
  1. k256

    secp256k1 elliptic curve library written in pure Rust with support for ECDSA signing/verification/public-key recovery, Taproot Schnorr signatures (BIP340), Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH)…

    v0.14.0-pre.2 1.3M #ecdsa-signature #schnorr-signature #ethereum #bitcoin #elliptic-curve-cryptography #signature-verification
  2. uint

    Large fixed-size integer arithmetic

    v0.10.0 1.2M #unsigned-integer #integer-arithmetic #fixed-size #stack-based #cross-platform #primitive-integer #ethereum
  3. ruint

    Unsigned integer type with const-generic bit length

    v1.13.1 538K #unsigned-integer #const-generics #ethereum #modulo #64-bit #bits #human-readable
  4. keccak-hash

    keccak-hash is a set of utility functions to facilitate working with Keccak hashes (256/512 bits long)

    v0.11.0 207K #keccak #ethereum #long #function #256-512 #facilitate #set
  5. bounded-collections

    Bounded types and their supporting traits

    v0.2.4 217K #collection #ethereum #bounded #limit #traits #supporting #upper
  6. fixed-hash

    Macros to define custom fixed-size hash types

    v0.8.0 938K #ethereum #fixed-size #macro #32-byte #macros #define #struct
  7. cita_trie

    Modified Patricia Tree (aka Trie)

    v5.0.1 2.9K #ethereum #trie #mpt #patricia #evm
  8. op-alloy-genesis

    Optimism genesis types

    v0.9.2 5.9K #blockchain #genesis #alloy #ethereum #rollup
  9. stylus-core

    Core definitions of Stylus SDK traits and types that are used by multiple crates in the workspace

    v0.8.3 1.4K #smart-contracts #ethereum #alloy #arbitrum #stylus
  10. cargo-stylus-cgen

    CLI tool generating C bindings for Arbitrum Stylus ABIs

    v0.4.2 #ethereum #cargo-subcommand #stylus #gdb #arbitrum #alloy #smart-contracts
  11. port-scanner-rs

    A fast, concurrent port scanner with blockchain and web service detection

    v0.1.2 #blockchain #port-scanner #ethereum #security #web-services #network-security
  12. parity-bytes

    byte utilities for Parity

    v0.1.2 124K #ethereum #allocator-api #add #forms #parity #context #form
  13. blueprint-manager

    Tangle Blueprint manager and Runner

    v0.2.2 #tangle #blueprint #runner #blockchain #avs #building #ethereum
  14. plain_hasher

    Hasher for 32-byte keys

    v0.2.3 31K #hasher #32-byte #key-hash #hash #ethereum #keys #specialized
  15. ethbind

    code generation framework for Solidity(Contract) ABI

    v0.2.4 #ethereum #solidity #rewritten #evm-based #contract #abi #web3
  16. alloy-rpc-types-any

    Types for any network

    v0.12.6 219K #alloy #ethereum #blockchain #networking
  17. boundless-market

    SDK for the Boundless Market, part of the universal ZK protocol

    v0.6.0 160 #boundless #universal #service #proving #ethereum #part #zero-knowledge-proofs
  18. op-alloy-provider

    Interface with an OP Stack blockchain

    v0.11.1 2.6K #blockchain #ethereum #op #stack #alloy #provider #l1
  19. uint256

    A light-weight implementation of 256-bit unsigned integers type with semantic API

    v0.1.0 120 #ethereum #evm #monet #unsigned-integer #filecoin
  20. hypersync-format

    evm format library

    v0.4.2 2.4K #evm #ethereum #block-header
  21. ethabi-solana

    Easy to use conversion of ethereum contract calls to bytecode, can be used on solana programs also

    v1.0.0 #solana #ethereum #smart-contracts #solidity #anchor
  22. etcommon-bigint

    Big integer (256-bit and 512-bit) implementation for SputnikVM and other Ethereum Classic clients

    v0.2.10 2.1K #ethereum #integer #apache-2 #sputnik-vm #shared #etcommon #256-bit
  23. bloxroute-sdk

    Bloxroute SDK that allows developers to interact with the bloXroute Cloud API and Gateway

    v1.0.3 #blockchain #ethereum #bloxroute #bdn #api-gateway
  24. sputnikvm

    Portable Blockchain Virtual Machine

    v0.11.0-beta.0 290 #ethereum #blockchain #pre-compiled #evm #different
  25. progpow_verifier

    ProgPoW for Ethereum mining verification, based on go-ethereum

    v0.2.0 #ethereum #prog-po-w #verification #mining #dag #computation #generator
  26. ethabi

    Easy to use conversion of ethereum contract calls to bytecode

    v18.0.0 288K #ethereum #eth-ethereum #smart-contracts #solidity #solidity-eth #abi
  27. ethabi-cli

    Easy to use cli for conversion of ethereum contract calls to bytecode

    v16.0.0 #ethereum #smart-contracts #solidity #eth-ethereum #solidity-eth #abi #eth
  28. trace-time

    Easily trace time to execute a scope

    v0.1.3 750 #scope #performance #timer #logging #parity #ethereum
  29. simular-core

    API for interacting with an embedded Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM)

    v0.2.5 #ethereum #evm #revm #in-memory-database
  30. ethnum

    256-bit integer implementation

    v1.5.0 802K #ethereum #u256 #integer #unsigned-integer #primitive-integer
  31. xevm

    Tiny Ethereum virtual machine written in pure Rust

    v0.1.3 #ethereum #pure #opcode #u256 #context #machine #mini-ethereum
  32. alloy-sol-types

    Compile-time ABI and EIP-712 implementations

    v0.8.24 489K #ethereum #solidity #smart-contracts #abi #evm
  33. parity-path

    Path utilities

    v0.1.3 550 #ethereum #path #parity #utilities
  34. ethereum_abi

    Ethereum Smart Contract ABI parsing library

    v0.4.0 320 #smart-contracts #ethereum #solidity #abi #web3
  35. pink-ethabi

    Easy to use conversion of ethereum contract calls to bytecode

    v17.2.0 #ethereum #smart-contracts #solidity #eth-ethereum #eth-abi #solidity-eth #eth
  36. alloy-primitives

    Ethereum primitive types

    v0.8.24 573K #ethereum #revm #signed-integer #primitive #reth #ethers #unsigned-integer
  37. crate_crypto_internal_peerdas_bls12_381

    internal implementation of the BLS12-381 curve for the PeerDAS project

    v0.3.0 #bls12-381 #peer-das #commitment #kzg #blockchain #ethereum #compatible
  38. rusnap

    Metamask Snap in Rust

    v0.1.7 #ethereum #snap #notifications #metamask #random #dialog #web3
  39. crate_crypto_internal_peerdas_polynomial

    methods that are needed for Polynomial objects

    v0.3.0 #cryptography #blockchain #commitment #polynomial #ethereum #compatible #kzg
  40. primitive-types

    Primitive types shared by Ethereum and Substrate

    v0.13.1 1.1M #ethereum #substrate #shared #u256 #serde #primitive #rlp
  41. laron-wallet

    Ethereum wallet library

    v0.1.2 #bip-32 #hd-wallet #bip-39 #ethereum #keccak
  42. bonsai-ethereum-relay

    A relayer to integrate Ethereum with Bonsai

    v0.6.1 110 #ethereum #relay #contract-address #integrate #wallet #bonsai #zk-vm
  43. un-prim

    Custom primitive types

    v0.1.2 #ethereum #u256 #eth-types
  44. jesse

    Register and add signers to the farcaster network easily

    v0.2.3 #register #add #key #signing-key #cook #basic #ethereum
  45. quorum-vault-client

    client for Quorum Vault Plugin

    v1.0.0 100 #ethereum #vault #quorum #api-key #account-address #import #sign-transaction
  46. ethereum-types

    Ethereum types

    v0.15.1 511K #ethereum #collection #parity
  47. sputnikvm-bigint

    Big integer (256-bit and 512-bit) implementation for SputnikVM

    v0.2.0 #ethereum #blockchain #sputnik-vm #integer #virtual-machine #256-bit #evm
  48. alloy-dyn-abi

    Run-time ABI and EIP-712 implementations

    v0.8.24 359K #ethereum #solidity #evm #abi
  49. handshakes

    Handshake transaction construction in Rust

    v0.7.0 #handshake #bitcoin #builder #covenant #ethereum #change #coin
  50. eth-stealth-gas-tickets

    stealth gas tickets library for ethereum using blind RSA signatures in rust

    v0.3.0 #ethereum #privacy #stealth #eth-ethereum #eth #secp256k1
  51. neo-web3

    Neo EVM JSON-RPC client

    v0.1.0 #ethereum #json-rpc-client #web3 #rpc-client #js #ens #documentation
  52. syn-solidity

    syn-powered Solidity parser

    v0.8.24 490K #ethereum #solidity #evm #ast #syn
  53. bolt-anchor-syn

    Anchor syntax parsing and code generation tools

    v0.29.1 #solana #smart-contracts #syntax #parser-generator #anchor #ethereum #blockchain
  54. cfmms

    CFMM lib built in Rust enabling pair syncing and swap simulation with pools on Ethereum

    v0.6.2 140 #ethereum #cffms #mev #dex
  55. nakamoto-node

    Bitcoin light-client node using nakamoto crates

    v0.4.0 #blockchain #light-client #bitcoin #nakamoto #privacy-preserving #ethereum
  56. alloy-json-abi

    Full Ethereum JSON-ABI implementation

    v0.8.24 425K #ethereum #abi #json-parser #serde #serde-json
  57. dumb_contract

    writing, testing, and deploying smart contracts on various blockchain platforms

    v0.1.0 #smart-contracts #solana #blockchain #ethereum #bsc #binance #across
  58. enr

    Ethereum Node Record (ENR) EIP778

    v0.13.0 236K #ethereum #record #eip-778 #ethereum-node #ed25519-key #node
  59. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  60. revm

    Ethereum Virtual Machine

    v20.0.0-alpha.7 129K #blockchain #ethereum #evm #no-std
  61. ethabi-fork-ethcontract

    Fork of the original ethabi crate with some fixes applied for use in ethcontract

    v13.0.0 #ethereum #smart-contracts #encode #bool #events #parameters #params
  62. contract-address

    create an ethereum contract address

    v0.6.0 #ethereum #sender #nonce
  63. rusnap-build

    Build script for RuSnap

    v0.1.7 #ethereum #ru-snap #notifications #dialog #access #keyring #script
  64. sputnikvm-network-expanse

    Expanse patches for SputnikVM

    v0.11.0-beta.0 #ethereum #sputnik-vm #blockchain #patch #virtual-machine #sputnikvm #expanse
  65. cw20

    Definition and types for the CosmWasm-20 interface

    v2.0.0 77K #ethereum #cosmwasm #contract #allowance #cosm-wasm #fungible #contracts
  66. libchisel

    Some useful utilities to transform WebAssembly binaries, most importantly for WebAssembly used in a deterministic / blockchain context

    v0.6.0 #blockchain #ethereum #wasm
  67. alloy-rlp

    Ethereum RLP serialization

    v0.3.11 524K #ethereum #rlp #serialization
  68. fi-ethr-resolver

    Ethereum did resolver for Rust

    v0.0.9 #did #resolver #ethereum
  69. alloy-chains

    Canonical type definitions for EIP-155 chains

    v0.1.66 258K #ethereum #revm #ethers #reth #primitive #primitives
  70. foundry-compilers-core

    Core utilities for foundry-compilers crates

    v0.13.5 23K #compiler #foundry-compilers #solidity #solc #part #fix #ethereum
  71. c-kzg

    A minimal implementation of the Polynomial Commitments API for EIP-4844 and EIP-7594, written in C

    v2.0.0 288K #commitment #ethereum #bindings #eip-4844 #eip-7594 #cryptography #cryptographic
  72. etcommon-trie

    Lightweight Ethereum world state storage

    v0.4.0 400 #ethereum #apache-2 #merkle #ethereum-classic #shared #etcommon #trie
  73. ethers-signer-factory

    Key derivation and cryptographic signing functionality for Ethereum applications

    v2.0.0 #key-derivation #ethereum #generated #typed #applications #sign-transaction #signer
  74. raiden-rs

    Raiden Network implementation in Rust

    v0.1.0 #ethereum #blockchain #scaling #layer-2
  75. eigen-utils

    publicly exportable alloy bindings and utilities

    v0.5.0 1.9K #ethereum #operator #alloy #methods #bn254
  76. nft_image_and_metadata_generator

    A hashlips inspired NFT image + metadata generator for Ethereum and Solana, written completely in Rust

    v0.2.3 #solana #solana-token #nft #ethereum #utility
  77. evmole

    Extracts function selectors and arguments from EVM bytecode

    v0.7.2 14K #ethereum #extract #css-selectors #bytecode #analysis #evm #control-flow-graph
  78. kindelia_lang

    An efficient, secure cryptocomputer

    v0.1.7 #cryptocurrency #kindelia #cryptocomputer #up #hvm #ethereum #secure
  79. alloy-sol-type-parser

    light-weight Solidity type strings parser

    v0.8.24 425K #ethereum #solidity #evm #parser #abi
  80. evm-core

    Portable Ethereum Virtual Machine implementation written in pure Rust

    v0.42.0 29K #ethereum #evm #portable #opcode #multiple #layer #machine
  81. ethers

    A complete Ethereum and Celo Rust library

    v2.0.14 163K #ethereum #smart-contracts #celo #json-rpc-client #web3 #wasm-bindings
  82. uniswap-v3-sdk

    Uniswap V3 SDK for Rust

    v4.0.0 2.6K #ethereum #sdk #uniswap-v3 #data-provider
  83. proof-of-sql

    High performance zero knowledge (ZK) prover for SQL

    v0.84.1 8.9K #sql-query #zero-knowledge-proofs #on-chain #ethereum #commitment #verification #zk-vm
  84. web3_etz

    Ethereum JSON-RPC client

    v0.8.0 #ethereum #json-rpc-client #rpc-client #web3
  85. ethcontract-generate-fork

    Code generation for type-safe bindings to Ethereum smart contracts

    v0.25.6 #smart-contracts #ethereum #bindings-generator #procedural #having #generation #generate-bindings
  86. eigensdk-signerv2

    Eigen Layer SDK signer utilities

    v0.0.1-alpha #eigen-layer #key-store #keystore #eigensdk #ethereum #avs #alloy
  87. stylus-sdk

    Rust smart contracts with Arbitrum Stylus

    v0.8.3 5.4K #smart-contracts #ethereum #alloy #arbitrum #stylus #compiled-wasm
  88. evm-stateful

    Stateful evm-rs wrapped with tries

    v0.11.1 #ethereum #evm #tries #wrapped #evm-rs
  89. anchor-lang

    Solana Sealevel eDSL

    v0.31.0 125K #solana #anchor #solana-programs #smart-contracts #how #blockchain #ethereum
  90. linera-alloy-signer

    Ethereum signer abstraction

    v0.1.0 300 #ethereum #alloy #linera #eip-712 #signer #private-key #traits
  91. evm

    Ethereum Virtual Machine

    v1.0.0-alpha.2 30K #ethereum #opcode #layer #no-std #independent #precompile #precompiles
  92. cargo-stylus

    CLI tool for building Stylus contracts on Arbitrum chains

    v0.5.10 1.0K #ethereum #cargo-subcommand #arbitrum #alloy #stylus #smart-contracts #cargo-command
  93. cairo-lang-starknet

    Starknet capabilities and utilities on top of Cairo

    v2.11.2 48K #zero-knowledge-proofs #smart-contracts #ethereum #capabilities #turing-complete #computational-integrity #programs
  94. linera-alloy-genesis

    Ethereum genesis file definitions

    v0.1.0 350 #ethereum #blockchain #genesis #alloy #initial #creation #json-formatted
  95. starknet-crypto

    Low-level cryptography utilities for Starknet

    v0.7.4 138K #ethereum #starknet #web3
  96. foundry-block-explorers

    Bindings for Etherscan.io and other block explorer APIs

    v0.11.2 20K #ethereum #etherscan #web3 #crypto #ethers
  97. eth-state-client-lib

    An Ethereum reader library

    v0.9.0 #ethereum #blockchain #reader #fold #subscribe
  98. laron-crypto

    Cryptography helper library

    v0.2.3 #aes #k256 #ethereum #elliptic-curve #elliptic-curve-cryptography #cryptography #crypto
  99. alloy-rpc-types

    Meta-crate for all Ethereum JSON-RPC types

    v0.12.6 224K #ethereum #alloy #meta-crate #transport
  100. multisol-collector

    Contract dependency collector for the multisol crate

    v1.1.0 #ethereum #solidity #etherscan #web3 #collect
  101. tree_hash

    Efficient Merkle-hashing as used in Ethereum consensus

    v1.0.0-beta.0 38K #ethereum #tree #speed #security #optimised #hash #ssz-compatible
  102. substreams-ethereum

    Substreams development kit for Ethereum chains, contains Firehose Block model and helpers as well as utilities for Ethereum ABI encoding/decoding

    v0.10.3 2.5K #ethereum #substreams #firehose #thegraph #streamingfast #api-bindings
  103. siwe

    EIP-4361: Sign In With Ethereum

    v0.6.1 12K #ethereum #verification #parser #eip-4361 #rfc-3339 #struct #sign-in
  104. wallet-utils

    decoding ABI-encoded wallet calldata based on method selectors

    v0.1.0 #css-selectors #decoding #wallet #calldata #decode #abi-encoded #ethereum
  105. revm-inspectors

    Revm inspector implementations

    v0.17.0-alpha.1 60K #ethereum #evm #inspectors #debugging #tracing
  106. evm-selectors

    downloading and working with known EVM selectors

    v0.1.1 #css-selectors #evm #download #selector #downloading #events #ethereum
  107. ethbloom

    Ethereum bloom filter

    v0.14.1 507K #bloom #ethereum #bloom-filter #literals #hex
  108. kona-derive

    A no_std derivation pipeline implementation for the OP Stack

    v0.3.0 250 #ethereum #derivation #stack #data-source #traits #kona #origin
  109. linera-alloy-rpc-types-trace

    Ethereum RPC trace types

    v0.1.0 280 #ethereum #alloy #middleware
  110. serai-signals-primitives

    Signals primitives

    v0.1.0 #serai #signal #signals #ethereum #bitcoin #wallet #up
  111. ethabi-decode

    Decoding of ABI-encoded data and event logs

    v2.0.0 151K #ethereum #event-log #logs #ethabi #abi #string #abi-encoded
  112. clickhouse-readonly

    Clickhouse readonly TCP light-client with TLS & Basic Ethereum types support

    v0.1.2 #ethereum #tokio #clickhouse #database-driver #driver #database
  113. impl-serde

    Serde serialization support for uint and fixed hash

    v0.5.0 776K #fixed-hash #ethereum #serialization #unsigned-integer
  114. btc-vanity

    A blazingly fast Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Solana vanity address generator

    v2.1.0 #solana #vanity-address #ethereum #bitcoin #vanity
  115. chainx-org/chainx

    Fully Decentralized Interchain Crypto Asset Management on Polkadot

    GitHub 5.2.3 #substrate #bitcoin #blockchain #smart-contracts #evm #polkadot #ethereum
  116. safe-anchor-lang

    Safecoin Sealevel eDSL

    v0.22.0 #solana #blockchain #smart-contracts #ethereum #safecoin #anchor
  117. alloy-provider

    Interface with an Ethereum blockchain

    v0.12.6 229K #ethereum #blockchain #provider #alloy #nonce #provider-builder
  118. tron-api-client

    Tron API client and CLI

    v0.1.0 #cryptocurrency #tron #ethereum #api-client #bitcoin
  119. keccak-hasher

    Keccak-256 implementation of the Hasher trait

    v0.16.0 109K #blockchain #ethereum #hasher #keccak-256 #parity #light
  120. uniswap-rs

    Unofficial Rust SDK library for Uniswap smart contracts

    v0.4.0 #ethereum #smart-contracts #eth-ethereum #uniswap #eth #dex
  121. alloy-sol-macro-expander

    Expander used in the Solidity to Rust procedural macro

    v0.8.24 439K #ethereum #solidity #evm #abi #proc-macro #encoding
  122. clarity

    Lightweight Ethereum client

    v1.5.1 700 #ethereum #variant #key
  123. alloy-eip7702

    EIP-7702 type definitions

    v0.5.1 315K #ethereum #eip-7702 #proposal
  124. op-alloy-consensus

    Optimism alloy consensus types

    v0.11.2 83K #ethereum #alloy #consensus #op #stack #deposit #receipt
  125. op-alloy-rpc-types-engine

    Optimism RPC types for the engine namespace

    v0.11.2 47K #ethereum #alloy #optimism #engine #networking #blockchain #ci
  126. substreams-ethereum-abigen

    Substreams development kit for Ethereum chains, contains Firehose Block model and helpers as well as utilities for Ethereum ABI encoding/decoding

    v0.10.3 2.4K #ethereum #substreams #firehose #thegraph #streamingfast #api-bindings
  127. starknet

    Complete Starknet library in Rust™

    v0.13.0 10K #ethereum #web3 #complete #ledger #signer #smart-contracts
  128. aws-sdk-managedblockchainquery

    AWS SDK for Amazon Managed Blockchain Query

    v1.65.0 440 #blockchain #aws-sdk #ethereum #bitcoin #managed #query
  129. mesc

    libraries for creating, loading, and modifying MESC configuation data

    v0.3.0 15K #cryptocurrency #ethereum #endpoint #endpoints #standard #loading #across
  130. boojum

    cryptographic library

    v0.31.0 19K #zero-knowledge-proofs #blockchain #ethereum #zk-sync #smart-contracts #gate #size
  131. eigensdk

    SDK for eigenlayer

    v0.5.0 1.8K #ethereum #eigen-layer #eigenlayer #verifiable-computing #metrics #logging #signer
  132. zalloc

    A global allocator wrapper zeroizing memory on dealloc

    v0.1.0 #zeroizing #dealloc #memory #allocator #ethereum #serai #bitcoin
  133. alloy-network

    Ethereum blockchain RPC behavior abstraction

    v0.12.6 270K #ethereum #blockchain #alloy #behavior #define #input #methods
  134. enstate

    v0.1.0 #docker #ethereum #metrics-monitoring #docker-compose #cloudflare #worker #cloudflare-workers
  135. rust_eth_kzg

    cryptography needed for EIP-7594

    v0.5.4 10K #blockchain #commitment #ethereum #kzg #eip-7594 #peer-das #java
  136. serai-ethereum-relayer

    A relayer for Serai's Ethereum transactions

    v0.1.0 #ethereum #relayer #transaction #serai #command
  137. ethers-contract

    Type-safe abstractions for interacting with Ethereum smart contracts

    v2.0.14 185K #ethereum #smart-contracts #ethers #celo #crypto #web3
  138. ic-web3-rs

    Ethereum JSON-RPC client for IC canisters

    v0.1.11 160 #ethereum #dfinity #icp #ecdsa-signature #web3 #rpc-call #rpc
  139. snowbridge-beacon-primitives

    Snowbridge Beacon Primitives

    v0.12.0 22K #beacon #polkadot #ethereum #verify #verify-signature #receipt #ssz
  140. ethportal-api

    Definitions for various Ethereum Portal Network JSONRPC APIs

    v0.5.1 450 #ethereum #content #portal #api-client #portal-network #sync #local-node
  141. linera-alloy-provider

    Interface with an Ethereum blockchain

    v0.1.0 280 #ethereum #blockchain #alloy #transaction #nonce #provider #transactions
  142. interledger

    client library

    v0.6.0 #ethereum #blockchain #bitcoin #payment #suite #interop #ilp
  143. alloy-trie

    Fast Merkle-Patricia Trie (MPT) state root calculator and proof generator for prefix-sorted nibbles

    v0.7.9 247K #nibble #ethereum #mpt #merkle #trie
  144. eipw

    Ethereum Improvement Proposal linter that's one more than eipv

    v0.9.0 170 #ethereum #lint #proposal #source #eipv #default #sources
  145. alloy-contract

    Interact with on-chain contracts

    v0.12.6 186K #ethereum #on-chain #blockchain #alloy #sol #interact #attributes
  146. near-primitives-core

    core set of primitives used by other nearcore crates including near-primitives

    v0.29.1 25K #blockchain #near-protocol #near-protocols #near-primitives #nearcore #range #ethereum
  147. alloy-sol-macro-input

    Input types for sol!-like macros

    v0.8.24 439K #ethereum #solidity #evm #abi #encoding
  148. snowbridge-milagro-bls

    BLS12-381 signatures using the Apache Milagro curve library, targeting Ethereum 2.0

    v1.5.4 123K #ethereum #bls-signatures #public-key #bls12-381 #apache #hash-key #cryptography
  149. trezor-client

    Client library for interfacing with Trezor hardware wallet devices

    v0.1.4 27K #bitcoin-wallet #ethereum #trezor #bitcoin #wallet #api-bindings #hardware-devices
  150. gadget-blueprint-proc-macro

    Procedural macros for writing Tangle blueprints

    v0.5.1 180 #tangle #blueprint #evm #blockchain #avs #building #ethereum
  151. op-alloy-rpc-types

    Optimism RPC types

    v0.11.2 47K #ethereum #alloy #optimism #op #blockchain
  152. arbiter

    Allowing smart contract developers to do simulation driven development via an EVM emulator

    v0.4.20 #smart-contracts #ethereum #evm #emulator #emulation #config-toml #testing
  153. op-alloy-rpc-jsonrpsee

    Optimism RPC Client

    v0.11.1 24K #alloy #optimism #rpc-client #ethereum #blockchain #json-rpc-server #ci
  154. aurora-evm

    Aurora Ethereum Virtual Machine implementation written in pure Rust

    v2.0.0-rc.1 1.6K #ethereum #blockchain #evm
  155. eth_trie

    Ethereum-compatible Merkle-Patricia Trie

    v0.5.0 7.6K #ethereum #patricia #mpt #evm #trie
  156. eigen-client-eth

    eigen layer instrumented client

    v0.5.0 550 #ethereum #eigen-layer #methods #logging #subscribe #signer #avs
  157. kona-genesis

    Optimism genesis types

    v0.3.0 290 #genesis #ethereum #stack #op #rollup #optimism #component
  158. kona-registry

    A registry of superchain configs

    v0.3.0 260 #ethereum #chain #chains #superchain #configs #registry #config
  159. snowbridge-pallet-ethereum-client

    Snowbridge Ethereum Client Pallet

    v0.12.0 21K #ethereum #pallet #beacon #polkadot #sync #committee #snowbridge
  160. cargo-stylus-replay

    CLI tool for replaying Stylus transactions on Arbitrum chains

    v0.4.2 #ethereum #stylus #cargo-subcommand #arbitrum #gdb #alloy
  161. ethereum_ssz

    SimpleSerialize (SSZ) as used in Ethereum

    v0.8.3 82K #ethereum #ssz #deserialize #speed #security #simple-serialize #optimised
  162. inkmate

    Building block smart contracts written in Rust for Stylus

    v0.0.6 210 #ethereum #alloy #arbitrum #stylus
  163. risc0-ethereum-contracts

    Ethereum contracts for RISC Zero applications

    v2.0.0-rc.3 2.8K #risc0 #ethereum #smart-contracts #risc #foundry #applications #receipt
  164. serde-rlp

    Ethereum's RLP encoding implemented as a Serde data format

    v0.1.4 320 #ethereum #serde #rlp #data-format #deserialize #encoding