
  1. signal-hook

    Unix signal handling

    v0.3.17 2.0M #signal-handler #signal #daemon #thread-safe #io-error
  2. bollard

    An asynchronous Docker daemon API

    v0.18.1 408K #docker #async-client #build-kit #api-client #daemon #api-version #async-stream
  3. signal-hook-registry

    Backend crate for signal-hook

    v1.4.2 6.9M #signal #signal-handler #daemon #back-end #unix #resources
  4. daemonize

    enable your code run as a daemon process on Unix-like systems

    v0.5.0 169K #daemon-process #unix #daemon #system #unix-like #run #user
  5. windows-service

    that provides facilities for management and implementation of windows services

    v0.7.0 63K #service #daemon #api-bindings #windows
  6. stratisd

    Stratis daemon

    v3.7.3 2.7K #block-devices #dbus #pool #linux #management #stratis #daemon
  7. virtiofsd

    A virtio-fs vhost-user device daemon

    v1.13.0 7.5K #vhost-user #devices #daemon #virtio-fs #guest #host #mount
  8. end-rs

    Eww notification daemon in rust

    v0.1.21 650 #notification #notifications #daemon #eww #zbus #rust
  9. bollard-next

    An asynchronous Docker daemon API

    v0.18.1 1.6K #docker #async-api #api-version #buildkit #http-api #daemon #api-client
  10. fork

    creating a new process detached from the controlling terminal (daemon)

    v0.2.0 103K #daemon-process #process #daemon #setsid #daemonize
  11. viceroy

    local testing daemon for Fastly Compute

    v0.12.2 470 #fastly #compute #local #wasm #daemon #api-testing #services
  12. systemd

    interface to libsystemd/libelogind provided APIs

    v0.10.0 28K #daemon #interface #libsystemd #journal #pkg-config #path #default
  13. dockworker

    Docker daemon API client. (a fork of Faraday's boondock)

    v0.5.1 1.9K #docker #api-client #daemon #fork #boondock
  14. mpd_info_screen

    Displays info on currently playing music from an MPD daemon

    v0.4.17 1.4K #mpd #music #display #info #daemon #playing #song
  15. speakersafetyd

    Speaker protection daemon for embedded Linux systems

    v1.0.2 #embedded-linux #speaker #protection #apple-silicon #amp #daemon #smart
  16. vhost-user-backend

    A framework to build vhost-user backend service daemon

    v0.17.0 22K #vhost-user #virtio #backend #daemon #queue #service #framework
  17. upnp-daemon

    A daemon for continuously opening ports via UPnP

    v0.6.0 470 #open-ports #upnp #port #ip-address #daemon #mapping #csv
  18. rwpspread

    Multi-Monitor Wallpaper Utility

    v0.3.1 160 #wallpaper #utility #back-end #input #image #color-palette #daemon
  19. webhookd

    GitLab/GitHub webhook daemon to run scripts on trigger

    v0.2.3 250 #github-webhook #webhook #github #gitlab #script #daemon #run
  20. statsd

    A basic statsd client for rust

    v0.16.1 2.8K #metrics #client #timer #statsd-client #daemon #basic #tracking
  21. pitchfork-cli

    Daemons with DX

    v0.1.4 140 #daemon #pitchfork #dx
  22. rustbus

    dbus protocol

    v0.19.3 1.9K #unix-socket #dbus #sockets #daemon #protocols #specification #low-level
  23. hyprland-monitor-attached

    Listen monAdd event from the Hyprland wayland compositor

    v0.1.6 400 #wayland-compositor #hyprland #wayland #linux #daemon #cli #workspace
  24. tftpd

    Multithreaded TFTP server daemon

    v0.3.2 1.2K #file-transfer #client-server #tftp #server #daemon #multi-threading #protocols
  25. lala-bar

    a bar on layershell with iced-rs

    v0.4.2 120 #sway #waybar #iced #bar #launcher #notifications #daemon
  26. bollard-stubs

    Stubs used for the Bollard rust async Docker client API

    v1.47.1-rc.27.3.1 468K #api-client #stub #async-api #daemon #bollard #data #api-version
  27. acme-redirect

    Tiny http daemon that answers acme challenges and redirects everything else to https

    v0.7.0 #acme #http-server #challenge #certificate #redirect #daemon #everything
  28. reset_daemon

    ReSet Daemon library and runner

    v2.2.0 4.3K #dbus #bluetooth #daemon #pulse-audio #wifi #network-manager #applications
  29. pokem

    Pok'em, a notification helper bot for Matrix

    v1.1.0 #send-message #http-request #send-notifications #bot #bot-framework #daemon #send-request
  30. mpdpopm

    Maintain ratings & playcounts for your mpd server

    v0.3.3 500 #mpd #mpd-client #daemon #music #client-send
  31. kurv

    A process manager to daemonize commands and programs. Inspired by pm2, but lightweight and not as featureful.

    v0.0.3 110 #process-manager #process #manager #nodejs #daemon #daemonize #run-command
  32. pomd

    configurable pomodoro D-Bus daemon

    v1.5.1 #pomodoro #productivity #daemon
  33. wsrx

    Controlled TCP-over-WebSocket forwarding tunnel

    v0.2.32 140 #websocket #tunnel #forwarding #daemon #controlled #documentation #api
  34. supdock

    What's Up, Doc(ker)? A slightly more visual way to interact with the docker daemon

    v3.5.0 1.0K #docker #visual #command #fuzzy-search #docs #interactive #daemon
  35. circadian

    Linux auto-suspend/wake power management daemon

    v0.8.4 #power #linux #suspend #daemon #service #execute-command
  36. hyprland-per-window-layout

    Per window keyboard layout (language) for Hyprland wayland compositor

    v0.2.13 750 #keyboard-layout #wayland-compositor #hyprland #wayland #linux #daemon
  37. ceviche

    Rust daemon/service wrapper

    v0.6.1 1.5K #daemon #service #systemd #macos #system #events #stop
  38. monitord

    ... know how happy your systemd is! 😊

    v0.11.1 600 #systemd #linux #service #systemd-unit #service-configuration #daemon #config-file
  39. pomc

    Client program for pomd pomodoro daemon

    v1.1.3 #pomodoro #productivity #daemon #command-line-tool
  40. lefthk

    A hotkey daemon for Adventurers

    v0.2.2 180 #config-file #chord #key #command #run-command #hotkey #daemon
  41. runst

    A dead simple notification daemon 🦡

    v0.1.7 #notifications #notification #dbus #x11 #daemon #notify #desktop-applications
  42. mpd

    A client library for MPD (music player daemon), like libmpdclient but in Rust

    v0.1.0 550 #music-player #mpd-client #daemon
  43. mp-cli

    A Music Player Daemon (MPD) CLI client implemented in Rust

    v0.2.1 #music-player #mpd-client #command-line-tool #daemon #mpc
  44. spotifyd

    A Spotify daemon

    v0.3.5 170 #spotify #daemon #unix #client #music #platform #linux
  45. trawld

    Configuration Manager daemon for trawl

    v0.2.8 290 #configuration #config-file #daemon #manager #load-file #x11 #dbus
  46. music-player-tracklist

    The tracklist manager for the music player

    v0.1.8 #music #daemon #streaming #tokio
  47. powernotd

    battery-level notification daemon that sends notification using the xdg desktop notification standard

    v1.2.0 120 #desktop-notifications #notification #notifications #battery #power-management #daemon #notification-service
  48. resident-utils

    Resident program library

    v0.7.0 500 #daemon #resident #utility
  49. rescrobbled

    MPRIS music scrobbler daemon

    v0.7.1 #media-player #music-player #mpris #music #daemon #scrobble
  50. phd

    an esoteric gopher server

    v0.1.15 #gopher #daemon #directory #text-file #server #server-port #ascii-art
  51. libfancontrold

    Base library for fancontrold

    v0.3.2 #daemon #control #system #fans #sensor #configuration #computer
  52. podboy

    Availability CLI for podman containers

    v0.1.6 #container #podman #availability #docker #systemd #daemon #manager
  53. fundamentum-edge-daemon

    The supported way to access Fundamentum's ecosystem from linux devices

    v1.6.0 150 #iot #fundamentum #edge #daemon
  54. swaymode-exec

    run commands when sway changes keybind mode

    v0.1.1 #sway #command #mode #keybind #daemon #timeout #toml
  55. midkb

    A MIDI to Keyboard/Mouse input mapper

    v0.1.0 #midi #input #bind #cc #devices #daemon #notes
  56. rebuilderd

    independent build verification daemon

    v0.21.0 1.9K #supply-chain-security #daemon #verification #independent #build #reproducible #reproducible-builds
  57. lohr

    A Git mirroring daemon

    v0.4.5 #git-repository #gitlab #github #mirroring #daemon #backup #git-clone
  58. netpulse

    Keep track of if your internet is still alive, collect stats against a crappy ISP

    v0.6.1 650 #daemon #store #check #internet #track #keep #isp
  59. mph

    a cli tool for using emacs in daemon mode

    v0.1.8 #emacs #daemon #cross-platform #mode #command #tool #emacsclient
  60. wallshift

    wallpaper updater using feh

    v0.2.5 650 #wallpaper #daemon #wallpaper-changer #updater #animated #feh #user
  61. tiny-dfr

    The most basic dynamic function row daemon possible

    v0.3.3 110 #daemon #dynamic #row #cairo #basic
  62. statime-linux

    Linux daemon for the Statime Precision Time Protocol library

    v0.2.2 160 #time #linux #protocols #system-clock #daemon #precision #ptp
  63. rsincron

    Rust rewrite of the incredibly useful but abandoned incron software

    v0.0.10 130 #incron #abandoned #configuration #rewrite #env-vars #daemon #variables
  64. sourisd

    Daemon for SourisDB

    v0.2.2 410 #daemon #database #souris-db #tiny
  65. mouse

    Client for the daemon for SourisDB

    v0.2.1 #daemon #client #database #souris-db #database-client #size #tiny
  66. daemonize-me

    ease the task of creating daemons on unix-like systems

    v2.0.1 3.8K #unix #daemon #daemonize #system
  67. dtn7-plus

    Additional helpers for rust dtn daemon

    v0.7.2 #dtn #daemon #peer2peer #dtn7 #blocks #canonical #helper
  68. srhd

    A lightweight hotkey daemon for MacOS

    v0.4.0 300 #macos #daemon #service #launcher #keybinds #mac-os #config-file
  69. blukey

    A Linux daemon for creating custom keyboard shortcuts that can execute shell commands

    v0.0.2-rc0 #key #command #keyboard-shortcuts #daemon #execute #cli #monitor
  70. lading-capture

    load testing daemons

    v0.2.0 #load-testing #generator #capture #daemon #random-test #lading #suite
  71. daemonize-simple

    run an app as a Unix daemon

    v0.1.6 #unix #daemon #daemonize
  72. oclock

    Time tracking utility

    v0.1.11 250 #time-tracking #daemon #utility #client-server
  73. service-skeleton

    The bare bones of a service

    v0.5.2 #service #daemon #logging #env-vars #signal #configuration-management
  74. metrsd_client

    The Metrs daemon api client

    v0.5.5 850 #api-client #daemon #microservices #metrics #metrs #ntex #communication
  75. aranya-client

    Client library for using Aranya

    v0.2.0 150 #aranya #data-exchange #channel #client #daemon #user #policy
  76. music-player-server

    The server API for the music player

    v0.2.1 #server-api #music #daemon #streaming #audio-playback #tokio #grpc-api
  77. drop-root

    Set a user id and group (using the names) id to drop root privileges

    v1.0.0 #privileges #security #unix #daemon #user-id #group-id #user-group
  78. ntp-daemon

    ntpd-rs daemon

    v0.3.7 140 #daemon #ntp #clock #protocols #networking #time-synchronization #ntpd-rs
  79. nix-daemon

    talking directly to the Nix Daemon

    v0.1.1 #nix #daemon #api-bindings #store #sockets #communication #traits
  80. metrs_stubs

    Metrs shared data type

    v0.5.5 650 #shared-data #metrics #stub #api-client #microservices #metrs #daemon
  81. chmod-bpf

    Managing BPF device permissions on macOS

    v0.4.0 #bpf #macos #devices #permissions #security #daemon #management
  82. openrgb-daemon

    Minimalistic and lightweight service to wrap OpenRGB server as a notify-reload Systemd daemon

    v0.1.0 #daemon #systemd #service #minimalist #open-rgb #server #wrap
  83. llm-daemon

    LLM as a daemon

    v0.3.14 #llm #daemon #language-server #run #script #running #python
  84. nosyman


    v0.2.2 200 #disk #monitoring #slack #threshold #notifications #daemon #tool
  85. airup-sdk

    SDK library of Airup

    v0.10.6 #service #supervisor #airup #sdk #daemon #init #portable
  86. with_daemon

    An async client-daemon abstraction framework

    v0.2.0 #daemon #daemon-process #shared-state #async #unix #linux #client-instance
  87. spirit

    Helper to create well behaved daemons with runtime-reconfiguration support

    v0.4.21 #daemon #configuration #service-configuration #unix #service #config
  88. nydus-service

    Nydus Image Service Manager

    v0.3.0 300 #container-image #nydus #service #fuse #daemon #virtio-fs #manager
  89. viewercount

    Updates nostr Live Events with the number of HLS connections

    v0.2.1 #nostr #daemon #livestream #self-hosting
  90. aranya-daemon-api

    UDS tarpc API between the Aranya client and the daemon

    v0.2.0 210 #aranya #daemon #api #tarpc #uds #client
  91. mpd-easy

    A wrapper around the mpd crate simplifying common tasks

    v0.2.1 #music-player #mpd-client #daemon #mpc #interface #simplifying #tasks
  92. wora

    A framework for building applications (daemons, etc) that run in different environments (Linux, Kubernetes, etc)

    v0.0.8 550 #applications #framework #kubernetes #run #daemon #environments #different
  93. keylightd

    Keyboard backlight daemon for Framework laptops

    v1.1.0 #backlight #laptop #keyboard #daemon #framework #controller #touchpad
  94. regolith-powerd

    Power Settings Daemeon for Regolith Wayland Session

    v0.3.9 240 #power #wayland #settings #regolith #daemon #session #gsettings
  95. rocc

    Robot Operations Command Center

    v0.1.33 #command-line #ros2 #robot #command-line-tool #ros #center #daemon
  96. atuin-daemon

    The daemon crate for Atuin

    v0.2.0 700 #shell-history #sqlite #atuin #synchronization #daemon
  97. rustmission

    TUI for Transmission daemon

    v0.5.0 #tui #transmission #daemon
  98. aranya-util

    needed by other Aranya crates

    v0.1.0 #aranya #policy #daemon #user
  99. pueue-lib

    The shared library to work with the Pueue client and daemon

    v0.27.0 190 #daemon #pueue #task #shared #client #shell #communicate
  100. nanocld_client

    The Nanocl daemon api client

    v0.16.2 330 #api-client #distributed-systems #nanocl #daemon #container #orchestration #self-hosted
  101. my-test-app-bergwolf

    Fuse(filesystem in userspace) servers and virtio-fs devices

    v1.4.0 #fuse #virtio-fs #virtio #vhost-fs #linux-kernel #client-server #daemon
  102. ed-daemon

    docker based container deployment

    v1.0.0-rc.4 #deployment #container-image #remote #run-time #daemon #mtls #config-file
  103. daemonbase

    providing the foundation for daemon processes

    v0.1.2 #daemon #logging #daemon-process #service #system-services #foundation
  104. docker-prefetch-image

    Pull Docker images to a Docker daemon via a configuration file

    v0.1.4 #docker #config-file #pull #container-image #daemon #deployment
  105. tor-interface

    providing a Rust interface to interact with the legacy tor daemon

    v0.5.0 130 #onion-service #tor #anonymity #networking #flags #legacy #daemon
  106. actix-daemon-utils

    Daemon Utilities by actix

    v0.7.0 650 #daemon #actix #graceful #looper #utilities #system #actor
  107. nofi

    A notification daemon for Rofi

    v0.2.4 #desktop-notifications #notifications #notification #dbus #daemon #rofi #notify
  108. sscrypt

    A CLI tool to encrypt service-skeleton secrets

    v0.5.2 220 #service #daemon #encryption #signal #logging #command-line-tool
  109. krata-daemon

    Daemon for the krata isolation engine

    v0.0.21 #hypervisor #isolation #daemon #xen #krata #engine #control-plane
  110. ktrl

    A Supercharged Keyboard Programming Daemon

    v0.1.8 #keyboard-layout #keyboard #linux #daemon #keyboard-input #layout #cli
  111. music-player-addons

    The addons for the music player

    v0.1.6 #music-player #add-on #audio-streaming #media-server #audio-playback #daemon
  112. libtor

    Bundle and run Tor inside your own project

    v47.13.0+0.4.7.x 2.8K #tor #daemon #bundle #refer #flags #run #own
  113. rs-svc

    Rust service wrapper that run on Linux

    v0.1.1 #signal #daemon #unix
  114. rmw-upnp

    upnp port map daemon

    v0.2.4 #upnp #port #daemon #map #rmw #link #part
  115. redox-daemon

    Tiny daemon library for Redox

    v0.1.3 170 #redox #daemon #tiny
  116. stund

    An SSH tunnel maintenance daemon

    v0.1.6 #ssh #tunnel #connection #daemon #maintenance #remote #multiplexing
  117. music-player

    An extensible music player daemon written in Rust

    v0.2.0-alpha.13 #music #player #daemon #streaming #tokio
  118. aranya-daemon

    Daemon process for syncing with Aranya peers and maintaining the DAG

    v0.2.0 160 #aranya #daemon #peer #syncing #user #effect #policy
  119. port-plumber

    bind ports with initialization commands

    v0.3.1 #tcp-port #port #tcp #daemon #cli
  120. boondock

    Docker daemon API (a fork of Graham Lee's rust-docker)

    v0.1.0-alpha.1 #docker #daemon #api #client #hyper #async #fork
  121. heimdall-cli

    hotkey daemon. Primarily tested on MacOS

    v0.1.11 #daemon #hotkey #macos #command #extensible #modifiers #heimdall
  122. music-player-client

    The client library for the music player

    v0.1.6 #music #daemon #streaming #audio-playback
  123. synapse-rpc

    RPC data structures used by synapse

    v0.1.20 #rpc #bittorrent #synapse #data-structures #websocket #server #daemon
  124. thumbnailer-bridge

    Bridge between your file manager and thumbnail daemon

    v0.1.2 #file-manager #thumbnail #file-path #dbus #multi-threading #daemon #bridge
  125. zeus

    Zeus daemon

    v0.1.0 #gpu #deep-learning #energy #capability #daemon #optimization #nvml
  126. fwupd-dbus

    fwupd dbus client bindings

    v0.3.0 170 #dbus #client #fwupd #bindings #daemon
  127. lading

    load testing daemons

    v0.17.4 #load-testing #generator #daemon #random-test #tool #generation #binary
  128. zenoh-flow-daemon

    The Zenoh-Flow daemon exposes a Zenoh-Flow runtime on Zenoh

    v0.6.0-alpha 300 #data-flow #zenoh #daemon #run-time #zenoh-flow #framework #manage
  129. mumlib

    Exposed parts of mum

    v0.5.1 #mumble #controller #daemon #effect #mpd #mpc #mum
  130. fundamentum-edge-pfwd

    The port forwarding tool for edge daemon

    v0.2.4 270 #edge #fundamentum #daemon #iot
  131. desktop2mqtt

    A daemon to integrate any pc into your home automation system

    v0.3.0 #home-automation #home-assistant #pc #daemon #integrate #mqtt #sensors
  132. d3xs

    Physical access control (daemon)

    v0.1.0 #access-control #physical #bridge #daemon #web-server #iot #websocket
  133. spirit-daemonize

    Spirit helpers and config fragments to daemonize

    v0.5.1 #daemon #spirit #unix #service #helper
  134. deplorable

    & small daemon to deploy static website and other code from GitHub webhooks

    v0.2.0 #github-webhook #version-control #repository #deployment #nix #static-website #daemon
  135. bustd

    Lightweight process killer daemon for out-of-memory scenarios

    v0.1.1 #memory #process #linux-process #daemon #scenario #killer #pid
  136. fpd

    The Fiberplane Daemon enables secure communication between Fiberplane and your data sources using WebAssembly-based providers

    v2.7.2 #data-source #secure-communication #provider #wasm #daemon #fiberplane #configuration
  137. suss

    Create collections of single-instance unix socket services, started on-demand by any clients using them

    v0.0.5 #unix-socket #unix #async-io #non-blocking #io #daemon #async
  138. topcron

    A Cron log parser and viewer

    v0.1.6 #cron #log-viewer #log-parser #daemon #tool #user #date
  139. prusacam

    daemon that periodically grabs images from local webcams and uploads them to Prusa Connect

    v1.0.0 #camera #image #connect #daemon #capture #gpio #switch
  140. syslogio

    Command line utilities to work with UNIX syslog

    v0.2.1 #syslog #unix #daemon #logger #log-messages #unix-domain-socket #sockets
  141. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  142. port-knocking-doors

    port knocking doors. It work with firewalld on Linux servers.

    v1.1.2 #port-knocking #binary #udp #sequence #server-port #daemon #file
  143. zeusd

    Zeus daemon

    v0.1.0 #deep-learning #gpu #nvml #energy #daemon #configuration #applications
  144. dropboxignored

    A lot like dropboxignore but with a file watcher

    v0.1.0 #file-watcher #daemon #dropboxignore #dropbox
  145. daemon-engine

    A helper package for writing unix rust daemons with IPC based clients

    v0.6.0 #server-connection #codec #daemon #request #communication #unix #tokio
  146. ratman

    types, client, and interface library

    v0.5.0 #client #router #packet #types #applications #peer #daemon
  147. eggsecutor

    lightweight stateful daemon tracking CLI

    v2.0.0 #daemon #task-manager #process #stateful #tracking #file #file-path
  148. countdown-metrics-rs

    A daemon that publishes the number of seconds until a given date to a statsd sink

    v1.2.0 #metrics #statsd #environment #seconds #sink #daemon #numbers
  149. gamma_daemon

    Changes screen brightness based on notebook battery life

    v0.2.1 #backlight #gamma #daemon #battery #screen #linux #notebook
  150. radicle-httpd

    Radicle HTTP daemon

    v0.10.0 110 #http #radicle #daemon
  151. lefthk-core

    A hotkey daemon for Adventurers

    v0.2.2 550 #execute #hotkey #daemon #command #chord #key #lefthk
  152. godwit-daemon

    A daemon runner for GodWit

    v0.1.10 #daemon #runner #tracker #internal #service
  153. daemonizr

    Small crate which helps with writing daemon applications in Rust

    v0.1.5 #daemon #unix #daemonize #system
  154. ponde

    Pointing device configurationd daemon for Wayland and X11 using libinput and uinput

    v0.1.5 #devices #button #wayland #uinput #libinput #x11 #daemon
  155. docker-pyo3

    Python bindings to the docker-api-rs crate

    v0.1.4 #python-bindings #api-bindings #daemon #docker-api-rs #pull
  156. sacana

    (Slackbot As Computer Account maNAger)はSlack上からコンピューター上のユーザーアカウントを操作するためのSlack botです。

    v1.0.0 #slack #account #bot #daemon #manager
  157. bpfd-api

    gRPC bindings to the bpfd API

    v0.3.1 #grpc-api #ebpf #api-bindings #kubernetes-operator #bpfd #programs #daemon
  158. hid-io

    host-side daemon for advanced HID devices

    v0.1.0-beta1 #devices #daemon #channel #hid #api
  159. tun-route-daemon

    A Rust-based daemon for managing and monitoring TUN devices and their routing configurations

    v0.1.5 #daemon #tun #routes #devices #routing #configuration #system
  160. monitor_periphery

    monitor periphery binary | run monitor periphery as system daemon

    v0.1.15 #system #daemon #periphery #monitor #binary #run
  161. rclipd

    Rclip is a clipboard manager with ability to save different entry types (text, images, etc.). It's just a daemon which look for clipboard updates and save them each per unique file.

    v0.2.0 #clipboard #clipboard-history #daemon #manager #history #text-image #fzf
  162. oxinoti

    A notification daemon written in rust

    v0.1.1 #notification #daemon #center #progress #image #image-path #urgency
  163. xiod

    XIO http daemon

    v0.14.1 100 #daemon #http #xio
  164. tuxtrain

    generic trainer for Linux

    v0.0.4 #trainer #generic #linux #daemon #memory #ring #elden
  165. uniauth

    abstraction over authentication

    v2.1.1 #challenge #user #user-key #daemon #abstraction #applications #server
  166. daemon_ctrl

    daemon program by sub-process

    v0.1.5 #daemon #ctrl #restart #system #file #filesystem #auto
  167. nanocld

    The Self-Sufficient Hybrid-Cloud Orchestrator Daemon

    v0.3.0 #container #daemon #store #orchestrator #events #controller #structure
  168. munin-cpu1sec

    munin graph plugin for cpu statistics, 1second resolution

    v0.2.2 #statistics #munin #daemon #munin-plugins
  169. libtor-sys

    that internally compiles Tor and its dependencies

    v47.13.0+0.4.7.x 3.2K #tor #daemon #compile #openssl #platform #libevent #ios
  170. pawd

    Process analysis & watcher daemon

    v0.1.1 #process #information #daemon #watcher #command #monitoring #analysis
  171. rsvici

    A client library for the VICI protocol

    v0.1.1 100 #vici #protocols #daemon #client #configure #monitor #control
  172. steam-shortcut-sync-client

    Client to notify Steam Shortcut Sync daemon to run immediately

    v1.0.2 #daemon #steam #shortcut #client #sync #immediately #run
  173. cw-orch-daemon

    Scripting library for deploying and interacting with CosmWasm smart-contracts

    v0.28.1 6.6K #cosmwasm #blockchain #daemon #scripting #deployment #smart-contracts #chain
  174. syds

    Sorts files in a directory by extension

    v0.2.1 #directory #extension #sorting #contents #daemon #service
  175. mpris-nowplaying

    A websocket based MPRIS2 "now-playing" / status client

    v0.1.1 #mpris #music #websocket #daemon #dbus #web
  176. metrs


    v0.1.0 #host #metrics #microservices #daemon #real-time #information #dont
  177. sentrum

    Daemon that monitors watch-only bitcoin wallets

    v0.1.9 420 #notification #daemon #bitcoin #notifications #config-file #file-path
  178. sdnotify

    Notify service manager about start-up completion and other daemon status changes

    v0.2.0 #systemd #notify #service #status #manager #completion #daemon
  179. rscript

    Easily script any rust project

    v0.17.0 270 #script #hook #api #info #output #time #daemon
  180. solana-sys-tuner

    The solana cluster system tuner daemon

    v1.14.29 160 #solana #cluster #system #daemon #tuner #blockchain #install
  181. smhkd

    MIDI hotkontrol daemon

    v0.2.0 #midi #daemon #hotkontrol #alsa #controller
  182. cross-platform-service

    facilities to create and manage cross platform service

    v0.1.0 #winapi #service #daemon #cross-platform #dbus #delete #stop
  183. kaspad

    Kaspa full node daemon

    v0.15.0 210 #kaspa #blockdag #daemon #full-node
  184. fanservice

    Temperature-sensor based fan-speed regulator for PowerEdge servers

    v0.3.1 #daemon #system #hardware #service #cli
  185. vpicc

    interface for adding virtual smartcards using vsmartcard

    v0.1.0 #virtual #daemon #interface #smartcard #connect #add #vsmartcard
  186. yad

    Daemonizer is a daemonizing crate to easily, simply, and correctly create legacy daemons

    v0.2.0 #daemon-process #daemon #process #unix #freebsd #linux
  187. p2p-file-sharing-enum-commands

    containing common commands for client and daemon

    v0.2.3 #command #daemon #client #response #containing
  188. ratman-client

    IPC library to interact with a Ratman daemon

    v0.4.0 #ratman #daemon #interact #ipc #client #applications #send
  189. muzzman-daemon

    MuzzMan Daemon Session

    v0.0.8 #muzzman-session #daemon #muzz-man
  190. hid-io-core

    HID-IO is a host-side daemon for advanced HID devices

    v0.1.4 #hid-io #devices #daemon #advanced #keyboard #client #host-side
  191. batnotify

    Notify you about low battery levels

    v0.1.1 #notification #notify #battery #daemon
  192. rotate-puts

    Rotate outputs to files

    v0.3.0 #rotate #log #log-file #daemon #outputs
  193. inputplug

    XInput monitor daemon

    v0.4.0 #events #devices #x-input #daemon #monitor #change #command
  194. zenoh-flow-standalone-daemon

    A standalone Zenoh-Flow daemon

    v0.6.0-alpha #data-flow #zenoh #programming #daemon #standalone #computing #computation
  195. mediad

    lightweight daemon to handle keyboard media buttons easily

    v0.1.5 #button #handle #keyboard #media #daemon #events #devices
  196. daemon

    creating simple Linux demons and Windows services

    v0.0.8 #linux #service #windows #demons
  197. cw-orch-interchain-daemon

    An interchain intergration crate for interacting with actual chain nodes (via gRPC)

    v0.9.0 3.5K #daemon #inter-chain #environment #node #grpc #blockchain #intergration
  198. selfserv-daemon

    selfserv daemon

    v0.2.0 #daemon #key #selfserv #path #token #cert #automatic
  199. munin-if1sec

    munin interface graph plugin, 1second resolution

    v0.2.1 #statistics #munin #daemon #munin-plugins
  200. daemonizer

    privdrop and daemonize your program

    v0.4.2 #daemon #unix #daemonize
  201. pop-os/system76-firmware-daemon

    System76 Firmware Tool and Daemon

    GitHub 0.1.0 #firmware #package #update #command-line-tool #cli #daemon #dbus
  202. touch_event

    daemon to monitor the touch screen status of linux devices

    v0.1.3 #touch #linux #devices #screen #monitor #daemon #status
  203. hookd

    webhook daemon that supports multiple hooks, passing env vars and reading stdout/stderr

    v0.1.2 #webhook #hook #variables #env #daemon #reading #multiple
  204. recollectctl

    Recollection CLI manager for Recollection events

    v0.3.2 #events #recollection #manager #daemon #notifications #recollectd #data
  205. deadbolt-vault

    Daemon implementation of deadbolt

    v0.1.1 #daemon #deadbolt #vault