
  1. crunchyroll-rs

    Pure Rust implementation of the crunchyroll api

    v0.12.1 #anime #crunchyroll #downloader #api-bindings
  2. eren

    Stream & Download Animes from your terminal

    v0.3.5 280 #anime #scraper #gogoanime #allanime #debugging #cli
  3. ani-dl

    Download and watch animes in VF and VOSTFR (aka french versions)

    v1.5.7 #anime #downloader #french #download #vostfr #streaming #vf
  4. anime-dl

    Efficient cli app for downloading anime

    v1.6.2 #anime #download #anime-downloader #anilist
  5. nekohash

    A multifaceted hashing library for Rust

    v0.2.0 #hash #anime #cryptography #random-key
  6. anime-seg-rs

    Trying to implement anime-seg in Rust

    v0.3.0 #deep-learning #anime #segmentation #pytorch #image-segmentation
  7. dantalian

    A nfo file generator for your anime. Source from https://bangumi.tv/.

    v0.4.5 #anime #media-file #nfo #generator #episode #tv #center
  8. mal-api

    An asynchronous MyAnimeList (MAL) API library for Rust

    v2.0.2 410 #anime #mal #manga #my-anime-list #async #api-bindings #access-token
  9. consumet


    v0.0.13 #entertainment #anime #manga #movies #book #api #comic
  10. myanimelist

    A complete async/sync typed MyAnimeList v2 api

    v0.1.14 600 #api-client #anime #manga #mal #async-api #api-bindings #client-id
  11. vndb-api

    Fully Functional Visual Novel Database (VNDB) HTTPS API Wrapper

    v1.0.3 220 #vndb #anime #vn #visualnovel #api #api-request
  12. anime-grubber

    A convenient library for extracting images of cute characters from websites

    v0.0.7 #anime #image #gif #fetch #api-bindings
  13. aniscraper

    designed for efficient web scraping and data extraction. It simplifies the process of fetching, parsing, and extracting data from websites.

    v0.1.2 #web-scraping #web #anime #hianime #zoro
  14. senpy-cli

    Command-line interface to The Senpy Club API

    v0.1.2 110 #senpy #anime #rust #json-file #yaml #command-line-interface
  15. senpy-ffi

    FFI bindings for senpy-rs

    v0.1.3 110 #anime #senpy #senpy-club #rust #safe-bindings
  16. mov-cli-rs

    A CLI tool for scraping and playing TV, movies and anime

    v1.0.1 #anime #movies #tv #scraping #command-line #video #command-line-tool
  17. animeschedule

    A complete async/sync typed AnimeSchedule api

    v0.1.13 #anime #time-table #api-client #airing #oauth2 #api-bindings #refresh-token
  18. gogoanime-scraper

    A blazing fast anime scraper for GoGoAnime

    v1.2.4 140 #web-scraping #anime #downloader #go-go-anime #blazing #gogoanime
  19. anidl

    anime downloader that uses GoGoAnime as a source

    v3.0.6 #anime #downloader #source #go-go-anime
  20. plex-mal-scrobbler

    Update anime watch progress to MyAnimeList using Plex webhooks

    v0.1.2 #anime #plex #webhook #scrobble #my-anime-list
  21. senpy

    Club API Wrapper

    v0.1.3 #anime #senpy-club #rust #api-bindings
  22. anitomy

    Wrapper for Anitomy, the library for parsing anime video filenames

    v0.2.0 #parser #filenames #anime
  23. annis

    Annict API client library

    v0.0.6 #api-client #anime #web-services #annict #web #library #web-api
  24. rog_anime

    Types useful for translating images and other data for display on the ASUS AniMe Matrix display

    v1.3.0 #usb-hid #anime #asus #rog #usb-device #ani-me
  25. aghpb

    Anime girls holding programming books API wrapper for 🦀Rust

    v1.4.1 #api #anime #programming #holding #books #girls #random
  26. vizer-cli

    A cli tool to watch movies, series and animes in Portuguese

    v1.0.0 #series #movies #anime #portuguese #command-line-tool #cli
  27. aniterm

    Search and fetch information about anime and manga

    v0.1.2 #anime #manga #search #command-line-tool #kitsu
  28. nyaa-rsearch

    search Torrent on nyaa.si

    v0.1.5 #search #nyaa #si #bittorrent #anime #async #rsearch
  29. hentai

    API wrapper for nhentai.net

    v0.2.3 #anime #nhentai #nsfw #api-bindings #hmanga #json-response
  30. consumet-rs

    Consumet API RIIR

    v0.0.8 #search #movies #consumet #provider #riir #manga #anime
  31. uwuifyy

    A robust, customizable, blazingly-fast, efficient and easy-to-use command line application to uwu'ify your text!

    v0.3.0 #anime #owo #uwu #command-line #uwuify #command-line-utilities #cli
  32. finata

    v0.4.0 #video #pixiv #media #extracting #anime #back-end #song
  33. mal-cli

    A CLI tool for MyAnimeList, written in rust

    v0.1.4 #anime #mal #my-anime-list #command-line-tool
  34. animejs-rs

    anime.js bindings for rust

    v0.1.2 #anime #js #bindings #hash-map #de
  35. show-waifu

    View random anime fanart in your terminal

    v1.0.1 #anime #terminal #search #waifu #cli
  36. lib-mal

    interacting with the MyAnimeList API

    v0.5.1 #mal #api #anime #my-anime-list #client-id
  37. anitomy-sys

    Bindings for Anitomy, the library for parsing anime video filenames

    v0.2.0 #anime #filenames #bindings #anitomy #parser
  38. mal

    interact with the MyAnimeList API

    v0.8.1 #anime #my-anime-list #api-bindings
  39. mal-query

    connects to the MyAnimeList public API v2 Beta, and allows the user to intuitively receive anime data

    v0.1.1 #anime #mal #my-anime-list #public-api #data-query #api #search
  40. waifu4me

    A CLI tool that allows you to interact with the waifu.pics API from the comfort of your terminal

    v0.2.0 #command-line-tool #terminal #waifu #api #anime #comfort #interact
  41. kaomoji-ru

    The full http://kaomoji.ru database, encoded and escaped as byte literals

    v1.0.1 #japanese #anime #kaomoji #owo #uwu
  42. hasetsu

    CLI application made for Hasetsu

    v0.1.0 #anime #cli #nix #command-line-tool #applications #fellow #enjoyers
  43. oyasumi

    A hands-free wrapper for multiple anime APIs

    v0.1.1 #anime #image #search #async #http
  44. kaomji-ru

    The full http://kaomoji.ru database, encoded and escaped as byte literals

    v1.0.0 #japanese #anime #kaomoji #owo #uwu
  45. Try searching with DuckDuckGo.

  46. wco-rs

    Play Cartoon & Animes from Wcostream

    v0.1.2 #web-scraping #anime #scraper #cli #wcostream
  47. neptunium

    integrations for various anime art sites, such as R34, Danbooru, and Gelbooru and more

    v0.1.0 #gelbooru #danbooru #anime #rule34 #hentai
  48. mojos_api_madhouse

    A collaction of simple functions to easily use a large ammount of random APIs!

    v0.1.1 #api #discord #random #reqwest #anime #functions #collaction
  49. mahou

    Magically easy anime downloads

    v0.1.3 #anime #cli #xdcc
  50. aniline

    A cli tool to search, play, download anime, create playlists and more

    v0.3.0 #anime #download #video #player #command-line-tool #cli
  51. waifu-calendar

    fetch your favorite characters' birthdays from AniList

    v0.1.0 #anime #calendar #fetch #favorite #character #birthdays #user-name
  52. jojorss

    Program to notify you when there's a new JoJo chapter of out

    v0.1.3 #manga #chapter #anime #notify #rss #file #feed
  53. anime-cli

    CLI to find, download and stream anime

    v0.1.0 #anime #streaming #xdcc #cli
  54. myanimelist-rs

    An (unofficial) typesafe wrapper around the official MyAnimeList v2 API

    v0.1.0 #anime #manga #mal #api #my-anime-list
  55. kitsu-rs

    Unofficial Rust client for kitsu.io

    v0.1.0 #io #client #kitsu #anime
  56. nyaadesu

    Non-official API to search Nyaa.si for torrents

    v0.1.0 #anime #manga #nyaa #torrent #api-bindings
  57. anime-pls

    search and play anime

    v0.1.2 #anime #play #cli
  58. anicli-rs

    A fantastic tool to download manga

    v0.1.0 #manga #anime #cli
  59. crunchyroll-rs-internal

    Internal crate for crunchyroll-rs. Do not use.

    v0.12.1 210 #crunchyroll #crunchyroll-rs #api #anime #found #undocumented #associated
  60. anitable

    rust 애니시아 애니편성표 API

    v0.1.0 #anime #anissia #api #client #애니편성표 #애니시아 #tokio
  61. hummingbird

    An unofficial Rust wrapper for the Hummingbird.me API

    v0.1.3 #anime #api #hummingbird
  62. moe

    API bindings for trace.moe

    v0.1.1 #recognition #search #reverse #api-bindings #screenshot #anime #screenshots
  63. anitable-tui

    애니편성표 TUI

    v0.1.0 #tui #anime #anissia
  64. deep-danbooru

    Multi-labels anime image classification in rust

    v0.0.0 #classification #anime #image #deep #danbooru #multi-labels
  65. nyaasi-scraper

    parsing scraped html from https://nyaa.si

    v0.2.1 #html #scrape #anime