
  1. exr

    Read and write OpenEXR files without any unsafe code

    v1.73.0 734K #image-processing #read-write #data-file #binary-data #graphics-pipeline #openexr #file-format
  2. c2patool

    displaying and creating C2PA manifests

    v0.9.12 950 #c2pa #metadata #command-line-tool #xmp #json-file #data-file
  3. typical

    Data interchange with algebraic data types

    v0.12.1 2.1K #serialization #data-interchange #schema #binary-data #schema-file #data-file #algebraic
  4. google-datacatalog1_beta1-cli

    A complete library to interact with Data Catalog (protocol v1beta1)

    v6.0.0+20240624 #google #google-service #google-api #standard-error #command-line-interface #datacatalog #data-file
  5. backhand

    reading, creating, and modification of SquashFS file systems

    v0.19.0 3.6K #filesystem #squashfs #linux-kernel #linux #image-compression #deku #data-file
  6. bgpkit-parser

    MRT/BGP/BMP data processing library

    v0.10.11 950 #bgp #mrt #data-processing #message-parser #bgpkit #file-processing #data-file
  7. atg

    Convert transcripts between different file formats

    v0.8.6 1.0K #file-format #format-conversion #bioinformatics #transcript #genomics #data-conversion #data-file
  8. public-suffix

    efficient determination of eTLD+1 based on the Mozilla Public Suffix List

    v0.1.2 127K #domain #tld #etld #data-file
  9. oneio

    that provides unified simple IO interface for reading and writing to and from data files from different sources and compressions

    v0.17.0 950 #amazon-s3 #s3 #io #ftp #data-file #file-io #data-source
  10. reflink-copy

    copy-on-write mechanism on supported file systems

    v0.1.20 75K #file-copy #filesystem #write-file #copy #cow #btrfs #data-file
  11. tailsrv

    A high-performance file-streaming server

    v0.9.1 750 #file-access #file-server #data-file #single-file #clients #linux-kernel #send
  12. netcdf

    High-level NetCDF bindings for Rust

    v0.10.5 4.7K #scientific-computing #hdf5 #data-file #file-format #netcdf4 #read-write #libnetcdf
  13. ribboncurls-cli

    rendering of mustache templates

    v0.4.1 650 #mustache #template-engine #template #yaml #data #rendering #data-file
  14. tokio-seqpacket

    unix seqpacket sockets for tokio

    v0.8.0 40K #unix-socket #tokio #sockets #unix #seqpacket #async #data-file
  15. vortex-proto

    Protocol buffer definitions for Vortex types

    v0.20.0 1.5K #file-format #vortex #apache-arrow #serialization #data #random-access #data-file
  16. redacter

    Copy & Redact cli tool to securely copy and redact files removing Personal Identifiable Information (PII) across various filesystems

    v0.11.0 750 #google-cloud #redact #file-copy #dlp #data-file #command-line-tool #pii
  17. htsget-config

    Used to configure htsget-rs by using a config file or reading environment variables

    v0.12.0 #env-vars #config-file #toml-config #data #data-file #ticket #variables
  18. vortex-sampling-compressor

    Vortex compressor that uses statistical sampling

    v0.20.0 1.0K #compression #file-format #vortex #data #random-access #data-access #data-file
  19. vortex-io

    Core async and blocking IO traits and implementations, used by IPC and file format

    v0.20.0 600 #file-format #vortex #array #arrow #compression #data-file #columnar
  20. vortex-runend-bool

    Vortex run end encoded boolean array, strictly better than runend for bool arrays

    v0.20.0 850 #apache-arrow #file-format #vortex #array #compression #data #data-file
  21. xvc

    An MLOps tool to manage data files and pipelines on top of Git

    v0.6.12 #data-file #ml-ops #git #devops #versioning #git-clone #cloud-storage
  22. ruststep

    A STEP toolkit for Rust

    v0.4.0 700 #step #cad #file-format #data-exchange #schema-file #data-file
  23. tass

    A pager for tabular data

    v0.10.1 600 #csv-tsv #parquet #pager #tabular #table #data-file #values
  24. vortex-schema

    Vortex file schema abstraction

    v0.19.0 850 #file-format #vortex #apache-arrow #columnar #compression #data #data-file
  25. curlio

    command-line tool built in Rust that mimics the functionality of cURL. It allows you to send HTTP requests to URLs with support for various HTTP methods, custom headers, request body…

    v0.4.3 #data-file #http-request #curl #send-http #tool #api-client #request-body
  26. base64-stream

    To encode/decode large data with the standard Base64 encoding

    v4.0.0 4.3K #base64 #data-encoding #data-stream #data-file #stream #reader-writer #file-reader
  27. linux-perf-data

    A parser for the perf.data format and the jitdump format. These formats are used by the Linux perf tool.

    v0.10.2 1.4K #parser #perf #linux #data #perf-event #profiling #data-file
  28. nozomi

    Equivalent of the Linux shred command but in rust and library. Allows you to securely erase data from a hard drive.

    v3.0.1 350 #hard-drive #security #erase #data-security #eraser #data-file #wipper
  29. fetch-data

    Fetch data files from a URL, but only if needed. Verify contents via SHA256. Some Python Pooch compatibility.

    v0.2.0 650 #data-file #data #web-request #local-file #testing #file-content #request
  30. json2file

    Generate file output from JSON

    v1.7.8 650 #json-file #generate-json #data-file #json-input #output #github-actions #txt
  31. stegano-cli

    Hiding secret data with steganography in PNG images and WAV audio files

    v0.5.3 #steganography #hiding #command-line-tool #image #command-line #binary-data #data-file
  32. dh

    Data handling in Rust, made easy

    v0.8.1 410 #read-write #read #write #file-io #file-read #data-file #rw
  33. microxdg

    An XDG Base Directory Specification library

    v0.2.0 110 #xdg-base #xdg #file-path #directory #data-file #config-directory #path
  34. xmp_toolkit

    Rust-language bindings for Adobe's XMP Toolkit

    v1.9.1 2.2K #file-metadata #metadata #xmp #file-format #data-file #api-bindings
  35. matfile

    reading and writing Matlab ".mat" data files

    v0.5.0 #file-reader #reader-writer #matlab #mat #data-file #file-writer #file
  36. hbs-cli

    CLI for generating text from handlebars templates, by feeding them with data from file YAML/JSON

    v0.2.5 300 #handlebars-template #handlebars #yaml #templating #json #data-file #yaml-parser
  37. product-os-utilities

    Product OS : Utilities provides a suite of features to support the Product OS set of packages including security tools, text manipulation, data manipulation and generalisation and logging…

    v0.0.19 #product-os #file-management #data #utilities #security #data-file #networking
  38. mzdata

    read mass spectrometry data formats

    v0.39.0 1.1K #mass-spectrometry #data-file #file-format #mgf #mzml
  39. include_data

    Include typed data directly in your executable

    v1.0.1 #data #binary-data #data-file #static #byte #casting #include
  40. pcd-rs

    Working with PCD file format in Rust

    v0.12.0 550 #point-cloud #file-format #data-file #pcd #parser #read #schema
  41. exon

    A platform for scientific data processing and analysis

    v0.32.2 #data-processing #data-analysis #file-extension #compression #arrow #data-file #biology
  42. nebari

    ACID-compliant database storage implementation using an append-only file format

    v0.5.5 160 #key-value-store #file-format #tree-root #database #b-tree #transaction-id #data-file
  43. imago

    accessing virtual machine disk images

    v0.1.2 470 #data-file #write #file-storage #disk-image #read #vm #qcow2
  44. re_data_loader

    Handles loading of Rerun data from file using data loader plugins

    v0.20.3 13K #data-loader #data-file #rerun #plugin #loading #handles #part
  45. malwaredb-virustotal

    Logic and datatypes for interacting with VirusTotal

    v0.1.4 370 #malware-analysis #malware #virus-total #cybersecurity #api-client #data-analysis #data-file
  46. same-content

    Determine whether data from different sources are the same

    v0.1.10 #file-reader #file-content #stream #reader #file #data-stream #data-file
  47. timestudy

    Track your activities

    v0.10.4 #time #activity #tracker #data-file #user-data
  48. data_reader

    A data loading library for data scientist

    v0.5.0 #data-file #reader #file-reader #read #line #error #file-read
  49. vdflex

    A (de)serializer for the Valve Data File (VDF, a.k.a. KeyValues) format using Serde

    v0.1.1 #key-value #data-file #serialization #vdf #valve #serde
  50. fixcol

    reading and writing fixed width / column delimited data files

    v0.2.0 160 #fixed-width #data-file #fixed #column #file #parse #serialization
  51. pbf-craft

    reading and writing OpenSteetMap PBF file format

    v0.9.2 370 #osm-pbf #pbf #openstreetmap #osm #file-format #protobuf #data-file
  52. mame-parser

    read and write MAME files

    v0.7.2 390 #csv #data-file #arcade #parser #mame #retro #file-format
  53. serde2file

    serialize some data to a file or deserialize a data from a file,support encrypt/decrypt file;将struct序列化化存储为文件,或者从文件反序列化为struct,文件存储时支持加密存储

    v0.6.7 #file-storage #serialize-deserialize #data-file #serialization #file-encryption #dump #serde
  54. readervzrd

    A generic reader for csv and json data

    v0.1.1 270 #json #csv #json-format #file-format #json-file #data-file #header-file
  55. rmp_fs

    A small lib that help to serialize and deserialize from/to rmp (RustMessagePack) with a file

    v1.0.4 #serialize-deserialize #serialization #deserialize #message-pack #rmp #data-file
  56. sea-streamer-file

    🌊 SeaStreamer File Backend

    v0.5.2 2.5K #stream-processing #async-stream #data-stream #stream #binary-data #data-file #process-file
  57. biometrics_prometheus

    prometheus-compatible exporter of biometrics

    v0.5.0 210 #prometheus-exporter #biometrics #data-file #path #process #locking #lock-file
  58. idx_binary

    Indexed binary file. It uses mmap , various_data_file and avltiree.

    v0.38.5 #avl-tree #index #binary-file #memmap #index-file #database #data-file
  59. backhand-cli

    Binaries for the reading, creating, and modification of SquashFS file systems

    v0.19.0 110 #filesystem #squashfs #linux #system #deku #data-file #format
  60. rhexdump

    A hexdump library to display binary blobs

    v0.2.0 170 #binary-data #hex-dump #hex #hexdump #data-file #file-format #library
  61. dzn-rs

    dealing with DZN files used in the MiniZinc language

    v0.1.1 240 #dzn #parse #mini-zinc #parsed #data-file #source #dealing
  62. rust-lzma

    interface for LZMA compression and decompression

    v0.6.0 5.2K #lzma #xz #decompression #liblzma #data-file #file-extension
  63. exon-bigwig

    Subcrate of the exon crate for working with BigWig files

    v0.32.2 #bioinformatics #big-wig #file-format #data #exon #data-file #arrow
  64. seq-data-file

    sequential data file

    v0.2.0 #format #file-format #archive #data-file #file
  65. bishop-cli

    CLI app for visualizing keys and hashes using OpenSSH's Drunken Bishop algorithm

    v1.0.0 #key-hash #fingerprint #key-visialization #visialization #visualization #cli #data-file
  66. power_flow_data

    RAW power flow data file parser

    v0.3.0 150 #power #flow #parser #data #data-file #raw
  67. datatroll

    a robust and user-friendly Rust library for efficiently loading, manipulating, and exporting data stored in CSV files

    v0.1.3 #csv #data #data-file #data-processing #csv-reader #file-format #error
  68. ftzz

    File Tree Fuzzer creates a pseudo-random directory hierarchy filled with some number of files

    v3.0.0 #file-tree #directory-structure #fuzz #tool #data-file #file
  69. exon-mzml

    Exon MzML

    v0.32.2 #bioinformatics #data #mz-ml #exon #proteomics #file-format #data-file
  70. nonblock

    Read available data from file descriptors without blocking (e.g. sockets, streams, child stdout, named pipes)

    v0.2.0 5.5K #file-descriptor #non-blocking #async-io #data-file #reader #o-nonblock #io-read
  71. otdrs

    convert OTDR Bellcore SOR files to Serdes-compatible structs and JSON/CBOR thereafter, usable as a Rust library or as a standalone tool; it can also write SORs from Rust data structures

    v1.0.0 #binary-format #data #otdr #file-format #data-file #data-structures #sor
  72. orcrs

    An Apache ORC file reader for Rust

    v0.5.0 #file-reader #orc #apache #data-processing #file-format #apache-orc #data-file
  73. system_info_collector

    fast application to collect os information and create graphs based on it

    v0.5.1 #cpu-memory #csv #system-info #graph #data-file #file-info #collect
  74. archiv

    Read and write compressed, length-prefixed streams or file(s)

    v0.1.3 #compression #file-format #data-stream #data-file #data-processing #parallel-processing #length
  75. elfbin

    Build ELF object files defining symbols with fixed binary data

    v0.4.0 #binary-data #elf-file #elf #object-file #object #binary #data-file
  76. bamrescue

    check Binary Sequence Alignment / Map (BAM) files for corruption and repair them

    v0.3.0 #bam #sequence-alignment #data-integrity #file-integrity #check #data-file #integrity
  77. ckydb

    fast memory-first thread-safe key-value embedded database that persists data on disk

    v0.0.5 #key-value-database #key-value-store #embedded-database #cache #disk-cache #data-file
  78. tote

    A lightweight data cache for CLI libraries

    v0.5.1 #data #cache #data-file #fetch #default #expiry #information
  79. binroots

    Serialize and expose data, one file per field

    v0.2.2 #serialization #data-file #file #struct-fields #macro #filesystem #unix-file
  80. sorer

    A schema on read file parser

    v0.1.1 #schema #data #schema-file #file-io #data-file #multi-threading #read
  81. data2sound

    convert data to sound, and vice versa, supports WASI (dependency-free)

    v0.2.2 #wav #data-file #encode #decode #convert-file #file-format #audio
  82. blend_info

    Print some information about a Blender scene file

    v0.2.9 #blender #scene #binary-file #data-file #read-file #graphics #file-path
  83. async_logger

    Asyncronous logger allows writing arbitrary slices to a memory buffer, which then processed by a writer in it's own thread

    v0.3.3 #memory-buffer #logging #logger #async #data-processing #fixed-size #data-file
  84. distmat

    Distance matrix data types and file formats

    v0.3.0 #distance-matrix #file-format #data-file #square-matrix #parser #bioinformatics #pairwise
  85. zip_parser

    A zip file format parser, supporting no_std environment, stream parsing and seeking

    v0.4.3 #zip-file #zip #parser #file-format #data-file
  86. nu_plugin_dcm

    A nushell plugin to parse Dicom files

    v0.1.8 #dicom #nushell #binary-data #data-file #nu #binary-file
  87. smash-arc

    working with Smash Ultimate's data.arc files

    v0.6.0 #smash #ultimate #arc #extract #file-format #directory #data-file
  88. typed-format-version

    Load format.version.{major,minor} from a structured file

    v0.2.1 #version #format #config-format #data-file #config-file #deserialize #parser
  89. rsapar

    schema-based parsing and validation of structured data files, inspired by JSaPar for Java

    v0.1.1 #fixed-width #schema #validation #parser #csv #schema-file #data-file
  90. pbl

    command line application for rendering templates from structured data and a template

    v0.2.1 #template #mustache #publisher #command-line-utilities #cli #data-file
  91. dr

    Command-line data file processing in Rust

    v0.7.0 #csv #parquet-file #command-line #file-processing #data-processing #toolkit #data-file
  92. appr_dbscan_rust

    approximated DBSCAN algorithm introduced by Gan and Tao

    v0.1.2 #dbscan #clustering #approximated #data-points #data-file
  93. chd-capi

    libchdr-compatible C API for a Rust implementation of the CHD File Format

    v0.3.0 #chd #file-format #decompression #mame #data-file
  94. terender

    Render tera templates from data files

    v0.1.3 #tera-templates #json-toml #template #data #data-file #yaml #render
  95. weave

    delta file storage. Inspired by the storage format of SCCS, this crate allows multiple revisions of a file to be stored efficiently in a single file.

    v0.3.1 #file-storage #version-control #single-file #data-file #backup-file #delta #control-system
  96. rustDatabook

    A system for accessing data in a rdb file

    v1.1.3 #rustdatabook #string #name #file #numbers #rdb #data-file #accessing
  97. zp

    Copy the contents of the source file or the std output buffer to the clipboard, allowing users to easily paste the contents into another file or program

    v1.0.0 #source-file #cmd #copy #command-line #output-buffer #command-line-arguments #data-file
  98. serde-binary

    Serde data format for binary files

    v0.5.0 550 #binary-data #binary #data #serde #format #data-file #file-format
  99. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  100. linux-perf-file-reader

    parse perf.data file from Linux perf tool

    v0.2.0 #data-file #perf #perf-events #linux #parse #tool #part
  101. pciids

    parse the pci.ids data file

    v0.1.4 #pci #data-file #ids #parse
  102. reparo

    rewond events

    v0.1.0 #events #timestamp #event-driven #rewindable #rewind #rewond #data-file
  103. petra_grid

    reading Petra GRD grid files

    v1.0.0 #grid #reading #data-file #read #hex-editor #applications #grd
  104. parallel-gnuplot

    Parallel calls to GNUPlot. Calls the same GNUPlot script once for each data file block.

    v0.2.2 #plot #parallel #data-file #gnuplot #plotting
  105. coverage2lcov

    program to generate lcov file from data file generated by coveragepy, when an older version of which does not have coverage lcov command

    v0.1.0 #coverage #lcov #conversion #data-file
  106. platina

    parameterized golden testing library

    v0.1.0 #testing #string #parameterized #case #golden #data-file #test-files
  107. poestat_static

    statically compiled data file for poestat

    v0.1.0 #data-file #statically #compiled #poestat
  108. tifiles

    Tools for manipulating file formats used with TI graphing calculators

    v0.2.0 #file-format #calculator #ticalc #ti #variables #graphing #data-file
  109. file_to_map

    A small parser for using data from a file as a map

    v0.1.0 #map #data-file #file #configuration #parser
  110. file_env_const

    macros for loading data from files or environment variables at compile time

    v0.3.0 #env-vars #compile-time #data-file #variables #environment #env-file #fallback
  111. splitar

    content-aware splitting of tar files

    v0.1.3 #tar-archive #archive #archiving #utilities #data-file
  112. json_serializer

    JSON serializer that can encode and decode data from a file already in valid JSON format into a Hashmap, and deserialize it back into the original JSON string

    v1.0.0 #json #json-format #encoder #serializer #codec #decoder #data-file
  113. file_linked

    Controlling objects linked directly to a file

    v0.1.3 #linked-data #data-file #linked #data #file #storage #object-file
  114. recollectd

    Recollection daemon for sending notifications

    v0.3.2 #events #notifications #daemon #recollection #data #sending #data-file
  115. bakery

    Deserialize binary objects from structured text data files

    v0.1.3 #binary #data #serialization #data-encoding #serde #encoding #data-file
  116. vaspchg_rs

    A lib to parse VASP's charge density file

    v0.1.1 #data-file #density #charge #lib #parse #vasp #vaspchg
  117. metadata-gen

    A powerful Rust library for extracting, validating, and processing metadata in YAML, TOML, and JSON formats from any content or data file

    v0.0.1 220 #metadata #toml #yaml #json #data-file #file-processing #file-format
  118. griblib_rust

    A collection of utilities to convert GRIB2 data file

    v0.1.1 #data-file #utilities #convert #collection #grib2
  119. git-historian

    Git Historian allows you to collect arbitrary data about a file at each point in its Git history. Think of it as "git log --follow" for every file in a repo, all at once

    v0.4.0 #git #git-history #data-file #log #point #collect #once
  120. botao

    A text data file reader

    v0.1.0 #data-file #file-reader #text