
sebastian büttrich
(often spelled buettrich)

things i do / am involved in:

i am a trainer and network builder at
network startup resource center - university of oregon

i am a research lab manager at
it university of copenhagen

frequent teacher and author at
ICTP Trieste

co-founder of


contributor to
wirelessU - open access repository of educational materials and training community
the book: wireless networking in the developing world

agriculture & plants

several urban garden initiatives, permaculture,
small scale nursery for cacti & succulents, focus on
hylocereus, selenicereus, adenium, dorstenia (pls contact me for plants list)

COO (chief oil officer) & certified Gusmaster @ Winterswimming Islands Brygge

twitter: less_sebastian

test - formerly known as [kikkert] - test on discogs
18th dye - 1991-1996, 2005-2009
18th dye on discogs
18th dye on wikipedia
aStoria - never really existed, but did that from 1996-1997
REH - 2012 -

blogs and writing:
blog & txt space for things that are comprehensible (e.g. work, travel, music): write.less.dk

txt space for things incomprehensible (e.g. work, travel, music): organes des canales

7650 cell photography: frame.less.dk
other photography: less.dk/gallery

The Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT)
transmits the Mahayana Buddhist tradition and values worldwide
through Tibetan Buddhist teachings, meditation, community service, retreat centers, and projects that preserve the tradition.
The danish center is the Center for Wisdom and Compassion - Tong-nyi Nying-je Ling

less.dk - sebastian buettrich,
kontakt: un_at_less_dot_dk
pgp public key: pgp_public_key_sebastian_at_less_dot_dk.txt
otr fingerprint: sebastian_buettrich_at_jabber_dot_org

last updated: sept 2017