17 films Edit
It’s not always happy but it’s strong and it’s real.
90 films Edit
Movies I own digitally, in the order I’ve purchased them
37 films Edit
My ranking of the movies I’ve seen that came out this year
42 films 1 Edit
Get it right and the rest of it almost doesn’t matter
16 films Edit
My ranking of studio Ghibli films
50 films Edit
Just a big list of my all time favorites
6 films Edit
This is a weirdly specific genre of movie but I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite.
89 films Edit
Films I watched for the first time in 2024. In chronological order
11 films Edit
Movies with characters that are so insanely attractive that it’s actually distracting
8 films Edit
My ranking of the movies I’ve seen that came out this year
22 films Edit
My favorite films I’ve seen from the 2020’s
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