
  1. bit-set

    A set of bits

    v0.8.0 4.3M #set #bit #bit-vector #data-structures #compact #elements #numerical
  2. croaring

    Rust wrapper for CRoaring

    v2.2.0 30K #bitmap #roaring-bitmaps #no-alloc #bit-set #api-bindings
  3. hibitset

    Hierarchical bit set structure

    v0.6.4 18K #bit-set #bitset #hierarchical #container #set-bit #data-structures
  4. bittle

    Zero-cost bitsets over native Rust types

    v0.6.0 200 #bit-set #bit #bits #data-structures #container #bitvec
  5. hi_sparse_bitset

    Hierarchical sparse bitset. Incredibly high performance. Compact memory usage.

    v0.6.1 650 #bitset #sparse #bit-set #hierarchical #set-operations #bitmap #container
  6. uniset

    A hierarchical, growable bit set with support for in-place atomic operations

    v0.2.4 6.5K #bit-set #bitset #container #memory-layout #containers
  7. rsdict

    Fast static rank and select data structure

    v0.0.8 #rank #set-bit #sparse-array #succinct-data-structure #succinct #data-structures #bit-set
  8. cj_bitmask_vec

    BitmaskVec is a Vec that pairs bitmasks with T. Bitmasks u8 through u128 are supported.

    v1.0.2 340 #bitmask #vec #bit #binary #bit-set #vector
  9. rbitset

    A bit set, being able to hold a fixed amount of booleans in an array of integers

    v0.3.2 #bit-set #bitset #set #const-generics #integer #no-std
  10. bit_manipulation

    lightweight Rust crate for seamless management and validation of up to 128 option states. Empower your applications with efficient, flexible, and intuitive option handling, ensuring…

    v0.2.40 550 #bit-flags #unsigned-integer #bit-set #set-bit #state-management #check #u8
  11. fibis

    fixed range bitset

    v0.1.1 #bit-set #fixed #fixed-size #range
  12. EnumBitFlags

    EnumBitFlags is an implementation of flags support for enums

    v1.0.10 550 #enumbitflags #bit-flags #enums #flags #bitflags #proc-macro #enum #bit-set
  13. indexical

    indexed collections

    v0.6.1 110 #data-structures #bit-set #collection #indexed #index #object #numeric
  14. default-vec2

    Vec-like data structure with default elements and a bitset built using it

    v0.1.3 300 #bitset #bit-set #default #data-structures #elements #built #structure
  15. bittyset

    A BitSet type for manipulating bit sets

    v0.1.1 #bit-set #bitset #data-structures
  16. bitset-core

    Straightforward, no-std compatible, simd optimized, BitSet API

    v0.1.1 1.8K #bitset #bit-set #bit-array #bitmask #bitmap #set-bit #bitslice
  17. bs

    bitset with small-set (single-word) optimization

    v0.3.0 #set-bit #bitset #bit-set #bit #set #bitvec
  18. cbitset

    A bit set, being able to hold a fixed amount of booleans in an array of integers

    v0.2.0 8.5K #bit-set #bit-array #boolean #fixed #integer #hold #able
  19. bitvec_simd

    bitvec with SIMD

    v0.20.5 120 #bit-vector #bit #simd #bitvec #bitmap #bit-set #bit-vec
  20. bit-iter

    Iterate forward or backwards over the positions of set bits in a word

    v1.2.0 4.6K #set-bit #bit-manipulation #bits #bit-set #bit #iterator #flags
  21. usize-set

    Set data structures optimized to store sparsely distributed usize values

    v0.10.3 #usize #set #vec #map #index-set #bit-set
  22. bit-set-omnitool

    A set of bits

    v0.6.0 #bit-set #set-bit #bitset #data-structures #bit-vector #compact #elements
  23. fixedbitset-stack

    A forked version of FixedBitSet that supports const generics

    v0.5.7 190 #const-generics #bit-set #fixed-size #bitset #data-structures #bitvec #container
  24. apint

    Arbitrary precision integers library

    v0.2.0 270 #precision #integer #int #integer-arithmetic #math #arbitrary #bit-set
  25. context-allocator

    v0.2.3 #memory-allocator #bump-allocator #memory-management #bit-set #thread-local #red-black-tree #search
  26. rust-dense-bitset

    Efficient and compact bitsets for Rust

    v0.1.1 #bitset #bit #bit-set #flags #bitmask #bitflags #integer
  27. x86-alignment-check

    x86 aligment check flag manipulation

    v0.1.6 100 #x86 #x86-64 #eflags #bit-set #aligment
  28. id-set

    A bitset implementation that stores data on the stack for small sizes

    v0.2.2 400K #bitset #bit-set #data-structures
  29. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  30. bitval

    For packing booleans in variables using bitwise operations

    v0.1.0 #bit-field #boolean #bit-manipulation #data-access #bit-set #packing #individual
  31. bitsetium

    One stop shop for all bitset needs

    v0.0.2 #bit-set #bitset #operations #search #shop #stop
  32. bitarr

    A fast and efficient Rust implementation of a BitSet, supporting multiple backing stores

    v0.2.0 #bit-set #stores #supporting #backing #multiple #bs
  33. tibitset

    bitset replacement for HashSet

    v0.1.0 #hash-set #bitset #container #bitvec #bit-set #replace #no-std
  34. enum_set2

    A bit-set indexed by enum variants

    v0.1.1 #enums #bit-set #variant #data-structures #bitset #indexed #memory
  35. compacts

    compact data structures

    v0.9.0 #bitset #succinct #bitvec #bitmap #bit-set #data-structures
  36. stack-bitset

    Stack-allocated generic-sized bitset implementation. WIP

    v0.2.5 #stack-allocated #bitset #bit-set
  37. pulz-bitset

    bitset implementation

    v0.1.0-alpha #bitset #bit-set #collection
  38. bytex

    8bit helper functions, mostly for AVR

    v0.1.1 #8-bit #avr #byte #bit-set
  39. fixedbitset-utils

    A bunch of utility stuffs that I use when working with bitsets in Rust

    v0.2.1 #bitset #bit-set #utilities #bunch #utility #stuffs
  40. bitset-fixed-utils

    A bunch of utility stuffs that I use when working with bitsets in Rust

    v0.1.0 #bitset #bit-set #utilities #bunch #utility #stuffs
  41. bitset-fixed

    Bitset for DP

    v0.1.0 600 #bitset #bit-set #container #data-structure
  42. bitsets

    BitSet implementations: Dense, Compressed, Memory-Mapped, and Roaring

    v0.1.1 #bitset #dense #bit-set #bitmap
  43. dograph

    Directed Acyclic Graphs with integer vertices represented as a Strictly Upper Triangular Matrix stored in a bit set

    v0.8.4 #represented #directed-acyclic-graph #graph #dag #bit-set #matrix
  44. yabf

    (deprecated) bit field

    v0.3.0 #bit-field #deprecated #set-bit #bit-set #iterator #container
  45. cyt4bf_d

    Peripheral access crate for cyt4bf_d T2G family

    v0.0.1 #read-write #bit-set #set-bit
  46. cyt4bb_a

    Peripheral access crate for cyt4bb_a T2G family

    v0.0.1 #read-write #bit-set #set-bit
  47. cyt4bb_b

    Peripheral access crate for cyt4bb_b T2G family

    v0.0.1 #read-write #bit-set #set-bit
  48. cyt4bf_c

    Peripheral access crate for cyt4bf_c T2G family

    v0.0.1 #read-write #bit-set #set-bit
  49. cyt3bb_b

    Peripheral access crate for cyt3bb_b T2G family

    v0.0.1 #read-write #bit-set #set-bit