
  1. event-listener

    Notify async tasks or threads

    v5.4.0 9.7M #synchronization-primitive #thread-synchronization #async-task #blocking #condvar #wake #data-synchronization
  2. async-task

    Task abstraction for building executors

    v4.7.1 2.7M #task #task-queue #async-executor #executor #future #spawn #async-await
  3. futures-task

    Tools for working with tasks

    v0.3.31 10.9M #task #asynchronous-programming #async-task #async-foundations
  4. tokio-metrics

    Runtime and task level metrics for Tokio applications

    v0.4.0 1.5M #async-task #async #metrics #debugging #future
  5. async-global-executor

    A global executor built on top of async-executor and async-io

    v3.1.0 1.9M #async-executor #async-await #async-task #executor #async #future #await
  6. prodash

    A dashboard for visualizing progress of asynchronous and possibly blocking tasks

    v29.0.0 665K #async-task #progress #tui #concurrency #user-interface #dashboard #applications
  7. diatomic-waker

    An async, lock-free synchronization primitive for task wakeup

    v0.2.3 180K #synchronization-primitive #async-task #waker #async #atomic #no-alloc
  8. embassy-executor

    async/await executor designed for embedded usage

    v0.7.0 41K #async-executor #task #async-await #async-task #heap #allocated #alloc
  9. atomic-waker

    A synchronization primitive for task wakeup

    v1.1.2 6.6M #synchronization-primitive #async-task #async #future #waker #wake #notify
  10. tokio_with_wasm

    Mimicking tokio functionalities on web browsers

    v0.8.2 44K #web-api #browser #web-apps #wasm #async-io #async-task #web-worker
  11. tokio-console

    The Tokio console: a debugger for async Rust

    v0.1.13 7.3K #debugging #async-task #console #async #tokio-task #debugging-tool #tracing
  12. async-shutdown

    one-stop solution for async graceful shutdown

    v0.2.2 65K #graceful-shutdown #shutdown-signal #shutdown #async #async-task #graceful
  13. async-backtrace

    Efficient, logical 'backtraces' of async tasks

    v0.2.7 50K #stack-trace #async #async-task #backtrace #framed #logical #functions
  14. async-condvar-fair

    Condition variables for async Rust

    v1.0.1 28K #async-task #mutex #variables #condition #notifications #run-time #fair
  15. futures-executor

    Executors for asynchronous tasks based on the futures-rs library

    v0.3.31 9.1M #async-task #task-execution #future #thread-pool #executors #task-scheduling #building
  16. async-dup

    Duplicate an async I/O handle

    v1.2.4 103K #async-io #async #duplicate #clone #share #async-task #arc-mutex
  17. tokio_schedule

    schedule tasks in tokio runtime

    v0.3.2 6.3K #tokio #task-scheduling #async-task #cron #async #schedule #cron-job
  18. celery

    Rust implementation of Celery

    v0.5.5 3.0K #task-queue #background-jobs #async-task #message-queue #rabbitmq #message-broker #amqp
  19. zng

    Cross-platform GUI framework

    v0.14.0 700 #cross-platform-gui #gui-framework #user-interface #ui #gui #async-task
  20. fang

    Background job processing library for Rust

    v0.11.0-rc1 2.4K #task-queue #job-processing #background-jobs #background-task #background-processing #worker #async-task
  21. bevy_defer

    asynchronous runtime for executing async coroutines

    v0.13.3 #async-task #async #bevy #bevy-ecs #defer #game-engine
  22. delay_timer

    Time-manager of delayed tasks. Like crontab, but synchronous asynchronous tasks are possible, and dynamic add/cancel/remove is supported.

    v0.11.6 2.1K #task-scheduling #cron #task-manager #async-task #cron-scheduler #task-execution #scheduler
  23. local-waker

    A synchronization primitive for thread-local task wakeup

    v0.1.4 1.0M #local #synchronization-primitive #waker #future #no-std #async-task #futures
  24. any_spawner

    Spawn asynchronous tasks in an executor-independent way

    v0.2.0 20K #async-task #executor #async-executor #run-time #spawn #future #spawning
  25. lilos

    A tiny embedded OS based around Futures and async

    v1.3.0 #operating-system #async #micro-controller #async-task #embedded #os #resources
  26. bevy_tasks

    A task executor for Bevy Engine

    v0.15.3 103K #bevy #task-pool #thread-pool #task-execution #async-task #multi-threading #fork-join
  27. bevy-tokio-tasks

    integration of a Tokio runtime into a Bevy app for background processing

    v0.15.0 1.0K #background-task #bevy-plugin #background-processing #tokio #bevy #async-task #async
  28. dagrs

    follows the concept of Flow-based Programming and is suitable for the execution of multiple tasks with graph-like dependencies. Dagrs has the characteristics of high performance and asynchronous execution…

    v0.4.2 500 #task-execution #async-task #task #dag #async #tokio #async-parallel
  29. bevy-async-ecs

    Asynchronous interface for Bevy ECS

    v0.7.0 300 #bevy-ecs #bevy #async #async-parallel #async-task
  30. yazi-scheduler

    Yazi task scheduler

    v25.3.2 2.7K #task-scheduler #file-manager #terminal-file #async-task #async-io #yazi #task-manager
  31. bevy_async_task

    Ergonomic abstractions to async programming in Bevy

    v0.4.1 700 #async-task #async #bevy #gamedev #background-task #abstraction #timeout
  32. rat-salsa

    ratatui widgets and a crossterm event-loop

    v1.0.1 700 #ratatui #event-loop #input #input-event #async-task #background-task
  33. tasklet

    An asynchronous task scheduling library

    v0.2.7 240 #task-scheduling #async-task #scheduling #tokio-task #task #cron #tasks
  34. stop-token

    Experimental cooperative cancellation for async Rust

    v0.7.0 49K #async-task #async-std #cancellation #deadlines #cooperative #experimental #stop
  35. tsuki-scheduler

    light wight, composable and extensible scheduler for every runtime

    v0.1.3 #cron-scheduler #task-scheduler #scheduler #cron #task #cron-expression #async-task
  36. await-tree

    Instrument await-tree for actor-based applications

    v0.2.1 5.4K #tokio #actor #async #async-task #backtrace
  37. sacs

    Async Cron Scheduler for Tokio

    v0.8.0 #cron-scheduler #scheduler #job-scheduler #async-task #cron #task-execution #tokio
  38. singleflight-async

    Singleflight in async style

    v0.2.0 1.5K #async-task #async #singleflight #tokio #safe #run-time #style
  39. cassette

    single-future, non-blocking executor intended for building state machines

    v0.3.0 480 #state-machine #async-executor #async #non-blocking #embedded #async-task #single-future
  40. spawns

    Async runtime agnostic thread context task spawner for Rust

    v0.2.4 420 #async-task #run-time #spawn #thread #spawner #context #manner
  41. trale

    minimalistic Rust async executor using io_uring for efficient, correct task execution

    v0.2.0 140 #async-executor #async #io #future #non-blocking #task-execution #async-task
  42. tasky

    fluent async task experiments

    v6.0.0 390 #async-task #experiment #fluent
  43. hooch

    A small async runtime that's been bootlegged for my projects

    v0.1.5 110 #async #non-blocking #io #future #async-task #bounded-channel #task-scheduling
  44. yield-progress

    Combined progress reporting and cooperative task yielding

    v0.1.7 360 #async-task #progress-bar #yield #events
  45. winmsg-executor

    Per-thread async rust executor for windows

    v0.3.0 #async-executor #async-task #per-thread #message #window #future #send-sync
  46. clokwerk

    recurring task scheduler, similar to Python's schedule

    v0.4.0 15K #task-scheduler #job-scheduler #scheduler #async-task #job #cron-job
  47. bevy_cached_query

    high level query library for Bevy based on async tasks and Observer API very loosely inspired by TanStack Query

    v0.2.2 270 #query #tasks #bevy #async-task #observer #cache #api
  48. async-observable

    Async & reactive synchronization model to keep multiple async tasks / threads partially synchronized

    v0.4.2 #async-task #async-await #async #synchronization #observable #reactive #thread-synchronization
  49. skedgy

    asynchronous job scheduler

    v0.0.3 #cron-expression #job-scheduler #task-scheduler #async-task #cron #schedule #scheduler
  50. taskmanager

    Manage groups of background tasks

    v0.6.2 650 #background-task #async-stream #async-task #group #shutdown #periodic #web-server
  51. tokio-tasks

    Task managment for tokio

    v0.2.2 160 #tokio-task #async-task #taskmanagment #cancelable #managment #shutdown
  52. backie

    Background task processing for Rust applications with Tokio, Diesel, and PostgreSQL

    v0.9.0 2.0K #background-task #task-queue #background-processing #async-task #task #tokio-task #queue
  53. exo_task

    A lightweight async task executor for bare metal (or any) systems

    v0.1.2 #executor #async-task #async-executor #bare-metal #async #embedded #no-std
  54. smolscale

    A high-performance async-task scheduler

    v0.4.15 1.9K #async-task #task-scheduler #async-executor #stealing #auto-scaling #worker #future
  55. ptask

    Spawning parasitic tasks

    v0.1.2 280 #task #async-task #spawn #async #low-latency
  56. async_tasks_recorder

    A struct for recording execution status of async tasks with async methods

    v2.0.2 350 #async-task #async #tokio #tokio-task #query #lock-free #record
  57. task_scheduler_rs

    A Rust-based scheduler with basic functionality, focused on adding tasks and handling actions like execute, pause, and shutdown using channels for task communication

    v0.4.0 #task-scheduler #task #scheduler #async-task #tokio #recurring #thread-safe
  58. async_timing_util

    tokio async functions for waiting until even intervals (on 1 min, 5 min, 30 min, etc), or waiting until a specified timestamp

    v1.0.0 200 #tokio #intervals #timing #async-task #timestamp #waiting #min
  59. tokio-task-tracker

    graceful shutdown solution for tokio

    v1.3.3 #tokio-task #graceful-shutdown #async-task #interrupt #wait #solution #tracker
  60. fibers

    execute a number of lightweight asynchronous tasks (a.k.a, fibers) based on futures and mio

    v0.1.13 500 #async-io #async-task #future #async #fiber #thread
  61. parallel-future

    fluent async task experiments

    v6.0.3 150 #async-task #async-parallel #parallel-processing #concurrency #async-std #task-execution #future
  62. interruptible_polling

    General purpose polling tasks with RAII-driven fast clean exits

    v0.4.0 130 #task #polling #sync #async-task #async #poll #tokio-task
  63. safina-executor

    Safe async runtime executor - ARCHIVED: Code moved to safina crate

    v0.3.4 #async #safe #run-time #async-task #future
  64. waitgroup

    Async waitgroup for a collection of task to finish

    v0.1.2 36K #async-task #async #future #wake #notify #futures
  65. vexide-async

    The async executor at the core of vexide

    v0.1.9-rc.1 210 #async-task #async-executor #v5 #robotics #async #vex #bindings
  66. retainer

    Minimal async cache in Rust with support for key expirations

    v0.3.0 2.2K #cache #expiration #async #ttl #async-context #async-task #future
  67. tasc

    A minimnal, asynchronous threadpool

    v0.5.2 330 #async #async-task #worker-thread #thread #no-std #minimal
  68. task-group

    manage groups of tokio tasks

    v0.2.2 1.7K #async-task #tokio #tokio-task #async #group #error #manage
  69. smolscale2

    hitdns fork of original smolscale

    v0.6.0 420 #async-task #task-scheduling #stealing #auto-scaling #executor #message #thread-pool
  70. graphile_worker

    High performance Rust/PostgreSQL job queue (also suitable for getting jobs generated by PostgreSQL triggers/functions out into a different work queue)

    v0.8.0 #job-queue #postgresql #task-scheduling #async-task #job-scheduling #background-task #worker
  71. async_tasks_state_map

    A struct for recording execution status of async tasks with async methods

    v1.0.1 #async-task #task #tokio #async #record #query #run-time
  72. lilos-handoff

    Synchronous rendezvous structure for lilos

    v1.0.1 220 #async-task #real-time #embedded #async #realtime #data-structures #os
  73. safina-sync

    Safe structs for sharing or sending data between async tasks - ARCHIVED: Code moved to safina crate

    v0.2.5 #async-task #async #safe #async-executor #async-test #future #select
  74. zng-task

    Part of the zng project

    v0.5.0 1.0K #async-task #gui-framework #cross-platform-gui #zng #user-interface #gui #ui
  75. async_progress

    Create sync points across async tasks

    v0.2.1 #async-task #synchronization #async-await #concurrency #oneshot-channel #progress #sync
  76. puff-rs

    Puff - Deep Stack Python Runtime and GraphQL library

    v0.1.8 #python #graphql #graphql-server #async-task #http-server #web #server
  77. mini-tokio

    basic asynchronous rust executor

    v0.3.2 160 #async-executor #async-task #run-time #task-scheduling #basic #events #tokio
  78. night

    A scalable Task Queue for executing asynchronous tasks in topological order

    v0.0.5 270 #task-queue #task-execution #scheduled #topological #distributed #order #async-task
  79. safina-async-test

    Macro for running async tests - ARCHIVED: Code moved to safina crate

    v0.1.14 #async-test #async #safe #test-macro #safina #testing #async-task
  80. elf_utils

    elf_rust utils

    v0.1.4 180 #elf #elf-rust #async-task #context
  81. taski

    async task DAG execution

    v0.0.5 #async-task #task-scheduling #task-execution #task #dag #scheduling #async
  82. workflow-task

    v0.18.0 2.1K #async-task #browser #channel #wasm
  83. peachy

    async task manager, similar to thread pool but cooler and for structs

    v1.1.1 160 #async-task #task-manager #tokio-task #thread-pool #structs #routine #cooler
  84. awaitgroup

    Wait for a collection of async tasks to finish

    v0.7.0 15K #async-task #wait-group #async #future #wake #notify
  85. steward

    Task runner and process manager for Rust

    v0.0.7 #process-manager #task-runner #process #env #command #async-task #building-block
  86. wasm-rs-async-executor

    Async executor for WebAssembly

    v0.9.0 1.2K #async-executor #wasm #async-task #async #primitive #deployment
  87. hds_tokio-console

    test crate, do not use

    v0.1.14 130 #async-task #tokio-task #applications #debugging #console #task-list #resources
  88. lifeline

    dependency injection library for asynchronous message-based applications

    v0.6.1 #async-channel #async #actor #actors #send-receive #async-task #send-message
  89. task-exec-queue

    A asynchronous task execution queue

    v0.9.3 140 #task-queue #task-execution #async-task #task #queue #async-std #tokio-task
  90. grizzly_scheduler

    A scheduler for running async tasks using cron expressions. It is built on top of tokio. Tasks can be parallel or sequential. Fuzzy random offset can be added to the cron expression.

    v0.2.0 #cron-expression #cron-scheduler #async-task #tokio #cron #scheduler #cron-job
  91. priority

    A thread/task priority type

    v0.1.1 #async #threading #task #async-task #thread #abstract #set
  92. rexecutor

    A robust job processing library

    v0.1.0 #job-processing #async-trait #job #jobs #async-task #job-scheduling #processing
  93. async-pipes

    building concurrent data processing pipelines

    v0.3.1 #data-processing #data-pipeline #pipeline #processing #tokio #async #async-task
  94. async-dispatcher

    async runtime based on a pluggable dispatcher

    v0.1.2 8.2K #async #async-task #run-time #dispatcher #task-scheduling #pluggable #scheduler
  95. wasm-futures-executor

    Executor for asynchronous task based on wasm web workers

    v0.2.0 #web-worker #worker-thread #async-task #wasm #async-executor #thread #wasm-module
  96. threadfin

    A thread pool for running multiple tasks on a configurable group of threads

    v0.1.2 170 #thread-pool #async-task #pool #thread #parallel #async #threadpool
  97. async-cpupool

    async threadpool for CPU-bound tasks

    v0.3.0 390 #async-task #thread-pool #async #blocking #threadpools
  98. async-throttle

    Asynchronous Rate Limiting

    v0.3.2 14K #rate-limiting #async-task #async #rate-limit #throttle #asynchronous
  99. cosync

    a single threaded, sequential, parameterized task pool for games

    v0.2.1 #single-threaded #task-pool #coroutine #async-task #task-queue #parameterized #sequential
  100. rdcache

    cache using redis backend

    v0.1.2 #redis #cache #cache-backend #async-task #messagepack #applications #back-end
  101. bevy_mod_async

    Ergonomic async tasks plugin for the Bevy game engine

    v0.7.0 #async-task #bevy-plugin #async #bevy #tasks #async-api #task
  102. woke

    A minimalistic waker implementation for executors

    v0.0.4 500 #async-executor #waker #async-task #minimalist #future #async-await #own
  103. async-cron-scheduler

    Runtime-agnostic async task scheduler with cron expression support

    v2.0.1 #cron-expression #cron-scheduler #async-task #task-scheduler #cron #cron-job #job-scheduler
  104. chord-core

    async parallel case executor

    v0.1.21 #async-parallel #parallel-testing #async-task #parallel #async #executor #testing
  105. wait-for-me

    Async CountDownLatch

    v0.3.0 #async #async-task #synchronization #countdown
  106. tokio-context

    Contexts for cancelling asynchronous tasks using tokio

    v0.1.3 1.3K #async-task #tokio-task #tokio #async-api #future #async #api
  107. tophat

    A small, pragmatic, and flexible async http server

    v0.3.0 #async-http #http-server #http-request #http #flexible #pragmatic #async-task
  108. minimal-executor

    A minimal executor for asynchronous tasks based on the futures-rs library

    v0.4.1 280 #async-executor #async-task #future #futures-executor
  109. task-stream

    a global task executor, run in no_std

    v0.3.7 #task #executor #async-executor #async-task #stream #spawn
  110. minactor

    Minimal actor framework for Rust with tokio

    v0.3.0 #actor-framework #actor #tokio #actor-model #async-task #messages #control
  111. spawns-compat

    Async runtime detections for thread context task spawner

    v0.2.1 170 #run-time #async-task #spawner #context #thread #spawn #choose
  112. task-notify

    Notify async tasks when someone mutates data they're interested in

    v1.0.0 #async-task #data #notify #mutable #queue #wake #future
  113. waitlist

    Keep track of an ordered list of Wakers to wake

    v0.1.1 100 #waker #async-await #async #await #async-task #fifo-queue
  114. async-events

    Waiting for external task completion in asynchronous Rust code

    v0.2.0 600 #events #async-task #task #async #data-structures
  115. killswitch

    used to broadcast a shutdown request

    v0.4.2 #shutdown #async-task #async #shutdown-signal #termination #broadcast #request
  116. aiur

    Single threaded async executor with structured concurrency

    v0.0.8 #async-executor #concurrency #executor #async #async-task #threaded #channel
  117. scoped_spawn

    Full structured concurrency for asynchronous programming

    v0.2.1 #async-task #concurrency #async #task #structured
  118. smartpoll

    A 'Task' abstraction that simplifies polling futures

    v2.0.0 #async-task #task #async-executor #future #executor #async #futures
  119. trace-tools

    Tracing and diagnostic tools for tasks

    v0.3.0 #tracing-subscriber #task #trace #tokio-task #async-task #iota #tangle
  120. async_dag

    An async task scheduling utilitiy

    v0.1.2 180 #async-task #task-scheduling #async #scheduling #dag
  121. tokio-task-pool

    Task pool for Tokio Runtime

    v0.1.5 310 #task-pool #tokio-task #task #async-task #tokio #pool #safe
  122. switchyard

    Real-time compute focused async executor

    v0.3.0 240 #async-executor #thread-local #async-task #real-time #task-pool #data #priority
  123. telecomande

    A small crate providing a primitive for the execution of asynchronous tasks by processor through commands

    v1.2.2 #command #processor #async-task #async-trait #task-execution #primitive #traits
  124. juggle

    Async task switching for cooperative multitasking in single thread environments with no_std support

    v0.1.1 #async-task #async #schedule #future #non-preemptive #single-thread #task-scheduler
  125. sched-callback

    async callback scheduling

    v0.1.2 150 #callback #async-task #scheduler #async #task-queue #task-scheduling
  126. agnostic_async_executor

    Agnostic Rust Async Executor

    v0.2.2 #async-executor #executor #async #wasm #async-task #agnostic
  127. queued-task

    concurrent queue task processing

    v0.1.1 #task-queue #task #async-task #queue #concurrency #async #parallel-processing
  128. crb-task

    CRB | Composable Runtime Blocks | Task

    v0.0.20 #task #run-time #async-task #blocks #composable #crb #actor
  129. spawns-executor

    Async executors for thread context task spawner

    v0.1.1 #async-task #run-time #context #thread #spawner #executor #spawn
  130. tokio-tasker

    Lets you stop and join groups of Tokio tasks

    v1.2.0 2.6K #tasks #tokio #async-task #async #task
  131. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  132. async_job

    async cron job crate for Rust

    v0.1.4 170 #cron-job #crawler #spider #async #async-task #tokio #schedule
  133. extern_executor

    Async executor which delegates futures polling to external event-loop

    v0.1.2 #async-executor #async-task #executor #async #events #future
  134. rasks

    Scheduled background tasks

    v0.3.4 #background-task #tasks #async-task #task-scheduling #background #multi-threading #task
  135. async_wasm_task

    Manage the concurrency of async tasks in webassembly Rust

    v0.2.3 #web-worker #async-task #task-execution #wasm #web-apps #future #tokio-task
  136. moosicbox_task

    MoosicBox task utilities package

    v0.1.0 #async-task #task #blocking #tokio-task #async #spawn #tokio
  137. one_for_one

    supervize spawn'ed async tasks

    v2.1.0 #async-task #supervisor #ctx #erlang #canceller
  138. async-spin-sleep

    providing a highly accurate asynchronous timer for multiple async tasks using spin sleep in a single thread

    v0.5.1 #sleep #timer #async #async-task #high-resolution #spin #accurate
  139. tokio_tasks_shutdown

    Easily manage and gracefully shutdown tokio tasks while monitoring their return results

    v0.4.1 #tokio-task #async-task #graceful-shutdown #error #monitoring #results #return
  140. async-task-group

    Manage groups of async-std tasks as a single unit

    v0.2.1 110 #async-std #async-task #task #spawn #async #future
  141. tokio-async-utils

    Async utils such as TaskHandle type that aborts task on handle drop

    v0.1.3 #tokio #tokio-task #async-task #task-management #tokio-util #async #utilities
  142. embedded-trace

    A Future tracing utility for embedded systems

    v0.2.2 #async-task #future #tracing #async #trace #execution-time #futures
  143. futures-executor-preview

    Executors for asynchronous tasks based on the futures-rs library

    v0.3.0-alpha.19 9.4K #asynchronous-programming #future #executor #async-task #control-flow #expressive #join
  144. chex

    Global exit signal library

    v0.1.1 #exit #async-task #signal #worker-thread #global #tokio #panic
  145. chord-cli

    async parallel case executor

    v0.1.21 #async-parallel #parallel-testing #parallel #executor #async #async-task #case
  146. tokio-inherit-task-local

    Task local variables for tokio that can be inherited across a spawn

    v0.2.0 #tokio-task #async-task #local #spawn #variables #inherit #across
  147. pausable_future

    Pausable and resumable future, useful in background tasks

    v0.2.0 #background-task #async #future #pause #pausable #async-task
  148. waker-waiter

    async runtimes interoperate with arbitrary futures

    v0.3.0 210 #future #async #runtimes #async-task #waiter #top-level #points
  149. pandet

    A lightweight library to help act on panics of detached async tasks

    v0.4.0 #async-task #async #panic #fail-fast
  150. egui_task_manager

    Manage asynchronous easily

    v0.1.1 #task-manager #async-task #manage #flexible #caller #information
  151. microasync

    Very small async runner

    v0.4.2 #async #run-time #tiny #async-task #was #sync #single-threaded
  152. tasktrace

    Logical 'backtraces' of async tasks

    v0.1.1 #async-task #stack-trace #backtrace #future #capture #waker #running
  153. rider

    bounded executor for tokio; limit the count of tasks running 🚦

    v0.1.2 #tokio-task #executor #async-task #bounded #running #limit #count
  154. rework

    Multi-threaded task processing in the Master-Worker pattern

    v0.1.0 #async-task #task #async #job
  155. taskwait

    Runtime agnostic way to wait for a group of async tasks

    v0.4.1 #wait #async-task #tasks #wait-group #async #async-await #waitgroup
  156. arl

    A rate limiter to be used with tokio

    v0.2.0 #rate-limiting #limit #tokio #async-task #thread #dealing
  157. job-dispatcher

    execute jobs in an async way

    v0.4.1 #jobs #async-task #task #dispatch #check #async
  158. atex

    Lib for async local task evaluation(sqlite or in-memory)

    v0.3.0 #task #async-task #sqlite #in-memory #local #lib #evaluation
  159. diath

    light-weight library for communication between tokio async tasks

    v0.5.1 #tokio #dialogue #channel #async #async-task #tool
  160. async-raft2

    An async implementation of the Raft distributed consensus protocol

    v0.6.1 #raft-consensus #raft #distributed-consensus #consensus #data-storage #storage #async-task
  161. sigfinn

    Lifecycle manager for spawning tasks

    v0.2.0 1.0K #task-manager #async #future #async-task #futures
  162. name_locker

    interface for asynchronous name lockers, that can run an async task with lock on a given name

    v0.1.1 #async-task #name #run #lock #dashmap #in-memory #lockers
  163. windowed-futures

    Helpers for windowed parallel execution of collections of futures

    v0.1.0 #future #parallel #async #windowing #futures #async-task
  164. async-task-executor

    A lightweight Rust library for building extensible asynchronous task executors, designed for handling large-scale multitasking in server environments

    v0.1.2 #async-task #extensible #environments #executors #server #multitasking #large-scale
  165. waitout

    Awaits the completion of multiple async tasks

    v0.1.1 #thread #waitgroup #wait-group #async-task #async #countdownlatch