Despite the mediocre stars review it is the best movie about truck driving, child custody battles and arm wrestling I’ve ever seen. Thank you to the Rewstchables crew.
]]>No actual bees were harmed in the making of this film
]]>It’s an airport novel plot pretending to be Shakespeare, which it almost does with all the top notch acting, but the last ten minutes were silly. Though Conclave 2 should be interesting.
]]>This really hits my rock ‘n’ roll songwriter itch so I bumped it up to 4 stars. Sometimes it’s just fun to be in a rock stars orbit for a little over two hours. Acting across the board was top notch. Music scenes were great. Even though the condensed timeframe helps it avoid a lot of the music biopic sins, it still commits a few:
1. Someone reading lyrics to an unfinished song that will become a huge hit for the artist later on
2. People chasing artist into a car
More style over substance but man does this movie have style! And sweat…..lots of sweat, like a deodorant commercial amount of sweat. Tennis scenes look great. But how can a movie marketed as sexy not have a sex scene?
Bonus points for the “Tunnel of Love” synch in the Applebees scene.
]]>If you’re going to make-up a future Civil War, at least make it interesting. Just watch the Jesse Plemons scene, which is far and away the movies best scene.
]]>Everyone involved with this movie is so money and they don’t even know it! It’s like watching a team of all rookies make the playoffs. This movie doesn’t rise to the ranks of the films it’s trying to imitate, but it’s a worthy effort.
]]>George Miller has it in him to make it epic.
Furiosa, The darkest of angels.
Takes a little while to get going but once it revs up it doesn’t take its foot off the gas.
3.75/5 - but Letterboxd doesn’t allow it so rounding up
]]>The new curtains are hideous.
]]>Tyler Owen’s may wrangle tornados but he’s chasin’ tail - but hey, if you feel it….
Nothing in the male wardrobe closes the deal like a white tee.
]]>After watching this in theaters I walked around the East Village trying to get hit by a bus so I live out the plot of this movie.
]]>Get outta here Dewey, you don't want none of this!
I can no longer take any music biopic seriously.
Best fake hit songs ever.
And he never paid for drugs....not once!
]]>This movie is best watched slightly hungover on a Saturday afternoon. It's not bad, it's just all of the stars in this movie have better comedies. But it goes down easy. Added one star for the auction scene alone, because of how much I send the Ben Stiller "Do It" meme.
]]>The ultimate guy cry movie.
]]>John Matrix - just on name alone you know this is a guy you don't want to fuck with. Kidnapping Arnold's kid is never a bold strategy (see also: True Lies).
One liners, a crazy villain and Arnold killing the army of a small South American nation to get his daughter back - what more can you ask for in a 1985 action movie....not much.
]]>This movie is the reason America won the Cold War.
]]>No sports movie since has topped this one. Ryan Coogler's directing is fantastic with the long boxing takes. MBJ is great as Adonis Creed and Stallone brings a gravitas to Rocky Balboa in the old mentor role. Put on the training scene and I'm ready to run through a wall.
This soundtrack features heavily on my workout playlist.
Best Needle drop: It's a tie between The Roots - "The Fire" as Adonis arrives in Philly and Meek Mill - "Lord Knows" during the training scene.
Current holder of the Sports Movie Belt.
]]>When will they remake this for the Onlyfans generation??
Get some Tangerine Dream on your sex playlists people
]]>Is it just me or does this soccer game have more nudity than most?
Is this my favorite Shakespeare based Rom-com? Quite possibly....
]]>This review may contain spoilers.
Daniel Day-Lewis stars as a 1700s Mr. Steal Your Girl and true to his name literally steals someone's girl. Said guy is so distraught he sacrifices himself to save DDL and the girl he just stole from him. The soundtrack is fire and the last 40 minutes are incredible.
]]>I get more excited about Frank’s original Saturday morning plans with each passing year.
]]>All pie is good pie.
]]>Best "all in one day" movie of all-time.
The opening monologue has no less than 7 yearbook quotes in it.
Sloan from Entourage was named after Sloan Peterson.
]]>Damn nature, you scary! Rewatched to get ready for Twisters.
Ladies, if your man is in no hurry to get the divorce papers signed that is a HUGE red flag. If he's a tornado chaser, also probably a red flag. If he gets drunk and throws naked liquor bottles at tornados, again probably a red flag. But if he has a sixth sense about what a tornado will do - HUGE green flag. Also, I'm sure he's got some tornado moves of his own (if you know what I mean 😉 and if you don't, go watch American Pie).
RIP Bill Paxton, RIP Philip Seymour Hoffman.
Hey it's Alan Ruck as Mapquest!
]]>So Matt what do you love about this movie?
To begin with.......everything.
]]>My thoughts watching it as a teen:
A few funny jokes.
Jenna Fischer is super hot in that seduction scene.
My thoughts watching it as an adult, see above.
Favorite needle drop: "The Stroke" - Billy Squire
The most rewatchable movie of all-time?? I'm not sure but it's damn near close. You are never more than 15 minutes away from an amazing scene, take your pick (of my picks):
1. The crew introductions
2. You're a funny guy
3. The Copacabana scene
3. No go home and get your fuckin' shine box
4. Dinner with Mrs. Scorcese
5. Making the sauce in jail
6. Merry Christmas
7. The Layla outro scene
8. Coked out Henry Hill following helicopters
Don't agree, fuck you! Now take me to jail.
This movie is the balls! Perhaps the best opening 20 minutes of any comedy ever. Instantly quotable and solidified Will Ferrel's leading man status.
I often yell "Dorothy Mantooth is a saint" when arguments get too heated.
]]>This movie represents the peak of human creativity on cocaine.
5 stars, didn't want to do it, but I felt I owed it to them.
]]>WITNESS ME! Pretty sure I sweat through my shirt the first time I saw this in the theaters. Once the chase starts, this movie does not let up. Part western, part sci-fi dystopian. Max is essentially the "Man With No Name" in a post-apocalyptic world. 5 stars! One of the best 3 action movies of the 2010s.
]]>I still have the ticket stub from when I saw this movie, that's how much it means to me. It's the best Bond movie starring the best Bond actor and the Best Bond girl actress. Daniel Craig silenced any "not Bond enough" doubters with this movie. From the black and white opening to delivering the iconic line on the shores of Lake Como, this movie takes Bond on an action packed emotional journey. One of my all-time favorites.