
  1. uefi

    makes it easy to develop Rust software that leverages safe, convenient, and performant abstractions for UEFI functionality

    v0.34.1 37K #memory-map #firmware #boot #efi #services #api-bindings #abstraction
  2. r-efi

    UEFI Reference Specification Protocol Constants and Definitions

    v5.2.0 78K #uefi #firmware #specification #efi #boot
  3. at51

    Some applications for reverse engineering 8051 firmware

    v1.1.1 440 #reverse-engineering #firmware #load #8051 #applications #opcode #file
  4. updatehub-package-schema

    UpdateHub Packages metadata schemas

    v2.1.5 #update #embedded-devices #schema #metadata #package-metadata #firmware #update-hub
  5. ovmf-prebuilt

    download and cache OVMF prebuilt binaries

    v0.2.2 2.8K #pre-built #firmware #prebuilt #ovmf #edk2
  6. ch57x-keyboard-tool

    Command-line tool for programming ch57x keyboard

    v1.5.2 #keyboard-firmware #keyboard #command-line-tool #firmware #ch57x #keyboard-layout #keypad
  7. agesafetch

    obtaining your firmware's embedded AGESA version on Linux

    v1.1.0 100 #firmware #amd #memory #agesa
  8. updatehub-cloud-sdk

    API for interacting with the UpdateHub Cloud

    v2.1.4 200 #update #embedded-devices #firmware #update-hub #cloud #embedded-linux #firmware-updates
  9. updatehub-sdk

    UpdateHub SDK used to interact with a running instance of the UpdateHub Agent

    v2.1.4 180 #embedded-devices #embedded-linux #update #firmware #firmware-updates #agent #update-hub
  10. embassy-boot

    A lightweight bootloader supporting firmware updates in a power-fail-safe way, with trial boots and rollbacks

    v0.4.0 490 #bootloader #firmware #update #embedded #partition #applications #trial
  11. zfi

    Zero-cost and safe interface to UEFI firmware

    v0.2.0 150 #uefi #interface #firmware #safe #image #zero-cost #api
  12. droid-juicer

    Extract firmware from Android vendor partitions

    v0.4.0 170 #firmware #android #partition #linux-kernel #extract #devices #vendor
  13. mu_pi

    Platform Initialization (PI) Specification definitions and support code in Rust

    v5.2.1 310 #uefi #pi #firmware #mu
  14. rockusb

    Rockchip usb protocol host implementation

    v0.2.0 170 #usb-device #usb-host #protocols #rockchip #devices #firmware #libusb
  15. prinThor

    The highly reliable but not necessarily functional 3D Printer firmware

    v0.0.3 #printhor #firmware #printing #cnc #hardware-abstraction #integration-tests #3d #reliable
  16. rp2040-flash

    Support for writing the flash memory of the Raspberry Silicon RP2040

    v0.6.0 450 #rp2040 #flash #firmware #memory #silicon #helper #functions
  17. drone-cortexm

    ARM® Cortex®-M platform crate for Drone, an Embedded Operating System

    v0.14.1 140 #operating-system #bare-metal #arm #embedded #rtos #firmware #cortex
  18. binwalk

    Analyzes data for embedded file types

    v3.1.0 1.1K #firmware #analysis #file #embedded-file #tool #data #types
  19. meshtastic_protobufs

    Meshtastic Protobuf definitions

    v2.6.0 180 #devices #protobuf #message #definition #meshtastic #firmware #apps
  20. nrf-dfu-target

    Nordic nRF DFU protocol for devices

    v0.3.2 290 #dfu #nrf #nordic #protocols #firmware #ble #usb
  21. libpower

    containing algorithms commonly used in power electronics systems, targeted for use in embedded systems

    v0.1.2 330 #embedded-systems #electronics #micro-controller #firmware #library #embedded
  22. autd3-emulator

    autd3 emulator for calculating sound field, emulation of firmware, etc

    v30.0.1 700 #autd #autd3 #sound #emulation #firmware #field #calculating
  23. poststation-fw-icd

    The firmware interface definition for Poststation

    v0.4.0 120 #definition #poststation #interface #information #firmware #postcard-rpc #reserved
  24. autd3-firmware-emulator

    AUTD3 firmware emulator

    v30.0.1 1.2K #autd3 #firmware #autd #emulation
  25. quick-flash

    Flash centrally hosted firmware binaries with one command

    v0.3.2 #firmware #object-storage #binaries #debug-probes #flash #debugging #flashing
  26. r-efi-alloc

    UEFI Memory Allocator Integration

    v1.0.0 63K #uefi #memory-management #firmware #memory #alloc #efi
  27. firmware-controller

    Controller to decouple interactions between components in a no_std environment

    v0.1.0 #controller #interaction #firmware #component #environment #field #signal
  28. system76_ectool

    System76 EC tool

    v0.3.8 210 #ec #laptop #firmware #system76 #controller #keyboard-layout #debugging
  29. renode-run

    Run embedded programs in the renode emulator

    v0.2.0 #env-vars #renode #cargo #firmware #cargo-toml #emulator #runner
  30. dyspxkrypt-libuefi

    Raw bindings of UEFI that conforms to the definitions of the UEFI Specification

    v0.6.3 850 #uefi #efi #firmware #operating-system #interface #specification #bare-metal
  31. rktk-cli

    CLI for RKTK

    v0.1.0 #rktk #firmware #cli #building #keyboard #help #detail
  32. trussed

    Modern Cryptographic Firmware

    v0.1.0 #security #firmware #cryptography #modern #applications #documentation #write
  33. bmputil

    Black Magic Probe Firmware Manager

    v0.1.3 #firmware #black #magic #probe #debugging #debug-probes #dfu
  34. modem_updater

    updating nRF91 modem firmware

    v0.1.0 120 #modem #firmware #updater #nrf91 #updating #feather #nrf9160
  35. drone-core

    The core crate for Drone, an Embedded Operating System

    v0.14.3 180 #rtos #firmware #bare-metal #real-time #operating-system #async
  36. wasefire-stub

    Stubs for the Wasefire applet API

    v0.1.5 290 #wasefire #stub #firmware #applet #framework #api #security
  37. zfi-testing

    UEFI testing framework

    v0.1.0 #uefi #firmware #testing #framework #test-framework #interface #safe
  38. srec

    Parsing and generating Motorola S-record (SRECORD/SREC) files

    v0.2.0 1.9K #firmware #motorola #srecord
  39. bmfw

    CLI tool to unpack Blackmagic device firmware (ATEM, Web Presenter, etc.)

    v0.1.1 #firmware #blackmagic #tool #devices #unpack #web #atem
  40. google/nrf52840_mdk_dfu

    OpenSK is an open-source implementation for security keys written in Rust that supports both FIDO U2F and FIDO2 standards

    GitHub 0.1.0 #security-key #firmware #open-sk #fido2 #u2f #fido #standards
  41. nrfdfu

    A flashing tool for the nRF bootloader

    v0.1.3 #nrf #bootloader #flashing #firmware #elf-file #microcontrollers #nordic
  42. wasefire-board-api

    Wasefire board API

    v0.8.0 #interface #wasefire #framework #api #board #firmware #iot
  43. drogue-ajour-protocol

    A firmware update protocol designed for embedded devices

    v0.6.0 #embedded-devices #firmware #dfu #ota #embedded
  44. kll-core

    KLL state-machine implementation focused on no_std embedded/bare-metal targets

    v0.1.8 #state-machine #keyboard #keyboard-layout #embedded #bare-metal #firmware #embedded-devices
  45. drone-cortex-m

    ARM® Cortex®-M platform crate for Drone, an Embedded Operating System

    v0.11.1 #arm #rtos #bare-metal #firmware #cortex #operating-system #embedded
  46. ftab-dump

    Dumps files from 'rkos' ftab firmware images found in Apple micro-devices

    v1.0.3 #apple #firmware #dump #image #devices #rkos #micro-devices
  47. google/nrf52840_dongle_dfu

    OpenSK is an open-source implementation for security keys written in Rust that supports both FIDO U2F and FIDO2 standards

    GitHub 0.1.0 #security-key #firmware #hardware #fido2 #u2f #open-sk #fido
  48. robokit

    Build custom firmware for simple robotic automation

    v0.3.0 #firmware #automation #cnc #robot #machine #control-system #action
  49. amico-firmware

    The firmware of the Amico AI Agent Framework

    v0.1.0 140 #agent #framework #firmware #ai #amico #autonomous
  50. gbl

    GBL firmware file handling library

    v0.3.1 #firmware #ota #upgrade #flash #image #command-line-tool
  51. kbrain

    The brain for K-Scale's humanoid robots

    v0.1.0 #robot #brain #k-scale #humanoid #welcome #configurable #firmware
  52. foundation-firmware

    Foundation Devices, Inc. Passport Firmware image parser. This provides a command-line tool to verify the signatures of a Passport firmware and also a #[no_std] library to parse the firmware images.

    v0.2.0 #firmware #devices #passport #foundation #image #signature-verification #parser
  53. oreboot/oreboot-cpu

    oreboot is a fork of coreboot, with C removed, written in Rust

    GitHub 0.1.0 #risc-v #oreboot #firmware #bootloader #qemu #fork #coreboot
  54. ads7924

    no_std driver for the ADS7924 external analog-to-digital converter (ADC)

    v0.2.0 #adc #converter #driver #external #booster #firmware #analog-to-digital
  55. drone-svd

    CMSIS-SVD parser for Drone, an Embedded Operating System

    v0.14.0 260 #real-time #rtos #bare-metal #firmware #framework #operating-system #embedded
  56. bose-dfu

    Firmware updater for various Bose devices

    v1.1.0 #devices #dfu #firmware #usb #bose #updater #protocols
  57. drone-stm32

    Drone for STM32

    v0.8.3 #stm32 #drone #microcontrollers #operating-system #async #firmware #instructions
  58. rpi-mailbox

    An interface of the mailbox which is a low level interface of the RaspberryPi

    v0.3.0 #raspberry-pi #interface #mailbox #low-level #arm #firmware #communication
  59. keyberon

    Parse command line argument by defining a struct

    v0.1.1 #keyboard-firmware #keyboard #firmware #usb-device
  60. fwsig

    A specification (and tools) for firmware signing / verification

    v0.2.1 #firmware #signature #manifest #verification #specification #applications #packaging
  61. escw-mcu

    Embedded software C wrapper of MCU

    v0.1.0 #mcu #peripheral #uart #gpio #interface #firmware #embedded
  62. imxrt1062-fcb-gen

    Generate Firmware Configuration Block (FCB) for iMXRT1062 processors in Rust build scripts. This crate is unmaintained. Consider using imxrt-boot-gen…

    v0.1.1 #build-script #firmware #imxrt1062 #configuration #fcb #block #processor
  63. libbmfw

    Unpack Blackmagic device firmware (ATEM, Web Presenter, etc.)

    v0.1.1 #firmware #atem #blackmagic #devices #unpack #web #presenter
  64. pop-os/firmware-manager

    Generic framework and GTK UI for firmware updates from system76-firmware and fwupd, written in Rust

    GitHub 0.1.5 #firmware #widgets #gtk #manager #update #applications #devices
  65. keebrs

    Keyboard firmware building blocks

    v0.3.0 #keyboard #traits #types #blocks #building #firmware #keyboard-firmware
  66. pop-os/system76-firmware

    System76 Firmware Tool and Daemon

    GitHub 1.0.69 #update #firmware #package #systemd #command-line-tool #system76 #cli
  67. drone-riscv

    RISC-V platform crate for Drone, an Embedded Operating System

    v0.14.0 #risc-v #rtos #bare-metal #firmware #operating-system #embedded
  68. ftabutil

    work with ftab (aka rkosftab) files

    v0.2.0 #apple #firmware #ftab #parser #file-format #file-content
  69. elf2nucleus

    Flash an AVR firmware from an elf file with micronucleus

    v0.1.0 #elf-file #avr #firmware #flashing #micronucleus #flash #cargo
  70. emstr

    Helpers for working with string types for embedded devices

    v0.2.0 #string #embedded-devices #helper #firmware #types #encoding #write
  71. dasharo_ectool

    Dasharo EC tool

    v0.3.8 #ec #firmware #system76 #keyboard-layout #controller #debugging #tool
  72. sdvx-controller-firmware

    Firmware for an open-source Sound Voltex controller

    v1.2.0 #firmware #controller #sound #micro-controller #voltex #usb #input
  73. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  74. grapple-lasercan

    Grapple Robotics' LaserCAN

    v2024.2.1 #robotics #firmware #grapple #bootloader #laser-can #board #source
  75. nitrokey3

    Client library for Nitrokey 3 devices

    v0.3.0 #nitrokey #devices #command #firmware #client
  76. pldm-fw

    Platform Level Data Model (PLDM) for Firmware Update library and utilities

    v0.1.0 #update #firmware #pldm #utilities #platform #model #level
  77. evic

    Command-line utility for encrypting and decrypting firmware for the eVic-VTC Mini

    v0.1.1 #firmware #mini #command-line-tool #utility #encrypting #decrypting #path
  78. romulan

    parsing a number of firmware images

    v0.1.1 #numbers #image #firmware #parser
  79. r-efi-string

    UEFI String Types and Converters

    v0.1.0 #string #uefi #efi #unicode #firmware
  80. admin-app

    Administrative Trussed app for SoloKeys Solo 2 security keys

    v0.1.0 #security-key #trussed #firmware #solo #solo-keys #administrative #interface
  81. kiibohd-hid-io-ffi

    FFI HID-IO protocol implementation for the C kiibohd firmware. Device Cortex-M implementation

    v0.1.0 #hid-io #kiibohd #firmware #cortex-m #devices #command-interface #protocols
  82. atwinc1500

    A pure Rust, host driver for the Atwinc1500

    v0.1.0 #driver #wifi #pure #host #read #firmware #connect
  83. stm32-bootloader-client

    communicating with the STM32 system bootloader

    v0.1.0 #stm32 #bootloader #i2c #communicating #firmware #flash #system
  84. pop-os/system76-firmware-daemon

    System76 Firmware Tool and Daemon

    GitHub 0.1.0 #firmware #package #update #command-line-tool #cli #daemon #dbus
  85. k8055_rs

    Cross platform driver code for the Velleman K8055 kit

    v0.1.0 #k8055 #velleman #firmware #cross-platform
  86. kiibohd-core-ffi

    FFI package for kiibohd-core

    v0.1.0 #kiibohd #firmware #interface #kiibohd-core #platform #import #single
  87. asm2x6xtool

    configuration and firmware management for ASM2x6x chips

    v0.1.0 #asm2x6x #chips #management #firmware
  88. owl_midi

    Bindings for OWL firmware FFI

    v0.4.5 #midi #ffi #owl #bindings #firmware
  89. esp8266-at-driver

    Driver for the espressif esp8266 at command firmware

    v0.4.0 #driver #firmware #esp8266 #command #version #espressif
  90. drgdfu

    A DFU update tool and library for devices with DFU capabilities

    v0.6.0 #dfu #firmware #ble #ota #iot
  91. taco

    automatically download and decrypt 64 bits iOS firmware images

    v0.1.3 #decryption #download #firmware #ios #image #bits #automatic
  92. neotron-bmc-commands

    Commands that are supported by the Neotron BMC

    v0.2.0 #neotron #command #firmware #controller #management #board #interrupt
  93. awair-local-api

    A small Rust binding for the Awair Local API

    v0.1.0 #api #local #awair #binding #devices #firmware
  94. rak811-at-driver

    Driver for the RAK811 at command firmware

    v0.2.0 #driver #firmware #rak811 #command #adapter #version #networking
  95. drone-stm32-svd

    Drone for STM32 bindings generator

    v0.8.3 #drone #stm32 #bindings-generator #arm #bare-metal #firmware #embedded
  96. d3xs-firmware

    Physical access control (firmware)

    v0.1.0 #access-control #firmware #micro-controller #esp32-c3 #physical #iot #security
  97. espota-server

    serves firmware for flashing with the ESP8266 Arduino updater or NoFUSS

    v0.3.0 #firmware #server #version #update #arduino #esp8266 #flashing
  98. iDecrypt

    automatically download and decrypt 64 bits iOS firmware images

    v0.1.2 #idecrypt #decryption #download #firmware #automatic #ios #image #bits
  99. porkchop

    Decryption utility for Yaesu ham radio firmware images

    v0.1.0 #ham-radio #firmware #image #decryption #utility #yaesu #encryption
  100. esp-at-driver

    Rust driver that runs on the main processor and communicates to an ESP32 coprocessor running the AT firmware

    v0.1.0 #wifi #embedded-hal-driver #running #firmware #processor #esp #esp32
  101. grapple-bundle-lib

    Grapple's Embedded Firmware and Bootloader Bundler and Flasher utility (library)

    v0.1.0 #firmware #bootloader #grapple #embedded #bundling #grapple-bundle #tool