An operator for local processes

    v0.4.0 490 #process #linux-process #management #process-manager #graph #local #unix
  106. gossiphs

    lib for general code file relationship analysis. Based on tree-sitter and git analysis.

    v0.11.2 2.1K #analysis #graph #commit #git-history #relationship #git-commit #file
  107. raphtory-api

    Raphtory common interface and APIs

    v0.14.0 140 #temporal-graph #graph #temporal #full-text-search #modeling
  108. raug

    Audio Graphs

    v0.0.4 470 #signal #processor #graph #audio #audio-samples #sample #run-time
  109. rust-sugiyama

    Sugiyama's algorithm to calculate coordinates of a directed graph

    v0.3.0 210 #directed-graph #graph-algorithms #graph #graph-display
  110. dachshund

    graph mining library written in Rust. It provides high performance data structures for multiple kinds of graphs, from simple undirected graphs to typed hypergraphs. Dachshund also provides…

    v0.1.10 450 #graph-algorithms #graph #undirected-graph #data-analysis #data-structures #algorithm #mining
  111. fastlem

    generating procedural terrains based on simplified landscape evolution model (LEM)

    v0.1.4 #terrain #procedural-generation #evolution #model #graph #landscape #simulating
  112. depgraph

    manange files that depend on each other, and rebuild them as necessary, like a makefile

    v0.4.0 #build #graph #makefile #dependencies #make #build-script #object-file
  113. tree-sitter-stack-graphs-python

    Stack graphs definition for Python using tree-sitter-python

    v0.2.0 #tree-sitter #python #stack-graphs #graph #definition #rules #command-line
  114. pargraph

    Operator based parallel graph processing

    v0.1.6 410 #parallel-processing #graph-algorithms #graph #parallel #graph-traversal #operator #data-processing
  115. rusty-dawg

    building and querying Directed Acyclic Word Graphs (DAWGs) and Compacted DAWGs (CDAWGs) for efficient string indexing and searching

    v0.2.2 #search #dawg #graph #ngrams #cdawg #indexing #string
  116. rasciigraph

    function to plot ascii graphs

    v0.2.0 2.0K #ascii #graph #plot #terminal #line #characters #charts
  117. gdsl

    graph data-structure library including graph containers, connected node strutures and efficient algorithms on those structures. Nodes are independent of a graph container and can be used as connected smart pointers

    v0.2.1 #graph-node #graph #undirected-graph #graphs #graph-theory #directed-graph #graph-algorithms
  118. portmatching

    Fast Graph Matching for Port Graphs

    v0.4.0-rc.3 1.1K #pattern-matching #graph #port #data-structures #embedding #subgraph-isomorphism #trie
  119. graph-core

    Common types and traits for the graph-rs-sdk crate

    v2.0.2 1.2K #microsoft #graph #identity #platform #api-client #traits #graph-rs-sdk
  120. ldpc-toolbox

    aid in LDPC code design

    v0.7.0 #fec #ldpc #graph
  121. error-graph

    Allows non-fatal errors in a tree of subfunctions to easily be collected by a caller

    v0.1.1 #error #caller #error-handling #graph #tree #non-fatal #collected
  122. genome-graph

    Representation of genome graphs

    v10.0.0 #graph-node #graph #genome #bioinformatics #representation
  123. indradb

    A graph database server

    v4.0.0 #graph-database #database-server #graph #database
  124. jyafn

    Computational graphs for Data Science that compile to machine code

    v0.3.1 110 #data-science #graph #onnx #ml-ops #mlops
  125. scopegraphs-regular-expressions

    A well-documented port of scopegraphs to Rust

    v0.3.3 180 #regex #graph #scope #scopegraphs #query #edge #path
  126. cypher-dto

    A collection of traits and macros for working Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) Cypher and Neo4j

    v0.3.1 #data-transfer #neo4j #cypher #dto #graph #query #graph-node
  127. onboard

    ticket tracking system

    v0.2.0 #tracking #system #management #ticket #objective #organization #graph
  128. simple-triplestore

    graph database for storing triples with support for custom node and edge properties

    v0.2.0-alpha.1 170 #graph-database #triple #node-id #database #graph #relationship
  129. cupido

    Explore your codebase with graph view

    v0.3.5 230 #graph #analysis #commit #codebase #view #history #git-history
  130. egui-graph-edit

    A helper library to create interactive node graphs using egui

    v0.5.1 250 #graph-node #graph #node #egui #ui
  131. audio-processor-graph

    Run graphs of AudioProcessors

    v2.6.0 #audio #graph #github #abstract #audio-processor #audio-processor-traits #augmented
  132. spinne

    cli tool that analyzes design system usage for react projects

    v0.2.0 100 #component #react #graph #projects #html #tool #system
  133. depends

    Ergonomic, performant, incremental computation between arbitrary types

    v0.10.2 #incremental-computation #graph #computation #incremental #dag #cache #depend
  134. workflow-d3

    D3 visualization API bindings and utilities

    v0.18.0 1.5K #visualization #d3 #graph #dom #wasm #api-bindings #web-apps
  135. anchors

    async incremental computations

    v0.6.0 #incremental-computation #graph #update #anchor #value #async #node
  136. hugr-model

    Data model for Quantinuum's HUGR intermediate representation

    v0.14.0 350 #intermediate-representation #quantum #data-model #quantinuum #hugr #graph #read
  137. modular-decomposition

    computing the modular decomposition of a graph

    v0.3.0 140 #graph #graph-node #decomposition #modular #graph-algorithms #undirected-graph
  138. pi_graph

    dag interface

    v0.1.9 310 #graph #dag #pi
  139. redis-graph

    API for Redis graph database types

    v0.4.4 190 #graph-database #redis #graph #database
  140. vegafusion-core

    Core components required by multiple VegaFusion crates, with WASM compatibility

    v2.0.1 240 #json-parser #expression-parser #graph #task #vega #planning #specification
  141. flat

    Project multi-dimensional data onto the flat textual plane

    v0.1.6 #plot #graph #chart #text
  142. egui_node_graph2

    A helper library to create interactive node graphs using egui

    v0.7.0 210 #graph-node #graph #node #egui #user-interface #ui #egui-node-graph
  143. fastobo-graphs

    OBO Graphs data model, decoder and encoder in Rust

    v0.4.8 #graph #obo #data-model #ontology #decoder-encoder #serde #graphs
  144. forceatlas2

    fast force-directed generic n-dimension graph layout

    v0.7.0 800 #graph #graph-algorithms #directed-graph #force #spatialization #networking
  145. gltf_kun

    Graph-based glTF processing library

    v0.0.13 #gltf #graph #scene-graph #optimization #processing #graph-node #data-processing
  146. agdb_api

    Agnesoft Graph Database API (Client)

    v0.9.2 330 #graph-database #database-client #api-client #graph #database
  147. eta-graph

    Low overhead graph library focused on performance

    v1.0.1 #low-overhead #graph #performance #low-memory #focused
  148. swc_graph_analyzer

    Graph analyzer

    v5.0.0 9.4K #javascript-compiler #typescript #graph #swc #analyzer #web #typescript-compiler
  149. planturl

    A plantuml-file to server-url-encoder and downloader

    v0.4.4 #plant-uml #graph #plantuml #urlencode #text-encoding #documentation-tool
  150. orbweaver

    designed for effortless construction and analysis of graph data structures

    v0.16.0 350 #graph #data-structures #analysis
  151. small-world-rs

    The easiest HNSW vector index you'll ever use

    v1.1.1 #vector #vector-search #index #search-index #search #graph #hnsw
  152. header-vec

    Vector with user-specified header, length, capacity, and array elements all stored on the heap together

    v0.1.3 #header #heap #data-structures #graph #vec #vector #version
  153. netlist

    generic netlist data structure for VLSI design

    v0.1.15 #eda #design #verilog #data-structures #graph #vlsi #structure
  154. neighborhood-diversity

    computing the neighborhood diversity of simple, undirected graphs

    v0.6.0 260 #undirected-graph #graph #graph-algorithms #data-structures #neighborhood #diversity #computing
  155. algograph

    A (both directed and undirected) graph and their algorithms implemented in Rust

    v0.4.0 #graph-algorithms #undirected-graph #graph #directed-graph #edge #low-level #algorithm
  156. lowcharts

    draw low-resolution graphs in terminal

    v0.5.8 13K #graph #console #grep #prometheus-metrics #troubleshooting #data-analysis #text
  157. msgraph-rs

    interacting with Microsoft Graph API

    v0.1.2 #microsoft-azure #active-directory #user-group #microsoft #graph #oauth #msgraph
  158. carpet

    A thread-safe, fully-parallel directed graph

    v0.1.1 #directed-graph #graph #thread-safe #parallel #rayon
  159. bevy_animation_graph_editor

    Animation graph editor for the Bevy game engine

    v0.5.0 #animation #bevy #graph #game-engine #editor #state-machine #gamedev
  160. rs-graph

    graph algorithms and combinatorial optimization

    v0.21.0 #graph-algorithms #graph #optimization #data-structures #combinatorics #network
  161. fb_poster

    An unofficial Rust API client for Facebook post uploads

    v0.1.8 #api-client #facebook #post #access-token #graph #upload #page
  162. tree-sitter-stack-graphs-java

    Stack graphs for the Java programming language

    v0.4.0 350 #tree-sitter #java #graph #stack #stack-graphs #programming-language #command-line
  163. imazen/imageflow_core

    High-performance image manipulation for web servers. Includes imageflow_server, imageflow_tool, and libimageflow

    GitHub 0.1.0 #image-processing #web-server #graph #libimageflow #lib #operation
  164. osmgraph

    Convert OSM queries into graphs

    v0.4.0 500 #graph #api-bindings #data-structures #query-language #graph-algorithms #map #api
  165. git-graph

    Command line tool to show clear git graphs arranged for your branching model

    v0.6.0 #git-branch #git-history #git #git-repository #graph #command-line #command-line-tool
  166. timeplot

    Personal activity tracker & graph plotter

    v0.8.4 #time #time-tracking #plot #graph #tracker #logger
  167. typed_graph

    Staticly typed graph library

    v0.3.0 180 #graph-node #graph #node-key #type #edge #schema #typed
  168. relrc

    Reference counted pointers, with relationships to other pointers

    v0.3.0-rc.4 470 #reference-counting #pointers #graph #weak-references #directed-graph #edge #directed-acyclic-graph
  169. flowtigs

    An algorithm for calculating flowtigs in a De Bruijn graph of DNA reads in metagenomes

    v1.1.0 130 #graph #de #graph-algorithms #dna #bruijn #sequence #reads
  170. gchemol

    Graph-based CHEMical Objects Library

    v0.1.7 #graph #chemical #molecule #data-structures #linear-algebra #object #structure
  171. implies

    A parser for logical formulas

    v0.4.5 #propositional-logic #binary-tree #tree #graph #parse-tree #binary-operator #logic
  172. rusty_gui

    GUI library for Rust

    v0.1.1 130 #window #gui #draw #rusty #graph #mut #traits
  173. take_put_back

    A common abstraction of the process of taking some piece out, processing it and then putting it back

    v0.1.2 190 #data-processing #back #graph #collection #abstraction #piece #process
  174. firewheel

    Flexible, high-performance, and libre audio engine for games (WIP)

    v0.1.0 #audio #game-engine #game #audio-playback #flexible #node #graph
  175. raphtory-graphql

    Raphtory GraphQL server

    v0.14.0 170 #graphql-server #temporal-graph #graph #temporal
  176. tree-sitter-stack-graphs

    Create stack graphs using tree-sitter parsers

    v0.9.0 150 #tree-sitter #graph #stack #parsing
  177. vegafusion-runtime

    VegaFusion Runtime

    v2.0.1 230 #data-fusion #expression #graph #run-time #task #vega #transform
  178. sapling-drawdag

    Parse an ASCII DAG into graph edges

    v0.1.0 #dag #ascii #parse #edge #commit #graph #drawdag
  179. vega_lite_3

    rust api for vega-lite v3

    v0.3.1 #visualization #vega #data-source #plot #charts #data-analysis #graph
  180. rboss

    Rust Bioinformatics Toolbox

    v0.3.2 #bioinformatics #data-processing #toolbox #graph #command-line-tool #file-format
  181. dot_ix_rt

    Runtime logic for the dot_ix diagramming application

    v0.8.1 140 #graphviz #dot #graph #applications #interactive #run-time #interactive-applications
  182. dot_ix_model

    Model for the dot_ix diagramming application

    v0.8.1 #dot #graphviz #graph #model #applications #interactive #diagramming
  183. fast-list

    A doubly linked list using SlotMap for improved cache locality, and to solve the ABA problem

    v0.1.8 120 #linked-list #list #data-structures #slotmap #graph #thread-safe
  184. gchemol-graph

    Networkx-like API wrapper around petgraph

    v0.1.6 #graph #chemistry #petgraph #api #networkx-like #nx-graph
  185. git-branchless-navigation

    Supporting library for git-branchless

    v0.10.0 #git-branchless #git-workflow #git-commit #git-branch #undo #graph #merge
  186. twiggy

    code size profiler

    v0.7.0 1.8K #wasm-binary #size-optimization #graph #profiler #call #dead #retained
  187. moving_gc_arena

    Lightweight Garbage-collectable regions using indices and explicit roots

    v0.3.3 #garbage-collection #memory #garbage #graph #memory-region #graph-algorithms #memory-safety
  188. solvent

    Dependency Resolver library

    v0.8.3 1.8K #resolver #graph #solver #dependencies
  189. prepona

    A graph crate with simplicity in mind

    v0.1.0 #graph #edge #graph-algorithms #subgraph #vertices #simplicity #traits
  190. parsec

    Protocol for Asynchronous, Reliable, Secure and Efficient Consensus

    v0.7.3 #consensus #peer #secure #graph #dot #reliable #protocols
  191. thegraph-client-subgraphs

    A client for The Graph network's Subgraphs data service

    v0.1.2 #subgraph #graph #service #networking #client #data #url
  192. swc_ecma_dep_graph

    Dependency graph for the ecmascript

    v0.113.22 30K #javascript #javascript-parser #javascript-compiler #graph #typescript #swc #ecmascript-parser
  193. pagat

    that helps you split the bill

    v0.0.2 #split #graph #directed-graph #money #bills #help
  194. makepad-audio-graph

    Makepad audio graph

    v0.6.0 #makepad #ui-framework #audio #cargo-makepad #applications #graph #web-apps
  195. hollywood

    actor framework

    v0.7.0 #actor-framework #actor #compute #graph #pipeline #directed-graph #input-output
  196. cargo-graphmod

    A cli utility to graph the dependencies between the modules of a package in the dot/graphviz format

    v1.1.0 #module #graph #architecture #dependencies #cargo-subcommand #command-line-tool
  197. dependency-tree-svg

    a package to generate a self-contained interactive SVG file from a dependency graph

    v0.1.2 #svg #graph #json-file #interactive #tree #json-format #generate
  198. dot

    generating Graphviz DOT language files for graphs

    v0.1.4 32K #graph #graph-node #data-structures #language #edge #generate #render-graph
  199. graphlib_rust

    Dagre's Graphlib implementation in Rust

    v0.0.4 #graph #directed-graph #graph-algorithms #data-structures #graphlib #dag #dagre
  200. traversal

    Generic and lazy tree traversal algorithms

    v0.1.2 850 #tree-traversal #graph-traversal #tree #graph #search #graph-algorithms #traverse
  201. node2vec

    in rust

    v1.0.1 260 #graph #node #random #dimension #walk #embed #automatic
  202. graphrox

    A graph library for graph compression and fast processing of graph approximations

    v1.2.0 #graph #graph-algorithms #approximation #machine-learning
  203. thegraph-headers

    Common HTTP headers for _The Graph_ network services

    v0.1.1 #http-header #services #graph #networking
  204. spannify

    that produces nice-looking graphs to visualize your callstack

    v0.1.5 250 #call-stack #graph #visualize #lazy-evaluation #produces #spanner #once-cell
  205. graph_process_manager_core

    explore parts of a tree-like or graph-like structure that is not known in advance

    v0.1.10 #graph-traversal #tree-traversal #graph #heuristics #tree #traversal #process
  206. regrad

    backpropagate gradients through a computation graph

    v0.2.0 310 #computation #graph #gradient #value #backpropagate
  207. dag-scheduler

    a scheduler of dag computation graph

    v0.2.2 #graph #dag #scheduler #pipeline #computation #node #thread
  208. topcat

    concatenating files in topological order

    v0.1.0 #topological #concatenation #file #graph #dependencies
  209. retworkx

    A python graph library implemented in Rust

    v0.8.0 #directed-graph #graph #graph-theory #performance #dag #replace
  210. triple_arena_render

    Rendered visualization for triple_arena

    v0.13.0 270 #arena #render-graph #graph #visualize #render #svg #graphics
  211. rify

    RDF reasoner that operates on RIF-like conjunctive rules. Outputs a machine readable proof of some claim which can be cheaply verified.

    v0.7.1 #rdf #rules #triple #machine-readable #graph #reasoning #proof
  212. incremental-topo

    Data structure to maintain an incremental topological ordering over a collection of values

    v0.2.1 2.6K #topological #incremental #graph #dag #data-structures
  213. topological_batch

    Parallel running of topologically dependent units in batches

    v0.1.2 #batch #topological #parallel #execution #ordered #graph #send-sync
  214. indradb-lib

    A graph database library

    v4.0.0 410 #graph-database #graph #database #database-server
  215. purr

    Primitives for reading and writing the SMILES language in Rust

    v0.9.0 130 #graph #atom #representation #smiles #primitive #string #reading
  216. plotlib

    Pure Rust plotting library

    v0.5.1 2.9K #plot #visualizations #histogram #graph #chart #plotting #plain-text
  217. bigraph

    Different representations with implemented operations on bigraphs

    v5.0.0 #graph-node #graph #abstract #implementation #bidirected
  218. debruijn

    Tools for DNA sequences: efficient k-mer manipulation, De Bruijn graph construction and compaction and handling of DNA strings

    v0.3.4 250 #graph #k-mer #dna #sequencing #kmer
  219. dotwalk

    Traits to traverse structures and generate DOT graphs

    v0.1.0 #graph #dot #graphviz #data #render-graph #data-structures
  220. traitgraph

    Abstracting over different graph representations

    v5.0.0 150 #graph #data-structures #traits #abstract #implementation
  221. RayBNN_Graph

    Graph Manipulation Library For GPUs, CPUs, and FPGAs via CUDA, OpenCL, and oneAPI

    v2.0.3 140 #raybnn_graph #graph #opencl #cuda #sparse #traverse #graph-traversal #open-cl
  222. cubic_spline

    Function that calculates curve points for cubic spline

    v1.0.0 #spline-interpolation #spline #interpolation #cubic #curve #graphics #graph
  223. lichen

    Scripting DSL (for Dialogue Graphs, et al)

    v0.3.8 110 #scripting #dsl #dialog #graph #control-flow #flow-control #guard
  224. maelstrom-plot

    Fork of egui_plot with added stacked line graph functionality

    v0.12.0 #plot #stacked #line #egui #graph #fork #added
  225. sodg

    Surging Object DiGraph (SODG)

    v0.0.32 #garbage-collection #virtual-machine #graph #data #oop #object #edge
  226. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  227. graph_safe_compare

    Equivalence predicate that can handle cyclic, shared, and very-deep graphs

    v0.2.1 #graph #graph-algorithms #cyclic #comparison #equivalence #graphs #compare
  228. rs-bush

    Bush data structure

    v0.1.8 #data-structures #graph #tree #structure #bush #insertion #tree-node
  229. graphql-federated-graph

    A serializable federated GraphQL graph representation

    v0.4.0 220 #graphql #federation #graph #serializable #representation #api
  230. avatar_graph

    Avatar Graphs

    v0.6.3 #graph #avatar #math #graph-node #semantics #theorem-prover #advanced-research
  231. luka

    working with graphs

    v0.4.0 #graph-algorithms #graph #graph-traversal #algorithm #data-structures
  232. luminal

    Deep learning at the speed of light

    v0.2.0 #deep-learning #compiler #composable #graph #tensor #speed #performance
  233. graphembed

    graph embedding

    v0.0.7 #graph #undirected-graph #embedding #directed-graph #graph-algorithms #csv #hash
  234. system_info_collector

    fast application to collect os information and create graphs based on it

    v0.5.1 #cpu-memory #csv #system-info #graph #data-file #file-info #collect
  235. swh-graph-grpc-server

    gRPC service to run the fast queries to the Software Heritage archive graph, using a compressed in-memory representation

    v6.2.0 300 #graph #grpc #webgraph #software-heritage #env-vars
  236. heapless_topo

    no-std topological sort using heapless

    v0.1.4 #topological #graph #toposort #no-std
  237. dot_ix_web_components

    Web components provided by the dot_ix library

    v0.8.1 #graphviz #dot #web-components #component #graph #interactive #dot-ix
  238. ising_lib

    Ising model simulation on lattices and graphs

    v1.0.0 #graph #lattice #ising #physics #physics-simulation #simulation #modeling
  239. aranya-runtime

    The Aranya core runtime

    v0.2.0 190 #run-time #command #graph #aranya #policy #sync #interface
  240. sendable

    Rc and Option equivalents that facilitate sending data between threads

    v0.6.1 #thread #options #rc #graph #send-sync
  241. sorbus

    A tree manipulation library

    v0.12.1 1.0K #tree #node-tree #structure #data-structures #graph #graph-node #payload
  242. dot_ix_playground

    Interactive dot graphs playground web application

    v0.8.1 #web-apps #dot #graphviz #graph #interactive #applications #playground
  243. ratio-dsm

    Ratio's DSM plotting library

    v0.8.1 600 #graph #matrix #visualization
  244. cfg-traits

    Traits for Control Flow Graphs

    v0.3.0-alpha.0 490 #graph #traits #control #flow
  245. pb-arena

    arena allocator for graph based operations

    v0.1.1 #arena #graph #arena-allocator #tree
  246. pregel-rs

    A Graph library written in Rust for implementing your own algorithms in a Pregel fashion

    v0.0.13 230 #graph-algorithms #graph #algorithm #polars #pregel #pagerank
  247. graff

    manipulating graphs

    v0.1.0 #graph #math #mathematics