Very 80’s Weir, lots of meandering questions and thoughts but slightly more cohesive than Malick.
Very interesting premise with some he eat performance, especially Ford, going against type which at this time was rarely seen.
Not as strong as the previous Ford/ Weir collaboration but still an entertaining watch.
]]>A fun call back to 80’s ultra gore splatter films with lots of fun being had by all, especially Kevin Bacon.
Not entirely sure we needed this trilogy but it’s an interesting experiment for the horror genre.
]]>Feel exactly the same on second viewing.
Visually great but very little substance
]]>First viewing of this for some years….. and still absolutely kills it.
So funny, so quotable, so gooooooood!
]]>Trap…. Is….. crap!
Some things to like… but ultimately another wild idea from Shyamalan that needs much more fleshing out.
The good…. Hartnett is a captivating presence and it’s always nice seeing him taking the lead. He does the cold, calculated psycho very well…. The Mr nice routine, not so much. Not sure if this is a script, direction or acting issue but those scenes felt very very cheesy.
The bad…. The whole film felt like a vehicle to get Shyamalan’s daughter’s pop career off the ground…. She’s very convincing and does a good job but… is this the place?
Another pretty forgettable MNS outing with a couple of highs but lots of lows.
]]>Wanted to love this because of all involved but came away simply liking it.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a perfectly fine, likeable romcom with sprinkles of other greats that came before… a touch of Notting hill, a dash of about time a pinch of Eternal Sunshine but it never quite clicks in place like the aforementioned.
Pugh and Garfield have wonderful chemistry and I genuinely enjoyed their company.
The onions were chopped and the tears flowed and hit at all the right points.
But….. it just didn’t quite hit the highs I wanted it to.
]]>More of the same, I suppose.
Nice to see Burton going back to his weirder ways but also feels like a bit of a re-step.
Keaton and Bellucci felt a tad underused and the multiple plots made it feel like a sitcom episode.
As always, amazing makeup work and the whole asthetic of the underworld was bloody brilliant.
Did we need a sequel… I guess not…. Was it good…. Yeah guess so.
]]>Fairly by the numbers court thriller that was overall enjoyable. I just wanted a bit more of everything.
However, this is a great vehicle for Hoult to show off what he can do as a leading man, which he hasn’t really done that much of!
Fairly safe potential final outing for Eastwood.
]]>Watched this in a plane so not the fairest viewing experience.
This was a fantastic tense thriller which I never thought I would said about a film set in The Vatican who’s sole cast is cardinals.
Ralph does an incredible performance of a man carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and barely lets the cracks show. I think he’s been MASSIVELY overlooked for awards recognition.
Stellar support all round with Lithgow and The Tucc doing what they do best.
An absolutely breathtaking score brings the whole thing together with, razor sharp intensity!
For me, it slightly jumps the shark in the third act which is what bring it down from a 5 but overall, everyone is revelling being in this!
]]>Second viewing of this and although still captivating and shocking, it definitely feels more like the standard sheenless content Netflix is churning out.
]]>Great little thriller reminiscent of hard boiled 70’s pulp.
Hoult goes against type as a cold captivating villain and Jude Law once again proving that he very rarely puts a foot wrong giving a really complex, layered performance!
Really enjoyed this, fairly throwaway but extremely captivating!
]]>Horrible, horrible film.
Insensitive, bordering on offensive and everyone involved should be pretty ashamed of themselves….. apart from Will Forte.
]]>I’m a big SNL fan and watch religiously each week, for a Brit, that’s quite a feat.
As I’ve grown to love the show, I’ve learnt more about its history, so this was a real treat!
Attacking this with stylised chaos and energy was absolutely the right move giving the whole film so much pace! See the Always Sunny Epiosde, “Charlie Work” for its inspiration.
Casting is exceptional with each key member getting their time to shine doing much more than impressions of the OG cast and crew.
Production and set design spot on giving that lush, lived in feel of the 70’s.
The only downside I would say is that certain plot points felt a little too shoehorned in for dramatic effect.
]]>Very much a by the numbers underdog sports movie with a sprinkle of Taika.
Some loveable characters, a nice turn from The Fass, once again showing his comedic chops (this man is hilarious IRL) and some touching schmaltz, which TW does so well.
What’s lacking is, a bit more. Marvel aside, Jo Jo had an edge, Hunt for the Wilderpeople had attitude, What we do in the Shadows had charm, Eagle vs Shark had its general oddness, this feels like it’s missing something….. a bit of soul maybe.
It’s a fun outing, don't get me wrong but it just felt a bit, word of the day….. diluted.
]]>Wow, this knocked me for 10.
A beautiful, heart breaking portrait of loss, grief, family, dealing with emotions…. Everything.
I went in expecting Culkin to just play himself, which is never a bad thing, and you could argue that he does. However, for me his performance is much more layer and delicate. This is a portrayal of someone who has to please, has to showboat as it’s the only way they can deal with anything. It actually got quite close to home.
Eisenberg does brilliant job anchoring Culkin’s performance and absolutely carries the weight with some fantastic emotional scenes too.
Beautifully written and directed by JE breaking some tough scenes with just a touch of humour…. Fantastic!
]]>Considering the first film is a classic …. This is….
]]>Wowza, this caught me off guard.
Bloody brilliant! Dark as fuuuuuck, funny at times, mega performances and visually gorgeous.
Nice to see Channing doing something different too. Fantastic supporting cast of familiar faces all having a great time (with the context of the film, that’s hard to say actually) and fantastic direction from Kravitz providing she’s definitely one to watch in the future.
Really really powerful stuff!
]]>Surprisingly funny and touching at times. Don’t get my wrong…. By no means a classic Ferrel / Witherspoon comedy but much better than anticipated.
Funny, weird at times and Will sings… as always!
]]>Yup! It’s bloody brilliant.
Enjoyed it all but would have come out saying “Yeah, that was really good”, BUT THEN…. The last 10 minutes happened and it was what it was…. Bloody incredible, genuinely moving cinema! That is exactly what cinema is all about.
Great songs, fantastic set and production design, choreography, costume, casting, effects etc etc etc etc.
But…. And I can’t believe I’m saying this… MVP of the whole thing is without a doubt Ariana Grande. Utterly perfect!
Cynics, watch it, experience it, love it! It’s….. Wicked!
]]>Maybe I’ve not done myself any favours by watching Eggers’ first feature last but this wasn’t as awesome as I expected and felt odd being so accustomed to his style to see a slightly more traditional or straight forward format.
With that said, some truly unsettling imagery, unwavering sound, brilliant performances and …..well…. I felt like shit after it.. so it worked!
Great start!
]]>Loved the original….. this … is fine.
Great cast, effects pretty solid but it lacks the weight and threat that the original packs. Whenever a huge tornado hits, you just don’t feel the panic, the danger. Characters willingly run around in the storm with very little consequences. It also tries to take the…. Hear me out…. Philosophy of Top Gun, essentially all the bullshit zen, motivational nonsense they all spout and applies it to tornados, “just got to ride the storm” all that crap, and it doesn’t really work. I laughed a lot at how seriously it was taking itself, which is something I didn’t do at all with the original.
So….. lots of fun, great popcorn flick but either needed to go all out like the first one or lighten up a bit.
]]>Gets off to such a good start, but sadly drifts off into typical horror tropes in the third act. I would gladly have taken a full feature of High Grant schooling Mormons in a room for 2 hours!
On that, HUGH FUCKING GRANT!! How bloody good is this guy at the moment? Possibly his best performance and he clearly is relishing this type of stuff.
Nice little chiller with great performances and interesting premise but let down a tad by its final act.
]]>Been a while since I’ve seen this and must say, it’s a bloody delight.
While I’m a huge Edgar Wright fan and hold the cornetto trilogy very dearly, it’s nice to see Simon and Nick do something a little lighter that isn’t restricted by Wright’s visuals (I love Wright’s style and adore most of his films, just an FYI). This may sound odd but it felt nice for them to be allowed to write a lighthearted, fairly by the numbers road/chase movie.
Remembering back, both Pegg and Frost weren’t too happy with the outcome of the film as there was lots of studio interference with the script, cutting lots of the religious commentary which only briefly comes to the surface in the final film, but I was very happy with the end result. A fun glass raise to classic sci-fi’s that shaped both writers!
Great chemistry as always between Pegg and Frost and throwing a white hot at the time Seth Rogan into the mix as the voice of Paul was a work of genius, for me!
Script cuts aside, some hilarious dialogue, fun callbacks and a hilarious cast all firing on all cylinders!
A fun, straight to the point sci-fi comedy that does everything you want it to do!
]]>This was so much more enjoyable than I thought it would be.
Lots of fun, often silly, sometimes scary but ultimately, didn’t take itself too seriously which I think is quite refreshing for an RE film.
Visually, gorgeous with its influences showing. Lush score which again felt far more “mainstream” and almost, predictable but in a really good way.
Cast… what a cast. Nicholas Hoult proving once again that he’s a blood force to be reckoned with, giving one of his best performance to date. Both Aaron Taylor-Johnson and Lily-Rose Depp both being in their worst and best rated properties in the space of a year! Sticking with LRD, she’s the glue that holds everything together which some truly awesome commitment to the role. Wonderful support from Dafoe, having a ball, Ineson, Corrin and McBurney all bringing their A Game but as usual, delivering another truly astounding performance, again and in this case literally disappearing into the role, Bill Skarsgard giving one for the books. Vocally, chilling, physically, ominous, visually, grizzly. Wow, I think this will stick with me for a long time.
So….. overall, Eggers playing it slightly safer than usual works really well and in my opinion delivers possibly his best film. Only downside is, obviously as we all know the story and key beats, did it feel too familiar? Potentially, but I’m not over thinking it.
Fucking great stuff!
]]>I love this film. One of the finest biopics ever made. The choice of making it an actual musical was a work of genius and Taron was robbed of an Oscar nomination!
]]>I don’t think I’ve ever really got round to watching this film. Didn’t love it. Maybe it’s because of the 90’s limitations or just Tim Allen in general but nothing seemed sincere.
]]>Ok…. Firstly want to point out, it’s not terrible and not as bad as it’s being made out to be and although fairly soulless, doesn’t deserve quite the hate it’s received.
There are redeeming things, the idea of a Men in Black influenced with but for all things Mythological is quite a fun premise and some people, Simmons as Santa and Hivju as Krampus are having a very good time.
Some practical effects and makeup effects are actually brilliant, not sure why they didn’t do this for everyone!
Bad….. it doesn’t know what it wants to be. It’s definitely not for kids, but also not ballsy enough for adults, 12 year olds would maybe like it.
It’s got some action scenes but nothing memorable at all and combined with pretty horrific VFX, everything feels muddy and confusing.
For some reason, although it’s a Seven Bucks production, The Rock is completely on autopilot. His role is the straight man but that doesn’t mean robot.
Chris Evans is going for the cheeky, loveable rouge with a heart, see Star-lord, Deadpool etc but just comes across as annoying. Other than a couple of notable roles (Knives Out, Defending Jacob), post MCU Evans isn’t having the best run, makes the rumours of his MCU return make a lot of sense.
Jake Kasdan’s shift from directing fun raunchy comedies to these heavy CGI, nothing films, is an odd career trajectory. The first Jumanji was fun but very little else and his work since seems to be showing that if working with DJ, the business side of filmmaking is more important than giving your film any kind of heart all.
So ultimately, more of the same from the main names involved. Adding Santa, doesn’t give your film emotion or sentiment. And, The Rock needs a win very soon… hence live action Moana and working with Benny Safdie.
]]>Stupid, overly sentimental but again…. A lot of fun and a Christmas staple in our house.
]]>Watched on Friday December 27, 2024.
]]>Watched on Friday December 27, 2024.
]]>Visually great, a lot of fun, but missing the dark side of the book and original film.
]]>Could be the best Christmas film!
]]>Too long, too schmaltzy but by god… it’s a good watch.
]]>My all time favourite Xmas film! So funny, lots of nods to other classics and an all time great performance from Michael Shannon.
JGL only tries his hardest to tone down his dancer’s walk but I can see it….. I ALWAYS SEE IT!
]]>A bloody lovely, very British, very Curtis Christmas film!
Stunning animation, onion chopping moments, laugh out loud gags. Think this will be a new Christmas classic for us!
]]>Genuinely love this film…. It needs more love…. So so funny and everyone having a bloody great time! A Christmas tradition for us!
]]>Hmmmm yeah…. Fine. Not quite as special as it thinks it is…
]]>Never loved this film but watching with a small child (my child, probably worth noting) it did feel pretty special!
Mo-cap is bad though!
]]>Interesting one…. The more I watch this film the less I like it.
]]>Perfectly fine action/thriller held together once again by the very loveable Taron Edgerton but for me it’s cooly chilling Jason Bateman that holds this all together.
Leave your brain at the door and let the insanitary and lack of logic wash all over you. Doesn’t really need to be set at Christmas but I suppose it helps.
]]>Second viewing of this. A lot of fun, proud of its influences, lovely and gory, Harbour having a ball and….,, Santa was a viking!
]]>Annual watch. Get why people don’t like it but…. They’re wrong….its great and genuinely hilarious, festive and a solid Christmas classic.
]]>Annual watch. Solid little contained Xmas film. Great cast, good characters, questionable decisions made in the plot, but a good emotional beat throughout.
]]>Yeah… it’s fine I guess.
I think I’m at the point now in the Alien franchise where no matter how you “reinvent” the premise, it’s just going to feel like a regurgitated formula that we’ve seen sooooooo many times now.
It’s takes this from Alien, that from Aliens, pinches this from the next one etc etc over and over again.
I was also surprised at how much it links to Prometheus and Covenant, and I don’t think that’s a good thing.
Fairly forgettable characters, some decent action, not many scares…. And that’s about it.
Should this Alien become…. Extinct??!? I did it!
]]>I’m not gonna overthink this one. Grotesque, shocking, hilarious, upsetting.
Everything from the turned up sound design, garish colours, over the top performances make this a thrill to watch also a tough watch at the same time.
Brilliant performance from Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley with pre-Trump but Dennis Quaid having a ball.
There’s messages in there obviously and a giant metaphor etc but let’s not dwell on that.
Cronenberg meets freaky Friday!
]]>I guess it’s good. I didn’t dislike it but 1000% didn’t come away feeling like I’ve seen something special!
Cast are having a great time, doing some very Shakespearean scenery chewing and Mescal being super frowny throughout.
Action is fine, story a bit uninspiring and VFX a bit janky from time to time, making me wonder how they looked so good 20+ years ago.
Not Angry Ridley’s finest but better than Gucci… which is always a good thing.
]]>A fun take on a King by classic. Leans into its 70’s setting nicely but never really delivers the scares or the unease of the book.
A nice ensemble cast doing their best but ultimately the villain is demoted to a fairly generic monster and the scares are swapped out for runny runny shouty shouty stabby stabby set pieces.
]]>Pretty harrowing stuff at times and then oddly funny and blasé.
Interesting choices and framing against the Dating Game backdrop and a sense of dread throughout.
Great performances especially Zovatto adding chilling charismatic charm to a fucking horrible role.
Influences are clear, Zodiac, Dirty Harry, a bit of Confessions of a Dangerous Mind sprinkled in there.
Good stuff.
]]>So much fun… but is definitely lacking BRAINS!!