
  1. sqlx

    🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

    v0.8.2 1.6M #sql-database #sql-query #sqlite #database-driver #compile-time #async #postgresql
  2. sqlx-postgres

    PostgreSQL driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.8.2 1.5M #postgresql #database-driver #sqlx #sql-database #async #compile-time #queries
  3. sqlx-sqlite

    SQLite driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.8.2 1.4M #sqlite #database-driver #sqlx #sql-database #async #postgresql #maria-db
  4. mysql_async

    Tokio based asynchronous MySql client library

    v0.34.2 116K #mysql #database-client #async #async-client #database #database-driver #connection-pool
  5. clickhouse

    Official Rust client for ClickHouse DB

    v0.13.1 40K #database-driver #http-client #hyper-http #http-transport #tokio #driver #hyper
  6. scylla

    Async CQL driver for Rust, optimized for Scylla, fully compatible with Apache Cassandra™

    v0.15.1 188K #cassandra #cql #database-driver #database #tokio #async-api
  7. oracle


    v0.6.2 10K #database-driver #connect-database #database #connection #statement #binding #odpi-c
  8. mongodb

    The official MongoDB driver for Rust

    v3.1.0 132K #database-client #database-driver #bson #mongo-db #database #nosql #async-api
  9. mysql

    client library implemented in rust

    v25.0.1 39K #connection-pool #database-driver #sql-database #database-client #statement #database #client-connection
  10. postgres

    A native, synchronous PostgreSQL client

    v0.19.9 122K #postgresql #sql-database #database-client #database #sql #postgre #database-driver
  11. rbatis

    SQL Toolkit and ORM Library. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time Dynamic SQL

    v4.5.46 2.7K #orm #sql-database #database #database-table #database-driver #connection-pool #postgresql
  12. neo4rs

    Rust driver for Neo4j

    v0.8.0 5.5K #graph-database #database-driver #neo4j #driver #bolt #cypher #query-language
  13. influxdb

    Driver for Rust

    v0.7.2 8.5K #time-series-database #database-driver #database #influx #client #influxdb-client
  14. sea-query-binder

    Driver library for using SeaQuery with SQLx

    v0.7.0 890K #sql-database #sql-query #postgresql #mysql #sql #sqlite #database-driver
  15. cassandra-cpp

    A Cassandra CQL driver, built on top of the DataStax C++ driver for performance and functionality

    v3.0.2 1.8K #cassandra #database-client #cql #database-driver #database #binding #client
  16. scylla-cql

    CQL data types and primitives, for interacting with Scylla

    v0.4.1 187K #database-driver #cql #cassandra #scylla #database #async-api
  17. cdrs-tokio

    Async Cassandra DB driver written in Rust

    v8.1.4 13K #cassandra #database-driver #driver #load-balancing #async #client #connection-pool
  18. sqlx-oldapi

    🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

    v0.6.38 1.0K #sqlite #sql-database #sql-query #postgresql #sql-server #database-driver #mysql
  19. databend-driver

    Databend Driver for Rust

    v0.24.4 3.1K #sql-database #database-driver #databend #sql-query #database #sdk
  20. taos

    Driver for TDengine - a timeseries database and analysis platform

    v0.12.3 #time-series-database #database-driver #td-engine #connector #analysis #api-bindings #query
  21. sqlx-mysql

    MySQL driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.8.2 1.4M #mysql #database-driver #sql-database #sqlx #sql-query #async #compile-time
  22. qldb

    Driver for Amazon's QLDB Database implemented in pure rust

    v3.2.9 24K #amazon #database-driver #async #driver #database
  23. arangors

    Rust driver for ArangoDB

    v0.6.0 500 #database-client #arango-db #database-driver #nosql #database #driver #http-client
  24. diesel-tracing

    Connection telemetry middleware for diesel and tracing

    v0.3.1 1.1K #logging-tracing #diesel #tracing #logging #open-telemetry #database #database-driver
  25. typedb-driver

    TypeDB Rust Driver

    v3.0.0-alpha-9 330 #database-driver #async-api #typedb #communication #run-time #sync #synchronous
  26. sqlx-exasol

    Exasol driver for the SQLx framework

    v0.8.2 340 #database-driver #sqlx #exasol #sql-database #driver #database #sql
  27. skytable

    Official Rust client driver for Skytable

    v0.8.11 650 #database-client #database-driver #client #sql-database #nosql #driver #database
  28. hdbconnect

    A synchronous pure rust database driver for SAP HANA(TM)

    v0.30.1 550 #database-driver #hana #database #driver #relational #sql-database
  29. sqlx-etorreborre

    🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

    v0.7.9 150 #sql-database #sqlite #sql-query #database-driver #postgresql #compile-time #sqlx
  30. databend-client

    Databend Client for Rust

    v0.24.4 6.6K #database-client #databend #sdk #database #database-driver
  31. mimerrust

    interacting with Mimer SQL, a high-performance relational database management system (RDBMS)

    v1.0.5 110 #sql-database #sql #api #mimer #database-driver #driver #database
  32. windsock

    database/service benchmarking framework

    v0.2.0 700 #performance-testing #benchmark #database-driver #testing-tools #framework #bench #service
  33. mongo_driver

    Mongo Rust driver built on top of the Mongo C driver

    v0.15.1 #mongo-db #database-driver #database #mongodb #api-bindings #codec
  34. sea-query-postgres

    Binder traits for connecting sea-query with postgres driver

    v0.5.0 5.3K #postgresql #sql-query #sql-database #database-driver #sql #postgres #database
  35. serde_db

    Deserialization of database result sets, and serialization of database parameters

    v0.12.0 180 #database-driver #database #serde #driver #relational #data-exchange
  36. falkordb


    v0.1.10 380 #graph-database #database-client #database-driver #database
  37. mongor

    Ergonomic MongoDB ODM

    v0.1.9 #mongo-db #document-database #database-driver #odm #mongodb #database-interface
  38. yb-postgres

    A native, synchronous YugabyteDB YSQL client

    v0.19.7-yb-1-beta.2 280 #sql-database #database-driver #database-client #load-balancing #postgresql #database #sql
  39. libsql-client

    HTTP-based client for libSQL and sqld

    v0.33.4 340 #database-client #http-client #database-driver #libsql #http #database #sqld
  40. odbc-iter

    High level database access library based on 'odbc' crate that uses native ODBC drivers to access variety of databases

    v0.2.7 500 #database-access #connect-database #database-driver #odbc #database #database-interface #orm
  41. scylla-proxy

    Proxy layer between Scylla driver and cluster that enables testing Scylla drivers' behaviour in unfavourable conditions

    v0.0.4 #cassandra #scylla #cql #database #behavior #database-driver #async-api
  42. r2d2-oracle

    Oracle support for the r2d2 connection pool

    v0.7.0 1.3K #connection-pool #connection-manager #database-driver #r2d2 #oracle #pool #sql
  43. rsmgclient

    Memgraph database adapter for Rust programming language

    v2.0.2 #database-client #database-driver #memgraph #client #driver #api-bindings #database-adapter
  44. taos-query

    Driver for TDengine - a timeseries database and analysis platform

    v0.12.4 #time-series-database #database-driver #td-engine #database-client #query #abstraction #api
  45. reql

    A native ReQL driver

    v0.11.2 #database-driver #rethink-db #driver #database #async #rethinkdb
  46. adbc_core

    Public abstract API, driver manager and driver exporter

    v0.15.0 230 #database-driver #api #data-access #connectivity #manager #abstract #sql
  47. mysql_async_wasi

    Tokio based asynchronous MySql client library

    v0.33.0 #mysql #database-client #wasi #database-driver #async-client #wasm-client #async
  48. chromoe-db

    An open-source, flexible, and scalable ecosystem designed for Rust-compatible database drivers

    v0.1.1 550 #sqlite #database-driver #flexible #ecosystem #scalable #json #serde-json
  49. flyway

    Flyway-rs project, Database change control,similar to flyway in Java

    v0.3.1 #database-migrations #database-driver #migration #change #java #refinery #sql
  50. scylla-cdc

    consuming ScyllaDB CDC log for Rust

    v0.2.0 #cdc #scylla #database #changelog #database-driver
  51. taos-ws

    Driver for TDengine - a timeseries database and analysis platform

    v0.12.3 #time-series-database #database-driver #time-series-analysis #td-engine #platform #connector #query
  52. rocket_db_pools

    Rocket async database pooling support

    v0.2.0 11K #rocket-web #connection-pool #rocket #rocket-framework #pool #database #database-driver
  53. rsql_drivers

    rsql drivers library for accessing databases

    v0.14.1 #sql-database #database-driver #sqlite #postgresql #mysql #database #sql
  54. sqlx-etorreborre-postgres

    PostgreSQL driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.7.9 #postgresql #database-driver #sqlx #sql-database #sqlite #sql-query #async
  55. sqlx-etorreborre-sqlite

    SQLite driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.7.9 #sqlite #sqlx #sql-query #database-driver #mysql #async #compile-time
  56. hdbconnect_async

    An asynchronous pure rust database driver for SAP HANA(TM)

    v0.30.1 400 #database-driver #hana #database #driver #relational #async
  57. firebirust

    Firebird client library

    v0.4.3 #database-driver #sql-database #database #database-client #sql #database-interface #firebird
  58. unreql

    Well documented and easy to use RethinkDB Rust Driver

    v0.1.8 500 #database-driver #rethink-db #driver #async #database #reql #rethinkdb
  59. mongodb_cwal

    A native MongoDB driver for those who can't wait any longer (CWAL)

    v0.6.7 #mongo-db #database-driver #bson #nosql #mongodb #database
  60. cdrs

    Cassandra DB driver written in Rust

    v4.0.0-beta.1 600 #cassandra #database-driver #load-balancing #connection-pool #driver #database-client #db
  61. ydb

    contains generated low-level grpc code from YDB API protobuf, used as base for ydb crate

    v0.9.4 #database-client #grpc #grpc-client #protobuf #database-driver #sdk #grpc-api
  62. sqlx-build-trust

    🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

    v0.7.9 2.4K #sql-database #sql-query #database-driver #sqlite #compile-time #postgresql #sqlx
  63. mybatis

    v2.0.4 #orm #postgresql #mysql #sqlite #database-driver #postgres #cross-platform
  64. scylla-rs

    An async ScyllaDB driver built on an actor-model framework

    v0.1.6 #distributed-database #cql #scylla #cassandra #database-driver #iota #actor-framework
  65. discord-cassandra-cpp

    A Cassandra CQL driver, built on top of the DataStax C++ driver for performance and functionality

    v0.16.6 #cassandra #database-client #cql #binding #client #database-driver #database
  66. redis_wasi

    Redis driver for Rust

    v0.22.3 #redis #redis-cluster #database #database-driver #traits #operation #level
  67. taos-error

    Driver for TDengine - a timeseries database and analysis platform

    v0.12.4 #time-series-database #database-driver #error #td-engine #analysis #platform #client
  68. rasi-sqlite3

    rais database driver for sqlite3

    v0.2.6 200 #database-driver #sqlite #system-interface #rasi #async #run-time #async-await
  69. mysql_async_uu

    Tokio based asynchronous MySql client library

    v0.32.4 #mysql #database-client #async-client #async #connection-pool #database #database-driver
  70. taos-sys

    Driver for TDengine - a timeseries database and analysis platform

    v0.12.2 8.1K #time-series-database #time-series-analysis #database-driver #td-engine #platform #connector #query
  71. clickhouse-trieve

    A typed client for ClickHouse with killer features

    v0.1.0 #clickhouse #database-driver #http-client #database #http-transport #database-client #driver
  72. mysql_wasi

    Mysql client library implemented in rust for WASI

    v23.0.2 210 #database-client #database-driver #wasm-edge #wasi #sql-database #connection-pool #database
  73. arangors_lite

    Rust driver for ArangoDB

    v0.2.0 #database-driver #database-client #arango-db #driver #nosql #client #database
  74. mimerrust-sys

    FFI bindings for the Mimer SQL C API. Used by the 'mimerrust' crate

    v1.0.3 #sql #api #sql-database #mimer #database-driver #driver #api-bindings
  75. sqlx_wasi

    🧰 The Rust SQL Toolkit. An async, pure Rust SQL crate featuring compile-time checked queries without a DSL. Supports PostgreSQL, MySQL, and SQLite.

    v0.6.2 #sqlite #postgresql #sql-query #database-driver #mysql #database #async
  76. rocket_sync_db_pools

    Rocket async database pooling support for sync database drivers

    v0.1.0 4.9K #connection-pool #rocket-web #rocket #rocket-framework #pool #database #database-driver
  77. rust_arango

    Lib for ArangoDB Client on Rust

    v0.1.1 #arango-db #database-client #database-driver #client #driver #database #http-client
  78. scylladb

    An async ScyllaDB driver built on an actor-model framework

    v0.1.14 #database-driver #scylla #driver #cassandra #actor #database
  79. mongors

    Rust driver for MongoDB

    v0.3.0-alpha.1 #mongo-db #database-driver #nosql #database #mongodb-driver
  80. mco-redis-rs

    Redis driver for Rust

    v0.21.6 #redis #database #redis-cluster #database-driver #conversion #tls #customizable
  81. cdbc

    Rust Coroutine Database Driver Connectivity

    v0.1.23 #database-driver #connection #coroutine #native-tls #tcp-connection #concurrency #connectivity
  82. planetscale-driver

    PlanetScale Serverless Driver

    v0.5.1 400 #database-driver #planet-scale #serverless #query-builder #cloudflare-workers #http-api #http-request
  83. fluffici_redis

    Redis driver for Rust

    v0.23.0 #redis #redis-cluster #database #database-driver #traits #operation
  84. kassandra-tester

    Tester utility for cassandra

    v0.13.1 #cassandra #testing-utilities #testing #database-driver #snapshot #db
  85. siodb_driver

    Driver for Siodb database

    v0.6.5 #database-driver #siodb #driver #tls-connection #database #query-execution #sockets
  86. siodb

    Driver for Siodb database

    v0.0.4 #database-driver #driver #database #unix-socket #connection #tls-connection #query-execution
  87. avocado

    strongly-typed MongoDB driver

    v0.6.0 #mongo-db #database-driver #driver #json #nosql #database #api-bindings
  88. sqlx-sqlite-cipher

    SQLite driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.7.8 340 #sqlite #sqlx #database-driver #direct #details #necessary #up
  89. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  90. cratedb

    driver for Rust

    v1.1.0 #sql-database #blob #distributed-database #sql #database-driver #sql-query #database
  91. sqlx-build-trust-sqlite

    SQLite driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.7.9 3.6K #sqlite #sqlx #sql-database #database-driver #sql-query #compile-time #async
  92. musty

    An ODM for NoSQL databases like MongoDB

    v0.5.2 #mongo-db #bson #nosql #database #odm #database-driver
  93. sqlx-build-trust-postgres

    PostgreSQL driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; see the sqlx crate for details.

    v0.7.9 2.4K #postgresql #database-driver #sqlx #sql-database #async #async-await #queries
  94. hdbconnect_impl

    Common implementation of hdbconnect and hdbconnect_async; not for direct use

    v0.30.1 450 #database-driver #hana #driver #relational #database
  95. jdbc

    Rust bindings to the Java Jdbc

    v0.1.0 #sql-server #oracle #mysql #postgresql #database-driver #sqlserver
  96. cdrs_temp

    Cassandra DB driver written in Rust

    v0.1.0 #cassandra #load-balancing #db #driver #database-driver #client #cassandradb
  97. hrana-client-proto

    Hrana client protocol for libSQL and sqld

    v0.2.1 2.0K #database-driver #libsql #driver #sqld #hrana #database
  98. hrana-client

    Hrana client for libSQL and sqld

    v0.3.2 110 #libsql #database-driver #hrana #driver #database #sqld #database-client
  99. lunatic-db

    A collection of db drivers for the lunatic runtime

    v0.1.2 #lunatic #db #redis #mysql #database #database-driver
  100. cdbc-sqlite

    Rust Coroutine Database Driver Connectivity

    v0.1.23 #sqlite #database-driver #coroutine #connectivity
  101. rocket_db_pools_codegen

    Procedural macros for rocket_db_pools

    v0.2.0 11K #rocket #pool #database #rocket-framework #database-driver #pools #framework
  102. rdbc

    Rust DataBase Connectivity (RDBC) API

    v0.1.6 #database-driver #programming #connectivity #interface #query #api #mysql
  103. typed-clickhouse

    a typed client for ClickHouse

    v0.2.0 #clickhouse #tokio #database-driver #driver #database
  104. psh-webdb

    WASM-compatible psh alias database backend using LocalStorage Web API

    v0.2.0 #web-api #local-storage #database-driver #alias #back-end #psh #wasm
  105. cdbc-pg

    Rust Coroutine Database Driver Connectivity

    v0.1.22 #postgresql #database-driver #coroutine #connectivity
  106. welds-sqlx-mssql

    Mssql driver implementation for SQLx. Not for direct use; (Fork of sqlx mssql driver starting from the when it was dropped.)

    v1.7.0 #mssql #sqlx #driver #fork #database-driver #was #dropped
  107. cdbc-mysql

    Rust Coroutine Database Driver Connectivity

    v0.1.22 #database-driver #mysql #coroutine #connectivity
  108. cdbc-mssql

    Rust Coroutine Database Driver Connectivity

    v0.1.22 #database-driver #sql-server #coroutine #microsoft #connectivity
  109. rusdb-core

    Database driver for rusdb, which uses gRPC to communicate

    v0.1.2 #database-driver #grpc #communicate #rusdb #few #re-exports #collection
  110. rustcql

    Rust Cassandra Client (CQL Binary Protocol v4)

    v0.0.6 #cql #cassandra #database-driver #driver #database
  111. clickhouse-readonly

    Clickhouse readonly TCP light-client with TLS & Basic Ethereum types support

    v0.1.2 #clickhouse #ethereum #tokio #database-driver #driver #database