
  1. octocrab

    A modern, extensible GitHub API client

    v0.43.0 118K #github-api #pull-request #github #api-client #http-client #extensible #integration
  2. lsp-server

    Generic LSP server scaffold

    v0.7.8 155K #language-server #lsp #language-server-protocol #protocols #ide #scaffold #github
  3. emojis

    ✨ Lookup emoji in *O(1)* time, access metadata and GitHub shortcodes, iterate over all emoji, and more!

    v0.6.4 61K #emoji #unicode #github #gemoji
  4. comrak

    A 100% CommonMark-compatible GitHub Flavored Markdown parser and formatter

    v0.36.0 68K #markdown-parser #markdown #common-mark #github #markdown-syntax #gfm #default
  5. update-informer

    Easily implement update checks for your application

    v1.2.0 36K #update #github #notifier #cli-applications #version-check #cli
  6. sheldon

    Fast, configurable, shell plugin manager

    v0.8.1 1.8K #git-repository #shell #github #manager #zsh #bash #source-file
  7. fastembed


    v4.6.0 4.0K #embedding #vector-search #retrieval #models #github #image #semantic
  8. git-disjoint

    batch commits by issue into GitHub PRs

    v0.10.257 800 #git-commit #pull-request #github #git-workflow #git #git-history #github-issues
  9. add-remote

    An interactive CLI tool to add a remote fork to a local Git repository

    v3.0.3 700 #git-repository #git-remote #github #local-git #git #fork #gitlab
  10. ubi

    The Universal Binary Installer library

    v0.5.2 4.9K #install #binary #github #executable #universal #env-vars #download
  11. aws-sdk-codebuild

    AWS SDK for AWS CodeBuild

    v1.78.0 1.4K #aws-sdk #build-environment #operation #artifact #source #service #github
  12. rsbench

    Benchmarking utility written in pure rust

    v0.5.15 2.5K #benchmarking #pure #utility #download #github
  13. ferium

    Fast CLI program for managing Minecraft mods and modpacks from Modrinth, CurseForge, and Github Releases

    v4.7.1 450 #mod-manager #minecraft #curse-forge #github #modrinth
  14. ra_ap_ide_db

    Core data structure representing IDE state for rust-analyzer

    v0.0.267 26K #ide #language-server #rust-analyzer #state #github #part #compiler
  15. star-history

    Graph history of GitHub stars of a user or repo over time

    v1.0.26 #github #github-api #star #history #graph #graphql #repo
  16. ra_ap_vfs-notify

    loader::Handle for rust-analyzer

    v0.0.267 27K #language-server #rust-analyzer #ide #loader #compiler #github #handle
  17. ra_ap_profile

    A collection of tools for profiling rust-analyzer

    v0.0.267 30K #profiling #rust-analyzer #language-server #ide #github #compiler #collection
  18. ra_ap_parser

    parser for rust-analyzer

    v0.0.267 32K #language-server #ide #compiler #rust-analyzer #parser #front-end #github
  19. axoupdater

    Self-updater library for use with cargo-dist

    v0.9.0 8.5K #update #updater #github #release #latest-version #applications #cargo-dist
  20. donder-release

    Quickly create releases on Github from the command line or CI using conventional commits

    v1.5.2 1.1K #conventional-commits #github #command-line #commit #release #ci #create
  21. git-workspace

    Manage and update personal and work git repos from multiple providers

    v1.9.0 #git-repository #git #gitlab #git-clone #github #provider #workspace
  22. upstream-ontologist

    tracking of upstream project metadata

    v0.2.2 5.4K #package-metadata #upstream #tracking #github #source #debian #ontology
  23. git-metrics

    A git extension to store metrics directly in git, using the notes

    v0.2.4 #git-repository #metrics #git-tool #extension #store #notes #github
  24. cargo-generate

    cargo, make me a project

    v0.22.1 37K #git-repository #template #cargo #github #generate #developer #template-generator
  25. huber

    simplify GitHub package management

    v1.0.11 1.2K #github #package-management #latest-version #command-line-tool #command-line-interface #cli
  26. ra_ap_hir

    A high-level object-oriented access to Rust code for rust-analyzer

    v0.0.267 26K #language-server #object-oriented #rust-analyzer #access #ide #compiler #github
  27. ra_ap_proc_macro_api

    RPC Api for the proc-macro-srv crate of rust-analyzer

    v0.0.267 8.8K #rpc-api #language-server #ide #rust-analyzer #compiler #github #create
  28. cubeb

    Bindings to libcubeb for interacting with system audio from rust

    v0.26.0 2.4K #api-bindings #audio #libcubeb #cargo-build #cd #github #system
  29. aws-sdk-personalizeruntime

    AWS SDK for Amazon Personalize Runtime

    v1.60.0 650 #aws-sdk #run-time #amazon #personalize #client #operation #github
  30. ra_ap_ide

    IDE-centric APIs for rust-analyzer

    v0.0.267 19K #ide #language-server #rust-analyzer #github #compiler #part #communication
  31. ion-schema

    Amazon Ion Schema

    v0.15.0 130 #ion #schema #schema-validation #amazon #amazon-ion #schema-file #github
  32. segment

    analytics client for Rust. Forked for Meilisearch: https://github.com/meilisearch

    v0.2.5 31K #analytics #meilisearch #client #user #http-client #message #github
  33. github-latest

    Get latest tag(s) for GitHub repositories

    v0.3.1 500 #github #github-api #tags #git-repository #latest #http-request #repo
  34. knope

    A command line tool for automating common development tasks

    v0.18.3 #github #git-workflow #changelog #semver #changeset #github-actions #git
  35. ghl

    An easier way to construct Github links

    v1.1.0 130 #github #commit #file-path #link #git-repository #repo #flags
  36. cap-std-ext

    Extension APIs for cap-std

    v4.0.5 4.1K #cap-std #extension #api #helper #github #migrate #issue
  37. self-assessment

    A CLI tool that generates a list of pull requests raised and reviewed in the Guardian's GitHub organisation, as well as an optional summary of the user's Trello boards and cards

    v2.2.0 120 #pull-request #github #cli-tool #guardian #cli
  38. sludge-cicd

    Personal CI/CD tool for Rust crates

    v0.1.16 800 #ci-cd #build #automation #tool #github #cargo-build #personal
  39. git-ar

    Git all remotes. Git cli tool that targets both Github and Gitlab. Brings common development operations such as opening a pull request down to the shell. This is an alternative to both Github https://github…

    v1.1.3 130 #pull-request #github #gitlab #git-repository #git #command-line #version-control
  40. gh-emoji

    Convert :emoji: to Unicode using GitHub’s emoji names

    v1.0.8 4.0K #emoji #github #unicode #convert-markdown #markdown #convert
  41. release-exporter

    Retrieves release information and exports related metrics

    v0.5.1 #prometheus-metrics #prometheus #github #release
  42. publisher

    publish & distribute CLI tools

    v0.1.9 650 #github #publishing #repository #distribute #aur #setup #tags
  43. gitbackup

    Backup all your git repositories with a single command

    v0.2.4 120 #github #backup #git-repository #gitlab #gitea #git
  44. smeagol-wiki

    A personal wiki webserver. Work in progress.

    v0.4.10 850 #wiki #web-server #local #markdown #github #personal #git
  45. webhookd

    GitLab/GitHub webhook daemon to run scripts on trigger

    v0.2.3 #github-webhook #webhook #github #gitlab #script #daemon #run
  46. workflows

    A cli tool for creating a seemless workflow with remote and local git repos

    v0.7.2 900 #git-workflow #git-repository #workflow #local-git #tmux-session #projects #github
  47. gho

    cli to open your repo in the Github/Gitlab web ui

    v0.5.0 210 #github #gitlab #browser #open #web-ui #remote #command-line-tool
  48. ra_ap_ide_assists

    Code assists for rust-analyzer

    v0.0.267 19K #ide #rust-analyzer #assist #github #part #language-server #larger
  49. patch-release-me

    automate patching of your projects before you release them

    v0.5.3 #patch #projects #automate #configuration #versioning #helper #github
  50. icondata_oc

    providing SVG and corresponding metadata for "Github Octicons"

    v0.0.10 3.5K #svg-icons #icons #github #metadata #octicons #icon-data #set
  51. git2mail

    Pure Rust OSINT tool to find a GitHub user's email

    v0.4.3 350 #user-email #github #osint #leak #rust
  52. fiat-lux

    Offline terminal-accessible Bible

    v0.3.9 #bible #offline #dat #version #american #standard #github
  53. patchy-bin

    makes it easy to declaratively manage personal forks by automatically merging pull requests

    v1.3.0 130 #github #fork #git #patchy #git-commit #git-repository #patch-file
  54. labelmaker

    Create & enforce sets of labels in GitHub repositories

    v0.6.1 #label #github #config-file #repository #default #github-labels #issue
  55. pr-conflict-resolver

    efficiently manage and repost GitHub Pull Requests

    v0.1.7 300 #pull-request #github #git #cli
  56. rust-quiz

    Medium to hard Rust questions with complete explanations

    v0.0.6 #quiz #explanation #medium #hard #complete #github #io-rust-quiz
  57. ra_ap_hir_ty

    The type system for rust-analyzer

    v0.0.267 25K #compiler #ide #rust-analyzer #part #language-server #front-end #github
  58. azure_mgmt_developerhub

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #resource-manager #azure-api #operation #api-bindings #repository #github
  59. toml-bombadil

    A dotfile manager

    v4.0.0 750 #github #github-actions #template #configuration #toml #profiles #symlink
  60. prr

    Mailing list style code reviews for github

    v0.20.0 130 #pull-request #github #review #pr #style #list #comments
  61. rio

    GPL-3.0 nice bindings for io_uring. MIT/Apache-2.0 license is available for spacejam's github sponsors.

    v0.9.4 9.2K #async-io #io-uring #io #networking #uring #github
  62. security-orchestrator

    A cli tool for cox automotives security orchestrator

    v0.1.6 140 #security #security-testing #command-line-tool #orchestration #command-line-interface #jenkins #github
  63. rpk

    A lightweight, cross-platform cli package manager

    v0.2.2-rc.1 1.2K #package-manager #package #github #manager
  64. ateam

    that helps optimize the code review process

    v1.0.9 #pull-request #github-api #github #api-token
  65. serde_bser

    Implements the Watchman BSER encoding for serde. https://facebook.github.io/watchman/docs/bser.html

    v0.4.0 46K #serde #bser #watchman #encoding #compatible #facebook #github
  66. gitweb-release-downloader

    Allows you to download release assets from GitHub and Gitea (thus Forgejo is supported, too) and GitLab

    v1.1.1 140 #github #download #forgejo #release #git
  67. axoupdater-cli

    Self-updater executable for use with cargo-dist

    v0.9.0 2.4K #updater #github #cargo-dist #self-updater #version #executable #standalone
  68. gaboja

    CLI helper for solving BOJ problems

    v0.4.1 400 #problem #web #boj #solving #helper #geckodriver #github
  69. mokapot

    ananlyzing JVM bytecode

    v0.18.0 #java-class #java #bytecode #analysis #jvm #early-stage #github
  70. gitshift

    Git SSH at your fingertips

    v0.1.0 110 #ssh-key #account #git #command #email #fingertips #github
  71. ghlast

    Inspects the last release published to a GitHub repository

    v0.1.4 200 #github #version #release #latest-version #command-line-interface
  72. gfas-cli

    Sync GitHub followings to followers

    v0.8.28 460 #github-api #github #sync #following #follow #follower #api-bindings
  73. zfp-sys

    Raw Rust bindings to ZFP (https://github.com/LLNL/zfp)

    v0.4.0 1.7K #bindings #zfp #cuda #github #com-llnl-zfp #linker
  74. octocrate-webhooks

    A comprehensive GitHub REST API library based on Rust

    v1.0.2 #request-body #github #github-api #github-webhook
  75. gitcal

    A CLI tool for calendar visualization

    v0.1.2 140 #calendar #github #contributions #hex-color #date #command-line-tool #date-time
  76. ubi-cli

    The Universal Binary Installer CLI tool

    v0.5.2 410 #binary #github #executable #ubi #install #command-line-tool #universal
  77. wait-for-gh-rate-limit

    CLI that waits for GitHub rate limit to reset if you're out of requests

    v0.1.8 240 #rate-limit #wait #github #reset #cli #requests #you-re
  78. layer-proc-gen

    easy to use chunk based procedural generation library with top-down planning

    v3.0.0 #layer #chunks #debugging #procedural-generation #debug-information #loaded #github
  79. github-issues-export

    Export GitHub issues to markdown files

    v0.1.5 250 #github-issues #github #issue #markdown #issues
  80. shiguredo_mp4

    MP4 library

    v2024.4.0 #mp4 #read #github
  81. easy-install

    v1.3.3 500 #github #install #download #json #json-file #directory #cargo
  82. pcu

    A CI tool to update change log in a PR

    v0.4.33 1.1K #changelog #pull-request #ci #github #version-control #control-system
  83. ghastoolkit-cli

    GitHub Advanced Security Toolkit CLIt

    v0.5.1 600 #github #security #ghas
  84. wei

    wei system

    v0.2.4 140 #deployment #automation #cross-platform #github #automatic #system #applications
  85. whois-rust

    WHOIS client library for Rust, inspired by https://github.com/hjr265/node-whois

    v1.6.0 36K #whois #domain #ip #lookup #async-api #github #server
  86. innit

    An interactive commandline tool for quickly initialising git repositories, written in Rust

    v0.1.1 #git-repository #git #github #command-line-tool #setup #user-name #cli
  87. deno_webgpu

    WebGPU implementation for Deno

    v0.160.0 3.9K #web-gpu #deno #graphics-api #wgpu #github #testing #cross-platform
  88. gh-spray

    generate a lot of GitHub activity

    v0.4.0 #github #pattern #commit #generate #multiplier #date #lot
  89. binup

    Automated app installation from GitHub releases

    v1.5.0 #github #automation #release #package-manager #config-file #tool #binary-file
  90. gitnr

    A CLI to generate '.gitignore' files using one or more templates

    v0.2.2 #gitignore #template #github #git #file #cross-platform #collection
  91. aftman

    command line toolchain manager

    v0.3.0 700 #command-line #toolchain #toml #version #github #manager #install
  92. foreman

    Toolchain manager for simple binary tools

    v1.6.3 #roblox #toolchain #binary #manager #rustup #github #manage
  93. roctokit

    Github v3 Client interfaces

    v0.15.0 #github-api #github #client #interface #adapter #wasm
  94. ghactions

    GitHub Actions Crate

    v0.13.0 170 #github-actions #github #action #write #generate
  95. mdbook-alerts

    mdBook preprocessor to add GitHub Flavored Markdown's Alerts to your book

    v0.7.0 1.8K #mdbook-preprocessor #mdbook #github #markdown #preprocessor
  96. url-preview

    High-performance URL preview generator for messaging and social media applications

    v0.3.1 500 #url #preview #generate #github #rich #generator #cache
  97. ufbx

    Bindings for ufbx

    v0.7.2 6.0K #bindings #github #documentation
  98. pulldown-cmark-toc

    Generate a table of contents from a Markdown document

    v0.7.0 #markdown-tables #markdown #generate-markdown #pulldown-cmark #generate-table #github #common-mark
  99. postman2openapi

    Convert a Postman collection to an OpenAPI definition

    v1.2.1 750 #open-api #postman #collection #object #definition #github #json
  100. gh-bofh-rs

    classic bofh command as a GitHub CLI extension

    v1.2.1-next.1 #github #command-line #extension #bofh #excuse #generate #gh
  101. github-actions-models

    Unofficial, high-quality data models for GitHub Actions workflows, actions, and related components

    v0.26.0 5.9K #github #data-model #json-schema #ci #api-bindings
  102. polk

    Dotfile manager and symlinker

    v1.1.6 #config-file #symlink #setup #repository #system #github #symlinker
  103. gitopen

    Command line utility to open a git repository's web page from terminal, as well as pull requests in the browser after the first push

    v1.4.1 270 #git-repository #pull-request #github #git #command-line #repository #web-page
  104. nanpa

    a language-agnostic release manager

    v0.3.0 140 #manager #package #language-agnostic #command-line #github #update #status
  105. mdbook-open-on-gh

    mdbook preprocessor to add a open-on-github link on every page

    v2.4.3 110 #github #link #add #source-file #edit #page #linker
  106. r-idcard

    A CLI to parse chinese 18 digit idcard including region and sex

    v0.1.6 290 #idcard #chinese #region #idcard-region #parser #digit #github
  107. git-mirror

    Sync between different git repositories

    v0.14.12 #git-repository #github #git #sync #mirror
  108. nvrs

    🚦 fast new version checker for software releases 🦀

    v0.1.7 160 #version #checker #package #latest #latest-version #github #release
  109. base62-uuid

    Minimalist crate to generate Base62 UUIDs

    v2.1.2 550 #uuid #base62 #generate #minimalist #command-line #github #command-line-tool
  110. zsh-git-prompt-rs

    A git status prompt for zsh written in Rust

    v0.3.5 130 #zsh #git #prompt #github #com #status #zsh-git-prompt
  111. omr-bumper

    An opiniated version bumper for releases. Works for us.

    v0.3.16-dev 800 #cargo-version #github #git-version #cargo-toml #tags #projects #build
  112. pr_mod

    Program to look PR modifications

    v1.2.0 270 #pull-request #git #gitlab #github #gpl #git-repository
  113. imnodes

    Rust bindings to https://github.com/Nelarius/imnodes

    v0.4.0 380 #editor #node #bindings #imgui #api-bindings #ui #github
  114. maelstrom-linux

    Function wrappers of Linux syscalls used by Maelstrom

    v0.13.0 #distributed-systems #syscalls #linux #maelstrom #wrapper #architecture #github
  115. my-info

    In this project you will see some information about yourself through the GitHub user

    v0.8.0 #github #user #yourself #io #information
  116. pr-manager

    A GitHub PR manager

    v0.1.1 #github #manager #pr
  117. create-rust-github-repo

    create-rust-github-repo is a CLI program that creates a new repository on GitHub, clones it locally, initializes a Rust project, copies the configs from a pre-existing directory

    v0.6.0 390 #github #repo #initialization #repository #clone #create #init
  118. blue_archive

    A Blue Archive api wrapper for Rust, based off of SchaleDB's data: https://github.com/lonqie/SchaleDB

    v0.5.2 #archive #blue #schale-db #api-bindings #github #information #repository
  119. miracl_core_bls12381

    Rust code of https://github.com/miracl/core (miracl_core) for curve BLS 12-381

    v4.2.2 16K #curve #bls #bls12-381 #miracl #subset #github #repo
  120. clippy-reviewdog-filter

    A filter for integrating Clippy with Reviewdog

    v0.1.6 210 #clippy #linter #reviewdog #review #github #automated #filter
  121. sentence_segmentation

    A rule-based sentence_segmenter, inspired by ruby pragmatic segmenter by diasks2 (repo: https://github.com/diasks2/pragmatic_segmenter)

    v1.2.0 #processor #segmenter #pragmatic #segmentation #sentence #github #repo
  122. release-utils

    automatically releasing Rust code

    v0.5.1 #github #automation #release #cargo-toml #github-actions #git-commit #action
  123. soar-dl

    A fast download manager

    v0.4.2 850 #github #gitlab #direct #binary #download-manager #image-path
  124. freemanke-learning-rust

    Learning Rust

    v0.1.0 #learning #org #github #html #kaisery #io-trpl-zh-cn-title-page #语言官方文档
  125. cctui

    CCTray TUI, a build monitoring dashboard for your terminal

    v1.2.0 430 #tui #ci #build #monitoring #github #dashboard #circle-ci
  126. onehistory

    All your history in one file

    v0.3.4 #history #browser #backup #backup-utility #command-line-tool #single-file #github
  127. gito

    expand the ability of git

    v0.2.10 #git #git-remote #upstream #github #user #alias #ability
  128. repocat

    concatenate all code and text files in a github repo for LLM inference contexts

    v0.4.0 110 #github #repository #txt-file #context #llm #repo #concatenation
  129. lohr

    A Git mirroring daemon

    v0.4.5 #git-repository #gitlab #github #mirroring #daemon #backup #git-clone
  130. install-action-manifest-schema

    Structured access to the install-action manifests

    v0.1.0 110 #manifest #action #github #github-action #access #structured #install-action
  131. hugo-build

    A wrapper around the hugo binary to proving building capabilities

    v0.145.0 500 #hugo #build-dependencies #site #building #github #binary #capabilities
  132. github-languages

    All GitHub's supported languages

    v0.4.0 #language #github #information
  133. octocrab_wasi

    A modern, extensible GitHub API client with wasi support, forked from XAMPPRocky/octocrab

    v0.19.1 130 #github-api #github #pull-request #api-client #wasi #octocrab #http-client
  134. petpet

    Pet-pet generator in Rust. Translated from https://github.com/camprevail/pet-pet-gif.

    v2.4.3 180 #image-processing #generator #github #translated #hands #com-camprevail-pet-pet-gif #hand
  135. gh-workflow

    A type-safe GitHub Actions workflow generator

    v0.5.10 600 #github-actions #workflow #github #action #generator
  136. nt_hive2

    forensic parser library for Windows registry hive files

    v4.2.3 #windows-registry #forensics #hive #timestamp #github #deleted #cells
  137. starry

    Current stars history tells only half the story

    v2.1.0 350 #github-api #github #star #history #graph #story #api-token
  138. pokemon-utils

    a collection of pokemon related utilities Project homepage: https://github.com/isaacadams/pokemon-utils

    v0.1.32 310 #pokemon #utilities #collection #index #conversion #github #entry
  139. hubcaps

    Rust interface for Github

    v0.6.2 440 #github #hyper #api-bindings #access-token #github-actions
  140. os-checker-plugin-github-api

    A plugin for os-checker to generate information based on github api to checked repositories

    v0.1.1 #github #github-api #repository #plugin #information #checked #generate
  141. rsffish

    wrapper for fairystockfish based on https://github.com/mind-sports-games/Fairy-Stockfish-Lib

    v0.0.20 750 #engine #fairy-stockfish #api #interact #github #fairystockfish #com
  142. gritty

    A command line tool to manage your remote repositories on GitHub, GitLab and Gitea remotes

    v2.1.2 130 #git-repository #github #gitlab #gitea #git #command-line-tool #config-file
  143. git-collage

    selectively mirroring Git repositories

    v0.4.3 350 #git-repository #github #git #git-branch #mirror #backup-utility
  144. azure

    Project root for all Azure SDK-related crates

    v0.38.0 #azure-sdk #sdk #root #version #github #information #future
  145. eio-okta-sync

    a VERY specific way to turn Okta Users and Groups into GitHub Members and Teams

    v0.5.2 420 #user-group #okta #github #team #members #eio #turn
  146. prj-cli

    A CLI tool for managing projects on your local machine

    v1.0.0 #github #git #workspace #project-management #cli #command-line-tool
  147. ghrepo

    Parse & construct GitHub repository URLs & specifiers

    v0.7.0 360 #git-repository #github #parse-url #repository #local-git #git-hub #url-parsing
  148. azure_svc_securityinsights

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #microsoft-azure #azure-sdk #azure-api #generated #generated-bindings #api-bindings #github
  149. picky-test-data

    Test data for the picky crates

    v0.1.1 160 #picky #pki #github #der #cryptography #commit #primitive
  150. fanqie_dev_tool

    A useful development tool for various tasks,Refer to https://github.com/maochunguang/my_dev_tool repository, thanks to the original author

    v0.1.3 #repository #github #original #author #tool #dev-tools #tasks,refer
  151. gist

    Github Gist client

    v0.9.2 800 #github #git-repository #command-line-tool #git-clone #publish #gists #client
  152. gourcers

    A CLI tool for making gource visualizations of multiple repositories

    v1.0.0 #git-repository #github #git #gource #visualization #command-line-tool #command-arguments
  153. gitspore

    Github mirroring and backup tool that concurrently downloads or updates all of the repo's of the specified user

    v0.3.1 330 #backup-utility #github #github-backup #download-repo #command-line-tool
  154. relgen

    CLI tool for generating Pull Requests to multiple repositories

    v0.1.3 #pull-request #github #rust #command-line-tool #generate #command-line-interface #cli
  155. git-brws

    Command line tool to open a repository, file, commit, diff, tag, pull request, issue or project's website in your web browser from command line

    v0.11.12 #pull-request #git-repository #command-line #git-diff #browser #git-commit #github
  156. gh-lens

    CLI to analyze your activity on GitHub

    v0.0.12 #github #analysis #cli
  157. audio-processor-graph

    Run graphs of AudioProcessors

    v2.6.0 #audio #graph #github #abstract #audio-processor #audio-processor-traits #augmented
  158. openapi-github

    OpenAPI specs from https://github.com/github/rest-api-description with the 'x-octokit' extension required by the Octokit SDKs

    v0.1.0 #github
  159. mure

    A command line tool for creating and managing multiple repositories

    v0.2.4 #repository #command-line-tool #github #shell #shell-environment #management #env-vars
  160. memos-api

    No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

    v0.3.0 #api-client #openapi-generator #generated #openapitools #version #github #com
  161. octocrate-types

    A comprehensive GitHub REST API library based on Rust

    v2.0.2 950 #access-token #github-api #github #rest-api #github-webhook #request-body #rest
  162. gh-trs

    CLI tool to publish and test your own GA4GH TRS API using GitHub

    v1.1.20 #config-file #github #workflow #publish #trs #ga4gh #cli-tool
  163. scafalra

    scafalra(sca) is a command-line interface tool for manage templates

    v1.4.0 390 #template #scaffold #github #boilerplate #command-line #command-line-interface #access-token
  164. jist

    Welcome to Jist a lightweight and efficient programming language built in Rust, designed for simplicity, flexibility, and fast performance with a clean and readable syntax. Github: https://github.com/jon429r/JistR

    v0.1.9 #programming-language #built #github #performance #syntax #clean #readable
  165. octokey

    tentacular tool to manage your GitHub SSH keys with ease and style!

    v0.1.1 #ssh-key #github #manager
  166. auto-release

    Command-line utility for automatically releasing Rust code

    v0.5.1 #github-actions #github #automation #workflow #release #command-line-tool
  167. git-github

    git command line plugin of github

    v0.1.4 260 #github #open #remote #git #repository #url #browser
  168. stem-cell

    project to demonstrate the cross-platform release management process I use for my open source work

    v0.0.7 #cross-platform #management #source #open #process #demonstrate #github
  169. daisy_rsx

    Daisy UI components for the Dioxus Rust library

    v0.1.14 270 #ui-component #dioxus #workflow #github #daisy #github-actions #action
  170. copyrepo

    fetch and save the contents of a GitHub folder for ingestion into LLMs

    v0.1.0 #github #llm #folder #language-model #fetch #ingestion #file-content
  171. ghac

    Replace with description

    v0.2.0 260 #github #cache #github-actions #service #action #generated #description
  172. cliff3-util

    SHA(256/512) hash, AES/RSA 암복화, 한글, I/O 및 날짜 관련 함수 모음 입니다

    v0.2.5 #io #sha #rsa #aes #korean #github
  173. croaring-sys

    Raw bindings to CRoaring

    v4.2.3 30K #bitmap #c-roaring #roaring-bitmaps #bindings #bitset #version #github
  174. redis_rawl

    Minimal Redis client library implementation. Forked from redis-raw [email protected]:aminroosta/redis-raw-rs.git

    v0.6.1 #protocols #low-level #connection #github #forked #git #part
  175. github_v3

    Minimal async GitHub API v3 client

    v1.1.0 110 #github-api #github #rate-limiting #async-client #async #restful #api-client
  176. mdbook-github-authors

    mdbook preprocessor to display Github profiles of authors of a page

    v0.1.0 200 #author #github #mdbook #preprocessor #profiles #contributors #page
  177. github-oidc

    validating GitHub OIDC tokens

    v0.4.0 #github-actions #github #oidc #authentication #claim #jwt
  178. gh-pinned-rs

    Fetch pinned repositories from github

    v2.0.5 #github #repository #pinned #fetch #repos #gh #err
  179. system-memory

    A small crate to get info/stats on the host's memory

    v0.1.7 160 #memory #host #info #issue #github #tracker #system
  180. octoapp

    building GitHub Apps

    v0.2.4 360 #github-webhook #github #github-api #webhook #app #rocket-web #web-framework
  181. micro-games-kit

    Micro Games Kit

    v0.31.3 1.4K #micro #toolset #template #kit #github #build #forge
  182. maelstrom-base

    Fundamental data structures used by all Maelstrom code

    v0.13.0 #data-structures #maelstrom #inter-process #distributed-systems #wasm #broker #github
  183. copilot-client

    A client for the GitHub Copilot API

    v0.1.0 #github #token #embedding #chat-completion #client #agent #model
  184. cheapskate-ci

    CLI for those who are too cheap to pay for CI but still want required GitHub status checks. Now they can run this locally.

    v0.1.8 #ci #github #check #status #local #run #pre-commit
  185. mdbook-linkcheck

    A backend for mdbook which will check your links for you

    v0.7.7 5.3K #mdbook #link #check #backend #book #github #linkcheck
  186. cargo-ghdoc

    View Rust docs for open PRs

    v0.5.1-alpha.1 #docs #github #rustdoc #cargo-docs
  187. smart_task_openapi_axum

    No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

    v1.1.0 110 #openapi-generator #api #axum #server #generated #api-version #github
  188. clone-project-manager

    Automatically Clone GitHub repositories into a structured workspace. And use it in your VSCode or NVim's project manager.

    v2.0.3 #github #repository #clone #manager #management #workspace #automatic
  189. render_readme

    Render Markdown or reStructuredText with syntax highlighting and image filtering similar to GitHub's

    v0.13.0 140 #syntax-highlighting #markdown-html #html #github #markdown #convert-html #convert
  190. fpzip-sys

    Raw Rust bindings to FPZIP (https://github.com/LLNL/fpzip)

    v0.3.0 #compression #bindings #fpzip #data #github #vector #com-llnl-fpzip
  191. gh-token

    Deserialize gh cli's GitHub token from ~/.config/gh/hosts.yml

    v0.1.7 370 #github #token #github-api #yaml #gh #authentication #graphql
  192. gitsnap

    take snapshots of GitHub repositories in a single text file

    v0.1.0 110 #text-file #github #repository #single #convert #debugging #snapshot
  193. propr

    Generate PR descriptions from the command line

    v1.4.2 140 #pull-request #command-line #github #pr #description #generate #ai
  194. mdopen

    Preview markdown files in a browser

    v0.4.0 270 #markdown #markdown-html #browser #preview #github #github-api #local-filesystem
  195. gh-workflow-tailcall

    macros for gh-workflow

    v0.5.1 420 #workflow #github #action #github-actions #generator
  196. rustreleaser

    easily release Rust projects to GitHub, Homebrew and crates.io

    v0.1.6 130 #github #homebrew #crates-io #release
  197. rustc-ap-rustc_session

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_session in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit 9a27044f42ace9eb652781b53f598e25d4e7e918 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github…

    v727.0.0 280 #programming-language #publishing #repository #package #build #automatic #github
  198. dangit

    GitHub notifications, issues and PRs for your terminal

    v0.1.0 #github #issue #notifications #pr
  199. entitled-exe

    Script kiddies whining about no compiled binaries? Troll them with an exe that opens GitHub

    v0.3.1 #github #executable #browser #repository #exe #open #command-line-tool
  200. github-actions

    developing custom GitHub Actions

    v0.0.3 100 #github #action #developing #input #group #command #summary
  201. git_automation

    A basic CLI to automate the git workflow

    v0.1.1 #commit-message #git-workflow #git-repository #git-commit #github #pull-request #operations
  202. disperse

    automation for creation of releases

    v0.0.10 #automation #version #github #ci #creation #free #cron
  203. gh_page_tool

    A github gh-pages tool for static blog site

    v0.4.0 #static-site #github #blog #publish #mdbook #gh-pages #page
  204. gh-config

    Loads config and hosts for gh CLI

    v0.4.1 #github #yaml-config #cli-config #auth-token #host #oauth-token #gh
  205. async-rawlogger

    Light console-only async logger. Suitable for containerized workloads. Heavily inspired by "https://github.com/nonconvextech/ftlog"

    v0.5.0 230 #async #logger #workload #containerized #github #light #heavily
  206. init-rs

    world's best Cargo to install software, bypassing GitHub

    v0.0.17 #cargo-install #github #cargo-registry #download #best #world #quality
  207. rs-leveldb

    Almost-complete bindings for leveldb for Rust

    v0.1.5 3.0K #leveldb #bindings #database #iterator #github #error #git
  208. revq

    Review and query your pull requests

    v0.1.1 #pull-request #requests #github #review #pr #organization #tool
  209. blake2b-ref

    A no_std BLAKE2B implementation

    v0.3.1 8.1K #blake2b #blake2 #ref #c2rust #github #transcompiled #com-nervosnetwork-blake2b-rs
  210. ortfodb

    (https://github.com/ortfo/db) client library for Rust

    v1.6.1 550 #client #database #text #github #directory #com-ortfo-db #schema
  211. gfas-api

    Sync GitHub followings to followers

    v0.8.28 470 #github #github-api #following #sync #follow #api-bindings #follower
  212. maybe-dangling

    ManuallyDrop<T> and MaybeDangling<T> semantics in stable Rust as per https://github.com/rust-lang/rfcs/pull/3336

    v0.1.1 #aliasing #unsafe #dangling #dereferenceable #manually-drop #github
  213. ghpr

    Generates GitHub pull request URLs

    v0.2.0 #pull-request #request-url #github #generate #pr #generator #repository
  214. immudb

    Generated classes from the immuDB gRPC see more at immudb repo https://github.com/codenotary/immudb/blob/master

    v0.1.0 #grpc #com #github #blob #generated #class #repo
  215. githuber

    A modern ergonomic GitHub REST API Rust binding

    v0.4.3 150 #github #github-api #api-bindings #modern
  216. jirarust

    A command-line utility for bringing Jira and Github together

    v0.3.10 #jira #github #command-line-tool #workflow #prompt #completion #together
  217. snowflake

    A module for generating guaranteed process unique IDs

    v1.3.0 20K #unique-id #process-id #guaranteed #generate #github #properties
  218. quacky

    incomplete pure Rust protobuf (de)serializer. Initially forked from https://github.com/tafia/quick-protobuf, which unfortunately seems kinda abandoned… :/

    v0.2.20250111 #abandoned #protobuf #pure #github #incomplete #de #forked
  219. cpp-linter

    Run clang-format and clang-tidy on a batch of files

    v2.0.0-rc9 1.0K #clang-format #linter #clang-tidy #github
  220. kokiri

    Test revisions of crates against other revisions of crates

    v0.1.2 #revisions #github #instructions #cmd #cli #dependents #info
  221. quack-protobuf

    A pure Rust protobuf (de)serializer. Quack :) Initially forked from https://github.com/tafia/quick-protobuf, which unfortunately seems kinda abandoned… :/

    v0.3.20241114 #serialization #protobuf #abandoned #binary #pure #reader #github
  222. whois-rs

    WHOIS client library for Rust, inspired by https://github.com/hjr265/node-whois, forked from https://github.com/magiclen/whois-rust

    v1.6.1 #whois #github #server #client #lookup #com-hjr265-node-whois #ip
  223. lazygh

    A Terminal User Interface (TUI) application for managing multiple GitHub accounts easily

    v0.5.0 #ssh-key #github #tui #git-configuration #user-interface #git #git-config
  224. rustc-ap-rustc_fs_util

    Automatically published version of the package rustc_fs_util in the rust-lang/rust repository from commit 9a27044f42ace9eb652781b53f598e25d4e7e918 The publishing script for this crate lives at: https://github…

    v727.0.0 280 #package #language #build #github #automatic #publishing #repository
  225. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  226. issue-hunter

    A command line tool to capture the status of issue lists from multiple repositories

    v0.1.1 #github #issue #repository #command-line-tool #status #capture #multiple
  227. github-mirror

    GitHub's v3 REST API

    v0.0.10 #github #github-api #api-client
  228. oracle-nosql-db-sdk-rust

    oracle nosql db sdk for rust

    v0.4.19 #nosql #oracle #sdk #db #go #github #com-oracle-nosql-go-sdk
  229. git-oidc

    validating GitHub OIDC tokens

    v0.1.2 #github-actions #github #oidc #authentication #jwt
  230. text-blind-watermark

    Text Blind Watermark in Rust

    v0.1.5 #text #blind #watermark #message #github #we-chat #io
  231. ddapi-rs

    This module is rewritten from another module ddapi

    v0.2.0 330 #ddnet #rewritten #another #module #github #ddapi #com-by-fox213-ddapi
  232. cargo-backup

    Backup utilty for cargo

    v0.4.2 #backup #restore #backup-utility #sync #github #cli
  233. nl80211-ng

    Basic nl80211 crate for interacting with Netlink / Rtnetlink and manipulating WiFi interfaces

    v0.5.5 140 #wifi #netlink #rtnetlink #nl80211 #interface #github #basic
  234. gh_release

    Rust bindings for the github release HTTP API

    v0.1.2 #http-api #github #bindings
  235. ru_annoy

    annoy(https://github.com/spotify/annoy) (Index serving only). Providing C api as well

    v0.1.3 #annoy #index #port #serving #api #github #java
  236. gha-runner

    Run Github Actions workflows locally or on a custom backend

    v0.2.0 #github-actions #github #action #workflow #run #back-end #locally
  237. ssh_switch

    Ssh keys switcher switch between your diffrent ssh keys for example work and personal github accounts

    v0.1.0 #ssh-key #switch #profile #account #switcher #github #personal
  238. rig-fastembed

    Rig vector store index integration for Fastembed. https://github.com/Anush008/fastembed-rs

    v0.1.1 120 #rig #integration #github #fastembed #vector #store #index
  239. rogue_config

    Basic options pattern

    v0.2.0 400 #basic #pattern #github #follow #specification #commit #conventional-commits
  240. pliocomp

    PLIO Compression Library

    v0.2.0 110 #plio #compression #github #com #blob #statement #port
  241. bounty

    A CLI tool for managing GitHub bounties

    v0.2.0 270 #github #tool #command-line-tool #bounties
  242. git_automate

    A basic CLI to automate the git workflow

    v0.1.0 #commit-message #git-workflow #git-commit #github #pull-request #git-repository #operations
  243. stof-github

    Stof is a unified data interface and interchange format for creating, sharing, and manipulating data. Stof removes the fragile and cumbersome parts of combining and using data in applications.

    v0.1.4 460 #github #stof #format #data #remove #sharing #interchange
  244. retrospective-crate-version-tagging

    Fill in GitHub release history from existing changlog entries and crates.io versions

    v0.1.1 #github #io #version #history #entries #fill #changelog
  245. micromap-rawl

    Fork of Micromap https://github.com/yegor256/micromap, the fastest alternative to HashMap, for maps smaller than 20 keys

    v0.1.20250224 #key #maps #hash-map #micromap #smaller #github #fastest
  246. trie

    An ordered map and set based on a trie

    v0.2.1 #data-structures #ordered #set #map #github #cargo #root