
  1. arboard

    Image and text handling for the OS clipboard

    v3.4.1 498K #text-image #clipboard #cross-platform #paste #copy #platform-independent
  2. clipboard-win

    way to interact with Windows clipboard

    v5.4.0 567K #clipboard #winapi #format-time #windows
  3. copypasta

    cross-platform library for getting and setting the contents of the OS-level clipboard

    v0.10.1 79K #clipboard #cross-platform #wayland #contents #setting #getting #fork
  4. tpnote

    Minimalistic note-taking: save and edit your clipboard content as a note file

    v1.25.3 130 #note #markdown #clipboard #file #minimalist #env-var #template
  5. smithay-clipboard

    access to the wayland clipboard for client applications

    v0.7.2 349K #wayland-client #wayland #clipboard #gui-applications #toolkit #windowing #cli-applications
  6. wl-clipboard-rs

    Access to the Wayland clipboard for terminal and other window-less applications

    v0.9.1 120K #wayland-protocol #wayland #wayland-client #clipboard #wayland-compositor #protocols #terminal
  7. doe

    powerful Rust crate designed to enhance development workflow by providing an extensive collection of useful macros and utility functions. It not only simplifies common tasks but also…

    v1.1.56 550 #keyboard-input #clipboard #mouse-input #mouse #keyboard #state-management #mouse-position
  8. x11-clipboard

    x11 clipboard support for Rust

    v0.9.3 153K #clipboard #x11 #xcb #selection #p2p
  9. tauri-plugin-clipboard-manager

    Read and write to the system clipboard

    v2.2.1 22K #clipboard #tauri-plugin #read-write
  10. clipboard-rs

    Cross-platform clipboard API (text | image | rich text | html | files | monitoring changes) | 跨平台剪贴板 API(文本|图片|富文本|html|文件|监听变化) Windows,MacOS,Linux

    v0.2.4 2.8K #text-image #rich-text #clipboard #cross-platform #html #api #monitoring
  11. project-absence

    👁️ Uncover the unseen

    v0.2.0 220 #tool #command-line #clipboard #analyzing #absence #uncover #unseen
  12. tauri-plugin-clipboard

    A clipboard plugin for Tauri that supports text, html, rtf, files and image, as well as clipboard update listening

    v2.1.11 600 #tauri-plugin #clipboard #rich-text #read-write #image #text-image #html
  13. mkcontext

    that provides functionality for creating context

    v0.7.3 800 #glob-pattern #shell #command-output #context #file-processing #chatgpt #clipboard
  14. bp

    cross-platform clipboard tool

    v0.1.5 100 #clipboard #command-line-tool #tool #behavior #cli
  15. ringboard-server

    The ringboard server

    v0.9.2 220 #clipboard #unix-socket #ringboard #server #socket-server #database-server #tool
  16. window_clipboard

    obtain clipboard access from a raw-window-handle

    v0.4.1 39K #raw-window-handle #clipboard #window #ui #gui
  17. clipcast

    A bidirectional clipboard synchronization tool that seamlessly connects local and remote machines over SSH, enabling real-time clipboard sharing with automatic reconnection and customizable clipboard handlers

    v0.1.1 #clipboard #remote #ssh #sync #tool
  18. riichi-hand-cli

    Cli wrapper of riichi-hand

    v0.2.0 220 #mahjong #riichi #hand #image #save #clipboard #tile
  19. nu_plugin_clipboard

    A nushell plugin to copy text into clipboard or get text from it

    v0.102.0 #nushell-plugin #clipboard #nushell #text-input #plugin
  20. cli-clipboard

    cross-platform library for getting and setting the contents of the OS-level clipboard

    v0.4.0 13K #clipboard #cross-platform #wayland #x11 #copy #paste #system
  21. zfind

    zsh which provides easy access to your previous commands

    v0.1.5 250 #zsh #command #access #bash #clipboard #cargo-cult #previous
  22. copypasta-ext

    A clipboard library providing useful extensions for copypasta

    v0.4.4 12K #clipboard #x11 #copypasta #exit #contents #extension #escaping
  23. ringboard-x11

    X11 Ringboard clipboard listener

    v0.9.2 #clipboard #x11 #ringboard #tool
  24. clipcat

    A command line tool for copying the contents to clipboard of multiple files in one go

    v0.1.5 340 #command-line-tool #clipboard #text #copy #multiple #copying #contents
  25. clipperd

    Keyboard shortcuts to paste selected text to secondary clipboard

    v0.1.5 310 #clipboard #keyboard-shortcuts #encryption #encryption-key #secondary #paste #aes-256
  26. tui-realm-textarea

    textarea component for tui-realm

    v2.0.0 #tui #textarea #component #clipboard #text-editors #editor #tui-realm
  27. ringboard-tui

    Ringboard ratatui client application

    v0.9.2 130 #ringboard #ratatui #clipboard #tool
  28. clipcount

    Counting words from the clipboard content

    v1.0.7 270 #clipboard #word-count #words #count #cli #word #command-line-tool
  29. rust_project_reader

    program that reads all the fiels of a rust project and copies them to the clipboard. This is useful for using with chatgpt/gpt-4.

    v0.1.8 350 #clipboard #read #copies #chatgpt-gpt-4 #fiels
  30. egui-data-table

    A generic data table widget implmentation for egui

    v0.6.0 #egui #table #widgets #undo-redo #row #clipboard #ui
  31. cargo-rush

    cargo run whatever is on the operating system clipboard

    v0.0.2 #clipboard #cargo #memory #operating-system
  32. history-fuzzy-search

    fuzzy searching through command history

    v0.4.0 #fuzzy-search #history #command #clipboard
  33. clipboard-history

    CLI for interfacing with the ringboard server

    v0.9.2 430 #ringboard #clipboard #tool #database-client #cli #server-client
  34. apira

    program that finds and copies the activate script path of a virtual environment to the system clipboard

    v1.0.1 #wayland #clipboard #python #virtualenv #apirra
  35. cptc

    A cli tool for copying file/s contents to your clipboard

    v0.1.4 200 #file-content #clipboard #command-line-tool #copy #copy-file #tool #system
  36. wayland-clipboard-listener

    impl wlr-data-control-unstable-v1, listen for clipboard

    v0.2.6 #wayland #clipboard #protocols #listen #sway #paste #copy
  37. terminal-clipboard

    a minimal cross-platform clipboard

    v0.4.1 1.0K #clipboard #cross-platform #string #terminal-text #command-line-interface #applications #terminal
  38. output-copy

    command-line output copy tool

    v0.1.1 #output #copy #command-line #tool #clipboard #command-output #output-stream
  39. clipboard-master

    monitor clipboard changes

    v4.0.0-beta.6 410 #clipboard #winapi #notifications #events #windows #linux-macos
  40. tp-note

    has moved to tpnote

    v1.21.16 #clipboard #minimalist #note #note-taking #moved #save #edit
  41. windot

    emoji picker

    v0.2.2 300 #emoji #picker #clipboard #gtk
  42. ringboard-egui

    Ringboard egui client application

    v0.9.2 #clipboard #egui #ringboard #gui-applications #tool
  43. file_aggregator

    File Aggregator is a utility for aggregating and distributing file contents. It allows you to combine file contents from a specified directory into a single text, which is copied to the clipboard…

    v0.2.0 #file-content #clipboard #file #relative-path #file-path #aggregation #text-content
  44. winctx

    A minimal window context for Rust on Windows

    v0.0.19 #icons #clipboard #popup #menu #tray #applications #context
  45. pray

    A tui tool for preparing a prompt to the llms

    v1.5.0 #tui #llm #clipboard #text-processing
  46. zte

    A buffer/window-driven text editor that takes inspiration from Howl

    v0.1.5 #text-editors #syntax-highlighting #buffer #clipboard #automatic #key-bindings #editing
  47. clipboard-history-x11

    X11 Ringboard clipboard listener

    v0.9.2 130 #clipboard #ringboard #x11 #tool
  48. ringboard

    CLI for interfacing with the ringboard server

    v0.9.2 230 #clipboard #tool #database-client #server-client #cli
  49. cliperge

    A CLI tool to combine the contents of multiple files and copy to the clipboard

    v0.3.0 #file-path #relative-path #clipboard #file #file-content #filename #command-line-tool
  50. turn-uppercase

    Small command to uppercase text in command line and copy to clipboard

    v0.1.1 #upper-case #clipboard #turn #copy #command #text #line
  51. clipboard-history-server

    The ringboard server

    v0.9.2 140 #unix-socket #clipboard #socket-server #server #ringboard #database-server #tool
  52. clipboard-history-wayland

    Wayland Ringboard clipboard listener

    v0.9.2 250 #clipboard #wayland #ringboard #tool
  53. clipboard-files

    Read file paths from the clipboard

    v0.1.2 420 #clipboard #file-path #read-file #macos
  54. havsalt-here

    Effortlessly grab and copy file locations

    v0.17.0 #path #copy #directory #clipboard #copy-file #locations #symlink
  55. psource

    CLI tool to pretty print source code to stdout or directly to the clipboard

    v0.4.3 490 #pretty-print #clipboard #llm #text #command-line-tool #language-model #config-file
  56. mark-clipboard

    clipboard manager for the command line

    v0.1.2 #command-line #clipboard #paste #command-line-tool #cli #manager
  57. clipboard-substitutor

    CLI tool to monitor clipboard changes and perform operations based on the contents

    v0.7.8 #clipboard #command-line-tool #content #operations #pattern #perform #copied
  58. spongebob

    convert text to spongebob case a.k.a tHe MoCkInG sPoNgEbOb MeMe

    v2.0.1 #convert-text #text-processing #clipboard #case #command-line #words #macos
  59. clipboardstealer

    X11 Clipboardmanager which enforces the user choice

    v0.1.1 #clipboard #x11 #choice #primary #user #cursor #enforces
  60. clipdir

    wayland clipboard manager with a syncable directory backend

    v0.1.0 #clipboard #directory #wayland #manager #sync #back-end #clipboard-history
  61. clipboard_x11

    obtain access to the X11 clipboard

    v0.4.2 25K #raw-window-handle #clipboard #x11 #access #obtain #experimental
  62. clipboard-history-tui

    Ringboard ratatui client application

    v0.9.2 #clipboard #ringboard #ratatui #tool
  63. clipboard_wayland

    obtain access to the clipboard of a Wayland window

    v0.2.2 24K #wayland #clipboard #raw-window-handle #obtain #access #window-clipboard
  64. bevy_flurx_api

    api plugins for bevy_webview_wry

    v0.3.0 150 #plugin #api #fs #webview #monitor #dialog #clipboard
  65. svscr

    that allows you to quickly save a picture from the clipboard to a file

    v1.0.0 #save-file #clipboard #screenshot #image #command-line #command-line-tool #quickly
  66. mac-clip

    A clipboard history manager for macOS

    v0.2.0 #clipboard-history #clipboard #macos #productivity #utility #keyboard-shortcuts
  67. nikau

    Linux network KVM for Wayland/X11/Console

    v0.3.2 110 #client-server #clipboard #input #linux-api #devices #linux-networking #kvm
  68. elvish

    Overengineered Advent of Code framework - not quite Santa's elves

    v0.1.1 #advent #framework #solution #day #quite #declare #clipboard
  69. clipboard-history-egui

    Ringboard egui client application

    v0.9.2 180 #clipboard #egui #ringboard #tool #gui-applications
  70. ringboard-wayland

    Wayland Ringboard clipboard listener

    v0.9.2 #ringboard #wayland #clipboard #tool
  71. tpnote-lib

    Minimalistic note-taking: save and edit your clipboard content as a note file

    v0.39.2 230 #env-var #input #template #clipboard #content #editor #file
  72. rsclip

    CLI utility to copy the contents of a file to the clipboard written in Rust

    v0.2.1 #clipboard #command-line-tool #file-copy #file-content #rust #cli
  73. copyrs

    Crossplatform clipboard access

    v0.5.2 370 #clipboard #cross-platform #x11 #wayland #access #system #text
  74. clipboard-history-watcher-utils

    Shared utilities between ringboard watchers

    v0.9.2 330 #clipboard #ringboard #sdk #tool
  75. winfu

    Commandline Function Manager For Windows

    v0.3.4 #command-line #manager #variables #windows #clipboard #save #remove
  76. osclip

    small utility to copy text from terminal to system clipboard

    v0.1.1 110 #clipboard #terminal-text #ansi #sequence #stdin #ssh #serial
  77. ohos-pasteboard-sys

    Raw Bindings to the clipboard / pasteboard on OpenHarmony

    v0.1.0 120 #open-harmony #harmony-os #clipboard #ffi #pasteboard
  78. dioxus-clipboard

    Clipboard integration for Dioxus 🧬

    v0.2.0 330 #dioxus #clipboard #integration #🧬
  79. x11-clipboard-rs

    X11 cliboard copy and paste command line tool

    v0.1.1 #x11 #clipboard #command-line-tool #copy #paste
  80. clipboard-history-client-sdk

    API bindings to the ringboard server

    v0.9.2 150 #ringboard #clipboard #sdk #duplicates #tool #api-bindings
  81. wl-clipboard-rs-tools

    Terminal utilities for accessing the Wayland clipboard

    v0.9.1 #clipboard #wayland #command-line-utilities #terminal #accessing #wl-paste #wl-copy
  82. copy_event_listener

    Copy event listener for macOS

    v0.1.2 150 #macos #event-listener #events #clipboard #monitor
  83. android_clipboard

    Access Android clipboard

    v0.1.0 #clipboard #android #text
  84. shrug

    Easy access to your favourite strings

    v0.1.3 #string #string-search #clipboard #string-manipulation #shortcut #key-bindings
  85. clipboard_macos

    obtain access to the macOS clipboard

    v0.1.1 12K #clipboard #access #macos #raw-window-handle #obtain #window-clipboard
  86. mkutil

    Potpourri functions to work w/ clipboard, dialog, glob, git, copying files, image resizing, HTML, sound, etc

    v0.7.1 140 #image-resizing #clipboard #dialog #tech-art #git #file-dialog #glob
  87. bootleg

    cli tool to copy to the clipboard

    v0.1.14 120 #clipboard #command-line #copy #text #terminal-text #paste #command-line-tool
  88. jabba-lib

    inspired mainly by Python

    v0.1.8 #python #clipboard #utility #utilities #programming-language
  89. clipboard-sync

    Synchronizes the clipboard across multiple X11 and wayland instances running on the same machine

    v0.2.0 #clipboard #wayland #instance #x11 #across #synchronization #run
  90. clpy

    Save image from your clipboard as an image file directly from your command line!

    v0.1.1 #command-line #image #clipboard #save-file #command-line-tool #platform #copied
  91. crossclip

    cross-platform Rust library for interfacing with the system clipboard

    v0.7.1 #clipboard #x11 #cross-platform
  92. nitrokey-dmenu

    Quickly fetch passwords from your nitrokey

    v0.2.2 #nitrokey #password #dmenu #slot #clipboard #fetch #quickly
  93. bevy_egui_next

    A plugin for Egui integration into Bevy

    v0.26.1 #game-engine #egui-integration #next #up #clipboard #keeping #date
  94. ripclip

    Stack based clipboard replacement

    v0.7.0 #clipboard #stack #replacement #hotkey #copy #copies #icons
  95. fileagg

    The ultimate file aggregation tool! If you've ever needed to consolidate multiple files from a directory into a single file effortlessly

    v0.1.0 #single-file #file #file-content #clipboard #aggregator #save-file #file-aggregation
  96. clipboard_listener

    A cross-platform Rust crate for listening to clipboard events

    v0.1.0 #clipboard #cross-platform #winapi #event-driven #events #listening #update
  97. oxio

    A nimble snippet manager

    v0.1.3 #snippets #clipboard #snippet-manager #snippet #cli
  98. otpcli

    one-time-password CLI, with support for TOTP and STOKEN

    v1.0.0 #totp #password #secret #otp #time #clipboard #stoken
  99. emojicp

    A command-line tool to search for emojis by name

    v0.3.1 #emoji #command-line-tool #copy #search #name #command-name #clipboard
  100. enqueue-email

    Send a bookmark via email, enqueuing it with MSMTP queue

    v0.1.0 #clipboard #send-email #future #parser #async #web-page #asynchronous
  101. pass-fu

    wrapper around the legendary pass - Foo Pass!

    v1.0.3 #pass #first-line #qr #show #clipboard #manager #otp
  102. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  103. clipboard-anywhere

    Copy text to the clipboard, even in WSL and SSH sessions

    v0.2.3 120 #clipboard #ssh #wsl #copy #remote #session #control
  104. remote-clipboard

    A CLI tool to share content across different clients

    v0.4.0 #clipboard #remote #cli #serverless #command-line-tool
  105. pbutil

    Cross-platform implementation of pbcopy and pbpaste in Rust

    v0.1.2 #clipboard #cross-platform #pbcopy #pbpaste #macos #stdout #linux-macos
  106. clipclean

    Removes tracking information from url-links in clipboard, useful for sanitizing those links you want to copy paste

    v0.2.4 #link #clipboard #tracking #remove #paste #youtube #information
  107. termuxapi

    Termux:Api Wrapper

    v0.1.1 #termux #clipboard #command
  108. clipat

    CLI tool for sharing clipboard with remote SSH sessions

    v0.1.1 #ssh #remote #clipboard #sessions #sharing #server #command-line-tool
  109. copiepate

    Send copy events over the network

    v0.2.2 #clipboard #vim #cli #networking #file-server #server-port
  110. spacebar

    An anti-plagiarism tool based on null width characters

    v0.3.0-rc1 #null #characters #width #tool #anti-plagiarism #clipboard #spacebars
  111. wayclip

    An opinionated Wayland clipboard manager

    v0.4.1 #clipboard #wayland #manager #clipboard-history
  112. creepy

    copy file into clipboard

    v0.2.2 #clipboard #file #paste
  113. cpwd

    cpwd command (c)opies current working directory (pwd) into your clipboard, works cross platform without dependencies on installed software or libraries

    v1.0.1 #linux #clipboard #linux-macos #cross-platform #macos #windows
  114. snippy-rs

    cross-platform CLI tool to manage user-defined snippets. Snippets are loaded and unloaded through the clipboard.

    v1.1.0 140 #snippets #cross-platform #clipboard #json-format #command-line-tool #cli
  115. clipboard-win-html

    Copy HTML to the Windows clipboard

    v0.2.0 120 #clipboard #paste #html #copy #windows
  116. context-for-prompt

    Creates a context made of all the files and their content

    v0.1.0 #file-content #context #clipboard #copy #create #prompt #directory
  117. clipse

    a cli clipboard manager for linux

    v1.2.2 #clipboard #stack #copy #manager #linux #text #command-line
  118. rkeep

    Persistent KeePass backend with display hooks

    v0.4.1 #keepass #display #hook #interface #back-end #persistent #clipboard
  119. rclipd

    Rclip is a clipboard manager with ability to save different entry types (text, images, etc.). It's just a daemon which look for clipboard updates and save them each per unique file.

    v0.2.0 #clipboard #clipboard-history #daemon #manager #history #text-image #fzf
  120. crepe-bordeaux

    The cross-platform clipboard cli tool

    v0.1.1 #clipboard #cross-platform #paste #tool #command-line-tool #bordeaux #crepe
  121. jabba-ctc

    Copies its argument (as text) to the clipboard

    v0.1.1 #clipboard #argument #copy #ctc #copies #text #help
  122. inclip

    terminal utility for clipboard interaction and convenience

    v2.0.1 #clipboard #terminal #utility #cli
  123. jabba-cpc

    Copies the path of the current working dir. to the clipboard. If a parameter is given, it's also added to the path.

    v0.1.2 #clipboard #path #cpc #parameters #directory #copies #added
  124. pasteboard

    CLI and Rust bindings for interacting with the macOS pasteboard

    v0.1.3 #macos #clipboard #mac-os #ffi
  125. gimme

    Pull useful data out of your clipboard

    v0.1.13 #clipboard #phone #phone-number #email #pull #data #numbers
  126. win32yoink

    A windows clipboard tool

    v0.1.0 #clipboard #tool #cli
  127. dropzone

    cloud clipboard

    v0.1.3 #clipboard #cloud #sync #universal
  128. clipmon

    or clipboard monitor is a wayland helper that keeps the selection when the application that copied exits

    v0.1.0 #applications #selection #clipboard #wayland #copied #monitor #helper
  129. clipboard-ext

    A clipboard library providing useful extensions for rust-clipboard

    v0.2.0 140 #clipboard #x11 #ext #extension #context #fork #set
  130. clippers

    Cross-platform clipboard management library

    v0.1.2 250 #clipboard #paste #copy #text-image #read-write
  131. wiki-o

    Smart note taking cli app

    v0.1.0 #wiki #notes #command-line #clipboard #cli
  132. tts-tui

    Clipboard Narrator in the terminal

    v0.1.4 #clipboard #tts #text-to-speech #tui #narrator
  133. tts-cli

    Command line utility to automatically read from clipboard

    v0.1.4 #text-to-speech #clipboard #tts #command-line-tool #narrator #cli
  134. glcp

    Small library to help you set and get text from a global clipboard

    v0.1.2 #clipboard #paste #global #text #copy
  135. clipboard-history-core

    The ringboard core library

    v0.9.2 120 #ringboard #clipboard #tool #core
  136. copycat

    windows clipboard cli interface. Pipe into it to copy. Pipe from it to paste.

    v0.7.1 #clipboard #copy #cli-interface #clip
  137. handyman

    Store bookmarks to anything

    v0.1.0 #bookmarks #store #anything #dumb #clipboard #acronym
  138. shrtcut

    clipboard shortcut manager

    v0.1.4 #shortcut #clipboard #copy #paste #text #env-vars
  139. arrowvortex_clipboard

    Small library for encoding and decoding ArrowVortex clipboard data

    v0.2.0 #codec #clipboard #decoding #data #arrow-vortex #encoding
  140. utrans

    A command line utility to convert paths (say realpath, url, etc) and to print/copy them to clipboard

    v0.1.0 #url-path #clipboard #convert #utility #command-line-tool #realpath #say
  141. otpcli-tkennedy1

    one-time-password CLI, with support for TOTP and STOKEN

    v1.0.1 #totp #secret #clipboard #keychain #stoken #generate #time
  142. clipshare

    Share clipboard between machines on your local network

    v0.0.7 #clipboard #share #machines #networking #local #text #secure
  143. clipcalc

    calculator that reads from the clipboard and writes the result back to the clipboard

    v1.0.0 #clipboard #calculator #rust
  144. termux-clipboard

    Access to Android clipboard using Termux API

    v0.1.0 650 #termux #android #clipboard
  145. clipsync

    A neovim plugin and server to sync the contents of a remote neovim's '+' buffer with the clipboard of the host machine

    v0.2.4 #neovim #clipboard #remote #host #content #buffer #sync
  146. clipboard

    rust-clipboard is a cross-platform library for getting and setting the contents of the OS-level clipboard

    v0.5.0 7.3K #cross-platform #contents #setting #getting #os-level #x11 #rust-clipboard
  147. ccwd

    copy current working dirctory to clipboard

    v0.1.2 #clipboard #linux #pwd #xset #xclip
  148. passclip

    password generator in Rust. Generates a random password and copies it to the clipboard. (Clipboard access compatible with OSX, Windows and Linux). Optional parameters = length, number of digits…

    v0.1.4 #password-generator #clipboard #numbers #random-password #generates-random #generating #upper-case
  149. ecopy

    copy stdin to the system clipboard

    v0.1.0 #system #clipboard #stdin
  150. clipboard2

    improved version of clipboard-rs with better error handling and MIME type handling on Windows

    v0.1.1 230 #clipboard #error #better #com #rust-clipboard #mime #version
  151. epaste_

    print the system clipboard to stdout

    v0.1.0 #stdout #clipboard #system
  152. merenda

    Snack-sized clipboard syncronization over SSH

    v0.1.0 #clipboard #ssh #synchronization #user #connection #port #set
  153. onething-clip

    A personal command line tool to access the OneThing global clipboard

    v0.1.1 #clipboard #command-line-tool #global #access #one-thing #personal
  154. coppy

    Send standard output (stdout) to clipboard

    v0.1.2 110 #clipboard #stdout #copy #cli