This is a python package providing an interface to perform F-statistic based continuous gravitational wave (CW) searches, built on top of the LALSuite library.
Getting started:
- This README provides information on installing, contributing to and citing PyFstat.
- PyFstat usage and its API are documented at
- We also have a number of tutorials and examples, demonstrating different use cases. You can run them locally, or online as jupyter notebooks with binder.
- The project wiki is mainly used for developer information.
- A changelog is also available.
PyFstat releases can be installed in a variety of ways, including
pip install
from PyPI,
Docker/Singularity images,
and from source releases on Zenodo.
Latest development versions can
also be installed with pip
or from a local git clone.
If you don't have a recent python
installation (3.8+
) on your system,
then Docker
or conda
are the easiest paths.
In either case, be sure to also check out the notes on dependencies and citing this work.
If you run into problems with ephemerides files, check the wiki page on ephemerides installation.
PyPI releases are available from
A simple
pip install pyfstat
should give you the latest release version with all dependencies; recent releases now also include a sufficient minimal set of ephemerides files.
If you are not installing into a venv
or conda environment
(you really should!),
on many systems you may need to use the --user
Note that the PyFstat installation will fail at the
LALSuite dependency stage
if your pip
is too old (e.g. 18.1); to fix this, do
pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
See this wiki page for further instructions on installing conda itself, installing PyFstat into an existing environment, or for .yml recipes to set up a PyFstat-specific environment both for normal users and for developers.
If getting PyFstat from conda-forge, it already includes the required ephemerides files.
Ready-to-use PyFstat containers are available at the Packages
page. A GitHub account together with a personal access token is required.
Go to the wiki page
to learn how to pull them from the GitHub registry using Docker
or Singularity
Development versions of PyFstat can also be easily installed by pointing pip directly to this git repository, which will give you the latest version of the master branch:
pip install git+
or, if you have an ssh key installed in github:
pip install git+ssh://
This should pull in all dependencies in the same way as installing from PyPI, and recent lalsuite dependencies will include ephemerides files too.
You can download a source release tarball from Zenodo and extract to an arbitrary temporary directory. Alternatively, clone this repository:
git clone
The module and associated scripts can be installed system wide (or to the currently active venv), assuming you are in the (extracted or cloned) source directory, via
python install
As a developer, alternatively
python develop
pip install -e /path/to/PyFstat
can be useful so you can directly see any changes you make in action. Alternatively (not recommended!), add the source directory directly to your python path.
To check that the installation was successful, run
python -c 'import pyfstat'
if no error message is output, then you have installed pyfstat
. Note that
the module will be installed to whichever python executable you call it from.
This should pull in all dependencies in the same way as installing from PyPI, and recent lalsuite dependencies will include ephemerides files too.
PyFstat uses the following external python modules,
which should all be pulled in automatically if you use pip
For a general introduction to installing modules, see here.
PyFstat manages optional dependencies through setuptool's extras_require
Available sets of optional dependencies are:
(Samreay/Chainconsumer): Required to run some optional plotting methods and some of the example
: Collectsdocs
: Required dependencies to build the documentation.pycuda
(PyPI): Required for thetCWFstatMapVersion=pycuda
option of theTransientGridSearch
class. (Note: Installingpycuda
requires a workingnvcc
compiler in your path.)style
: Includes theflake8
linter (flake8.pycqa),black
style checker (black.readthedocs), andisort
for import ordering ( These checks are required to pass by the online integration pipeline.test
: For running the test suite locally using pytest and some of its addons (python -m pytest tests/
: Includeswheel
Installation can be done by adding one or more of the aforementioned tags to the installation command.
For example, installing PyFstat including chainconsumer
, pycuda
and style
dependencies would look like
(mind the lack of whitespaces!)
pip install pyfstat[chainconsumer,pycuda,style]
This command accepts the "development mode" tag -e
Note that LALSuite is a default requirement, not an optional one,
but its installation from PyPI can be disabled
by setting the NO_LALSUITE_FROM_PYPI
environment variable,
e.g. for a development install from a local git clone:
NO_LALSUITE_FROM_PYPI=1 pip install -e .
This can be useful to avoid duplication when in a conda environment or installing LALSuite from source.
Instructions to use a custom local LALSuite installation can be found in here on the wiki.
This project is open to development, please feel free to contact us for advice or just jump in and submit an issue or pull request.
Here's what you need to know:
As a developer, you should install directly from a git clone, with either
pip install -e .[dev]
into some environment or creating a development-enabled conda environment directly from thepyfstat-dev.yml
file as explained on this wiki page. Please also run, just once after installing:pre-commit install
This sets up everything for automated code quality tests (see below) to be checked for you at every commit.
The github automated tests currently run on
[3.8,3.9,3.10,3.11] and new PRs need to pass all these. -
You can also run the full test suite locally via
pytest tests/
, or run individual tests as explained on this page. -
The automated test on github also runs the black style checker, the flake8 linter, and the isort import ordering helper.
If you have installed the dev dependencies correctly via pip or conda, and ran
pre-commit install
once, then you're ready to let thepre-commit
tool do all of this automatically for you every time you dogit commit
. For anything that would fail on the github integration tests, it will then either automatically reformat your code to match our style or print warnings for things to fix. The first time it will take a while for setup, later it should be faster. -
If for some reason you can't use
, you can still manually run these tools before pushing changes / submitting PRs:isort .
to sort package imports,flake8 --count --statistics .
to find common coding errors and then fix them manually,black --check --diff .
to show the required style changes, orblack .
to automatically apply them.
- Greg Ashton
- David Keitel
Active contributors:
- Reinhard Prix
- Rodrigo Tenorio
Other contributors:
- Karl Wette
- Sylvia Zhu
- Dan Foreman-Mackey (
is based on DFM's
If you use PyFstat
in a publication we would appreciate if you cite both a release DOI for the software itself (see below)
and one or more of the following scientific papers:
- The recent JOSS (Journal of Open Source Software) paper summarising the package: Keitel, Tenorio, Ashton & Prix 2021 (inspire:1842895 / ADS:2021arXiv210110915K).
- The original paper introducing the package and the MCMC functionality: Ashton&Prix 2018 (inspire:1655200 / ADS:2018PhRvD..97j3020A).
- The methods paper introducing a Bayes factor to evaluate the multi-stage follow-up: Tenorio, Keitel, Sintes 2021 (inspire:1865975 / ADS:2021PhRvD.104h4012T)
- For transient searches: Keitel&Ashton 2018 (inspire:1673205 / ADS:2018CQGra..35t5003K).
- For glitch-robust searches: Ashton, Prix & Jones 2018 (inspire:1672396 / ADS:2018PhRvD..98f3011A
If you'd additionally like to cite the PyFstat
package in general,
please refer to the version-independent Zenodo listing
or use directly the following BibTeX entry:
author = {Ashton, Gregory and
Keitel, David and
Prix, Reinhard
and Tenorio, Rodrigo},
title = {{PyFstat}},
month = jul,
year = 2020,
publisher = {Zenodo},
doi = {10.5281/zenodo.3967045},
url = {},
note = {\url{}}
You can also obtain DOIs for individual versioned releases (from 1.5.x upward) from the right sidebar at Zenodo.
Alternatively, if you've used PyFstat up to version 1.4.x in your works, the DOIs for those versions can be found from the sidebar at this older Zenodo record and please amend the BibTeX entry accordingly.
PyFstat uses the ptemcee
sampler, which can be
cited as
Vousden, Far & Mandel 2015
and Foreman-Mackey, Hogg, Lang, and Goodman 2012
PyFstat also makes generous use of functionality from the LALSuite library and it will usually be appropriate to also cite that project (see this recommended bibtex entry) and also Wette 2020 (inspire:1837108 / ADS:2020SoftX..1200634W) for the C-to-python SWIG bindings.