
  1. embassy-futures

    no-std, no-alloc utilities for working with futures

    v0.1.1 51K #future #async #embassy #alloc #executor #utilities #no-alloc
  2. embassy-embedded-hal

    Collection of utilities to use embedded-hal and embedded-storage traits with Embassy

    v0.2.0 28K #embassy #embedded-hal #utilities #embedded-hal-i2c #i2c-bus #spi #async
  3. embassy-net

    Async TCP/IP network stack for embedded systems

    v0.5.0 9.8K #async-networking #networking-stack #no-alloc #smoltcp #tcp-udp #embassy #higher-level
  4. esp-hal-embassy

    Embassy support for esp-hal

    v0.5.0 2.4K #embassy #esp-hal #abstraction-layer #esp32 #embedded #microcontrollers #embedded-hal
  5. assign-resources

    Macro to split up fields of a Peripherals struct into new structs

    v0.4.1 320 #peripheral #pac #embedded #embassy #peripherals #no-alloc #allocation
  6. embassy-boot-rp

    Bootloader lib for RP2040 chips

    v0.3.0 #bootloader #rp2040 #embedded #embassy #chips #applications #linker
  7. cargo-embassy

    Get up and running with Embassy in seconds

    v0.3.1 #embassy #toolchain #cargo #stm32 #esp32 #nrf #init
  8. embassy-dht

    interface for interacting with DHT1X and DHT2X temperature and humidity sensors using the Embassy framework

    v0.1.9 #embassy #temperature-humidity #rp2040 #rp2350 #dhtxx #humidity-sensor #raspberry-pi-pico
  9. hcsr04_async

    A no-std driver for the HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor using async and Embassy

    v0.3.0 #embassy #async #embedded-hal #hc-sr04 #sensors #no-std-driver
  10. embassy-dht-sensor

    DHT sensor driver for the Embassy async runtime

    v0.1.3 #temperature-humidity #humidity-sensor #embassy #dht #raspberry-pi-pico #run-time #async
  11. async-pool

    Statically allocated pool providing a std-like Box, with async functionality

    v1.2.0 #pool #memory-pool #allocated #statically #async #embassy #box
  12. rktk-rrp-client-webhid

    rrp over webhid client

    v0.1.0 #keyboard #rktk #rp2040 #firmware #client #framework #embassy
  13. niva-components

    Embassy undependent components

    v0.1.1 #component #niva #embassy #undependent
  14. emver

    Semver extension with optional 4th digit given patch semantics. Designed for package distributors

    v0.1.6 330 #version #embassy #semver #wasm
  15. ch58x-hal

    HAL for the CH583/CH582/CH581 RISC-V BLE microcotrollers from WCH

    v0.0.2 #embedded-hal #embassy #ch582 #ch581 #ch583 #critical-section
  16. rktk-drivers-common

    Common drivers for rktk

    v0.1.0 460 #drivers #rktk #embassy #keyboard
  17. mpfs-hal-procmacros

    Procedural macros for mpfs-hal

    v0.1.0 #hal #embassy #proc-macro #procedural #mpfs-hal #boards #microchip
  18. edge-nal-embassy

    Am implementation of edge-nal based on embassy-net

    v0.3.0 300 #networking-stack #bare-metal #no-alloc #embassy #edge-nal #embassy-net #async
  19. embassy-boot-stm32

    Bootloader lib for STM32 chips

    v0.2.0 270 #stm32 #bootloader #partition #embassy #embedded #linker #script
  20. embassy-time-queue-driver

    Timer queue driver trait for embassy-time

    v0.1.0 23K #queue #timer #embassy #driver #traits #time #embedded
  21. embassy-mock

    An unofficial collection of mocked types for the Embassy framework

    v0.4.0 #embassy #mocked #async-await #framework #testing #types #collection
  22. embassy-hal-internal

    Internal implementation details for Embassy HALs. DO NOT USE DIRECTLY.

    v0.2.0 11K #embassy #hal #details #driver
  23. espilepsy

    Blinking WS2812b LEDs with esp-hal and embassy

    v0.3.0 280 #embassy #led #blinking #esp-hal #ws2812b #rgb-led
  24. jewel

    BLE for a bare-metal, real-time system

    v0.1.1 #ble #embassy #no-alloc #no-std
  25. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  26. esp-hal-rmt-onewire

    RMT adapter for onewire with esp-hal and embassy

    v0.2.1 #esp-hal #peripheral #rmt #driver #embassy #async #devices
  27. embassy-executor-macros

    macros for creating the entry point and tasks for embassy-executor

    v0.6.2 29K #embassy #executor #task #entry-point #macro #async
  28. stemma-soil-sensor-embassy

    Interface with Adafruit's STEMMA Soil Sensor while using embassy

    v0.2.1 #raspberry-pi-pico #embassy #rp2040 #raspberry-pi-pico-w #stemma-soil-sensor #no-alloc #web-server
  29. sunset-embassy

    async wrapper for Sunset SSH

    v0.2.0 #ssh #sunset #async #embassy #wrapper #nightly #std
  30. async-button

    Async button handling crate for no_std environments

    v0.1.0 #button #embassy #async #embedded #no-std
  31. embassy-macros

    macros for creating the entry point and tasks for embassy-executor

    v0.2.1 470 #point #entry-point #task #embassy #macro #embassy-executor #async
  32. fatfs-embedded

    Rust bindings for the popular embedded FatFs library

    v0.1.0 #embassy #fatfs #filesystem #embedded #no-std #block-devices
  33. jewel-nrf52840

    BLE for a bare-metal, real-time system

    v0.1.0 #ble #embassy #no-alloc #no-std
  34. cyphal-embassy

    Open Cyphal CAN Transport Rust Implementation for embassy]

    v0.0.0 #cyphal #embassy #transport
  35. bitbot_bsp

    A board support package for the BBC micro:bit v2-powered 4tronix Bit:Bot XL

    v0.0.1 #embassy #micro-bit #fun #microbit #bbc #bitbot