don’t remake this ain’t no one touching blue velvet
]]>Kinda cool I guess
]]>Poo poo
]]>Watched on Saturday January 25, 2025.
]]>Love those two gay looking mouses
]]>soundtrack is perfect
]]>“Congratulations liars you know who you are and you know what you want, ain’t nobody gonna change that shit.”
]]>You know what doja cat said about big noses
]]>“You called me your fucking angel”
this film is so uncomfortable and such a heartbreaking story.
]]>Nigel is my queen
]]>“I find that the only way to get through life, is to picture myself in an entirely disconnected reality.”
Some things will still matter when your 38
]]>“My pain is constant and sharp, and I do not hope for a better world for anyone. In fact I want my pain to be inflicted on others. I want no one to escape. But even after admitting this, there is no catharsis my punishment continues to elude me, and I gain no deeper knowledge of myself. No new knowledge can be extracted from my telling. This confession has meant nothing.”
This movie is how I feel when I’m crashing out
]]>Quenrin Tarantino Is a genius
]]>such a good classic slasher Christmas movie
]]>Kinda overrated
]]>“There's a hole in the world like a great black pit
and the vermin of the world inhabit it
and its morals aren't worth what a pig could spit
and it goes by the name of London.
At the top of the hole sit the privileged few
Making mock of the vermin in the lonely zoo
turning beauty to filth and greed...
I too have sailed the world and seen its wonders,
for the cruelty of men is as wonderous as Peru
but there's no place like London!“
This is me if I was a barber in London
]]>“I’m just a sweet transvestite, from Transexual Transylvania”
TIM CURRYYYYY. His acting in this film is the most amazing iconic performance ever. This is such a fun film with the most catchy songs. The costumes, set design, acting everything was perfect.
]]>"People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead. But sometimes, something so bad happens that a terrible sadness is carried with it and the soul can't rest. Then sometimes, just sometimes, the crow can bring that soul back to put the wrong things right."
This movie is a dark poetic masterpiece
RIP Brandon Lee
]]>Absolutely horrible going into this film I was excited to see how they would develop the joker’s character. As I was watching this movie it felt as it wasn’t going anywhere and it was just getting repetitive. It felt like the movie had no plot or just a million in one. It didn’t display jokers mental problems like the first did. A lot of the scenes in this film just felt useless like they could just do better without some of them, for example a lot of the cuts to music scenes with Harley Quinn felt useless at times. Harley Quinn’s character displayed nothing to me it felt like they used lady gaga as a way to make this a musical, the music aspects in this were not great. Using music for a film should be a way to further the plot or grab the attention of watchers it did neither of those for me. The ending was one of the most disappointing parts for me. Killing him off felt like such a cheap way to end the movie, and showing the guy who killed him cutting his face maybe meaning he will be the new joker is ridiculous. The part where it seems like the joker and Harley Quinn were going to escape should have led them to escape and kind of build something new to lead into another movie. The whole time it just felt like I was watching the joker on trial and him in prison. I could keep going with complaints I have for this movie but it’s just to much I have so many questions on why they filmed this completely different than the first. My good takeaways from this is the cartoon in the beginning when I saw that I had a little hope that it was going to be better than what reviews have said but i was wrong my other is the way some scenes are shot the design and look of this movie is beautiful but it was very very poorly written.
]]>I enjoyed this movie even though I felt like it got a little repetitive and boring towards the end I still think it was pretty good. Art had some pretty good kills the way he does them is so creative I love the creativity in this movie. I LOVE ELIOTT FULLAM his music is so amazing I love seeing him in this movie.
]]>Weird ass movie ending was a little disappointing
]]>I lost interest in like 4 minutes
]]>Loved the goriness in this movie so much these are some of my favorite type of horror movies. I wasn’t phased by the gore I heard so many people say they could barely sit through this. The part where he slices that girl in half is crazy. I’m excited to watch the next.
]]>What’s Joe Goldberg doing here
]]>I watched this movie on my flight today I had to hold in my laugh I love this movie so much.
]]>I did not love this as much as I did the first but I think it had its own flare to it in some parts and was mostly enjoyable the ending left me kinda of disappointed though.
]]>I honestly really enjoyed this I think it is an underrated film and I thought the plot was really cool since as a kid I would watch ghost hunters.
]]>saying thank you is being gay according to one of the characters was one of the dumbest yet funniest things to me and I don’t know why it stuck with me so much. This film shows that your friends can be a bad influence but they’ll always be there. Stevie’s brother was the most heartbreaking thing ever. When he would beat him up and be rude when all Stevie wanted was him to be nice was heart crushing. My favorite character is definitely 4th grade he’s so chill and does his own thing. The ending for this film was so cool to me the little mini movie 4th grade made was so cute.
]]>I didn’t enjoy this one as much as the first but I still think it was very good and enjoyed the jump scares however I didn’t think the ending was to great also at the beginning you can tell that the old guy I forget his name had something to do with the caves
]]>I will NOT being going in any caves now
]]>this movie is so cute and fun it was my favorite movie growing up
]]>I LOVE YOU SAM. This film is so amazing I’ve watched it since I was young I member being sam for Halloween it was amazing.
]]>Would have been better if they did it in the van
]]>like 4th time I’ve rewatched this show I love it so much I never get bored of it
]]>I love this movie so much it’s so adorable I never forget watching this as a little kid while im sleeping over at my grandmas
]]>I love all the movies in this franchise so much
]]>need to see this show irl.
]]>"Even if we don't have the power to choose where we come from, we can still choose where we go from there.“
I don’t care how many times people say this film is overrated it will always be one of my comfort movies no matter how many times it’s made me cry my eyes out I will watch it.
In my perspective I feel like Tom is in the wrong at times but i completely understand how he feels. Summer told him many times she wasn’t looking for a relationship but that doesn’t mean that the stuff she did with him was right and kept playing it off as being “just friend's”. As for Tom he could have stopped this from happening but he couldn’t help it he loved summer and fell in love with all of her and wanted to be her boyfriend.
]]>This is such a beautiful yet heartbreaking anime I loved every single second of this show I watch it all the time.
]]>I love how the characters are portrayed and the character development through the film. The animation is beautiful this film is gorgeous to watch. This whole film rips my heart out.
]]>Watched on Thursday July 18, 2024.
]]>“What’s the point of living if you don’t have a dick”
deserves awards for the Smurf speech, that speech pops in my head at the most random times.
]]>this film will always be apart of me I can watch it over and over again and love it as much as I did the first time. It is adorable everything about it I love. I learned anyone else but you on my guitar because of this film. It is just perfect I love it forever.
]]>“Sometimes I’m silent so long, I forget how to speak.”
This film shows how rotten tomatoes scores and what critics depict the film to be like can be wrong. This film is a masterpiece. I love Ryan Gosling.
]]>this film is heart wrecking.