The main reason I don't want to write a review of this film is because I don't want my writing to be even remotely associated with Sorkin's. Seriously Aaron, you're making us all look bad.
My train of thought throughout this movie:
"wow, that was a great line"
"wow, that was a great line"
"wow, that was a great line"
"wow, that was a great line"
"wow, that was a great line"
"wow, that was a great line"
"wow, that…
Should this be a play? I feel like this should be a play.
"You can be decent and gifted at the same time."
I love Leonardo Dicaprio with all my heart, but why the fuck did he win the oscar when this performance exists?
A magnetizing film that draws you in with invisible energy.
Is it a play? Sure. So is WHO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF?, AMADEUS, and GLENGARRY GLEN ROSS. I love plays. I love movies that are plays!
hope the launch event went well for him!
[watched on macbook] [reviewed on iphone 8]
why must our gods be such petty men!!
seth rogen sooooo good in this. insane final scene. very funny for aaron sorkin to write a movie about how a guy doesn't have to be a dick just because he's really really good at what he does
if your biopic movie isn’t a ‘rich white boys argue with each other for 2 hours written by aaron sorkin’ kind of biopic movie then i don’t want it
"that THING... looks like judy jetson's easy bake oven"
Steve Jobs is an incredible film and I'm not just saying that because I own a MacBook Pro and an iPhone 6+.
To think Michael Fassbender might not get an Oscar for this performance is absolutely criminal.
Kate Winslet was equal to The Fass Master, she gives an outstanding performance as well.
All the performances were nothing short of outstanding. The back and forth between characters in this movie left me in awe. Seriously jaw dropping stuff. Aaron Sorkin absolutely…
what a fucking cast. what a fucking screenplay. what fucking incredible acting. what a fucking masterpiece.
Steve Jobs the movie is a lot like Steve Jobs the person: astonishingly brilliant whenever it’s not breaking your heart. Screenwriter Aaron Sorkin, who’s written about America’s Great Flawed Men with such fire and hyperarticulate pathos that he’s threatened to become one himself, outdoes his work on The Social Network with an even sharper and more savage script about a tech visionary whose genius threatens to corrupt his ethics. Meanwhile, Slumdog Millionaire director Danny Boyle—at turns an agreeably rambunctious and…
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