
  1. gabriel2

    Indeed, an actor library based on Tokio, written in Rust

    v1.5.0 1.0K #actor #load-balancing #messaging #event-bus #send-message #tokio #remote
  2. crosstown_bus

    Event Bus with RabbitMQ for Rust

    v1.1.1 1.4K #event-bus #event-driven #rabbitmq #events #message #microservices #event-handling
  3. tiny-tokio-actor

    tiny actor library on top of tokio

    v0.3.5 360 #actor-system #actor #actor-model #tokio #actors #message-bus #event-bus
  4. ate

    Distributed immutable data store with strong encryption and authentication

    v1.3.0 #distributed-database #secure-communication #immutability #event-bus #quantum-resistant #async #distributed-computing
  5. kokoro

    Dynamic publish-subscribe pattern framework. Support for dynamic plug-ins and AOP

    v0.0.6 240 #pub-sub #event-bus #aop #publish-subscribe #plugin-system #eventbus
  6. vertx-rust

    version of vertx tcp eventbus, tcp server and http server

    v0.8.6 2.0K #tcp-server #http-server #non-blocking #event-bus #event-driven #http-client #vertx
  7. eventbuzz

    A safe, fast, concurrent event publish/subscribe system based on tokio(async), inspired by Spring events

    v0.2.2 #event-listener #event-bus #tokio #event-system #spring #pub-sub
  8. ruex

    Generic State Management framework

    v0.1.5 #state-management #design-pattern #model-view-controller #event-bus #redux #time-travel
  9. znet

    network framework powered by zenoh

    v0.2.3 170 #zenoh #event-bus #networking #framework #powered
  10. feventbus

    eventbus is implemented using nats,kafaka and rabbitmq client

    v0.3.1 800 #nats #event-bus #rabbitmq #client #kafaka #implemented
  11. for-mqtt-client

    mqtt v3/v5 client, only support rustls

    v0.3.6 120 #mqtt-client #rustls #event-bus #events
  12. eventador

    lock-free pub/sub event-bus with sync and async APIs

    v0.0.18 #event-bus #events #lock-free #pub-sub #async-api #disruptor
  13. for_event_bus

    a event bus

    v0.1.6 #event-bus #events #bus
  14. ebus

    Basic Event Bus implementation

    v1.3.0 #event-bus #events #light-weight #eventbus
  15. tram

    event bus that can be cloned and shared across threads

    v0.5.0 #event-bus #bus #events #thread #cloned #across #shared
  16. basu

    Eventbus crate with sync and async features

    v0.1.5 #event-bus #events #async #eventbus
  17. testeventbus

    eventbus is implemented using nats,kafaka and rabbitmq client

    v0.1.0 #event-bus #nats #rabbitmq #client #kafaka #implemented
  18. double_decker

    unbounded multi-producer multi-subscriber event bus built with crossbeam channels

    v0.0.3 #event-bus #multi-producer #multi-consumer #channel #events #crossbeam #unbounded
  19. vertx-tcp-eventbus-bridge-client-rust

    future based vert.x tcp eventbus bridge client in Rust

    v0.2.0 #event-bus #vertx #eventbus #string
  20. simple_event_bus

    A basic, simple event bus in Rust

    v0.0.5 #event-bus #performance #small
  21. comet-eventbus

    strong-typed sync and asynchronous eventbus

    v0.1.0-pre-alpha.4 #event-bus #async #channel #library #concurrency #eventbus
  22. eventbuzz_core

    The core submodule of eventbuzz project

    v0.2.2 #event-bus #spring #tokio #pub-sub #asynchronous #publish-subscribe
  23. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  24. event-bus

    designed to add a basic event bus system which allows you to subscribe and dispatch events

    v0.1.0 #bus #subscribe #event-system #events #dispatch #thread-safe #basic
  25. eventbus

    Safe, fast and concurrent event system, inspired by the MinecraftForge event bus

    v0.5.1 #event #bus #safe #concurrency #performance #fast #event-system
  26. vertx-eventbus-bridge

    Rust client enabling communication with Vert.x Event Bus over TCP

    v0.0.4 #event-bus #tcp #bridge #vertx #events #api-bindings #eventbus
  27. psbus

    Generic Publish / Subscribe model for application messaging

    v0.1.0 #pub-sub #events #publish #event-bus #subscribe #bus #message
  28. eventbus_util

    Tools for using Vert.X eventbus bridge with tokio

    v0.1.1 #event-bus #bridge #codec #vert #message #tokio
  29. for-event-bus-derive

    a derive crate for for-event-bus

    v0.1.3 #event-bus #event #for-event-bus
  30. rusty-bus

    Distributed next generation event bus

    v0.0.1 #event-bus #next-generation #events #distributed