
  1. scraper

    HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors

    v0.23.1 392K #html-parser #web-scraping #css-selectors #html-css #css-parser #html #css
  2. selectors

    CSS Selectors matching for Rust

    v0.26.0 732K #css-selectors #css-parser #css #css-selector #tree-structure #data-structures
  3. csscolorparser

    CSS color parser library

    v0.7.0 122K #css-color #css-parser #color-string #css #string-parser #parser #color
  4. lightningcss

    A CSS parser, transformer, and minifier

    v1.0.0-alpha.64 48K #css-parser #css #parcel #minify
  5. simplecss

    CSS 2 parser and selector

    v0.2.2 294K #css-parser #css-selectors #css #parser #selector
  6. usvg

    An SVG simplification library

    v0.45.0 317K #svg-parser #svg #xml-parser #attributes #rendering #css-parser #element
  7. lol_html

    Streaming HTML rewriter/parser with CSS selector-based API

    v2.2.0 47K #html-parser #css-selectors #html #css-parser #low-latency #rewriter #cloudflare-workers
  8. css-color

    CSS color strings

    v0.2.8 29K #color-string #css-parser #color #hex-color #css #string-parser #parser
  9. dom_query

    HTML querying and manipulation with CSS selectors

    v0.15.2 1.5K #html-css #html-parser #css-selectors #html #css-parser #html-content #css
  10. tree-sitter-css

    CSS grammar for tree-sitter

    v0.23.2 40K #css-parser #tree-sitter #css #incremental #parser
  11. biome_css_syntax

    SyntaxKind and common rowan definitions for biome_css_parser

    v0.5.8 150 #css-parser #linter #formatter #parser
  12. raffia

    One parser for CSS/SCSS/Sass/Less

    v0.9.1 4.6K #css-parser #sass #ast #less #ast-parser #syntax #indented
  13. css-minify

    CSS parser and minificator based on nom

    v0.5.2 2.7K #css-parser #css #optimization #nom #minify #parser
  14. swc_css_parser

    CSS parser

    v8.0.0 8.2K #css-parser #ast #swc #web #compiler #javascript-compiler #parsed
  15. biome_css_factory

    create CSS AST for biome_css_parser

    v0.5.8 #css-parser #ast #formatter #linter #ast-parser #parser
  16. css-module-lexer

    Lexes CSS modules returning their dependencies metadata

    v0.0.15 2.7K #css-parser #module #metadata #error #syntax-error #lexing #returning
  17. swc_css_visit

    Visitor for css

    v8.0.0 7.4K #css #css-parser #compiler #swc #web
  18. swc_css_ast

    AST definitions of css

    v8.0.0 8.6K #css #ast #css-parser #web #definition #typescript #swc
  19. static-self

    A trait for values that can be cloned with a static lifetime

    v0.1.2 17K #css #css-parser #properties #minify #static #values #lifetime
  20. parcel_selectors

    CSS Selectors matching for Rust - forked for lightningcss

    v0.28.1 67K #css-parser #css-selectors #css #matching #element #serialization #tree
  21. dom_finder

    HTML parsing with CSS seletors

    v0.4.2 #html-parser #html-css #css-selectors #css-parser #html #css #parser
  22. swc_css_modules

    CSS modules

    v8.0.0 1.9K #css #module #typescript #web #swc #compiler #css-parser
  23. accessibility-scraper

    HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors with CSS binding styles to elements

    v0.0.14 #html-parser #css-selectors #web-scraping #css-parser #html-css #css #html
  24. lightningcss-napi

    Node-API bindings for Lightning CSS

    v0.4.3 2.5K #css-parser #lightning #minify #bindings #transformer #bundler #properties
  25. parcel_css

    A CSS parser, transformer, and minifier

    v1.0.0-alpha.32 370 #css-parser #css #parcel #minify
  26. lightml

    Parser for XML and HTML

    v0.0.2 200 #parser #selector #css-parser #interface #html #css-selectors #html-parser
  27. swc_css

    CSS apis for rust

    v9.0.0 410 #web #css #compiler #swc #typescript #api #css-parser
  28. my_rust_css_parser

    CSS parser using the Pest library for Rust

    v0.1.3 #css-parser #pest-parser #css-selectors
  29. cssengine

    CSS Engine to parse and get declarations by class and query

    v0.1.2 #css #css-parser #engine #styling #web #css-color #css-compiler
  30. colorparser-css

    CSS color parser library

    v0.1.5 700 #css-parser #css-color #css #parser #color #color-string #graphics
  31. stylo

    CSS engine (used in Servo and Gecko)

    v0.1.0 #style #css #css-parser #servo #gecko #engine #resolution
  32. peacock-crest

    A CSS library for parsing and applying styles to in-memory DOM structures

    v0.1.0 110 #css-parser #css #style-sheet #selector #dom #parser #stylesheets
  33. bem

    Parser for the BEM file format (Block, Element, Modifier)

    v0.2.7 #pest-parser #file-format #parser #css-parser #html-parser #css-class #pest
  34. bevy_flair_css_parser

    Bevy UI styling using CSS

    v0.1.0 180 #css-parser #css #animation #style #bevy-ui #bevy #bevy-plugin
  35. css-parser-project

    parser, developed on Rust, that will take CSS code and parse it, based on adjusted rules

    v0.3.0 #css-parser #rules #process #grammar
  36. css-color-parser2

    parser for CSS3 color strings

    v1.0.1 12K #css-color #color-string #css-parser #string-parser #css #parser #color
  37. rcss

    Rust CSS embedding library

    v0.2.0 #css #css-parser #rsx #parse #html #macro #parser
  38. guff_css

    SASS/SCSS compiler and CSS parser/minifier

    v0.7.1 280 #css #sass #minify #css-parser #compiler #guff #css-minifier
  39. azulc

    Azul XML-to-Rust compiler (and library)

    v0.0.3 #desktop-applications #cross-platform-gui #gui #user-interface #css-parser #rendering-engine #ui
  40. sunbeam-ir

    Sunbeams intermediary types used to parse and generate CSS

    v0.0.22-alpha 200 #css #css-parser #ui #class #style #intermediate-representation #library
  41. tieliehin_css_parser

    CSS parser using the Pest library for Rust

    v0.1.0 #css-parser #pest-parser #css-selectors
  42. critters-rs

    Quickly inline your website's critical CSS

    v1.1.0 #css #html-css #critical #performance #inline #css-parser #font
  43. lightningcss_rs

    A CSS parser, transformer, and minifier fork from https://github.com/parcel-bundler/lightningcss. Fix some bug for Rspack.

    v0.1.0 150 #css #css-parser #parcel #minify
  44. floem-css-parser

    Css parser for floem-css

    v0.2.0 #css-parser #floem #style #floem-css
  45. rcss-layers

    Part of Rust CSS embedding library that allows saving styles as seperate layers

    v0.2.0 #css #css-parser #rsx #parse #html #macro #parser
  46. float-pigment-css

    The CSS parser for the float-pigment project

    v0.3.0 130 #css #layout #flexbox #css-parser
  47. scraper_forky

    HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors

    v0.17.2-rc #html-parser #css-selectors #html-css #web-scraping #html #css #css-parser
  48. postcss

    🚀 Fast and 100% API compatible postcss replacer

    v0.0.2 #css #ast #syntax #css-parser #parser
  49. css

    that uses the cssparser and selectors crates to provide a domain model for CSS Stylesheets. Intended to allow effective minification of CSS and CSS transformations such as autoprefixing and removal by other crates

    v0.0.22 #css-parser #style-sheet #css-selectors #minification #transformation #parser-serializer #domain
  50. procss

    CSS parsing and transformation framework

    v0.1.16 180 #css-parser #css #web #compiler #ast-parser
  51. azul-simplecss

    A very simple CSS 2.1 tokenizer

    v0.1.1 240 #css-parser #css #tokenizer #parser
  52. htmler

    HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors

    v0.1.1 #html-parser #html-css #css-selectors #html #web-scraping #css #css-parser
  53. victoria-dom

    Minimalistic HTML parser with CSS selectors

    v0.1.2 #html-parser #html-css #css-parser #css #html #parser
  54. tokenparser

    takes Figma Tokens JSON and outputs CSS

    v0.2.2 #figma #tokens #css #json #style #outputs #css-parser
  55. css_forge

    A robust and efficient CSS parsing library for Rust

    v0.1.0 #css-parser #css #parser #style #parse-error
  56. dom-manipulator

    HTML parsing, querying and serializing

    v0.1.0 #html-parser #html #css-selectors #css-parser #html-css #css #selector
  57. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  58. ccss

    Const CSS parser

    v0.1.0 #css-parser #css #ccss
  59. bevy_ui_string_parser

    Parser for various values used in bevy-ui

    v0.1.2 #string-parser #bevy-ui #color-string #convert-string #val #css-parser #css-color
  60. rcss-bundler

    Part of Rust CSS embedding library that allows using collect and save all styles in a file

    v0.2.0 #css #css-parser #css-class #rsx #parse #macro #html
  61. fast_scraper

    HTML parsing and querying with CSS selectors

    v0.14.5 #html-parser #html-css #css-selectors #css-parser #web-scraping #html #css
  62. parse-color

    that provides conversion from CSS color names or TailwindCSS classes to RGBA colors, in the form of [u8; 4]

    v0.1.2 #css-color #color #tailwind #css-class #convert #css-parser
  63. css-parser-rs

    parsing CSS file. It supports reading CSS file in an event-based fashion.

    v0.1.0 #css-parser #css #parser #reader #web #read-file
  64. rcss-leptos

    Rust CSS embedding library integration with leptos framework

    v0.2.0 #css #css-parser #rsx #html #parse #html-parser #macro
  65. pest-css-parser

    A stylesheet (css) parser using pest

    v0.1.7 #css-parser #pest #style-sheet
  66. macro-visit

    Function like proc-macro visitor for build.rs

    v0.2.0 #macro #visitor #agregate #css-parser #file
  67. tele_parser

    A CSS parser

    v0.2.0 #css-parser #css #parser #telecss #string
  68. css-parser

    CSS parser and compiler written in Rust. Can be used as standalone library or cli tool

    v0.2.0 #css #compiler #input #cli #output #build #standalone
  69. stylist-core

    Stylist is a CSS-in-Rust styling solution for WebAssembly Applications

    v0.13.0 3.9K #css #yew #web #css-in-rust #ast-parser #css-parser #web-apps
  70. alchemy-styles

    Style parsing and hoisting for Alchemy, the Rust cross-platform GUI framework

    v0.1.0 #style #css #layout #ui #css-parser #gui #gui-framework
  71. fashion

    CSS model and parser (cssparser)

    v0.2.0 #css-parser #css #parser #model
  72. rcss-core

    RCSS - (core) contain parser functionality

    v0.2.0 #css #css-parser #rsx #parse #html #macro #css-class
  73. orbtk-css-engine

    CSS engine used to theme OrbTk

    v0.3.1-alpha2 #css #theme #styling #ui #css-parser
  74. neum-parse

    A parser for the CSS neum file type

    v0.1.0 #parser #css-parser #neum #file
  75. lightningcss-derive

    Derive macros for lightningcss

    v1.0.0-alpha.43 37K #css #css-parser #lightningcss #minify #extremely #transformer #macro
  76. rcss-macro

    RCSS - (macro) implementation of proc macros

    v0.2.0 #css #css-parser #parse #macro #html #rsx #parser
  77. static-self-derive

    Derive macros for static-self

    v0.1.1 4.8K #css #css-parser #minify #extremely #transformer #macro #static-self