
  1. kittycad

    A fully generated & opinionated API client for the KittyCAD API

    v0.3.28 7.5K #api-client #user #cad #generated-client #user-agent #api-key #opinionated
  2. kcl-lib

    KittyCAD Language implementation and tools

    v0.2.29 3.4K #kittycad #cad #kcl #kitty-cad
  3. ruststep

    A STEP toolkit for Rust

    v0.4.0 700 #step #cad #file-format #data-exchange #schema-file #data-file
  4. dxf

    reading and writing DXF and DXB CAD files

    v0.6.0 550 #cad #dxb #auto-cad
  5. espr

    EXPRESS Language compiler

    v0.4.0 320 #step #compiler #cad #data-exchange #schema-file #file-format
  6. fj-interop

    Early-stage b-rep CAD kernel

    v0.49.0 #cad #3d-model #programmatic #code-cad
  7. fj

    Early-stage b-rep CAD kernel

    v0.49.0 #cad #code-cad #3d-model #programmatic #file-format
  8. bevy_stl

    STL loader for bevy, based on stl_io

    v0.15.0 1.2K #stl #bevy #cad #loader #geometry #assets #position
  9. ifc2osm

    Convert IFC CAD files to osm for simpler importing

    v0.1.0 160 #osm #cad #ifc
  10. truck-modeling

    integrated modeling algorithms by geometry and topology

    v0.6.0 210 #truck #modeling #topology #graphics #cad #geometry #generated
  11. truck-base

    Basic structs and traits: importing cgmath, curve and surface traits, tolerance, etc

    v0.5.0 190 #graphics #truck #tolerance #cad #curve #surface #traits
  12. truck-geometry

    geometrical structs: knot vector, B-spline and NURBS

    v0.5.0 210 #b-spline #graphics #nurbs #cad #truck #knot #geometrical
  13. truck-topology

    topological structs: vertex, edge, wire, face, shell, and solid

    v0.6.0 210 #edge #topology #graphics #topological #truck #shell #cad
  14. truck-geotrait

    Defines geometric traits for truck

    v0.4.0 240 #truck #geometric #traits #cad #defines #graphics #parametric-curve
  15. fj-math

    Early-stage b-rep CAD kernel

    v0.49.0 #cad #programmatic #code-cad #3d-model
  16. truck-stepio

    Reads/writes STEP files from/to truck

    v0.3.0 120 #truck #step #cad #graphics #file #reads-writes #convert
  17. libreda-db

    Layout and netlist datastructures for chip design

    v0.0.12 120 #eda #cad #vlsi #data-structures
  18. bevy_editor_cam

    A camera controller for editors and CAD

    v0.4.0 2.1K #camera #bevy #controller #cad
  19. fj-kernel

    Early-stage, next-generation, code-first CAD application. Because the world needs another CAD program.

    v0.46.0 #cad #programmatic #code-cad
  20. truck-shapeops

    boolean operations to Solid

    v0.4.0 #cad #operations #solid #boolean #shape #import #graphics
  21. threemf

    3MF (3D Manufacturing Format) file format support

    v0.6.0 #file-format #cad #mesh #3mf #triangle #slicer
  22. ducflair-duc

    The duc 2D CAD file format Rust implementation

    v1.1.0 150 #file-format #cad #2d #duc #binary-file #design #validation
  23. fj-export

    Early-stage b-rep CAD kernel

    v0.49.0 #cad #programmatic #code-cad #file-format
  24. fj-text

    creating text in fornjot

    v0.2.0 #fornjot #cad #kernel #text #experiment
  25. fj-window

    Early-stage b-rep CAD kernel

    v0.49.0 #cad #3d-model #programmatic #code-cad
  26. fj-viewer

    Early-stage b-rep CAD kernel

    v0.49.0 #cad #3d-model #programmatic
  27. fj-app

    Early-stage, next-generation, code-first CAD application. Because the world needs another CAD program.

    v0.46.2 130 #cad #programmatic #code-cad #pull-request
  28. gerber-types

    Types and code generation for Gerber files (RS-274X)

    v0.3.0 #pcb #cad #gerber #rs274x #cam #file-format
  29. iso-10303-parts

    reading STP files

    v0.5.0 #stp #step #cad
  30. iso-10303

    generating STEP reader code

    v0.5.0 #step #cad #stp #file-reader
  31. fj-operations

    Early-stage, next-generation, code-first CAD application. Because the world needs another CAD program.

    v0.46.2 #cad #programmatic #code-cad #pull-request
  32. solidrs

    generate openScad models. Inspired by SolidPython.

    v0.4.0 380 #openscad #cad #3d #3d-model #modeling #solidpython
  33. fj-host

    Early-stage, next-generation, code-first CAD application. Because the world needs another CAD program.

    v0.46.2 #cad #programmatic #code-cad #pull-request
  34. occt-sys

    Static build of the C++ OpenCascade CAD Kernel for use as a Rust dependency

    v0.6.0 #cad #bindings #open-cascade #kernel
  35. arcs

    An extensible framework for creating 2D CAD applications using the Entity-Component-System pattern

    v0.3.0 #cad #2d #geometry #design #graphics
  36. weldr

    manage LDraw files (.ldr)

    v0.3.1 #lego #parser #cad #ldraw
  37. slvs

    Rust wrapper for the SolveSpace constraint solver library

    v0.6.0 #cad #geometry #constraint-solver #api-bindings #graphics
  38. creo

    Creo Parametric Toolkit API for Rust

    v0.1.0 #cad #parametric #toolkit #api #features #plugin #pro
  39. fj-core

    Early-stage b-rep CAD kernel

    v0.49.0 #cad #programmatic #code-cad #3d-model
  40. openscad-customizer-rs

    An interface to the OpenSCAD Customizer

    v0.1.2 #openscad #3d #cad #open-scad #3d-model
  41. weldr-bin

    A command-line tool to manipulate LDraw files (.ldr)

    v0.2.0 #convert #lego #cad #ldraw #encoding
  42. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  43. opencascade

    A high level Rust wrapper to build 3D models in code, using the OpenCascade CAD kernel

    v0.2.0 #cad #high-level #wrapper #3d-model #kernel #bindings #build
  44. del-cad

    prototyping 2d cad library

    v0.1.2 #cad #prototyping #2d #completely
  45. arcfinder

    finding arcs in gcode for 3D-printing and replacing them with G2/G3 commands

    v0.1.3 #gcode #cad #printing #slicer #line-segment #graphics #input-file
  46. cad_import

    importing CAD data from different formats into a uniform in-memory structure

    v0.3.1 #scene #cad #import #3d #model
  47. rustcad

    The future of CAD in Rust

    v0.1.0 #cad #future #description #dual-licensed #unlicense
  48. dxf2image

    fast and efficient dxf to image converter!

    v0.1.1 #png #cad #svg #dxf #graphics
  49. opencascade-sys

    Rust bindings to the OpenCascade CAD Kernel

    v0.2.0 #cad #bindings #kernel #open-cascade
  50. fj-proc

    Early-stage, next-generation, code-first CAD application. Because the world needs another CAD program.

    v0.46.2 #cad #programmatic #code-cad #pull-request
  51. capstan

    NURBS library with a CAD focus

    v0.0.3 #nurbs #cad #graphics
  52. cad_viewer

    CAD viewer for visualizing 3D/CAD data based on the cad_import library

    v0.2.0 #viewer #cad #scene #3d #import
  53. espr-derive

    Procedual macro for running espr compiler

    v0.4.0 260 #step #compiler #cad #proc-macro #serialization
  54. dxf-model

    Extension macros for the dxf crate for creating points and drawings based on a sequence of points

    v0.1.0 #cad #dxf #auto-cad #dxb #computer-vision #autocad
  55. constrainer

    An attempt to bring CAD concepts of constraints to variables in order to significantly reduce redundant instructions

    v0.0.2 #variables #order #reduce #cad #concepts #constraints #attempt
  56. creo-sys

    Creo Parametric Toolkit FFI Bindings

    v0.1.0 #toolkit #cad #creo