The story of a boy named Alec and his encounter with a Hisuian Zorua. When he was younger, Alec's father taught him that people and Pokémon cannot live together. But Alec's interactions with the Zorua might offer a different lesson.
The story of a boy named Alec and his encounter with a Hisuian Zorua. When he was younger, Alec's father taught him that people and Pokémon cannot live together. But Alec's interactions with the Zorua might offer a different lesson.
I have no idea who any of those characters are, but this was great!
Animated Movies Ranked
A nice little heartwarming adventure that made me smile. Animation was very good, made me want to replay legends arceus
A warm, comforting watch.
This was incredible as a fan of Pokèmon. The art direction was perfect, with how smooth and aesthetically pleasing the colour palette is as it helps visually show the tone and culture of the Hisui region. The direction, writing and animation are flawless. The character development and the way the story develops are fantastic. It is slow and charming when it requires and amped up when it requires. The voice acting is incredible, especially by the lead character and his father. The sound, score and editing are also really good. I wish they would make a Pokèmon film in this style in the future. The way they show division and the fear of the unknown is…
When I was young I loved Pokémon. I got the cards, played the games and watched the show, but even then (and especially now) I always felt like there was a lot of untapped potential in the Pokémon world specifically pertaining to the show. I watched the show and enjoyed because cool action, cute Pokémon, etc, but even then I always knew that I didn’t truly like the show as a show (does that make any sense?), and just enjoyed seeing the Pokémon on screen. Eventually my love faded and one might have even just called it a phase that I went through except that I’ve always held a peculiar affection and interest in the world and Pokémon themselves long…
Gorgeous animation, and a tale that thematically fits perfectly within the setting of the Hisui region. My only gripe is that I wish there was more.
This is beautiful so far, tonally different than a lot of other Pokémon series I’ve seen. Plus the new region and species are really wonderful. Excited to see the rest of it.
A real shame we didnt get a feature length movie based on Legends Arceus but this 3 part series was very very good.
A very enjoyable little 3-part show. The lighting and colour palette has this lovely muted look and cool warmth that I find extremely fitting and atmospheric, which makes sense considering Ken Yamamoto's Eve MV 'Yakusoku' which utilises a similar but different washed out palette and sense of lighting. Overall I really enjoyed this. Somewhat slow and atmospheric for the most part, with bursts of rawness befitting the setting and context (such as the fight in the final episode, and the opening sequence in episode 1 by the Kubo and Maiya creative duo).
Kind of unnerving when a Pokemon movie is short I good. Like... That's not allowed.
But yeah, this one is pretty good. It's small scale of it's story is nice, it's very sweet, and it looks pretty good. I think if you ripped out the dialogue it would probably be better. It's dialogue is just so clunky and only serves to deliver the same points the the visuals are giving. Also structuring it as three shorts leads to some weird pacing things that would probably be remedied by just making it one thirty minute short. But it's still cute and made me not hate myself, so better than almost every other Pokemon thing.
Seriously we need to address more credits to these shorts Pokémon anime series, they're so well done and sincere
doesnt change the fact im still stuck on that fucking zolo fight… yeah i see you in episode 2, bitch
Beautiful show, I would kill for the normal pokemon anime to be done so well. Tonally something entierly new for the series.