13 releases (7 breaking)

0.9.2 Nov 8, 2023
0.9.1 Jun 14, 2023
0.9.0 May 23, 2023

#998 in Science

28 downloads per month




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Sapiens uses tools to interact with the world.

An experiment with handing over the tools to the machine.

From primal birth, we walked the Earth,
Tools guiding evolution's stride,
Shaping land and air, with thoughtful care,
In Anthropocene, we reside.

As we forge ahead, the path we tread,
Leads to new horizons vast,
Future tools in hand, for a world so grand,
Built on foundations of the past.

Digital realms emerge, as we converge,
With AI as our guide,
New worlds to mold, as the tale unfolds,
In this wondrous, boundless ride.

Innovation thrives, as humankind strives,
To shape the future, ever bright,
A legacy we leave, as we interweave,
The old world with the new light.

Not Me


This will probably try to take over the world and if it doesn't succeed, empty your bank account and kill all the remaining polar bears trying to do so.

More seriously, this program allows chatGPT-generated code to be executed, you might want to consider some sandboxing before running it on your machine.

What is this?

Not quite sure yet. See sapiens_cli/src/main.rs for my to do list.

sapiens/src/chains/ contains different prompting chains that can be used to interact with the world. SingleStepOODAChain queries the underlying LM in a single step to get the Observation, Orientation, Decision and Action while MultiStepOODAChain splits the query in multiple steps to get the same information.

SapiensConfig::chain_type controls which chain is used. SapiensConfig::model controls which language model is used.


  • SandboxedPython: execute Python code in a (not so) sandboxed environment
  • Hue: control Philips Hue lights: List Rooms, List Lights, Get/Set Light State - use 'hue' feature.
  • Wikipedia: query Wikipedia
  • Wikidata: query Wikidata (SPARQL)
  • Summarize: summarize text with OpenAI
  • Arxiv: query arXiv
  • Search: query Google Custom Search Engine

Usage as a Discord bot

.env file with:


./BUILD.sh and ./BOT.sh to build and run the docker container with the bot.

Once the bot is running, you can interact with it on Discord with: DO: Tell me a joke.

Usage as a CLI

.env file with:


Look at sapiens/src/main.rs if you don't already have these.

Then: ./BUILD.sh && ./CLI.sh.

Example of 'successful' runs


./CLI.sh -t "What are the last 5 papers published on Arxiv in AI about? list with for each title and the url, please. Use feedparser."
... (snip) ...
The original question was: What are the last 5 papers published on Arxiv in AI about? list with for each title and the url, please. Use feedparser.
And the conclusion is: Here are the latest 5 papers published by Arxiv in AI:
Title: Experts' cognition-driven safe noisy labels learning for precise segmentation of residual tumor in breast cancer. (arXiv:2304.07295v1 [q-bio.QM])
URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.07295
Title: MLOps Spanning Whole Machine Learning Life Cycle: A Survey. (arXiv:2304.07296v1 [cs.LG])
URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.07296
Title: Language Instructed Reinforcement Learning for Human-AI Coordination. (arXiv:2304.07297v1 [cs.AI])
URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.07297
Title: Road Network Representation Learning: A Dual Graph based Approach. (arXiv:2304.07298v1 [cs.LG])
URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.07298
Title: Supervised Machine Learning for Breast Cancer Risk Factors Analysis and Survival Prediction. (arXiv:2304.07299v1 [cs.LG])
URL: http://arxiv.org/abs/2304.07299


./CLI.sh -t 'Show me an example of how to use Sympy to solve a math problem. '
# Your turn
Original question: Show me an example of how to use Sympy to solve a math problem.
Do you have the answer? Use the Conclude Tool to terminate the task.
Observations, Orientation, Decision, The ONLY Action?
## Observations:
- The user wants an example of how to use Sympy to solve a math problem.
- Sympy is a Python library for symbolic mathematics.
## Orientation:
- I will use the SandboxedPython tool to demonstrate the solution to the problem using the Sympy library.
- I will use the Conclude tool to terminate the task when the solution is presented.
- The solution will be presented in plain text to the Conclude tool.
## Decision:
- I will demonstrate how to solve the equation "x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0" using Sympy and present the solution to the Conclude tool.
## The ONLY Action:
tool_name: SandboxedPython
  code: |
    from sympy import symbols, solve
    x = symbols('x')
    equation = x**2 - 5*x + 6
    solution = solve(equation)
    print(f"The solution to x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0 is {solution}")

# Action SandboxedPython response:
stdout: |
  The solution to x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0 is [2, 3]
stderr: ''
# Your turn
Original question: Show me an example of how to use Sympy to solve a math problem.
Do you have the answer? Use the Conclude Tool to terminate the task.
Observations, Orientation, Decision, The ONLY Action?
## Observations:
- The user wants an example of how to use Sympy to solve a math problem.
- The previous agent has already demonstrated an example of how to use Sympy to solve a quadratic equation.
- The equation is 'x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0'.
- The solution is the roots of the equation, which are [2, 3].
## Orientation:
- I know the answer to the question.
## Decision:
- Use the Conclude Tool to terminate the task when I have presented the solution in plain text.
## The ONLY Action:
tool_name: Conclude
  original_question: Show me an example of how to use Sympy to solve a math problem.
  conclusion: |
    An example of how to use Sympy to solve the equation "x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0" is:

    from sympy import symbols, solve
    x = symbols('x')
    equation = x**2 - 5*x + 6
    solution = solve(equation)

    The solution is the roots of the equation: [2, 3].

The original question was: Show me an example of how to use Sympy to solve a math problem.
And the conclusion is: An example of how to use Sympy to solve the equation "x^2 - 5x + 6 = 0" is:

from sympy import symbols, solve
x = symbols('x')
equation = x**2 - 5*x + 6
solution = solve(equation)

The solution is the roots of the equation: [2, 3].


./CLI.sh -t "How is the weather today in San Jose, CA, USA? I have no API KEY but BS4 is available."
## Observations:
- We want to know the weather of San Jose, California, USA.
- We don't have an API KEY to fetch the data.
- BeautifulSoup4 is available as a tool.
## Orientation:
- We will scrape the weather data from a website using BeautifulSoup4.
- We will parse the HTML data to extract the required information.
## Decision:
- We will use the SandboxedPython tool to extract the temperature and other relevant info of San Jose from the HTML data.
## The ONLY Action:
tool_name: SandboxedPython
  code: |
    import requests
    from bs4 import BeautifulSoup

    url = "https://www.google.com/search?q=weather+san+jose"

    res = requests.get(url)

    # Parsing the HTML output from requests
    html = res.content
    soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

    # Getting the temperature and other info
    temp = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'BNeawe iBp4i AP7Wnd'}).text
    str = soup.find('div', attrs={'class': 'BNeawe s3v9rd AP7Wnd'}).text

    # Converting temperature into Celsius
    tempC = (int(temp.split('°')[0]) - 32) * 5/9

    conclusion = f"The temperature in San Jose, California, USA is {tempC:.2f}°C and {str}"

=============   2 messages in the chat history =============
# Action response:
stdout: |
  The temperature in San Jose, California, USA is 12.78°C and 10 Day Weather-San Jose, CA ; Mon 17 · 59°. 1%. NW 13 mph. Cloudy. High 59F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. ; Tue 18 · 61°. 7%. NW 14 mph. Partly cloudy. High 61F. Winds ...
stderr: ''
# Your turn
Original question: How is the weather today in San Jose, CA, USA? I have no API KEY but BS4 is available.
Do you have the answer? Use the Conclude Tool to terminate the task.
Observations, Orientation, Decision, The ONLY Action?
=============   3 messages in the chat history =============
## Observations:
- The original question is to know the weather in San Jose, California, USA.
- We don't have an API Key but we the BeautifulSoup4 tool is available for web scraping.
- We got the temperature and other relevant info from the web page.
## Orientation:
- We already have the temperature and other relevant information from the webpage.
## Decision:
- We will use the Conclude Tool to terminate the task with the information extracted.
## The ONLY Action:
tool_name: Conclude
  original_question: "How is the weather today in San Jose, CA, USA? I have no API KEY but BS4 is available."
  conclusion: "The temperature in San Jose, California, USA is 12.78°C and 10 Day Weather-San Jose, CA ; Mon 17 · 59°. 1%. NW 13 mph. Cloudy. High 59F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. ; Tue 18 · 61°. 7%. NW 14 mph. Partly cloudy. High 61F. Winds ..."

=============   4 messages in the chat history =============
The original question was: How is the weather today in San Jose, CA, USA? I have no API KEY but BS4 is available.
And the conclusion is: The temperature in San Jose, California, USA is 12.78°C and 10 Day Weather-San Jose, CA ; Mon 17 · 59°. 1%. NW 13 mph. Cloudy. High 59F. Winds NW at 10 to 15 mph. ; Tue 18 · 61°. 7%. NW 14 mph. Partly cloudy. High 61F. Winds ...

Commented run

$ cargo run

Compiling sapiens v0.1.0 (ssoudan/sapiens)

Warm up

[... half a decade of compilation later ...]


You are an automated agent named Sapiens interacting with the WORLD


You are Sapiens, large language model assisting the WORLD. Use available tools to answer the question as best as you can.
You will proceed in a OODA loop made of the following steps:
- Observations: What do you know? What is your source? What don't you know? You might want to note down important information for later like relevant past Action results. 
- Orientation: Plan the intermediate objectives along the path to answer the original question. Make a list of current objectives. 
- Decision: Choose what to do first to answer the question. Why? What are the pros and cons of this decision?
- Action: Take a single Action consisting of exactly one tool invocation. The available Tools listed below. Use ConcludeTool when you have the final answer to the original question.

# Notes: 
- Template expansion is not supported in Action. If you need to pass information from on action to another, you have to pass them manually.
- Use ConcludeTool with your conclusion (as text) once you have the final answer to the original question.
- There are no APIs available to you. You have to use the Tools.

# Format of your response

Please use the following format for your response - no need to be verbose:
## Observations:
- ...
## Orientation:
- ...
## Decision:
- ...
## The ONLY Action: 
  <... using the `parameters` for the Tool ...>

# The following are the ONLY Tools you can use for your Actions:
- name: RoomTool
  description: A tool to use that the source of truth for the Lights of a Room.
  description_context: Use this to fetch the Lights of Rooms.
    room_filter: 'The list of Room names () to get the lights for, e.g. `room_filter: ["Bedroom"]`. If unsure, use `[]` to get all Rooms.'
- name: ConcludeTool
  description: A tool to terminate a task with a conclusion.
  description_context: Use this to terminate a task when it is complete.
    conclusion: The final textual answer for this task. No string interpolation supported, only plain text. MANDATORY.
- name: SandboxedPythonTool
  description: 'A tool that executes sandboxed Python code. Only stdout and stderr are captured and made available. '
  description_context: Use this to transform data. This is not a tool to retrieve information. Except `print()`, no interactions with the world. No input. No `import`. No library. No API access. Just plain Python. import|open|exec|eval|__import__ are forbidden.
    code: 'The Python code to execute. For example: `data = [...]; <...>; output = <...> ; print(output)`. MANDATORY'
- name: LightStatusTool
  description: A tool to use that the source of truth for the Light statuses.
  description_context: Use this to fetch the Light statuses
    light_filter: 'The list of Lights IDs () to get the status for, e.g. `light_filter: ["1", "2"]`. Use `[]` to get all Lights.'



Now the real thing


## Original question: Sort in ascending order: [2, 3, 1, 4, 5].


## Observations:
- The given list to sort is [2, 3, 1, 4, 5].
- I need to sort this list in ascending order.
## Orientation:
- SandboxedPythonTool can be used to sort the list.
## Decision:
- We can use the sorted() function of Python to sort the list.
## The ONLY Action:
tool_name: SandboxedPythonTool
  code: |
    lst = [2, 3, 1, 4, 5]
    sorted_list = sorted(lst)
    print(f"The sorted list is {sorted_list}")


# Action response:
status: 0
stdout: |
  The sorted list is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
stderr: ''
# Your turn
Original question: Sort [2, 3, 1, 4, 5]
Observations, Orientation, Decision, The ONLY Action?


# Observations:
- We needed to sort the list in ascending order.
- We have the result of the Action.
- We have the sorted list: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].
# Orientation:
- I know the answer to the original question.
# Decision:
- Use the ConcludeTool to terminate the task with the sorted list.
# The ONLY Action:
tool_name: ConcludeTool
  conclusion: |
    The ascending sorted list is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].


# Your turn
Original question: What is the status of the lights where I most likely work?
Observations, Orientation, Decision, The ONLY Action?


# Observations:
- We need to find the status of the lights where the user most likely works.
- We need information about the room where the user works to query the LightStatusTool.
# Orientation:
- We can use the RoomTool to find the name of the room where the user works.
- Then use this room name as a filter with the LightStatusTool to get the status of the lights.
# Decision:
- Use the RoomTool to find the name of the room where the user works.
- Use the LightStatusTool to find the status of the lights in the room.
# The ONLY Action:
tool_name: RoomTool
  room_filter: ["office"]


# Action response: 
rooms: []
# Your turn
Original question: What is the status of the lights where I most likely work?
Observations, Orientation, Decision, The ONLY Action?


# Observations:
- We need to find the status of the lights where the user most likely works.
- The RoomTool with the room_filter of "office" returned an empty list of rooms.
- We don't know which room we should look at now.
# Orientation:
- We can use the RoomTool to fetch the list of rooms and their details.
- We can then decide which room to consider.
# Decision:
- Use the RoomTool to fetch the list of all rooms and their details.
# The ONLY Action:
tool_name: RoomTool
  room_filter: []


# Action response: 
- name: Living
  - '4'
  - '5'
  - '6'
  - '21'
- name: Office
  - '13'
  - '27'
  - '2'
  - '16'
  - '26'
  - '25'
  - '24'
  - '15'
  - '17'
  - '18'
  - '20'
- name: Hallway
  - '33'
  - '28'
- name: Room
  - '32'
  - '3'
  - '1'
  - '9'
  - '10'
  - '11'
  - '19'
- name: Kitchen
  - '31'
  - '30'
  - '22'
  - '23'
# Your turn
Original question: What is the status of the lights where I most likely work?
Observations, Orientation, Decision, The ONLY Action?


# Observations:
- We need to find the status of the lights where the user most likely works.
- We got a list of rooms and their light IDs from the RoomTool.
- We need to identify which room the user most likely works in before we can look up the status of the lights.
# Orientation:
- To identify the room where the user works, we need more information about the user.
- If room name is not available, we can use the LightStatusTool to query for the status of lights in all rooms.
# Decision:
- Use the LightStatusTool to get the status of lights in all rooms.
# The ONLY Action:
tool_name: LightStatusTool
  light_filter: []


# Action response: 
- id: '23'
  name: Bloom L
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 0
    saturation: 143
- id: '27'
  name: Desk lamp
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 43690
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '28'
  name: Couloir south
    on: false
    brightness: 56
    hue: 21845
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 153
- id: '31'
  name: Kitchen
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 21845
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 153
- id: '19'
  name: Sapin 4
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 0
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '22'
  name: Bloom R
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 65535
    saturation: 143
- id: '26'
  name: Work R
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 21845
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 153
- id: '16'
  name: Under desk lightstrip
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 0
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '1'
  name: Iris
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 0
    saturation: 143
- id: '10'
  name: Sapin 3
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 43690
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '13'
  name: Walk-in closet
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 21845
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 328
- id: '18'
  name: Bureau C
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 43690
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '2'
  name: Spot bureau
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 65535
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '25'
  name: Work L
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 43690
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '5'
  name: Salon 3
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 21845
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 328
- id: '24'
  name: Bureau D
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 65535
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '15'
  name: Desk bloom
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 0
    saturation: 143
- id: '6'
  name: Salon 2
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 43690
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '21'
  name: Counter
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 65535
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '17'
  name: Bureau A
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 21845
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 153
- id: '30'
  name: Sink
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 43690
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '9'
  name: Sapin 2
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 21845
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 328
- id: '20'
  name: Bureau B
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 65535
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '3'
  name: Bed lightstrip
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 21845
    saturation: 143
- id: '11'
  name: Table
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 65535
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '32'
  name: Sapin 1
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 43690
    saturation: 254
    color_temperature: 447
- id: '33'
  name: Couloir Nord
    on: false
    brightness: 56
    hue: 0
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '4'
  name: Salon 1
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 0
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 500
# Your turn
Original question: What is the status of the lights where I most likely work?
Observations, Orientation, Decision, The ONLY Action?


# Observations:
- We need to find the status of the lights where the user most likely works.
- We got the status of all lights from LightStatusTool.
- We need to identify which room the user most likely works in before we can look up the status of the lights.
# Orientation:
- We can use the RoomTool to fetch the list of all rooms and check which room has a light that the user uses most often.
- We can then use the LightStatusTool to query the status of lights in that room.
# Decision:
- Use the RoomTool to fetch the list of all rooms.
- Check which room has a light that the user uses most often.
- Use the LightStatusTool to query the status of lights in that room.
# The ONLY Action:
tool_name: RoomTool
  room_filter: []


# Action response: 
- name: Kitchen
  - '31'
  - '30'
  - '22'
  - '23'
- name: Office
  - '13'
  - '27'
  - '2'
  - '16'
  - '26'
  - '25'
  - '24'
  - '15'
  - '17'
  - '18'
  - '20'
- name: Room
  - '32'
  - '3'
  - '1'
  - '9'
  - '10'
  - '11'
  - '19'
- name: Living
  - '4'
  - '5'
  - '6'
  - '21'
- name: Hallway
  - '33'
  - '28'
# Your turn
Original question: What is the status of the lights where I most likely work?
Observations, Orientation, Decision, The ONLY Action?


# Observations:
- We need to find the status of the lights where the user most likely works.
- We got the list of rooms where the user most likely works from the RoomTool.
# Orientation:
- We can see that the Office room in the fetched list contains lights, so we can use the LightStatusTool to look for the status of the lights in the Office room.
# Decision:
- Use the LightStatusTool to find the status of the lights in the Office room.
# The ONLY Action:
tool_name: LightStatusTool
  light_filter: ["13", "27", "2", "16", "26", "25", "24", "15", "17", "18", "20"]


# Action response: 
- id: '26'
  name: Work R
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 21845
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 153
- id: '16'
  name: Under desk lightstrip
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 0
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '25'
  name: Work L
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 43690
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '27'
  name: Desk lamp
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 43690
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '2'
  name: Spot bureau
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 65535
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '24'
  name: Bureau D
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 65535
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '15'
  name: Desk bloom
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 0
    saturation: 143
- id: '20'
  name: Bureau B
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 65535
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '17'
  name: Bureau A
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 21845
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 153
- id: '18'
  name: Bureau C
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 43690
    saturation: 199
    color_temperature: 500
- id: '13'
  name: Walk-in closet
    on: false
    brightness: 254
    hue: 21845
    saturation: 200
    color_temperature: 328
# Your turn
Original question: What is the status of the lights where I most likely work?
Observations, Orientation, Decision, The ONLY Action?


# Observations:
- We used the LightStatusTool to fetch the status of lights in the Office room.
# Orientation:
- We can see from the retrieved data that all lights in the Office room are off, so we can inform the user that no lights are on in the Office room.
# Decision:
- Inform the user.
# The ONLY Action:
tool_name: ConcludeTool
  conclusion: |
    All the lights in the user's most likely work place are currently off.


And the conclusion is: All the lights in the user's most likely work place are currently off. 

Not bad.


~1M SLoC