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🪙 Custom Gold Indicator Plugin for RPG Maker MZ 🪙

Elevate your game's user interface with a stylish and dynamic gold display. This plugin allows full customization of the gold indicator, ensuring seamless integration with your game's design while delivering an enhanced visual experience for players.

Key Features:

  • Stylish Gold Interface: Add a sleek and functional gold indicator to your game.
  • Customizable Settings:
    • Adjust window opacity, toggle visibility via switches, and configure its position.
    • Tailor the gold window's look to match your game’s aesthetic.
  • Real-Time Updates: The gold value updates automatically upon any change and plays a customizable sound effect for feedback.
  • Seamless Integration: By default, the gold indicator is always visible and fully opaque.
  • Fine-Tuning Options: Use plugin parameters to customize the display further and enhance your game’s visual appeal.

⚙️ VisuStella Options Plugin Integration

{"Symbol:str":"displayGold","Icon:num":"0","TextStr:str":" Show Gold","TextJS:func":"\"return 'Text';\"","Accessibility":"","ShowJS:func":"\"// Return Boolean\\nreturn true;\"","EnableJS:func":"\"// Return Boolean\\nreturn true;\"","ExtJS:func":"\"// Return Value\\nreturn 0;\"","Functions":"","DrawJS:func":"\"// Declare Constants\\nconst symbol = arguments[0];\\nconst index = arguments[1];\\nconst title = this.commandName(index);\\nconst rect = this.itemLineRect(index);\\nconst quarterWidth = rect.width / 4;\\nconst halfWidth = rect.width / 2;\\nconst value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);\\n\\n// Draw Command Name\\nthis.resetFontSettings();\\nthis.changePaintOpacity(true);\\nthis.drawTextEx(title, rect.x, rect.y, halfWidth, \\\"left\\\");\\n\\n// Draw Status Text\\nconst off = 'OFF';\\nconst on  = 'ON';\\nthis.changePaintOpacity(!value);\\nthis.drawText(off, rect.x + halfWidth, rect.y, quarterWidth, \\\"center\\\");\\nthis.changePaintOpacity(value);\\nthis.drawText(on, rect.x + halfWidth + quarterWidth, rect.y, quarterWidth, \\\"center\\\");\"","ProcessOkJS:func":"\"// Declare Constants\\nconst symbol = arguments[0];\\nconst value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);\\n\\n// Perform Actions\\nthis.setConfigValue(symbol, !value);\\nthis.redrawItem(this.findSymbol(symbol));\\nthis.playCursorSound();\"","CursorRightJS:func":"\"// Declare Constants\\nconst symbol = arguments[0];\\nconst value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);\\nconst lastValue = value;\\n\\n// Perform Actions\\nthis.setConfigValue(symbol, true);\\nthis.redrawItem(this.findSymbol(symbol));\\nif (this.getConfigValue(symbol) !== lastValue) {\\n    this.playCursorSound();\\n}\"","CursorLeftJS:func":"\"// Declare Constants\\nconst symbol = arguments[0];\\nconst value = this.getConfigValue(symbol);\\nconst lastValue = value;\\n\\n// Perform Actions\\nthis.setConfigValue(symbol, false);\\nthis.redrawItem(this.findSymbol(symbol));\\nif (this.getConfigValue(symbol) !== lastValue) {\\n    this.playCursorSound();\\n}\"","Data":"","DefaultJS:func":"\"// Declare Constants\\nconst config = arguments[0];\\nconst symbol = arguments[1];\\n\\n// Perform Actions\\nConfigManager[symbol] = true;\"","SaveJS:func":"\"// Declare Constants\\nconst config = arguments[0];\\nconst symbol = arguments[1];\\n\\n// Return Value\\nconfig[symbol] = ConfigManager[symbol];\"","LoadJS:func":"\"// Declare Constants\\nconst config = arguments[0];\\nconst symbol = arguments[1];\\n\\n// Return Value\\nConfigManager[symbol] = config[symbol];\""}

🛒 Get the Commercial License Here! 🛒

If you'd like to use these addons in a project you wish to commercialize, you can obtain the commercial license at the link below:

🔗 RPG Maker Pack Commercial License 🎮


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

LGD_GoldUiOnMap.js 7.2 kB
license.txt 1.9 kB