
  1. prettyplease

    A minimal syn syntax tree pretty-printer

    v0.2.27 4.7M #syntax-tree #pretty-print #rustfmt #syn #generated #formatting #formatter
  2. wasi

    WASI API bindings for Rust

    v0.13.3+wasi-0.2.2 6.5M #api-bindings #wasm #wasm-module #webassembly #wit #generated #wit-bindgen
  3. fiat-crypto

    generated Rust

    v0.2.9 1.1M #fiat #cryptographic #primitive #coq #generated #extracted
  4. aws-smithy-runtime-api

    Smithy runtime types

    v1.7.3 1.0M #aws-smithy #aws-sdk #run-time #client #generated #client-server #generation
  5. expander

    Expands proc macro output to a file, to enable easier debugging

    v2.2.1 204K #proc-macro #macro-expansion #debugging #output #expand #generated #file
  6. swagger

    A set of common utilities for Rust code generated by OpenAPI Generator

    v7.0.0-rc1 4.8K #open-api #openapi-generator #generated #tags #push #cargo-toml #codegen
  7. aws-smithy-runtime

    The new smithy runtime crate

    v1.7.6 1.1M #aws-sdk #aws-smithy #run-time #client #generated #generator #generation
  8. protobuf-codegen

    Code generator for Rust Protocol Buffers bindings

    v4.30.0-beta1 425K #protobuf #buffer #generated #protocols #generator #protoc #generate
  9. conjure-error

    Runtime support for generated Conjure errors

    v4.5.0 #error #conjure #run-time #generated #serialization #standard-error #deserialize
  10. gleam

    Generated OpenGL bindings and wrapper for Servo

    v0.15.0 31K #opengl #servo #bindings #generated
  11. conjure-http

    HTTP interfaces for generated Conjure services

    v4.5.0 #http-interface #conjure #http-service #http-client #generated #run-time #client-server
  12. virtio-bindings

    Rust FFI bindings to virtio generated using bindgen

    v0.2.4 15K #virtio #bindings #generated #virtio-blk #bindgen
  13. conjure-object

    Runtime support for generated Conjure objects

    v4.5.0 160 #conjure #run-time #generated #object #re-exports #primitive #third-party
  14. sunspec

    1.1 compliant library with tokio support

    v0.8.0 300 #model #modbus-tcp #models #generated
  15. crc-catalog

    Catalog of CRC algorithms (generated from http://reveng.sourceforge.net/crc-catalogue) expressed as simple Rust structs

    v2.4.0 2.2M #crc #algorithm #catalog #structs #generated #sh #script
  16. billecta

    Generated Billecta API

    v1.8.0 160 #automatic #generated #secure-token #api #docs
  17. azure_svc_digitaltwins

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #service #future #api-bindings #operation #generated #azure-api
  18. lightweight-mmap

    memory mapping helpers for Rust, with minimal amount of code generated

    v0.6.0 390 #memory-mapping #mmap #amount #file #generated #helper #handles
  19. azure_mgmt_appcomplianceautomation

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #operation #api-bindings #generated #service #specification
  20. okta

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Okta API

    v0.7.1 1.5K #api-client #generated #user-agent #opinionated #access #customer #string
  21. azure_mgmt_alertsmanagement

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #microsoft-azure #resource-manager #generated #operations
  22. streamdal-protos

    Generated protobuf for rust used with streamdal/server components

    v0.1.57 130 #protobuf #data-streaming #generated #component #multi-language #protos #streamdal-server
  23. azure_mgmt_serialconsole

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #operations #service #generated #specification
  24. azure_mgmt_servicemap

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #service #api-bindings #microsoft-azure #generated #version
  25. azure_mgmt_migrateprojects

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #microsoft-azure #resource-manager #generated #version
  26. azure_mgmt_devops

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #devops #microsoft-azure #azure-api #api-bindings #generated #operations
  27. azure_mgmt_commerce

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #commerce #generated #resource-manager #service
  28. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-DLI

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241213 3.9K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-dli #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  29. azure_mgmt_powerbiprivatelinks

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #api-bindings #azure-api #generated #microsoft #service #api-version
  30. prettier-please

    A minimal syn syntax tree pretty-printer

    v0.3.0 9.0K #syntax-tree #rustfmt #pretty-print #syn #generated #formatter #formatting
  31. azure_mgmt_customproviders

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-api #azure-sdk #resource-manager #api-bindings #microsoft-azure #api-version #generated
  32. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-GaussDBforopenGauss

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241227 3.5K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-gaussdbforopengauss #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #specification #generated
  33. truck-modeling

    integrated modeling algorithms by geometry and topology

    v0.6.0 210 #truck #modeling #topology #graphics #cad #geometry #generated
  34. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-RDS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20250103 3.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-rds #huawei-cloud #api #definition #openapi #generated
  35. azure_mgmt_customerlockbox

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #microsoft-azure #api-bindings #generated #generated-bindings #specification
  36. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-LTS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241227 2.7K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-lts #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #spec #generated
  37. azure_mgmt_datacatalog

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #microsoft-azure #azure-api #azure-sdk #api-bindings #datacatalog #generated #specification
  38. huawei-inverter

    Interface to Huawei's inverter/battery modbus endpoints, generated from PDFs

    v0.10.0 2.3K #modbus #interface #huawei #endpoints #generated #pdf #inverter-battery
  39. azure_mgmt_managementpartner

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #microsoft-azure #api-bindings #generated #version #specification
  40. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ELB

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240816 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-elb #huawei-cloud #definition #api #openapi #generated #spec
  41. smart_task_openapi_axum

    No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

    v1.0.11 330 #openapi-generator #api #server #axum #generated #api-version #github
  42. bitwarden-api-identity

    Api bindings for the Bitwarden Identity API

    v1.0.0 10K #bitwarden #api-client #api-bindings #identity #openapi-generator #generated #sdk
  43. kafka_wire_protocol

    Generated implementation of Apache Kafka wire protocol

    v1.0.0 #version #protocols #kafka #message #client #generated #wire
  44. buck-resources

    Load resource paths from a resources.json produced by Buck

    v1.0.0 3.1K #resources #path #buck #json #system #generated #load
  45. rippling-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Rippling API

    v0.1.7 #api-client #rippling #user #generated #opinionated #platform #required
  46. shuttle-proto

    all the gRPC definitions used by shuttle

    v0.49.0 13K #grpc-api #shuttle #definition #generated #proto #protofiles #deployment
  47. azure_mgmt_professionalservice

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #microsoft-azure #api-bindings #operations #service #generated
  48. progenitor-client

    An OpenAPI client generator - client support

    v0.9.0 18K #open-api #client #generator #generated
  49. slack-chat-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Slack API

    v0.7.0 #slack #api-client #user #oauth #web-api #generated #user-agent
  50. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-WorkspaceApp

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240809 1.9K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-workspaceapp #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  51. leptosfmt-prettyplease

    A fork of David Tolnay's prettyplease that adds the ability to format single expressions

    v0.2.20 1.0K #syntax-tree #rustfmt #formatting #pretty-print #generated #formatter #output
  52. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CCI

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.2K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-cci #huawei-cloud #open-api #definition #spec #generated
  53. snitch-protos

    Generated protobuf for rust used with snitch components

    v0.0.114 800 #protobuf #multi-language #snitch #generated #component #protos #definition
  54. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CBR

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241227 2.5K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-cbr #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  55. azure_mgmt_networkanalytics

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #microsoft-azure #api-bindings #service #operation #generated
  56. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-OCR

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20250103 3.0K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ocr #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  57. googleplay-protobuf

    The automatically generated types derived from the Google Play Protobuf specification

    v2.1.0 650 #protobuf #play #google #automatic #generated #types #derived
  58. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-DBSS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241211 2.6K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-dbss #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  59. memos-api

    No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

    v0.3.0 #api-client #openapi-generator #generated #openapitools #version #github #com
  60. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-Octopus

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241227 2.4K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-octopus #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated
  61. p7m-alarm

    Rust bindings for the alarm API of P7M

    v0.2.1 #alarm #api-client #bindings #p7m #generator #openapi #generated
  62. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-BMS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241227 2.5K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-bms #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  63. bollard-next-stubs

    Stubs used for the Bollard rust async Docker client API

    v1.45.1-rc.26.0.1 410 #api-client #async-client #stub #bollard #api-version #data #generated
  64. subplotlib

    functions and types for subplot codegen generated Rust based test suites. Relies on subplotlib-derive for associated macros.

    v0.12.0 850 #test-suite #generated #subplot #codegen #suites #utilities #testing
  65. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-DSC

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241025 2.4K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-dsc #huawei-cloud #open-api #definition #generated
  66. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-GA

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241108 2.0K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ga #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated
  67. bon-sandbox

    Not a real crate! It’s just a showcase of examples used by bon’s documentation to demonstrate the rustdoc output for code generated by builder macros. Don’t use this crate, it…

    v3.3.2 440 #builder #derive-builder #docs #bon #dont #generated #demonstrate
  68. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-KPS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241129 2.3K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-kps #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #specification #generated
  69. gusto-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Gusto API

    v0.7.0 #api-client #gusto #client-token #generated #opinionated #service #client-secret
  70. ceresdbproto

    Protobuf specs for CeresDB

    v1.0.23 2.2K #protobuf #ceres-db #buffer #protocols #client #generated #specs
  71. simulink-rs

    Simulink C to Rust library builder

    v4.0.2 100 #simulink #builder #bindings #cargo-build #import #generated #name
  72. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-OMS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240823 2.0K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-oms #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  73. google-calendar

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Google Calendar API

    v0.7.0 330 #api-client #calendar #google #events #client-token #google-api #generated
  74. hubspot-contacts

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Hubspot Contacts API

    v0.1.2 210 #api-client #contact #hubspot #generated #opinionated #user-agent #env-vars
  75. sonarr-api-rs

    Rust API wrapper for Sonarr

    v3.0.0 #api-client #sonarr #api-bindings #generator #language #open-api #generated
  76. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CodeArtsArtifact

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240830 1.8K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-codeartsartifact #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  77. mayachain_rs

    Mayanode REST API

    v1.113.0 370 #version #rest #generated #was #mayanode #api-version #client
  78. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CloudPond

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240924 1.6K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-cloudpond #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #generated
  79. hubspot-users

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Hubspot Users API

    v0.1.1 #user #api-client #hubspot #generated #opinionated #manage #account
  80. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-IoTAnalytics

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-iotanalytics #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated
  81. parol_runtime

    Runtime library for parsers generated by the 'parol' parser generator

    v2.0.0 500 #parser-generator #run-time #lalr-parser #grammar #parser #parol #generated
  82. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-DRIS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-dris #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #specification #generated
  83. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-RMS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.0K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-rms #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated
  84. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-MAS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-mas #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated
  85. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-EC

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ec #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  86. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CloudIDE

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-cloudide #huawei-cloud #api #definition #openapi #spec #generated
  87. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CodeCheck

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-codecheck #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  88. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-UGO

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ugo #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated
  89. azure_mgmt_mobilepacketcore

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #azure #azure-sdk #service #generated #version #tags
  90. ramp-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Ramp API

    v0.7.0 #api-client #client-token #card #ramp #generated #opinionated #refresh-token
  91. thanix_client

    A netbox API client used as a reference for the Nazara project. Generated from the schema of https://demo.netbox.dev/

    v2.2.3 #api-client #netbox #generated #schema #reference #thanix #dev
  92. fxoanda

    conduct currency conversion with the Oanda API

    v0.2.0 #client #api-client #currency #oanda #conversion #generated #definition
  93. kctf

    A fast asynchronous library and cli to solve (or generate) proof-of-work challenges generated using the kctf scheme

    v1.0.1 #challenge #generated #scheme #generate #proof-of-work #cli #asynchronous
  94. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ImageSearch

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240607 2.2K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-imagesearch #huawei-cloud #open-api #definition #generated
  95. sqly

    A lightweight macro system on top of sqlx

    v0.3.1 #sql-query #compile-time #macro #sqlx #top #system #generated
  96. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-Image

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240524 2.5K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-image #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #spec #generated
  97. bollard-buildkit-proto

    Protobuf definitions to interact with buildkit using Bollard

    v0.5.0 900 #buildkit #protobuf #generated #bollard #docker #proto #output
  98. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CGS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-cgs #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated
  99. swift-package

    Cargo plugin and library for building Apple Swift Packages

    v0.1.0 170 #swift #packages #cargo #building #cargo-subcommand #framework #generated
  100. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-PanguLargeModels

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-pangulargemodels #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  101. cxx-qt-gen

    Code generation for integrating cxx-qt into higher level tools

    v0.7.0 430 #cxx-qt #generation #higher-level #integrating #generated #methods #token-stream
  102. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-VAS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.2K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-vas #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #generated #specification
  103. dependency_lister

    Tools to list dependencies from .d files generated by clang or GCC

    v1.0.1 260 #clang #generated #gcc #read #listed #directory #error
  104. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-SIS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-sis #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  105. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-OA

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-oa #huawei-cloud #api #definition #openapi #spec #generated
  106. fleet-api-rs

    Fleet API structures generated by kopium from upstream CRDs

    v0.11.2 800 #crd #fleet #upstream #generated #structures #kopium #api
  107. azure_mgmt_informatica

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure #azure-sdk #operation #informatica #tags #rest #generated
  108. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-APIExplorer

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-apiexplorer #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated
  109. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-DSS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.2K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-dss #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated
  110. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-MapDS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.1K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-mapds #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated
  111. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CMS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 2.0K #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-cms #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #generated #spec
  112. macon_api

    builder macro-based generator with its own idioms

    v1.3.0 2.4K #builder #macro #macro-based #api #generator #generated #own
  113. azure_mgmt_programmableconnectivity

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #rest #tags #generated
  114. textnonce

    Text based random nonce generator

    v1.0.0 5.8K #nonce #random #id #session #generated #concepts #numbers
  115. azure_mgmt_edgezones

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #generated #api-bindings #tags #operations #azure-api #service
  116. azure_mgmt_terraform

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure #azure-sdk #generated #terraform #rest #azure-api #operation
  117. azure_mgmt_fabric

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure #azure-sdk #operation #fabric #rest #azure-api #generated
  118. dolladollabills

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Stripe API

    v0.7.0 #stripe #api-key #generated #details #api-client #set #string
  119. azure_mgmt_computeschedule

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #operation #azure #azure-sdk #rest #generated #azure-api #unofficial
  120. cluster-api-rs

    Cluster API structures generated by kopium from upstream CRDs

    v1.9.3 1.2K #kubernetes-cluster #resources #define #crd #generated #structures #upstream
  121. azure_svc_apicenter

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure #azure-sdk #version #azure-api #specification #generated #rest
  122. azure_mgmt_machinelearningcompute

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.20.0 #azure-api #azure-sdk #api-bindings #service #specification #operation #generated
  123. thorchain_rs

    Thornode REST API

    v2.137.3 180 #version #rest #generated #was #thornode #api-version
  124. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-KVS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241108 750 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-kvs #huawei-cloud #api #definition #openapi #spec #generated
  125. azure_mgmt_liftrneon

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure #azure-sdk #rest #tags #generated #azure-api #operation
  126. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-GEIP

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240404 750 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-geip #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #generated
  127. azure_mgmt_healthdataaiservices

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #microsoft #operation #service #generated #tags
  128. azure_mgmt_verifiedid

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure #azure-sdk #rest #generated #tags #azure-api #operation
  129. azure_svc_trustedsigning

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure-sdk #microsoft-azure #azure-api #generated #api-bindings #specification #service
  130. manticore-openapi

    Сlient for Manticore Search

    v0.1.1 #search #api-client #manticore #generator #open-api #generated #remote
  131. print-nanny-client

    Official Print Nanny Rust API Client

    v0.10.0 #print-nanny #api-client #remote #open-api #com #generated
  132. parquet-format

    Apache Parquet Format - thrift definition and generated Rust file

    v4.0.0 13K #parquet #hadoop #format #file-format #thrift #apache #generated
  133. azure_mgmt_contosowidgetmanager

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.21.0 #azure #azure-sdk #rest #azure-api #generated #tags #operation
  134. dvdread-rs

    Rust bindings for libdvdread

    v0.2.0 280 #bindings #libdvdread #build #automatic #safe #methods #generated
  135. ydb-grpc

    contains generated low-level grpc code from YDB API protobuf, used as base for ydb crate

    v0.1.0 #grpc #protobuf #generated #sdk #grpc-api #ydb #proto
  136. tripactions

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the TripActions API

    v0.7.0 170 #api-client #client-token #client-id #data #generated #client-secret #opinionated
  137. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-IAMAccessAnalyzer

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240802 220 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-iamaccessanalyzer #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated #spec
  138. rippling-base-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Rippling Base API

    v0.1.0 #api-client #rippling #base #integration #generated #api-integration #company
  139. nkv_spec

    Cap'n Proto generated files for nkv

    v0.1.2 130 #specification #proto #generated #nkv #key-value #notify #capnp
  140. giphy-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Giphy API

    v0.7.0 #api-client #giphy #generated #opinionated #user #api-service #search
  141. wee-woo

    Wanted: Handy error-related utilities

    v0.1.0 160 #handy #utilities #error-related #click #documentation #generated #branch
  142. lexgen_util

    Runtime library for lexers generated by lexgen

    v0.16.0 5.4K #lexer #run-time #lexgen #generated #compiler
  143. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-IdentityCenterStore

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241025 120 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-identitycenterstore #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #generated
  144. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-OrgID

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 600 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-orgid #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #generated #spec
  145. rdfmt

    Reviewdog Diagnostic Format Rust Library

    v0.3.0 #diagnostics #reviewdog #json-schema #format #generated #proto #rd-format
  146. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-DataArtsFabric

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241220 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-dataartsfabric #definition #api #cloud #spec #generated #open-api #huawei
  147. gecs

    A generated entity component system

    v0.3.0 160 #ecs #entity #archetypes #component #compile-time #world #generated
  148. argentum_user_rest

    Argentum User component API

    v0.2.6 #argentum #open-api #component #specification #generated #was #api-server
  149. oxide-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Oxide API

    v0.1.0-rc.41 110 #api-client #oxide #control-plane #user-agent #opinionated #generated #credentials
  150. cargo-asm

    A cargo subcommand that displays the generated assembly of Rust source code

    v0.1.16 700 #assembly #llvm-ir #cargo-subcommand #source #generated #optimization #display
  151. microcad-export

    µcad export

    v0.1.0 #export #exporter #µcad #traits #microcad #mesh #generated
  152. type-sitter-lib

    code for type-sitter generated / downstream code

    v0.6.0 700 #tree-sitter #type-sitter #generated #downstream #query #generate #typed
  153. tcp-struct

    Share structs over tcp

    v0.3.1 #structs #tcp #async-tcp #share #client #generated #identifier
  154. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-ocv2x

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240402 140 #huawei-cloud #api #open-api #definition #generated
  155. sapling-lazystr

    Thin abstraction for maybe lazily generated str

    v0.1.0 #thin #lazily #str #generated #maybe #abstraction #control
  156. aws-smithy-cbor

    CBOR utilities for smithy-rs

    v0.60.8 13K #cbor #aws-sdk #aws-smithy #deserialize #serialization #generated #clients
  157. rust-lcm-codec

    Rust support for reading and writing the LCM data format

    v0.2.1 #lcm #data #format #reading #generated #encoded #rpc
  158. retrofit

    Automatically generate REST APIs for functions

    v0.4.0 #generate #rocket #automatic #generated #post #routes #functions
  159. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-CraftArtsIPDCenter

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241115 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-craftartsipdcenter #huawei-cloud #openapi #generated #specification #definition
  160. state_machine_parser

    The parser based on state machine generated by EBNF rules

    v0.1.0 #state-machine #ebnf #rules #generated #parser #token
  161. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-SMSApi

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241129 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-smsapi #definition #api #cloud #open-api #generated #spec #huawei
  162. asts

    v0.6.6 950 #bam #aligned #smc #subreads #generated
  163. tierkreis-proto

    Protobuf generated crate for the tierkreis quantum-classical hybrid workflow orchestration tool

    v0.1.0 150 #workflow #hybrid #generated #orchestration #tierkreis #run-time #message
  164. exoscale

    A client implementation for the exoscale API generated using openapi-generator

    v2.1.0 #service #access #api-client #generated #open-api #version #automation
  165. penumbra-sdk-proto

    Bindings and extension traits for Penumbra protobufs

    v0.82.0-alpha.0 #validation #generated #byte #protobuf #define #traits #proto
  166. benchling

    client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v5.0.0 #client #schema #id #open-api #name #registry #generated
  167. sendgrid2

    Sendgrid client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v4.0.0 #client #sendgrid #open-api #generated #spec
  168. risc0-circuit-keccak-sys

    Generated HAL code for keccak cicuit

    v1.2.1-rc.0 190 #risc0 #keccak #generated #hal #cicuit #zero-knowledge #risc-v
  169. klox_models

    Models for klox generated from avro schemas

    v0.1.0 #avro-schema #models #generated #klox
  170. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-MaStudio

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20241129 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-mastudio #definition #api #cloud #open-api #spec #generated #huawei
  171. bsac-api-client

    No description provided (generated by Openapi Generator https://github.com/openapitools/openapi-generator)

    v1.0.0 #api-client #openapi-generator #generated #time-table #openapitools #api-version #github
  172. chesscom-openapi

    OpenAPI-generated API client bindings for Chess.com

    v0.1.1 #chess #api-client #com #open-api #bindings #generated #api-bindings
  173. komga

    REST API Client generated from OpenAPI specification

    v1.9.2 #api-client #comics #open-api #basic-authentication #http-client #read #generated
  174. dfhack-proto

    Generated code from the DFHack API

    v0.9.0 #dwarf-fortress #api-bindings #protobuf #remote #df-hack #plugin #generated
  175. lpc13xx-pac

    Device support crates for LPC13XX-PAC devices

    v0.2.1 #api #information #generated
  176. murdock-api

    Murdock OpenAPI generated code

    v1.0.0 #api-client #open-api #generated #murdock
  177. fp-bindgen-support

    Support crate for fp-bindgen

    v3.0.0 120 #wasm-plugin #fp-bindgen #bindings #generated #generated-bindings #interact
  178. mongo-task-generator

    Dynamically split evergreen tasks into subtasks for testing the mongodb/mongo project

    v0.6.5 #task #testing #mongo-db #parallel-testing #generated #generate #evergreen
  179. machinery-api

    Generated API types for The Machinery game engine

    v0.5.0 #game-engine #machinery #api #type #generated
  180. icon_sets

    Generated icon data

    v0.3.0 #icons #svg-icons #generated #data #design #gg #feather
  181. clox_models

    Rust models generated from avsc files

    v0.1.0 #models #avsc #generated
  182. postman-api

    Postman client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v2.0.0 #client #postman #open-api #spec #generated #model #description
  183. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-IoTDM

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240809 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-iotdm #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #spec #generated
  184. css-sys

    Raw types generated from the CSS specifications

    v0.1.3 #css #html-css #specification #generated
  185. pvm-bindings

    Rust FFI bindings to pvm generated using bindgen

    v0.1.0 #pvm #bindings #generated #bindgen
  186. wedpr_s_protos

    WeDPR protobuf definitions and their generated code

    v1.5.0 #definition #generated #protobuf #we-dpr
  187. swarmd_generated

    # Introduction blblbllb

    v0.1.1-alpha.3 #api-client #open-api #swarmd #generated #remote #generate #client-server
  188. wasm-bindgen-downcast

    Downcast a JavaScript wrapper generated by wasm-bindgen back to its original struct

    v0.1.1 1.9K #wasm-bindgen #struct #back #generated #original #javascript #solution
  189. machine-check-common

    formal verification tool machine-check

    v0.3.1 #formal-verification #machine-check #communication #generated #programs #compatibility #tool
  190. twilio-rs

    Twilio client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.1 #twilio #open-api #spec #generated #client #model #page
  191. max3263x

    svd2rust generated peripheral crate for the max3263x

    v0.5.0 #api #generated #svd2rust
  192. k8s-crds-traefik

    Kubernetes CRDs for Traefik

    v0.7.1 240 #define #kubernetes #traefik #crd #types #generated #automatic
  193. openai-tribe-rs

    APIs for sampling from and fine-tuning language models

    v1.1.0 #language-model #api-client #sampling #generate #fine-tuning #documentation #generated
  194. harvest-api

    Harvest client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v5.0.0 #client #generated #open-api #spec #harvest
  195. azure_svc_cosmosdb

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.7.0 #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #generated #cosmos-db #service #version
  196. userspace-rng

    secure randomness with entropy generated in userspace

    v1.0.3 #operating-system #entropy #secure-random #userspace #numbers #randomness #generated
  197. recurly

    client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v48.0.0 #generated #open-api #spec #model #order #tokio #sorting
  198. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  199. openai2

    OpenAi client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v2.0.0 #openai #open-api #spec #generated #client #model #open-ai-client
  200. primer-api

    primer client, generated from the OpenAPI spec

    v2.0.0 #client-token #spec #open-api #generated #primer #model #primer-client
  201. stb_rect_pack

    Wrapper over stb_rect_pack_sys, offering a cleaner abstraction than the bindgen generated interface

    v0.3.0 1.2K #pack #rect #stb #abstraction #interface #generated #bindgen
  202. iana-media-types

    Media types generated from IANA

    v0.1.2 #media #iana #type #csv #generated
  203. pve

    Proxmox VE API client, generated from the official JSONSchema spec

    v0.1.0 #proxmox #json-schema #api-client #ve #spec #generated
  204. openai-lib

    APIs for sampling from and fine-tuning language models

    v0.1.0 #model #language-model #api #openai #sampling #generated #api-client
  205. cflp

    A context-free-language parser generated by procedural macros

    v1.0.2 #context-free #macro-derive #proc-macro #language #node #generated #traits
  206. printnanny-asyncapi-models

    PritnNanny AsyncAPI Rust models generated by Modelina

    v0.5.0 160 #models #async-api #print-nanny #generated #specification #modelina #pritn-nanny
  207. printnanny-octoprint-models

    PritnNanny OctoPrint AsyncAPI Rust models generated by Modelina

    v0.1.9 #async-api #print-nanny #models #octo-print #generated #modelina #specification
  208. gen_layouts_sys

    Generated keyboard layouts

    v0.3.0 #keyboard-layout #hid #generated #virtual #key #key-code #extract
  209. azure_svc_codesigning

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.17.0 #azure #azure-sdk #azure-api #api-bindings #generated #service #versions
  210. makepad-windows


    v0.51.1 #win32 #foundation #api #windows #windows-system #present #generated
  211. index-map

    A map with automatically generated usizes as keys

    v0.1.0 120 #map #key #automatic #generated #contiguous-memory #key-value #index
  212. hvcg_iam_openapi_identity

    API for identity

    v0.1.6 #server #server-client #api-server #identity #generated #api-client #http-request
  213. ib_client

    an async Interactive Broker Client Portal Web API generated by openapi generator with reqwest

    v1.0.0 #api #generated #web-api #endpoint #generator #openapi #openapi-generator
  214. azure_mgmt_storagetasks

    generated REST API bindings

    v0.17.0 #azure-sdk #operation #azure-api #bindings #tags #api-bindings #generated
  215. k8s-crds-longhorn

    Kubernetes CRDs for Longhorn

    v0.7.1 110 #longhorn #kubernetes #crd #define #automatic #generated #types
  216. sdc_apis

    SecretFlow Data Capsule apis proto generated Rust

    v0.3.0-hyper-dev20241119 130 #api #secret-flow #capsule #generated #proto #data #definition
  217. mayda_codec

    Separate compilation unit for functions generated by mayda_macros

    v0.1.4 #integer-compression #mayda #array #decompression #speed #compilation #generated
  218. tinkoff-api

    generated by openapi-generator for rust

    v1.0.0 #api #generated #api-client #tinkoff #openapi-generator #api-version
  219. fomu-pac

    svd2rust generated pac for the fomu

    v0.0.3 #svd #pac #generated #svd2rust #fomu #version #git
  220. front-api

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the Front API

    v0.0.2 120 #api-client #front #generated #opinionated #user #set #string
  221. ambient_project_rt

    Runtime support for code generated by the Ambient project macro

    v0.2.1 230 #ambient #run-time #game-engine #generated #macro #wasm
  222. mergekmer

    A small tools to merge output generated by fastkmers

    v0.1.2 #output #merge #fastkmers #generated #github #com-angelovangel-fastkmers
  223. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-IdentityCenterSCIM

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240412 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-identitycenterscim #huawei-cloud #definition #api #openapi #specification #generated
  224. huawei-cloud-api-definitions-VIAS

    Huawei Cloud API definitions, generated from OpenAPI spec

    v0.1.20240705 #huawei-cloud-api-definitions-vias #huawei-cloud #api #definition #open-api #specification #generated
  225. zngur-generator

    Generates Rust and C++ glue codes from the zng file

    v0.4.0 2.0K #interop #glue #codes #generate #zngur #generated #tool
  226. cargo-minify

    A cargo utility to automatically remove unused code from a Rust project

    v0.5.0 #unused #remove #cargo #generated #minify #generated-bindings #aimed
  227. pddl-ish-parser

    parsing a relaxed version of the Planning Domain Definition Language (PDDL), designed to handle PDDL-like inputs generated by autoregressive language models like ChatGPT

    v0.0.4 #language-model #parser #pddl #planning #domain #input #generated
  228. craydate-sys

    Rust bindings for the Playdate hand held gaming system's C API, generated with bindgen

    v0.1.3 #playdate #hand #gaming #api #held #panic #generated
  229. solace-rs-sys

    Solace binding generated by bindgen

    v1.1.0 #messaging #solace #bindings #solace-rs #level #low #generated
  230. rthrift

    Rust bindings for the Apache Thrift RPC system

    v0.11.0 #thrift #protocols #transport #error #rpc #service #generated
  231. tokio-etcd-grpc-client

    containing the generated protobufs/clients for tokio-etcd. Not recommended for direct use.

    v0.1.0 #generated #tokio-etcd #protobufs-clients
  232. keystring_generator

    generate rust code with hierarchical string constants from simple file formats

    v0.1.2 #hierarchical #generated #string #constants #file-format #input-file #generate
  233. k8s-crds-system-upgrade-controller

    Kubernetes CRDs for system-upgrade-controller

    v0.7.1 160 #kubernetes #crd #automatic #generated #system-upgrade-controller #intended #kube-rs
  234. cargo-external-doc

    add long text articles to your crate's documentation

    v0.2.0 #documentation #markdown #cargo-docs #article #rustdoc #long #generated