★★★★★ Watched 21 Oct 2023
It’s just like Tulsa.
White Americans live in a fantasy where the Wild West was full of courageous cowboys and mountain men, who through their charm, wit, overwhelming intelligence, and overwhelming power, this country was conquered. For the good of the native, for their own benefit. It’s the same argument made in relation to African Americans, if they weren’t slaves to begin with, they’d still be in Africa. So all white transgressions are absolved, tied up neatly, called manifest destiny,…
★★★★½ Watched 28 Aug 2022
A harrowing trip into what Marx called the unconscious prehistory, a visual marvel of storytelling and craft, a disgusting, meandering nightmare. Mad God does not concern itself with such boring repetitions as a conventional plot or dialogue, instead opting to transform the film viewing experience into an illusory assault on the senses. You could probably write a full college dissertation on the imagery and allusions that fill every scene and backdrop of Mad God. There’s some familiar elements of apocalyptic…
★★★★★ Watched 04 May 2022
Man, this hit me hard. I grew up a Roman Catholic, I went to Catholic school from preschool through high school. I was exposed to nothing, I knew nothing, and like Pandora’s box, I exploded upon contact with the real world. Scorsese painted a portrait of Jesus that isn’t just reverent, it’s not just poignant or powerful or respectful or painful (Looking at you Mel). This represents a fundamental understanding of humanity, how religion, politics, revolution and state can be…
★★★★★ Watched 27 Jan 2022
If you know anything about Hard to be a God, one word you probably wouldn’t call it is beautiful, and yet I’m inclined to. It’s true, without reading the Wikipedia page I probably wouldn’t be able to tell you the plot very well, it certainly isn’t a clear movie in its intentions or in setting the stage for its world beyond a barebones opening monologue. It’s true the majority of this film is covered in piss, shit, and mud. It’s…
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